Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 591.1 - Scope.

This part establishes procedures governing the importation of motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment subject to the Federal motor vehicle safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards.

[55 FR 11378, Mar. 28, 1990]
§ 591.2 - Purpose.

The purpose of this part is to ensure that motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment permanently imported into the United States conform with theft prevention standards issued under part 541 of this chapter and that they conform with, or are brought into conformity with, all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards issued under part 571 of this chapter and bumper standards issued under part 581 of this chapter. The purpose of this part is also to ensure that nonconforming vehicles and equipment items imported on a temporary basis are ultimately either exported or abandoned to the United States.

[55 FR 11378, Mar. 28, 1990]
§ 591.3 - Applicability.

This part applies to any person offering a motor vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment for importation into the United States.

[55 FR 11378, Mar. 28, 1990]
§ 591.4 - Definitions.

All terms used in this part that are defined in 49 U.S.C. 30102,32101,32301,32502,and.

Administrator means the Administrator of NHTSA.

NHTSA means the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the Department of Transportation.

Dutiable value means entered value, as determined by the Secretary of the Treasury.

Original manufacturer means the entity responsible for the original manufacture or assembly of a motor vehicle, and does not include any person (other than such entity) who converts the motor vehicle after its manufacture to conformance with the Federal motor vehicle safety standards.

Reconstructed motor vehicle means a motor vehicle whose body is less than 25 years old and which is mounted on a chassis or frame that is not its original chassis or frame and that is less than 25 years old.

Salvage motor vehicle means a motor vehicle, whether or not repaired, which has been:

(1) Wrecked, destroyed, or damaged, to the extent that the total estimated or actual cost of parts and labor to rebuild or reconstruct the motor vehicle to its pre-accident condition and for legal operation on the streets, roads, or highways, exceeds 75 percent of its retail value at the time it was wrecked, destroyed, or damaged; or

(2) Wrecked, destroyed, or damaged, to which an insurance company acquires ownership pursuant to a damage settlement (other than a damage settlement in connection with a recovered theft vehicle unless such motor vehicle sustained sufficient damage to meet the 75 percent threshold specified in the first sentence); or

(3) Voluntarily designated as such by its owner, without regard to the extent of the motor vehicle's damage and repairs.

[54 FR 40078, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 3747, Feb. 5, 1990; 55 FR 11378, Mar. 28, 1990; 59 FR 52097, Oct. 14, 1994; 60 FR 57954, Nov. 24, 1995; 69 FR 52092, Aug. 24, 2004]
§ 591.5 - Declarations required for importation.

No person shall import a motor vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment into the United States unless, at the time it is offered for importation, its importer files a declaration and documentation, in a paper or electronic format accepted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which declares one of the following:

(a)(1) The vehicle was not manufactured primarily for use on the public roads and thus is not a motor vehicle subject to the Federal motor vehicle safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards; or

(2) The equipment item is not a system, part, or component of a motor vehicle and thus is not an item of motor vehicle equipment subject to the Federal motor vehicle safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards.

(b) The vehicle or equipment item conforms with all applicable safety standards (or the vehicle does not conform solely because readily attachable equipment items which will be attached to it before it is offered for sale to the first purchases for purposes other than resale are not attached), and bumper and theft prevention standards, and bears a certification label or tag to that effect permanently affixed by the original manufacturer to the vehicle, or by the manufacturer to the equipment item or its delivery container, in accordance with, as applicable, parts 541, 555, 567, 568, and 581, or 571 (for certain equipment items) of this chapter, or the vehicle is a replica motor vehicle eligible for an exemption under part 586 and is being imported by a low-volume manufacturer, as defined at 49 CFR 586.4.

(c) The vehicle or equipment item does not comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards, but is intended solely for export, and the vehicle or equipment item, and the outside of the container of the equipment item, if any, bears a label or tag to that effect.

(d) The vehicle does not conform with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards, but the importer is eligible to import it because:

(1) (S)he is a nonresident of the United States and the vehicle is registered in a country other than the United States,

(2) (S)he is temporarily importing the vehicle for personal use for a period not to exceed one year, and will not sell it during that time,

(3) (S)he will export it not later than the end of one year after entry, and

(4) The declaration contains the importer's passport number and country of issue.

(e) The vehicle or equipment item requires further manufacturing operations to perform its intended function, other than the addition of readily attachable equipment items such as mirrors, wipers, or tire and rim assemblies, or minor finishing operations such as painting, and any part of such vehicle that is required to be marked by part 541 of this chapter is marked in accordance with that part.

