Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Oct 09, 2024
§ 13.21 - Issuance of permits.

(a) No permit may be issued prior to the receipt of a written application therefor, unless a written variation from the requirements, as authorized by § 13.4, is inserted into the official file of the Bureau. An oral or written representation of an employee or agent of the United States Government, or an action of such employee or agent, shall not be construed as a permit unless it meets the requirements of a permit as defined in 50 CFR 10.12.

(b) Upon receipt of a properly executed application for a permit, the Director shall issue the appropriate permit unless:

(1) The applicant has been assessed a civil penalty or convicted of any criminal provision of any statute or regulation relating to the activity for which the application is filed, if such assessment or conviction evidences a lack of responsibility.

(2) The applicant has failed to disclose material information required, or has made false statements as to any material fact, in connection with his application;

(3) The applicant has failed to demonstrate a valid justification for the permit and a showing of responsibility;

(4) The authorization requested potentially threatens a wildlife or plant population, or

(5) The Director finds through further inquiry or investigation, or otherwise, that the applicant is not qualified.

(c) Disqualifying factors. Any one of the following will disqualify a person from receiving permits issued under this part.

(1) A conviction, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, for a felony violation of the Lacey Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, or the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act disqualifies any such person from receiving or exercising the privileges of a permit, unless such disqualification has been expressly waived by the Director in response to a written petition.

(2) The revocation of a permit for reasons found in § 13.28 (a)(1) or (a)(2) disqualifies any such person from receiving or exercising the privileges of a similar permit for a period of five years from the date of the final agency decision on such revocation.

(3) The failure to pay any required fees or assessed costs and penalties, whether or not reduced to judgement disqualifies such person from receiving or exercising the privileges of a permit as long as such moneys are owed to the United States. This requirement shall not apply to any civil penalty presently subject to administrative or judicial appeal; provided that the pendency of a collection action brought by the United States or its assignees shall not constitute an appeal within the meaning of this subsection.

(4) The failure to submit timely, accurate, or valid reports as required may disqualify such person from receiving or exercising the privileges of a permit as long as the deficiency exists.

(d) Use of supplemental information. The issuing officer, in making a determination under this subsection, may use any information available that is relevant to the issue. This may include any prior conviction, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or assessment of civil or criminal penalty for a violation of any Federal or State law or regulation governing the permitted activity. It may also include any prior permit revocations or suspensions, or any reports of State or local officials. The issuing officer shall consider all relevant facts or information available, and may make independent inquiry or investigation to verify information or substantiate qualifications asserted by the applicant.

(e) Conditions of issuance and acceptance—(1) Conditions of issuance and acceptance. Any permit automatically incorporates within its terms the conditions and requirements of subpart D of this part and of any part(s) or section(s) specifically authorizing or governing the activity for which the permit is issued, as well as any other conditions deemed appropriate and included on the face of the permit at the discretion of the Director.

(2) Any person accepting and holding a permit under this subchapter B acknowledges the necessity for close regulation and monitoring of the permitted activity by the Government. By accepting such permit, the permittee consents to and shall allow entry by agents or employees of the Service upon premises where the permitted activity is conducted at any reasonable hour. Service agents or employees may enter such premises to inspect the location; any books, records, or permits required to be kept by this subchapter B; and any wildlife or plants kept under authority of the permit.

(f) Term of permit. Unless otherwise modified, a permit is valid during the period specified on the face of the permit. Such period shall include the effective date and the date of expiration.

(g) Denial. The issuing officer may deny a permit to any applicant who fails to meet the issuance criteria set forth in this section or in the part(s) or section(s) specifically governing the activity for which the permit is requested.

[39 FR 1161, Jan. 4, 1974, as amended at 42 FR 32377, June 24, 1977; 47 FR 30785, July 15, 1982; 54 FR 38148, Sept. 14, 1989; 70 FR 18319, Apr. 11, 2005]
§ 13.22 - Renewal of permits.

(a) Application for renewal. Applicants for renewal of a permit must submit a written application at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the permit. Applicants must certify in the form required by § 13.12(a)(5) that all statements and information in the original application remain current and correct, unless previously changed or corrected. If such information is no longer current or correct, the applicant must provide corrected information.

