Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
Table of Contents

§ 230.68 - Speed indicators.

§ 230.66 - Design, construction, and maintenance.

§ 230.67 - Responsibility for inspection and repairs.


§ 230.69 - Ash pans.


§ 230.70 - Safe condition.

§ 230.71 - Orifice testing of compressors.

§ 230.72 - Testing main reservoirs.

§ 230.73 - Air gauges.

§ 230.74 - Time of cleaning.

§ 230.75 - Stenciling dates of tests and cleaning.

§ 230.76 - Piston travel.

§ 230.77 - Foundation brake gear.

§ 230.78 - Leakage.

§ 230.79 - Train signal system.


§ 230.80 - Cabs.

§ 230.81 - Cab aprons.

§ 230.82 - Fire doors.

§ 230.83 - Cylinder cocks.

§ 230.84 - Sanders.

§ 230.85 - Audible warning device.

§ 230.86 - Required illumination.

§ 230.87 - Cab lights.


§ 230.88 - Throttles.

§ 230.89 - Reverse gear.


§ 230.90 - Draw gear between steam locomotive and tender.

§ 230.91 - Chafing irons.

§ 230.92 - Draw gear and draft systems.


§ 230.93 - Pistons and piston rods.

§ 230.94 - Crossheads.

§ 230.95 - Guides.

§ 230.96 - Main, side, and valve motion rods.

§ 230.97 - Crank pins.


§ 230.98 - Driving, trailing, and engine truck axles.

§ 230.99 - Tender truck axles.

§ 230.100 - Defects in tender truck axles and journals.

§ 230.101 - Steam locomotive driving journal boxes.

§ 230.102 - Tender plain bearing journal boxes.

§ 230.103 - Tender roller bearing journal boxes.

§ 230.104 - Driving box shoes and wedges.

§ 230.105 - Lateral motion.


§ 230.106 - Steam locomotive frame.

§ 230.107 - Tender frame and body.

§ 230.108 - Steam locomotive leading and trailing trucks.

§ 230.109 - Tender trucks.

§ 230.110 - Pilots.

§ 230.111 - Spring rigging.


§ 230.112 - Wheels and tires.

§ 230.113 - Wheels and tire defects.

§ 230.114 - Wheel centers.


§ 230.115 - Feed water tanks.

§ 230.116 - Oil tanks.

§ 230.68 - Speed indicators.

Steam locomotives that operate at speeds in excess of 20 miles per hour over the general system of railroad transportation shall be equipped with speed indicators. Where equipped, speed indicators shall be maintained to ensure accurate functioning.

§ 230.66 - Design, construction, and maintenance.

The steam locomotive owner and operator are responsible for the general design, construction and maintenance of the steam locomotives and tenders under their control.

§ 230.67 - Responsibility for inspection and repairs.

The steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall inspect and repair all steam locomotives and tenders under their control. All defects disclosed by any inspection shall be repaired in accordance with accepted industry standards, which may include established railroad practices, before the steam locomotive or tender is returned to service. The steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall not return the steam locomotive or tender to service unless they are in good condition and safe and suitable for service.

§ 230.69 - Ash pans.

Ash pans shall be securely supported from mud-rings or frames with no part less than 2 1/2 inches above the rail. Their operating mechanism shall be so arranged that they may be safely operated and securely closed.

§ 230.70 - Safe condition.

(a) Pre-departure inspection. At the beginning of each day the locomotive is used, the steam locomotive operator shall ensure that:

(1) The brakes on the steam locomotive and tender are in safe and suitable condition for service;

(2) The air compressor or compressors are in condition to provide an ample supply of air for the locomotive service intended;

(3) The devices for regulating all pressures are properly performing their functions;

(4) The brake valves work properly in all positions; and

(5) The water has been drained from the air-brake system.

(b) Brake pipe valve required. Each steam locomotive shall have a brake pipe valve attached to the front of the tender, the rear of the back cab wall, or adjacent to the exit of a vestibuled cab. The words “Emergency Brake Valve” shall be clearly displayed near the valve.

§ 230.71 - Orifice testing of compressors.

(a) Frequency of testing. The compressor or compressors shall be tested for capacity by orifice test as often as conditions may require, but not less frequently than once every 92 service days.

(b) Orifice testing criteria. (1) Compressors in common use, as listed in the following table, shall have orifice test criteria as follows:

Make Compressor size Single strokes per minute Diameter of orifice
(in inches)
Air pressure maintained
(in pounds)
Westinghouse9 1/2120 11/6460
Westinghouse11100 3/1660
Westinghouse150 CFM 8 1/2 CC100 9/3260
Westinghouse120 CFM 8 1/2100 15/6460
New York2a120 5/3260
New York6a100 13/6460
New York5b100 15/6460

Note: This table shall be used for altitudes to and including 1,000 feet. For altitudes over 1,000 feet the speed of compressor may be increased 5 single strokes per minute for each 1,000 feet increase in altitude.

