Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 21, 2024

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Oct 17, 2024
§ 37.41 - Responsibilities of the Regional Director.

The Regional Director is authorized to approve and disapprove exploration plans; issue special use permits; inspect and regulate exploratory activities; require compliance with the permittee's approved exploration plan, plan of operation, this part, and other statutes and regulations under which the refuge is administered; and perform all other duties assigned to the Regional Director by this part. The Regional Director may issue written or oral stipulations, demands and orders to carry out his responsibilities, and amend and terminate them as he deems appropriate. Any oral stipulation, demand or order shall be confirmed in writing within 3 working days from its issuance.

§ 37.42 - Inspection and monitoring.

The Regional Director may designate field representatives, hereinafter known as Field Monitors, to monitor the exploratory activities in the field. A Field Monitor may exercise such authority of the Regional Director as is provided by delegation, except that a Field Monitor may not revoke a permittee's special use permit, and provided that any order issued by a Field Monitor which suspends all of a permittee's field activities shall, except in emergencies, require the concurrence of the Regional Director. The Regional Director shall have a continuing right of access to any part of the exploratory activities at any time for inspection or monitoring and for any other purpose that is consistent with this part. A permittee, upon request by the Regional Director, shall furnish lodging, food, and reasonable use of its communication and surface and air transportation systems, to the Field Monitors and other representatives of the United States for the purposes of inspecting and monitoring the permittee's exploration activities in the field and for any other purpose consistent with this part. Whenever possible, the Regional Director shall give advance notice of the need for such services and facilities, including the names of persons to be accommodated.

§ 37.43 - Suspension and modification.

If at any time while exploratory activities are being carried out under an approved exploration plan and special use permit, the Regional Director, on the basis of information available to him, determines that continuation of further activities under the plan or permit will significantly adversely affect the refuge's wildlife, its habitat, or the environment, or significantly restrict subsistence uses, or that the permittee has failed to comply with its approved exploration plan, plan of operation, special use permit, any reasonable stipulation, demand or order of the Regional Director, or any regulation of this part, the Regional Director may, without any expense or liability to the Department, suspend activities under the plan and/or permit for such time, or make such modifications to the plan and/or permit, or both suspend and so modify, as he determines necessary and appropriate. Such suspensions shall state the reasons therefore and be effective immediately upon receipt of the notice. Suspensions issued orally shall be followed by a written notice confirming the action within 3 days, and all written notices will be sent by messenger or registered mail, return receipt requested. A suspension shall remain in effect until the basis for the suspension has been corrected to the satisfaction of the Regional Director. For good cause, the Regional Director may also grant at the permittee's request, a written waiver of any provision of its special use permit, so long as such waiver will not be likely to result in significant adverse effects on the refuge's resources. Reconsideration of the Regional Director's actions under this section may be obtained by employing the procedures described in § 37.22(c). A request for reconsideration shall not operate to stay the Regional Director's actions unless such stay is granted in writing by the Director.

§ 37.44 - Revocation and relinquishment.

For nonuse, for failure to comply with § 37.14, or for any action of the permittee not consistent with this part, the Regional Director may revoke or a permittee may relinquish a special use permit to conduct exploratory activities at any time by sending to the other a written notice of revocation or relinquishment. Such notice shall state the reasons for the revocation or relinquishment and shall be sent by registered mail, return receipt requested, at least 30 days in advance of the date that the revocation or relinquishment will be effective. Revocation or relinquishment of a permit to conduct exploratory activities shall not relieve the permittee of the obligation to comply with all other obligations specified in this part and in its special use permit, approved exploration plan and plan of operation. Reconsideration of the Regional Director's actions under this section may be obtained by employing the procedures described in § 37.22(c). A request for reconsideration shall not operate to stay the Regional Director actions unless such stay is granted in writing by the Director.

