Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 18, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Jan 16, 2025
§ 592.1 - Scope.

This part establishes procedures under 49 U.S.C. 30141(c) for the registration of importers of motor vehicles that were not originally manufactured to comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards. This part also establishes the duties of Registered Importers.

[59 FR 52098, Oct. 14, 1994]
§ 592.2 - Purpose.

The purpose of this part is to provide content and format requirements for persons who wish to register with the Administrator as importers of motor vehicles not originally manufactured to conform to all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards, to provide procedures for the registration f importers and for the suspension, revocation and reinstatement of registration, and to set forth the duties required of Registered Importers.

§ 592.3 - Applicability.

This part applies to any person who wishes to register with the Administrator as an importer of nonconforming vehicles, and to any person who is registered as an importer.

§ 592.4 - Definitions.

All terms in this part that are defined in 49 U.S.C. 30102 and 30125 are used as defined therein.

Administrator means the Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Convicted of a crime means receiving a criminal conviction in the United States or in a foreign jurisdiction, whether entered on a verdict or plea, including a plea of nolo contendere, for which sentence has been imposed.

Independent insurance company means an entity that is registered with any State and authorized by that State to conduct an insurance business including the issuance or underwriting of a service insurance policy, none of whose affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, or employees, or any person in affinity with such, is employed by, or has a financial interest in, or otherwise controls or participates in the business of, a Registered Importer to which it issues or underwrites a service insurance policy.

NHTSA means the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Principal, with respect to a Registered Importer, means any officer of a corporation, a general partner of a partnership, or the sole proprietor of a sole proprietorship. The term includes a director of an incorporated Registered Importer, and any person whose ownership interest in a Registered Importer is 10% or more.

Registered Importer means any person that the Administrator has registered as an importer pursuant to section 592.5(b).

Safety recall means a notification and remedy campaign conducted pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 30118-30120 to address a noncompliance with a Federal motor vehicle safety standard or a defect that relates to motor vehicle safety.

Service insurance policy means any policy issued or underwritten by an independent insurance company which covers a specific motor vehicle and guarantees that any noncompliance with a Federal motor vehicle safety standard or defect related to motor vehicle safety determined to exist in that vehicle will be remedied without charge to the owner of the vehicle.

[54 FR 40090, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended at 59 FR 52098, Oct. 14, 1994; 69 FR 52094, Aug. 24, 2004; 76 FR 53079, Aug. 25, 2011]
§ 592.5 - Requirements for registration and its maintenance.

(a) Any person wishing to register as an importer of motor vehicles not originally manufactured to conform to all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards must file an application which:

(1) Is headed with the words “Application for Registration as Importer”, and submitted in three copies to: Director, Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fourth Floor, Room W43-481, Mail Code NVS-220, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.

(2) Is written in the English language.

(3) Sets forth the full name, street address, and title of the person preparing the application, and the full name, street address, e-mail address (if any), and telephone and facsimile machine (if any) numbers in the United States of the person for whom application is made (the “applicant”).

(4) Specifies the form of the applicant's organization (i.e., sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation) and the State under which it is organized, and:

(i) If the applicant is an individual, the application must include the full name, street address, and date of birth of the individual.

(ii) If the applicant is a partnership, the application must include the full name, street address, and date of birth of each partner; if one or more of the partners is a limited partnership, the application must include the names and street addresses of the general partners and limited partners; if one or more of the partners is a corporation, the application must include the information specified by either paragraph (a)(4)(iii) or (iv) of this section, as applicable;

(iii) If the applicant is a non-public corporation, the application must include the full name, street address, and date of birth of each officer, director, manager, and person who is authorized to sign documents on behalf of the corporation. The application must also include the name of any person who owns or controls 10 percent or more of the corporation. The applicant must also provide a statement issued by the Office of the Secretary of State, or other responsible official of the State in which the applicant is incorporated, certifying that the applicant is a corporation in good standing;

(iv) If the applicant is a public corporation, the applicant must include a copy of its latest 10-K filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and provide the name and address of any person who is authorized to sign documents on behalf of the corporation; and

(v) Identifies any shareholder, officer, director, employee, or any person in affinity with such, who has been previously affiliated with another Registered Importer in any capacity. If any such persons are identified, the applicant shall state the name of each such Registered Importer and the affiliation of any identified person.

(5) Includes the following:

(i) The street address and telephone number in the United States of each of its facilities for conformance, storage, and repair that the applicant will use to fulfill its duties as a Registered Importer and where the applicant will maintain the records it is required by this part to keep;

(ii) The street address that the applicant designates as its mailing address (in addition, an applicant may list a post office box, provided that it is in the same city as the street address designated as its mailing address);

(iii) A copy of the applicant's business license or other similar document issued by an appropriate State or local authority, authorizing it to do business as an importer, or modifier, or seller of motor vehicles, as applicable to the applicant and with respect to each facility that the applicant has identified pursuant to paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section, or a statement by the applicant that it has made a bona fide inquiry and is not required by such State or local authority to have such a license or document;

(iv) The name of each principal of the applicant whom the applicant authorizes to submit conformity certifications to NHTSA and the street address of the repair, storage, or conformance facility where each such principal will be located; and

(v) If an applicant is a corporation not organized under the laws of a State of the United States, or is a sole proprietorship or partnership located outside the United States, the application must be accompanied by the applicant's designation of an agent for service of process in the form specified by Section 551.45 of this chapter.

