Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 228.101 - Distance requirement for employee sleeping quarters; definitions used in this subpart.
(a) The Hours of Service Act, as amended (45 U.S.C. 61-64b), makes it unlawful for any common carrier engaged in interstate or foreign commerce by railroad to begin, on or after July 8, 1976, the construction or reconstruction of sleeping quarters for employees who perform duties covered by the act “within or in the immediate vicinity (as determined in accordance with rules prescribed by the Secretary of Transportation) of any area where railroad switching or humping operations are performed.” 45 U.S.C. 62(a)(4). This subpart sets forth (1) a general definition of “immediate vicinity” (§ 228.101(b)), (2) procedures under which a carrier may request a determination by the Federal Railroad Administration that a particular proposed site is not within the “immediate vicinity” of railroad switching or humping operations (§§ 228.103 and 228.105), and (3) the basic criteria utilized in evaluating proposed sites (§ 228.107).
(b) Except as determined in accordance with the provisions of this subpart, the ’immediate vicinity‘ shall mean the area within one-half mile (2,640 feet) (804 meters) of switching or humping operations as measured from the nearest rail of the nearest trackage where switching or humping operations are performed to the point on the site where the carrier proposes to construct or reconstruct the exterior wall of the structure, or portion of such wall, which is closest to such operations.
(c) As used in this subpart—
(1) Construction shall refer to the—
(i) Creation of a new facility;
(ii) Expansion of an existing facility;
(iii) Placement of a mobile or modular facility; or
(iv) Acquisition and use of an existing building.
(2) Reconstruction shall refer to the—
(i) Replacement of an existing facility with a new facility on the same site; or
(ii) Rehabilitation or improvement of an existing facility (normal periodic maintenance excepted) involving the expenditure of an amount representing more than 50 percent of the cost of replacing such facility on the same site at the time the work of rehabilitation or improvement began, the replacement cost to be estimated on the basis of contemporary construction methods and materials.
(3) Switching or humping operations includes the classification of placarded railroad cars according to commodity or destination, assembling of placarded cars for train movements, changing the position of placarded cars for purposes of loading, unloading, or weighing, and the placing of placarded cars for repair. However, the term does not include the moving of rail equipment in connection with work service, the moving of a train or part of a train within yard limits by a road locomotive or placing locomotives or cars in a train or removing them from a train by a road locomotive while en route to the train's destination. The term does include operations within this definition which are conducted by any railroad; it is not limited to the operations of the carrier contemplating construction or reconstruction of railroad employee sleeping quarters.
(4) Placarded car shall mean a railroad car required to be placarded by the Department of Transportation hazardous materials regulations (49 CFR 172.504).
(5) The term Leq (8) shall mean the equivalent steady state sound level which in 8 hours would contain the same acoustic energy as the time-varying sound level during the same time period.
[43 FR 31012, July 19, 1978, as amended at 76 FR 67088, Oct. 31, 2011]
§ 228.102 - Distance requirement for camp cars provided as sleeping quarters exclusively to MOW workers.
(a) The hours of service laws at 49 U.S.C. 21106(b) provide that a railroad that uses camp cars must comply with 49 U.S.C. 21106(a) no later than December 31, 2009. Accordingly, on or after December 31, 2009, a railroad shall not begin construction or reconstruction of a camp car provided by the railroad as sleeping quarters exclusively for MOW workers within or in the immediate vicinity of any area where railroad switching or humping of placarded cars is performed.
(b) This subpart includes definitions of most of the relevant terms (§ 228.101(b) and (c)), the procedures under which a railroad may request a determination by the Federal Railroad Administration that a particular proposed site for the camp car is not within the “immediate vicinity” of railroad switching or humping operations (§§ 228.103 and 228.105), and the basic criteria utilized in evaluating proposed sites. See § 228.5 for definitions of other terms. For purposes of this § 228.102, references to “employees” in §§ 228.103 through 228.107 shall be read to include MOW workers.
[76 FR 67088, Oct. 31, 2011]
§ 228.103 - Approval procedure: construction within one-half mile (2,640 feet) (804 meters).
(a) A common carrier that has developed plans for the construction or reconstruction of sleeping quarters subject to this subpart and which is considering a site less than one-half mile (2,640 feet) (804 meters) from any area where switching or humping operations are performed, measured from the nearest rail of the nearest trackage utilized on a regular or intermittent basis for switching or humping operations to the point on the site where the carrier proposes to construct or reconstruct the exterior wall of the structure, or portion of such wall, which is closest to such operations, must obtain the approval of the Federal Railroad Administration before commencing construction or reconstruction on that site. Approval may be requested by filing a petition conforming to the requirements of this subpart.
(b) A carrier is deemed to have conducted switching or humping operations on particular trackage within the meaning of this subpart if placarded cars are subjected to the operations described in § 228.101(c)(3) within the 365-day period immediately preceding the date construction or reconstruction is commenced or if such operations are to be permitted on such trackage after such date. If the carrier does not have reliable records concerning the traffic handled on the trackage within the specified period, it shall be presumed that switching of placarded cars is conducted at the location and construction or reconstruction of sleeping quarters within one-half mile shall be subject to the approval procedures of this subpart.
