Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Oct 09, 2024
§ 680.1 - Purpose and scope.

Regulations in this part implement policies developed by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and approved by the Secretary of Commerce in accordance with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. In addition to part 600 of this chapter, these regulations implement the following:

(a) Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crabs. Regulations in this part govern commercial fishing for, and processing of, king and Tanner crabs in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area pursuant to section 313(j) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, including regulations implementing the Crab Rationalization Program for crab fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area, and supersede State of Alaska regulations applicable to the commercial king and Tanner crab fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area that are determined to be inconsistent with the FMP.

(b) License Limitation Program. Commercial fishing for crab species not included in the Crab Rationalization Program for crab fisheries of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area remains subject to the License Limitation Program for the commercial crab fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area under part 679 of this chapter.

§ 680.2 - Definitions.

In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson-Stevens Act, in 50 CFR part 600, and § 679.2 of this chapter, the terms used in this part have the following meanings:

Adak community entity means the non-profit entity incorporated under the laws of the state of Alaska that represents the community of Adak and has a board of directors elected by the residents of Adak.

Affiliation means a relationship between two or more entities, except for CDQ groups, in which one directly or indirectly owns or controls a 10 percent or greater interest in, or otherwise controls, another, or a third entity directly or indirectly owns or controls a 10 percent or greater interest in, or otherwise controls, both. For the purpose of this definition, the following terms are further defined:

(1) Entity. An entity may be an individual, corporation, association, partnership, joint-stock company, trust, or any other type of legal entity, except for a CDQ group, any receiver, trustee in bankruptcy or similar official or liquidating agent, or any organized group of persons whether incorporated or not, that holds direct or indirect interest in:

(i) Quota share (QS), processor quota share (PQS), individual fishing quota (IFQ), or individual processing quota (IPQ); or,

(ii) For purposes of the economic data report (EDR), a vessel or processing plant operating in CR fisheries.

(2) Indirect interest. An indirect interest is one that passes through one or more intermediate entities. An entity's percentage of indirect interest in a second entity is equal to the entity's percentage of direct interest in an intermediate entity multiplied by the intermediate entity's direct or indirect interest in the second entity.

(3) Controls a 10 percent or greater interest. An entity controls a 10 percent or greater interest in a second entity if the first entity:

(i) Controls a 10 percent ownership share of the second entity, or

(ii) Controls 10 percent or more of the voting stock of the second entity.

(4) Otherwise controls. (i) A PQS or IPQ holder otherwise controls QS or IFQ, or a QS or IPQ holder, if it has:

(A) The right to direct, or does direct, the business of the entity which holds the QS or IFQ;

(B) The right in the ordinary course of business to limit the actions of or replace, or does limit or replace, the chief executive officer, a majority of the board of directors, any general partner or any person serving in a management capacity of the entity which holds the QS or IFQ;

(C) The right to direct, or does direct, the transfer of QS or IFQ;

(D) The right to restrict, or does restrict, the day-to-day business activities and management policies of the entity holding the QS or IFQ through loan covenants;

(E) The right to derive, or does derive, either directly, or through a minority shareholder or partner, and in favor of a PQS or IPQ holder, a significantly disproportionate amount of the economic benefit from the holding of QS or IFQ;

(F) The right to control, or does control, the management of, or to be a controlling factor in, the entity holding QS or IFQ;

(G) The right to cause, or does cause, the sale of QS or IFQ;

(H) Absorbs all of the costs and normal business risks associated with ownership and operation of the entity holding QS or IFQ; and

(I) Has the ability through any other means whatsoever to control the entity that holds QS or IFQ.

(ii) Other factors that may be indica of control include, but are not limited to the following:

(A) If a PQS or IPQ holder or employee takes the leading role in establishing an entity that will hold QS or IFQ;

(B) If a PQS or IPQ holder has the right to preclude the holder of QS or IFQ from engaging in other business activities;

(C) If a PQS or IPQ holder and QS or IFQ holder use the same law firm, accounting firm, etc.;

(D) If a PQS or IPQ holder and QS or IFQ holder share the same office space, phones, administrative support, etc.;

(E) If a PQS or IPQ holder absorbs considerable costs and normal business risks associated with ownership and operation of the QS or IFQ holdings;

(F) If a PQS or IPQ holder provides the start up capital for the QS or IFQ holder on less than an arm's-length basis;

(G) If a PQS or IPQ holder has the general right to inspect the books and records of the QS or IFQ holder; and

(H) If the PQS or IPQ holder and QS or IFQ holder use the same insurance agent, law firm, accounting firm, or broker of any PQS or IPQ holder with whom the QS or IFQ holder has entered into a mortgage, long-term or exclusive sales or marketing agreement, unsecured loan agreement, or management agreement.

Arbitration IFQ means:

(1) Class A catcher vessel owner (CVO) IFQ held by a person who is not a holder of PQS or IPQ and who is not affiliated with any holder of PQS or IPQ, and

(2) IFQ held by an FCMA cooperative.

Arbitration QS means CVO QS held by a person who is not a holder of PQS or IPQ and is not affiliated with any holder of PQS or IPQ.

Arbitration System means the system established by the contracts required by § 680.20, including the process by which the Market Report and Non-Binding Price Formula are produced, the negotiation approaches, the Binding Arbitration process, and fee collection.

Assessed value means the most recent value for a vessel and gear provided in a marine survey.

Box size means the capacity of a crab-packing container in kilograms or pounds.

BSAI crab means those crab species governed under the Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crabs.

BSAI Crab Capacity Reduction Program means the program authorized by Public Law 106-554, as Amended by Public Law 107-20 and Public Law 107-117.

BSAI crab fisheries means those crab fisheries governed under the Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crabs.

Captain means, for the purposes of the EDR, a vessel operator.

Catcher/processor (CP) means a vessel that is used for catching crab and processing that crab.

Catcher vessel means a vessel that is used for catching crab and that does not process crab on board.

CDQ community means a community identified as eligible for the CDQ Program under 16 U.S.C. 1855(i)(1)(A). CDQ communities are listed in Table 7 to 50 CFR part 679.

CDQ group means an entity identified as eligible for the CDQ Program under 16 U.S.C. 1855(i)(1)(A). CDQ groups are listed in Table 7 to 50 CFR part 679.

Committed IFQ means:

(1) Any Arbitration IFQ for which the holder of such IFQ has agreed or committed to delivery of crab harvested with the IFQ to the holder of previously uncommitted IPQ and for which the holder of the IPQ has agreed to accept delivery of that crab, regardless of whether such agreement specifies the price or other terms for delivery, or

(2) Any Arbitration IFQ for which, on or after the date which is 25 days prior to the opening of the first crab fishing season in the crab QS fishery for such IFQ, the holder of the IFQ has unilaterally committed to delivery of crab harvested with the IFQ to the holder of previously uncommitted IPQ, regardless of whether the IFQ and IPQ holders have reached an agreement that specifies the price or other terms for delivery.

Committed IPQ means any IPQ for which the holder of such IPQ has received a commitment of delivery from a holder of Arbitration IFQ such that the Arbitration IFQ is committed IFQ, regardless of whether the Arbitration IFQ and IPQ holders have reached an agreement that specifies the price or other terms for delivery.

Converted CPO QS means CPO QS for the BBR and BSS crab QS fisheries that is issued to the entities defined in § 680.40(c)(5)(ii), (c)(5)(iii), or (c)(5)(iv) based on the procedures established in § 680.40(c)(5).

CP standard price means price, expressed in U.S. dollars per raw crab pound, for all CR crab landed by a CP as determined for each crab fishing year by the Regional Administrator and documented in a CP standard price list published by NMFS.

Crab cost recovery fee liability means that amount of money, in U.S. dollars, owed to NMFS by a CR allocation holder or RCR as determined by multiplying the appropriate ex-vessel value of the amount of CR crab debited from a CR allocation by the appropriate crab fee percentage.

Crab fee percentage means that positive number no greater than 3 percent determined for each crab fishing year by the Regional Administrator and used to calculate the crab cost recovery fee liability for a CR allocation holder or RCR under the Crab Rationalization Program.

Crab fishing year means the period from July 1 of one calendar year through June 30 of the following calendar year.

Crab grade means a grading system to describe the quality of crab.

(1) Grade 1 means standard or premium quality crab, and

(2) Grade 2 means below standard quality crab.

Crab harvesting cooperative, for the purposes of this part 680, means a group of crab QS holders who have chosen to form a crab harvesting cooperative, under the requirements of § 680.21, in order to combine and collectively harvest their crab IFQ through a crab harvesting cooperative IFQ permit issued by NMFS.

