Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 176.88 - Applicability.

The requirements in this subpart are applicable to transport vehicles containing hazardous materials being transported on board ferry vessels and are in addition to any prescribed elsewhere in this subchapter. Vessels in a service similar to a ferry service, but not over a designated ferry route, may be treated as a ferry vessel for the purpose of this subpart if approved in writing by the District Commander.

[Amdt. 176-1, 41 FR 16110, Apr. 15, 1976, as amended by Amdt. 176-1A, 41 FR 40690, Sept. 20, 1976]
§ 176.89 - Control of transport vehicles.

(a) A transport vehicle containing hazardous materials may be transported on board a ferry vessel, subject to the following conditions:

(1) The operator or person in charge of the vehicle shall deliver to the vessel's representative a copy of the shipping papers and certificate required by §§ 176.24 and 176.27;

(2) The vehicle shall be placed at the location indicated by the vessel's representative;

(3) The parking brakes of the vehicle shall be set securely to prevent motion;

(4) The motor of a highway vehicle shall be shut off and not restarted until the vessel has completed its voyage and docked;

(5) All vehicle lights shall be cut off and not relighted until the vessel has completed its voyage and docked;

(6) The operator of a highway vehicle shall remain with the vehicle;

(7) No repairs or adjustments must be made to the vehicle while it is on the vessel;

(8) No hazardous materials are to be released from the vehicle; and

(9) Any instructions given by the vessel's representative during the voyage, and during “roll on” and “roll off” operations must be observed.

(b) Smoking by any person in or around a vehicle is prohibited.

[Amdt. 176-1, 41 FR 16110, Apr. 15, 1976, as amended at 85 FR 83402, Dec. 21, 2020]
§ 176.90 - Private automobiles.

(a) Class 1 (explosive) material. A private automobile which is carrying any Class 1 (explosive) material (except permitted fireworks or small arms ammunition) may not be transported on a passenger-carrying ferry vessel unless the Class 1 (explosive) material conforms to the packaging, labeling, marking, and certification requirements of this subchapter. Permitted fireworks and small arms ammunition may be carried without the required packaging, labeling, marking, or certification if they are in tight containers.

(b) Engines, gasoline, or liquefied petroleum gas. Engines, internal combustion, flammable gas powered or flammable liquid powered, including when fitted in machinery or vehicles (i.e. motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, campers, trailers), vehicle flammable liquid or flammable gas powered, gasoline, and petroleum gases, liquefied or liquefied petroleum gas when included as part of a motor home, recreational vehicle, camper, or trailer; are excepted from the requirements of this subchapter if the following conditions are met:

(1) Any container showing deterioration which might affect its integrity must not be allowed on board the vessel. A visual inspection by a responsible member of the crew must be made of each cylinder of liquefied petroleum gas before it may be allowed aboard the vessel. A cylinder that has a crack or leak, is bulged, has a defective valve or a leaking or defective pressure relief device, or bears evidence of physical abuse, fire or heat damage, or detrimental rusting or corrosion, may not offered for transportation on board the vessel. Leaking or damaged containers of gasoline may not be offered for transportation on board the vessel.

(2) Motor vehicles may be stowed in the same hold or compartment or on the vehicle deck of passenger vessels with cylinders of liquefied petroleum gas when the cylinders are securely attached to recreational vehicles, such as campers or trailers.

(3) Extra containers of gasoline (including camp stove or lantern fuel) and portable cylinders of liquefied petroleum gas (including cylinders for camping equipment) not securely attached to recreational vehicles must be stowed in the vessel's paint locker. Containers must be securely closed.

(4) All liquefied petroleum gas cylinders must be secured by closing the shut-off valves prior to the recreational vehicles being loaded on the vessels. The owner or operator of each recreational vehicle must be directed to close all operating valves within the vehicles.

(5) “No smoking” signs must be posted on the vehicle decks and, if used for storage of hazardous materials; in close proximity to the vessel's paint locker.

(6) An hourly patrol of the vehicle decks must be made by a crewmember. Any unusual or dangerous situation must be reported to the vessel's master.

(7) Passengers may be allowed on the vehicle decks during the voyage and are subject to the control of the crew personnel conducting the continuous vehicle deck patrol.

(8) Each person responsible for performing a function authorized by this section must be trained in accordance with subpart H of part 172 of this subchapter and on the requirements of this section.

(9) Shipments made under this paragraph are subject to the Incident Reporting requirements prescribed in §§ 171.15 and 171.16 of this subchapter.

[81 FR 3682, Jan. 21, 2016]
§ 176.91 - Motorboats.

A motorboat may be transported on board a ferry vessel with gasoline in the tank and two other containers not exceeding 23 L (six gallons) capacity each if they are in the motorboat, closed, and in good condition.

[Amdt. 176-1, 41 FR 16110, Apr. 15, 1976, as amended by Amdt. 176-30, 55 FR 52695, Dec. 21, 1990]
§ 176.92 - Cylinders laden in vehicles.

Any cylinder of Class 2 (compressed gas) material which is required to have a valve protection cap fitted in place may be transported on board a ferry vessel without having the valve protection cap in place when it is laden in a transport vehicle and is not removed from the vehicle while on the vessel.

[Amdt. 176-1, 41 FR 16110, Apr. 15, 1976, as amended by Amdt. 176-30, 55 FR 52695, Dec. 21, 1990]
§ 176.93 - Vehicles having refrigerating or heating equipment.

(a) A transport vehicle fitted with refrigerating or heating equipment using a flammable liquid or Division 2.1 (flammable gas) material, or diesel oil as fuel, may be transported on a ferry vessel. However, the refrigerating or heating equipment may not be operated while the vehicle is on the vessel, unless the equipment complies with the following requirements:

(1) The installation is rigidly mounted and free of any motion other than normal vibration in operation;

(2) An easily accessible shutoff control is fitted to the fuel and electrical supply of the refrigerating or heating equipment; and

(3) The fuel storage tank, the fuel lines, the carburetor and any other fuel devices are tight and show no signs of leakage.

(b) If the vehicle operator desires to operate the refrigerating or heating equipment while on the vessel and the equipment is not fitted with automatic starting and stopping devices, it must be started before the vehicle is taken on board. It may continue in operation while the vehicle is on the vessel, but if the motor stops it may not be restarted.

(c) In the case of a ferry vessel on a voyage exceeding 30 minutes' duration, stowage must be provided for transport vehicles having refrigerating or heating equipment operated by internal combustion engines which will permit ready diffusion of exhaust gases to the open air. Passenger vehicles may not be stowed in a position adjacent to vehicles operating internal combustion motors which expose the occupants of the passenger vehicles to excessive concentrations of exhaust fumes from such motors.

(d) A transport vehicle containing solid carbon dioxide as a refrigerant may be transported on a ferry vessel only if it is stowed in a well ventilated location.

[Amdt. 176-1, 41 FR 16110, Apr. 15, 1976, as amended by Amdt. 176-30, 55 FR 52695, Dec. 21, 1990; 68 FR 61942, Oct. 30, 2003]
authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101-5128; 49 CFR 1.81 and 1.97
source: Amdt. 176-1, 41 FR 16110, Apr. 15, 1976, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 176.88