(f) The vehicle does not conform with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards (but does conform with all applicable Federal theft prevention standards), but the importer is eligible to import it because:

(1) The importer has furnished a bond in an amount equal to 150% of the dutiable value of the vehicle, containing the terms and conditions specified in section 591.8; and

(2)(i) The importer has registered with NHTSA pursuant to part 592 of this chapter, and such registration has not been revoked or suspended, and the Administrator has determined pursuant to part 593 of this chapter that the model and model year of the vehicle to be imported is eligible for importation into the United States; or

(ii) The importer has executed a contract or other agreement with an importer who has registered with NHTSA pursuant to part 592 of this chapter and whose registration has not been suspended or revoked; and the Administrator has determined pursuant to part 593 of this chapter that the model and model year of the vehicle to be imported is eligible for importation into the United States; and

(3) The vehicle is not a salvage motor vehicle or a reconstructed motor vehicle.

(g) (For importations for personal use only) The vehicle was certified by its original manufacturer as complying with all applicable Canadian motor vehicle safety standards and its original manufacturer has informed NHTSA that it complies with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards, or that it complies with all such standards except for the labeling requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Nos. 101 and 110 or 120, and/or the specifications of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108 relating to daytime running lamps. The vehicle is not a salvage motor vehicle, a repaired salvage motor vehicle, or a reconstructed motor vehicle.

(h) The vehicle does not conform with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards, but the importer is eligible to import it because (s)he:

(1)(i) Is a member of the personnel of a foreign government on assignment in the United States, or a member of the Secretariat of a public international organization so designated under the International Organization Immunities Act, and within the class of persons for whom free entry of motor vehicles has been authorized by the Department of State;

(ii) Is importing the motor vehicle on a temporary basis for the personal use of the importer, and will register it through the Office of Foreign Missions of the Department of State;

(iii) Will not sell the vehicle to any person in the United States, other than a person eligible to import a vehicle under this paragraph; and

(iv) Will obtain from the Office of Foreign Missions of the Department of State, before departing the United States at the conclusion of a tour of duty, an ownership title to the vehicle good for export only; or

(2)(i) Is a member of the armed forces of a foreign country on assignment in the United States;

(ii) Is importing the vehicle on a temporary basis, and for the personal use of the importer;

(iii) Will not sell the vehicle to any person in the United States, other than to a person eligible to import a vehicle under this subsection; and

(iv) Will export the vehicle upon departing the United States at the conclusion of a tour of duty.

(i)(1) The vehicle is 25 or more years old.

(2) The equipment item was manufactured on a date when no applicable safety or theft prevention standard was in effect.

(j)(1) The vehicle or equipment item does not conform with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards, but is being imported solely for the purpose of:

(i) Research;

(ii) Investigations;

(iii) Show or display;

(iv) Demonstrations or training; or

(v) Competitive racing events;

(2)(i) The importer has received written permission from NHTSA; or

(ii) The importer is an original manufacturer of motor vehicles (or a wholly owned subsidiary thereof) that are certified to comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards; and

(3) The importer will provide the Administrator with documentary proof of export or destruction not later than 30 days following the end of the period for which the vehicle has been admitted into the United States.

(k) The equipment item is subject to the theft prevention standard, and is marked in accordance with the requirements of part 541 of this chapter.

(l) The vehicle does not conform to all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety and Bumper Standards (but does conform to applicable Federal Theft Prevention Standards) but the importer is eligible to import it because:

(1) The importer has registered with NHTSA pursuant to part 592 of this chapter, and such registration has not been revoked or suspended;

(2) The importer has informed NHTSA in writing that (s)he intends to submit, or has already submitted, a petition requesting that NHTSA determine whether the vehicle is eligible for importation; and

(3) The importer has:

(i) Submitted to the Administrator a letter requesting permission to import the vehicle for the purpose of preparing an import eligibility petition; and

(ii) Received written permission from the Administrator to import the vehicle.

[54 FR 40078, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 3747, Feb. 5, 1990; 55 FR 11378, Mar. 28, 1990; 55 FR 17439, Apr. 25, 1990; 57 FR 2047, Jan. 17, 1992; 57 FR 44703, Sept. 29, 1992; 59 FR 31560, June 20, 1994; 64 FR 37882, July 14, 1999; 69 FR 52092, Aug. 24, 2004; 76 FR 53078, Aug. 25, 2011; 80 FR 53013, Sept. 2, 2015; 87 FR 13236, Mar. 9, 2022]
§ 591.6 - Documents accompanying declarations.

Declarations of eligibility for importation made pursuant to § 591.5 must be accompanied by the following certification and documents, filed either on paper or electronically, as applicable:

(a) A declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(a) shall be accompanied by a written or electronic statement substantiating that the vehicle was not manufactured for use on the public roads or that the equipment item was not manufactured for use on a motor vehicle or is not an item of motor vehicle equipment.

