Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 700.1 - Purpose.

This part describes the organization and functioning of Amtrak and the availability to the public of documents and information concerning its policies, procedures and activities.

§ 700.2 - Organization and functioning of Amtrak.

The creation of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (“Amtrak”) was authorized by the Rail Passenger Service Act, as amended, 84 Stat. 1327, 45 U.S.C. 541 et seq. (“the Act”). The Act requires that Amtrak be operated and managed as a for-profit corporation, that it be incorporated under the District of Columbia Business Corporation Act, and subject to the provisions of that statute to the extent not inconsistent with the Act, and that it provide a balanced transportation system by developing, operating, and improving intercity rail passenger service. The Act also states that Amtrak will not be an agency or establishment of the United States Government. Amtrak thus is a corporation created by Congress to compete for the transportation business of the intercity traveller, to the end that the travelling public will have a choice of travel modes. The address of its headquarters is 400 North Capitol Street, NW., Washington, DC 20001. Telephone: (202) 383-3000.

(a) Board of Directors. Amtrak's major policies are established by its board of directors. The nine members of the board are selected as follows: The Secretary of Transportation serves as an ex-officio member and Amtrak's President, ex-officio, is Chairman of the Board; three members are appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate (representing labor, State Governors, and business); two represent commuter authorities and are selected by the President from lists drawn up by those authorities; and two are selected by the Corporation's preferred stockholder, the Department of Transportation.

(b) Officers and central management. Amtrak is managed by a President and a Management Committee consisting of four Executive Vice Presidents. Reporting to the Executive Vice Presidents are eleven vice presidents representing sales, transportation marketing, planning and development, computer services, labor relations, finance and treasurer, personnel, passenger and operating services, government affairs, operations and maintenance, engineering, and the General Counsel. Areas handled as special matters with the authority of vice presidents, such as corporate communications, safety, real estate, procurement, materials management, police and security, contract administration, and internal audit are supervised by assistant vice presidents and directors.

(c) Regional and field structure. The need for decentralization of functions in the areas of passenger services and transportation operations has led to the creation of Amtrak's regional and field structure. Field offices are located in major cities such as Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Albany, Boston, Chicago, Seattle and Los Angeles. Pursuant to overall policies established at headquarters in Washington, DC, these offices handle matters like the assignment and scheduling of employees who work on board moving trains; purchase, stowage and preparation of food for dining service; maintenance and rehabilitation of rolling stock; and daily operating arrangements such as the make-up of trains or the cleaning and repairing of cars on trains.

(d) Route system. Amtrak's basic route system has been established pursuant to statutory guidelines, and in some cases by specific statutory directive. Out of a route system covering about 23,000 route-miles, Amtrak owns a right-of-way of about 2,600 track miles in the Northeast Corridor (Washington-New York-Boston; New Haven-

Springfield; and Philadelphia-Harrisburg) and small segments of track near Albany, New York, and Kalamazoo, Michigan. In the Northeast Corridor Amtrak trains are run by operating crews consisting of Amtrak employees. On other routes, Amtrak operates trains on the tracks of about twenty different privately owned railroads and compensates the railroad for the use of their facilities and for the services of their employees, including engineers, conductors, and maintenance personnel. Those private railroads are responsible for the conditions of the roadbed and for coordinating the flow of traffic over their lines.

(e) Operations. Amtrak provides about 250 trains daily, serving about 500 stations in over forty states. Amtrak owns most of its cars and locomotives, some of its stations, and most of its repair facilities. Its capital improvements and almost half of its operating losses are supported principally through Federal financing, with some State, regional and local financial support for some trains and stations. Congress requires Amtrak to earn revenues equivalent to at least fifty percent of its operating costs, and it currently does so.

(f) Revenue production. The sale of tickets for transportation and accommodations, Amtrak's principal source of revenue, is accomplished through Amtrak ticket agents at stations, travel agencies, and five central reservation offices which service a nationwide telephone network. National Timetables contain basic information about routes, stations, and services.

§ 700.3 - Availability of documents, assistance, and information.

(a) A member of the public having need for assistance or information concerning any of the matters described in § 700.2 should address his or her concerns in a letter or other written communication directed to the appropriate vice president or to the Director of Corporate Communications. Amtrak will bring such communications to the attention of the appropriate official if they are misdirected in the first instance. Formal requests for “records” under 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(3) of the Freedom of Information Act are to be made in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR 701.4.

(b) The National Train Timetables described in § 700.2(f) are widely distributed in the continental United States and are available in major cities in Europe, Canada and Mexico. When they are updated (usually in April and October each year) each printing involves about 1,000,000 copies. They are ordinarily available at staffed Amtrak stations and copies are usually kept on hand in the offices of about 9800 travel agents who are authorized to sell Amtrak tickets. A person unable to obtain a copy locally should request one from the Director of Corporate Communications at the Washington, DC headquarters. The timetable depicts the major Amtrak train routes on a map of the United States, and most of the remainder of the booklet shows the schedules for specific trains. Several pages are used to offer travel information dealing with the availability of assistance to handicapped travellers, red cap service, purchase of tickets on board, use of credit cards and personal checks, handling of baggage, refunds for unused tickets and similar matters.

(c) Also available to members of the public at most staffed Amtrak stations, and usually maintained in the offices of travel agencies authorized to sell Amtrak tickets, is a copy of the Reservations and Ticketing Manual (RTM) which constitutes a compendium of information governing Amtrak employees in furnishing transportation to the travelling public. It contains substantial segments dedicated to the following topics: Amtrak's computer system and its communication codes; interline service agreements; passenger and baggage services; customer relations functions; reservations policy and procedures; acceptance of checks and credit cards; refunds; missed connection policies; ticketing; accommodations; employee pass travel; location maps for Amtrak stations; and intermodal state maps.

(d) A full statement of Amtrak's tariffs containing the fares for point-to-point travel, regional plan travel and all relevant travel conditions, such as excursions, discounts, family plans, accommodations, etc., is contained in the privately published Official Railway Guide, which is available by subscription from its publisher at 424 West 33rd Street, New York, New York 10001. A copy of the guide can usually be found at each staffed Amtrak station, and at the offices of travel agents authorized to sell Amtrak tickets. Tariff changes which occur between issues of the Guide are published and widely distributed by Amtrak pending their publication in the next issue of the Guide.

(e) Each of the documents described in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section is available to the public for inspection during regular business hours at the office of Amtrak's Freedom of Information Office at its headquarters at 400 North Capitol Street, NW., Washington, DC 20001, and at the office of the Division Manager, Human Resources, in New Haven, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. Each document has its own index. Since each index is useful only in connection with the document to which it pertains, and since requests for indices are uncommon, Amtrak has determined that publication of its indices as described in 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(2) would be unnecessary and impracticable.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a) (1), (2)
source: 49 FR 24378, June 13, 1984, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 700.3