(2) For compressors not listed in the table in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the air pressure to be maintained shall be no less than 80 percent of the manufacturer's rated capacity for the compressor.

§ 230.72 - Testing main reservoirs.

(a) Hammer and hydrostatic testing. Except as described in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section, every main reservoir, except those cast integrally with the frame, shall be hammer and hydrostatically tested during each annual inspection. The reservoir shall be hammer tested while empty and with no pressure applied. If no defective areas are detected, a hydrostatic test of MAWP shall be applied.

(b) Drilling of main reservoirs. (1) Only welded main reservoir originally constructed to withstand at least five times the MAWP may be drilled over its entire surface with telltale holes that are 3/16 of an inch in diameter. The holes shall be spaced not more than 12 inches apart, measured both longitudinally and circumferentially, and drilled from the outer surface to an extreme depth determined by the following formula:

D = (.6PR/(S−.6P)) Where: D = Extreme depth of telltale holes in inches but in no case less than one-sixteenth inch; P = certified working pressure in psi; S = 1/5 of the minimum specified tensile strength of the material in psi; and R = inside radius of the reservoir in inches.

(2) One row of holes shall be drilled lengthwise of the reservoir on a line intersecting the drain opening. When main reservoirs are drilled as described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the hydrostatic and hammer tests described in paragraph (a) of this section are not required during the annual inspection. Whenever any telltale hole shall have penetrated the interior of any reservoir, the reservoir shall be permanently withdrawn from service.

(c) Welded main reservoirs without longitudinal lap seams. For welded main reservoirs that do not have longitudinal lap seams, an appropriate NDE method that can measure the wall thickness of the reservoir may be used instead of the hammer test and hydrostatic test required in paragraph (a) of this section. The spacing of the sampling points for wall thickness shall not be greater than 12 inches longitudinally and circumferentially. The reservoir shall permanently be withdrawn from service where the NDE testing reveals wall thickness less than the value determined by the following formula:

t = (PR/(S−.6P) Where: t = Minimum value for wall thickness; P = Certified working pressure in psi; S = 1/5 of the minimum specified tensile strength of the material in psi, or 10,000 psi if the tensile strength is unknown; and R = Inside radius of the reservoir in inches.

(d) Welded or riveted longitudinal lap seam main reservoirs. (1) For welded or riveted longitudinal lap seam main reservoirs, an appropriate NDE method that can measure wall thickness of the reservoir shall be used instead of, or in addition to, the hammer test and hydrostatic test. The spacing of the sampling points for wall thickness shall not be greater than 12 inches longitudinally and circumferentially. Particular care shall be taken to measure along the longitudinal seam on both plates at an interval of no more than 6 inches longitudinally. The reservoir shall be withdrawn permanently from service where NDE testing reveals wall thickness less than the value determined by the following formula:

t = (PR/(0.5S−0.6P)) Where: t = Minimum value for wall thickness; P = Certified working pressure in psi; S = 1/5 of the minimum specified tensile strength of the material in psi, or 10,000 psi if the tensile strength of steel is unknown; and R = Inside radius of the reservoir in inches.

(2) Repairs of reservoirs with reduced wall thickness are prohibited.

§ 230.73 - Air gauges.

(a) Location. Air gauges shall be so located that they may be conveniently read by the engineer from his or her usual position in the cab. No air gauge may be more than 3 psi in error.

(b) Frequency of testing. Air gauges shall be tested prior to reapplication following removal, as well as during the 92 service day inspection and whenever any irregularity is reported.

(c) Method of testing. Air gauges shall be tested using an accurate test gauge or dead weight tester designed for this purpose.

§ 230.74 - Time of cleaning.

All valves in the air brake system, including related dirt collectors and filters, shall be cleaned and tested in accordance with accepted brake equipment manufacturer's specifications, or as often as conditions require to maintain them in a safe and suitable condition for service, but not less frequently than after 368 service days or during the second annual inspection, whichever occurs first.

§ 230.75 - Stenciling dates of tests and cleaning.

The date of testing and cleaning and the initials of the shop or station at which the work is done, shall legibly be stenciled in a conspicuous place on the tested parts or placed on a card displayed under a transparent cover in the cab of the steam locomotive.

§ 230.76 - Piston travel.

(a) Minimum piston travel. The minimum piston travel shall be sufficient to provide proper brake shoe clearance when the brakes are released.

