Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 593.1 - Scope.

This part establishes procedures under section 108(c) of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. 1397(c)), for making determinations whether a vehicle that was not originally manufactured to conform with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards, and is not otherwise eligible for importation under part 591 of this chapter, may be imported into the United States because it can be modified to meet the Federal standards.

§ 593.2 - Purpose.

The purpose of this part is to provide content and format requirements for any Registered Importer and manufacturer who wishes to petition the Administrator for a determination that a vehicle not originally manufactured to conform to all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards is eligible to be imported into the United States because it can be modified to meet the standards. The purpose of this part is also to specify procedures under which the Administrator makes eligibility determinations pursuant to those petitions as well as eligibility determinations on the agency's initiative.

§ 593.3 - Applicability.

This part applies to a motor vehicle that was not originally manufactured and certified by its original manufacturer to conform with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards and that is offered for importation into the United States.

§ 593.4 - Definitions.

All terms in this part that are defined in section 102 of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act (15 U.S.C. 1391) are used as defined therein.

Administrator means the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Model year means the year used by a manufacturer to designate a discrete vehicle model irrespective of the calendar year in which the vehicle was actually produced, or the model year as designated by the vehicle's country of origin, or, if neither the manufacturer nor the country of origin has made such a designation, the calendar year (i.e., January 1 through December 31) in which manufacturing operations are completed on the vehicle at its place of main assembly.

NHTSA means the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Registered Importer means any person who has been granted registered importer status by the Administrator pursuant to paragraph 592.5(b) of this chapter, and whose registration has not been revoked.

[54 FR 40099, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended at 76 FR 53080, Aug. 25, 2011]
§ 593.5 - Petitions for eligibility determinations.

(a) A manufacturer or Registered Importer may petition the Administrator for a determination that a vehicle that does not comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards is eligible for importation, either

(1) On the basis that the vehicle:

(i) Is substantially similar to a vehicle which was originally manufactured for importation into and sale in the United States and which bore a certification affixed by its manufacturer pursuant to part 567 of this chapter, and

(ii) Is capable of being readily modified to conform to all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards; or

(2) On the basis that the vehicle has safety features that comply with or are capable of being modified to comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards.

(b) Each petition filed under this part must—

(1) Be written in the English language;

(2) Be headed with the words “Petition for Import Eligibility Determination” and submitted in three copies to: Director, Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Fourth Floor, Room W43-481, Mail Code NVS-220, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590.

(3) State the full name and address of the petitioner.

(4) If the petitioner is a Registered Importer, include the Registered Importer Number assigned by NHTSA pursuant to part 592 of this chapter.

(5) Set forth the basis for the petition and the information required by § 593.6 (a) or (b), as appropriate;

(6) Specify any part of the information and data submitted which petitioner requests be withheld from public disclosure in accordance with part 512 of this chapter; and

(7) Submit a certified check payable to the Treasurer of the United States, for the amount of the vehicle eligibility petition fee established pursuant to part 594 of this chapter.

(c) The knowing and willful submission of false, fictitious or fraudulent information may subject the petitioner to the criminal penalties of 18 U.S.C. 1001.

[54 FR 40099, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 37330, Sept. 11, 1990; 76 FR 53080, Aug. 25, 2011]
§ 593.6 - Basis for petition.

(a) If the basis for the petition is that the vehicle is substantially similar to a vehicle which was originally manufactured for importation into and sale in the United States, and which was certified by its manufacturer pursuant to part 567 of this chapter, and that it is capable of being readily modified to conform to all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards, the petitioner shall provide the following information:

(1) Identification of the original manufacturer, model, and model year of the vehicle for which a determination is sought, as well as the type classification, as defined by § 571.3 of this chapter, (e.g., passenger car, multipurpose passenger vehicle, bus, truck, motorcycle, trailer, low-speed vehicle) and the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the substantially similar vehicle which was originally manufactured for importation into and sale in the United States, and which was certified by its manufacturer pursuant to part 567 of this chapter, upon which the petition is based.

(2) Identification of the original manufacturer, model, and model year of the vehicle which the petitioner believes to be substantially similar to that for which a determination is sought.

