Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 230.11 - Repair of non-complying conditions.

The steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall repair any steam locomotive that fails to comply with the conditions of this part, and shall approve any such repairs made, before placing the locomotive back into service.

§ 230.12 - Movement of non-complying steam locomotives.

(a) General limitations on movement. A steam locomotive with one or more non-complying conditions may be moved only as a lite steam locomotive or a steam locomotive in tow, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. Cars essential to the movement of the steam locomotive and tender(s), including tool cars and a bunk car, may accompany lite movements.

(b) Conditions for movement. Prior to movement, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall determine that it is safe to move the locomotive, determine the maximum speed and other restrictions necessary for safely conducting the movement, and notify in writing the engineer in charge of the defective steam locomotive and, if towed, the engineer in charge of the towing locomotive consist, as well as all other crew members in the cabs, of the presence of the non-complying steam locomotive and the maximum speed and other movement restrictions. In addition, a tag bearing the words “non-complying locomotive” shall be securely attached to each defective steam locomotive and shall contain the following information:

(1) The steam locomotive number;

(2) The name of the inspecting entity;

(3) The inspection location and date;

(4) The nature of the defect;

(5) Movement restrictions, if any;

(6) The destination; and

(7) The signature of the person making the determinations required by this paragraph (b).

(c) Yard movements. A non-complying steam locomotive may be moved lite or dead within a yard at speeds not in excess of 10 miles per hour without meeting the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section if the movement is solely for the purpose of repair. The locomotive owner and/or operator is responsible for ensuring that the movement may be safely made.

(d) Non-complying conditions developed en route. The locomotive owner and/or operator may continue in use a steam locomotive that develops a non-complying condition en route until the next daily inspection or the nearest forward point where the repairs necessary to bring it into compliance can be made, whichever is earlier. Before continuing en route, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall determine that it is safe to move the steam locomotive, determine the maximum speed and other restrictions necessary for safely conducting the movement, and notify in writing the engineer in charge of the defective steam locomotive and, if towed, the engineer in charge of the towing steam locomotive consist, as well as all other crew members in the cabs, of the presence of the non-complying steam locomotive and the maximum speed and other movement restrictions.

(e) Special notice for repair. Nothing in this section authorizes the movement of a steam locomotive subject to a Special Notice for Repair unless the movement is made in accordance with the restrictions contained in the Special Notice.

§ 230.13 - Daily inspection.

(a) General. An individual competent to conduct the inspection shall inspect each steam locomotive and its tender each day that they are offered for use to determine that they are safe and suitable for service. The daily inspection shall be conducted to comply with all sections of this part, and a daily inspection report filed, by an individual competent to conduct the inspection. See appendices A and B of this part.

(b) Pre-departure. At the beginning of each day the steam locomotive is used, an individual competent to do so shall, together with the daily inspection required in paragraph (a) of this section, inspect the steam locomotive and its tender and appurtenances to ensure that they are safe and suitable for service, paying special attention to the following items:

(1) Water glasses and gauge cocks;

(2) Boiler feedwater delivery systems, such as injectors and feedwater pumps; and

(3) Air compressors and governors, and the air brake system.

(c) Inspection reports. The results of the daily inspection shall be entered on an FRA Form No. 2 (See appendix C of this part) which shall contain, at a minimum, the name of the railroad, the initials and number of the steam locomotive, the place, date and time of the inspection, the signature of the employee making the inspection, a description of the non-complying conditions disclosed by the inspection, conditions found in non-compliance during the day and repaired and the signature of the person who repaired the non-conforming conditions. This report shall be filed even if no non-complying conditions are detected. A competent individual shall sign the report, certifying that all non-complying conditions were repaired before the steam locomotive is operated. This report shall be filed and retained for at least 92 days at the location designated by the steam locomotive owner and/or operator.

§ 230.14 - Thirty-one (31) service day inspection.

(a) General. An individual competent to conduct the inspection shall perform the 31 service day inspection after the steam locomotive has accrued 31 service days. This inspection shall consist of all 31 service day inspection items and all daily inspection items. See appendix A of this part. Days in service shall be counted, recorded and readily available for inspection when requested by an FRA inspector.

