Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Oct 09, 2024
§ 23.1 - What are the purposes of these regulations and CITES?

(a) Treaty. The regulations in this part implement the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also known as CITES, the Convention, the Treaty, or the Washington Convention, TIAS (Treaties and Other International Acts Series) 8249.

(b) Purpose. The aim of CITES is to regulate international trade in wildlife and plants, including parts, products, and derivatives, to ensure it is legal and does not threaten the survival of species in the wild. Parties, recognize that:

(1) Wildlife and plants are an irreplaceable part of the natural systems of the earth and must be protected for this and future generations.

(2) The value of wildlife and plants is ever-growing from the viewpoints of aesthetics, science, culture, recreation, and economics.

(3) Although countries should be the best protectors of their own wildlife and plants, international cooperation is essential to protect wildlife and plant species from over-exploitation through international trade.

(4) It is urgent that countries take appropriate measures to prevent illegal trade and ensure that any use of wildlife and plants is sustainable.

(c) National legislation. We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), implement CITES through the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

§ 23.2 - How do I decide if these regulations apply to my shipment or me?

If you are engaging in activities with specimens of CITES-listed species these regulations apply to you.

[79 FR 30419, May 27, 2014]
§ 23.3 - What other wildlife and plant regulations may apply?

(a) You may need to comply with other regulations in this subchapter that require a permit or have additional restrictions. Many CITES species are also covered by one or more parts of this subchapter or title and have additional requirements:

(1) Part 15 (exotic birds).

(2) Part 16 (injurious wildlife).

(3) Parts 17 of this subchapter and 222, 223, and 224 of this title (endangered and threatened species).

(4) Parts 18 of this subchapter and 216 of this title (marine mammals).

(5) Part 20 (migratory bird hunting).

(6) Part 21 (migratory birds).

(7) Part 22 (bald and golden eagles).

(b) If you are applying for a permit, you must comply with the general permit procedures in part 13 of this subchapter. Definitions and a list of birds protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act can be found in part 10 of this subchapter.

(c) If you are importing (including introduction from the sea), exporting, or re-exporting wildlife or plants, you must comply with the regulations in part 14 of this subchapter for wildlife or part 24 of this subchapter for plants. Activities with plants are also regulated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), in 7 CFR parts 319, 355, and 356.

(d) You may also need to comply with other Federal, State, tribal, or local requirements.

§ 23.4 - What are Appendices I, II, and III?

Species are listed by the Parties in one of three Appendices to the Treaty (see subpart H of this part), each of which provides a different level of protection and is subject to different requirements. Parties regulate trade in specimens of Appendix-I, -II, and -III species and their parts, products, and derivatives through a system of permits and certificates (CITES documents). Such documents enable Parties to monitor the effects of the volume and type of trade to ensure trade is legal and not detrimental to the survival of the species.

(a) Appendix I includes species threatened with extinction that are or may be affected by trade. Trade in Appendix-I specimens may take place only in exceptional circumstances.

(b) Appendix II includes species that are not presently threatened with extinction, but may become so if their trade is not regulated. It also includes species that need to be regulated so that trade in certain other Appendix-I or -II species may be effectively controlled; these species are most commonly listed due to their similarity of appearance to other related CITES species.

(c) Appendix III includes species listed unilaterally by a range country to obtain international cooperation in controlling trade.

§ 23.5 - How are the terms used in these regulations defined?

In addition to the definitions contained in part 10 of this subchapter, and unless the context otherwise requires, in this part:

Affected by trade means that either a species is known to be in trade and the trade has or may have a detrimental impact on the status of the species, or a species is suspected to be in trade or there is demonstrable potential international demand for the species that may be detrimental to the survival of the species in the wild.

Annotation means an official footnote to the listing of a species in the CITES Appendices. A reference annotation provides information that further explains the listing (such as “p.e.” for possibly extinct). A substantive annotation is an integral part of a species listing. It designates whether the listing includes or excludes a geographically separate population, subspecies, species, group of species, or higher taxon, and the types of specimens included in or excluded from the listing, such as certain parts, products, or derivatives. A substantive annotation may designate export quotas adopted by the CoP. For species transferred from Appendix I to II subject to an annotation relating to specified types of specimens, other types of specimens that are not specifically included in the annotation are treated as if they are Appendix-I specimens.