§ 37.45 - Exploration by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Notwithstanding the requirement found in § 37.21(b) on when exploration plans shall be submitted, the U.S. Geological Survey may at any time apply for a special use permit to conduct exploratory activities by submitting for approval one or more exploration plans in accordance with the requirements of this part and the Act. No plan submitted by the Survey will be approved unless (1) no other person has submitted a plan for the area involved which satisfies the regulations of this part and (2) the information which would be obtained from the Survey is needed to make an adequate report to Congress pursuant to the Act. Sections 37.13, 37.14, 37.22(d)(3), 37.46, 37.47, and 37.54(d) and the provisions of §§ 37.22(d)(2), 37.53(e), and 37.54 on processed, analyzed and interpreted data or information shall not apply to the Survey. If authorized to conduct exploratory activities, the Survey shall comply with this part in all other respects. All contractors and subcontractors used by the Survey to conduct exploratory activities shall be subject to all of the regulations of this part excepting §§ 37.13 and 37.46 and the provisions of §§ 37.22(d)(2), 37.53(e), and 37.54 on processed, analyzed and interpreted data or information.

§ 37.46 - Cost reimbursement.

(a) Each applicant for or holder of a special use permit issued under this part shall reimburse the Department for its actual costs incurred, including, but not limited to, its direct costs and indirect costs as established by the indirect cost rate of the charging bureau or office, in publishing, reviewing (which includes, but is not limited to, conducting any public hearings thereon), modifying, and approving or disapproving the applicant's or permittee's exploration plan(s); reviewing evidence of the permittee's compliance with any order given by the Regional Director under § 37.13; preparing and issuing the permittee's special use permit; reviewing and acting on the permittee's plan(s) of operation; inspecting, monitoring, and enforcing the permittee's compliance with its approved exploration plan(s), plan(s) or operation, special use permit and this part; performing the permittee's obligations pursuant to § 37.31(a); and identifying, evaluating and preserving historic, archeological and cultural resources in areas to be explored by the permittee; as further delineated by the Regional Director.

(b) Each applicant shall submit with each exploration plan submitted a payment, the amount of which shall be an estimate made by the Regional Director of the costs which will be incurred by the Department in publishing, reviewing, modifying and approving or disapproving the applicant's exploration plan.

(1) If the applicant's plan is disapproved or if the applicant withdraws its application before a decision is reached on its plan, the applicant shall be responsible for such costs incurred by the Department in processing the applicant's application up to the date on which the plan is disapproved or the Regional Director receives written notice of the applicant's withdrawal, and for costs subsequently incurred by the Department in terminating the application review process. If the costs actually incurred exceed the estimate paid at the time of application, reimbursement by the applicant of such additional costs shall be due within 30 days of receiving notice from the Regional Director of the additional amount due. If the actual costs incurred are less than the estimate paid by the applicant, the excess shall be refunded to the applicant.

(2) If the applicant's plan is approved, the applicant shall pay an estimate made by the Regional Director of the costs which will be incurred by the Department in preparing and issuing to the applicant a special use permit. The first quarterly payment made by the applicant pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section will be adjusted upward or downward, as warranted, to accurately reflect the actual costs incurred by the Department in processing the permit. If an applicant withdraws after its plan is approved, but before its special use permit is issued, the applicant shall be responsible for such costs incurred by the Department in preparing the applicant's permit up to the date on which the Regional Director receives written notice of the applicant's withdrawal and for costs subsequently incurred by the Department in terminating permit preparation and issuance.

(3) When two or more applications are filed which the Regional Director determines to be in competition with each other, each applicant shall reimburse the Department for such actual costs incurred in processing its exploration plan and special use permit, if issued, except that those costs which are not readily identifiable with one of the applicants, shall be paid by each of the applicants in equal shares.

