Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 19, 2025
Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Feb 14, 2025
§ 176.700 - General stowage requirements.
(a) [Reserved]
(b) A package of radioactive materials which in still air has a surface temperature more than 5 °C (9 °F) above the ambient air may not be overstowed with any other cargo. If the package is stowed under deck, the hold or compartment in which it is stowed must be ventilated.
(c) For a shipment of radioactive materials requiring supplemental operational procedures, the shipper must furnish the master or person in charge of the vessel a copy of the necessary operational instructions.
(d) A person may not remain unnecessarily in a hold, or compartment, or in the immediate vicinity of any package on deck, containing radioactive materials.
(The information collection requirements in paragraph (d) were approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 2137-0534, 2137-0535 and 2137-0536)
[Amdt. 176-15, 48 FR 10245, Mar. 10, 1983, as amended by Amdt. 176-15, 48 FR 31220, July 7, 1983; Amdt. 176-23, 50 FR 41523, Oct. 11, 1985; Amdt. 176-37, 60 FR 50333, Sept. 28, 1995; 66 FR 45385, Aug. 28, 2001; 69 FR 3694, Jan. 26, 2004]
§ 176.704 - Requirements relating to transport indices and criticality safety indices.
(a) The sum of the transport indices (TI's) for all packages of Class 7 (radioactive) materials on board a vessel may not exceed the limits specified in Table IIIA of this section.
(b) For freight containers containing packages and overpacks of Class 7 (radioactive) materials, the radiation level may not exceed 2 mSv per hour (200 mrem per hour) at any point on the outside surface and 0.1 mSv per hour (10 mrem per hour) at 2 m (6.6 ft) from the outside surface of the freight container.
(c) The limitations specified in Table IIIA of this section do not apply to consignments of LSA-I material.
(d) The sum of the criticality safety indices (CSI's) for all packages and overpacks of fissile Class 7 (radioactive) materials on board a vessel may not exceed the limits specified in Table IIIB of this section.
(e) Each group of fissile Class 7 (radioactive) material packages and overpacks, containing a sum of CSIs no greater than 50 for a non-exclusive use shipment, or no greater than 100 for an exclusive use shipment, must be separated from all other groups containing fissile material packages and overpacks by a distance of at least 6 m (20 ft) at all times.
(f) The limitations specified in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section do not apply when the entire vessel is reserved or chartered for use by a single offeror under exclusive use conditions if—
(1) The number of packages of fissile Class 7 (radioactive) material satisfies the individual package CSI limits of § 173.457 of this subchapter, except that the total sums of CSI's in the last column of Table IIIB of this section, including table note (d) apply;
(2) A radiation protection program for the shipment has been established and approved by the competent authority of the flag state of the vessel and, when requested, by the competent authority at each port of call;
(3) Stowage arrangements have been predetermined for the whole voyage, including any consignments to be loaded at ports of call;
(4) The loading, transport and unloading are to be supervised by persons qualified in the transport of radioactive material; and
(5) The entire shipment operation is approved by the Associate Administrator in advance.
(g) Table IIIA is as follows:
Table IIIA—TI Limits for Freight Containers and Conveyances
Type of freight container or conveyance
| Limit on total sum of transport indices in a single freight container or aboard a conveyance
Not under exclusive use
| Under exclusive use
I. Freight container—small | 50 | N/A.
II. Freight container—large | 50 | No limit.
III. Vessel:
a b
| | |
1. Hold, compartment or defined deck area:
| | |
i. Packages, overpacks, small freight containers | 50 | No limit.
ii. Large freight containers | 200 | No limit.
2. Total vessel:
| | |
i. Packages, overpacks, small freight containers | 200 | No limit.
ii. Large freight containers | No limit | No limit.
(h) Table IIIB is as follows:
Table IIIB—CSI Limits for Freight Containers and Conveyances
Type of freight container or conveyance
| Limit on total sum of criticality safety indices in a single freight container or aboard a conveyance
Not under exclusive use
| Under exclusive use
I. Freight container—small | 50 | N/A.
II. Freight container—large | 50 | 100.
III. Vessel:
a b
| | |
1. Hold, compartment or defined deck area:
| | |
i. Packages, overpacks, small freight containers | 50 | 100.
ii. Large freight containers | 50 | 100.
