Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 260.21 - Eligibility.

The Administrator may make a direct loan to an Applicant, or guarantee the payment of the principal balance and any interest of an obligation of an Applicant prior to, on, or after the date of execution or the date of disbursement of such obligation, if the proceeds of such direct loan or obligation shall be, or have been, used by the Applicant for the eligible purposes listed in § 260.5(a)(1), (2), and (3).

§ 260.23 - Form and content of application generally.

Each application shall include, in the order indicated and identified by applicable paragraph numbers and letters corresponding to those used in this section, the following information:

(a) Full and correct name and principal business address of the Applicant;

(b) Date of Applicant's incorporation, or organization if not a corporation, and name of the government, State or territory under the laws of which it was incorporated or organized. If Applicant is a partnership, association, or other form of organization other than a corporation, a full description of the organization should be furnished;

(c) Name, title, and address of the person to whom correspondence regarding the application should be addressed.

(d) A statement of whether the project involves another railroad or other participant, through joint execution, coordination, or otherwise; if so, description of the relative participation of Applicant and such other railroad or participant, including financial statements (if applicable) and financing arrangements of each participant, portion of the work to be performed by each participant, and anticipated level of usage of the equipment or facility of each participant when the work is completed, along with a statement by a responsible officer or official of the other railroad or participant that the information provided reflects their agreement on these matters;

(e) A detailed description of the amount and timing of the financial assistance that is being requested and its purpose or purposes, including:

(1) Detailed description of the project and its purpose or purposes;

(2) A description of all facilities or equipment and the physical condition of such facilities or equipment included in or directly affected by the proposed project;

(3) Each part or sub-part into which the project may reasonably be divided and the priority and schedule of expenditure for each part or sub-part; and

(4) Proposed dates of commencement and completion of the project and estimated timing of the expenditure of the proceeds of the obligation;

(5) A map of Applicant's existing railroad with location of project indicated, if appropriate.

(f) A listing and description of the collateral to be offered the Administrator in connection with any financial assistance provided; Applicant's opinion of the value of this security and the basis for such opinion; in the case of leased equipment to be rehabilitated or improved with the proceeds of the obligation proposed to be guaranteed, Applicant shall state, in addition to the above, whether the lease provides for, or the lessor will permit, encumbrance of the leasehold or subordination of the lessor's interest in the equipment to the Administrator;

(g) A statement, in summary form, showing financial obligations to or claims against the United States or obligations for which the United States is guarantor, if any, by Applicant or any affiliated corporate entity of the Applicant or the Applicant's parent as of the date of the application, including:

(1) Status of any claims under litigation; and

(2) Any other debits or credits existing between the Applicant and the United States, showing the department or agency involved in such loans, claims and other debts;

(h) To the extent such information is available, an analysis that includes:

(1) A statement, together with supporting evidence including copies of all market analyses and studies that have been performed to determine present and future demand for rail services or facilities, that the financing is justified by present and future probable demand for rail services or facilities, will meet existing needs for such services or facilities, and will provide shippers or passengers with improved service;

(2) Description of the impact of the project upon the projected freight or passenger traffic to be originated, terminated, or carried by the Applicant for at least the five years immediately following completion of the project;

(3) Explanation of the manner in which the project will increase the economical and efficient utilization of equipment and facilities; and

(4) Description of cost savings or any other benefit which would accrue to the Applicant from the project;

(i) A statement as to how the project will contribute to, or enhance, the safe operation of the railroad, considering such factors as the occupational safety and health of the employees and the improvement of the physical and other conditions that have caused or may cause serious injury or loss of life to the public or significant property damage;

(j) A statement of the Applicant's maintenance program for its entire rail system and planned maintenance program for the equipment or facilities financed by the proceeds of the financial assistance;

(k) A certified statement in the form contained in § 260.31(d) that Applicant will pay to the Administrator, in accordance with § 260.11, the investigation charge with respect to the application.

(l) Information relevant to the potential environmental impacts of the project in the context of applicable Federal laws;

(m) Any additional information that the Applicant deems appropriate to convey a full and complete understanding of the project, the project's relations to the priorities listed in § 260.7, and its impact, or to assist the Administrator in making the statutorily prescribed findings; and

(n) Any other information which the Administrator may deem necessary concerning an application filed under this part.

(o) Railroad applicants must also submit a copy of application for financing for the project in the private sector, including terms requested, from at least one commercial lender, and its response refusing to provide such financing.

§ 260.25 - Additional information for Applicants not having a credit rating.