(b) Maximum piston travel. The maximum piston travel when steam locomotive is standing shall be as follows:

Type of wheel brake Maximum piston travel (in inches)
Cam Type Driving Wheel Brake3 1/2
Other forms of Driving Wheel Brake6
Engine Truck Brake8
Tender Brake9
§ 230.77 - Foundation brake gear.

(a) Maintenance. Foundation brake gear shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service. Levers, rods, brake beams, hangers, and pins shall be of ample strength, and shall not be fouled in any way which will affect the proper operation of the brake. All pins shall be properly secured in place with cotter pine, split keys, or nuts. Brake shoes must be properly applied and kept approximately in line with the tread of the wheel.

(b) Distance above the rails. No part of the foundation brake gear of the steam locomotive or tender shall be less than 2 1/2 inches above the rails.

§ 230.78 - Leakage.

(a) Main reservoirs and related piping. Leakage from main reservoir and related piping shall be tested at every 92 service day inspection and shall not exceed an average of 3 psi per minute in a test of 3 minutes duration that is made after the pressure has been reduced to 60 percent of the maximum operating pressure.

(b) Brake cylinders. Leakage from brake cylinders shall be tested at every 92 service day inspection. With a full service application from maximum brake pipe pressure, and with communication to the brake cylinders closed, the brakes on the steam locomotive and tender must remain applied for a minimum of 5 minutes.

(c) Brake pipes. Steam locomotive brake pipe leakage shall be tested at the beginning of each day the locomotive is used, and shall not exceed 5 psi per minute.

§ 230.79 - Train signal system.

Where utilized, the train signal system, or any other form of on-board communication, shall be tested and known to be in safe and suitable condition for service at the beginning of each day the locomotive is used.

§ 230.80 - Cabs.

(a) General provisions. Cabs shall be securely attached or braced and maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service. Cab windows of steam locomotives shall provide an undistorted view of the track and signals for the crew from their normal position in the cab. Cab floors shall be kept free of tripping or slipping hazards. The cab climate shall be maintained to provide an environment that does not unreasonably interfere with the engine crew's performance of their duties under ordinary conditions of service.

(b) Steam pipes. Steam pipes shall not be fastened to the cab. New construction or renewals made of iron or steel pipe greater than 1/8 inch NPS that are subject to boiler pressure in cabs shall have a minimum wall thickness equivalent to schedule 80 pipe, with properly rated valves and fittings. Live steam heating radiators must not be fastened to the cab. Exhaust steam radiators may be fastened to the cab.

(c) Oil-burning steam locomotives. If the cab is enclosed, oil burning steam locomotives that take air for combustion through the fire-door opening shall have a suitable conduit extending from the fire-door to the outside of the cab.

§ 230.81 - Cab aprons.

(a) General provisions. Cab aprons shall be of proper length and width to ensure safety. Cab aprons shall be securely hinged, maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service, and roughened, or other provision made, to afford secure footing.

(b) Width of apron. The cab apron shall be of a sufficient width to prevent, when the drawbar is disconnected and the safety chains or the safety bars are taut, the apron from dropping between the steam locomotive and tender.

§ 230.82 - Fire doors.

(a) General provisions. Each steam locomotive shall have a fire door which shall latch securely when closed and which shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service. Fire doors on all oil-burning locomotives shall be latched securely with a pin or key.

(b) Mechanically operated fire doors. Mechanically operated fire doors shall be so constructed and maintained that they may be operated by pressure of the foot on a pedal, or other suitable appliance, located on the floor of the cab or tender at a suitable distance from the fire door, so that they may be conveniently operated by the person firing the steam locomotive.

(c) Hand-operated doors. Hand operated fire doors shall be so constructed and maintained that they may be conveniently operated by the person firing the steam locomotive.

§ 230.83 - Cylinder cocks.

Each steam locomotive shall be equipped with cylinder cocks which can be operated from the cab of the steam locomotive. All cylinder cocks shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service.

§ 230.84 - Sanders.

Steam locomotives shall be equipped with operable sanders that deposit sand on the rail head in front of a set of driving wheels. Sanders shall be tested at the beginning of each day the locomotive is used.

§ 230.85 - Audible warning device.

(a) General provisions. Each steam locomotive shall be equipped with an audible warning device that produces a minimum sound level of 96db(A) at 100 feet in front of the steam locomotive in its direction of travel. The device shall be arranged so that it may conveniently be operated by the engineer from his or her normal position in the cab.

(b) Method of measurement. Measurement of the sound level shall be made using a sound level meter conforming, at a minimum, to the requirements of ANSI S1.4-1971, Type 2, and set to an A-weighted slow response. While the steam locomotive is on level, tangent track, the microphone shall be positioned 4 feet above the ground at the center line of the track and shall be oriented with respect to the sound source in accordance with the microphone manufacturer's recommendations.

§ 230.86 - Required illumination.