Appropriate and acceptable destination, when used in an Appendix-II listing annotation for the export of, or international trade in, live animals, means that the Management Authority of the importing country has certified, based on advice from the Scientific Authority of that country, that the proposed recipient is suitably equipped to house and care for the animal (see criteria in § 23.65). Such certification must be provided before a CITES document is issued by the Management Authority of the exporting or re-exporting country.

Artificially propagated means a cultivated plant that meets the criteria in § 23.64.

Assisted production means a plant specimen that does not fall within the definition of “artificially propagated” and the source of the specimen is considered not to be taken from the wild because it was propagated or planted in an environment with some level of human intervention for the purpose of plant production.

ATA carnet means a type of international customs document (see § 23.50). ATA is a combination of the French and English words “Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission.”

Bred for commercial purposes means any specimen of an Appendix-I wildlife species bred in captivity for commercial purposes. Any Appendix-I specimen that does not meet the definition of “bred for noncommercial purposes” is considered to be bred for commercial purposes.

Bred for noncommercial purposes means any specimen of an Appendix-I wildlife species bred in captivity for noncommercial purposes, where each donation, exchange, or loan of the specimen is noncommercial.

Bred in captivity means wildlife that is captive-bred and meets the criteria in § 23.63.

Captive-bred means wildlife that is the offspring (first (F1) or subsequent generations) of parents that either mated or otherwise transferred egg and sperm under controlled conditions if reproduction is sexual, or of a parent that was maintained under controlled conditions when development of the offspring began if reproduction is asexual, but does not meet the bred-in-captivity criteria (see § 23.63).

Certificate means a CITES document or CITES exemption document that identifies on its face the type of certificate it is, including re-export certificate, introduction-from-the-sea certificate, and certificate of origin.

CITES document or CITES exemption document means any certificate, permit, or other document issued by a Management Authority of a Party or a competent authority of a non-Party whose name and address is on file with the Secretariat to authorize the international movement of CITES specimens.

Commercial means related to an activity, including actual or intended import, export, re-export, sale, offer for sale, purchase, transfer, donation, exchange, or provision of a service, that is reasonably likely to result in economic use, gain, or benefit, including, but not limited to, profit (whether in cash or in kind).

Coral (dead) means pieces of stony coral that contain no living coral tissue and in which the structure of the corallites (skeletons of the individual polyps) is still intact and the specimens are therefore identifiable to the level of species or genus. See also § 23.23(c)(13).

Coral fragments, including coral gravel and coral rubble, means loose pieces of broken finger-like stony coral between 2 and 30 mm measured in all directions that contain no living coral tissue and are not identifiable to the level of genus (see § 23.92 for exemptions).

Coral (live) means pieces of stony coral that are alive and are therefore identifiable to the level of species or genus. See also § 23.23(c)(13).

Coral rock means hard consolidated material greater than 30 mm measured in any direction that consists of pieces of stony coral that contain no living coral tissue and possibly also cemented sand, coralline algae, or other sedimentary rocks. Coral rock includes live rock and substrate, which are terms for pieces of coral rock to which are attached live specimens of other invertebrate species or coralline algae that are not listed in the CITES Appendices. See also § 23.23(c)(13).

Coral sand means material that consists entirely or in part of finely crushed stony coral no larger than 2 mm measured in all directions that contains no living coral tissue and is not identifiable to the level of genus (see § 23.92 for exemptions).

Coral (stony) means any coral in the orders Helioporacea, Milleporina, Scleractinia, Stolonifera, and Stylasterina.

Country of origin means the country where the wildlife or plant was taken from the wild or was born or propagated in a controlled environment, except in the case of a plant specimen that qualified for an exemption under the provisions of CITES, the country of origin is the country in which the specimen ceased to qualify for the exemption.

Cultivar means a horticulturally derived plant variety that: has been selected for a particular character or combination of characters; is distinct, uniform, and stable in these characters; and when propagated by appropriate means, retains these characters. The cultivar name and description must be formally published in order to be recognized under CITES.

Cultivated means a plant grown or tended by humans for human use. A cultivated plant can be treated as artificially propagated under CITES only if it meets the criteria in § 23.64.

Export means to send, ship, or carry a specimen out of a country (for export from the United States, see part 14 of this subchapter).

Flasked means plant material obtained in vitro, in solid or liquid media, transported in sterile containers.