Crab harvesting cooperative IFQ means the annual catch limit of IFQ crab that may be harvested by a crab harvesting cooperative that is lawfully allocated a harvest privilege for a specific portion of the TAC of a crab QS fishery.

Crab individual fishing quota (crab IFQ) means the annual catch limit of a crab QS fishery that may be harvested by a person who is lawfully allocated a harvest privilege for a specific portion of the TAC of a crab QS fishery with the following designations or with the designation as a crab IFQ hired master:

(1) Catcher vessel crew (CVC) IFQ means crab IFQ derived from QS initially issued to persons who historically held CFEC crab permits and signed fish tickets for qualifying landings based on pounds delivered raw; to annually harvest, but not process, CR crab onboard the vessel used to harvest that crab.

(2) Catcher vessel owner (CVO) IFQ means crab IFQ derived from QS initially issued to persons who held LLP crab permits and had qualifying landings based on pounds delivered raw; to annually harvest, but not process, CR crab onboard the vessel used to harvest that crab.

(i) Class A IFQ means IFQ that is required to be delivered to a processor holding unused IPQ.

(ii) Class B IFQ means IFQ that is not required to be delivered to a processor holding unused IPQ.

(3) Catcher/processor owner (CPO) IFQ means crab IFQ derived from QS initially issued to persons who held LLP crab permits and had qualifying landings derived from landings processed at sea, to annually harvest and process CR crab.

(4) Catcher/processor crew (CPC) IFQ means crab IFQ derived from QS initially issued to persons who historically held CFEC crab permits and signed fish tickets for qualifying landings based on landings processed at sea, to annually harvest and process CR crab.

Crab IFQ hired master means a person who holds a crab IFQ hired master permit issued under § 680.4.

Crab IFQ permit holder means the person identified on an IFQ permit.

Crab LLP license history means, for any particular crab LLP license, the legal landings made on the vessel(s) that was used to qualify for that LLP license and any legal landings made under the authority of that LLP license.

Crab quota share (crab QS) means a permit the face amount of which is used as the basis for the annual calculation and allocation of a person's crab IFQ with the following designations:

(1) Catcher vessel crew (CVC) QS means a permit that yields CVC IFQ.

(2) Catcher vessel owner (CVO) QS means a permit that yields CVO IFQ.

(3) Catcher/processor owner (CPO) QS means a permit that yields CPO IFQ.

(4) Catcher/processor crew (CPC) QS means a permit that yields CPC IFQ.

Crab QS fishery means those CR fisheries under Table 1 to this part that require the use of QS and PQS, and their resulting IFQ and IPQ, to harvest and receive IFQ crab.

Crab QS program means the program that allocates QS and PQS, and their resulting IFQ and IPQ, for CR crab of the BSAI off Alaska and governed by regulations under this part.

Crab QS regional designation means the designation of QS or PQS and their resulting IFQ and IPQ subject to regional delivery requirements in this part.

Crab Rationalization (CR) allocation means any allocation of CR crab authorized under the CR Program.

Crab Rationalization (CR) crab means those crab species in the crab fisheries subject to management under the Crab Rationalization Program described in Table 1 to this part.

Crab Rationalization (CR) fisheries means those fisheries defined in Table 1 to part 680.

Crab Rationalization (CR) Program means the crab QS program plus the CDQ and the Adak community allocation programs, including all management, monitoring, and enforcement components, for BSAI king and Tanner crabs governed by the regulations of this part.

Crew means:

(1) Any individual, other than the fisheries observers, working on a vessel that is engaged in fishing.

(2) For the purposes of the EDR, each employee on a vessel, excluding the captain and fisheries observers, that participated in any CR fishery.

Custom processing means processing crab in any CR fishery when the IPQ holder does not have a 10 percent or greater direct or indirect ownership interest in the processing facility or affiliation with the processing facility's owners.

Data collection agent (DCA) means the entity selected by the Regional Administrator to distribute an EDR to a person required to complete it, to receive the completed EDR, to review and verify the accuracy of the data in the EDR, and to provide those data to authorized recipients.

Days at sea means, for the purposes of the EDR, the number of days spent at sea while fishing for crab, including travel time to and from fishing grounds.

Economic data report (EDR) means the report of cost, labor, earnings, and revenue data for catcher vessels, catcher/processors, shoreside crab processors, and stationary floating crab processors participating in CR fisheries.

Eligible community resident means, for purposes of the Crab QS program, any individual who:

(1) Is a citizen of the United States;

(2) Has maintained a domicile in the ECC, from which the individual requests to lease crab IFQ, for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the time when the assertion of residence is made and who is not claiming residency in another community, state, territory, or country; and

(3) Is otherwise eligible to receive crab QS or IFQ by transfer.

Eligible crab community (ECC) means a community in which at least 3 percent of the initial allocation of processor quota share of any crab fishery is allocated. The specific communities are:

(1) CDQ Communities.

(i) Akutan;

(ii) False Pass;

(iii) St. George; and

(iv) St. Paul.

(2) Non-CDQ Communities.

(i) Unalaska/Dutch Harbor;

(ii) Kodiak;

(iii) King Cove;

(iv) Port Moller; and

(v) Adak.

Eligible crab community (ECC) entity means a non-profit organization specified under § 680.41(j)(2) that is designated by the governing body of an ECC, other than Adak, to represent it for the purposes of engaging in the right of first refusal of transfer of crab PQS or IPQ outside the ECC under contract provisions set forth under section 313(j) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act. For those ECCs that also are CDQ communities, the ECC entity is the CDQ group to which the ECC is a member.

Eligible crab community organization (ECCO) means a non-profit organization that represents at least one ECC, as defined in this part, and that has been approved by the Regional Administrator to obtain by transfer and hold crab QS and to lease the resulting IFQ on behalf of an ECC.

Ex-vessel value means:

(1) For the shoreside processing sector. The total U.S. dollar amount of all compensation, monetary and non-monetary, including any retroactive payments, received by a CR allocation holder for the purchase of any CR crab debited from the CR allocation described in terms of raw crab pounds.

(2) For the catcher/processor sector. The total U.S. dollar amount of CR crab landings as calculated by multiplying the number of raw crab pounds debited from the CR allocation by the appropriate CP standard price determined by the Regional Administrator.

FCMA cooperative, for the purposes of this part 680, means a cooperative formed in accordance with the Fishermen's Collective Marketing Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 521).

Finished pounds means the total weight, in pounds, of processed product, not including the container.

Fishing trip means, for the purposes of §§ 680.7(e)(2) and 680.40(g)(2)(i)(A) and (m)(2)(i), the period beginning when a vessel operator commences harvesting crab in a crab QS fishery and ending when the vessel operator offloads or transfers any processed or unprocessed crab in that crab QS fishery from that vessel.

IFQ account means the amount of crab IFQ in raw crab pounds that is held by a person at any particular time for a crab QS fishery, sector, region, and class.

IFQ crab means crab species listed in Table 1 to this part subject to management under the crab QS program.

Individual processor quota (IPQ) means the annual amount of crab, in pounds, representing a specific portion of the TAC for a crab QS fishery, that may be received for processing by a person who is lawfully allocated PQS or IPQ.

Initial processor quota share (PQS) pool means the total number of PQS units for each crab QS fishery which is the basis of initial PQS allocations.

Initial quota share (QS) pool means the total number of non-processor QS units for each crab QS fishery which is the basis of initial QS allocations.

IPQ account means the amount of crab IPQ in raw crab pounds that is held by a person at any particular time for a crab QS fishery and region.

Landing means the transfer of raw crab harvested by a vessel prior to that crab being reported on a CR crab landing report.

(1) For catcher/processors, the amount of crab retained during a reporting period constitutes a landing.

(2) For catcher vessels, the amount of crab removed from the boat at a single location/time constitutes a landing.

Lease of QS/IFQ or PQS/IPQ means a temporary, annual transfer of crab IFQ or IPQ without the underlying QS or PQS.

Leaseholder means, for purposes of the EDR, a person who:

(1) Is identified as the leaseholder in a written lease of a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, shoreside crab processor, or stationary floating crab processor, or

(2) Pays the expenses of a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, shoreside crab processor, or stationary floating crab processor, or

(3) Claims expenses for the catcher vessel, catcher/processor, shoreside crab processor, or stationary floating crab processor as a business expense on schedule C of his/her Federal income tax return or on a state income tax return.

Magnuson-Stevens Act means the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).

Mutual Agreement means, for purposes of the Arbitration System, the consent and agreement of Arbitration Organizations that represent an amount of Arbitration QS equal to more than 50 percent of all the Arbitration QS in a fishery, and an amount of PQS equal to more than 50 percent of all the PQS in a fishery based upon the Annual Arbitration Organization Reports.