Each application submitted by Applicants not having a recent credit rating from one or more nationally recognized rating agencies shall include, in the order indicated and identified by applicable numbers and letters corresponding to those used in this section, the following information:

(a) A narrative statement detailing management's business plan to enhance Applicant's ability to provide rail services including a discussion of the following:

(1) Applicant's current and prospective traffic base, including by commodity and geographic region, major markets served, major interchange points, and market development plans;

(2) Applicant's current operating patterns, and plans, if any, to enhance its ability to serve its current and prospective traffic base;

(3) System-wide plans to maintain equipment and rights-of-way at current or improved levels; and

(4) Specific plans for rationalization of marginal or uneconomic services;

(b) Detailed financial information, including:

(1) Financial statements prepared by a Certified Public Accountant (audited, if available), for the four calendar years immediately preceding the date of filing of the application, including:

(i) A copy of Applicant's most recent year-end general balance sheet and a copy of Applicant's most recent unaudited general balance sheet; and

(ii) Applicant's most recent annual income statement and a spread sheet showing unaudited monthly and year-to-date income statement data up to the date the application is filed;

(2) Projected financial statements, including spread sheets showing for each of the four years subsequent to the year in which the application is filed, both before and after giving effect to the proceeds of the assistance requested in the application:

(i) Forecasted annual income statement;

(ii) Forecasted year-end balance sheets. These spread sheets shall be accompanied by a statement setting forth the bases for such forecasts; and

(iii) A spread sheet showing changes in financial position for the year in which the application is filed, including the period ending on the date of the application based upon actual data and the period from the date of the application to the end of the year, based upon estimated and forecasted data;

(c) Capital spending plans for the next five years;

(d) Cash flow projections;

(e) Contingency plans for termination of the project before completion, if necessary; and

(f) A narrative description of Applicant's management team, including:

(1) Rail experience of top management;

(2) Management's plans for achieving growth and its long-term capital spending plan; and

(3) A narrative description of Applicant's workforce and the historical rate of employee turnover.

§ 260.27 - Additional information for loan guarantees.

Applications for a loan guarantee shall also include in the order indicated and identified by applicable numbers and letters corresponding to those used in this section, the following information:

(a) With respect to each existing obligation to be refinanced or proposed obligation:

(1) A certified copy of proposed or executed obligation agreements;

(2) A detailed description of the obligation, and a description of the series or issue of which the obligation is, or will be, a part, including:

(i) Effective date, or anticipated effective date;

(ii) Where a guarantee is sought for an outstanding obligation being refinanced, actual effective rate of interest; or where the obligation is new, the terms of the proposed obligation including the proposed effective rate of interest; and

(iii) All related documents, whether executed or proposed;

(3) For an existing obligation, the Applicant's payment history on that obligation; and

(b) With respect to each existing Lender, Holder, or prospective Lender, a statement as to:

(1) Full and correct name and principal business address;

(2) Reference to applicable provisions of law and the charter or other governing instruments conferring authority to do business on the Lender, Holder, or prospective Lender;

(3) Brief statement of the circumstances and negotiations leading to the agreement by the Lender, Holder, or prospective Lender to make the loan;

(4) Brief statement of the nature and extent of any affiliation or business relationship between the Lender, Holder, or prospective Lender and the Applicant or any of Applicant's directors, partners, or principal executive officers; and.

(5) Full and complete statement of all sums to be provided by the Lender or Holder, or to be provided by the prospective Lender in connection with the proposed obligation including:

(i) Name and address of each person to whom the payment has been made or will be made and nature of any affiliation, association, or prior business relationship between any person named in this paragraph and the Lender, Holder or prospective Lender or any of its directors, partners, or officers; and

(ii) Amount of the cash payment, or the nature and value of other consideration.

§ 260.29 - Third party consultants.

Applicants may utilize independent third-party consultants to prepare a financial evaluation of the proposed project and the applicant, if approved by FRA. Providing such an evaluation would greatly assist FRA in the evaluation of the application and would significantly reduce the time necessary for FRA to process the application. We encourage the use of third party consultants.

§ 260.31 - Execution and filing of the application.

(a) The original application shall bear the date of execution, be signed in ink by or on behalf of the Applicant, and shall bear the corporate seal in the case of an Applicant which is a corporation. Execution shall be by all partners if a partnership, unless satisfactory evidence is furnished of the authority of a partner to bind the partnership, or if a corporation, an association or other similar form of organization, by its president or other executive officer having knowledge of the matters therein set forth. Persons signing the application on behalf of the Applicant shall also sign a certificate in form as follows:

(Name of official) certifies that he or she is the (Title of official) of the (Name of Applicant); that he or she is authorized on the part of the Applicant to sign and file with the Administrator this application and exhibits attached thereto; that the consent of all parties whose consent is required, by law or by binding commitment of the Applicant, in order to make this application has been given; that he or she has carefully examined all of the statements contained in such application and the exhibits attached thereto and made a part thereof relating to the aforesaid (Name of Applicant); that he or she has knowledge of the matters set forth therein and that all such statements made and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge, information, and belief; and that Applicant will pay the balance of the investigation charge in accordance with § 260.11.