(c) A petition shall be filed in accordance with the requirements of § 211.7(b)(1) of this chapter and shall contain the following:
(1) A brief description of the type of construction planned, including materials to be employed, means of egress from the quarters, and actual and projected exterior noise levels and projected interior noise levels;
(2) The number of employees expected to utilize the quarters at full capacity;
(3) A brief description of the site, including:
(i) Distance from trackage where switching or humping operations are performed, specifying distances from particular functions such as classification, repair, assembling of trains from large groups of cars, etc. cetera;
(ii) Topography within a general area consisting of the site and all of the rail facilities close to the site;
(iii) Location of other physical improvements situated between the site and areas where railroad operations are conducted;
(4) A blueprint or other drawing showing the relationship of the site to trackage and other planned and existing facilities;
(5) The proposed or estimated date for commencement of construction;
(6) A description of the average number and variety of rail operations in the areas within one-half mile (2,640 feet) (804 meters) of the site (e.g., number of cars classified in 24-hour period; number of train movements);
(7) An estimate of the average daily number of placarded rail cars transporting hazardous materials through the railroad facility (where practicable, based on a 365-day period sample, that period not having ended more than 120 days prior to the date of filing the petition), specifying the—
(i) Number of such cars transporting class A explosives and poison gases; and
(ii) Number of DOT Specification 112A and 114A tank cars transporting flammable gas subject to FRA emergency order No. 5;
(8) A statement certified by a corporate officer of the carrier possessing authority over the subject matter explaining any plans of that carrier for utilization of existing trackage, or for the construction of new trackage, which may impact on the location of switching or humping operations within one-half mile of the proposed site (if there are no plans, the carrier official must so certify); and
(9) Any further information which is necessary for evaluation of the site.
(d) A petition filed under this section must contain a statement that the petition has been served on the recognized representatives of the railroad employees who will be utilizing the proposed sleeping quarters, together with a list of the employee representatives served.
[43 FR 31012, July 19, 1978, as amended at 74 FR 25173, May 27, 2009]
§ 228.105 - Additional requirements; construction within one-third mile (1,760 feet) (536 meters) of certain switching.
(a) In addition to providing the information specified by § 228.103, a carrier seeking approval of a site located within one-third mile (1,760 feet) (536 meters) of any area where railroad switching or humping operations are performed involving any cars required to be placarded “EXPLOSIVES A” or “POISON GAS” or any DOT Specification 112A or 114A tank cars transporting flammable gas subject to FRA emergency order No. 5 shall establish by a supplementary statement certified by a corporate officer possessing authority over the subject matter that—
(1) No feasible alternate site located at or beyond one-third mile from switching or humping operations is either presently available to the railroad or is obtainable within 3 miles (15,840 feet) (4,827 meters) of the reporting point for the employees who are to be housed in the sleeping quarters;
(2) Natural or other barriers exist or will be created prior to occupancy of the proposed facility between the proposed site and any areas in which switching or humping operations are performed which will be adequate to shield the facility from the direct and severe effects of a hazardous materials accident/incident arising in an area of switching or humping operations;
(3) The topography of the property is such as most likely to cause any hazardous materials unintentionally released during switching or humping to flow away from the proposed site; and
(4) Precautions for ensuring employee safety from toxic gases or explosions such as employee training and evacuation plans, availability of appropriate respiratory protection, and measures for fire protection, have been considered.
(b) In the absence of reliable records concerning traffic handled on trackage within the one-third mile area, it shall be presumed that the types of cars enumerated in paragraph (a) of this section are switched on that trackage; and the additional requirements of this section shall be met by the petitioning carrier, unless the carrier establishes that the switching of the enumerated cars will be effectively barred from the trackage if the petition is approved.
§ 228.107 - Action on petition.
(a) Each petition for approval filed under § 228.103 is referred to the Railroad Safety Board for action in accordance with the provisions of part 211, title 49, CFR, concerning the processing of requests for special approvals.
(b) In considering a petition for approval filed under this subpart, the Railroad Safety Board evaluates the material factors bearing on—
(1) The safety of employees utilizing the proposed facility in the event of a hazardous materials accident/incident and in light of other relevant safety factors; and
(2) Interior noise levels in the facility.
(c) The Railroad Safety Board will not approve an application submitted under this subpart if it appears from the available information that the proposed sleeping quarters will be so situated and constructed as to permit interior noise levels due to noise under the control of the railroad to exceed an Leq(8) value of 55dB(A). If individual air conditioning and heating systems are to be utilized, projections may relate to noise levels with such units turned off.
(d) Approval of a petition filed under this subpart may be withdrawn or modified at any time if it is ascertained, after opportunity for a hearing, that any representation of fact or intent made by a carrier in materials submitted in support of a petition was not accurate or truthful at the time such representation was made.
source: 37 FR 12234, June 21, 1972, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 228.102