Newly constructed vessel means, for the purposes of initial QS issuance, a vessel on which the keel was laid by June 10, 2002.

Official crab rationalization record means the information prepared by the Regional Administrator about the legal landings and legal processing by vessels and persons in the BSAI crab fisheries during the qualifying periods specified at § 680.40.

Processing, or to process means the preparation of, or to prepare, crab to render it suitable for human consumption or storage. This includes, but is not limited to: Cooking, canning, butchering, sectioning, freezing or icing.

Processor quota share (PQS) means a permit the face amount of which is used as the basis for the annual calculation and allocation of IPQ.

Raw crab pounds means the weight of raw crab in pounds when landed.

Registered crab receiver (RCR) means a person holding an RCR Permit issued by the Regional Administrator.

Retain means to fail to return crab to the sea after a reasonable opportunity to sort the catch.

Right of First Refusal (ROFR) means the civil contract provisions set forth under section 313(j) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act between the holders of PQS and IPQ and ECC entities, other than Adak, for the opportunity of ECCs to exercise the right to purchase or lease PQS or IPQ proposed to be transferred by a holder of PQS or IPQ in an ECC.

Seafood Marketing Association Assessment (SMAA) means the seafood processing assessment collected by processing firms and buyers from fishery harvesters for the State of Alaska.

Share payment means an amount of monetary compensation (not salary or wages) based on gross or net earnings of a BSAI crab fishing vessel.

Shoreside crab processor means any person or vessel that receives, purchases, or arranges to purchase unprocessed crab, except a catcher/processor or a stationary floating crab processor.

Sideboards (see § 680.22).

Stationary floating crab processor (SFCP) means a vessel of the United States that remains anchored or otherwise remains stationary while receiving or processing crab in the waters of the State of Alaska.

Uncommitted IFQ means any Arbitration IFQ that is not Committed IFQ.

Uncommitted IPQ means any IPQ that is not Committed IPQ.

U.S. Citizen means:

(1) Any individual who is a citizen of the United States; or

(2) Any corporation, partnership, association, or other entity that is organized under Federal, state, or local laws of the United States or that may legally operate in the United States.

[70 FR 10241, Mar. 2, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 29982, May 23, 2008; 73 FR 35088, June 20, 2008; 73 FR 76189, Dec. 15, 2008; 74 FR 41095, Aug. 14, 2009; 77 FR 6503, Feb. 8, 2012; 82 FR 52014, Nov. 9, 2017; 88 FR 7591, Feb. 6, 2023; 89 FR 47876, June 4, 2024; 89 FR 47876, June 4, 2024]
§ 680.3 - Relation to other laws.

(a) King and Tanner crab. (1) Additional laws and regulations governing the conservation and management of king crab and Tanner crab in the BSAI area are contained in 50 CFR part 679, Alaska Statutes at A.S. 16, and Alaska Administrative Code at 5 AAC Chapters 34, 35, and 39.

(2) The Alaska Administrative Code (at 5 AAC 39.130) governs reporting and permitting requirements using the ADF&G “Intent to Operate” registration form and “Fish Tickets.”

(b) Sport, personal use, and subsistence. (1) For State of Alaska statutes and regulations governing sport and personal use crab fishing other than subsistence fishing, see Alaska Statutes, Title 16—Fish and Game; 5 AAC Chapters 47 through 77.

(2) For State of Alaska statutes and regulations governing subsistence fishing for crab, see Alaska Statutes, Title 16—Fish and Game; 5 AAC 02.001 through 02.625.

§ 680.4 - Permits.

(a) General information. Persons participating in the CR fisheries are required to possess the permits described in this section.

(1) Approval. Approval of applications under this part may be conditioned on the payment of fees under § 680.44 or the submission of an EDR as described under § 680.6.

(2) Issuance. The Regional Administrator may issue or amend any permits under this section or under § 680.21 annually or at other times as needed under this part.

(3) Transfer. Crab QS and PQS permits issued under § 680.40 and Crab IFQ and IPQ permits issued under this section are transferable, as provided under § 680.41. Crab IFQ hired master permits, Federal crab vessel permits, and RCR permits issued under this section are not transferable.

(4) Inspection. The holder of a Federal crab vessel permit, crab IFQ permit, crab IPQ permit, or crab IFQ hired master permit, must present a legible copy of the permit on request of any authorized officer or RCR receiving a crab IFQ landing. A legible copy of the RCR permit must be present at the location of a crab IFQ landing and an individual representing the RCR must make the RCR permit available for inspection on request of any authorized officer.

(b) Crab QS permit. (1) Crab QS is issued by the Regional Administrator to persons who qualify for an initial allocation under § 680.40 or receive QS by transfer under § 680.41. Once issued, a crab QS permit is valid until modified under paragraph (b)(2) or (b)(3) of this section, or by transfer under § 680.41; or until the permit is revoked, suspended, or modified pursuant to § 679.43 of this chapter or under 15 CFR part 904. To qualify for a crab QS permit, the applicant must be a U.S. citizen.

(2) Each unit of Crab QS initially issued under § 680.40 for the Bering Sea Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) CR fishery shall be reissued as one unit of Eastern Bering Sea Tanner crab (EBT) QS and one unit of Western Bering Sea Tanner crab (WBT) QS.

(3) A converted CPO QS permit is valid until the end of the crab fishing year for which the permit is issued.

(c) Crab PQS permit. (1) Crab PQS is issued by the Regional Administrator to persons who successfully apply for an initial allocation under § 680.40 or receive PQS by transfer under § 680.41. Once issued, a crab PQS permit is valid until modified under paragraph (c)(2) of this section, or by transfer under § 680.41; or until the permit is revoked, suspended, or modified pursuant to § 679.43 of this chapter or under 15 CFR part 904.

(2) Each unit of Crab PQS initially issued under § 680.40 for the Bering Sea Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) CR fishery shall be reissued as one unit of Eastern Bering Sea Tanner crab (EBT) PQS and one unit of Western Bering Sea Tanner crab (WBT) PQS.

(d) Crab IFQ permit. (1) A crab IFQ permit authorizes the person identified on the permit to harvest crab in the fishery identified on the permit at any time the fishery is open during the crab fishing year for which the permit is issued, subject to conditions of the permit. A crab IFQ permit is valid under the following circumstances:

(i) Until the end of the crab fishing year for which the permit is issued;

(ii) Until the amount harvested is equal to the amount specified on the permit;

(iii) Until the permit is modified by transfers under § 680.41; or

(iv) Until the permit is revoked, suspended, or modified pursuant to § 679.43 or under 15 CFR part 904.

(2) A legible copy of the crab IFQ permit must be carried on board the vessel used by the permitted person at all times that IFQ crab are retained on board.

(3) On an annual basis, the Regional Administrator will issue a crab IFQ permit to a person who submits a complete Application for Annual Crab Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Permit, described at paragraph (f) of this section, that is subsequently approved by the Regional Administrator.

(4) To qualify for a crab IFQ permit, the applicant must be a U.S. Citizen.

(e) Crab IPQ permit. (1) A crab IPQ permit authorizes the person identified on the permit to receive/process the IPQ crab identified on the permit during the crab fishing year for which the permit is issued, subject to conditions of the permit. A crab IPQ permit is valid under the following circumstances:

(i) Until the end of the crab fishing year for which the permit is issued;

(ii) Until the amount received/processed is equal to the amount specified on the permit;

(iii) Until the permit is modified by transfers under § 680.41; or

(iv) Until the permit is revoked, suspended, or modified pursuant to § 679.43 or under 15 CFR part 904.

(2) A legible copy of the crab IPQ permit authorizing receiving/processing of IFQ crab must be retained on the premises or vessel used by the permitted person to process the IFQ crab at all times that IFQ crab are retained on the premises or vessel.

(3) On an annual basis, the Regional Administrator will issue a crab IPQ permit to a person who submits a complete Application for Annual Crab Individual Processing Quota (IPQ) Permit, described at paragraph (f) of this section, that is subsequently approved by the Regional Administrator.

(f) Contents of annual applications for crab IFQ and IPQ permits. (1) A complete application must be received by NMFS no later than June 15 (or postmarked by this date, if sent via U.S. mail or a commercial carrier) for the upcoming crab fishing year for which a person is applying to receive IFQ or IPQ. If a complete application is not received by NMFS by this date, or postmarked by this date, the person will not receive IFQ or IPQ for the upcoming crab fishing year. In the event that NMFS has not received a complete and timely application by June 15, NMFS will presume that the application was timely filed if the applicant can provide NMFS with proof of timely filing.