(c) Upon issuance of a special use permit, the permittee shall make an initial advance payment covering that current fiscal year quarter and quarterly payments thereafter to cover the actual costs incurred by the Department in administering the permittee's permit for its duration. Such costs shall include, but are not limited to, those direct costs and indirect costs, as established by the indirect costs rate of the charging bureau or office, incurred in reviewing and acting on permittee's plan(s) of operation; reviewing evidence of the permittee's compliance with any order given by the Regional Director under § 37.13; preparing and issuing the permittee's special use permit; inspecting, monitoring, and enforcing the permittee's compliance with its approved exploration plan, plan(s) of operation, special use permit and this part; performing the permittee's obligations pursuant to § 37.31(a); and identifying, evaluating and preserving historic, archeological and cultural resources in areas to be explored by the permittee. Each quarterly payment will be paid at the outset of the quarter and will cover the estimated cost of that quarter as adjusted by the Regional Director by reason of any adjustment warranted by paragraph (b) of this section or by overpayments or underpayments in previous quarters for which adjustment has not already been made. Upon termination of the permittee's special use permit, reimbursement or refundment of any outstanding amounts due the Department or the permittee shall be made within 180 days.

(d) Estimates required by this section shall be made by the Regional Director on the basis of the best available cost information. However, reimbursement shall not be limited to the Regional Director's estimate if actual costs exceed projected estimates.

(e) All payments required by this section shall be made payable to the Service. No applicant or permittee shall set off or otherwise deduct any debt due to or any sum claimed to be owed to it by the United States from any payment required by this section. Overpayments shall be credited or refunded to the person making them.

(f) When through partnership, joint venture or other business arrangement more than one person applies for or participates in a special use permit, each shall be jointly and severally liable for reimbursing the Department's cost under this section.

(g) Any lodging, food, communication, and transportation provided by a permittee under § 37.42 shall be deemed to be costs paid to the Department in kind for services rendered in inspecting and monitoring the permittee's exploratory activities. At the end of each quarter, the permittee shall furnish the Regional Director with a report, in a format approved or prescribed by him, on the goods and services provided during that quarter, and the names of the individuals to whom they were provided.

(h) Any dispute between an applicant or permittee and the Regional Director as to costs actually incurred by the Department and charged to the applicant or permittee shall be finally decided for the Secretary by the Director, using the procedures described in § 37.22(c).

§ 37.47 - Civil penalties.

(a) This section prescribes the procedures for assessing a civil penalty for the violation of any provision of an approved exploration plan, any term or condition of the special use permit issued under § 37.23, or any prohibition contained in this part. The civil penalty remedy afforded by this section is in addition to all other remedies available to the Secretary.

(b) Notice of violation. (1) The notice of violation shall be issued by the Solicitor and served personally or by registered mail upon the person named in the notice (hereinafter the respondent) or his authorized representative. The notice shall contain:

(i) A summary of the facts believed to show a violation by the respondent;

(ii) A specific reference to the provision, term, condition or prohibition allegedly violated; and

(iii) The amount of the penalty proposed to be assessed. The notice may also contain an initial proposal for compromise or settlement of the action.

(2) The notice of violation shall also advise respondent of his right to:

(i) Respond to the notice within 45 calendar days from the date of its issuance by: (A) Undertaking informal discussions with the Solicitor; (B) Accepting the proposed penalty or the compromise, if any, offered in the notice; or (C) Filing a petition for relief in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section; or

(ii) Take no action and await the Solicitor's notice of assessment. Such response must be received by the Solicitor on or before the 45th day during normal business hours at the address stated in the notice.

(3) Any notice of violation may be amended, but any nontechnical amendment will extend the running of the respondent's 45 day period for response from the date of the notice to the date of the amendment.

(4) Acceptance of the proposed penalty or the compromise, if any, stated in the notice of violation shall be deemed to be a waiver of the notice of assessment required in paragraph (d) of this section and of the respondent's right to an opportunity for a hearing described in paragraph (e) of this section.