(b) FRA notification. FRA Regional Administrators or their delegate(s) may require a steam locomotive owner or operator to provide FRA with timely notification before performing a 31 service day inspection. If the Regional Administrator or their delegate indicates their desire to be present for the 31 service day inspection, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall provide them a scheduled date and location for inspection. Once scheduled, the inspection must be performed at the time and place specified, unless the Regional Administrator and the steam locomotive owner and/or operator mutually agree to reschedule. If the Regional Administrator requests the inspection be performed on another date but the steam locomotive owner and/or operator and the Regional Administrator are unable to agree on a date for rescheduling, the inspection may be performed as scheduled.

(c) Filing inspection reports. Within 10 days of conducting the 31 service day inspection, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall file, for each steam locomotive inspected, a report of inspection (FRA Form No. 1), in the place where the steam locomotive is maintained and with the FRA Regional Administrator for that region. When the report of annual inspection (FRA Form No. 3), is filed, the FRA Form No. 1 does not have to be filed until the next 31 service day inspection. (See appendix B of this part.)

§ 230.15 - Ninety-two (92) service day inspection.

(a) General. An individual competent to conduct the inspection shall perform the 92 service day inspection after the steam locomotive has accrued 92 “service-days.” This inspection shall include all daily, all 31 service day, and all 92 service day inspection items. See appendix A of this part. Days in service shall be counted, recorded, and readily available for inspection when requested by an FRA inspector.

(b) Filing inspection reports. Within 10 days of conducting the 92 service day inspection, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall file, for each steam locomotive inspected, a report of inspection (FRA Form No. 1), in the place the locomotive is maintained and with the FRA Regional Administrator for that region.

When the report of annual inspection (FRA Form No. 3), is filed, the FRA Form No. 1 does not have to be filed until the next 92 service day inspection. (See appendix C of this part.)

§ 230.16 - Annual inspection.

(a) General. (1) An individual competent to conduct the inspection shall perform the annual inspection after 368 calendar days have elapsed from the time of the previous annual inspection. This inspection shall include all daily, all 31 service day, all 92 service day, and all annual inspection items. (See appendix B of this part.)

(2) Fifth annual inspection. An individual competent to do so shall perform a flexible staybolt and cap inspection in accordance with § 230.41 at each fifth annual inspection.

(b) FRA notification. FRA Regional Administrators shall be provided written notice at least one month prior to an annual inspection and shall be afforded an opportunity to be present. If the Regional Administrator or their delegate indicates a desire to be present, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator will provide a scheduled date and location for the inspection. Once scheduled, the inspection must be performed at the time and place specified, unless the Regional Administrator and the steam locomotive owner and/or operator mutually agree to reschedule. If the Regional Administrator requests the inspection be performed on another date but the steam locomotive owner and/or operator and the Regional Administrator are unable to agree on a date for rescheduling, the inspection may be performed as scheduled.

(c) Filing inspection reports. Within 10 days of completing the annual inspection, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall file, for each steam locomotive inspected, a report of inspection (FRA Form No. 3), in the place where the steam locomotive is maintained and with the FRA Regional Administrator for that region. (See appendix A of this part)

§ 230.17 - One thousand four hundred seventy-two (1472) service day inspection.

(a) General. Before any steam locomotive is initially put in service or brought out of retirement, and after every 1472 service days or 15 years, whichever is earlier, an individual competent to conduct the inspection shall inspect the entire boiler. In the case of a new locomotive or a locomotive being brought out of retirement, the initial 15 year period shall begin on the day that the locomotive is placed in service or 365 calendar days after the first flue tube is installed in the locomotive, whichever comes first. This 1472 service day inspection shall include all annual, and 5th annual, inspection requirements, as well as any items required by the steam locomotive owner and/or operator or the FRA inspector. At this time, the locomotive owner and/or operator shall complete, update and verify the locomotive specification card (FRA Form No. 4), to reflect the condition of the boiler at the time of this inspection. See appendices A and B of this part.

(b) Filing inspection reports. Within 30 days of completing the 1472 service day inspection, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall, for each steam locomotive inspected, file in the place where the steam locomotive is maintained and with the FRA Regional Administrator for that region a report of inspection (FRA Form No. 3), and a completed FRA Form No.4. See appendix C of this part.