(2) For the application to be considered complete, all fees required by NMFS must be paid, and any EDR required under § 680.6 must be submitted to the DCA. In addition, the applicant must include the following information:

(i) Applicant information. Enter applicant's name and NMFS Person ID; applicant's date of birth or, if a non-individual, date of incorporation; applicant's social security number (optional) or tax identification number; applicant's permanent business mailing address and any temporary mailing address the applicant wishes to use; and applicant's business telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address.

(ii) Crab IFQ or IPQ permit identification. Indicate the type of crab IFQ or IPQ permit for which applicant is applying by QS fishery(ies) and indicate (YES or NO) whether applicant has joined a crab harvesting cooperative. If YES, enter the name of the crab harvesting cooperative(s) the applicant has joined for each crab fishery.

(iii) Identification of ownership interests. If the applicant is not an individual, provide the names of all persons, to the individual level, holding an ownership interest in the entity and the percentage ownership each person and individual holds in the applicant.

(iv) Certification of ROFR contract for crab IPQ permit. Indicate (YES or NO) whether any of the IPQ for which the applicant is applying to receive is subject to right of first refusal (ROFR). If YES certify (YES or NO) whether there is a ROFR contract currently in place between the applicant and the ECC entity holding the ROFR for the IPQ that includes the required ROFR contract terms specified in Chapter 11 section of the Fishery Management Plan for Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crabs.

(v) Documentation of affiliation. Complete a documentation of affiliation declaring any and all affiliations, as the term “affiliation” is defined at § 680.2. A documentation of affiliation includes affirmations by the applicant pertaining to relationships that may involve direct or indirect ownership or control of the delivery of IFQ crab and any supplemental documentation deemed necessary by NMFS to determine whether an affiliation exists. Indicate whether any entity that holds PQS or IPQ is affiliated with the applicant, as affiliation is defined in § 680.2. If the applicant is considered affiliated, the applicant must provide a list of all PQS or IPQ holders with which he/she is affiliated, including full name, business mailing address, and business telephone number.

(vi) Certification of applicant. The applicant must sign and date the application certifying that all information is true, correct, and complete to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Print the name of the applicant. If the application is completed by an authorized representative, proof of authorization must accompany the application.

(g) Crab IFQ hired master permit. (1) A crab IFQ hired master permit is issued on an annual basis and authorizes the individual identified on the permit to harvest and land IFQ crab for debit against the specified crab IFQ permit until the crab IFQ hired master permit expires or is revoked, suspended, or modified pursuant to § 679.43 or under 15 CFR part 904, or on request of the crab IFQ permit holder.

(2) A legible copy of the crab IFQ hired master permit must be on board the vessel used by the hired master to harvest IFQ crab at all times IFQ crab are retained on board. Except as specified in § 680.42, an individual who is issued a crab IFQ hired master permit must remain aboard the vessel used to harvest IFQ crab, specified under that permit, during the crab fishing trip and at the landing site until all crab harvested under that permit are offloaded and the landing report for IFQ crab is completed.

(h) Contents of application for crab IFQ hired master permit. In order for the application to be considered complete, a copy of the USCG Abstract Of Title or Certificate Of Documentation must be included with this application to demonstrate percent of vessel ownership by the IFQ permit holder. A complete application for a crab IFQ hired master permit must include the following information:

(1) Purpose of application. Indicate whether the application is to add or to delete a hired master and identification of crab IFQ permit(s) for which this application is submitted.

(2) IFQ permit holder information. Enter permit holder's name, NMFS Person ID, and social security number (optional) or tax identification number; permit holder's permanent or temporary business mailing address; and permit holder's business telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address (if available).

(3) Identification of vessel upon which crab IFQ will be harvested. Enter the vessel's name, ADF&G vessel registration number, and USCG documentation number. Indicate whether (YES or NO) the permit holder has at least a 10 percent ownership interest in the vessel the crab IFQ hired master will use to fish permit holder's IFQ crab. If YES, provide documentation of IFQ permit holder's 10 percent ownership interest.

(4) IFQ hired master permit holder information. Complete a separate section for each crab IFQ hired master. Enter the hired master's name, NMFS Person ID, social security number (optional) or tax identification number, and date of birth; hired master's permanent or temporary business mailing address; and hired master's business telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address (if available).

(5) Applicant certification. The applicant must sign and date the application certifying that all information is true, correct, and complete to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. If the application is completed by an authorized representative, then authorization must accompany the application.

(i) RCR permit. (1) An RCR permit is issued on an annual basis. An RCR permit is valid during the crab fishing year for which it is issued until the RCR permit expires or is revoked, suspended, or modified pursuant to § 679.43 or under 15 CFR part 904.

(2) An RCR permit is required for any person who receives unprocessed CR crab from the person(s) who harvested the crab, the owner or operator of a vessel that processes CR crab at sea, any person holding IPQ, and any person required to submit a Departure Report under 50 CFR 679.5(l)(4).

(j) Contents of application for RCR permit. For the application to be considered complete, all fees required by NMFS must be paid, and any EDR required under § 680.6 must be submitted to the DCA. In addition, the applicant must include the following information:

(1) Purpose of application. Indicate whether the application is a request for a new RCR permit, a renewal of an existing RCR permit, or an amendment to an existing RCR permit. If a renewal of or amendment to an existing RCR permit, include the applicant's RCR permit number.

(2) Applicant identification. Enter applicant's name and NMFS Person ID; applicant's social security number or tax ID number (required); name of contact person for the applicant, if applicant is not an individual; applicant's permanent business mailing address; and business telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address (if available).

(3) Type of activity. Select type of receiving or processing activity and whether catcher/processor or shoreside processor.

(4) Individual responsible for submission of EDR. Enter the name of the designated representative submitting the EDR on behalf of the RCR, if an EDR is required at § 680.6. If different from the RCR's contact information, also enter the designated representative's business mailing address, telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address (if available).

(5) Application certification. The applicant must sign and date the application certifying that all information is true, correct, and complete to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. If the application is completed by an authorized representative, then proof of authorization must accompany the application.

(k) Federal crab vessel permit. The owner of a vessel must have a Federal crab vessel permit on board that vessel when used to fish for CR crab.

(1) A Federal crab vessel permit is issued on an annual basis to the owner of the vessel and is in effect from the date of issuance through the end of the crab fishing year for which the permit was issued, unless it is revoked, suspended, or modified under § 600.735 or § 600.740.

(2) A Federal crab vessel permit may not be surrendered at any time during the crab fishing year for which it was issued.

(3) A Federal crab vessel permit issued under this paragraph is not transferable or assignable and is valid only for the vessel for which it is issued.

(4) To qualify for a Federal crab vessel permit, the applicant must be a U.S. Citizen.

(5) The holder of a Federal crab vessel permit must submit an amended application for a Federal crab vessel permit within 10 days of the date of change in: the ownership of the vessel (a copy of the current USCG documentation for the vessel showing the change in ownership must accompany the amended application), or the individual responsible for submission of the EDR on behalf of the vessel's owner(s).

(l) Contents of application for federal crab vessel permit. For the application to be considered complete, all fees required by NMFS must be paid, and any EDR required under § 680.6 must be submitted to the DCA. Also, if ownership of the vessel has changed or if the permit application for a vessel to which a Federal crab vessel permit has never been issued, a copy of the USCG Abstract Of Title or Certificate Of Documentation. In addition the applicant must include the following information:

(1) Purpose of application. Indicate whether the application is a request for a new permit, a renewal of an existing permit, or an amendment to an existing permit. If a renewal of or amendment to an existing permit, include the current Federal crab vessel permit number.

(2) Contact owner information. The name(s), permanent business mailing address, social security number (voluntary) or tax ID number, business telephone number, business facsimile number, business e-mail address (if available) of all vessel owners, and the name of any person or company (other than the owner) that manages the operation of the vessel.

(3) Vessel information. Enter the vessel's name and home port (city and state); ADF&G processor code, if vessel is a catcher/processor or stationary floating crab processor; whether a vessel of the United States; USCG documentation number; ADF&G vessel registration number; and vessel's LOA (in feet), registered length (in feet), gross tonnage, net tonnage, and shaft horsepower. Indicate all types of operations the vessel may conduct during a crab fishing year.

(4) Designated representative for EDR. Enter the name of the designated representative who is responsible for completion and submission of the EDR, and the representative's business mailing address, telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address (if available).

(5) Applicant certification. The applicant must sign and date the application certifying that all information is true, correct, and complete to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Print the applicant name. If the application is completed by an authorized representative, then authorization must accompany the application.

(m) Annual crab harvesting cooperative IFQ permit. See § 680.21.

