Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Oct 09, 2024
§ 679.30 - [Reserved]
§ 679.31 - CDQ and PSQ reserves, allocations, and transfers.

(a) CDQ, PSQ, and CDQ ABC reserves—(1) Groundfish CDQ reserves. See § 679.20 (b)(1)(ii).

(2) Halibut CDQ reserve—(i) NMFS will annually withhold from the IFQ allocation the proportions of the halibut catch limit that are specified in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section for use as a CDQ reserve.

(ii) The proportions of the halibut catch limit annually withheld for the halibut CDQ program, exclusive of issued QS, are as follows for each IPHC regulatory area (see Figure 15 to this part):

(A) Area 4B. In IPHC regulatory area 4B, 20 percent of the annual halibut quota shall be apportioned to a CDQ reserve.

(B) Area 4C. In IPHC regulatory area 4C, 50 percent of the annual halibut quota shall be apportioned to a CDQ reserve.

(C) Area 4D. In IPHC regulatory area 4D, 30 percent of the annual halibut quota shall be apportioned to a CDQ reserve.

(D) Area 4E. In IPHC regulatory area 4E, 100 percent of the annual halibut quota shall be apportioned to a CDQ reserve. A fishing trip limit of 10,000 lb (4.54 mt) applies to halibut CDQ harvested through September 1.

(3) Crab CDQ reserves. Crab CDQ reserves for crab species governed by the Crab Rationalization Program are specified at § 680.40(a)(1) of this chapter. For Norton Sound red king crab, 7.5 percent of the guideline harvest level specified by the State of Alaska is allocated to the crab CDQ reserve.

(4) PSQ reserve. (See § 679.21(e)(3)(i)(A) and (b)(1)(iv))

(5) CDQ ABC reserves. (See § 679.20(b)(1)(iii)(A))

(b) Allocations of CDQ, PSQ, and CDQ ABC reserves among the CDQ groups—(1) Annual allocations of groundfish, halibut, and crab CDQ reserves among the CDQ groups. The CDQ reserves in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) of this section and § 679.20(b)(1)(ii) shall be allocated among the CDQ groups based on the CDQ percentage allocations required under 16 U.S.C. 1855(i)(1)(C), unless modified under 16 U.S.C. 1855(i)(1)(H). A portion of the groundfish CDQ reserves will be allocated according to paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(2) Annual allocations of nontarget groundfish species among the CDQ groups. Seven-tenths of one percent of each of the annual TACs allocated as groundfish CDQ reserves under § 679.20(b)(1)(ii)(C) and (D), with the exception of the trawl gear sablefish CDQ reserves, shall be allocated among the CDQ groups by the panel established in section 305(i)(1)(G) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act.

(3) Annual allocations of PSQ reserves among the CDQ groups. The annual PSQ reserves shall be allocated among the CDQ groups based on the percentage allocations approved by NMFS on August 8, 2005. These percentage allocations are described and listed in a notice published in the Federal Register on August 31, 2006 (71 FR 51804).

(4) Annual allocations of CDQ ABC reserves among the CDQ groups. (i) An amount equivalent to 10 percent of the ABC reserve for flathead sole, rock sole, and yellowfin sole as determined under the annual harvest specifications at § 679.20(c) shall be allocated among the CDQ groups based on the CDQ percentage allocations under 16 U.S.C. 1855(i)(1)(C), unless modified under 16 U.S.C. 1855(i)(1)(H); and

(ii) An amount equivalent to 0.7 percent of the ABC reserve for flathead sole, rock sole, and yellowfin sole as determined under the annual harvest specifications at § 679.20(c) shall be allocated among the CDQ groups by the panel established in section 305(i)(1)(G) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act.

(c) Transfers. CDQ groups may request that NMFS transfer CDQ or PSQ from one group to another group by each group submitting a completed transfer request as described in § 679.5(n)(1). NMFS will approve the transfer request if the CDQ group transferring quota to another CDQ group has sufficient quota available for transfer. If NMFS approves the request, NMFS will make the requested transfer(s) by decreasing the account balance of the CDQ group from which the CDQ or PSQ species is transferred and by increasing the account balance of the CDQ group receiving the transferred CDQ or PSQ species. The PSQ will be transferred as of the date NMFS approves the transfer request and is effective only for the remainder of the calendar year in which the transfer occurs.