(6) Contains a statement that the applicant has never had a registration revoked pursuant to § 592.7, nor is it or was it, directly or indirectly, owned or controlled by, or under common ownership or control with, a person who has had a registration revoked pursuant to § 592.7.

(7) Contains a certified check payable to the Treasurer of the United States, for the amount of the initial annual fee established pursuant to part 594 of this chapter.

(8) Contains a copy of a contract to acquire, effective upon its registration as an importer, a prepaid mandatory service insurance policy underwritten by an independent insurance company, or a copy of such policy, in an amount that equals $2,000 for each motor vehicle for which the applicant will furnish a certificate of conformity to the Administrator, for the purpose of ensuring that the applicant will be able financially to remedy any noncompliance or safety related defect determined to exist in any such motor vehicle in accordance with part 573 and part 577 of this chapter. If the application is accompanied by a copy of a contract to acquire such a policy, the applicant shall provide NHTSA with a copy of the policy within 10 days after it has been issued to the applicant.

(9) Sets forth in full complete descriptive information, views, and arguments sufficient to establish that the applicant:

(i) Is technically able to modify any nonconforming motor vehicle to conform to all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards, including but not limited to the professional qualifications of the applicant and its employees at the time of the application (such as whether any such persons have been certified as mechanics), and a description of their experience in conforming and repairing vehicles;

(ii) Owns or leases one or more facilities sufficient in nature and size to repair, conform, and store the vehicles for which it provides certification of conformance to NHTSA and which it imports and may hold pending release of conformance bonds, including a copy of a deed or lease evidencing ownership or tenancy for each such facility, still or video photographs of each such facility, the street address and telephone number of each such facility;

(iii) Is financially and technically able to provide notification of and to remedy a noncompliance with a Federal motor vehicle safety standard or a defect related to motor vehicle safety determined to exist in the vehicles that it imports and/or for which it provides certification of conformity to NHTSA through repair, repurchase or replacement of such vehicles; and

(iv) Is able to acquire and maintain information regarding the vehicles that it imported and the names and addresses of owners of the vehicles that it imported and/or for which it provided certifications of conformity to NHTSA in order to notify such owners when a noncompliance or a defect related to motor vehicle safety has been determined to exist in such vehicles.

(10) Segregates and specifies any part of the information and data submitted under this part that the applicant wishes to have withheld from public disclosure in accordance with part 512 of this chapter.

(11) Contains the statement: “I certify that I have read and understood the duties of a Registered Importer, as set forth in 49 CFR 592.6, and that [name of applicant] will fully comply with each such duty. I further certify that all the information provided in this application is true and correct. I further certify that I understand that, in the event the registration for which it is applying is suspended or revoked, or lapses, [name of applicant] will remain obligated to notify owners and to remedy noncompliances or safety related defects, as required by 49 CFR 592.6(j), for each vehicle for which it has furnished a certificate of conformity to the Administrator.”

(12) Has the applicant's signature acknowledged by a notary public.

(b) If the application is incomplete, the Administrator notifies the applicant in writing of the information that is needed for the application to be complete and advises that no further action will be taken on the application until the applicant has furnished all the information needed.

(c) If the Administrator deems it necessary for a determination upon the application, NHTSA conducts an inspection of the applicant. Subsequent to the inspection, NHTSA calculates the costs attributable to such inspection, and notifies the applicant in writing that such costs comprise a component of the initial annual fee and must be paid before a determination is made upon its application.

(d) When the application is complete (and, if applicable, when the applicant has paid a sum representing the inspection component of the initial annual fee), the Administrator reviews the application and decides whether the applicant has complied with the requirements prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section. The Administrator shall base this decision on the application and upon any inspection NHTSA may have conducted of the applicant's conformance, storage, and recordkeeping facilities and any assessment of the applicant's personnel. If the Administrator decides that the applicant complies with the requirements, (s)he informs the applicant in writing and issues it a Registered Importer Number.

(e)(1) The Administrator:

(i) Shall deny registration to an applicant who (s)he decides does not comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section;

(ii) Shall deny registration to an applicant whose previous registration has been revoked;

(iii) May deny registration to an applicant who has been convicted of, or whose business is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by, or under common ownership or control with, a person who has been convicted of, a crime related to the importation, purchase, or sale of a motor vehicle or motor vehicle equipment, including, but not limited to, offenses such as title fraud, odometer fraud, auto theft, or the sale of stolen vehicles; and

(iv) May deny registration to an applicant that is or was owned or controlled by, or under common ownership or control with, or in affinity with, a Registered Importer whose registration has been revoked. In determining whether to deny an application, the Administrator may consider whether the applicant is comprised in whole or in part of relatives, employees, major shareholders, partners, or relatives of former partners or major shareholders of a Registered Importer whose registration has been revoked.

(2) If the Administrator denies an application, (s)he informs the applicant in writing of the reasons for denial and that the applicant is entitled to a refund of that component of the initial annual fee representing the remaining costs of administration of the registration program, but not those components of the initial annual fee representing the costs of processing the application, and, if applicable, the costs of conducting an inspection of the applicant's facilities.