(n) Contents of annual application for converted CPO QS/IFQ permit. (1)(i) A complete application must be received by NMFS no later than June 15 (or postmarked by this date, if sent via U.S. mail or a commercial carrier) for the upcoming crab fishing year for which a person or crab harvesting cooperative is applying to receive converted CPO QS and the IFQ derived from that converted CPO QS. If a complete application is not received by NMFS by this date, or postmarked by this date, the person or crab harvesting cooperative will not receive converted CPO QS and the IFQ derived from that converted CPO QS for the upcoming crab fishing year. In the event that NMFS has not received a complete and timely application by June 15, NMFS will presume that the application was timely filed if the applicant can provide NMFS with proof of timely filing.

(ii) To receive converted CPO QS/IFQ this application must be accompanied by a timely and complete application for crab IFQ/IPQ described at paragraph (f) of this section or a timely and complete application for a crab harvesting cooperative IFQ permit described at paragraph (m) of this section.

(2) For the application to be considered complete, all fees required by NMFS must be paid, and any EDR required under § 680.6 must be submitted to the DCA. In addition, the applicant must include the following information (see paragraphs (n)(2)(i) through (v) of this section):

(i) Entity identification. Indicate the entity (Entity A, B, or C) described in § 680.40(c)(5)(ii) through (c)(5)(iv) for which you are applying to receive converted CPO QS.

(ii) Applicant information. Enter applicant's name and NMFS Person ID; applicant's permanent business mailing address and any temporary mailing address the applicant wishes to use; and applicant's business telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address.

(A) For Entity A or B:

(1) Identify the amount of CVO QS in either the BBR or BSS crab QS fishery with a North Region designation for issuance as converted CPO QS; and

(2) Identify the amount of PQS in either the BBR or BSS crab QS fishery initially issued to you by NMFS with a North Region designation for issuance as converted CPO QS.

(B) For Entity C:

(1) Identify the amount of CVO QS in either the BBR or BSS crab QS fishery initially issued to you by NMFS with a North Region designation for issuance as converted CPO QS; and

(2) Identify the amount of PQS in either the BBR or BSS crab QS fishery with a North Region designation for issuance as converted CPO QS.

(iii) Affiliate information for Entities A and B. (A) For Entities A and B described in § 680.40(c)(5)(ii) and (c)(5)(iii), indicate the permanent business mailing address and any temporary mailing address, business telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address of any person who is affiliated with you based on information provided in an annual application for IFQ/IPQ that is approved by the Regional Administrator for that crab fishing year

(B) Indicate the amount of PQS in either the BBR or BSS crab QS fishery initially issued to that person with a North Region designation for issuance as converted CPO QS.

(C) Indicate the amount of CVO QS in either the BBR or BSS crab QS fishery with a North Region designation held by the affiliate for issuance as converted CPO QS.

(iv) Affiliate information for Entity C. (A) For Entity C described in § 680.40(c)(5)(iv), indicate the permanent business mailing address and any temporary mailing address, business telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address of any person who is affiliated with you based on information provided in an annual application for IFQ/IPQ that is approved by the Regional Administrator for that crab fishing year.

(B) Indicate the amount of PQS in either the BBR or BSS crab QS fishery with a North Region designation for issuance as converted CPO QS.

(C) Indicate the amount of CVO QS in either the BBR or BSS crab QS fishery initially issued to the affiliate with a North Region designation for issuance as converted CPO QS.

(v) Certification of applicant and affiliates. The applicant and any persons who are affiliated with the applicant and named on the application must sign and date the application certifying that all information is true, correct, and complete to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. If the application is completed by an authorized representative, proof of authorization must accompany the application.

(o) Exemption from Western Aleutian Islands golden king crab West regional delivery requirements—(1) Request for an Annual Exemption from Western Aleutian Islands golden king crab West regional delivery requirements. The eligible contract signatories (see qualifications at § 680.4(o)(2)(i)) may submit an application to NMFS to request that NMFS exempt West designated IFQ and West designated IPQ for the Western Aleutian Islands golden king crab (WAG) fishery from the West regional delivery requirements at § 680.7(a)(2) and (a)(4). All eligible contract signatories must submit one completed copy of the application form. The application must be submitted to NMFS using one of the following methods:

(i) Mail: Regional Administrator, c/o Restricted Access Management Program, NMFS, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802-1668; or

(ii) Fax: 907-586-7354; or

(iii) Hand delivery or carrier: NMFS, Room 713, 709 West 9th Street, Juneau, AK 99801.

(2) Application form. The application form is available on the NMFS Alaska region Web site ( or from NMFS at the address in paragraph (o)(1)(i) of this section. All information fields on the application form must be accurately completed, including—

(i) Identification of eligible contract signatories. Full name of each eligible contract signatory; NMFS person ID; and appropriate information that documents the signatories meet the requirements. If the application is completed by an individual who is the authorized representative, then documentation demonstrating the authorization must accompany the application. Eligible contract signatories are—

(A) QS holders: Any person that holds in excess of 20 percent of the West designated WAG QS at the time the contract was signed, or their authorized representative.

(B) PQS holders: Any person that holds in excess of 20 percent of the West designated WAG PQS at the time the contract was signed, or their authorized representative.

(C) Municipalities: designated officials from both the City of Adak and the City of Atka or an authorized representative.

(ii) Affidavit affirming master contract has been signed. Each eligible contract signatory, as described in paragraph (o)(2)(i) of this section, must sign and date an Affidavit affirming that a master contract has been signed to authorize the completion of the application to request that NMFS exempt West designated IFQ and West designated IPQ for the WAG fishery from the West regional delivery requirements. The eligible contract signatories must affirm on the Affidavit that all information is true, correct, and complete to the best of his or her knowledge and belief.

(3) Effective date. A completed application must be approved by NMFS before any person may use WAG IFQ or IPQ with a West regional designation outside of the West region during a crab fishing year. If approved, the effective date of the exemption is the date the application was approved by NMFS. Any delivery of WAG IFQ or IPQ with a West regional designation outside of the West region prior to the effective date of the exemption is prohibited under § 680.7(a)(2) and (a)(4).

(4) Duration. An exemption from West regional delivery requirements is only valid for the remainder of the crab fishing year during which the application was approved by NMFS. The exemption expires at the end of the crab fishing year (June 30).

(5) Approval. (i) NMFS will approve a completed application for the exemption from Western Aleutian Islands golden king crab West regional delivery requirements if all eligible contract signatories meet the requirements specified in paragraph (o)(2)(i) of this section.

(ii) The Regional Administrator will not consider an application to have been received if the applicant cannot provide objective written evidence that NMFS Alaska Region received it.

(iii) NMFS approval of an annual exemption from the Western Aleutian Islands golden king crab West regional delivery requirements will be made publicly available at the NMFS Web site at

(p) Exemption from regional delivery requirements for the Bristol Bay red king crab, Bering Sea snow crab, St. Matthew blue king crab, Eastern Aleutian Islands golden king crab, Western Aleutian Islands red king crab, and Pribilof red king and blue king crab fisheries—(1) Apply for an Exemption. Eligible applicants may submit an application to exempt North Region IFQ and IPQ or South Region IFQ and IPQ from the prohibitions at §§ 680.7(a)(2) and (a)(4).

(2) Identification of eligible applicants. Eligible applicants are:

(i) IFQ holders. Any person holding regionally designated IFQ for Bristol Bay red king crab, Bering Sea snow crab, St. Matthew blue king crab, Eastern Aleutian Islands golden king crab, Western Aleutian Islands red king crab, or Pribilof red king and blue king crab, or their authorized representative.

(ii) IPQ holders. Any person holding regionally designated IPQ for Bristol Bay red king crab, Bering Sea snow crab, St. Matthew blue king crab, Eastern Aleutian Islands golden king crab, Western Aleutian Islands red king crab, or Pribilof red king and blue king crab, or their authorized representative.

(iii) Community representatives. (A) For communities that hold or formerly held the ROFR pursuant to § 679.41(l), the community representative that signs the preseason application, the framework agreement, the inseason notice, and the exemption contract is the ECC entity, as defined at § 680.2.

(B) For North Region St. Matthew blue king crab PQS and North Region Bering Sea snow crab PQS that was issued without a ROFR, the community representative that signs the preseason application, the framework agreement, the inseason notice, and the exemption contract for Saint Paul and Saint George shall be either:

(1) Both Aleutian Pribilof Islands Community Development Association (APICDA) and the Central Bering Sea Fishermen's Association (CBSFA), or

(2) the community representative that APICDA and CBSFA designate in writing to NMFS by December 9, 2013.