(b) A declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(e) shall be accompanied by:

(1) (For a motor vehicle) a written or electronic document meeting the requirements of § 568.4 of Part 568 of this chapter.

(2) (For an item of motor vehicle equipment) a written or electronic statement issued by the manufacturer of the equipment item which states the applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standard(s) with which the equipment item is not in compliance, and which describes the further manufacturing required for the equipment item to perform its intended function.

(c) A declaration made pursuant to paragraph (f) of § 591.5, and under a bond for the entry of a single vehicle, shall be accompanied by a written or electronic image of a bond in the form shown in appendix A to this part, in an amount equal to 150% of the dutiable value of the vehicle, or, if under bond for the entry of more than one vehicle, shall be accompanied by a written or electronic image of a bond in the form shown in appendix B to this part, for the conformance of the vehicle(s) with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards, or, if conformance is not achieved, for the delivery of such vehicles to the Secretary of Homeland Security for export at no cost to the United States, or for its abandonment.

(d) A declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(f) by an importer who is not a Registered Importer shall be accompanied by a paper or electronic copy of the contract or other agreement that the importer has with a Registered Importer to bring the vehicle into conformance with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards.

(e) A declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(h) shall be accompanied by a paper or electronic version of the importer's official orders or, if a qualifying member of the personnel of a foreign government on assignment in the United States, the name of the embassy to which the importer is accredited.

(f) A declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(j) shall be accompanied by the following documentation:

(1) A declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(j)(1)(i), (ii), (iv), or (v) and (j)(2)(i) shall be accompanied by a paper copy of the Administrator's permission letter, or for electronic reporting by entering the unique identifying number of the Administrator's permission letter into a U.S. Customs and Border Protection electronic data collection system, authorizing importation pursuant to § 591.5(j)(1)(i), (ii), (iv), or (v) and (j)(2)(i). Any person seeking to import a motor vehicle or motor vehicle equipment pursuant to these sections shall submit, in advance of such importation, a written request to the Administrator containing a full and complete statement identifying the vehicle or equipment, its make, model, model year or date of manufacture, VIN if a motor vehicle, and the specific purpose(s) of importation. The discussion of purpose(s) shall include a description of the use to be made of the vehicle or equipment. If use on the public roads is an integral part of the purpose for which the vehicle or equipment is imported, the statement shall request permission for use on the public roads, describing the purpose which makes such use necessary, and stating the estimated period of time during which use of the vehicle or equipment on the public roads is necessary. The request shall also state the intended means of final disposition, and disposition date, of the vehicle or equipment after completion of the purposes for which it is imported. The request shall be addressed to: Director, Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, Fourth Floor, Room W43-481, Mail Code NVS-220, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.

(2) A declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(j)(1)(iii) and (j)(2)(i) shall be accompanied by a paper copy of the Administrator's permission letter, or for electronic reporting by entering the unique identifying number of the Administrator's permission letter into a U.S. Customs and Border Protection electronic data collection system, authorizing importation pursuant to § 591.5(j)(1)(iii) and (j)(2)(i). Any person seeking to import a motor vehicle or motor vehicle equipment pursuant to those sections shall submit, in advance of such importation, a written request to the Administrator containing a full and complete statement identifying the equipment item or the vehicle and its make, model, model year or date of manufacture, VIN, and mileage at the time the request is made. The importer's written request to the Administrator shall explain why the vehicle or equipment item is of historical or technological interest. The importer shall also state that until the vehicle is not less than 25 years old, (s)he shall not sell, or transfer possession of, or title to, the vehicle, and shall not license it for use, or operate it on the public roads, except under such terms and conditions as the Administrator may authorize. If the importer wishes to operate the vehicle on the public roads, the request to the Administrator shall include a description of the purposes for which (s)he wishes to use it on the public roads, a copy of an insurance policy or a contract to acquire an insurance policy, which contains as a condition thereof that the vehicle will not accumulate mileage of more than 2,500 miles in any 12-month period and a statement that the importer shall maintain such policy in effect until the vehicle is not less than 25 years old, a statement that the importer will allow the Administrator to inspect the vehicle at any time after its importation to verify that the accumulated mileage of the vehicle is not more than 2,500 miles in any 12-month period, and a statement that the vehicle will not be used on the public roads unless it is in compliance with the regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency.