(a) General provisions. Each steam locomotive used between sunset and sunrise shall be equipped with an operable headlight that provides illumination sufficient for a steam locomotive engineer in the cab to see, in a clear atmosphere, a dark object as large as a man of average size standing at least 800 feet ahead and in front of such headlight. If a steam locomotive is regularly required to run backward for any portion of its trip other than to pick up a detached portion of its train or to make terminal movements, it shall also be equipped on its rear end with an operable headlight that is capable of providing the illumination described in this paragraph (a).

(b) Dimming device. Such headlights shall be provided with a device whereby the light from same may be diminished in yards and at stations or when meeting trains.

(c) Where multiple locomotives utilized. When two or more locomotives are used in the same train, the leading locomotive only will be required to display a headlight.

§ 230.87 - Cab lights.

Each steam locomotive shall have cab lights that sufficiently illuminate the control instruments, meters and gauges to allow the engine crew to make accurate readings from their usual and proper positions in the cab. These lights shall be so located and constructed that the light will shine only on those parts requiring illumination and does not interfere with the engine crew's vision of the track and signals. Each steam locomotive shall also have a conveniently located additional lamp that can be readily turned on and off by the persons operating the steam locomotive and that provides sufficient illumination to read train orders and timetables.

§ 230.88 - Throttles.

Throttles shall be maintained in safe and suitable condition for service, and efficient means shall be provided to hold the throttle lever in any desired position.

§ 230.89 - Reverse gear.

(a) General provisions. Reverse gear, reverse levers, and quadrants shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service. Reverse lever latch shall be so arranged that it can be easily disengaged, and provided with a spring which will keep it firmly seated in quadrant. Proper counterbalance shall be provided for the valve gear.

(b) Air-operated power reverse gear. Steam locomotives that are equipped with air operated power reverse gear shall be equipped with a connection whereby such gear may be operated by steam or by an auxiliary supply of air in case of failure of the main reservoir air pressure. The operating valve handle for such connection shall be conveniently located in the cab of the locomotive and shall be plainly marked. If an independent air reservoir is used as the source of the auxiliary supply for the reverse gear, it shall be provided with means to automatically prevent loss of pressure in event of failure of the main reservoir air pressure.

(c) Power reverse gear reservoirs. Power reverse gear reservoirs, if provided, must be equipped with the means to automatically prevent the loss of pressure in the event of a failure of main air pressure and have storage capacity for not less than one complete operating cycle of control equipment.

§ 230.90 - Draw gear between steam locomotive and tender.

(a) Maintenance and testing. The draw gear between the steam locomotive and tender, together with the pins and fastenings, shall be maintained in safe and suitable condition for service. The pins and drawbar shall be removed and tested for defects using an appropriate NDE method at every annual inspection. Where visual inspection does not disclose any defects, an additional NDE testing method shall be employed. Suitable means for securing the drawbar pins in place shall be provided. Inverted drawbar pins shall be held in place by plate or stirrup.

(b) Safety bars and chains generally. One or more safety bar(s) or two or more safety chains shall be provided between the steam locomotive and tender. The combined strength of the safety chains or safety bar(s) and their fastenings shall be not less than 50 percent of the strength of the drawbar and its connections. These shall be maintained in safe and suitable condition for service, and inspected at the same time draw gear is inspected.

(c) Minimum length of safety chains or bars. Safety chains or safety bar(s) shall be of the minimum length consistent with the curvature of the railroad on which the steam locomotive is operated.

(d) Lost motion. Lost motion between steam locomotives and tenders not equipped with spring buffers shall be kept to a minimum and shall not exceed 1/2 inch.

(e) Spring buffers. When spring buffers are used between steam locomotives and tenders the spring shall be applied with not less than 3/4 inch compression, and shall at all times be under sufficient compression to keep the chafing faces in contact.

§ 230.91 - Chafing irons.

Chafing irons that permit proper curving shall be securely attached to the steam locomotive and tender, and shall be maintained to permit lateral and vertical movement.

§ 230.92 - Draw gear and draft systems.

Couplers, draft gear and attachments on steam locomotives and tenders shall be securely fastened, and maintained in safe and suitable condition for service.

§ 230.93 - Pistons and piston rods.

(a) Maintenance and testing. Pistons and piston rods shall be maintained in safe and suitable condition for service. Piston rods shall be inspected for cracks each time they are removed, and shall be renewed if found defective.

(b) Fasteners. Fasteners (keys, nuts, etc.) shall be kept tight and shall have some means to prevent them from loosening or falling out of place.

§ 230.94 - Crossheads.

Crossheads shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service, with not more than 1/4 inch vertical or 5/16 inch lateral clearance between crossheads and guides.

§ 230.95 - Guides.