Household effect means a dead wildlife or plant specimen that is part of a household move and meets the criteria in § 23.15.

Hybrid means any wildlife or plant that results from a cross of genetic material between two separate taxa when one or both are listed in Appendix I, II, or III. See § 23.42 for plant hybrids and § 23.43 for wildlife hybrids.

Import means to bring, ship, or carry a specimen into a country (for import into the United States, see part 14 of this subchapter).

International trade means the import, introduction from the sea, export, or re-export across jurisdictional or international boundaries for any purpose whether commercial or noncommercial.

In-transit shipment means the transshipment of any wildlife or plant through an intermediary country when the specimen remains under customs control and either the shipment meets the requirements of § 23.22 or the sample collection covered by an ATA carnet meets the requirements of § 23.50.

Introduction from the sea means transportation into a country of specimens of any species that were taken in the marine environment not under the jurisdiction of any country, i.e., taken in those marine areas beyond the areas subject to the sovereignty or sovereign rights of a country consistent with international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

ISO country code means the two-letter country code developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to represent the name of a country and its subdivisions.

Live rock see the definition for coral rock.

Management Authority means a governmental agency officially designated by, and under the supervision of, either a Party to implement CITES, or a non-Party to serve in the role of a Management Authority, including the issuance of CITES documents on behalf of that country.

Noncommercial means related to an activity that is not commercial. Noncommercial includes, but is not limited to, personal use.

Non-Party means a country that has not deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval, or accession to CITES with the Depositary Government (Switzerland), or a country that was a Party but subsequently notified the Depositary Government of its denunciation of CITES and the denunciation is in effect.

Offspring of first generation (F1) means a wildlife specimen produced in a controlled environment from parents at least one of which was conceived in or taken from the wild.

Offspring of second generation (F2) or subsequent generations means a wildlife specimen produced in a controlled environment from parents that were also produced in a controlled environment.

Parental stock means the original breeding or propagating specimens that produced the subsequent generations of captive or cultivated specimens.

Party means a country that has given its consent to be bound by the provisions of CITES by depositing an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval, or accession with the Depositary Government (Switzerland), and for which such consent is in effect.

Permit means a CITES document that identifies on its face import permit or export permit.

Personal effect means a dead wildlife or plant specimen, including a tourist souvenir, that is worn as clothing or accessories or is contained in accompanying baggage and meets the criteria in § 23.15.

Personal use means use that is not commercial and is for an individual's own consumption or enjoyment.

Precautionary measures means the actions taken that will be in the best interest of the conservation of the species when there is uncertainty about the status of a species or the impact of trade on the conservation of a species.

Pre-Convention means a specimen that was acquired (removed from the wild or born or propagated in a controlled environment) before the date the provisions of the Convention first applied to the species and that meets the criteria in § 23.45, and any product (including a manufactured item) or derivative made from such specimen.

Primarily commercial purposes means an activity whose noncommercial aspects do not clearly predominate (see § 23.62).

Propagule means a structure, such as a cutting, seed, or spore, which is capable of propagating a plant.

Ranched wildlife means specimens of animals reared in a controlled environment that were taken from the wild as eggs or juveniles where they would otherwise have had a very low probability of surviving to adulthood. See also § 23.34.

Readily recognizable means any specimen that appears from a visual, physical, scientific, or forensic examination or test; an accompanying document, packaging, mark, or label; or any other circumstances to be a part, product, or derivative of any CITES wildlife or plant, unless such part, product, or derivative is specifically exempt from the provisions of CITES or this part.

Re-export means to send, ship, or carry out of a country any specimen previously imported into that country, whether or not the specimen has been altered since import.

Reservation means the action taken by a Party to inform the Secretariat that it is not bound by the effect of a specific listing (see § 23.21).

Scientific Authority means a governmental or independent scientific institution or entity officially designated by either a Party to implement CITES, or a non-Party to serve the role of a Scientific Authority, including making scientific findings.

Secretariat means the entity designated by the Treaty to perform certain administrative functions (see § 23.84).

Shipment means any CITES specimen in international trade whether for commercial or noncommercial use, including any personal item.

Species means any species, subspecies, hybrid, variety, cultivar, color or morphological variant, or geographically separate population of that species.

Specimen means any wildlife or plant, whether live or dead. This term includes any readily recognizable part, product, or derivative unless otherwise annotated in the Appendices.