(c) Petition for relief. If the respondent chooses, he may ask that no penalty be assessed or that the amount be reduced and he may admit or contest the legal sufficiency of the Solicitor's charges and allegations of facts, by filing a petition for relief at the address specified in the notice within 45 calendar days from the date thereof. Such petition must be received by the Solicitor on or before the 45th day during normal business hours. The petition shall be in writing and signed by the respondent. If the respondent is a corporation, partnership, association or agency, the petition must be signed by an officer or official authorized to sign such document. It must set forth in full the legal or other reasons for the relief requested.

(d) Notice of assessment. (1) After 45 calendar days from the date of the notice of violation or any amendment thereof, the Solicitor may proceed to determine whether the respondent committed the violation alleged and to determine the amount of civil penalty to be assessed, taking into consideration the information available and such showing as may have been made by the respondent. The Solicitor shall notify the respondent of his determinations by a written notice of assessment, which shall also set forth the basis for his determinations. The notice of assessment shall be served on the respondent personally or by registered mail.

(2) The notice of assessment shall also advise the respondent of his right to request a hearing on the matter in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.

(e) Request for a hearing. Within 45 calendar days from the date of the issuance of the notice of assessment, the respondent may request a hearing to be conducted on the matter in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 554 through 557 by filing a dated, written request for hearing with the Hearings Division, Office of Hearings and Appeals, Department of the Interior, 801 North Quincy Street, Arlington, Virginia 22203. Such request must be received at this address on or before the 45th day during normal business hours. The respondent shall state the respondent's preference as to the place and date for a hearing. The request must enclose a copy of the notice of violation and the notice of assessment. A copy of the request shall be served upon the Solicitor personally or by mail at the address specified in the notice of assessment.

(f) Finality of decision. If no request for a hearing is filed in accordance with this section, the assessment stated in the notice of assessment shall be effective and constitute the final administrative decision of the Secretary on the 45th calandar day from the date of the notice of assessment. If the request for hearing is timely filed in accordance with this section, the date of the final administrative decision in the matter shall be as provided in paragraph (g) or (h) of this section. When a civil penalty assessed under this section becomes final, the respondent shall have 20 calendar days from the date of the final administrative decision within which to make full payment of the penalty assessed. Payment will be timely only if received in the Office of the Solicitor during normal business hours on or before the 20th day.

(g) Hearing. (1) Upon receipt of a request for a hearing, the Hearings Division will assign an administrative law judge who shall have all the powers accorded by law and necessary to preside over the parties and the hearing and to make decisions in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 554 through 557. Notice of such assignment shall be given promptly to the respondent and to the Solicitor at the address stated in the notice of assessment. Upon notice of the assignment of an administrative law judge to the case, the Solicitor shall file all correspondence and petitions exchanged between the Solicitor and the respondent which shall become a part of the hearing record.

(2) The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 554 through 557 and with 43 CFR part 4 to the extent that it is not inconsistent with this part. Subject to 43 CFR 1.3, the respondent may appear in person, by representative, or by counsel. The hearing shall be held in a location established by the administrative law judge, giving due regard to the convenience of the parties, their representatives and witnesses. Failure to appear at the time set for hearing shall be deemed a waiver of the right to a hearing and consent to the decision on the record made at the hearing. The judge shall render a written decision on the record, which shall set forth his findings of facts and conclusions of law and the reasons therefore, and an assessment of a civil penalty if he determines that the respondent committed the violation charged.

(3) Discovery shall be obtained by employing the procedures described 43 CFR 4.1130 through 4.1141. In addition, discovery of facts known and opinions held by experts, otherwise discoverable under 43 CFR 4.1132(a) and acquired and developed in anticipation of administrative adjudication or litigation, may be obtained only as follows:

(i)(A) A party through interrogatories require any other party to identify each person whom the other party expects to call as an expert witness, to state the subject matter on which the expert is expected to testify, and to state the substance of the facts and opinions to which the expert is expected to testify and a summary of the grounds for each opinion.