(i) Either APICDA or CBSFA may revoke the designated community representative by providing written notice to the other entity and to NMFS.

(ii) If either APICDA or CBSFA revokes its designation of a community representative after October 15 of a crab fishing year, the revocation will not affect the validity of any action taken by the designated community representative pursuant to paragraph (p) for that crab fishing year, including signing the preseason application, the framework agreement, the inseason notice, and the exemption contract.

(3) Required Applicants. Multiple parties may apply for an exemption; however, a complete preseason application and a complete inseason notice must be submitted by a minimum of one Class A IFQ holder, one IPQ holder, and one community representative.

(4) Application for an Exemption from the CR Program Regional Delivery Requirements—(i) Application Form. The application form consists of two parts: a preseason application for exemption and an inseason notice of exemption. The application form is available on the NMFS Alaska Region Web site ( or from NMFS at the address below. NMFS must receive both parts of the application form by one of the following methods:

(A) Mail: NMFS Regional Administrator, c/o Restricted Access Management Program, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802-1668; or

(B) Fax: 907-586-7354; or

(C) Hand delivery or carrier: NMFS, Room 713, 709 West 9th Street, Juneau, AK 99801.

(ii) Part I: Preseason Application. (A) A complete preseason application must be signed by the required applicants specified in paragraph (p)(3), contain the information specified on the form, have all applicable fields accurately completed, and have all required documentation attached.

(B) Each applicant must certify, through an affidavit, that the applicant has entered into a framework agreement that—

(1) Specifies the CR crab fisheries that are the subject of the framework agreement;

(2) Specifies the actions that the parties will take to reduce the need for, and amount of, an exemption;

(3) Specifies the circumstances that could be an obstacle to delivery or processing under which the parties would execute an exemption contract and receive an exemption;

(4) Specifies the actions that the parties would take to mitigate the effects of an exemption;

(5) Specifies the compensation, if any, that any party would provide to any other party;

(6) Specifies any arrangements for compensatory deliveries in that crab fishing year or the following crab fishing year and;

(7) Is signed by the holders of the IFQ and IPQ that are the subject of the framework agreement and by the community representative that is authorized to sign the framework agreement.

(C) Each applicant must sign and date the affidavit and affirm that, under penalty of perjury, the information and the claims provided on the application are true, correct, and complete.

(D) NMFS must receive the preseason application on or before October 15 of the crab fishing year for which the applicants are applying for an exemption.

(1) If a preseason application is submitted by mail, the date of receipt of the preseason application by NMFS will be the postmark date of the application;

(2) If an applicant disputes whether NMFS received a preseason application on or before October 15, the applicant must provide written documentation that was contemporaneous with NMFS' receipt of the application demonstrating that NMFS received the application by October 15.

(E) If NMFS does not receive a timely and complete preseason application on or before October 15 of a crab fishing year, NMFS will deny the preseason application; those applicants will not be able to receive an exemption for that crab fishing year.

(F) If a preseason application is timely and complete, NMFS will approve the application. If NMFS approves a preseason application for an exemption, the applicants will be able to receive an exemption during the crab fishing year if the applicants comply with the requirements for an inseason notice of exemption specified below at paragraph (p)(4)(iii).

(G) If NMFS denies a preseason application for any reason, the applicants may appeal the denial pursuant to 50 CFR 679.43.

(H) NMFS will notify all of the applicants whether NMFS has approved or denied the preseason application.

(iii) Part II: Inseason Notice of Exemption. (A) A complete inseason notice must:

(1) Identify the IFQ amount and IPQ amount, by CR crab fishery, subject to the exemption;

(2) Contain the information specified on the form, have all applicable fields accurately completed, and have all required documentation attached; and

(3) Be signed by the required applicants specified in paragraph (p)(3) of this section that also signed the preseason application.

(B) Each applicant must certify, through an affidavit, that the applicants have entered into an exemption contract that—

(1) Identifies the IFQ amount and IPQ amount, by CR crab fishery, that is subject to the exemption contract;

(2) Describes the circumstances under which the exemption is being exercised;

(3) Specifies the action that the parties must take to mitigate the effects of the exemption;

(4) Specifies the compensation, if any, that any party must make to any other party;

(5) Specifies any arrangements for compensatory deliveries in that crab fishing year or the following crab fishing year; and

(6) Is signed by the holders of the IFQ and IPQ that are the subject of the exemption contract and by the community representative that is authorized to sign the exemption contract.

(C) Each applicant must sign and date the affidavit and affirm that, under penalty of perjury, the information and the claims provided on the notice are true, correct, and complete.

(D) NMFS must receive the inseason notice at least one day prior to the day on which the applicants want the exemption to take effect. If an inseason notice is submitted by mail, the date that NMFS receives the inseason notice is not the postmark date of the notice.

(E) The effective date of the exemption is the day after NMFS receives a complete inseason notice. Any delivery of North Region IFQ or South Region IFQ outside the designated region prior to the effective date of the exemption is prohibited under § 680.7(a)(2) and (4). Any processing of North Region IPQ or South Region IPQ outside the designated region prior to the effective date of the exemption is prohibited under § 680.7(a)(2) and (4).

(F) An exemption is effective for the remainder of the crab fishing year, unless the inseason notice of exemption specifies that compensatory deliveries will occur in the following crab fishing year and then the exemption will remain in effect for the IFQ and IPQ specified for compensatory delivery in the following crab fishing year.

(5) Regional Delivery Exemption Report. (i) Each IFQ holder that signs a preseason application, described in paragraph (p)(4)(ii) of this section, must submit a Regional Delivery Exemption Report to NMFS that includes an explanation of—

(A) The amount of IFQ, if any, set aside to reduce the need for, and the amount of, an exemption;

(B) The mitigation measures employed before submitting an inseason notice;

(C) The number of times an exemption was requested and used;

(D) The arrangements for any compensatory deliveries, including all compensatory deliveries made during the crab fishing year and any outstanding compensatory delivery obligations for the following crab fishing year;

(E) Whether the exemption was necessary; and

(F) Any impacts resulting from the exemption on the fishery participants and communities that signed the preseason application.

(ii) On or before July 15, IFQ holders must submit a copy of the Regional Delivery Exemption Report to the IPQ holders and community representatives that also signed the preseason application.

(iii) On or before July 30, IFQ holders must submit the Regional Delivery Exemption Report to NMFS at the address in paragraph (p)(4)(i) of this section.

(6) Public Notice of the Exemption. NMFS will post the effective date of an exemption and the Regional Delivery Exemption Reports on the NMFS Alaska Region Web site (

(q) Initial administrative determination (IAD). The Regional Administrator will prepare and send an IAD to the applicant following the expiration of the 30-day evidentiary period if the Regional Administrator determines that the information or evidence provided by the applicant fails to support the applicant's claims and is insufficient to establish that the applicant meets the requirements, or if the additional information, evidence, or revised application is not provided within the time period specified in the letter that notifies the applicant of his or her 30-day evidentiary period. The IAD will indicate the deficiencies in the application, including any deficiencies with the information, the evidence submitted in support of the information, or the revised application. The IAD will also indicate which claims cannot be approved based on the available information or evidence. An applicant who receives an IAD may appeal under the appeals procedures set forth at 15 CFR part 906. If an applicant appeals an IAD denying an Application for Annual Crab IFQ, IPQ, or harvesting Cooperative IFQ Permit because the application was not timely filed, the appeal must be filed within 30 days after the date the IAD is issued. An applicant who avails himself or herself of the opportunity to appeal an IAD will not receive crab IFQ or IPQ until after the final resolution of that appeal in the applicant's favor.

[70 FR 10241, Mar. 2, 2005, as amended at 71 FR 32864, June 7, 2006; 73 FR 29982, May 23, 2008; 73 FR 76189, Dec. 15, 2008; 76 FR 35785, June 20, 2011; 78 FR 28529, May 15, 2013; 80 FR 15896, Mar. 26, 2015; 81 FR 1561, Jan. 13, 2016]
§ 680.5 - Recordkeeping and reporting (R&R).

(a) General requirements—(1) Recording and reporting crab. Any CR crab harvested that is retained must be recorded and reported.