(d) Accessing CDQ ABC reserves. Each CDQ group may request that NMFS approve a Flatfish Exchange to add flathead sole, rock sole, or yellowfin sole to its CDQ account in exchange for reducing its CDQ account by an equal amount of flathead sole, rock sole, or yellowfin sole. CDQ groups may request Flatfish Exchanges by submitting a completed Flatfish Exchange Application as described at § 679.4(p).

[77 FR 6498, Feb. 8, 2012, as amended at 79 FR 56681, Sept. 23, 2014; 81 FR 24733, Apr. 27, 2016]
§ 679.32 - Groundfish and halibut CDQ catch monitoring.

(a) Applicability. This section contains requirements for CDQ groups, vessel operators, and managers of processors that harvest or process fixed gear sablefish CDQ, pollock CDQ, or groundfish CDQ. Regulations governing the catch accounting of halibut CDQ are at § 679.40(h).

(b) PSQ catch. Time and area closures required once a CDQ group has reached its salmon PSQ or crab PSQ are listed in § 679.7(d)(5). The catch of salmon or crab by vessels using other than trawl gear does not accrue to the PSQ for these species. The discard of halibut by vessels using pot gear, jig gear, or hook-and-line gear to harvest sablefish CDQ will not accrue to the halibut PSQ if this bycatch has been exempted from the halibut PSC limit in the annual BSAI specifications published in the Federal Register.

(c) Fisheries monitoring requirements and catch accounting sources for vessels sablefish, pollock, or groundfish CDQ fishing—(1) Sablefish CDQ fishing with fixed gear.

(i) Observer coverage. Operators and owners of catcher vessels sablefish CDQ fishing must comply with observer coverage requirements at § 679.51(a)(1). Operators and owners of catcher/processors sablefish CDQ fishing must comply with observer coverage requirements at § 679.51(a)(2).

(ii) Data sources used for CDQ catch accounting. NMFS will use the following data sources to account for catch made by vessels sablefish CDQ fishing with fixed gear:

(A) Sablefish CDQ. NMFS will use the same information sources that are used to debit sablefish IFQ accounts (see § 679.40(h)) to debit fixed gear sablefish CDQ accounts. This information must be reported through standard reporting requirements in § 679.5.

(B) Groundfish CDQ. NMFS will use the catch information submitted under standard reporting requirements in § 679.5 to debit any other groundfish CDQ species caught while sablefish CDQ fishing from applicable groundfish CDQ accounts.

(2) Pollock CDQ fishing—(i) Operational requirements for catcher/processors and motherships. Operators of catcher/processors directed fishing for pollock CDQ and motherships taking deliveries of codends from catcher vessels directed fishing for pollock must comply with the following:

(A) Comply with observer coverage requirements at § 679.51(a)(2).

(B) Notify the observers of CDQ catch before CDQ catch is brought onboard the vessel and notify the observers of the CDQ group and CDQ number associated with the CDQ catch.

(C) Comply with the catch weighing and observer sampling station requirements at § 679.63(a).

(ii) Data sources used for CDQ catch accounting—(A) Catcher/processors and motherships. NMFS will use observer data as the basis to debit pollock CDQ, groundfish CDQ, and PSQ account balances.

(B) Catcher vessels delivering to shoreside processors. NMFS will use the catch information submitted under standard reporting requirements in § 679.5 to debit pollock CDQ, other groundfish CDQ species, and PSQ caught while pollock CDQ fishing from applicable CDQ account balances.

(3) Groundfish CDQ fishing—(i) Operational requirements—(A) Catcher vessels using trawl gear and delivering sorted catch to a processor. Operators of vessels in this category must comply with all of the following requirements:

(1) Comply with the observer coverage requirements at § 679.51(a)(2).

(2) Retain all CDQ species and salmon PSQ until they are delivered to a processor that meets the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section unless retention of groundfish CDQ species is not authorized under § 679.4 of this part; discard of the groundfish CDQ species is required under subpart B of this part; or, in waters within the State of Alaska, discard is required by laws of the State of Alaska.

(3) Retain all halibut and crab PSQ in a bin or other location until it is counted and sampled by the observer.

(4) Provide space on the deck of the vessel for the observer to sort and store catch samples and a place from which to hang the observer sampling scale.