Guides shall be securely fastened and maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service.

§ 230.96 - Main, side, and valve motion rods.

(a) General. Main, side or valve motion rods developing cracks or becoming otherwise defective shall be removed from service immediately and repaired or renewed.

(b) Repairs. Repairs, and welding of main, side or valve motion rods shall be made in accordance with an accepted national standard. The steam locomotive owner and/or operator shall submit a written request for approval to the FRA Regional Administrator prior to welding defective main rods, side rods, and valve gear components.

(c) Bearings and bushings. Bearings and bushings shall so fit the rods as to be in a safe and suitable condition for service, and means shall be provided to prevent bushings from turning in the rod. Straps shall fit and be securely bolted to rods. Floating bushings need not be provided with means to prevent bushings from turning.

(d) Side motion of rods. The total amount of side motion of each rod on its crank pin shall not exceed 1/4 inch.

(e) Oil and grease cups. Oil and grease cups shall be securely attached to rods, and grease cup plugs shall be equipped with a suitable fastening that will prevent them from being ejected.

(f) Main rod bearings. The bore of main rod bearings shall not exceed pin diameters more than 3/32 inch at front or back end. The total lost motion at both ends shall not exceed 5/32 inch.

(g) Side rod bearings. The bore of side rod bearings shall not exceed pin diameters more than 5/32 inch on main pin nor more than 3/16 inch on other pins.

§ 230.97 - Crank pins.

(a) General provisions. Crank pins shall be securely applied. Securing the fit of a loose crank pin by shimming, prick punching, or welding is not permitted.

(b) Maintenance. Crank pin collars and collar fasteners shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service.

§ 230.98 - Driving, trailing, and engine truck axles.

(a) Condemning defects. Driving, trailing, and engine truck axles with any of the following defects shall be removed from service immediately and repaired (see appendix A of this part for inspection requirements):

(1) Bent axle;

(2) Cut journals that cannot be made to run cool without turning;

(3) Transverse seams in iron or steel axles;

(4) Seams in axles causing journals to run hot;

(5) Axles that are unsafe on account of usage, accident or derailment;

(6) Any axle worn 1/2 inch or more in diameter below the original/new journal diameter, except as provided in paragraph (a)(7) of this section;

(7) Any driving axles other than main driving axles with an original or new diameter greater than 6 inches that are worn 3/4 inch or more in diameter below the original/new diameter.

(b) Journal diameter stamped. For steam locomotives with plain bearings, the original/new journal diameter shall be stamped on one end of the axle no later than January 18, 2005.

§ 230.99 - Tender truck axles.

The minimum diameters of axles for various axle loads shall be as follows:

Axle load (in pounds) Minimum
diameter of journal
(in inches)
diameter of wheel seat
(in inches)
diameter of center
(in inches)
500005 1/27 3/86 7/16
380005 6 3/45 7/8
310004 1/26 1/45 5/16
220003 3/45 4 3/8
150003 1/44 5/83 7/8
§ 230.100 - Defects in tender truck axles and journals.

(a) Tender truck axle condemning defects. Tender truck axles with any of the following defects shall be removed from service immediately and repaired:

(1) Axles that are bent;

(2) Collars that are broken, cracked, or worn to 1/4 inch or less in thickness;

(3) Truck axles that are unsafe on account of usage, accident, or derailment;

(4) A fillet in the back shoulder that is worn out; or

(5) A gouge between the wheel seats that is more than 1/8 of an inch in depth.

(b) Tender truck journal condemning defects. Tender truck journals with any of the following defects shall be removed from service immediately and repaired :

(1) Cut journals that cannot be made to run cool without turning;

(2) Seams in axles causing journals to run hot;

(3) Overheating, as evidenced by pronounced blue black discoloration;

(4) Transverse seams in journals of iron or steel axles; or

(5) Journal surfaces having any of the following:

(i) A circumferential score;

(ii) Corrugation;

(iii) Pitting;

(iv) Rust;

(v) Etching.

§ 230.101 - Steam locomotive driving journal boxes.

(a) Driving journal boxes. Driving journal boxes shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service. Not more than one shim may be used between the box and bearing.

(b) Broken bearings. Broken bearings shall be renewed.

(c) Loose bearings. Loose bearings shall be repaired or renewed.

§ 230.102 - Tender plain bearing journal boxes.