2. Total vessel:
| | |
i. Packages, overpacks, small freight containers | 200
c | 200
ii. Large freight containers | No limit
c | No limit
[69 FR 3694, Jan. 26, 2004]
§ 176.708 - Segregation distances.
(a) Table IV lists minimum separation distances between radioactive materials and spaces regularly occupied by crew members or passengers, or between radioactive materials and undeveloped photographic film. It expresses the separation distances as a function of the sum of the TIs of all packages in a single consignment, in the case of 0 or 3 feet of intervening cargo of unit density for persons, and 0, 3, or 6 feet of intervening cargo of unit density for undeveloped film. Cargo of unit density is stowed cargo with a density of 1 long ton (2240 lbs.) per 36 cubic feet. Separation distances may be interpolated from the table where appropriate.
(b) Table IV is to be used to determine the separation distance for undeveloped film.
(c) Category YELLOW-II or YELLOW-III packages or overpacks must not be transported in spaces occupied by passengers, except those exclusively reserved for couriers specially authorized to accompany such packages or overpacks.
(d) The separation distances for crew members and passengers may be determined by one of two methods:
(1) By using Table IV to determine the minimum distances between the radioactive material packages and regularly occupied spaces or living quarters; or
(2) For one or more consignments of Class 7 (radioactive) material to be loaded on board a vessel under the exclusive use conditions described in § 176.704(f), by demonstration through direct measurement, made and documented by a suitably qualified person, that for the indicated exposure times the dose rate in regularly occupied spaces or living quarters is less than—
(i) For the crew: 7.0 µSv/h (0.70 mrem/h) up to 700 hours in a year, or 1.8 µSv/h (0.18 mrem/h) up to 2750 hours in a year; and
(ii) For the passengers: 1.8 µSv/h (0.18 mrem/h) up to 550 hours in a year, taking into account any relocation of cargo during the voyage.
(e) Any departure from the segregation provisions should be approved by the competent authority of the flag state of the ship and, when requested, by the competent authority at each port of call.
(f) Table IV is as follows:
Sum of transport indexes of the packages
| Minimum distance in feet from living accommodation or regularly occupied working space
| Minimum distance in feet from undeveloped film and plates
| 1 day voyage
| 2 day voyage
| 4 day voyage
| 10 day voyage
| 20 day voyage
| 30 day voyage
| 40 day voyage
| 50 day voyage
| Cargo thickness in feet (unit density)
| Nil | 3 | Nil | 3 | 6 | Nil | 3 | 6 | Nil | 3 | 6 | Nil | 3 | 6 | Nil | 3 | 6 | Nil | 3 | 6 | Nil | 3 | 6 | Nil | 3 | 6
0.1 to 0.5 | 5 | X | 6 | X | X | 8 | X | X | 11 | X | X | 17 | 4 | X | 25 | 6 | X | 30 | 7 | X | 35 | 8 | X | 39 | 9 | X
0.6 to 1 | 6 | X | 8 | X | X | 11 | X | X | 16 | 4 | X | 25 | 6 | X | 35 | 8 | X | 42 | 10 | X | 50 | 12 | X | 55 | 13 | X
1.1 to 2 | 9 | X | 11 | X | X | 16 | 4 | X | 22 | 5 | X | 35 | 8 | X | 50 | 12 | X | 61 | 14 | X | 70 | 17 | X | 78 | 19 | X
2.1 to 3 | 10 | X | 14 | X | X | 19 | 5 | X | 27 | 6 | X | 42 | 10 | X | 61 | 14 | X | 74 | 18 | X | 86 | 20 | X | 96 | 23 | X
3.1 to 5 | 13 | X | 17 | 4 | X | 25 | 6 | X | 35 | 8 | X | 55 | 13 | X | 78 | 19 | X | 96 | 23 | X | 110 | 26 | X | 124 | 29 | 7
5.1 to 10 | 19 | 4 | 25 | 6 | X | 35 | 8 | X | 50 | 12 | X | 78 | 19 | X | 110 | 26 | X | 135 | 33 | 8 | 155 | 37 | 9 | 175 | 42 | 10