(B) Catcher/processors using trawl gear. Operators of vessels in this category must comply with the following requirements:

(1) Comply with the observer coverage requirements at § 679.51(a)(2).

(2) [Reserved]

(3) Comply with the catch monitoring requirements at § 679.93(c).

(C) Motherships taking deliveries of unsorted codends. Operators of vessels in this category must comply with the following requirements:

(1) Comply with the observer coverage requirements at § 679.51(a)(2).

(2) [Reserved]

(3) Provide an observer sampling station as described at § 679.28(d).

(4) The operator of a mothership taking deliveries of unsorted codends from catcher vessels must weigh all catch, except halibut sorted on deck by vessels participating in halibut deck sorting described at § 679.102, on a scale that complies with the requirements of § 679.28(b). Catch must not be sorted before it is weighed, unless a provision for doing so is approved by NMFS for the vessel. Each CDQ haul must be sampled by an observer for species composition and the vessel operator must allow observers to use any scale approved by NMFS to weigh partial CDQ haul samples.

(D) Observed catcher vessels using nontrawl gear. This paragraph applies to all observed catcher vessels using nontrawl gear, except those catcher vessels regulated under paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section. Operators of vessels in this category must retain all CDQ species until they are delivered to a processor that meets the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section unless retention of groundfish CDQ species is not authorized under § 679.4, discard of the groundfish CDQ or PSQ species is required under subpart B of this part, or, in waters within the State of Alaska, discard is required by laws of the State of Alaska. All of the halibut PSQ must be counted and sampled for length or weight by the observer.

(E) Catcher/processors using nontrawl gear. Operators of vessels in this category must comply with the following requirements:

(1) Operators of catcher/processors using hook-and-line gear must comply with § 679.100. Operators of catcher/processors using pot gear must comply with observer coverage requirements at § 679.51(a)(2)(vi)(A)(4); and

(2) [Reserved]

(3) Provide an observer sampling station as described at § 679.28(d).

(4) Notify the Observer Program by phone at 1 (907) 581-2060 (Dutch Harbor, AK) or 1 (907) 481-1770 (Kodiak, AK) at least 24 hours prior to departure when the vessel will be carrying an observer who has not previously been deployed on that vessel within the last 12 months. Subsequent to the vessel's departure notification, but prior to departure, NMFS may contact the vessel to arrange for a pre-cruise meeting. The pre-cruise meeting must minimally include the vessel operator or manager and any observers assigned to the vessel.

(ii) Data sources used for CDQ catch accounting. NMFS will use the following sources to account for the catch of groundfish CDQ and PSQ species caught by vessels groundfish CDQ fishing.

(A) Catcher vessels delivering unsorted codends. The weight and numbers of groundfish CDQ (including pollock) and PSQ species will be determined by applying the species composition sampling data collected for each CDQ haul by the observer on the mothership to the total weight of each CDQ haul as determined by weighing all catch from each CDQ haul on a scale approved under § 679.28(b).

(B) Observed catcher vessels using trawl gear. The estimated weight of halibut and numbers of crab PSQ discarded at sea will be determined by using the observer's sample data. The weight or numbers of all landed groundfish CDQ and salmon PSQ will be derived from the delivery information submitted through the eLandings system, as required at § 679.5(e).

(C) Catcher/processors and motherships using trawl gear. The weight and numbers of CDQ and PSQ species will be determined by applying the observer's sampling data to the total weight of the CDQ haul.

(D) Observed catcher vessels using nontrawl gear. This paragraph applies to all observed catcher vessels using nontrawl gear, except those catcher vessels regulated under paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section. The weight of halibut PSQ discarded at sea will be determined by using the observer's sample data. The weight or numbers of all landed groundfish CDQ and salmon PSQ will be derived from the delivery information submitted through the eLandings system, as required at § 679.5(e).

(E) Catcher/processors using nontrawl gear. The weight of halibut PSQ and all groundfish CDQ species, except sablefish, will be determined by applying the observer's species composition sampling data to the estimate of total catch weight, if any CDQ species are discarded at sea. Sablefish CDQ caught with fixed gear is accounted for as described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

(iii) Groundfish CDQ fishing by catcher vessels less than or equal to 46 ft LOA using hook-and-line gear—(A) Applicability. Regulations in this paragraph apply to the operators of catcher vessels less than or equal to 46 ft (14.0 m) LOA using hook-and-line gear when groundfish CDQ fishing and to the CDQ groups authorizing the operators of these vessels to harvest groundfish CDQ or halibut CDQ.