(3) Within 30 days from the date of the denial, the applicant may submit a petition for reconsideration. The applicant may submit information and/or documentation supporting its request. If the Administrator grants registration as a result of the request, (s)he notifies the applicant in writing and issues it a Registered Importer Number. If the Administrator denies registration, (s)he notifies the applicant in writing and refunds that component of the initial annual fee representing the remaining costs of administration of the registration program, but does not refund those components of the initial annual fee representing the costs of processing the application, and, if applicable, the costs of conducting an inspection.

(f) In order to maintain its registration, a Registered Importer must:

(1) Not be convicted of, or have any person associated with direct or indirect ownership or control of the registered importer's business or any person employed by or associated with the registered importer who is convicted of, a crime related to the importation, purchase, or sale of motor vehicles or motor vehicle equipment. These offenses include, but are not limited to, title fraud, odometer fraud, or the sale of stolen vehicles.

(2) File an annual statement. The annual statement must be titled “Yearly Statement of Registered Importer” and include the following written statements:

(i)“I certify that I have read and understand the duties of a Registered Importer, as set forth in 49 CFR 592.6, and that [name of Registered Importer] continues to comply with the requirements for being a Registered Importer.”

(ii) “I certify that all information provided in each of my previous annual statements, submitted pursuant to § 592.6(q), or changed in any notification that [name of Registered Importer] may have provided to the Administrator in compliance with § 592.6(l), remains correct and that all the information provided in this annual statement is true and correct.”

(iii) “I certify that I understand that, in the event that its registration is suspended or revoked, or lapses, [name of Registered Importer] will remain obligated to notify owners and to remedy noncompliance issues or safety related defects, as required by 49 CFR 592.6(j), for each vehicle for which [name of Registered Importer] has furnished a certificate of conformity to the Administrator.”

(3) Include with its annual statement a current copy of the Registered Importer's service insurance policy. Such statements must be filed not later than September 30 of each year; and

(4) Pay an annual fee and any other fee that is established under part 594 of this chapter. An annual fee must be paid not later than September 30 of any calendar year for the fiscal year that begins on October 1 of that calendar year. The Registered Importer must pay any other fee not later than 15 days after the date of the written notice from the Administrator.

(g) A registration granted under this part is not transferable.

(h) An applicant whose application is pending on September 30, 2004, and which has not provided the information required by paragraph (a) of this section, as amended, must provide all the information required by that subsection before the Administrator will give further consideration to the application.

(i) The Administrator may deny registration renewal to any applicant who has been convicted of, or whose business is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by, or under common ownership or control with, a person who has been convicted of, a crime related to the importation, purchase, or sale of a motor vehicle or motor vehicle equipment, including, but not limited to, title fraud, odometer fraud, or the sale of stolen vehicles.

[54 FR 40090, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended at 54 FR 47088, Nov. 9, 1989; 55 FR 37330, Sept. 11, 1990; 69 FR 52094, Aug. 24, 2004; 70 FR 57801, Oct. 4, 2005; 76 FR 53079, Aug. 25, 2011]
§ 592.6 - Duties of a registered importer.

Each Registered Importer must:

(a) With respect to each motor vehicle that it imports into the United States, assure that the Administrator has decided that the vehicle is eligible for importation pursuant to Part 593 of this chapter prior to such importation. The Registered Importer must also bring such vehicle into conformity with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards prescribed under Part 571 of this chapter and the bumper standard prescribed under Part 581 of this chapter, if applicable, and furnish certification to the Administrator pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section, within 120 calendar days after such entry. For each motor vehicle, the Registered Importer must furnish to the Secretary of Homeland Security at the time of importation a bond in an amount equal to 150 percent of the dutiable value of the vehicle, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security, to ensure that such vehicle either will be brought into conformity with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards or will be exported (at no cost to the United States) by the importer or the Secretary of Homeland Security or abandoned to the United States. However, if the Registered Importer has procured a continuous entry bond, it must furnish the Administrator with such bond, and must furnish the Secretary of Homeland Security (acting on behalf of the Administrator) with a paper or electronic copy, in a format accepted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, of such bond at the time of importation of each motor vehicle.

(b) Establish, maintain, and retain, for 10 years from the date of entry, at the facility in the United States it has identified in its application pursuant to § 592.5 (a)(5)(i), for each motor vehicle for which it furnishes a certificate of conformity, the following records, including correspondence and other documents, in hard copy format:

(1) The declaration required by § 591.5 of this chapter.

(2) All vehicle or equipment purchase or sales orders or agreements, conformance agreements between the Registered Importer and persons who import motor vehicles for personal use, and correspondence between the Registered Importer and the owner or purchaser of the vehicle.

(3) The make, model, model year, odometer reading, and VIN of each vehicle that it imports and the last known name and address of the owner or purchaser of the vehicle.

(4) Records, including photographs and other documents, sufficient to identify the vehicle and to substantiate that it has been brought into conformity with all Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards that apply to the vehicle, that the certification label has been affixed, and that either the vehicle is not subject to any safety recalls or that all noncompliances and safety defects covered by such recalls were remedied before the submission to the Administrator under paragraph (d) of this section. All photographs submitted shall be unaltered.

(5) A copy of the certification submitted to the Administrator pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section.

(6) The number that the issuer has assigned to the service insurance policy that will accompany the vehicle and the full corporate or other business name of the issuer of the policy, and substantiation that the Registered Importer has notified the issuer of the policy that the policy has been provided with the vehicle.