(3) Substantiation that the manufacturer of the vehicle identified by the petitioner under paragraph (a)(2) of this section originally manufactured it for importation into and sale in the United States, and affixed a label to it certifying that it complied with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards.

(4) Data, views and arguments demonstrating that the vehicle identified by the petitioner under paragraph (a)(1) of this section is substantially similar to the vehicle identified by the petitioner under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(5) With respect to each Federal motor vehicle safety standard that applied to the vehicle identified by the petitioner under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, data, views, and arguments demonstrating that the vehicle identified by the petitioner under paragraph (a)(1) of this section either was originally manufactured to conform to such standard, or is capable of being readily modified to conform to such standard.

(b) If the basis of the petition is that the vehicle's safety features comply with or are capable of being modified to comply with all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards, the petitioner shall provide the following information:

(1) Identification of the model and model year of the vehicle for which a determination is sought, as well as the type classification of the vehicle, as defined by § 571.3 of this chapter (e.g., passenger car, multipurpose passenger vehicle, bus, truck, motorcycle, trailer, low-speed vehicle) and the vehicle's gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) as identified by the Registered Importer consistent with parts 567 and 571 of this chapter.

(2) With respect to each Federal motor vehicle safety standard that would have applied to such vehicle had it been originally manufactured for importation into and sale in the United States, data, views, and arguments demonstrating that the vehicle has safety features that comply with or are capable of being modified to conform with such standard. The latter demonstration shall include a showing that after such modifications, the features will conform with such standard.

[54 FR 40099, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended at 76 FR 53080, Aug. 25, 2011]
§ 593.7 - Processing of petitions.

(a) NHTSA will review each petition for sufficiency under §§ 593.5 and 593.6. If the petition does not contain all the information required by this part, NHTSA notifies the petitioner, pointing out the areas of insufficiency, and stating that the petition will not receive further consideration until the required information is provided. If the additional information is not provided within the time specified by NHTSA in its notification, NHTSA may dismiss the petition as incomplete, and so notify the petitioner. When the petition is complete, its processing continues.

(b) NHTSA publishes in the Federal Register, affording opportunity for comment, a notice of each petition containing the information required by this part.

(c) No public hearing, argument, or other formal proceeding is held on a petition filed under this part.

(d) If the Administrator is unable to determine that the vehicle in a petition submitted under § 593.6(a) is one that is substantially similar, or (if it is substantially similar) is capable of being readily modified to meet the standards, (s)he notifies the petitioner, and offers the petitioner the opportunity to supplement the petition by providing the information required for a petition submitted under paragraph 593.6(b).

(e) If the Administrator determines that the petition does not clearly demonstrate that the vehicle model is eligible for importation, (s)he denies it and notifies the petitioner in writing. (S)he also publishes in the Federal Register a notice of denial and the reasons for it. A notice of denial also states that the Administrator will not consider a new petition covering the model that is the subject of the denial until at least 3 months from the date of the notice of denial. There is no administrative reconsideration available for petition denials.

(f) If the Administrator determines that the petition clearly demonstrates that the vehicle model is eligible for importation, (s)he grants it and notifies the petitioner. (S)he also publishes in the Federal Register a notice of grant and the reasons for it.

[54 FR 40099, Sept. 29, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 37330, Sept. 11, 1990]
§ 593.8 - Determinations on the agency's initiative.

(a) The Administrator may make a determination of eligibility on his or her own initiative. The agency publishes in the Federal Register, affording opportunity for comment, a notice containing the information available to the agency (other than confidential information) relevant to the basis upon which eligibility may be determined.

(b) No public hearing, argument, or other formal proceeding is held upon a notice published under this section.

(c) The Administrator publishes a second notice in the Federal Register in which (s)he announces his or her determination whether the vehicle is eligible or ineligible for importation, and states the reasons for the determination. A notice of ineligibility also announces that no further determination for the same model of motor vehicle will be made for at least 3 months following the date of publication of the notice. There is no administrative reconsideration available for a decision of ineligibility.

§ 593.9 - Effect of affirmative determinations; lists.

