Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 229.201 - Purpose and scope.

(a) Purpose. The purpose of this subpart is to help protect locomotive cab occupants in the event that a locomotive collides with another locomotive or piece of on-track equipment, a shifted load on a freight car on an adjacent parallel track, or a highway vehicle at a highway-rail grade crossing.

(b) This subpart prescribes minimum crashworthiness standards for locomotives. It also establishes the requirements for obtaining FRA approval of: new locomotive crashworthiness design standards; changes to FRA-approved locomotive crashworthiness design standards; and alternative locomotive crashworthiness designs.

[71 FR 36912, June 28, 2006]
§ 229.203 - Applicability.

(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, this subpart applies to all locomotives manufactured or remanufactured on or after January 1, 2009.

(b) Cab cars and power cars. The requirements of this subpart do not apply to cab control cars, MU locomotives, DMU locomotives, and semi-permanently coupled power cars that are subject to the design requirements for such locomotives set forth in part 238 of this chapter.

(c) Locomotives used in designated service. Locomotives used in designated service are exempt from the requirements of this subpart, with the exception of § 229.233 (minimum requirements for fuel tank design), which remains applicable to such locomotives.

[71 FR 36912, June 28, 2006]
§ 229.205 - General requirements.

(a) Each wide-nose locomotive used in occupied service must meet the minimum crashworthiness performance requirements set forth in Appendix E of this part. Compliance with those performance criteria must be established by:

(1) Meeting an FRA-approved crashworthiness design standard (including AAR S-580, Locomotive Crashworthiness Requirements). The Director of the Federal Register approves incorporation by reference of the AAR S-580 (revised July 2005), “Locomotive Crashworthiness Requirements,” in this section in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. You may obtain a copy of the incorporated standard from the Association of American Railroads, 50 F Street NW, Washington, DC 20001. You may inspect a copy of the incorporated standard at the Federal Railroad Administration, Docket Clerk, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590 or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to;

(2) Meeting new design standards and changes to existing design standards approved by FRA pursuant to § 229.207; or

(3) Meeting an alternative crashworthiness design approved by FRA pursuant to § 229.209.

(b) A monocoque or semi-monocoque design locomotive must be designed in accordance with the provisions of AAR S-580, applicable to those types of locomotives, in accordance with §§ 238.405(a), 238.409 and 238.411 of this chapter, or in accordance with a standard or design approved by FRA as providing at least equivalent safety.

(c) A narrow-nose locomotive must be designed in accordance with the provisions of AAR S-580, applicable to that type of locomotive (notwithstanding any limitation of scope contained in that standard) or in accordance with a standard or design approved by FRA as providing at least equivalent safety.

[71 FR 36912, June 28, 2006, as amended at 74 FR 25173, May 27, 2009]
§ 229.206 - Design requirements.

Each locomotive used in occupied service must meet the minimum anti-climber, emergency egress, emergency interior lighting, and interior configuration design requirements set forth in AAR S-580 (incorporated by reference, see § 229.205).

[71 FR 36912, June 28, 2006]
§ 229.207 - New locomotive crashworthiness design standards and changes to existing FRA-approved locomotive crashworthiness design standards.

(a) General. The following procedures govern consideration and action upon requests for FRA approval of new locomotive crashworthiness design standards and changes to existing FRA-approved locomotive crashworthiness design standards, including AAR S-580 (incorporated by reference, see § 229.205). Only a standards body which has adopted an FRA-approved locomotive crashworthiness design standard may initiate these procedures for FRA approval of changes to the standard.

(b) Petitions for FRA approval of new locomotive crashworthiness design standards. Each petition for FRA approval of a locomotive crashworthiness design standard must be titled “Petition for FRA Approval of a New Locomotive Crashworthiness Design Standard,” must be submitted to the Associate Administrator for Safety, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Mail Stop 25, Washington, DC 20590, and must contain the following:

(1) The name, title, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the primary person to be contacted with regard to review of the petition;

(2) The proposed locomotive design standard, in detail;

(3) The intended type of service for locomotives designed under the proposed standard; and

(4) Appropriate data and analysis showing how the proposed design standard either satisfies the requirements of § 229.205 for the type of locomotive design or provides at least an equivalent level of safety. Types of data and analysis to be considered are described in § 229.211(c)(1).