(c) Take possession of the vehicle and perform all modifications necessary to conform the vehicle to all Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards that apply to the vehicle at a facility that it has identified to the Administrator pursuant to § 592.5(a)(5)(i), and permanently affix to the vehicle at that facility, upon completion of conformance modifications and remedy of all noncompliances and defects that are the subject of any pending safety recalls, a label that identifies the Registered Importer and states that the Registered Importer certifies that the vehicle complies with all Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards that apply to the vehicle, and contains all additional information required by § 567.4 of this chapter.

(d) For each motor vehicle imported pursuant to part 591.5(f) of this chapter, certify to the Administrator:

(1) Within 120 days of the importation that it has brought the motor vehicle into conformity with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards in effect at the time the vehicle was manufactured by the fabricating manufacturer. Such certification shall state verbatim either that “I know that the vehicle that I am certifying conforms with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards because I personally witnessed each modification performed on the vehicle to effect compliance,” or that “I know that the vehicle I am certifying conforms with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards because the person who performed the necessary modifications to the vehicle is an employee of [RI name] and has provided full documentation of the work that I have reviewed, and I am satisfied that the vehicle as modified complies.” The Registered Importer shall also certify that it has destroyed or exported any noncompliant motor vehicle equipment items that were removed from an imported vehicle in the course of performing conformance modifications. The Registered Importer shall also certify, as appropriate, that either:

(i) The vehicle is not required to comply with the parts marking requirements of the theft prevention standard (part 541 of this chapter); or

(ii) The vehicle complies with those parts marking requirements as manufactured, or as modified prior to importation.

(2) If the Registered Importer certifies that the vehicle was originally manufactured to comply with a standard that does not apply to the vehicle or that it has modified the vehicle to conform to such standard, or if the certification is incomplete, the Administrator may refuse to accept the certification. The Administrator shall refuse to accept a certification for a vehicle that has not been determined to be eligible for importation under part 593 of this chapter. If the Administrator does not accept a submission, (s)he shall return it to the Registered Importer. The costs associated with such a return will be charged to the Registered Importer. If the Administrator returns the submission as described above and the vehicle is eligible for importation, the 120-day period specified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section continues to run, but the 30-day period specified in paragraph (f) of this section does not begin to run until the Administrator has accepted the submission. If the vehicle is not eligible for importation, the importer must export it from, or abandon it to, the United States. If the Registered Importer certifies that it has modified the vehicle to bring it into compliance with a standard and has, in fact, not performed all required modifications, the Administrator will regard such certification as “knowingly false” within the meaning of 49 U.S.C. 30115 and 49 U.S.C. 30141(c)(4)(B).

(3) The certification must be signed and submitted by a principal of the Registered Importer designated in its registration application pursuant to § 592.5(a)(5)(iv), with an original hand-written signature and not with a signature that is stamped or mechanically applied.

(4) The certification to the Administrator must specify the location of the facility where the vehicle was conformed, and the location where the Administrator may inspect the motor vehicle.

(5) The certification to the Administrator must state and contain substantiation either that the vehicle is not subject to any safety recalls as of the time of such certification, or, alternatively, that all noncompliances and defects that are the subject of those safety recalls have been remedied.

(6) When a Registered Importer certifies a make, model, and model year of a motor vehicle for the first time, its certification must include:

(i) The make, model, model year and date of manufacture, odometer reading, VIN that complies with § 565.4(b), (c), and (g) of this chapter, and Customs Entry Number,

(ii) A statement that it has brought the vehicle into conformity with all Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards that apply to the vehicle, and a description, with respect to each standard for which modifications were needed, of the modifications performed,

(iii) A copy of the bond given at the time of entry to ensure conformance with the safety and bumper standards,

(iv) The vehicle's vehicle eligibility number, as stated in appendix A to part 593 of this chapter,

(v) A copy of the HS-7 Declaration form executed at the time of its importation if a Customs broker did not make an electronic entry for the vehicle with the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection,

(vi) Unaltered front, side, and rear photographs of the vehicle,

(vii) Unaltered photographs of the original manufacturer's certification label and the certification label of the Registered Importer affixed to the vehicle (and, if the vehicle is a motorcycle, a photograph or photocopy of the Registered Importer certification label before it has been affixed),

(viii) Unaltered photographs and documentation sufficient to demonstrate conformity with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards to which the vehicle was not originally manufactured to conform,

(ix) The policy number of the service insurance policy furnished with the vehicle pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section, and the full corporate or other business name of the insurer that issued the policy, and

(x) A statement that the submission is the Registered Importer's initial certification submission for the make, model, and model year of the vehicle covered by the certification.

(7) Except as specified in this paragraph, a Registered Importer's second and subsequent certification submissions for a given make, model, and model year vehicle must contain the information required by paragraph (d)(6) of this section. If the Registered Importer conformed such a vehicle in the same manner as it stated in its initial certification submission, it may say so in a subsequent submission and it need not provide the description required by paragraph (d)(6)(ii) of this section.