(2) Responsibility. (i) The participants in the CR fisheries are responsible for complying with the following R&R requirements:

Recordkeeping and reporting report Person responsible Reference
(A) Longline and pot gear catcher vessel daily fishing logbookOwner and operator of vessel§ 679.5(c)(1).
(B) Longline and pot gear catcher/processor daily cumulative production logbookOwner and operator of vessel§ 679.5(c)(1).
(C) Product Transfer Report (PTR)Owner and operator of catcher/processor; Owner and manager of shoreside processor or SFCP; RCR§ 679.5(g).
(D) U.S. Vessel Activity Report (VAR)Owner and operator of vessel§ 679.5(k).
(E) Transhipment AuthorizationOwner and operator of a catcher/processor; RCR§ 679.5(l)(3).
(F) IFQ Departure ReportOwner and operator of vessel§ 679.5(l)(4).
(G) CR Crab Landing ReportRCR§ 679.5(e)
(H) [Reserved]
(I) Eligible Crab Community Organization (ECCO) Annual Report for an Eligible Crab Community (ECC)ECCO§ 680.5(f).
(J) RCR Fee Submission FormRCR§ 680.5(g).
(K) Crab Economic Data Report (EDR)Owners or leaseholders of a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, shoreside processor, or SFCP§ 680.6.
(L) CR RCR Ex vessel Volume and Value ReportRCR§ 680.5(m)

(3) Representative. Designation of a representative to complete R&R requirements does not relieve the person(s) responsible for compliance from ensuring compliance with this section.

(4) Submittal of information. A person must submit to NMFS all information, records, and reports required in this section in English and in a legible, timely, and accurate manner, based on A.l.t.; if handwritten or typed, in indelible ink.

(5) Alteration of records. A person may not alter or change any entry or record submitted to NMFS, except that an inaccurate, incomplete, or incorrect entry or record may be corrected after notifying the Regional Administrator at the address and facsimile number listed on each form, or as provided the opportunity on the Internet.

(6) Inspection of records. A person responsible for R&R under paragraph (a)(2) of this section must make available for inspection all reports, forms, scale receipts, and CR crab landing report receipts upon the request of an authorized officer for the time periods indicated in paragraph (a)(7) of this section.

(7) Retention of records. A person responsible for R&R under paragraph (a)(2) of this section must retain all reports and receipts as follows:

(i) On site. Until the end of the crab fishing year during which the records were made and for as long thereafter as crab or crab products recorded in the records are retained onboard the vessel or on site at the facility; and

(ii) For 3 years. For 3 years after the end of the crab fishing year during which the records were made.

(8) Landing verification and inspection. Each CR crab landing and all crab retained on board the vessel making a CR crab landing are subject to verification and inspection by authorized officers.

(9) Sampling. Each CR crab landing and all crab retained onboard a vessel making a CR crab landing are subject to sampling by authorized officers and observers.

(b) IFQ crab landings—(1) Landing reports. See § 679.5(e) of this chapter.

(2) Properly debited landing. All landed crab catch must be weighed, reported, and debited from the appropriate IFQ account under which the catch was harvested, and IPQ account under which it was received, as appropriate (see § 679.5(e) of this chapter).

(c)-(e) [Reserved]

(f) ECCO Annual Report. (1) Annually by June 30, each ECCO must submit a complete annual report on its crab QS activity for the prior crab fishing year for each ECC represented by the ECCO. The ECCO must submit a copy of the annual report to the governing body of each community represented by the ECCO and to the Regional Administrator, NMFS, Alaska Region; P.O. Box 21668; Juneau, AK 99802.

(2) Contents of ECCO Annual Report. A complete annual report must include the following information for the crab IFQ derived from the QS held by the ECCO:

(i) Name, ADF&G vessel registration number, USCG documentation number, and Federal crab vessel permit of each vessel from which the crab IFQ was harvested;

(ii) Name and business addresses of individuals employed as crew members when fishing the crab IFQ;

(iii) Criteria used by the ECCO to distribute crab IFQ leases among eligible community residents;

(iv) Description of efforts made to ensure that crab IFQ lessees employ crew members who are eligible community residents of the ECC aboard vessels on which crab IFQ derived from QS held by a ECCO is being fished;

(v) Description of the process used to solicit lease applications from eligible community residents of the ECC on whose behalf the ECCO is holding QS;

(vi) Names and business addresses and amount of crab IFQ requested by each individual applying to receive crab IFQ from the ECCO;

(vii) Any changes in the bylaws of the ECCO, board of directors, or other key management personnel;

(viii) Copies of minutes, bylaw changes, motions, and other relevant decision making documents from ECCO board meetings.

(g) RCR fee submission form (See § 680.44). (1) Applicability. An RCR or the RCR's authorized representative, who receives any CR crab pursuant to § 680.44 must submit to NMFS online a complete RCR fee form as instructed on the form at NMFS Alaska Region website at

(2) Due date and submittal. The reporting period of the RCR fee submission shall be the crab fishing year. An RCR must submit any crab cost recovery fee liability payment(s) and the RCR fee submission form to NMFS online not later than July 31 following the crab fishing year in which the CR crab landings were made.

(3) Required information. An RCR must accurately record on the RCR fee submission form the following information:

(i) Identification of the RCR. Enter the printed full name, NMFS person ID, RCR permit number, social security number or Federal tax identification number of the RCR. Enter the permanent or temporary business mailing address (indicate whether permanent or temporary), and the business telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address (if available).

(ii) Signature of applicant. Enter printed name and signature of applicant and date signed. If authorized representative, attach authorization to application.

(h) Product transfer report. (See § 679.5(g).)

(i) U.S. Vessel activity report (VAR). (See § 679.5(k).)

(j) Transshipment authorization. (See § 679.5(l)(3).)

(k) IFQ departure report. (See § 679.5(l)(4).)

(l) Catcher vessel longline and pot daily fishing logbook (DFL) and catcher/processor daily cumulative production logbook (DCPL). (See § 679.5 (c)).

(m) CR Registered Crab Receiver (RCR) Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report—(1) Applicability. An RCR that also operates as a shoreside processor or stationary floating crab processor and receives and purchases landings of CR crab must submit annually to NMFS a complete CR RCR Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report, as described in this paragraph (m), for each reporting period in which the RCR receives CR crab.

(2) Reporting period. The reporting period of the CR RCR Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report shall extend from August 1 through May 31 of the following year, inclusive.

(3) Due date. A complete CR RCR Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report must be received by the Regional Administrator no later than May 31 of the reporting period in which the RCR received CR crab.

(4) Information required. The RCR must log in to using the RCR's password and NMFS person ID to submit a CR RCR Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report. The NMFS software autofills the RCR name. The User must review the autofilled cells to ensure that they are accurate. The RCR must enter the information in paragraphs (m)(4)(i) through (iv) of this section for a complete CR RCR Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report for priced crab delivered raw:

(i) RCR identification. (A) RCR permit number.

(B) Landing month.

(C) Port (location of facility or vessel).

(ii) CR crab program (e.g., IFQ, CDQ, ADAK).

(iii) CR crab pounds purchased and ex-vessel value. Enter for each program, fishery, species, and month.

(A) Pounds purchased. The total CR crab pounds purchased by fishery and species for each month.

(B) Ex-vessel value paid. The total gross ex-vessel value paid for raw CR crab pounds before any deductions are made for goods and services provided to the CR crab harvesters. The gross value includes all value paid in any form (e.g., dollars, goods, services, bait, ice, fuel, repairs, machinery replacement, etc.), and any retro payments paid for crab in paragraph (m)(4)(iii)(A) of this section.

(iv) Certification. By using the RCR NMFS ID and password and submitting the report, the RCR certifies that all information is true, correct, and complete to the best of his or her knowledge and belief.

(5) Submittal. The RCR must complete and submit online by electronic submission to NMFS the CR Registered Crab Receiver Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report available at

[70 FR 10241, Mar. 2, 2005, as amended at 70 FR 33395, June 8, 2005; 70 FR 75421, Dec. 20, 2005; 73 FR 76189, Dec. 15, 2008; 74 FR 51519, Oct. 7, 2009; 75 FR 56486, Sept. 16, 2010; 80 FR 15897, Mar. 26, 2015; 81 FR 23649, Apr. 22, 2016]
§ 680.6 - Crab economic data report (EDR).

(a) Requirements. (1) Any owner or leaseholder of a vessel or processing plant, or a holder of a registered crab receiver permit that harvested, processed, custom processed, or obtained custom processing for CR crab, during a calendar year, must submit a complete Economic Data Report (EDR) by following the instructions on the applicable EDR form.

(2) A completed EDR or EDR certification pages must be submitted to NMFS, in the manner specified on the NMFS-issued EDR form, for each calendar year on or before 1700 hours, A.l.t., July 31 of the following year.

(3) Annual EDR forms for catcher vessels, catcher/processors, shoreside crab processors, and stationary floating crab processors are available on the NMFS Alaska Region website at or by contacting NMFS at 1-800-304-4846.