(a) A notice of grant is sufficient authority for the importation by persons other than the petitioner of any vehicle of the same model specified in the grant.

(b) The Administrator publishes annually in the Federal Register a list of determinations made under Sec. 593.7, and Sec. 593.8.

§ 593.10 - Availability for public inspection.

(a) Except as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, information relevant to a determination under this part, including a petition and supporting data, and the grant or denial of the petition or the making of a determination on the Administrator's initiative, is available for public inspection in the Docket Section, Room 5109, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh St., SW., Washington, DC 20590. Copies of available information may be obtained, as provided in part 7 of this chapter.

(b) Except for release of confidential information authorized under part 512 of this chapter, information made available for inspection under paragraph (a) of this section does not include information for which confidentiality has been requested and granted in accordance with part 512 of this chapter, and 5 U.S.C. 552(b). To the extent that a petition contains material relating to the methodology by which the petitioner intends to achieve conformance with a specific standard, the petitioner may request confidential treatment of such material on the grounds that it contains a trade secret or confidential information in accordance with part 512 of this chapter.

Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 593—List of Vehicles Determined to be Eligible for Importation

(a) Each vehicle on the following list is followed by a vehicle eligibility number. The importer of a vehicle admissible under any eligibility decision must enter that number on the HS-7 Declaration Form accompanying entry to indicate that the vehicle is eligible for importation.

(1) “VSA” eligibility numbers are assigned to all vehicles that are decided to be eligible for importation on the initiative of the Administrator under § 593.8.

(2) “VSP” eligibility numbers are assigned to vehicles that are decided to be eligible under § 593.7(f), based on a petition from a manufacturer or registered importer submitted under § 593.5(a)(1), which establishes that a substantially similar U.S.-certified vehicle exists.

(3) “VCP” eligibility numbers are assigned to vehicles that are decided to be eligible under § 593.7(f), based on a petition from a manufacturer or registered importer submitted under § 593.5(a)(2), which establishes that the vehicle has safety features that comply with, or are capable of being altered to comply with, all applicable FMVSS.

(b) Vehicles for which eligibility decisions have been made are listed alphabetically, first by make, then by model, then by model year.

(c) All hyphens used in the Model Year column mean “through” (for example, “1995-1999” means “1995 through 1999”).

(d) The initials “MC” used in the Make column mean “Motorcycle.”

(e) The initials “SWB” used in the Model Type column mean “Short Wheel Base.”

(f) The initials “LWB” used in the Model Type column mean “Long Wheel Base.”

(g) For vehicles with a European country of origin, the term “Model Year” ordinarily means calendar year in which the vehicle was produced.

(h) All vehicles are left-hand-drive (LHD) vehicles unless noted as RHD. The initials “RHD” used in the Model Type column mean “right-hand-drive.”

(i) For vehicle models that have been determined to be eligible for importation based on a petition submitted under § 593.5(a)(1), which establishes that a substantially similar U.S.-certified vehicle exists, and no specific body style(s) are listed, only the body style(s) of that vehicle model that were U.S.-certified by the original manufacturer are eligible for importation. For example, if the original manufacturer manufactured both sedan and wagon body styles for the described model, but only certified the sedan for the U.S. market, the wagon body style would not be eligible for importation under that determination.

Vehicles Certified by Their Original Manufacturer as Complying With All Applicable Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards

(a) All passenger cars less than 25 years old manufactured before September 1, 1996, that, as originally manufactured, are equipped with an automatic restraint system that complies with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 208VSA-80
(b) All passenger cars manufactured on or after September 1, 1996, and before September 1, 2002, that, as originally manufactured, are equipped with an automatic restraint system that complies with FMVSS No. 208, and that comply with FMVSS No. 214;
(c) All passenger cars manufactured on or after September 1, 2002, and before September 1, 2007, that, as originally manufactured, are equipped with an automatic restraint system that complies with FMVSS No. 208, and that comply with FMVSS Nos. 201, 214, 225, and 401;
(d) All passenger cars manufactured on or after September 1, 2007, and before September 1, 2008, that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 110, 118, 138, 201, 208, 213, 214, 225, and 401;
(e) All passenger cars manufactured on or after September 1, 2008 and before September 1, 2009 that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 110, 118, 138, 201, 202a, 206, 208, 213, 214, 225, and 401;
(f) All passenger cars manufactured on or after September 1, 2009 and before September 1, 2010 that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 118, 138, 201, 202a, 206, 208, 213, 214, 225, and 401;
(g) All passenger cars manufactured on or after September 1, 2010 and before September 1, 2011 that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 118, 138, 201, 202a, 206, 208, 213, 214, and 225;
(h) All passenger cars manufactured on or after September 1, 2011 and before September 1, 2017 that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 138, 201, 206, 208, 213, 214, and 225.
(i) All passenger cars manufactured on or after September 1, 2017, and before May 1, 2018, that as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 138, 201, 206, 208, 213, 214, 225, and insofar as it is applicable, 226.
(j) All passenger cars manufactured on or after May 1, 2018, and before September 1, 2022, that as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 111, 138, 201, 206, 208, 213, 214, 225, and insofar as it is applicable, with FMVSS No. 226.
(a) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less that were manufactured on and after September 1, 1991, and before September 1, 1993 and that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 202 and 208VSA-81
(b) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less that were manufactured on or after September 1, 1993, and before September 1, 1998, and that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 202, 208, and 216;
(c) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less that were manufactured on or after September 1, 1998, and before September 1, 2002, and that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 202, 208, 214, and 216;
(d) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less that were manufactured on or after September 1, 2002, and before September 1, 2007, and that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 201, 202, 208, 214, and 216, and, insofar as it is applicable, with FMVSS No. 225;
(e) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less manufactured on or after September 1, 2007 and before September 1, 2008, that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 110, 118, 201, 202, 208, 213, 214, and 216, and insofar as they are applicable, with FMVSS Nos. 138 and 225;
(f) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less manufactured on or after September 1, 2008 and before September 1, 2009, that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 110, 118, 201, 202a, 206, 208, 213, 214, and 216, and insofar as they are applicable, with FMVSS Nos. 138 and 225;
(g) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less manufactured on or after September 1, 2009 and before September 1, 2011, that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 118, 201, 202a, 206, 208, 213, 214, and 216, and insofar as they are applicable, with FMVSS Nos. 138 and 225;
(h) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less manufactured on or after September 1, 2011 and before September 1, 2012, that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 201, 202a, 206, 208, 213, 214, and 216, and insofar as they are applicable, with FMVSS Nos. 138 and 225;
(i) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less manufactured on or after September 1, 2012 and before September 1, 2017, that, as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 201, 206, 208, 213, 214, and 216, and insofar as they are applicable, with FMVSS Nos. 138 222, and 225;
(j) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less manufactured on or after September 1, 2017, and before May 1, 2018, that as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 138, 201, 206, 208, 213, and 214, and insofar as they are applicable, with FMVSS Nos. 222, 225, and, 226;
(k) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR of 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) or less manufactured on or after May 1, 2018, and before September 1, 2022, that as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS Nos. 111, 138, 201, 206, 208, 213, and 214, and insofar as they are applicable, with FMVSS Nos. 222, 225, and 226.
(a) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR greater than 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) manufactured before August 1, 2019VSA-82
(b) All multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a GVWR greater than 4,536 kg (10,000 lb) manufactured on or after August 1, 2019, and before September 1, 2022, that as originally manufactured, comply with FMVSS 136 insofar as it is applicable.
All trailers and motorcycles less than 25 years oldVSA-83