(B) Halibut CDQ or halibut IFQ. If any halibut CDQ or halibut IFQ are retained during a fishing trip on board a vessel described in paragraph (c)(3)(iii)(A) of this section, the following requirements apply:

(1) The vessel operator must retain all legal-size halibut caught during that entire fishing trip.

(2) The vessel operator must have sufficient halibut IFQ or halibut CDQ available to account for the catch of all legal-size halibut caught during the entire fishing trip.

(3) If the vessel operator is relying on halibut CDQ from a CDQ group to support the retained catch of legal-size halibut during a fishing trip, the CDQ group must provide adequate halibut CDQ to this vessel operator to account for all of the legal-size halibut caught by the vessel during the entire fishing trip.

(C) Halibut PSC. If halibut CDQ or halibut IFQ are not retained during a fishing trip on board a vessel described in paragraph (c)(3)(iii)(A) of this section, the following requirements apply:

(1) The vessel operator must discard all halibut caught during the fishing trip.

(2) Small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit. The CDQ group representative may transfer halibut from a CDQ group's halibut PSQ to its small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit. To do so, the CDQ representative must submit a transfer request using the procedures described in § 679.5(n). In reviewing a request to transfer halibut PSQ to a CDQ group's small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit, NMFS will consider whether the amount of halibut to be transferred to the small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit is sufficient to support groundfish CDQ fishing by the catcher vessels that the CDQ group plans to authorize to conduct groundfish CDQ fishing. The transfer is not effective until approved by NMFS. The CDQ group representative also may transfer halibut from a CDQ group's small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit back to its halibut PSQ by submitting a transfer request using the procedures described in § 679.5(n). In reviewing a request to transfer halibut from the small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit back to the CDQ group's halibut PSQ, NMFS will consider the status of CDQ fisheries through the end of the year and anticipated halibut PSC rates for any remaining groundfish CDQ fishing by vessels managed under the small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit for the requesting CDQ group.

(3) Fishery closures. Directed fishing for groundfish CDQ, except sablefish CDQ managed under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, by catcher vessels less than or equal to 46 ft LOA using hook-and-line gear is prohibited unless the Regional Administrator publishes notification in the Federal Register authorizing such directed fishing. In deciding whether to authorize directed fishing, NMFS will consider whether a CDQ group has sufficient halibut in its small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit to support directed fishing for groundfish CDQ by these catcher vessels. Upon determining that a CDQ group's small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit has been or will be reached, the Regional Administrator will publish notification in the Federal Register prohibiting directed fishing for all groundfish CDQ species, except sablefish CDQ, by catcher vessels less than or equal to 46 ft LOA using hook-and-line gear fishing for that CDQ group. If the estimated halibut PSC by vessels described in paragraph (c)(3)(iii)(A) of this section exceeds the balance of the small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit on December 31 of any year, and if the CDQ group has remaining halibut PSQ on that date, NMFS will transfer an amount of halibut PSQ into the CDQ group's small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit to bring the balance of the small catcher vessel halibut PSC limit to zero. NMFS will make the determination about whether such an administrative transfer is necessary after data from the fishing year is finalized.

(d) Monitoring requirements for shoreside processors and stationary floating processors—(1) Requirements for processors taking deliveries of pollock CDQ—(i) Catch weighing. Managers of shoreside processors or stationary floating processors taking deliveries of pollock CDQ must comply with the requirements at § 679.63(c).

(ii) Catch monitoring and control plan. Managers of AFA inshore processors or stationary floating processors taking deliveries of pollock CDQ must follow an approved catch monitoring and control plan as described at § 679.28(g).

(iii) Comply with observer coverage requirements at § 679.51(b)(2).

(2) Requirements for processors taking deliveries of groundfish CDQ. Managers of shoreside processors and stationary floating processors taking deliveries of groundfish CDQ must comply with the following requirements:

(i) Comply with observer coverage requirements at § 679.51(b)(1).