(b) Renewal criteria. The Service shall issue a renewal of a permit if the applicant meets the criteria for issuance in § 13.21(b) and is not disqualified under § 13.21(c).

(c) Continuation of permitted activity. Any person holding a valid, renewable permit may continue the activities authorized by the expired permit until the Service acts on the application for renewal if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The permit is currently in force and not suspended or revoked;

(2) The person has complied with this section; and

(3) The permit is not a CITES document that was issued under part 23 of this subchapter (because the CITES document is void upon expiration).

(d) Denial. The issuing officer may deny renewal of a permit to any applicant who fails to meet the issuance criteria set forth in § 13.21 of this part, or in the part(s) or section(s) specifically governing the activity for which the renewal is requested.

[54 FR 38148, Sept. 14, 1989, as amended at 72 FR 48446, Aug. 23, 2007]
§ 13.23 - Amendments of permits.

(a) Permittee's request. Where circumstances have changed so that a permittee desires to have any condition of his permit modified, such permittee must submit a full written justification and supporting information in conformity with this part and the part under which the permit was issued.

(b) Service amendment. The Service reserves the right to amend any permit for just cause at any time during its term, upon written finding of necessity, provided that the amendment of a permit issued under § 17.22(b) or (c) of this subchapter will be consistent with the requirements of § 17.22(b)(5) or (c)(5) of this subchapter and amendment of a permit issued under § 17.32(b) or (c) of this subchapter will be consistent with the requirements of § 17.32(b)(5) or (c)(5) of this subchapter.

(c) Change of name or address. A permittee is not required to obtain a new permit if there is a change in the legal individual or business name, or in the mailing address of the permittee. A permittee is required to notify the issuing office within 10 calendar days of such change. This provision does not authorize any change in location of the conduct of the permitted activity when approval of the location is a qualifying condition of the permit.

[54 FR 38148, Sept. 14, 1989, as amended at 64 FR 32711, June 17, 1999; 89 FR 26093, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 13.24 - Rights of succession by certain persons.

(a) Certain persons other than the permittee are authorized to carry on a permitted activity for the remainder of the term of a current permit, provided they comply with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section. Such persons are the following:

(1) The surviving spouse, child, executor, administrator, or other legal representative of a deceased permittee; or

(2) A receiver or trustee in bankruptcy or a court designated assignee for the benefit of creditors.

(b) In order to qualify for the authorization provided in this section, the person or persons desiring to continue the activity shall furnish the permit to the issuing officer for endorsement within 90 days from the date the successor begins to carry on the activity.

(c) In the case of permits issued under the regulations in this subchapter in § 17.22(b) and (c), § 17.32(b) and (c), or 50 CFR part 22, the successor's authorization under the permit is also subject to our determination that:

(1) The successor meets all of the qualifications under this part for holding a permit;

(2) The successor has provided adequate written assurances that it will provide sufficient funding for any applicable conservation measures, conservation plan, or Agreement and will implement the relevant terms and conditions of the permit, including any outstanding minimization and mitigation requirements; and

(3) The successor has provided such other information as we determine is relevant to the processing of the request.

[64 FR 32711, June 17, 1999, as amended at 78 FR 73725, Dec. 9, 2013; 87 FR 880, Jan. 5, 2022; 89 FR 9957, Feb. 12, 2024; 89 FR 26093, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 13.25 - Transfer of permits and scope of permit authorization.

(a) Except as otherwise provided for in this section, permits issued under this part are not transferable or assignable.

(b) Permits issued under the regulations in this subchapter in § 17.22(b) and (c), § 17.32(b) and (c), or 50 CFR part 22 may be transferred to a successor subject to our determination that the proposed transferee:

(1) Meets all of the qualifications under this part for holding a permit;

(2) Has provided adequate written assurances of sufficient funding for the conservation measures, conservation plan, or conservation benefit agreement, and will implement the relevant terms and conditions of the permit, including any outstanding minimization and mitigation requirements; and

(3) Has provided other information that we determine is relevant to the processing of the submission.

(c) In the case of the transfer of property subject to an agreement and permit issued under § 17.22(c) or § 17.32(c) of this subchapter, the Service will transfer the permit to the new owner if the new owner agrees in writing to become a party to the original agreement and permit.