Vehicles Manufactured for Other Than the Canadian Market

Make Model type(s) Body/chassis Model
AHLMSPT 16-25 trailer201255
Alfa Romeo1641994156
Alfa Romeo8C Spider201061
Alfa Romeo8C SPIDER2008-2009580
AlpinaB10 Series1993-199654
AlpinaB12 5.0Sedan1993-199441
AlpinaB5 series (manufactured before
Al-SpawEMA Mobile Stage Trailer200942
Aston MartinVanquish2002-2004430
Aston MartinVantage2006-2007530
Aston MartinVantage V82008582
AudiA4, RS4, S48D2000-2001400
AudiA8 Avant Quattro1996238
AudiRS6 & RS Avant2003443
BentleyArnage (manufactured 1/1/01-12/31/01)2001473
BentleyAzure (LHD & RHD)1998485
BentleyFlying Spur4-door Saloon 2-door Continental2014588
Bimota (MC)DB42000397
Bimota (MC)SB61994-1999523
Bimota (MC)SB81999-2000397
BMW3 Series1998462
BMW3 Series1999379
BMW3 Series2000356
BMW3 Series2001379
BMW3 Series1993-1994550
BMW3 Series1995-1997248
BMW3 Series2003-2004487
BMW5 Series2000345
BMW5 Series1993-1995194
BMW5 Series1995-1997249
BMW5 Series1998-1999314
BMW5 Series2000-2002414
BMW5 Series2003-2004450
BMW5 Series (manufactured prior to 9/1/2006)2005-2007555
BMW7 Series1993-1994299
BMW7 Series1995-1999313
BMW7 Series1999-2001366
BMW8 Series1993-1995361
BMW850 Series1997396
BMWM3 (manufactured prior to 9/1/06)2006520
BMWX5 (manufactured 1/1/03-12/31/04)2003-2004459
BMWZ3 (European market)1999483
BMW (MC)C12000-200340
BMW (MC)K11993228
BMW (MC)K1100, K12001993-1998303
BMW (MC)K1200 GT2003556
BMW (MC)K75199636
BMW (MC)K75S1993-1995229
BMW (MC)R11001994-1997231
BMW (MC)R11001998-2001368
BMW (MC)R1100 S2002557
BMW (MC)R1100RS1994177
BMW (MC)R1150GS2000453
BMW (MC)R1200 GS Adventure series2013592
BMW (MC)R1200C1998-2001359
BMW (MC)R80, R1001993-1995295
BMW (MC)S1000RR2011-2012563
Buell (MC)1125R, Ulysses XB, Lightning XB, and Blast2009579
Buell (MC)All Models1995-2002399
CadillacDeVille (manufactured 8/1/99-12/31/00)2000448
Cagiva (MC)Gran Canyon 9001999444
CarroceriasCimarron trailer2006-200737
ChevroletAstro Van1997298
ChevroletBlazer (plant code of “K” or “2” in the 11th position of the VIN)1997349
ChevroletBlazer (plant code of “K” or “2” in the 11th position of the VIN)2001461
ChevroletTrailblazer (manufactured prior to 9/1/07 for sale in the Kuwaiti market)2007514
ChryslerGrand Voyager1998373
ChryslerLHS (Mexican market)1996276
ChryslerTown and Country1993273
DodgeRam 1500 Laramie Crew Cab2009535
Ducati (MC)600SS1993-1996241
Ducati (MC)7481999-2003421
Ducati (MC)748 Biposto1996-1997220
Ducati (MC)8881993500
Ducati (MC)9002001452
Ducati (MC)900SS1993-1996201
Ducati (MC)9161999-2003421
Ducati (MC)996 Biposto1999-2001475
Ducati (MC)996R2001-2002398
Ducati (MC)MH900E2001-2002524
Ducati (MC)Monster 6002001407
Ducati (MC)Multistrada2011585
Ducati (MC)ST4S1999-2005474
E. Lancashine Coachbuilders LimitedDouble Decker BusVolvo B7L chassis200059
EMUCamper trailer, 4x4 Extreme Adventure201463
Ferrari360Spider & Coupe2003410
Ferrari360 (manufactured after 9/31/02)2002433
Ferrari360 (manufactured before 9/1/02)2002402
Ferrari360 Modena1999-2000327
Ferrari360 Series2004446
Ferrari456 GT & GTA1999445
Ferrari456 GT & GTA1997-1998408
Ferrari512 TR1993173
Ferrari550 Marinello1997-1999292
Ferrari599 (manufactured prior to 9/1/06)2006518