(e) With respect to each motor vehicle that it imports, not take any of the following actions until the bond referred to in paragraph (a) of this section has been released, unless 30 days have elapsed from the date the Administrator receives the Registered Importer's certification of compliance of the motor vehicle in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section (the 30-day period will be extended if the Administrator has made written demand to inspect the motor vehicle):

(1) Operate the motor vehicle on the public streets, roads, and highways for any purpose other than:

(i) Transportation to and from a franchised dealership of the vehicle's original manufacturer for remedying a noncompliance or safety-related defect; or

(ii) Mileage accumulation to stabilize the vehicle's catalyst and emissions control systems in preparation for pre-certification testing to obtain an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certificate of conformity, but only insofar as the vehicle has been imported by an Independent Commercial Importer (ICI) who holds a current certificate of conformity with the EPA, the ICI has imported the vehicle under an EPA Declaration form 3520-1 on which Code J is checked, and the EPA has granted the ICI written permission to operate the vehicle on public roads for that purpose.

(2) Sell the motor vehicle or offer it for sale;

(3) Store the motor vehicle on the premises of a motor vehicle dealer;

(4) Title the motor vehicle in a name other than its own, or license or register it for use on public streets, roads, or highways; or

(5) Release custody of the motor vehicle to a person for sale, or for license or registration for use on public streets, roads, and highways, or for titling in a name other than that of the Registered Importer who imported the vehicle.

(f) Furnish with each motor vehicle for which it furnishes certification or information to the Administrator in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, not later than the time it sells the vehicle, or releases custody of a vehicle to an owner who has imported it for personal use, a service insurance policy written or underwritten by an independent insurance company, in the amount of $2,000. The Registered Importer shall provide the insurance company with a monthly list of the VINs of vehicles covered by the policies of the insurance company, and shall retain a copy of each such list in its files.

(g) Comply with the requirements of part 580 of this chapter, Odometer Disclosure Requirements, when the Registered Importer is a transferor of a vehicle as defined by § 580.3 of this chapter.

(h) With respect to any motor vehicle it has imported and for which it has furnished a performance bond, deliver such vehicle to the Secretary of Homeland Security for export, or abandon it to the United States, upon demand by the Administrator, if such vehicle has not been brought into conformity with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety and bumper standards within 120 days from entry.

(i)(1) With respect to any motor vehicle that it has imported or for which it has furnished a certificate of conformity or information to the Administrator as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, provide notification in accordance with part 577 of this chapter and a remedy without charge to the vehicle owner, after any notification under part 573 of this chapter that a vehicle to which such motor vehicle is substantially similar contains a defect related to motor vehicle safety or fails to conform with an applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standard. However, this obligation does not exist if the manufacturer of the vehicle or the Registered Importer of such vehicle demonstrates to the Administrator that the defect or noncompliance is not present in such vehicle, or that the defect or noncompliance was remedied before the submission of the certificate or the information to the Administrator, or that the original manufacturer of the vehicle will provide such notification and remedy.

(2) If a Registered Importer becomes aware (from whatever source) that the manufacturer of a vehicle it has imported will not provide a remedy without charge for a defect or noncompliance that has been determined to exist in that vehicle, within 30 days thereafter, the Registered Importer must inform NHTSA and submit a copy of the notification letter that it intends to send to owners of the vehicle(s) in question.

(3) Any notification to vehicle owners sent by a Registered Importer must contain the information specified in § 577.5 of this chapter, and must include the statement that if the Registered Importer's repair facility is more than 50 miles from the owner's mailing address, remedial repairs may be performed at no charge at a specific facility designated by the Registered Importer that is within 50 miles of the owner's mailing address, or, if no such facility is designated, that repairs may be performed anywhere, with the cost of parts and labor to be reimbursed by the Registered Importer.

(4) Defect and noncompliance notifications by a Registered Importer must conform to the requirements of §§ 577.7 and 577.8 of this chapter, and are subject to §§ 577.9 and 577.10 of this chapter.

(5) Except as provided in this paragraph, instead of the six quarterly reports required by § 573.7(a) of this chapter, the Registered Importer must submit to the Administrator two reports containing the information specified in § 573.7(b)(1) through (4) of this chapter. The reports shall cover the periods ending nine and 18 months after the commencement of the owner notification campaign, and must be submitted within 30 days of the end of each period. However, the reporting requirements established by this paragraph shall not apply to any safety recall that a vehicle manufacturer conducts that includes vehicles for which the Registered Importer has submitted the information required by paragraph (d) of this section.

(6) The requirement that the remedy be provided without charge does not apply if the motor vehicle was bought by its first purchaser from the Registered Importer (or, if imported for personal use, conformed pursuant to a contract with the Registered Importer) more than 10 calendar years before the date the Registered Importer or the original manufacturer notifies the Administrator of the noncompliance or safety-related defect pursuant to part 573 of this chapter.

(j) In order that the Administrator may determine whether the Registered Importer is meeting its statutory responsibilities, allow representatives of NHTSA during operating hours, upon demand, and upon presentation of credentials, to copy documents, or to inspect, monitor, or photograph any of the following:

(1) Any facility identified by the Registered Importer where any vehicle for which a Registered Importer has the responsibility of providing a certificate of conformity to the Administrator is being modified, repaired, tested, or stored, and any facility where any record or other document relating to the modification, repair, testing, or storage of these vehicles is kept;

(2) Any part or aspect of activities relating to the modification, repair, testing, or storage of vehicles by the Registered Importer; and

(3) Any motor vehicle for which the Registered Importer has provided a certification of conformity to the Administrator before the Administrator releases the conformance bond.

(k) Provide an annual statement, certifying that the information therein is true and correct, and pay an annual fee as required by § 592.5(f).