(b) EDR certification pages. Any person required to submit an annual EDR under paragraph (a) of this section must submit the EDR certification pages as either:

(1) Part of the entire EDR. Persons submitting the completed EDR certification pages as part of the entire EDR must attest to the accuracy and completion of the EDR by signing and dating the certification pages; or

(2) A separate document. Persons submitting the completed EDR certification pages only must attest that they meet the conditions exempting them from submitting the entire EDR, by signing and dating the certification pages.

(c) Annual catcher vessel crab EDR. Any owner or leaseholder of a catcher vessel that landed CR crab in the previous calendar year must submit to NMFS, in the manner specified on the NMFS-issued EDR form, a completed catcher vessel EDR for annual data for the previous calendar year.

(d) Annual catcher/processor crab EDR. Any owner or leaseholder of a catcher/processor that harvested or processed CR crab in the previous calendar year must submit to NMFS, in the manner specified on the NMFS-issued EDR form, a completed catcher/processor EDR for annual data for the previous calendar year.

(e) Annual stationary floating crab processor (SFCP) and shoreside crab processor EDR—(1) Any owner or leaseholder of an SFCP or a shoreside crab processor that processed CR crab, including custom processing of CR crab performed for other crab buyers, in the previous calendar year must submit to NMFS, in the manner specified on the NMFS-issued EDR form, a completed processor EDR for annual data for the previous calendar year.

(2) Any holder of a registered crab receiver (RCR) permit that obtained custom processing for CR Program crab in the previous calendar year must submit to NMFS, in the manner specified on the NMFS-issued EDR form, a completed processor EDR for annual data for the previous calendar year.

(f) Verification of data. (1) The DCA shall conduct verification of information with the owner or leaseholder.

(2) The owner or leaseholder must respond to inquiries by the DCA within 20 days of the date of issuance of the inquiry.

(g) DCA authorization. The DCA is authorized to request voluntary submission of economic data specified in this section from persons who are not required to submit an EDR under this section.

[78 FR 36127, June 17, 2013, as amended at 88 FR 7591, Feb. 6, 2023]
§ 680.7 - Prohibitions.

In addition to the general prohibitions specified in § 600.725 of this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to do any of the following:

(a) Receiving and processing CR crab. (1) Process any CR crab that has not been weighed by an RCR on:

(i) A scale approved by the State in which the RCR is located and that meets the requirements described in § 680.23(f); or

(ii) Onboard a catcher/processor RCR on a scale approved by NMFS as described in § 680.23(e).

(2) Receive CR crab harvested under an IFQ permit in any region other than the region for which the IFQ permit is designated, unless:

(i) Western Aleutian Islands golden king crab are received following the effective date of a NMFS-approved exemption pursuant to § 680.4(o), or

(ii) The IFQ permit and IFQ amount are subject to an exemption pursuant to § 680.4(p).

(3) Use IPQ on board a vessel outside of the territorial sea or internal waters of the State of Alaska.

(4) Use IPQ in any region other than the region for which the IPQ permit is designated, unless:

(i) Western Aleutian Islands golden king crab IPQ is used following the effective date of a NMFS-approved exemption pursuant to § 680.4(o), or

(ii) The IPQ permit and IPQ amount are subject to an exemption pursuant to § 680.4(p).

(5) Receive any crab harvested under a Class A IFQ permit in excess of the total amount of unused IPQ held by the RCR in a crab QS fishery, unless that RCR subsequently receives unused IPQ by transfer as described under § 680.41 that is at least equal to the amount of all Class A IFQ received by that RCR in that crab QS fishery before the end of the crab fishing year for which an IPQ permit was issued.

(6) Receive crab harvested under a Class B IFQ permit on a vessel if that vessel was used to harvest and process any crab in that crab QS fishery during the same crab fishing season.

(7) For an IPQ holder to use more IPQ than the maximum amount of IPQ that may be held by that person under § 680.42(b).

(b) Landing CR crab. (1) Remove retained and unprocessed CR crab from a vessel at any location other than to an RCR operating under an approved catch monitoring plan as described in § 680.23(g) unless that crab is accompanied by a signed landing receipt showing the crab was properly landed.

(2) Remove any CR crab processed at sea from any vessel before completing a landing report, as defined at § 680.5(c), for all such CR crab onboard.

(3) Fail to remove all processed crab harvested under a CPO or a CPC IFQ permit to an onshore location within the United States, accessible by road or regularly scheduled air service, and to weigh that crab product on a scale approved by the State in which the crab is weighed.

(4) Make an IFQ crab landing except by an individual who holds either a crab IFQ permit or a crab IFQ hired master permit issued under § 680.4 in his or her name.

(5) Make an IFQ crab landing without the following on board: a copy of the crab IFQ permit to be debited for the landing; and, if applicable, a copy of the crab IFQ hired master permit issued under § 680.4 in the name of the person making the landing.

(6) For a Crab IFQ hired master to make an IFQ crab landing on any vessel other than the vessel named on the Crab IFQ hired master permit.

(c) Harvest crab. (1) Harvest any CR crab with any vessel not named on a valid Federal crab vessel permit.

(2) Harvest CR crab with any vessel that does not use functioning VMS equipment as required by § 680.23.

(3) Harvest on any vessel more IFQ crab than are authorized under § 680.42.

(4) Harvest crab under a CVC or a CPC IFQ permit unless the person named on the IFQ permit is on board that vessel.

(5) Harvest crab under a CPO or CPC permit unless all scales used to weigh crab, or used by an observer for sampling crab, have passed an inseason scale test according to § 680.23(e)(1).

(6) For any person who is not an entity defined in § 680.40(c)(5)(ii), (c)(5)(iii), or (c)(5)(iv) to:

(i) Hold converted CPO QS.

(ii) Use the CPO IFQ derived from that converted CPO QS outside of a crab harvesting cooperative.

(d) Recordkeeping and reporting. (1) Fail to submit information on any report, application, or statement required under this part.

(2) Submit false information on any report, application, or statement required under this part.

(e) Permits. (1) Retain IFQ crab without a legible copy of a valid crab IFQ permit for that fishery on board the vessel.

(2) Begin a fishing trip for crab in a crab QS fishery with a vessel if the total amount of unharvested crab IFQ that is currently held in the IFQ accounts of all crab IFQ permit holders or Crab IFQ Hired Masters aboard that vessel in that crab QS fishery is zero or less.

(3) Have a negative balance in an IFQ or IPQ account for a crab QS fishery after the end of the crab fishing year for which an IFQ or IPQ permit was issued.

(f) IPQ. Use IPQ as collateral or otherwise leverage IPQ to acquire an ownership interest in Class B IFQ.

(g) General. (1) Possess, buy, sell, or transport any crab harvested or landed in violation of any provision of this part.

(2) Violate any other provision under this part.

(h) Inseason action. Conduct any fishing contrary to notification of inseason action closure, or adjustment issued under § 680.22.

[70 FR 10241, Mar. 2, 2005, as amended at 70 FR 33395, June 8, 2005; 73 FR 29982, May 23, 2008; 73 FR 76190, Dec. 15, 2008; 74 FR 25457, May 28, 2009; 74 FR 41095, Aug. 14, 2009; 76 FR 35786, June 20, 2011; 78 FR 28531, May 15, 2013; 81 FR 24518, Apr. 26, 2016; 85 FR 72583, Nov. 13, 2020; 89 FR 47877, June 4, 2024]
§ 680.8 - Facilitation of enforcement.

See § 600.730 of this chapter.

§ 680.9 - Penalties.

(a) Any person committing, or a fishing vessel used in the commission of, a violation of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, or any regulation issued under the Magnuson-Stevens Act, is subject to the civil and criminal penalty provisions, permit sanctions, and civil forfeiture provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, to part 600 of this chapter, to 15 CFR part 904 (Civil Procedures), and to other applicable law. Penalties include but are not limited to permanent or temporary sanctions to PQS, QS, IPQ, IFQ, Crab IFQ hired master, Federal crab vessel permit, or RCR permits.

(b) In the event a holder of any IPQ is found by a court of competent jurisdiction, either in an original action in that court or in a proceeding to enforce or review the findings or orders of any Government agency having jurisdiction under the antitrust laws, to have violated any of the provisions of antitrust laws in the conduct of the licensed activity, the Secretary of Commerce may revoke all or a portion of such IPQ. The antitrust laws of the United States include, but are not limited to, the following Acts:

(1) The Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. 1-7;

(2) The Wilson Tariff Act, 15 U.S.C. 8-11;

(3) The Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. 12-27; and

(4) The Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. 12 and 45(a).

authority: 16 U.S.C. 1862; Pub. L. 109-241; Pub. L. 109-479
source: 70 FR 10241, Mar. 2, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 50 CFR 680.4