Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 605.10 - Purpose.

The purpose of this subpart is to formulate procedures for the development of an agreement concerning school bus operations.

§ 605.11 - Exemptions.

A grantee or applicant may not engage in school bus operations in competition with private school bus operators unless it demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administrator as follows:

(a) That it operates a school system in its urban area and also operates a separate and exclusive school bus program for that school system; or

(b) That private school bus operators in the urban area are unable to provide adequate transportation, at a reasonable rate, and in conformance with applicable safety standards; or

(c) That it is a state or local public body or agency thereof (or a direct predecessor in interest which has acquired the function of so transporting schoolchildren and personnel along with facilities to be used therefor) who was so engaged in school bus operations:

(1) In the case of a grant involving the purchase of buses—anytime during the 12-month period immediately prior to August 13, 1973.

(2) In the case of a grant for construction or operating of facilities and equipment made pursuant to the FT Act as amended (49 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), anytime during the 12-month period immediately prior to November 26, 1974.

§ 605.12 - Use of project equipment.

No grantee or operator of project equipment shall engage in school bus operations using buses, facilities or equipment funded under the Acts. A grantee or operator may, however, use such buses, facilities and equipment for the transportation of school students, personnel and equipment in incidental charter bus operations. Such use of project equipment is subject to part 604 of Federal Mass Transit Regulations.

§ 605.13 - Tripper service.

The prohibition against the use of buses, facilities and equipment funded under the Acts shall not apply to tripper service.

§ 605.14 - Agreement.

Except as provided in § 605.11 no assistance shall be provided under the Acts unless the applicant and the Administrator shall have first entered into a written agreement that the applicant will not engage in school bus operations exclusively for the transportation of students and school personnel in competition with private school bus operators.

§ 605.15 - Content of agreement.

(a) Every grantee who is not authorized by the Administrator under § 605.11 of this part to engage in school bus operations shall, as a condition of assistance, enter into a written agreement required by § 605.14 which shall contain the following provisions:

(1) The grantee and any operator of project equipment agrees that it will not engage in school bus operations in competition with private school bus operators.

(2) The grantee agrees that it will not engage in any practice which constitutes a means of avoiding the requirements of this agreement, part 605 of the Federal Mass Transit Regulations, or section 164(b) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973 (49 U.S.C. 1602a(b)).

(b) Every grantee who obtains authorization from the Administrator to engage in school bus operations under § 605.11 of this part shall, as a condition of assistance, enter into a written agreement required by § 605.14 of this part which contains the following provisions:

(1) The grantee agrees that neither it nor any operator of project equipment will engage in school bus operations in competition with private school bus operators except as provided herein.

(2) The grantee, or any operator of project equipment, agrees to promptly notify the Administrator of any changes in its operations which might jeopardize the continuation of an exemption under § 605.11.

(3) The grantee agrees that it will not engage in any practice which constitutes a means of avoiding the requirements of this agreement, part 605 of the Federal Transit Administration regulations or section 164(b) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973 (49 U.S.C. 1602a(b)).

(4) The grantee agrees that the project facilities and equipment shall be used for the provision of mass transportation services within its urban area and that any other use of project facilities and equipment will be incidental to and shall not interfere with the use of such facilities and equipment in mass transportation service to the public.

§ 605.16 - Notice.

(a) Each applicant who engages or wishes to engage in school bus operations shall include the following in its application:

(1) A statement that it has provided written notice to all private school bus operators operating in the urban area of its application for assistance and its proposed or existing school bus operations;

(2) A statement that it has published in a newspaper of general circulation in its urban area a notice of its application and its proposed or existing school bus operations;

(b) The notice required by paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section shall include the following information:

(1) A description of the area to be served by the applicant.

(2) An estimation of the number of each type of bus which will be employed on the proposed school bus operations, and the number of weekdays those buses will be available for school bus operations.

(3) A statement of the time, date, and place of public hearings required under section 3(d) of the Federal Mass Transit Act of 1964, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1602(d)), to be held on the application for assistance.

(4) A statement setting forth reasons the applicant feels it should be allowed to engage in school bus operations under § 605.11 of this part.

(c) Copies of the application for assistance and notice required by paragraph (a) of this shall be available for inspection during the regular business hours at the office of the applicant.

§ 605.17 - Certification in lieu of notice.

If there are no private school bus operators operating in the applicant's urban area, the applicant may so certify in its application in lieu of meeting the requirements of § 605.16. This certification shall be accompanied by a statement that the applicant has published, in a newspaper of general circulation in its urban area, a notice stating that it has applied for assistance as provided under § 605.16(b) and that it has certified that there are no private school bus operators operating in its urban area. A copy of the notice as published shall be included.

§ 605.18 - Comments by private school bus operators.

Private school bus operators may file written comments on an applicant's proposed or existing school bus operations at the time of the public hearing held pursuant to section 3(d) of the Federal Mass Transit Act of 1964, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1602(d)). The comments of private school bus operators must be submitted by the applicant to the Administrator together with the transcript of this public hearing.

§ 605.19 - Approval of school bus operations.

(a) The Administrator will consider the comments filed by private school bus operators prior to making any findings regarding the applicant's proposed or existing school bus operations.

(b) After a showing by the applicant that it has complied with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. 1602(d) and this subpart, the Administrator may approve its school bus operations.

(c) If the Administrator finds that the applicant has not complied with the notice requirement of this part or otherwise finds that the applicant's proposed or existing school bus operations are unacceptable, he will so notify the applicant in writing, stating the reasons for his findings.

(d) Within 20 days after receiving notice of adverse findings from the Administrator, an applicant may file written objections to the Administrator's findings or submit a revised proposal for its school bus operations. If an applicant revises its proposed or existing school bus operations, it shall mail a copy of these revisions along with the findings of the administrator to private school bus operators required to be notified under § 605.16.

(e) Private school bus operators who receive notice under paragraph (d) of this section may within 20 days after receipt of notice file written comments on the proposed revisions with the Administrator. The Administrator will consider these comments prior to his approval of a proposed revision by the applicant.

(f) Upon receipt of notice of approval of its school bus operations, the applicant may enter into an agreement with the Administrator under § 605.14.

authority: Federal Mass Transit Act of 1964, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1601
source: 41 FR 14128, Apr. 1, 1976, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 605.10