(l) Except as noted in this paragraph, notify the Administrator in writing of any change that occurs in the information which was submitted in its registration application, not later than the 30th calendar day after such change. If a Registered Importer intends to use a facility that was not identified in its registration application, not later than 30 days before it begins to use such facility, it must notify the Administrator of its intent to use such facility and provide a description of the intended use, a copy of the lease or deed evidencing the Registered Importer's ownership or tenancy of the facility, and a copy of the license or similar document issued by an appropriate state or municipal authority stating that the Registered Importer is licensed to do business at that facility as an importer and/or modifier and/or seller of motor vehicles (or a statement that it has made a bona fide inquiry and is not required by state or local law to have such a license or permission), and a sufficient number of unaltered photographs of that facility to fully depict the Registered Importer's intended use. If a Registered Importer intends to change its street address or telephone number or discontinue use of a facility that was identified in its registration application, it shall notify the Administrator not less than 10 days before such change or discontinuance of such use, and identify the facility, if any, that will be used instead.

(m) Assure that at least one full-time employee of the Registered Importer is present at at least one of the Registered Importer's facilities in the United States during normal business hours.

(n) Not co-utilize the same employee, or any repair or conformance facility, with any other Registered Importer. If a Registered Importer co-utilizes the same storage facility with another Registered Importer or another entity, the storage area of each Registered Importer must be clearly delineated, and the vehicles being stored by each Registered Importer may not be mingled with vehicles for which that Registered Importer is not responsible.

(o) Make timely, complete, and accurate responses to any requests by the Administrator for information, whether by general or special order or otherwise, to enable the Administrator to decide whether the Registered Importer has complied or is complying with 49 U.S.C. Chapters 301 and 325, and the regulations issued thereunder.

(p) Pay all fees either by certified check, cashier's check, money order, credit card, or Electronic Funds Transfer System made payable to the Treasurer of the United States, in accordance with the invoice of fees incurred by the Registered Importer in the previous month that is provided by the Administrator. All such fees are due and payable not later than 15 days from the date of the invoice.

(q) Not later than November 1, 2004, file with the Administrator all information required by § 592.5(a), as amended. If a Registered Importer has previously provided any item of information to the Administrator in its registration application, annual statement, or notification of change, it may incorporate that item by reference in the filing required under this subsection, provided that it clearly indicates the date, page, and entry of the previously-provided document.

[69 FR 52095, Aug. 24, 2004, as amended at 70 FR 57801, Oct. 4, 2005; 76 FR 53079, Aug. 25, 2011; 79 FR 45376, Aug. 5, 2014; 80 FR 53014, Sept. 2, 2015]
§ 592.7 - Suspension, revocation, and reinstatement of suspended registrations.

This section specifies the acts and omissions that may result in suspensions and revocations of registrations issued to Registered Importers by NHTSA, the process for such suspensions and revocations, and the provisions applicable to the reinstatement of suspended registrations.

(a) Automatic suspension of a registration. 49 U.S.C. 30141(c)(4)(B) explicitly authorizes NHTSA to automatically suspend a registration when a Registered Importer does not, in a timely manner, pay a fee required by part 594 of this chapter or knowingly files a false or misleading certification under 49 U.S.C. 30146. NHTSA also may automatically suspend a registration under other circumstances, as specified in paragraphs (3), (4) and (5) of this section.

(1) If the Administrator has not received the annual fee from a Registered Importer by the close of business on October 10 of a year, or, if October 10 falls on a weekend or holiday, by the next business day thereafter, or has not received any other fee owed by a Registered Importer within 15 calendar days from the date of the Administrator's invoice, the Registered Importer's registration will be automatically suspended at the beginning of the next business day. The Administrator will promptly notify the Registered Importer in writing of the suspension. Such suspension shall remain in effect until reinstated pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

(2) If the Administrator decides that a Registered Importer has knowingly filed a false or misleading certification, (s)he shall promptly notify the Registered Importer in writing that its registration is automatically suspended. The notification shall inform the Registered Importer of the facts and conduct upon which the decision is based, and the period of suspension (which begins as of the date indicated in the Administrator's written notification). The notification shall afford the Registered Importer an opportunity to seek reconsideration of the decision by presenting data, views, and arguments in writing and/or in person, within 30 days. Not later than 30 days after the submission of data, views, and arguments, the Administrator, after considering all the information available, shall notify the Registered Importer in writing of his or her decision on reconsideration. Any suspension issued under this paragraph shall remain in effect until reinstated pursuant to paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(3) If mail is undeliverable to the Registered Importer at the official street address it has provided to the Administrator, or if the telephone has been disconnected at the telephone number specified by the Registered Importer, the Administrator may automatically suspend the Registered Importer's registration. Such suspension shall remain in effect until the registration is reinstated pursuant to paragraph (c)(3) of this section.

(4) If a Registered Importer, not later than November 1, 2004, does not file with the Administrator all information required by § 592.5(a), as required by § 592.6(q), the Administrator may automatically suspend the registration. The Administrator shall promptly notify the Registered Importer in writing of the suspension. Such a suspension shall remain in effect until the registration is reinstated pursuant to paragraph (c)(4) of this section.

(5) If a Registered Importer releases one or more motor vehicles on the basis of a forged or falsified bond release letter, and the Administrator has not in fact issued such a letter, the Administrator may automatically suspend the registration. The Administrator shall promptly notify the Registered Importer in writing of the suspension.