(3) A declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(j)(2)(ii) shall be accompanied by the importer's written statement, or by entering in electronic format information contained in the statement, into the U.S. Customs and Border Protection electronic data collection system, describing the use to be made of the vehicle or equipment item. If use on the public roads is an integral part of the purpose for which the vehicle or equipment item is imported, the statement shall describe the purpose which makes such use necessary, state the estimated period of time during which use of the vehicle or equipment item on the public roads is necessary, and state the intended means of final disposition (and disposition date) of the vehicle or equipment item after completion of the purpose for which it is imported.

(g) A declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(l) shall be accompanied by the following documentation:

(1) A paper copy of the Administrator's permission letter, or for electronic reporting by entering the unique identifying number of the Administrator's permission letter into a U.S. Customs and Border Protection electronic data collection system, authorizing importation pursuant to § 591.5(l). A Registered Importer seeking to import a motor vehicle pursuant to this section must submit, in advance of such importation, a written request to the Administrator containing a full and complete statement identifying the vehicle, its original manufacturer, model, model year (if assigned), date of manufacture, and VIN. The statement must also declare that the specific purpose of importing this vehicle is to prepare a petition to the Administrator requesting a determination whether the vehicle is eligible for importation pursuant to Part 593 and that the importer has filed, or intends to file within 180 days of the vehicle's entry date, a petition pursuant to § 593.5. The request must be addressed to: Director, Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, Fourth Floor, Room W43-481, Mail Code NVS-220, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC 20590.

(2) [Reserved]

[54 FR 40078, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 3747, Feb. 5, 1990; 55 FR 6994, Feb. 28, 1990; 55 FR 11379, Mar. 28, 1990; 57 FR 2047, Jan. 17, 1992; 57 FR 29043, June 30, 1992; 58 FR 12908, Mar. 8, 1993; 59 FR 52097, Oct. 14, 1994; 60 FR 57954, Nov. 24, 1995; 64 FR 37883, July 14, 1999; 69 FR 52092, Aug. 24, 2004; 76 FR 53078, Aug. 25, 2011; 80 FR 53013, Sept. 2, 2015]
§ 591.7 - Restrictions on importations.

(a) A vehicle or equipment item which has entered the United States under a declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(j), and for which a Temporary Importation Bond has been provided to the Secretary of the Treasury, shall not remain in the United States for a period that exceeds 3 years from its date of entry.

(b) If the importer of a vehicle or equipment item under § 591.5(j) does not intend to export or destroy the vehicle or equipment item not later than 3 years after the date of entry, and intends to pay duty to the U.S. Customs Service on such vehicle or equipment item, the importer shall request permission in writing from the Administrator for the vehicle or equipment item to remain in the United States for an additional period of time not to exceed 5 years from the date of entry. Such a request must be received not later than 60 days before the date that is 3 years after the date of entry. Such vehicle or equipment item shall not remain in the United States for a period that exceeds 5 years from the date of entry, unless further written permission has been obtained from the Administrator.

(c) An importer of a vehicle which has entered the United States under a declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(j)(2)(i) shall not sell, or transfer possession of, or title to, the vehicle, and shall not license it for use, or operate it on the public roads, except under such terms and conditions as the Administrator may authorize in writing. An importer of a vehicle which has entered the United States under a declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(j)(2)(ii) shall at all times retain title to it.

(d) Any violation of a term or condition imposed by the Administrator in a letter authorizing importation for on-road use under § 591.5(j), or a change of status under paragraph (e) of this section, including a failure to allow inspection upon request to verify that the accumulated mileage of the vehicle is not more than 2,500 miles in any 12-month period, shall be considered a violation of 49 U.S.C. 30112(a) for which a civil penalty may be imposed. Such a violation will also act to void the authorization and require the exportation of the vehicle. With respect to importations under § 591.6(f)(2) or a change of status to an importation for show or display as provided under paragraph (e) of this section, if the Administrator has reason to believe that a violation has occurred, the Administrator may tentatively conclude that a term of entry has been violated, but shall make no final conclusion until the importer or owner has been afforded an opportunity to present data, views, and arguments as to why there is no violation or why a penalty should not be imposed.

(e) If the importer of a vehicle under § 591.5(f)(2)(ii) has been notified in writing by the Registered Importer with which it has executed a contract or other agreement that the registration of the Registered Importer has been suspended (for other than the first time) or revoked, pursuant to § 592.7 of this chapter, and that it has not affixed a certification label on the vehicle and/or filed a certification of conformance with the Administrator as required by § 592.6 of this chapter, and that it therefore may not release the vehicle for the importer, the importer shall execute a contract or other agreement with another Registered Importer for the certification of the vehicle and submission of the certification of conformance to the Administrator. The Administrator shall toll the 120-day period for submission of a certification to the Administrator pursuant to § 592.6(d) of this chapter during the period from the date of the Registered Importer's notification to the importer until the date of the contract with the substitute Registered Importer.