(ii) Provide prior notice to observer of offloading schedule. Notify the observer of the offloading schedule of each CDQ delivery at least 1 hour prior to offloading to provide the observer an opportunity to monitor the sorting and weighing of the entire delivery.

(iii) CDQ and PSQ by weight. Sort and weigh on a scale approved by the State of Alaska under § 679.28(c) all groundfish and halibut CDQ or PSQ by species or species group.

(iv) PSQ by number. Sort and count all salmon and crab PSQ.

(v) CDQ and PSQ sorting and weighing. Sorting and weighing of CDQ and PSQ must be monitored by an observer.

(e) Use of non-CDQ harvest regulations for vessels in voluntary fishing cooperatives—(1) Applicability. If approved by NMFS under this paragraph (e), vessels participating in a voluntary fishing cooperative in a non-CDQ sector are authorized to conduct groundfish CDQ fishing under the same regulations that apply while such vessels are used to directed fish in the non-CDQ fisheries and are not required to comply with the CDQ harvest regulations in paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section.

(2) Who may apply? A CDQ group representative, a representative of an association representing CDQ groups, or the authorized representative of a voluntary fishing cooperative may submit an application to use alternative CDQ harvest regulations.

(3) Application process—(i) Application documents. A completed application is comprised of an application form and a copy of the cooperative contract or an affidavit, as described below:

(A) Application form. The application to use alternative CDQ harvest regulations is available on the NMFS Alaska Region Web site at All information fields must be accurately completed, including information about the applicant, the voluntary fishing cooperative, and the vessels participating in the voluntary cooperative.

(B) Cooperative contract or affidavit. The application must include either a copy of the current voluntary fishing cooperative contract demonstrating participation in the cooperative by the owners of each of the vessels named on the application form or an affidavit that includes the information required in this paragraph (e)(3)(i)(B). NMFS must be able to determine the following information from the voluntary fishing cooperative contract or the affidavit: the name of the authorized representative of the cooperative; the printed names and signatures of each vessel owner that is a party to the voluntary cooperative; the vessel name, FFP number, and LLP license number for each vessel managed under the cooperative; and the target species, processing mode, gear types, and management area(s) associated with the voluntary cooperative's federal fishing operations. If an applicant submits a copy of the voluntary fishing cooperative contract but it does not contain this information, the applicant also must submit a written affidavit that provides all of the information required in this paragraph (e)(3)(i)(B) that is not included in the cooperative contract.

(ii) Application submission. The application for use of non-CDQ harvest regulations must be submitted to the Regional Administrator per the instructions on the application form.

(iii) Submittal and duration—(A) Submittal. An application requesting approval for the use of non-CDQ harvest regulations may be submitted to NMFS at any time.

(B) Duration. Once approved, an application to use alternative CDQ harvest regulations is effective as of the date on which NMFS approves the application. The approval is effective until the requesting entity withdraws its application, or until there is a change in the membership of the voluntary cooperative, whichever occurs first.

(iv) NMFS review. NMFS will review an application to use non-CDQ harvest regulations to determine that all of the information submitted complies with the requirements of paragraphs (e)(2) and (3) of this section, and that the vessels listed on the application form represent a majority of the vessels participating in the applicable sector. If NMFS determines that the application is deficient, NMFS will notify the applicant in writing to identify the discrepancies and provide the applicant with an opportunity to correct them.

(v) NMFS determinations and administrative appeal. NMFS will approve an application to use non-CDQ harvest regulations when it determines that all of the information submitted with the application complies with the requirements of paragraphs (e)(2) and (3) of this section, the vessels listed on the application form represent a majority of vessels participating in an applicable sector, and the CDQ harvest regulations are more restrictive than the non-CDQ regulations for the applicable sector. NMFS will issue an initial administrative determination (IAD) disapproving the application and the reasons for its disapproval if the application is incomplete, the voluntary cooperative does not represent a majority of the vessels participating in the sector, or the CDQ harvest regulations are not more restrictive than the non-CDQ regulations for the applicable sector. An applicant who receives an IAD disapproving an application may appeal under the procedures set forth at § 679.43.

(vi) Amendments. The entity applied for use of non-CDQ harvest regulations must promptly notify NMFS of any changes in the voluntary fishing cooperative's membership by re-applying in accordance with this paragraph (e). Amendments to an approved application to use alternative CDQ harvest regulations may be submitted to NMFS at any time, and will be reviewed under the requirements of this paragraph (e).