(6) The Administrator, in his or her sole discretion, may provide notice of a proposed automatic suspension or revocation for reasons specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this section.

(7) The notification shall afford the Registered Importer an opportunity to seek reconsideration of the decision by presenting data, views, and arguments in writing and/or in person, within 30 days of such notification, before a decision, as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. Not later than 30 days after the submission of data, views, and arguments, the Administrator, after considering all the information available, shall notify the Registered Importer in writing of his or her decision on reconsideration. Any automatic suspension issued under this paragraph shall remain in effect until reinstated pursuant to paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(b) Non-automatic suspension or revocation of a registration. (1) 49 U.S.C. 30141(c)(4)(A) authorizes NHTSA to revoke or suspend a registration if a Registered Importer does not comply with a requirement of 49 U.S.C. 30141-30147,or.S.C. 30112, 30115, 30117-30122, 30125(c), 30127, or 30166, or any regulations issued under these sections. These regulations include, but are not limited to, parts 567, 568, 573, 577, 591, 592, 593, and 594 of this chapter.

(2) When the Administrator has reason to believe that a Registered Importer has violated one or more of the statutes or regulations cited in paragraph (b)(1) of this section and that suspension or revocation would be an appropriate sanction under the circumstances, (s)he shall notify the Registered Importer in writing of the facts giving rise to the allegation of a violation and the proposed length of a suspension, if applicable, or revocation. The notice shall afford the Registered Importer an opportunity to present data, views, and arguments, in writing and/or in person, within 30 days of the date of the notice, as to whether the violation occurred, why the registration ought not to be suspended or revoked, or whether the suspension should be shorter than proposed. If the Administrator decides, on the basis of the available information, that the Registered Importer has violated a statute or regulation, the Administrator may suspend or revoke the registration. The Administrator shall notify the Registered Importer in writing of the decision, including the reasons for it. A suspension or revocation is effective as of the date of the Administrator's written notification unless another date is specified therein. The Administrator shall state the period of any suspension in the notice to the Registered Importer. There shall be no opportunity to seek reconsideration of a decision issued under this paragraph.

(c) Reinstatement of suspended registrations. (1) When a registration has been suspended under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the Administrator will reinstate the registration when all fees owing are paid by wire transfer or certified check from a bank in the United States, together with a sum representing 10 percent of the amount of the fees that were not timely paid.

(2) When a registration has been suspended under paragraph (a)(2) or (a)(5) of this section, the registration will be reinstated after the expiration of the period of suspension specified by the Administrator, or such earlier date as the Administrator may subsequently decide is appropriate.

(3) When a registration has been suspended under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the registration will be reinstated when the Administrator decides that the Registered Importer has provided a street address to which mail to it is deliverable and a telephone number in its name that is in service.

(4) When a registration has been suspended under paragraph (a)(4) of this section, the registration will be reinstated when the Administrator decides that the Registered Importer has provided all relevant documentation and information required by § 592.6(q).

(5) When a registration has been suspended under paragraph (b) of this section, the registration will be reinstated after the expiration of the period of suspension specified by the Administrator, or such earlier date as the Administrator may subsequently decide is appropriate.

(6) When a suspended registration has been reinstated, NHTSA shall notify the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection promptly.

(7) If a Registered Importer imports a motor vehicle on or after the date that its registration is suspended and before the date that the suspension ends, the Administrator may extend the suspension period by one day for each day that the Registered Importer has imported a motor vehicle during the time that its registration has been suspended.

(d) Effect of suspension or revocation. (1) If a Registered Importer's registration is suspended or revoked, as of the date of suspension or revocation the entity will not be considered a Registered Importer, will not have the rights and authorities appertaining thereto, and must cease importing, and will not be allowed to import, vehicles for resale. The Registered Importer will not be refunded any annual or other fees it has paid for the fiscal year in which its registration is revoked. The Administrator shall notify the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection of any suspension or revocation of a registration not later than the first business day after such action is taken.

(2) With respect to any vehicle for which it has not affixed a certification label and submitted a certificate of conformity to the Administrator under § 592.6(d) at the time it is notified that its registration has been suspended or revoked, the Registered Importer must affix a certification label and submit a certificate of conformity within 120 days from the date of entry.

(3) When a registration has been revoked or suspended, the Registered Importer must export within 30 days of the effective date of the suspension or revocation all vehicles that it imported to which it has not affixed a certification label and furnished a certificate of conformity to the Administrator pursuant to § 592.6(d).

(4) With respect to any vehicle imported pursuant to § 591.5(f)(2)(ii) of this chapter that the Registered Importer has agreed to bring into compliance with all applicable standards and for which it has not certified and furnished a certificate of conformity to the Administrator, the Registered Importer must immediately notify the owner of the vehicle in writing that its registration has been suspended or revoked.

(e) Continuing obligations. A Registered Importer whose registration is suspended or revoked remains obligated under § 592.6(i) to notify owners and to remedy noncompliances or safety related defects for each vehicle for which it has furnished a certificate of conformity to the Administrator.

[69 FR 52098, Aug. 24, 2004, as amended at 76 FR 53079, Aug. 25, 2011]
§ 592.8 - Inspection; release of vehicle and bond.