(B) Upon motion, the administrative law judge may order further discovery by other means, subject to such restrictions as to scope and such provisions under paragraph (g)(3)(iii) of this section concerning fees and expenses, as the administrative law judge may deem appropriate.

(ii) A party may discover facts known or opinions held by an expert, who has been retained or employed by another party in anticipation of administrative adjudication or litigation or preparation therefore and who is not expected to be called as a witness, only upon a showing of exceptional circumstances under which it is impracticable for the party seeking discovery to obtain facts or opinions on the same subject by other means.

(iii) Unless manifest injustice would result, (A) the administrative law judge shall require the party seeking discovery to pay the expert, or the Department if the expert is an employee of the United States, a reasonable fee for time spent in responding to paragraphs (g)(3)(i)(B) and (g)(3)(ii) of this section; and (B) with respect to discovery under paragraph (g)(3)(i)(B) of this section the administrative law judge may require and with respect to discovery under paragraph (g)(3)(ii) of this section the administrative law judge shall require, the party seeking discovery to pay the other party a fair portion of the fees and expenses reasonably incurred by the latter party in obtaining facts and opinions from the expert.

(4) Unless the notice of appeal is filed in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section, the administrative law judge's decision shall constitute the final administrative decision of the Secretary in the matter and shall become effective 30 calendar days from the date of the decision.

(h) Appeal. (1) Either the respondent or the Solicitor may seek an appeal from the decision of an administrative law judge as to the respondent's violation or penalty or both by the filing of a notice of appeal with the Director, Office of Hearings and Appeals, United States Department of the Interior, 801 North Quincy Street, Arlington, Virginia 22203, within 30 calendar days of the date of the administrative law judge's decision. Such notice shall be accompanied by proof of service on the administrative law judge and the opposing party.

(2) Upon receipt of such a request, the Director, Office of Hearings and Appeals, shall appoint an ad hoc appeals board to determine whether an appeal should be granted, and to hear and decide an appeal. To the extent they are not inconsistent herewith, the provisions of 43 CFR part 4, subpart G shall apply to appeal proceedings under this paragraph. The determination of the board to grant or deny an appeal, as well as its decision on the merits of an appeal, shall be in writing and become effective as the final administrative determination of the Secretary in the matter on the date it is rendered, unless otherwise specified therein.

(i) Amount of penalty. The amount of any civil penalty assessed under this section shall not exceed $10,000 for each violation. Each day of a continuing violation shall, however, constitute a separate offense. In determining the amount of such penalty, the nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the violation committed, and, with respect to the respondent, his history of any prior offenses, his demonstrated good faith in attempting to achieve timely compliance after being cited for the violation, and such other matters as justice may require shall be considered.

(j) Petition for remission. The Solicitor may modify or remit, with or without conditions, any civil penalty which is subject to imposition or which has been imposed under this paragraph unless the matter is pending in court for judicial review or for recovery of the civil penalty assessed. A petition for remission may be filed by the respondent with the Solicitor at any time from the date of the notice of violation referred to in paragraph (b) of this section until 90 days after the date of final administrative decision assessing a civil penalty. The petition must set forth in full the legal and other reasons for the relief requested. Any petition that is not timely filed will not receive consideration. The Solicitor's decision shall be the final administrative decision for the Secretary on the petition.

[48 FR 16858, Apr. 19, 1983, as amended at 67 FR 38208, June 3, 2002]
authority: Sec. 1002, Pub. L. 96-487, 94 Stat. 2449, as amended by sec. 110, Pub. L. 97-394, 96 Stat. 1982 (16 U.S.C. 3142); sec. 110, Pub. L. 89-665, as added by sec. 206, Pub. L. 96-515, 94 Stat. 2996 (16 U.S.C. 470h-2); sec. 401, Pub. L. 148, 49 Stat. 383, as amended (16 U.S.C. 715s); 31 U.S.C. 9701; 5 U.S.C. 301; 209 DM 6.1
source: 48 FR 16858, Apr. 19, 1983, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 50 CFR 37.42