[77 FR 6499, Feb. 8, 2012, as amended at 77 FR 59060, Sept. 26, 2012; 77 FR 70091, Nov. 21, 2012; 81 FR 26744, May 4, 2016; 83 FR 30532, June 29, 2018; 84 FR 55053, Oct. 15, 2019; 88 FR 77231, Nov. 9, 2023]
§ 679.33 - CDQ cost recovery.

(a) Cost Recovery Fee Program for CDQ groundfish and halibut—(1) Who is Responsible? The person documented with NMFS as the CDQ group representative at the time of a CDQ landing.

(i) Subsequent transfer, under § 679.31(c), of a CDQ allocation by a CDQ group does not affect the CDQ group representative's liability for noncompliance with this section.

(ii) Changes in amount of a CDQ allocation to a CDQ group do not affect the CDQ group representative's liability for noncompliance with this section.

(2) Fee collection. Each CDQ group that receives a CDQ allocation of groundfish and halibut is responsible for submitting the cost recovery payment for all CDQ landings debited against that CDQ group's allocations.

(3) Payment—(i) Payment due date. A CDQ group representative must submit all CDQ fee payment(s) to NMFS at the address provided in paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section no later than December 31 of the calendar year in which the CDQ groundfish and halibut landings were made.

(ii) Payment recipient. Make electronic payment payable to NMFS.

(iii) Payment address. Submit payment and related documents as instructed on the fee submission form. Payments must be made electronically through the NMFS Alaska Region Web site at Instructions for electronic payment will be made available on both the payment Web site and a fee liability summary letter mailed to the CDQ group representative.

(iv) Payment method. Payment must be made electronically in U.S. dollars by automated clearing house, credit card, or electronic check drawn on a U.S. bank account.

(b) CDQ standard ex-vessel value determination and use—(1) General. A CDQ group representative must use the CDQ standard prices determined by NMFS under paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

(2) CDQ standard prices—(i) General. Each year the Regional Administrator will publish CDQ standard prices for groundfish and halibut in the Federal Register by December 1 of the year in which the CDQ groundfish and halibut landings were made. The CDQ standard prices will be described in U.S. dollars per CDQ equivalent pound for CDQ groundfish and halibut landings made during the current calendar year.

(ii) Effective duration. The CDQ standard prices published by NMFS shall apply to all CDQ groundfish and halibut landings made during the current calendar year.

(iii) Determination. NMFS will calculate the CDQ standard prices for each CDQ fishery as follows:

(A) CDQ halibut and CDQ fixed gear sablefish. NMFS will calculate the CDQ standard prices for CDQ halibut and CDQ fixed gear sablefish to reflect, as closely as possible by port or port-group, the variations in the actual ex-vessel values of CDQ halibut and fixed-gear sablefish based on information provided in the IFQ Registered Buyer Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report described at § 679.5(l)(7). The Regional Administrator will base CDQ standard prices on the following information:

(1) Landed pounds of IFQ halibut and sablefish and CDQ halibut in the Bering Sea port-group;

(2) Total ex-vessel value of IFQ halibut and sablefish and CDQ halibut in the Bering Sea port-group; and

(3) Price adjustments, including retroactive payments.

(B) CDQ Pacific cod. NMFS will use the standard prices calculated for Pacific cod based on information provided in the Pacific Cod Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report described at § 679.5(u)(1) for CDQ Pacific cod.

(C) CDQ pollock. NMFS will use the standard prices calculated for AFA pollock described at § 679.66(b) for CDQ pollock.

(D) Other CDQ groundfish including sablefish caught with trawl gear. (1) NMFS will base all CDQ standard prices for all other CDQ groundfish species on the First Wholesale Volume and Value reports specified in § 679.5(u)(2).

(2) NMFS will establish CDQ standard prices for all other CDQ groundfish species on an annual basis; except the Regional Administrator will establish a first CDQ standard price for rock sole for all landings from January 1 through March 31, and a second CDQ standard price for rock sole for all landings from April 1 through December 31.

(3) The average first wholesale product prices reported will be multiplied by 0.4 to obtain a proxy for the ex-vessel prices of those CDQ groundfish species.