(a) With respect to any motor vehicle for which it must provide a certificate of conformity to the Administrator as required by § 592.6(d), a Registered Importer shall not obtain title, licensing, or registration of the motor vehicle for use on the public roads, or release custody of it for such titling, licensing, or registration, except in accordance with the provisions of this section.

(b) When conformance modifications to a motor vehicle have been completed, a Registered Importer shall submit the certification required by § 592.6(d) to the Administrator. In certifying a vehicle that the Administrator has determined to be substantially similar to one that has been certified by its original manufacturer for sale in the United States, the Registered Importer may rely on any certification by the original manufacturer with respect to identical safety features if it also certifies that any modification that it undertook did not affect the compliance of such safety features. Each submission shall be mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by private express delivery service to: Director, Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fourth Floor, Room W43-481, Mail Code NVS-220, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590 or delivered in person. Each submission shall identify the location where the vehicle will be stored and is available for inspection, pending NHTSA action upon the submission.

(c) Before the end of the 30th calendar day after receiving a complete certification under § 592.6(d), the Administrator may notify the Registered Importer in writing that an inspection of the vehicle is required to verify the certification. Written notice includes a proposed inspection date, which is as soon as practicable. If inspection of the vehicle indicates that the vehicle has been properly certified, at the conclusion of the inspection the Registered Importer is provided an instrument of release. If inspection of the vehicle shows that the vehicle has not been properly certified, the Registered Importer shall either make the modifications necessary to substantiate its certification, and provide a new certification for the standard(s) in the manner provided for in paragraph (b) of this section, or deliver the vehicle to the Secretary of the Treasury for export, or abandon it to the United States. Before the end of the 30th calendar day after receipt of new certification, the Administrator may require a further inspection in accordance with the provisions of this subsection.

(d) The Administrator may by written notice request the Registered Importer to verify its certification of a motor vehicle before the end of the 30th calendar day after the date the Administrator receives a complete certification under § 592.6(d). If the basis for such request is that the certification is false or contains a misrepresentation, the Registered Importer shall be afforded an opportunity to present written data, views, and arguments as to why the certification is not false or misleading or does not contain a misrepresentation. The Administrator may require an inspection pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section. The motor vehicle and performance bond involved shall not be released unless the Administrator is satisfied with the certification.

(e) If the Registered Importer has received no written notice from the Administrator by the end of the 30th calendar day after it has furnished a complete certification under section 592.6(d) of this chapter, the Registered Importer may release the vehicle from custody, sell or offer it for sale, or have it titled, licensed, or registered for use on the public roads.

(f) If the Administrator accepts a certification without requiring an inspection, (s)he notifies the Registered Importer in writing, and provides a copy to the importer of record. Such notification shall be provided not later than the 25th calendar day after the Administrator has received such certification.

(g) Release of the performance bond shall constitute acceptance of certification or completion of inspection of the vehicle concerned, but shall not preclude a subsequent decision by the Administrator pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 30118 that the vehicle fails to conform to any applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standard.

[54 FR 40090, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 37330, Sept. 11, 1990; 59 FR 52098, Oct. 14, 1994; 69 FR 52100, Aug. 24, 2004; 76 FR 53080, Aug. 25, 2011]
§ 592.9 - Forfeiture of bond.

A Registered Importer is required by § 591.6 of this chapter to furnish a bond with respect to each motor vehicle that it imports. The conditions of the bond are set forth in § 591.8 of this chapter. Failure to fulfill any one of these conditions may result in forfeiture of the bond. A bond may be forfeited if the Registered Importer:

(a) Fails to bring the motor vehicle covered by the bond into compliance with all applicable standards issued under part 571 and part 581 of this chapter within 120 days from the date of entry;

(b) Fails to file with the Administrator a certificate that the motor vehicle complies with each Federal motor vehicle safety, bumper, and theft prevention standard in effect at the time the vehicle was manufactured and which applies to the vehicle;

(c) Fails to cause a motor vehicle to be available for inspection if it has received written notice from the Administrator that an inspection is required;

(d) Releases the motor vehicle before the Administrator accepts the certification and any modification thereof, if it has received written notice from the Administrator that there is reason to believe that the certification is false or contains a misrepresentation;

(e) Before the bond is released, releases custody of the motor vehicle to any person for license or registration for use on public roads, streets, and highways, or licenses or registers the vehicle, including titling the vehicle in the name of another person, unless 30 calendar days have elapsed after the Registered Importer has filed a complete certification under § 592.6(d), and the Registered Importer has not received written notice pursuant to paragraph (a)(3) or (a)(4) of this section. For purposes of this part, a vehicle is deemed to be released from custody if it is not located at a duly identified facility of the Registered Importer and the Registered Importer has not notified the Administrator in writing of the vehicle's location or, if written notice has been provided, if the Administrator is unable to inspect the vehicle, or if the Registered Importer has transferred title to any other person regardless of the vehicle's location; or

(f) Fails to deliver the vehicle, or cause it to be delivered, to the custody of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection at any port of entry, for export or abandonment to the United States, and to execute all documents necessary to accomplish such purposes, if the Administrator has furnished it written notice that the vehicle has been found not to comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards along with a demand that the vehicle be delivered for export or abandoned to the United States.

[69 FR 52100, Aug. 24, 2004]
authority: Pub. L. 100-562, 49 U.S.C. 322(a), 30117, 30141-30147; delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.95
source: 54 FR 40090, Sept. 29, 1989, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 592.2