Ferrari599 GTB (Manufactured September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007)2006-2007576
Ferrari612 Scagletti (Manufactured before 9/1/06)2006573
Ferrari612 Scaglietti2005545
FerrariCalifornia (Manufactured for the European Market)2010570
FerrariF430 (manufactured prior to 9/1/06)2005-2006479
FerrariF50 (Manufactured before 9/1/07)1996-199762
FordBronco (Venezuelan market)1995-1996265
FordEscape (manufactured prior to 9/1/2006)2007551
FordEscort (Nicaraguan market)1996322
FordEscort RS Cosworth1994-19959
FordExplorer (Venezuelan market)1993-1998268
FordF-150 Crew Cab (manufactured for sale in the Mexican market)2004548
GemalaSaranaupaya 1600 Double Axle trailer200158
Harley-Davidson (MC)FL Series2010528
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL & VR Series2004422
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL & VR Series2008517
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL & VR Series2009522
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL & VR Series2011-2014567
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL Series1998253
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL Series1999281
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL Series2000321
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL Series2001362
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL Series2002372
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL Series2003393
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL Series2005472
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL Series2006491
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL Series1993-1997202
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, FL, XL, & VR Series2007506
Harley-Davidson (MC)FX, XL & VR Series2010578
Harley-Davidson (MC)FXSTC Soft Tail Custom2007499
Harley-Davidson (MC)VRSCA2002374
Harley-Davidson (MC)VRSCA2003394
Harley-Davidson (MC)VRSCA2004422
Hatty45 ft double axle trailer1999-200038
Heku750 KG boat trailer200533
HobbyExclusive 650 KMFE Trailer2002-200329
HondaAccord (RHD)Sedan & Wagon1994-1997451
Honda (MC)CB 750 (CB750F2T)1996440
Honda (MC)CBR 2501993-199422
Honda (MC)NT700V (Deauville)2006-201357
Honda (MC)RVF 4001994-2000358
Honda (MC)VF7501994-1998290
Honda (MC)VFR 4001994-2000358
Honda (MC)VFR 400, RVF 400199324
Honda (MC)VFR7501993-1997315
Honda (MC)VFR8001998-1999315
Honda (MC)VT6001993-1998294
Ifor WilliamsLM85G trailer200549
JeepCherokee (LHD & RHD)1994493
JeepCherokee (LHD & RHD)1995180
JeepCherokee (LHD & RHD)1996493
JeepCherokee (LHD)1997-1998516
JeepCherokee (RHD)1997-2001515
JeepGrand Cherokee1994404
JeepGrand Cherokee1997431
JeepGrand Cherokee2001382
JeepGrand Cherokee (LHD—Japanese market)1997389
JeepLiberty (Mexican market)2004457
JeepWrangler (manufactured for sale in the Mexican market)2003547
JeepWrangler (manufactured for sale in the Mexican market)2012584
JeepWrangler (RHD)2000-200350
Kawasaki (MC)EL2501993-1994233
Kawasaki (MC)Ninja ZX-6R200244
Kawasaki (MC)VN1500-P1/P2 series2003492
Kawasaki (MC)ZR7502000-2003537
Kawasaki (MC)ZX4001993-1997222
Kawasaki (MC)ZX6, ZX7, ZX9, ZX10, ZX111993-1999312