(c) CDQ fee percentage—(1) Established percentage. The CDQ fee percentage for CDQ groundfish and halibut is the amount as determined by the factors and methodology described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. This amount will be announced by publication in the Federal Register in accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this section. This amount must not exceed 3.0 percent pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 1854(d)(2)(B).

(2) Calculating fee percentage value. Each year NMFS will calculate and publish the CDQ fee percentage according to the following factors and methodology:

(i) Factors. NMFS will use the following factors to determine the fee percentage:

(A) The catch to which the CDQ groundfish and halibut cost recovery fee will apply;

(B) The ex-vessel value of that catch; and

(C) The costs directly related to the management, data collection, and enforcement of the CDQ Program for groundfish and halibut.

(ii) Methodology. NMFS will use the following equations to determine the fee percentage: 100 × DPC/V, where:

(A) DPC = the direct program costs for the CDQ Program for groundfish and halibut for the most recent Federal fiscal year (October 1 through September 30) with any adjustments to the account from payments received in the previous year.

(B) V = total of the CDQ standard ex-vessel value of the catch subject to the CDQ fee liability for the current year.

(3) Publication—(i) General. NMFS will calculate and announce the CDQ fee percentage in a Federal Register notice by December 1 of the year in which the CDQ groundfish and halibut landings were made. NMFS will calculate the CDQ fee percentage based on the calculations described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(ii) Effective period. NMFS will apply the calculated CDQ fee percentage to CDQ groundfish and halibut landings made between January 1 and December 31 of the same year.

(4) Applicable percentage. The CDQ group representative must use the CDQ fee percentage applicable at the time a CDQ groundfish and halibut landing is debited from a CDQ group's allocation to calculate the CDQ fee liability for any retroactive payments for that CDQ species.

(5) Fee liability determination for a CDQ group. (i) Each CDQ group will be subject to a CDQ fee for any CDQ groundfish and halibut debited from that CDQ group's allocation during a calendar year.

(ii) The CDQ fee assessed to a CDQ group will be based on the proportion of the standard ex-vessel value of CDQ groundfish and halibut debited from a CDQ group's allocation relative to all CDQ groups during a calendar year as determined by NMFS.

(iii) NMFS will provide a CDQ fee liability summary letter to each CDQ group representative by December 1 of each year. The summary will explain the CDQ fee liability determination including the current fee percentage, and details of CDQ pounds debited from the CDQ group allocations by permit, species, date, and prices.

(d) Underpayment of fee liability—(1) No CDQ group will receive its allocations of CDQ groundfish or halibut until the CDQ group representative submits full payment of that CDQ group's complete CDQ fee liability.

(2) If a CDQ group representative fails to submit full payment for its CDQ fee liability by the date described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, the Regional Administrator may:

(i) At any time thereafter send an IAD to the CDQ group representative stating that the CDQ group's estimated fee liability, as indicated by his or her own submitted information, is the CDQ fee liability due from the CDQ group.

(ii) Disapprove any application to transfer CDQ to or from the CDQ group in accordance with § 679.31(c).

(3) If a CDQ group fails to submit full payment by December 31 of each year, the Regional Administrator will not issue allocations of CDQ groundfish and halibut to that CDQ group for the following calendar year.

(4) Upon final agency action determining that a CDQ group representative has not paid the CDQ fee liability due for that CDQ group, the Regional Administrator may continue to not issue allocations of CDQ groundfish and halibut for that CDQ group for any subsequent calendar years until NMFS receives the unpaid fees. If payment is not received by the 30th day after the final agency action, the agency may pursue collection of the unpaid fees.

(e) Over payment. Upon issuance of final agency action, payment submitted to NMFS in excess of the CDQ fee liability determined to be due by the final agency action will be returned to the CDQ group representative unless the CDQ group representative requests the agency to credit the excess amount against the CDQ group's future CDQ fee liability.

(f) Appeals. A CDQ group representative who receives an IAD for incomplete payment of a CDQ fee liability may appeal under the appeals procedures set out at 15 CFR part 906.

(g) Annual report. Each year, NMFS will publish a report describing the CDQ Cost Recovery Fee Program for groundfish and halibut.

[81 FR 167, Jan. 5, 2016]
authority: 16 U.S.C. 773
cite as: 50 CFR 679.33