(c) Petitions for FRA approval of substantive changes to an FRA-approved locomotive crashworthiness design standard. Each petition for approval of a substantive change to an FRA-approved locomotive crashworthiness design standard must be titled “Petition for FRA Approval of Changes to a Locomotive Crashworthiness Design Standard,” must be submitted to the Associate Administrator for Safety, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Mail Stop 25, Washington, DC 20590, and must contain the following:

(1) The name, title, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the primary person to be contacted with regard to review of the petition;

(2) The proposed change, in detail;

(3) The intended type of service for locomotives built with the proposed change; and

(4) Appropriate data and analysis showing how the resulting standard either satisfies the requirements for the type of locomotive set forth in § 229.205 or provides at least an equivalent level of safety. Types of data and analysis to be considered are described in § 229.211(c)(1).

(d) Petitions for FRA approval of non-substantive changes to the existing FRA-approved crashworthiness design standards. (1) Each petition for approval of a non-substantive change to an FRA-approved locomotive crashworthiness design standard must be titled “Petition for FRA Approval of Non-substantive Changes to a Locomotive Crashworthiness Design Standard,” must be submitted to the Associate Administrator for Safety, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Mail Stop 25, Washington, DC 20590, and must contain the following:

(i) The name, title, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the primary person to be contacted with regard to review of the petition;

(ii) The proposed change, in detail; and

(iii) Detailed explanation of how the proposed change results in a non-substantive change to the existing FRA-approved crashworthiness design standard.

(2) If FRA determines that the proposed change is substantive, FRA will process the petition in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

[71 FR 36912, June 28, 2006, as amended at 74 FR 25173, May 27, 2009]
§ 229.209 - Alternative locomotive crashworthiness designs.

(a) General. The following procedures govern consideration and action upon requests for FRA approval of locomotive crashworthiness designs which are not consistent with any FRA-approved locomotive crashworthiness design standard.

(b) Petitions for FRA approval of alternative locomotive crashworthiness designs. Each petition for FRA approval of an alternative locomotive crashworthiness design must be titled “Petition for FRA Approval of Alternative Locomotive Crashworthiness Design,” must be submitted to the Associate Administrator for Safety, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Mail Stop 25, Washington, DC 20590, and must contain the following:

(1) The name, title, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the primary person to be contacted with regard to review of the petition;

(2) The proposed locomotive crashworthiness design, in detail;

(3) The intended type of service for locomotives built under the proposed design; and

(4) Appropriate data and analysis showing how the design either satisfies the requirements of § 229.205 for the type of locomotive or provides at least an equivalent level of safety. Types of data and analysis to be considered are described in § 229.211(c)(1).

[71 FR 36913, June 28, 2006, as amended at 74 FR 25173, May 27, 2009]
§ 229.211 - Processing of petitions.

(a) Federal Register notice. FRA will publish in the Federal Register notice of receipt of each petition submitted under § 229.207(b), § 229.207(c), or § 229.209.

(b) Comment. Not later than 60 days from the date of publication of the notice in the Federal Register concerning a petition submitted under §§ 229.207(b), 229.207(c), or 229.209(b), any person may comment on the petition.

(1) Each comment must set forth specifically the basis upon which it is made, and contain a concise statement of the interest of the commenter in the proceeding.

(2) Each comment must be submitted to the U.S. Department of Transportation Docket Operations (M-30), West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590, and must contain the assigned docket number which appeared in the Federal Register for that proceeding. The form of such submission may be in written or electronic form consistent with the standards and requirements established by the Federal Docket Management System and posted on its Web site at

(3) In the event FRA requires additional information to appropriately consider the petition, FRA will conduct a hearing on the petition in accordance with the procedures provided in § 211.25 of this chapter.

(c) Disposition of petitions. (1) In order to determine compliance with the performance criteria in appendix E of this part, FRA will consider proper documentation of competent engineering analysis, or practical demonstrations, or both which may include validated computer modeling, structural crush analysis, component testing, full scale crash testing in a controlled environment, or any combination of the foregoing, together with evidence of effective peer review.