Kawasaki (MC)ZX6001993-1998288
Kawasaki (MC)ZZR11001993-1998247
KometStandard, Classic & Eurolite trailer2000-2005477
KTM (MC)Duke II1995-2000363
LamborghiniDiablo (except 1997 Coupe)1996-1997416
LamborghiniDiablo SE301994-1995586
LamborghiniGallardo (manufactured 1/1/04-12/31/04)2004458
LamborghiniGallardo (manufactured 1/1/06-8/31/06)2006508
Land RoverDefender 1101993212
Land RoverDefender 90VIN & Body Limited1994-1995512
Land RoverDefender 90 (manufactured before 9/1/97) and VIN
“SALDV224*VA” or
Land RoverDiscovery1994-1998338
Land RoverDiscovery (II)2000437
Land RoverRange Rover2004509
Land RoverRange Rover2006538
M&VType NS4G31 trailer2008-201046
Magni (MC)Australia, Sfida1996-1999264
MazdaMX-5 Miata1993184
MazdaXedos 91995-2000351
Mercedes-Benz190 E1993454
Mercedes-Benz200 E124.019199375
Mercedes-Benz220 E1993168
Mercedes-Benz220 TEStation Wagon1993-1996167
Mercedes-Benz230 E124.0231993127
Mercedes-Benz250 E1993245
Mercedes-Benz280 E1993166
Mercedes-Benz300 CE124.061199394
Mercedes-Benz300 E 4-Matic1993192
Mercedes-Benz320 CE1993310
Mercedes-Benz320 SL1993142
Mercedes-Benz350 CLS200445
Mercedes-Benz400 SE1993-1994296
Mercedes-Benz420 E1993169
Mercedes-Benz600 SECCoupe1993185
Mercedes-Benz600 SEL140.0571993-1998271
Mercedes-BenzC 3202032001-2002441
Mercedes-BenzC Class1994-1999331
Mercedes-BenzC Class2032000-2001456
Mercedes-BenzC Class (manufactured prior to 9/1/2006)W2032003-2006521
Mercedes-BenzCL 5001998277
Mercedes-BenzCL 5001999-2001370
Mercedes-BenzCL 6001999-2001370
Mercedes-BenzCLK 3201998357
Mercedes-BenzCLK Class1999-2001380
Mercedes-BenzCLK Class2092002-2005478
Mercedes-BenzCLS Class (manufactured prior to 9/1/06)2006532
Mercedes-BenzE 2001994207
Mercedes-BenzE 2001995-1998278
Mercedes-BenzE 2201994-1996168
Mercedes-BenzE 2501994-1995245
Mercedes-BenzE 2801994-1996166
Mercedes-BenzE 3201994-1998240
Mercedes-BenzE 320Station Wagon1994-1999318
Mercedes-BenzE 3202112002-2003418
Mercedes-BenzE 4201994-1996169
Mercedes-BenzE 5001994163
Mercedes-BenzE 5001995-1997304
Mercedes-BenzE ClassW2101996-2002401
Mercedes-BenzE Class2112003-2004429
Mercedes-BenzE Series1993-1995354
Mercedes-BenzG Class463 Chassis, LWB2005549
Mercedes-BenzG Class463 Chassis, LWB2009583
Mercedes-BenzG Class LWB463 Chassis2006-2007527
Mercedes-BenzG-Wagon 300 GE LWB463.22819933
Mercedes-BenzG-Wagon 300 GE LWB463.22819945
Mercedes-BenzG-Wagon 320 LWB46319956
Mercedes-BenzG-Wagon 5 DR LWB463200121
Mercedes-BenzG-Wagon LWB463 5 DR2002392
Mercedes-BenzG-Wagon LWB V-84631993-199613
Mercedes-BenzG-Wagon SWB463 Cabriolet & 3DR200428
Mercedes-BenzG-Wagon SWB463200531
Mercedes-BenzG-Wagon SWB4631993-199614
Mercedes-BenzG-Wagon SWB463 Cabriolet & 3DR2001-200325
Mercedes-BenzG-Wagon SWB (manufactured before9/1/06)463 Cabriolet & 3DR200635
Mercedes-BenzS 280140.028199485
Mercedes-BenzS 3201994-1998236
Mercedes-BenzS 4201994-1997267
Mercedes-BenzS 5001994-1997235
Mercedes-BenzS 5002000-2001371
Mercedes-BenzS 600Coupe1994185
Mercedes-BenzS 6001995-1999297
Mercedes-BenzS 6002000-2001371
Mercedes-BenzS 600L1994214
Mercedes-BenzS Class1993395
Mercedes-BenzS Class2012565
Mercedes-BenzS Class1401993-1994423
Mercedes-BenzS Class1995-1998342