(f) If a vehicle has entered the United States under a declaration made pursuant to § 591.5(l) and:

(1) If the Administrator of NHTSA dismisses the petition or decides that the vehicle is not eligible for importation, or if the importer withdraws the petition or fails to submit a petition covering the vehicle within 180 days from the date of entry, the importer must deliver the vehicle, unless it is destroyed (with destruction documented by proof), to the Secretary of Homeland Security for export, or abandon the vehicle to the United States, within 30 days from the date of the dismissal, denial, or withdrawal of the importer's petition, as appropriate, or within 210 days from the date of entry if the importer fails to submit a petition covering the vehicle, and furnish NHTSA with documentary proof of the vehicle's exportation, abandonment, or destruction within 15 days from the date of such action; or

(2) If the Administrator grants the petition, the importer must:

(i) Furnish a bond, in an amount equal to 150 percent of the entered value of the vehicle as determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, within 15 days from the date the importer is notified that the petition has been granted, unless the vehicle has been destroyed, and bring the vehicle into conformity with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards within 120 days from the date the petition is granted; or,

(ii) Deliver the vehicle to the Secretary of Homeland Security for export within 30 days from the date the importer is notified that the petition has been granted; or

(iii) Abandon the vehicle to the United States within 30 days from the date the importer is notified that the petition has been granted; or

(iv) Destroy the vehicle within 30 days from the date the importer is notified that the petition has been granted; and

(v) Furnish NHTSA with documentary proof of the vehicle's exportation, abandonment, or destruction within 15 days from the date of such action.

[54 FR 40078, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 6994, Feb. 28, 1990; 57 FR 2047, Jan. 17, 1992; 58 FR 12908, Mar. 8, 1993; 59 FR 31560, June 20, 1994; 64 FR 37883, July 14, 1999; 69 FR 52092, Aug. 24, 2004; 76 FR 53078, Aug. 25, 2011]
§ 591.8 - Conformance bond and conditions.

(a) The bond required under section 591.6(c) for importation of a vehicle not originally manufactured to conform with all applicable standards issued under part 571 and part 581 of this chapter shall cover only one motor vehicle, and shall be in an amount equal to 150% of the dutiable value of the vehicle. However, a registered importer may enter vehicles under a bond of a continuing nature that covers an indefinite number of motor vehicles 150% of whose total dutiable value at any point in time does not exceed $1,000,000.

(b) The principal on the bond shall be the importer of the vehicle.

(c) The surety on the bond shall possess a certificate of authority to underwrite Federal bonds. (See list of certificated sureties at 54 FR 27800, June 30, 1989)

(d) In consideration of the release from the custody of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, or the withdrawal from a Customs bonded warehouse into the commerce of, or for consumption in, the United States, of a motor vehicle not originally manufactured to conform to applicable standards issued under part 571 and part 581 of this chapter, the obligors (principal and surety) shall agree to the following conditions of the bond:

(1) To have such vehicle brought into conformity with all applicable standards issued under part 571 and part 581 of this chapter within the number of days after the date of entry that the Administrator has established for such vehicle (to wit, 120 days);

(2) In the case of a vehicle imported pursuant to section 591.5(f), to file (or if not a Registered Importer, to cause the Registered Importer of the vehicle to file) with the Administrator, a certificate that the vehicle complies with each Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standard in the year that the vehicle was manufactured and which applies in such year to the vehicle; or

(3) In the case of a Registered Importer, not to release custody of the vehicle to any person for license or registration for use on public roads, streets, or highways, or license or register the vehicle from the date of entry until 30 calendar days after it has certified compliance of the vehicle to the Administrator, unless the Administrator has notified the principal before 30 calendar days that (s)he has accepted the certification, and that the vehicle and bond may be released, except that no such release shall be permitted, before or after the 30th calendar day, if the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that an inspection of the vehicle will be required or that there is reason to believe that such certification is false or contains a misrepresentation;

(4) In the case of a Registered Importer, to cause the vehicle to be available for inspection, if the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that an inspection is required.

(5) In the case of a Registered Importer, not to release the vehicle until the Administrator is satisfied with the certification and any modification thereof, if the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that there is reason to believe that the certification is false or contains a misrepresentation.

(6) If the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that the vehicle has been found not to comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards, and written demand that the vehicle be abandoned to the United States, or delivered to the Secretary of Homeland Security for export (at no cost to the United States), or to abandon the vehicle to the United States, or to deliver the vehicle, or cause the vehicle to be delivered to, the custody of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection at the port of entry listed above, or to any other port of entry, and to secure all documents necessary for exportation of the vehicle from the United States at no cost to the United States, or in default of abandonment or redelivery after prior notice by the Administrator to the principal, to pay to the Administrator the amount of the bond.