(2) If FRA finds that the petition complies with the requirements of this subpart and that the proposed change or new design standard satisfies the requirements of § 229.205 for the type of locomotive, the petition will be granted, normally within 90 days of its receipt. If the petition is neither granted nor denied within 90 days, the petition remains pending for decision. FRA may attach special conditions to the granting of the petition. Following the granting of a petition, FRA may reopen consideration of the petition for cause stated. Any decision granting or denying a petition is placed in the public docket for the petition.

(3) If FRA finds that the petition does not comply with the requirements of this subpart, or that the proposed change or new design standard does not satisfy the performance criteria contained in Appendix E of this part (where applicable), the petition will be denied, normally within 90 days of its receipt. If the petition is neither granted nor denied within 90 days, the petition remains pending for decision. FRA may re-open a denial of a petition for cause stated.

(4) When FRA grants or denies a petition, or reopens consideration of the petition, written notice will be sent to the petitioner and other interested parties and a copy of the notice will be placed in the public docket of this proceeding.

[71 FR 36913, June 28, 2006, as amended at 74 FR 25173, May 27, 2009]
§ 229.213 - Locomotive manufacturing information.

(a) Each railroad operating a locomotive subject to the requirements of this subpart must retain the following information:

(1) The date upon which the locomotive was manufactured or remanufactured;

(2) The name of the manufacturer or remanufacturer of the locomotive; and

(3) The design specification to which the locomotive was manufactured or remanufactured.

(b) The information required in paragraph (a) of this section must be located permanently in the locomotive cab or be provided within two business days upon request of FRA or an FRA-certified State inspector.

[71 FR 36914, June 28, 2006]
§ 229.215 - Retention and inspection of designs.

(a) Retention of records—original designs. Each manufacturer or remanufacturer of a locomotive subject to this subpart shall retain all records of the original locomotive designs, including supporting calculations and drawings, pertaining to crashworthiness features required by this subpart. These records must be retained for the lesser period of:

(1) The life of such locomotive, except that records for a locomotive destroyed in a rail equipment accident/incident shall be retained for at least 12 months following the accident/incident; or

(2) Twenty years after the date of manufacture or, if remanufactured, twenty years after the date of remanufacture.

(b) Retention of records—repairs and modifications. Each owner or lessee of a locomotive subject to this subpart shall retain all records of repair or modification to crashworthiness features required by this subpart. These records must be retained for the lesser period of:

(1) The life of such locomotive, except that records for a locomotive destroyed in a rail equipment accident/incident shall be retained for at least 12 months following the accident/incident, or

(2) Twenty years after the date on which the repair or modification was performed.

(c) Inspection of records. Each custodian of records referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) shall, upon request by FRA or an FRA-certified State inspector, make available for inspection and duplication within 7 days, any records referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

(d) Third party storage of records. Each custodian of records referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section may delegate storage duties to a third party; however, the custodian retains all responsibility for compliance with this section.

[71 FR 36914, June 28, 2006]
§ 229.217 - Fuel tank.

(a) External fuel tanks. Locomotives equipped with external fuel tanks shall, at a minimum, comply with the requirements of AAR S-5506, “Performance Requirements for Diesel Electric Locomotive Fuel Tanks” (October 1, 2001), except for section 4.4. This paragraph does not apply to locomotives subject to the fuel tank safety requirements of § 238.223 or § 238.423 of this chapter. The Director of the Federal Register approves incorporation by reference of the AAR S-5506, “Performance Requirements for Diesel Electric Locomotive Fuel Tanks” (October 1, 2001) in this section in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. You may obtain a copy of the incorporated standard from the Association of American Railroads, 50 F Street NW., Washington, DC 20001. You may inspect a copy of the incorporated standard at the Federal Railroad Administration, Docket Clerk, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590 or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For more information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to

(b) Internal fuel tanks. Locomotives equipped with internal fuel tanks shall, at a minimum, comply with the requirements of § 238.223(b) of this chapter.

[71 FR 36914, June 28, 2006, as amended at 74 FR 25173, May 27, 2009]
source: 45 FR 21109, Mar. 31, 1980, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 229.217