§ 230.1 - Purpose and scope.

This part prescribes minimum Federal safety standards for all steam-propelled locomotives operated on railroads to which this part applies. This part does not restrict a railroad from adopting and enforcing additional or more stringent requirements not inconsistent with this part.

§ 230.2 - Applicability.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, this part applies to all railroads that operate steam locomotives.

(b) This part does not apply to:

(1) A railroad with track gage of less than 24 inches;

(2) A railroad that operates exclusively freight trains and does so only on track inside an installation that is not part of the general system of transportation;

(3) Rapid transit operations in an urban area that are not connected to the general system of transportation; or

(4) A railroad that operates passenger trains and does so only on track inside an installation that is insular, i.e., its operations are limited to a separate enclave in such a way that there is no reasonable expectation that the safety of the public—except a business guest, a licensee of the railroad or an affiliated entity, or a trespasser—would be affected by the operation. An operation will not be considered insular if one or more of the following exists on its line:

(i) A public highway-rail crossing that is in use;

(ii) An at-grade rail crossing that is in use;

(iii) A bridge over a public road or waters used for commercial navigation; or

(iv) A common corridor with another railroad, i.e., its operations are conducted within 30 feet of those of any other railroad.

(c) See appendix A of part 209 for a current statement of the FRA's policy on its exercise of jurisdiction.

§ 230.3 - Implementation.

Except as provided in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, the locomotive owner and/or operator shall perform a 1472 service day inspection that meets the requirements of § 230.17 when the locomotive's flues would be required to be removed pursuant to § 230.10, of the regulations in effect prior to January 18, 2000. (See 49 CFR parts 200-999, revised October 1, 1978) At the time the locomotive owner and/or operator completes this inspection, it must begin to comply with the rest of the provisions of this part. Up until such time, and except as provided in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, compliance with the regulations in effect prior to January 18, 2000 (See 49 CFR parts 200-999, revised October 1, 1978) will constitute full compliance with this part. Any interested person may obtain the October 1, 1978 revision of 49 CFR parts 200-999 by contacting the Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Chief Counsel, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.

(a) One year after January 18, 2000. The following sections of this part must be complied with by January 18, 2001: §§ 230.7, 230.51, 230.57, 230.68, 230.70, 230.85, 230.87, 230.115, and 230.116.

(b) Interim flue removal extensions. FRA will continue to consider requests for flue removal extensions under the provisions of § 230.10 of the regulations in effect prior to January 18, 2000 (See 49 CFR parts 200-999, revised October 1, 1978) until January 18, 2002.

(c) Petition for special consideration. The locomotive owner or operator may petition FRA for special consideration of this part's implementation with respect to any locomotive that has either fully or partially satisfied the requirements of § 230.17 within the three (3) year period prior to September 25, 1998—provided the locomotive is in full compliance with § 230.17 by the time the petition is actually filed. 1

1 Note: As an example, where a locomotive has received a proper boiler inspection after September 25, 1995 pursuant to §§ 230.10 and 230.11 of the regulations in effect prior to January 18, 2000 but has not had its FRA Form No. 4 updated, the locomotive owner or operator may update and verify the FRA Form No. 4 for that locomotive, and submit a timely petition that requests retroactive credit for the boiler inspection. (See 49 CFR parts 200-999, revised October 1, 1978.)

(1) Petition process. Petitions must be filed by January 18, 2001 and must be accompanied by all relevant documentation to be considered, including a FRA Form No. 4 (see appendix C of this part) that has been calculated in accordance with § 230.17, and all records that demonstrate the number of days the locomotive has been in service. Based upon the documentation provided, FRA will calculate the number of “service days” the locomotive has accrued and will notify the petitioner of the number of service days that remain in the locomotive's 1472 service day cycle. Petitions should be sent to FRA by some form of registered mail to ensure a record of delivery. FRA will investigate these petitions and will respond to these petitions within one year of their receipt. FRA will send its response by some form of registered mail to ensure that a record of delivery is created. In its response, FRA may grant the petition or deny it. If FRA grants the petition, the entirety of the revised requirements will become effective upon receipt of FRA's response, unless FRA's response indicates otherwise. If FRA denies the petition, the rule will become effective as provided in the first paragraph of this section.