(e) If the principal defaults on the obligation of paragraph (d)(6) of this section, to abandon the vehicle to the United States or to redeliver the vehicle to the custody of a District Director of Customs and to execute all documents necessary for its exportation, the obligors shall pay to the Administrator the amount of the bond given under the provisions of this section.

[55 FR 11379, Mar. 28, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 31560, June 20, 1994; 69 FR 52092, Aug. 24, 2004]
§ 591.9 - Petitions for remission or mitigation of forfeiture.

(a) After a bond has been forfeited, a principal and/or a surety may petition for remission of forfeiture. A principal and/or surety may petition for mitigation of forfeiture only if the motor vehicle has been imported pursuant to paragraph 591.5(f) and the condition not met relates to the compliance of a passenger motor vehicle with part 581 of this chapter.

(b) A petition for remission or mitigation shall:

(1) Be addressed to the Administrator, identified as either a petition for remission or for mitigation, submitted in triplicate, and signed by the principal and/or the surety.

(2) State the make, model, model year, and VIN of the vehicle involved, and contain the Customs Entry number under which the vehicle entered the United States.

(3) State the facts and circumstances relied on by the petitioner to justify remission or mitigation.

(4) Be filed within 30 days from the date of the mailing of the notice of forfeiture incurred.

(c) A false statement contained in a petition may subject the petitioner to prosecution under the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 1001.

(d) If the Administrator finds that all conditions of the bond have, in fact, been fulfilled, the forfeiture is remitted.

(e) A decision to mitigate a forfeiture upon condition that a stated amount is paid shall be effective for not more than 60 days from the date of notice to the petitioner of such decision. If payment of the stated amount is not made, or arrangements made for delayed or installment payment, the full claim of forfeiture shall be deemed applicable. The Administrator shall collect the claim, or, if unable to collect the claim within 120 days, shall refer the matter to the Department of Justice.

[55 FR 11380, Mar. 28, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 31560, June 20, 1994]
§ 591.10 - Offer of cash deposits or obligations of the United States in lieu of sureties on bonds.

(a) In lieu of sureties on any bond required under § 591.6(c), an importer may offer United States money, United States bonds (except for savings bonds), United States certificates of indebtedness, Treasury notes, or Treasury bills in an amount equal to the amount of the bond.

(b) At the time the importer deposits any obligation of the United States, other than United States money, with the Administrator, (s)he shall deliver a duly executed power of attorney and agreement, in the form shown in appendix C to this part, authorizing the Administrator or delegate of the Administrator, in case of any default in the performance of any of the conditions of the bond, to sell the obligation so deposited, and to apply the proceeds of sale, in whole or in part, to the satisfaction of any penalties for violations of 49 U.S.C. 30112 and 49 U.S.C. 32506 arising by reasons of default.

(c) If the importer deposits money of the United States with the Administrator, the Administrator, or delegate of the Administrator, may apply the cash, in whole or in part, to the satisfaction of any penalties for violations of 49 U.S.C. 30112 and 49 U.S.C. 32506 arising by reason of default.

[58 FR 12908, Mar. 8, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 52097, Oct. 14, 1994]
Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 591—Section 591.5(f) Bond for the Entry of a Single Vehicle
Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration BOND TO ENSURE CONFORMANCE WITH FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY AND BUMPER STANDARDS (To redeliver vehicle, to produce documents, to perform conditions of release such as to bring vehicle into conformance with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards)

Know All Men by These Presents That (principal's name, mailing address which includes city, state, ZIP code, and state of incorporation if a corporation), as principal, and (surety's name, mailing address which includes city, state, ZIP code and state of incorporation), as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in the sum of (bond amount in words) dollars ($ (bond amount in numbers)), which represents 150% of the entered value of the following described motor vehicle, as determined by the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection: (make, model, model year, and VIN) for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and assigns (jointly and severally), firmly bound by these presents.