Plain bearing journal boxes with the following defects shall be removed from service immediately and repaired:

(a) A box that does not contain visible free oil;

(b) A box lid that is missing, broken, or open except to receive servicing;

(c) A box containing foreign matter, such as dirt, sand, or coal dust that can reasonably be expected to damage the bearing; or have a detrimental effect on the lubrication of the journal and bearing;

(d) A lubricating pad that:

(1) Is missing;

(2) Is not in contact with the journal;

(3) Has a tear extending half the length or width of the pad, or more, except by design;

(4) Shows evidence of having been scorched, burned, or glazed;

(5) Contains decaying or deteriorated fabric that impairs proper lubrication of the pad;

(6) Has an exposed center core (except by design); or

(7) Has metal parts contacting the journal;

(e) A plain bearing that:

(1) Is missing, cracked, broken;

(2) Has a bearing liner loose;

(3) Has a broken out piece; or

(4) Has indications of having been overheated, as evidenced by:

(i) Melted babbitt:

(ii) Smoke from hot oil; or

(iii) Journal surface damage; or

(f) A plain bearing wedge that:

(1) Is missing, cracked or broken; or

(2) Is not located in its design position.

§ 230.103 - Tender roller bearing journal boxes.

Tender roller bearing journal boxes shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition.

§ 230.104 - Driving box shoes and wedges.

Driving box shoes and wedges shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service.

§ 230.105 - Lateral motion.

(a) Condemning limits. The total lateral motion or play between the hubs of the wheels and the boxes on any pair of wheels shall not exceed the following limits:

Engine truck wheels (with swing centers)1
Engine truck wheels (with rigid centers)1 1/2
Trailing truck wheels1
Driving wheels 3/4

(b) Limits increased. These limits may be increased on steam locomotives operating on track where the curvature exceeds 20 degrees when it can be shown that conditions require additional lateral motion.

(c) Non-interference with other parts. The lateral motion shall in all cases be kept within such limits that the driving wheels, rods, or crank pins will not interfere with other parts of the steam locomotive.

§ 230.106 - Steam locomotive frame.

(a) Maintenance and inspection. Frames, decks, plates, tailpieces, pedestals, and braces shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service, and shall be cleaned and thoroughly inspected as often as necessary to maintain in a safe and suitable condition for service with cleaning intervals, in any case, not to exceed every 1472 service days.

(b) Broken frames. Broken frames properly patched or secured by clamps or other suitable means which restores the rigidity of the frame are permitted.

§ 230.107 - Tender frame and body.

(a) Maintenance. Tender frames shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service.

(b) Height difference. The difference in height between the deck on the tender and the cab floor or deck on the steam locomotive shall not exceed 1 1/2 inches.

(c) Gangway minimum width. The minimum width of the gangway between steam locomotive and tender, while standing on tangent track, shall be 16 inches.

(d) Tender frame condemning defects. A tender frame with any of the following defects shall be removed from service immediately and repaired:

(1) Portions of the tender frame or body (except wheels) that have less than a 2 1/2 inches clearance from the top of rail;

(2) Tender center sill that is broken, cracked more than 6 inches, or permanently bent or buckled more than 2 1/2 inches in any six foot length;

(3) Tender coupler carrier that is broken or missing;

(4) Tender center plate, any portion of which is missing or broken or that is not properly secured; or

(5) Tender that has a broken side sill, crossbearer, or body bolster.

§ 230.108 - Steam locomotive leading and trailing trucks.

(a) Maintenance. Trucks shall be maintained in safe and suitable condition for service. Center plates shall fit properly, and the male center plate shall extend into the female center plate not less than 3/4 inch. All centering devices shall be properly maintained and shall not permit lost motion in excess of 1/2 inch.

(b) Safety chain required. A suitable safety chain shall be provided at each front corner of all four wheel engine trucks.

(c) Clearance required. All parts of trucks shall have sufficient clearance to prevent them from interfering with any other part of the steam locomotive.

§ 230.109 - Tender trucks.

(a) Tender truck frames. A tender truck frame shall not be broken, or have a crack in a stress area that affects its structural integrity. Tender truck center plates shall be securely fastened, maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service, and provided with a center pin properly secured. The male center plate must extend into the female center plate at least 3/4 inch. Shims may be used between truck center plates.

(b) Tender truck bolsters. Truck bolsters shall be maintained approximately level.

(c) Condemning defects for springs or spring rigging. Springs or spring rigging with any of the following defects shall be taken out of service immediately and renewed or properly repaired:

(1) An elliptical spring with its top (long) leaf or any other five leaves in the entire spring pack broken;

(2) A broken coil spring or saddle;

(3) A coil spring that is fully compressed;

(4) A broken or cracked equalizer, hanger, bolt, gib or pin;

(5) A broken coil spring saddle; and

(6) A semi-elliptical spring with a top (long) leaf broken or two leaves in the top half broken, or any three leaves in the entire spring broken.

(d) Tender securing arrangement. Where equipped, tender devices and/or securing arrangements intended to prevent the truck and tender body from separating in case of derailment shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service.