(2) FRA silence. Anyone who does not receive a response within one year of the date they filed their petition, whether through administrative or postal error, must notify FRA that the response has not been received. The notification should be provided to FRA by some form of registered mail to ensure a record of delivery. Upon receipt of this notification, FRA will ensure that a response is either issued, or re-issued, as soon as possible. In the interim, however, any operator who is at the end of their inspection cycle under the rules in effect prior to January 18, 2000 (See 49 CFR parts 200-999, revised October 1, 1978) will be allowed to remain in service without conducting the required inspection under § 230.17 for an additional six months, or until they receive FRA's decision, whichever occurs first.

[64 FR 62865, Nov. 17, 1999, as amended at 74 FR 25174, May 27, 2009]
§ 230.4 - Penalties.

(a) Any person who violates any requirement of this part or causes the violation of any such requirement is subject to a civil penalty of at least $1,114 and not more than $36,439 per violation, except that: Penalties may be assessed against individuals only for willful violations, and, where a grossly negligent violation or a pattern of repeated violations has created an imminent hazard of death or injury to persons, or has caused death or injury, a penalty not to exceed $145,754 per violation may be assessed. Each day a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. See appendix A of part 209 for a statement of agency civil penalty policy.

(b) Any person who knowingly and willfully falsifies a record or report required by this part may be subject to criminal penalties under 49 U.S.C. 21311.

[64 FR 62865, Nov. 17, 1999, as amended at 69 FR 30594, May 28, 2004; 72 FR 51197, Sept. 6, 2007; 73 FR 79703, Dec. 30, 2008; 77 FR 24421, Apr. 24, 2012; 81 FR 43111, July 1, 2016; 82 FR 16134, Apr. 3, 2017; 83 FR 60748, Nov. 27, 2018; 84 FR 37074, July 31, 2019; 86 FR 1759, Jan. 11, 2021; 86 FR 23255, May 3, 2021; 87 FR 15869, Mar. 21, 2022; 88 FR 1128, Jan. 6, 2023; 88 FR 89563, Dec. 28, 2023; 89 FR 106296, Dec. 30, 2024]
§ 230.5 - Preemptive effect.

The Locomotive Boiler Inspection Act (49 U.S.C. 20701-20703) preempts all State laws or regulations concerning locomotive safety. Napier v. Atlantic Coast Line R.R., 272 U.S. 605 (1926). However, FRA believes Congress did not intend to preempt State laws or regulations concerning rail operations over which FRA does not exercise jurisdiction. Therefore, in issuing this part, it is FRA's intent that State laws or regulations applicable to those rail operations to which this part does not apply (i.e., insular tourist operations) not be preempted.

§ 230.6 - Waivers.

(a) A person subject to a requirement of this part may petition the Administrator of FRA for a waiver of compliance with such requirement. The filing of such a petition does not affect that person's responsibility for compliance with that requirement while the petition is being considered.

(b) Each petition for waiver under this section must be filed in the manner and contain the information required by part 211 of this chapter.

(c) If the Administrator finds that a waiver of compliance is in the public interest and is consistent with railroad safety, the Administrator may grant the waiver subject to any conditions the Administrator deems necessary. Where a waiver is granted, the Administrator publishes a notice containing the reasons for granting the waiver.

(d) All waivers of every form and type from any requirement of any order or regulation implementing the Locomotive Boiler Inspection Act, 36 Stat. 913, as amended, 49 U.S.C. 20702,applicable,shall,2000,Federal,1200,SE., Washington, DC 20590. FRA will review the waiver and notify the applicant whether the waiver has been continued.

[64 FR 62865, Nov. 17, 1999, as amended at 74 FR 25174, May 27, 2009]
§ 230.7 - Responsibility for compliance.

(a) The locomotive owner and/or operator is directly responsible for ensuring that all requirements of this part are satisfied, and is the entity primarily responsible for compliance with this part.

(b) Although the duties imposed by this part are generally stated in terms of the duties of a railroad or a steam locomotive owner and/or operator, any person, including a contractor for a railroad, who performs any function covered by this part must perform that function in accordance with this part.