10.1 to 20 | 26 | 6 | 35 | 8 | X | 50 | 12 | X | 69 | 17 | X | 110 | 26 | X | 155 | 37 | 9 | 190 | 46 | 11 | 220 | 53 | 13 | 250 | 59 | 14
20.1 to 30 | 32 | 8 | 43 | 10 | X | 61 | 14 | X | 85 | 20 | X | 135 | 32 | 8 | 190 | 45 | 11 | 235 | 56 | 13 | 270 | 65 | 16 | 305 | 72 | 17
30.1 to 50 | 42 | 10 | 55 | 13 | X | 78 | 19 | X | 110 | 26 | X | 175 | 42 | 10 | 245 | 58 | 14 | 300 | 73 | 17 | 350 | 84 | 20 | 390 | 94 | 22
50.1 to 100 | 59 | 14 | 78 | 19 | X | 110 | 26 | X | 155 | 37 | 9 | 245 | 59 | 14 | 350 | 82 | 20 | 430 | 105 | 24 | 515 | 118 | 28 | 550 | 130 | 32
100.1 to 150 | 72 | 17 | 96 | 23 | X | 135 | 32 | 8 | 190 | 46 | 11 | 300 | 72 | 17 | 425 | 100 | 24 | 525 | 125 | 30 | 600 | 145 | 35 | (
7 ) | 165 | 39
150.1 to 200 | 84 | 20 | 110 | 26 | X | 155 | 37 | 9 | 200 | 53 | 13 | 350 | 84 | 20 | 490 | 115 | 28 | 600 | 140 | 35 | (
7 ) | 165 | 40 | (
7 ) | 190 | 45
200.1 to 300 | 105 | 24 | 135 | 32 | X | 190 | 46 | 11 | 270 | 64 | 15 | 425 | 105 | 25 | 600 | 145 | 35 | (
7 ) | 180 | 42 | (
7 ) | 205 | 49 | (
7 ) | 230 | 55
300.1 to 400 | 120 | 28 | 160 | 37 | 9 | 220 | 53 | 13 | 310 | 75 | 18 | 500 | 120 | 28 | (
7 ) | 165 | 40 | (
7 ) | 205 | 49 | (
7 ) | 235 | 57 | (
7 ) | 265 | 63
[Amdt. 176-15, 48 FR 10245, Mar. 10, 1983, as amended by Amdt. 176-37, 60 FR 50334, Sept. 28, 1995; 69 FR 3695, Jan. 26, 2004]
§ 176.710 - Care following leakage or sifting of radioactive materials.
(a) In case of fire, collision, or breakage involving any shipment of radioactive materials, other than materials of low specific activity, the radioactive materials must be segregated from unnecessary contact with personnel. In case of obvious leakage, or if the inside container appears to be damaged, the stowage area (hold, compartment, or deck area) containing this cargo must be isolated as much as possible to prevent radioactive material from entering any person's body through contact, inhalation, or ingestion. No person may handle the material or remain in the vicinity unless supervised by a qualified person.
(b) A hold or compartment in which leakage of radioactive materials has occurred may not be used for other cargo until it is decontaminated in accordance with the requirements of § 176.715.
(c) For reporting requirements, see § 171.15 of this subchapter.
§ 176.715 - Contamination control.
Each hold, compartment, or deck area used for the transportation of low specific activity or surface contaminated object Class 7 (radioactive) materials under exclusive use conditions in accordance with § 173.427(b)(4), or § 173.427(c) must be surveyed with appropriate radiation detection instruments after each use. Such holds, compartments, and deck areas may not be used again for Class 7 (radioactive) materials exclusive use transport service, and then only for a subsequent exclusive use shipment utilizing the provisions of § 173.427(b)(4), or § 173.427(c) until the radiation dose rate at every accessible surface is less than 0.005 mSv/h (0.5 mrem/h), and the non-fixed contamination is not greater than the limits prescribed in § 173.443(a) of this subchapter.
[79 FR 40618, July 11, 2014]
§ 176.720 - Requirements for carriage of INF cargo in international transportation.
In addition to all other applicable requirements of this subchapter, a vessel carrying INF cargo (see § 176.2, under INF cargo definition) in international transportation must meet the requirements of the INF Code contained in the IMDG Code (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter).
[68 FR 75748, Dec. 31, 2003]
source: Amdt. 176-1, 41 FR 16110, Apr. 15, 1976, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 176.720