Mercedes-BenzS Class1998-1999325
Mercedes-BenzS ClassW2201999-2002387
Mercedes-BenzS Class2202002-2004442
Mercedes-BenzS Class2007-2010566
Mercedes-BenzS Class (manufactured prior to 9/1/2006)2005-2006525
Mercedes-BenzSE Class1993-1994343
Mercedes-BenzSEL Class1401993-1994343
Mercedes-BenzSL (Manufactured before 9/1/06)2006574
Mercedes-BenzSL Class1993-1996329
Mercedes-BenzSL ClassW1291997-2000386
Mercedes-BenzSL ClassR2302001-200219
Mercedes-BenzSL Class (European market)2302003-2005470
Mercedes-BenzSLK Class2014581
Mercedes-BenzSLK Class (manufactured between 8/31/04 and 8/31/06)171 Chassis2005-2006511
Mercedes-BenzSLR (manufactured prior to 9/1/2006)2005-2006558
MiniCooper (European market)Convertible2005482
Moto Guzzi (MC)California2000-2001495
Moto Guzzi (MC)California EV2002403
Moto Guzzi (MC)Daytona1993118
Moto Guzzi (MC)Daytona RS1996-1999264
MV Agusta (MC)F42000420
NissanGTS & GTR (RHD), a.k.a. “Skyline,” manufactured 1/96-6/98R331996-199832
PontiacFirebird Trans Am1995481
PontiacTrans SportMPV1993189
Porsche911 (996) Carrera2002-2004439
Porsche911 (996) GT32004438
Porsche911 Carrera1993165
Porsche911 Carrera1994103
Porsche911 Carrera1995-1996165
Porsche911 Carrera (manufactured prior to 9/1/06)Cabriolet2005-2006513
Porsche911 Carrera (manufactured prior to 9/1/06)2005-2006531
Porsche911 Turbo2001347
Porsche946 Turbo1994116
PorscheBoxster (manufactured before 9/1/02)2002390
PorscheCarrera GT2004-2005463
PorscheCayenne (manufactured prior to 9/1/06)2006519
PorscheCayenne S2009543
PorscheGT3 RS2012552
Rolls RoyceBentley Brooklands1993186
Rolls RoyceBentley Continental R1993258
Rolls RoyceBentley Turbo R1993291
Rolls RoyceBentley Turbo R1995243
Rolls RoycePhantom2004455
Saab900 SE1995213
Saab900 SE1993-1994219
Saab900 SE1996-1997219
Smart CarFortwo coupe & cabriolet (incl. trim levels passion, pulse, & pure)200530
Smart CarFortwo coupe & cabriolet (incl. trim levels passion, pulse, & pure)2002-200427
Smart CarFortwo coupe & cabriolet (incl. trim levels passion, pulse, & pure) manufactured before 9/1/06200634
Smart CarFortwo coupe & cabriolet (incl. trim levels passion, pulse, & pure) manufactured before 9/1/06200739
Suzuki (MC)GSF 7501996-1998287
Suzuki (MC)GSX1300R, a.k.a. “Hayabusa”1999-2006484
Suzuki (MC)GSX1300R, a.k.a. “Hayabusa”2007-2011533
Suzuki (MC)GSX-R 11001993-1997227
Suzuki (MC)GSX-R 7501993-1998275
Suzuki (MC)GSX-R 7501999-2003417
Thule3008BL boat trailer201152
ToyotaLand Cruiser1993-1996218
ToyotaLand Cruiser (manufactured prior to9/1/2006)IFS 100 series1999-2006539
Triumph (MC)Thunderbird1995-1999311
Vespa (MC)ET2, ET42001-2002378
Vespa (MC)LX and PX2004-2005496
VolkswagenGolf III199392
VolkswagenPassatWagon & Sedan2004488
Volvo850 Turbo1995-1998286
Volvo940 GL199395
Volvo945 GLWagon1994132
Volvo960Sedan & Wagon1994176
Westfalia14ft Double Axle Cargo trailer1994-199756
Yamaha (MC)Drag Star 11001999-2007497
Yamaha (MC)FJR 1300200223
Yamaha (MC)R12000360
Yamaha (MC)Virago1993-1998301
[82 FR 49134, Oct. 24, 2017]
authority: 49 U.S.C. 322 and 30141(b); delegation of authority at 49 CFR 1.95
source: 54 FR 40099, Sept. 29, 1989, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 593.4