(c) Chapter 207 of Title 49 of the United States Codes makes it unlawful for any railroad to use or permit to be used on its line any steam locomotive or tender unless the entire steam locomotive or tender and its parts and appurtenances are in proper condition and safe to operate in the service to which they are put, without unnecessary danger of personal injury and have been inspected and tested as required by this part.

§ 230.8 - Definitions.

As used in this part, the terms listed in this section have the following definitions:

Administrator. The Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration or the Administrator's delegate.

Alteration. Any change to the boiler which affects its pressure retention capability. Rating changes are considered alterations.

ANSI. American National Standards Institute.

API. American Petroleum Institute.

ASME. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Boiler surfaces. The boiler interior is all the space inside a boiler occupied by water or steam under pressure, and all associated surfaces inside that space exposed to that water and steam. The boiler exterior is the opposite surface of all components directly exposed to the boiler interior. This includes the fire side of the firebox sheets.

Break. A fracture resulting in complete separation into parts.

Code of original construction. The manufacturer's or industry code in effect when the boiler was constructed. If the exact code is not known, the closest contemporary code may be used provided it does not pre-date the construction date of the boiler.

Crack. A fracture without complete separation into parts, except that castings with shrinkage cracks or hot tears that do not significantly diminish the strength of the member are not considered to be cracked.

Dead locomotive. A locomotive unable to produce tractive effort.

Fire. Anything that produces products of combustion that heat transferring components of the locomotive are exposed to.

FRA. The Federal Railroad Administration.

Locomotive operator. Person or entity which operates, but which does not necessarily own, one or more steam locomotives. This term means, for purposes of inspection and maintenance responsibility, the entity responsible for the day-to-day operation of the steam locomotive, or the delegate thereof. This entity may be a railroad or a person or persons who operate a steam locomotive under contract for a railroad.

Locomotive owner. Person or entity which owns, but which does not necessarily operate, one or more steam locomotives that is operated on a railroad to which this part applies. For purposes of inspection and maintenance responsibility, this term includes that entity's delegate as well.

MAWP. Maximum allowable working pressure as specified by the steam locomotive specification FRA Form No. 4. (See appendix C of this part.)

NBIC. National Board Inspection Code published by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.

NDE. Non-destructive Examination.

NPS. Nominal Pipe Size.

Person. An entity of any type covered under 1 U.S.C. 1,including; a manager, supervisor, official, or other employee or agent of a railroad; any owner, manufacturer, lessor, or lessee of railroad equipment, track, or facilities; any independent contractor providing goods or services to a railroad; and any employee of such owner, manufacturer, lessor, lessee, or independent contractor.

Railroad. Any form of non-highway ground transportation that runs on rails or electromagnetic guideways and any entity providing such transportation, including commuter or other short-haul railroad passenger service in a metropolitan or suburban area and commuter railroad service that was operated by the Consolidated Rail Corporation on January 1, 1979; and high speed ground transportation systems that connect metropolitan areas, without regard to whether those systems use new technologies not associated with traditional railroads; but does not include rapid transit operations in an urban area that are not connected to the general railroad system of transportation.

Renewal. Replacement in kind with a newly manufactured or remanufactured (restored to original tolerances) component. Materials shall be suitable for the service intended.

Repair. Any work which results in a restoration in kind.

Serious injury. An injury that results in the amputation of any appendage, the loss of sight in an eye, the fracture of a bone, or the confinement in a hospital for a period of more than 24 consecutive hours.

Service day. Any calendar day that the boiler has steam pressure above atmospheric pressure with fire in the firebox. In the case of a fireless steam locomotive, any calendar day that the boiler has steam pressure above atmospheric pressure.

Stayed portion of the boiler. That portion of the boiler designed to require support to retain internal pressure by the addition of strength members, such as staybolts, braces, diagonal stays, tubes, etc.

Steam locomotive. A self-propelled unit of equipment powered by steam that is either designed or used for moving other equipment. This includes a self-propelled unit designed or used to carry freight and/or passenger traffic.

Unstayed portion of the boiler. That portion of the boiler designed to be self-supported in retaining internal pressure without additional strength members such as staybolts, braces, diagonal stays, tubes, etc.