(d) Except as otherwise stated on the face of the permit, any person who is under the direct control of the permittee, or who is employed by or under contract to the permittee for purposes authorized by the permit, may carry out the activity authorized by the permit.

(e) In the case of permits issued under § 17.22(b) and (c) or § 17.32(b) and (c) of this subchapter to a State, Tribal, or local government entity, a person is under the direct control of the permittee where:

(1) The person is under the jurisdiction of the permittee and the permit provides that such person(s) may carry out the authorized activity; or

(2) The person has been issued a permit by the governmental entity or has executed a written instrument with the governmental entity, pursuant to the terms of the implementing agreement.

(f) In the case of permits issued under part 22, subpart E, of this subchapter to a Federal, State, tribal, or local governmental entity, a person is under the direct control of the permittee if the person is under the jurisdiction of the permittee, provided the permittee has the regulatory authority to require the person to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit and the permit provides that such person(s) may carry out the authorized activity.

[64 FR 32711, June 17, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 52676, Sept. 30, 1999; 69 FR 24092, May 3, 2004; 78 FR 73725, Dec. 9, 2013; 87 FR 880, Jan. 7, 2022; 89 FR 9957, Feb. 12, 2024; 89 FR 26093, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 13.26 - Discontinuance of permit activity.

When a permittee, or any successor to a permittee as provided for by § 13.24, discontinues activities authorized by a permit, the permittee shall within 30 calendar days of the discontinuance return the permit to the issuing office together with a written statement surrendering the permit for cancellation. The permit shall be deemed void and cancelled upon its receipt by the issuing office. No refund of any fees paid for issuance of the permit or for any other fees or costs associated with a permitted activity shall be made when a permit is surrendered for cancellation for any reason prior to the expiration date stated on the face of the permit.

[54 FR 38149, Sept. 14, 1989]
§ 13.27 - Permit suspension.

(a) Criteria for suspension. The privileges of exercising some or all of the permit authority may be suspended at any time if the permittee is not in compliance with the conditions of the permit, or with any applicable laws or regulations governing the conduct of the permitted activity. The issuing officer may also suspend all or part of the privileges authorized by a permit if the permittee fails to pay any fees, penalties or costs owed to the Government. Such suspension shall remain in effect until the issuing officer determines that the permittee has corrected the deficiencies.

(b) Procedure for suspension. (1) When the issuing officer believes there are valid grounds for suspending a permit the permittee shall be notified in writing of the proposed suspension by certified or registered mail. This notice shall identify the permit to be suspended, the reason(s) for such suspension, the actions necessary to correct the deficiencies, and inform the permittee of the right to object to the proposed suspension. The issuing officer may amend any notice of suspension at any time.

(2) Upon receipt of a notice of proposed suspension the permittee may file a written objection to the proposed action. Such objection must be in writing, must be filed within 45 calendar days of the date of the notice of proposal, must state the reasons why the permittee objects to the proposed suspension, and may include supporting documentation.

(3) A decision on the suspension shall be made within 45 days after the end of the objection period. The issuing officer shall notify the permittee in writing of the Service's decision and the reasons therefore. The issuing officer shall also provide the applicant with the information concerning the right to request reconsideration of the decision under § 13.29 of this part and the procedures for requesting reconsideration.

[54 FR 38149, Sept. 14, 1989]
§ 13.28 - Permit revocation.

(a) Criteria for revocation. A permit may be revoked for any of the following reasons:

(1) The permittee willfully violates any Federal or State statute or regulation, or any Indian tribal law or regulation, or any law or regulation of any foreign country, which involves a violation of the conditions of the permit or of the laws or regulations governing the permitted activity; or

(2) The permittee fails within 60 days to correct deficiencies that were the cause of a permit suspension; or

(3) The permittee becomes disqualified under § 13.21(c) of this part; or

(4) A change occurs in the statute or regulation authorizing the permit that prohibits the continuation of a permit issued by the Service; or

(5) Except for permits issued under § 17.22(b) and (c) or § 17.32(b) and (c) of this subchapter, the population(s) of the wildlife or plant that is the subject of the permit declines to the extent that continuation of the permitted activity would be detrimental to maintenance or recovery of the affected population.