(e) Side bearings and truck centering devices. Where equipped, side bearings and truck centering devices shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service.

(f) Friction side bearings. Friction side bearings shall not be run in contact, and shall not be considered to be in contact if there is clearance between them on either side when measured on tangent level track.

(g) Side bearings. All rear trucks shall be equipped with side bearings. When the spread of side bearings is 50 inches, their maximum clearance shall be 3/8 inch on each side for rear trucks and 3/4 inch on each side for front trucks, where used. When the spread of the side bearings is increased, the maximum clearance shall be increased proportionately.

§ 230.110 - Pilots.

(a) General provisions. Pilots shall be securely attached, properly braced, and maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service.

(b) Minimum and maximum clearance. The minimum clearance of pilot above the rail shall be 3 inches and the maximum clearance shall be 6 inches measured on tangent level track.

§ 230.111 - Spring rigging.

(a) Arrangement of springs and equalizers. Springs and equalizers shall be arranged to ensure the proper distribution of weight to the various wheels of the steam locomotive, maintained approximately level and in a safe and suitable condition for service. Adjusting weights by shifting weights from one pair of wheels to another is permissible.

(b) Spring or spring rigging condemning defects. Springs or spring rigging with any of the following defects shall be removed from service immediately and renewed or properly repaired:

(1) Top leaf broken or two leaves in top half or any three leaves in spring broken. (The long side of a spring to be considered the top.) Broken springs not exceeding these requirements may be repaired by applying clips providing the clips can be made to remain in place;

(2) Any spring with leaves excessively shifting in the band;

(3) Broken coil springs; or

(4) Broken driving box saddle, equalizer, hanger, bolt, or pin.

§ 230.112 - Wheels and tires.

(a) Mounting. Wheels shall be securely mounted on axles. Prick punching or shimming the wheel fit will not be permitted. The diameter of wheels on the same axle shall not vary more than 3/32 inch.

(b) Gage. Wheels used on standard gage track will be out of gage if the inside gage of flanges, measured on base line is less than 53 inches or more than 53 3/8 inches. Wheels used on less than standard gage track will be out of gage if the inside gage of flanges, measured on base line, is less than the relevant track gage less 3 1/2 inches or more than the relevant track gage less 3 1/8 inches.

(c) Flange distance variance. The distance back to back of flanges of wheels mounted on the same axle shall not vary more than 1/4 inch.

(d) Tire thickness. Wheels may not have tires with a minimum thickness less than that indicated in the table in this paragraph (d). When retaining rings are used, measurements of tires to be taken from the outside circumference of the ring, and the minimum thickness of tires may be as much below the limits specified earlier in this paragraph (d) as the tires extend between the retaining rings, provided it does not reduce the thickness of the tire to less than 1 1/8 inches from the throat of flange to the counterbore for the retaining rings. The required minimum thickness for tires, by wheel center diameter and weight per axle, is as follows:

Weight per axle (weight on drivers divided by number of pairs of driving wheels) Diameter of wheel center (inches) Minimum thickness (inches)
30,000 pounds and under44 and under1 1/4
Over 44 to 501 5/16
Over 50 to 561 3/8
Over 56 to 621 7/16
Over 62 to 681 1/2
Over 68 to 741 9/16
Over 741 5/8
Over 30,000 to 35,000 pounds44 and under1 5/16
Over 44 to 501 3/8
Over 50 to 561 7/16
Over 56 to 621 1/2
Over 62 to 681 9/16
Over 68 to 741 5/8
Over 741 11/16
Over 35,000 to 40,000 pounds44 and under1 3/8
Over 44 to 501 7/16
Over 50 to 561 1/2
Over 56 to 621 9/16
Over 62 to 681 5/8
Over 68 to 741 11/16
Over 741 3/4
Over 40,000 to 45,000 pounds44 and under1 7/16
Over 44 to 501 1/2
Over 50 to 561 9/16
Over 56 to 621 5/8
Over 62 to 681 11/16
Over 68 to 741 3/4
Over 741 13/16
Over 45,000 to 50,000 pounds44 and under1 1/2
Over 44 to 501 9/16
Over 50 to 561 5/8
Over 56 to 621 11/16
Over 62 to 681 3/4
Over 68 to 741 13/16
Over 741 7/8
Over 50,000 to 55,000 pounds44 and under1 9/16
Over 44 to 501 5/8
Over 50 to 561 11/16
Over 56 to 621 3/4
Over 62 to 681 13/16
Over 68 to 741 7/8
Over 741 15/16
Over 55,000 pounds44 and under1 5/8
Over 44 to 501 11/16
Over 50 to 561 3/4
Over 56 to 621 13/16
Over 62 to 681 7/8
Over 68 to 741 15/16
Over 742

(e) Tire width. Flanged tires shall be no less than 5 1/2 inches wide for standard gage and no less than 5 inches wide for narrow gage. Plain tires shall be no less than 6 inches wide for standard gage and no less than 5 1/2 inches wide for narrow gage.

