Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 1241.1 - Common carriers.

All common carriers subject to the provisions of Part I of Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, and the owners of all railroads engaged in interstate commerce as therein defined, are hereby required hereafter to file in the office of the Board on or before the 31st day of March in each year, reports covering the period of 12 months ending with the 31st day of December preceding said date, giving the particulars heretofore called for in the annual reports required by the Board of said carriers and owners of railroads.

[32 FR 20456, Dec. 20, 1967]
§ 1241.2 - Reporting companies defined.

(a) Every common carrier by rail which is required by the act to regulate commerce to file with the Board any tariff or schedule of rates, fares, or charges, or any concurrence in such tariff or schedule, shall be required to keep operating accounts and to file an annual operating report unless specifically excused by the Board.

(b) Every railway corporation owning but not operating a railway used in interstate or foreign commerce shall be required to file with the Board an annual nonoperating report unless relieved therefrom under the provisions of rule following.

(c) Any actually existing inactive corporation coming within the scope of rule given above may be relieved from the requirements of that rule if it has no outstanding stocks or obligations not held by or for its controlling corporation and the controlling corporation reports for the inactive corporation such facts as the Board may require to be reported.

(d) Reports of a controlling corporation and its controlled corporations must exclude duplications in respect of investments in railway plant and equipment and in respect of securities outstanding.

[32 FR 20456, Dec. 20, 1967, as amended at 46 FR 9115, Jan. 28, 1981]
§ 1241.11 - Annual reports of class I railroads.

(a) Commencing with reports for the year ended December 31, 1973, and thereafter, until further order, all line-haul railroad companies of class I, as defined in § 1240.1 of this chapter, subject to section 20, Part I of the Interstate Commerce Act, are required to file annual reports in accordance with Railroad Annual Report Form R-1. Such annual report shall be filed in duplicate in the office of the Office of Economics, Surface Transportation Board, Washington, DC, on or before March 31 of the year following the year which is being reported.

(b) Expenditures and certain statistical information, as described below, for Positive Train Control (PTC) installation, maintenance, and operation shall be separately identified in a supplement to the Railroad Annual Report Form R-1 and submitted with the Railroad Annual Report Form R-1. This supplement shall identify PTC-related expenditures on road property and equipment improvements, depreciation of road property and equipment, accumulated depreciation, investment in railway property, and railway operating expenses. The supplement shall also identify the total mileage on which carriers install PTC and the number of locomotives equipped with PTC. The supplement shall include PTC-related expenditures for passenger-only service not otherwise captured in the individual schedules. In addition to separating capital expenses and operating expenses incurred by the railroad for PTC, the respondent entity shall include the value of funds received from non-government and government transfers to include grants, subsidies, and other contributions or reimbursements that the respondent entity used to purchase or create PTC assets or to offset PTC costs.

(49 U.S.C. 220,313,412; 5 U.S.C. 553) [38 FR 32920, Nov. 29, 1973, as amended at 41 FR 21354, May 25, 1976; 42 FR 1475, Jan. 7, 1977; 44 FR 65402, Nov. 13, 1979; 67 FR 57534, Sept. 11, 2002; 78 FR 51083, Aug. 20, 2013; 81 FR 8856, Feb. 23, 2016]
§ 1241.15 - Railroad classification survey form.

Commencing with the year ending December 31, 1982, and thereafter, until further order, all railroad companies not required to file an Annual Report (Form R-1) shall compute their adjusted revenues using the railroad revenue deflator formula. If there is a change in a carrier's classification the survey form shall be filed with the Office of Economics, Surface Transportation Board, Washington, DC, on or before March 31.

[48 FR 2544, Jan. 20, 1983, as amended at 81 FR 8856, Feb. 23, 2016]
authority: 49 U.S.C. 11145.
cite as: 49 CFR 1241.11