(b) Procedure for revocation. (1) When the issuing officer believes there are valid grounds for revoking a permit, the permittee shall be notified in writing of the proposed revocation by certified or registered mail. This notice shall identify the permit to be revoked, the reason(s) for such revocation, the proposed disposition of the wildlife, if any, and inform the permittee of the right to object to the proposed revocation. The issuing officer may amend any notice of revocation at any time.

(2) Upon receipt of a notice of proposed revocation the permittee may file a written objection to the proposed action. Such objection must be in writing, must be filed within 45 calendar days of the date of the notice of proposal, must state the reasons why the permittee objects to the proposed revocation, and may include supporting documentation.

(3) A decision on the revocation shall be made within 45 days after the end of the objection period. The issuing officer shall notify the permittee in writing of the Service's decision and the reasons therefore, together with the information concerning the right to request and the procedures for requesting reconsideration.

(4) Unless a permittee files a timely request for reconsideration, any wildlife held under authority of a permit that is revoked must be disposed of in accordance with instructions of the issuing officer. If a permittee files a timely request for reconsideration of a proposed revocation, such permittee may retain possession of any wildlife held under authority of the permit until final disposition of the appeal process.

[54 FR 38149, Sept. 14, 1989, as amended at 64 FR 32711, June 17, 1999; 89 FR 26094, Apr. 12, 2024]
§ 13.29 - Review procedures.

(a) Request for reconsideration. Any person may request reconsideration of an action under this part if that person is one of the following:

(1) An applicant for a permit who has received written notice of denial;

(2) An applicant for renewal who has received written notice that a renewal is denied;

(3) A permittee who has a permit amended, suspended, or revoked, except for those actions which are required by changes in statutes or regulations, or are emergency changes of limited applicability for which an expiration date is set within 90 days of the permit change; or

(4) A permittee who has a permit issued or renewed but has not been granted authority by the permit to perform all activities requested in the application, except when the activity requested is one for which there is no lawful authority to issue a permit.

(b) Method of requesting reconsideration. Any person requesting reconsideration of an action under this part must comply with the following criteria:

(1) Any request for reconsideration must be in writing, signed by the person requesting reconsideration or by the legal representative of that person, and must be submitted to the issuing officer.

(2) The request for reconsideration must be received by the issuing officer within 45 calendar days of the date of notification of the decision for which reconsideration is being requested.

(3) The request for reconsideration shall state the decision for which reconsideration is being requested and shall state the reason(s) for the reconsideration, including presenting any new information or facts pertinent to the issue(s) raised by the request for reconsideration.

(4) The request for reconsideration shall contain a certification in substantially the same form as that provided by § 13.12(a)(5). If a request for reconsideration does not contain such certification, but is otherwise timely and appropriate, it shall be held and the person submitting the request shall be given written notice of the need to submit the certification within 15 calendar days. Failure to submit certification shall result in the request being rejected as insufficient in form and content.

(c) Inquiry by the Service. The Service may institute a separate inquiry into the matter under consideration.

(d) Determination of grant or denial of a request for reconsideration. The issuing officer shall notify the permittee of the Service's decision within 45 days of the receipt of the request for reconsideration. This notification shall be in writing, shall state the reasons for the decision, and shall contain a description of the evidence which was relied upon by the issuing officer. The notification shall also provide information concerning the right to appeal, the official to whom an appeal may be addressed, and the procedures for making an appeal.

(e) Appeal. A person who has received an adverse decision following submission of a request for reconsideration may submit a written appeal to the Regional Director for the region in which the issuing office is located, or to the Director for offices which report directly to the Director. An appeal must be submitted within 45 days of the date of the notification of the decision on the request for reconsideration. The appeal shall state the reason(s) and issue(s) upon which the appeal is based and may contain any additional evidence or arguments to support the appeal.

(f) Decision on appeal. (1) Before a decision is made concerning the appeal the appellant may present oral arguments before the Regional Director or the Director, as appropriate, if such official judges oral arguments are necessary to clarify issues raised in the written record.

(2) The Service shall notify the appellant in writing of its decision within 45 calendar days of receipt of the appeal, unless extended for good cause and the appellant notified of the extension.

(3) The decision of the Regional Director or the Director shall constitute the final administrative decision of the Department of the Interior.

[54 FR 38149, Sept. 14, 1989]
source: 39 FR 1161, Jan. 4, 1974, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 50 CFR 13.26