WITNESS our hands and seals this______day of______, 20____. WHEREAS, motor vehicles may be entered under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. Chapters 301 and 325; and DOT Form HS-7 “Declaration;” WHEREAS, pursuant to 49 CFR part 591, a regulation promulgated under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. Chapter 301, the above-bounden principal desires to import permanently the motor vehicle described above, which is a motor vehicle that was not originally manufactured to conform to the Federal motor vehicle safety or bumper standards; and WHEREAS, pursuant to 49 CFR part 592, a regulation promulgated under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. Chapter 301, the above-bounden principal has been granted the status of Registered Importer of motor vehicles not originally manufactured to conform to the Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards (or, if not a Registered Importer, has a contract with a Registered Importer covering the vehicle described above); and WHEREAS, pursuant to 49 CFR part 593, a regulation promulgated under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 301, the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has decided that the motor vehicle described above is eligible for importation into the United States; and WHEREAS, the motor vehicle described above has been imported at the port of __________, and entered at said port for consumption on entry No.______, dated______, 20____; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT—

(1) The above-bounden principal (the “principal”), in consideration of the permanent admission into the United States of the motor vehicle described above (the “vehicle”), voluntarily undertakes and agrees to have such vehicle brought into conformity with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards within a reasonable time after such importation, as specified by the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (the “Administrator”);

(2) The principal shall then file, or if not a Registered Importer, shall then cause the Registered Importer of the vehicle to file, with the Administrator, a certificate that the vehicle complies with each Federal motor vehicle safety standard in the year that the vehicle was manufactured and which applies in such year to the vehicle, and that the vehicle complies with the Federal bumper standard (if applicable);

(3) The principal, if a Registered Importer, shall not release custody of the vehicle to any person for license or registration for use on public roads, streets, or highways, or license or register the vehicle from the date of entry until 30 calendar days after it has certified compliance of the vehicle to the Administrator, unless the Administrator notifies the principal before 30 calendar days that (s)he has accepted such certification and the vehicle and bond may be released, except that no such release shall be permitted, before or after the 30th calendar day, if the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that an inspection of such vehicle will be required, or that there is reason to believe that such certification is false or contains a misrepresentation.

(4) And if the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that an inspection is required, the principal shall cause the vehicle to be available for inspection, and the vehicle and bond shall be promptly released after completion of an inspection showing no failure to comply. However, if the inspection shows a failure to comply, the vehicle and bond shall not be released until such time as the failure to comply ceases to exist;

(5) And if the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that there is reason to believe that the certificate is false or contains a misrepresentation, the vehicle or bond shall not be released until the Administrator is satisfied with the certification and any modification thereof;

(6) And if the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that the vehicle has been found not to comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards, and written demand that the vehicle be abandoned to the United States, or delivered to the Secretary of Homeland Security for export (at no cost to the United States), the principal shall abandon the vehicle to the United States, or shall deliver the vehicle, or cause the vehicle to be delivered to, the custody of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection at the port of entry listed above, or any other port of entry, and shall execute all documents necessary for exportation of the vehicle from the United States, at no cost to the United States; or in default of abandonment or redelivery after proper notice by the Administrator to the principal, the principal shall pay to the Administrator the amount of this obligation;

Then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect.

Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of— Name Address ______________(SEAL) (Principal) Name Address Name Address ______________(SEAL) (Surety) Name Address CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL

I, ____________ certify that I am the ________ of the corporation named as principal in the within bond; that __________, who signed the bond on behalf of the principal, was then ______________ of said corporation; that I know his/her signature, and his/her signature thereto is genuine; and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body.

______________[Corporate Seal]

To be used when a power of attorney has been filed with NHTSA. May be executed by secretary, assistant secretary, or other officer.

[55 FR 11380, Mar. 28, 1990, as amended at 59 FR 52097, Oct. 14, 1994; 69 FR 52093, Aug. 24, 2004]
Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Part 591—Section 591.5(f) Bond for the Entry of More Than a Single Vehicle
Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration BOND TO ENSURE CONFORMANCE WITH FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY AND BUMPER STANDARDS (To redeliver vehicles, to produce documents, to perform conditions of release such as to bring vehicles into conformance with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards)

Know All Men by These Presents That (principal's name, mailing address which includes city, state, ZIP code, and state of incorporation if a corporation), as principal, and (surety's name, mailing address which includes city, state, ZIP code and state of incorporation) as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in the sum of (bond amount in words) dollars ($ (bond amount in numbers)), which represents 150% of the entered value of the following described motor vehicle, as determined by the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (make, model, model year, and VIN of each vehicle) for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and assigns (jointly and severally), firmly bound by these presents.