Wastage. A reduction in the thickness of a mechanical component, such as a pipe or sheet.

§ 230.9 - Information collection.

(a) [Reserved]

(b) The information collection requirements are found in the following sections: §§ 230.3, 230.12 through 230.21, 230.33, 230.34, 230.41, 230.46, 230.47, 230.75, 230.96, 230.98, and 230.116.

§ 230.10 - [Reserved]
§ 230.18 - Service days.

(a) Service day record. For every steam locomotive currently in service, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall have available, and be able to show an FRA inspector upon request, a current copy of the service day record that contains the number of service days the steam locomotive has accrued since the last 31, 92, Annual and 1472 service day inspections.

(b) Service day report. By the 31st of every January, every steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall file a service day report, FRA Form No. 5, with the Regional Administrator accounting for the days the steam locomotive was in service from January 1 through December 31st of the preceding year. If the steam locomotive was in service zero (0) days during that period, a report must still be filed to prevent the steam locomotive from being considered retired by FRA. (See appendix B of this part.)

(c) Retirement where no service day reports filed. Where the steam locomotive owner and/or operator does not file the required service day report for a steam locomotive, that steam locomotive may be considered retired by FRA. The steam locomotive owner and/or operator must complete all 1472 service day inspection items to return a retired steam locomotive to service.

§ 230.19 - Posting of FRA Form No. 1 and FRA Form No. 3.

(a) FRA Form No. 1. The steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall place a copy of the 31 and 92 service day inspection report (FRA Form No. 1), properly filled out, under transparent cover in a conspicuous place in the cab of the steam locomotive before the inspected boiler is put into service. This FRA Form No. 1 will not be required for the first 31 service days following an annual inspection and the posting of an FRA Form No. 3. (See appendix B of this part.)

(b) FRA Form No. 3. In addition to the FRA Form No. 1, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall also maintain in the cab a current copy of FRA Form No. 3 in the manner described in paragraph (a) of this section. (See appendix C of this part.)

§ 230.20 - Alteration and repair report for steam locomotive boilers.

(a) Alterations. When an alteration is made to a steam locomotive boiler, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall file an alteration report (FRA Form No. 19), detailing the changes to the locomotive with the FRA Regional Administrator within 30 days from the date the work was completed. This form shall be attached to, and maintained with, the FRA Form No. 4 until such time as a new FRA Form No. 4 reflecting the alteration is submitted to the Regional Administrator. Alteration reports shall be filed and maintained for the life of the boiler. (See appendix B of this part.)

(b) Welded and riveted repairs to unstayed portions of the boiler. Whenever welded or riveted repairs are performed on unstayed portions of a steam locomotive boiler, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall file with the FRA Regional Administrator, within 30 days from the time the work was completed, a repair report, FRA Form No. 19, that details the work done to the steam locomotive. Repair reports shall be filed and maintained for the life of the boiler. (See appendix B of this part.)

(c) Welded and riveted repairs to stayed portions of the boiler. Whenever welded or riveted repairs are performed on stayed portions of a steam locomotive boiler, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall complete a repair report (FRA Form No. 19), detailing the work done. Repair reports shall be maintained for the life of the boiler. (See appendix C of this part.)

§ 230.21 - Steam locomotive number change.

When a steam locomotive number is changed, the steam locomotive owner and/or operator must reflect the change in the upper right-hand corner of all documentation related to the steam locomotive by showing the old and new numbers:

Old No. 000

New No. XXX.

§ 230.22 - Accident reports.

In the case of an accident due to failure, from any cause, of a steam locomotive boiler or any part or appurtenance thereof, resulting in serious injury or death to one or more persons, the railroad on whose line the accident occurred shall immediately make a telephone report of the accident by calling the National Response Center (toll free) at Area Code 800-424-0201. The report shall state the nature of the accident, the number of persons killed or seriously injured, the place at which it occurred, and the location where the steam locomotive may be inspected. Confirmation of this report shall be immediately mailed to the Associate Administrator for Safety, Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, DC 20590, and contain a detailed report of the accident, including, to the extent known, the causes and a complete list of the casualties.

source: 64 FR 62865, Nov. 17, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 230.4