(Signature of official) (Date)

(b) There shall be made a part of the original application the following certificate by the Chief Financial Officer or equivalent officer of the Applicant:

(Name of officer) certifies that he or she is (Title of officer) of (Name of Applicant); that he or she has supervision over the books of accounts and other financial records of the affected Applicant and has control over the manner in which they are kept; that such accounts are maintained in good faith in accordance with the effective accounting practices; that such accounts are adequate to assure that proceeds from the financing being requested will be used solely and specifically for the purposes authorized; that he or she has examined the financial statements and supporting schedules included in this application and to the best of his or her knowledge and belief those statements accurately reflect the accounts as stated in the books of account; and that, other than the matters set forth in the exceptions attached to such statements, those financial statements and supporting schedules represent a true and complete statement of the financial position of the Applicant and that there are no undisclosed assets, liabilities, commitments to purchase property or securities, other commitments, litigation in the courts, contingent rental agreements, or other contingent transactions which might materially affect the financial position of the Applicant.

(Signature of official) (Date)

(c) The Applicant shall pay the investigation charge in accordance with § 260.11.

(d) The application shall be accompanied by a transmittal letter in form as follows:

Federal Railroad Administrator, c/o Associate Administrator for Railroad Development, Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, D.C. 20590 Re: Application for financial assistance under the Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Program.

Dear Sir or Madam: Being duly authorized by (jointly and severally/if more than one) (the “Applicant”) to convey the understandings hereinafter set forth, I respectfully submit this application and remit its investigation fee in the amount equal to one-half the total investigation fee established by the Administrator. By this filing, Applicant requests the Administrator to investigate the application and make the necessary findings upon which Applicant's eligibility for a direct loan or loan guarantee may be determined. Applicant understands that neither the acceptance of this filing, the deposit of the investigation charge, nor the commencement of an investigation acknowledges the sufficiency of the application's form, content or merit. Furthermore, Applicant understands that the Administrator will incur numerous expenses by this filing with respect to the investigation of the application, the appraisal of security being offered, and the making of the necessary determinations and findings, and promises to pay, within 60 days, the remainder of the investigation fee required by the Administrator. Applicant understands that the Administrator will establish the amount of Credit Risk Premium due from Applicant, if any, as provided in § 260.15. Applicant agrees to pay such Credit Risk Premium prior to the disbursement of direct or guaranteed loan, as appropriate. Such Credit Risk Premium may be refunded as provided in § 260.15.

Respectfully submitted.

Applicant(s) Seal(s) by Its(Their).

(e) The original application and supporting papers, and two copies thereof for the use of the Administrator, shall be filed with the Associate Administrator for Railroad Development of the Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., MailStop 20, Washington, DC 20590. Each copy shall bear the dates and signatures that appear in the original and shall be complete in itself, but the signatures in the copies may be stamped or typed.

[65 FR 41841, July 6, 2000, as amended at 74 FR 25176, May 27, 2009]
§ 260.33 - Information requests.

If an Applicant desires that any information submitted in its application or any supplement thereto not be released by the Administrator upon request from a member of the public, the Applicant must so state and must set forth any reasons why such information should not be released, including particulars as to any competitive harm which would probably result from release of such information. The Administrator will keep such information confidential to the extent permitted by law.

§ 260.35 - Environmental assessment.

(a) The provision of financial assistance by the Administrator under this Part is subject to a variety of environmental and historic preservation statutes and implementing regulations including the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) (42 U.S.C. 4332 et seq.), Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 303(c)), the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470(f)), the Coastal Zone Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1451), and the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531). Appropriate environmental/historic preservation documentation must be completed and approved by the Administrator prior to a decision by the Administrator on the applicant's financial assistance request. FRA's “Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts” (“FRA's Environmental Procedures”) (65 FR 28545 (May 26, 1999)) or any replacement environmental review procedures that the FRA may later issue and the NEPA regulation of the Council on Environmental Quality (“CEQ Regulation”) (40 CFR Part 1500) will govern the FRA's compliance with applicable environmental/historic preservation review requirements.

(b) The Administrator, in cooperation with the applicant, has the responsibility to manage the preparation of the appropriate environmental document. The role of the applicant will be determined by the Administrator in accordance with the CEQ Regulation and Environmental Procedures.

(c) Depending on the type, size and potential environmental impact of the project for which the applicant is seeking financial assistance, FRA will need to determine whether the project is categorically excluded from detailed environmental review under FRA's Environmental Procedures and, if not, to prepare or have prepared an Environmental Assessment leading to an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or a Finding of No Significant Impact. At the discretion of the Administrator, Applicants may be required to prepare and submit an environmental assessment of the proposed project or to submit adequate documentation to support a finding that the project is categorically excluded from detailed environmental review. If the applicant is a public agency that has statewide jurisdiction or is a local unit of government acting through a statewide agency, and meets the requirements of section 102(2)(D) of NEPA, the applicant may be requested to prepare the EIS and other environmental documents under the Administrator's guidance.

(d) Applicants are strongly urged to consult with the Associate Administrator for Railroad Development at the earliest possible stage in project development in order to assure that the environmental/historic preservation review process can be completed in a timely manner.

(e) Applicants may not initiate any activities that would have an adverse environmental impact or limit the choice of reasonable alternatives in advance of the completion of the environmental review process. This does not preclude development by applicants of plans or designs or performance of other work necessary to support the application for financial assistance.

source: 65 FR 41841, July 6, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 260.23