WITNESS our hands and seals this ______ day of ______, 20____. WHEREAS, motor vehicles may be entered under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. Chapters 301 and 325; and DOT Form HS-7 “Declaration,” WHEREAS, pursuant to 49 CFR part 591, a regulation promulgated under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. Chapter 301, the above-bounden principal desires to import permanently the motor vehicles described above, which are motor vehicles that were not originally manufactured to conform to the Federal motor vehicle safety, or bumper, or theft prevention standards; and WHEREAS, pursuant to 49 CFR part 592, a regulation promulgated under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. Chapter 301, the above-bounden principal has been granted the status of Registered Importer of motor vehicles not originally manufactured to conform to the Federal motor vehicle safety, bumper, and theft prevention standards; and WHEREAS, pursuant to 49 CFR part 593, a regulation promulgated under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 301, the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has decided that each motor vehicle described above is eligible for importation into the United States; and WHEREAS, the motor vehicles described above have been imported at the port of ______, and entered at said port for consumption on entry No. ________, dated __________________ __, 20____; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT—

(1) The above-bounden principal (“the principal”), in consideration of the permanent admission into the United States of the motor vehicles described above, voluntarily undertakes and agrees to have such vehicles brought into conformity with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards within a reasonable time after such importation, as specified by the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (the “Administrator”);

(2) For each vehicle described above (“such vehicle”), the principal shall then file, with the Administrator, a certificate that such vehicle complies with each Federal motor vehicle safety standard in the year that such vehicle was manufactured and which applies in such year to such vehicle, and that such vehicle complies with the Federal bumper standard (if applicable);

(3) The principal shall not release custody of any vehicle to any person, or license or register the vehicle, from the date of entry until 30 calendar days after it has certified compliance of such vehicle to the Administrator, unless the Administrator notifies the principal before 30 days that (s)he has accepted such certification and such vehicle and all liability under this bond for such vehicle may be released, except that no such release shall be permitted, before or after the 30th calendar day, if the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that an inspection of such vehicle will be required, or that there is reason to believe that such certification is false or contains a misrepresentation.

(4) And if the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that an inspection of such vehicle is required, the principal shall cause such vehicle to be available for inspection, and such vehicle and all liability under this bond for such vehicle shall be promptly released after completion of an inspection showing no failure to comply. However, if the inspection shows a failure to comply, such vehicle and all liability under this bond for such vehicle shall not be released until such time as the failure to comply ceases to exist;

(5) And if the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that there is reason to believe that such certificate is false or contains a misrepresentation, such vehicle and all liability under this bond for such vehicle shall not be released until the Administrator is satisfied with such certification and any modification thereof;

(6) And if the principal has received written notice from the Administrator that such vehicle has been found not to comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards, and written demand that such vehicle be abandoned to the United States, or delivered to the Secretary of Homeland Security for export (at no cost to the United States), the principal shall abandon such vehicle to the United States, or shall deliver such vehicle, or cause such vehicle to be delivered to, the custody of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection at the port of entry listed above, or any other port of entry, and shall execute all documents necessary for exportation of such vehicle from the United States, at no cost to the United States; or in default of abandonment or redelivery after proper notice by the Administrator to the principal, the principal shall pay to the Administrator an amount equal to 150% of the entered value of such vehicle as determined by the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection;

Then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. [At this point the terms agreed upon between the principal and surety for termination of the obligation may be entered]

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of

PRINCIPAL: (name and address) (Signature) (SEAL) (Printed name and title) SURETY: (name and address) (Signature) (Printed name and title) [60 FR 57954, Nov. 24, 1995, as amended at 69 FR 52093, Aug. 24, 2004]
Appendix Appendix C - Appendix C to Part 591—Power of Attorney and Agreement

______________ does constitute and appoint the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, United States Department of Transportation, or delegate, as attorney for the undersigned, for and in the name of the undersigned to collect or to sell, assign, and transfer the securities described below as follows:

Title Matures Int. Rate Denom. Serial # Coupon/registered

The securities having been deposited by it as security for the performance of the agreements undertaken in a bond with the United States, executed on the date of __________ , ______, the terms and conditions of which are incorporated by reference into this power of attorney and agreement and made a part hereof. The undersigned agrees that in case of any default in the performance of any of the agreements the attorney shall have full power to collect the securities or any part thereof, or to sell, assign, and transfer the securities or any part thereof, or to sell, assign, and transfer the securities of any part thereof at public or private sale, without notice, free from any equity of redemption and without appraisement or valuation, notice and right to redeem being waived and to apply the proceeds of the sale or collection in whole or in part to the satisfaction of any obligation arising by reason of default. The undersigned further agrees that the authority granted by this agreement is irrevocable. The undersigned ratifies and confirms whatever the attorney shall do by virtue of this agreement.

Witnessed and signed this __________ day of __________, ______.

Before me, the undersigned, a notary public within and for the County of ____________ in the State of ____________, personally appeared ______________ and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing power of attorney.

Witness my hand and notarial seal this __________ day of __________, 199__.

[Notarial seal] Notary Public ________________ [58 FR 12909, Mar. 8, 1993]
authority: Pub. L. 100-562, 49 U.S.C. 322(a), 30117, 30141-30147; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.95
source: 54 FR 40078, Sept. 29, 1989, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 591.8