§ 230.113 - Wheels and tire defects.

Steam locomotive and tender wheels or tires developing any of the defects listed in this section shall be removed from service immediately and repaired. Except as provided in § 230.114, welding on wheels and tires is prohibited. A wheel that has been welded is a welded wheel for the life of the wheel.

(a) Cracks or breaks. Wheels and tires may not have a crack or break in the flange, tread, rim, plate, hub or brackets.

(b) Flat spots. Wheels and tires may not have a single flat spot that is 2 1/2 inches or more in length, or two adjoining spots that are each two or more inches in length.

(c) Chipped flange. Wheels and tires may not have a gouge or chip in the flange that is more than 1 1/2 inches in length and 1/2 inch in width.

(d) Broken rims. Wheels and tires may not have a circumferentially broken rim if the tread, measured from the flange at a point 5/8 inch above the tread, is less than 3 3/4 inches in width.

(e) Shelled-out spots. Wheels and tires may not have a shelled-out spot 2 1/2 inches or more in length, or two adjoining spots that are each two or more inches in length, or so numerous as to endanger the safety of the wheel.

(f) Seams. Wheels and tires may not have a seam running lengthwise that is within 3 3/4 inches of the flange.

(g) Worn flanges. Wheels and tires may not have a flange worn to a 15/16 inch thickness or less, as measured at a point 3/8 inch above the tread.

(h) Worn treads. Wheels and tires may not have a tread worn hollow 5/16 inch or more.

(i) Flange height. Wheels and tires may not have a flange height of less than 1 inch nor more than 1 1/2 inches, as measured from the tread to the top of the flange.

(j) Rim thickness. Wheels may not have rims less than 1 inch thick.

(k) Wheel diameter. Wheels may not have wheel diameter variance, for wheels on the same axle or in the same driving wheel base, greater than 3/32 inch, when all tires are turned or new tires applied to driving and trailing wheels. When a single tire is applied, the diameter must not vary more than 3/32 inch from that of the opposite wheel on the same axle. When a single pair of tires is applied the diameter must be within 3/32 inch of the average diameter of the wheels in the driving wheel base to which they are applied.

§ 230.114 - Wheel centers.

(a) Filling blocks and shims. Driving and trailing wheel centers with divided rims shall be properly fitted with iron or steel filling blocks before the tires are applied, and such filling blocks shall be properly maintained. When shims are inserted between the tire and the wheel center, not more than two thicknesses of shims may be used, one of which must extend entirely around the wheel. The shim which extends entirely around the wheel may be in three or four pieces, providing they do not lap.

(b) Wheel center condemning defects. Wheel centers with any of the following defects shall be removed from service immediately and repaired:

(1) Wheels centers loose on axle;

(2) Broken or defective tire fastenings;

(3) Broken or cracked hubs, plates, bolts or spokes, except as provided in paragraph (b)(4) of this section; or

(4) Driving or trailing wheel center with three adjacent spokes or 25 percent or more of the spokes in the wheel broken.

(c) Wheel center repairs. Wheel centers may be repaired by welding or brazing provided that the defect can properly be so repaired and, following the repair, the crankpin and axle shall remain tight in the wheel. Banding of the hub is permitted.

(d) Counterbalance maintenance. Wheel counterbalances shall be maintained in a safe and suitable condition for service.

§ 230.115 - Feed water tanks.

(a) General provisions. Tanks shall be maintained free from leaks, and in safe and suitable condition for service. Suitable screens must be provided for tank wells or tank hose and shall be maintained in a manner that allows the unobstructed flow of water. Feed water tanks shall be equipped with a device that permits the measurement of the quantity of water in the tender feed water tank from the cab or tender deck of the steam locomotive. Such device shall be properly maintained.

(b) Inspection frequency. As often as conditions warrant but not less frequently than every 92 service days, the interior of the tank shall be inspected, and cleaned if necessary.

(c) Top of tender. Top of tender behind fuel space shall be kept clean, and means provided to carry off excess water. Suitable covers shall be provided for filling holes.

§ 230.116 - Oil tanks.

The oil tanks on oil burning steam locomotives shall be maintained free from leaks. The oil supply pipe shall be equipped with a safety cut-off device that:

(a) Is located adjacent to the fuel supply tank or in another safe location;

(b) Closes automatically when tripped and that can be reset without hazard; and

(c) Can be hand operated from clearly marked locations, one inside the cab and one accessible from the ground on each exterior side of the steam locomotive.

source: 64 FR 62865, Nov. 17, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 230.68