Sustainable use means the use of a species in a manner and at a level that maintains wild populations at biologically viable levels for the long term. Such use involves a determination of the productive capacity of the species and its ecosystem to ensure that utilization does not exceed those capacities or the ability of the population to reproduce, maintain itself, and perform its role or function in its ecosystem.

Trade means the same as international trade.

Transit see the definition for in-transit shipment.

Traveling exhibition means a display of live or dead wildlife or plants for entertainment, educational, cultural, or other display purposes that is temporarily moving internationally.

[72 FR 48448, Aug. 23, 2007, as amended at 79 FR 30419, May 27, 2014; 87 FR 10079, Feb. 23, 2022]
§ 23.6 - What are the roles of the Management and Scientific Authorities?

Under Article IX of the Treaty, each Party must designate a Management and Scientific Authority to implement CITES for that country. If a non-Party wants to trade with a Party, it must also designate such Authorities. The names and addresses of these offices must be sent to the Secretariat to be included in the Directory. In the United States, different offices within the FWS have been designated the Scientific Authority and Management Authority, which for purposes of this section includes FWS Law Enforcement. When offices share activities, the Management Authority is responsible for dealing primarily with management and regulatory issues and the Scientific Authority is responsible for dealing primarily with scientific issues. The offices do the following:

Roles U.S.
Scientific Authority
U.S. Management
(a) Provide scientific advice and recommendations, including advice on biological findings for applications for certain CITES documents, registrations, and export program approvals. Evaluate the conservation status of species to determine if a species listing or change in a listing is warranted. Interpret listings and review nomenclatural issues.x
(b) Review applications for CITES documents and issue or deny them based on findings required by CITES. x
(c) Communicate with the Secretariat and other countries on scientific, administrative, and enforcement issues.xx
(d) Ensure that export of Appendix-II specimens is at a level that maintains a species throughout its range at a level consistent with its role in the ecosystems in which it occurs and well above the level at which it might become eligible for inclusion in Appendix I.x
(e) Monitor trade in all CITES species and produce annual reports on CITES trade. x
(f) Collect the cancelled foreign export permit or re-export certificate and any corresponding import permit presented for import of any CITES specimen. Collect a copy of the validated U.S. export permit or re-export certificate presented for export or re-export of any CITES specimen. x
(g) Produce periodic Article VIII, paragraph 7(b) reports on legislative, regulatory, and administrative measures taken by the United States to enforce the provisions of CITES. x
(h) Coordinate with State and tribal governments and other Federal agencies on CITES issues, such as the status of native species, development of policies, negotiating positions, and law enforcement activities.xx
(i) Communicate with the scientific community, the public, and media about CITES issues. Conduct public meetings and publish notices to gather input from the public on the administration of CITES and the conservation and trade status of domestic and foreign species traded internationally.xx
(j) Represent the United States at the meetings of the CoP, on committees (see subpart G of this part), and on CITES working groups. Consult with other countries on CITES issues and the conservation status of species. Prepare discussion papers and proposals for new or amended resolutions and species listings for consideration at the CoP.xx
(k) Provide assistance to APHIS and CBP for the enforcement of CITES. Cooperate with enforcement officials to facilitate the exchange of information between enforcement bodies and for training purposes.xx
(l) Provide financial and technical assistance to other governmental agencies and CITES officials of other countries.xx
[72 FR 48448, Aug. 23, 2007, as amended at 87 FR 10079, Feb. 23, 2022]
§ 23.7 - What office do I contact for CITES information?

Contact the following offices to receive information about CITES:

Type of information Office to contact
(a) CITES administrative and management issues:
(1) CITES documents, including application forms and procedures; lists of registered scientific institutions and operations breeding Appendix-I wildlife for commercial purposes; and reservations
(2) Information on the CoP
(3) List of CITES species
(4) Names and addresses of other countries' Management and Scientific Authority offices
(5) Notifications, resolutions, and decisions
(6) Standing Committee documents and issues
(7) State and tribal export programs
U.S. Management Authority, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, MS: IA, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803, Toll Free: (800) 358-2104/permit questions, Tel: (703) 358-2095/other questions, Fax: (703) 358-2281/permits, Fax: (703) 358-2298/other issues, Email: [email protected], Web site: and
(b) Scientific issues:
(1) Animals and Plants Committees documents and issues
(2) Findings of non-detriment and suitability of facilities, and other scientific findings
(3) Listing of species in the Appendices and relevant resolutions
(4) Names and addresses of other countries' Scientific Authority offices and scientists involved with CITES-related issues
(5) Nomenclatural issues
U.S. Scientific Authority, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, MS: IA, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803, Tel: (703) 358-1708, Fax: (703) 358-2276, Email: [email protected], Web site:
(c) Wildlife clearance procedures:
(1) CITES replacement tags
(2) Information about wildlife port office locations
(3) Information bulletins
(4) Inspection and clearance of wildlife shipments involving import, introduction from the sea, export, and re-export, and filing a Declaration of Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife (Form 3-177)
(5) Validation, certification, or cancellation of CITES wildlife documents
Law Enforcement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, MS: OLE, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803, Tel: (703) 358-1949, Fax: (703) 358-2271, Web site:
(d) APHIS plant clearance procedures:
(1) Information about plant port office locations
(2) Inspection and clearance of plant shipments involving:
(i) Import and introduction from the sea of living plants
(ii) Export and re-export of living and nonliving plants
(3) Validation or cancellation of CITES plant documents for the type of shipments listed in paragraph (d)(2) of this section
U.S. Department of Agriculture APHIS/PPQ, 4700 River Road, Riverdale, Maryland 20737-1236, Toll Free: (877) 770-5990/permit questions, Tel: (301) 734-8891/other CITES issues, Fax: (301) 734-5786/permit questions, Fax: (301) 734-5276/other CITES issues, Website:
(e) CBP plant clearance procedures:
(1) Inspection and clearance of plant shipments involving:
(i) Import and introduction from the sea of nonliving plants
(ii) Import of living plants from Canada at designated border ports (7 CFR 319.37-14(b) and 50 CFR 24.12(d))
(2) Cancellation of CITES plant documents for the type of shipments listed in paragraph (e)(1) of this section
Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Field Operations, Agriculture Programs and Liaison, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 2.5 B, Washington, DC 20229, Tel: (202) 344-3298, Fax: (202) 344-1442
(f) General information on CITES:
(1) CITES export quota information
(2) CITES Guidelines for the non-air transport of live wild animals and plants
(3) Information about the Secretariat
(4) Names and addresses of other countries' Management and Scientific Authority offices
(5) Official documents, including resolutions, decisions, notifications, CoP documents, and committee documents
(6) Official list of CITES species and species database
(7) Text of the Convention
CITES Secretariat, Website:
[72 FR 48448, Aug. 23, 2007, as amended at 79 FR 30420, May 27, 2014; 79 FR 43966, July 29, 2014; 87 FR 10079, Feb. 23, 2022]
§ 23.8 - What are the information collection requirements?

The Office of Management and Budget approved the information collection requirements for application forms and reports contained in this part and assigned OMB Control Number 1018-0093. We cannot collect or sponsor a collection of information and you are not required to provide information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

[72 FR 48448, Aug. 23, 2007, as amended at 79 FR 30420, May 27, 2014]
§ 23.9 - Incorporation by reference.

Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. All approved material is available for inspection at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, International Affairs, Division of Management Authority, 703-358-2104 and is available from the sources listed elsewhere in this section. It is also available for inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, email [email protected] or go to

(a) International Air Transport Association (IATA), 800 Place Victoria, P.O. Box 113, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4Z 1M1, 1-800-716-6326,

(1) Live Animals Regulations (LAR) 48th edition, effective January 1, 2022, into §§ 23.23, 23.26, and 23.56.

(2) Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR) 21st edition, effective January 1, 2022, into §§ 23.23, 23.26, and 23.56.

(b) CITES Secretariat: Palais des Nations, Avenue de la Paix 8-14, 1211 Genève 10, Switzerland; telephone +41-(0)22-917-81-39/40; email [email protected],

(1) CITES Guidelines for the non-air transport of live wild animals and plants, effective January 2, 2017, into §§ 23.23, 23.26, and 23.56, available for downloading at



(2) [Reserved]

[87 FR 10079, Feb. 23, 2022]
authority: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (March 3, 1973), 27 U.S.T. 1087; and Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1531
source: 72 FR 48448, Aug. 23, 2007, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 50 CFR 23.9