Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Oct 09, 2024
§ 622.430 - Management area.

The management area is the EEZ around Puerto Rico bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points and geographic instructions in order:

Table 1 to § 622.430

Point North lat. West long.
A (intersects with the international and EEZ boundary)19°37′29″65°20′57″
From Point B proceed southerly along the 3-nautical mile territorial boundary of the St. Thomas and St. John island group to Point C
From Point F proceed along the international and EEZ boundary southwesterly, then northerly, then easterly, and finally southerly to Point A
A (intersects with the International and EEZ boundary)19°37′29″65°20′57″
§ 622.431 - Definitions.

In addition to the definitions and acronyms in § 622.2, the terms and acronyms used in this subpart have the following meanings:

Coral means any or all species, or a part thereof, of coral occurring in the EEZ around Puerto Rico, including any or all species, or a part thereof, of soft corals and gorgonians in Order Alcyonacea; sea pens and sea pansies in Order Pennatulacea; black corals in Order Antipatharia; stony corals in Order Scleractinia; and, within Order Anthoatheacata, fire corals in Family Milleporidae and lace corals in Family Stylasteridae.

Coral reef resource means any or all species, or a part thereof, of coral, sea cucumber, and sea urchin.

Pelagic fish means any or all species, or a part thereof, as follows:

Table 1 to § 622.431

Class or Family Scientific name English common name
Dolphinfishes—CoryphaenidaeCoryphaena hippurusDolphinfish.
Coryphaena equiselisPompano dolphinfish.
Barracudas—SphyraenidaeSphyraena barracudaGreat barracuda.
Mackerels and tunas—ScombridaeThunnus atlanticusBlackfin tuna.
Scomberomorus regalisCero.
Scomberomorus cavallaKing mackerel.
Euthynnus alletteratusLittle tunny.
Acanthocybium solandriWahoo.
Tripletails—LobotidaeLobotes surinamensisTripletail.

Queen conch means the species Lobatus gigas, or a part thereof.

Rays means any or all species, or a part thereof, as follows:

Table 2 to § 622.431

Class or Family Scientific name English common name
Eagle and manta rays—MyliobatidaeManta birostrisGiant manta.
Aetobatus narinariSpotted eagle ray.
Stingrays—DasyatidaeDasyatis americanaSouthern stingray.

Reef fish means any or all species, or a part thereof, as follows:

Table 3 to § 622.431

Class or Family Scientific name English common name
Angelfishes—PomacanthidaePomacanthus paruFrench angelfish.
Pomacanthus arcuatusGray angelfish.
Holacanthus ciliarisQueen angelfish.
Groupers—SerranidaeMycteroperca bonaciBlack grouper.
Cephalopholis fulvaConey.
Epinephelus itajaraGoliath grouper.
Cephalopholis cruentataGraysby.
Hyporthodus mystacinusMisty grouper.
Epinephelus striatusNassau grouper.
Epinephelus morioRed grouper.
Epinephelus guttatusRed hind.
Epinephelus adscensionisRock hind.
Mycteroperca tigrisTiger grouper.
Hyporthodus flavolimbatusYellowedge grouper.
Mycteroperca venenosaYellowfin grouper.
Mycteroperca interstitialisYellowmouth grouper.
Grunts—HaemulidaeHaemulon plumieriiWhite grunt.
Jacks—CarangidaeAlectis ciliarisAfrican pompano.
Caranx hipposCrevalle jack.
Elagatis bipinnulataRainbow runner.
Parrotfishes—ScaridaeScarus coeruleusBlue parrotfish.
Scarus coelestinusMidnight parrotfish.
Scarus taeniopterusPrincess parrotfish.
Scarus vetulaQueen parrotfish.
Scarus guacamaiaRainbow parrotfish.
Sparisoma aurofrenatumRedband parrotfish.
Sparisoma chrysopterumRedtail parrotfish.
Sparisoma virideStoplight parrotfish.
Scarus iseriStriped parrotfish.
Snappers—LutjanidaeApsilus dentatusBlack snapper.
Lutjanus buccanellaBlackfin snapper.
Pristipomoides macrophthalmusCardinal snapper.
Lutjanus cyanopterusCubera snapper.
Lutjanus jocuDog snapper.
Lutjanus synagrisLane snapper.
Lutjanus analisMutton snapper.
Etelis oculatusQueen snapper.
Lutjanus apodusSchoolmaster.
Lutjanus vivanusSilk snapper.
Rhomboplites aurorubensVermilion snapper.
Pristipomoides aquilonarisWenchman.
Ocyurus chrysurusYellowtail snapper.
Surgeonfishes—AcanthuridaeAcanthurus coeruleusBlue tang.
Acanthurus chirurgusDoctorfish.
Acanthurus tractusOcean surgeonfish.
Triggerfishes—BalistidaeBalistes capriscusGray triggerfish.
Canthidermis sufflamenOcean triggerfish.
Balistes vetulaQueen triggerfish.
Wrasses—LabridaeLachnolaimus maximusHogfish.
Halichoeres radiatusPuddingwife.
Bodianus rufusSpanish hogfish.

Sea cucumber means any or all species, or a part thereof, in Class Holothuroidea and occurring in the EEZ around Puerto Rico.

Sea urchin means any or all species of sea urchin, or a part thereof, in Class Echinoidea and occurring in the EEZ around Puerto Rico.

Spiny lobster trap means a trap and its component parts, including the lines and buoys, used for or capable of taking spiny lobster and meeting the spiny lobster trap construction specifications of this subpart.

§ 622.432 - [Reserved]
§ 622.433 - Vessel identification.

See § 622.6 for vessel identification requirements applicable to this subpart.

§ 622.434 - Gear identification.

(a) Reef fish—(1) Fish traps and associated buoys. All fish traps used or possessed in the EEZ around Puerto Rico must display the official number specified for the vessel by Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands. A fish trap that is fished individually, rather than tied together in a trap line, must have at least one buoy attached that floats on the surface. Fish traps that are tied together in a trap line must have at least one buoy that floats at the surface attached at each end of the trap line. All buoys must display the official number and color code assigned to the vessel by Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, whichever is applicable.

(2) Presumption of ownership of fish traps. A fish trap in the EEZ around Puerto Rico will be presumed to be the property of the most recently documented owner. This presumption will not apply with respect to such traps that are lost or sold if the owner reports the loss or sale within 15 days to the RA.

(3) Disposition of unmarked fish traps or buoys. An unmarked fish trap or buoy deployed in the EEZ around Puerto Rico is illegal and may be disposed of in any appropriate manner by the Assistant Administrator or an authorized officer.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Spiny lobster—(1) Spiny lobster traps and associated buoys. All spiny lobster traps used or possessed in the EEZ around Puerto Rico must display the official number specified for the vessel by Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands. A spiny lobster trap that is fished individually, rather than tied together in a trap line, must have at least one buoy attached that floats on the surface. Spiny lobster traps that are tied together in a trap line must have at least one buoy that floats at the surface attached at each end of the trap line. All buoys must display the official number and color code assigned to the vessel by Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, whichever is applicable.

(2) Presumption of ownership of spiny lobster traps. A spiny lobster trap in the EEZ around Puerto Rico will be presumed to be the property of the most recently documented owner. This presumption will not apply with respect to such traps that are lost or sold if the owner reports the loss or sale within 15 days to the RA.

(3) Disposition of unmarked spiny lobster traps or buoys. An unmarked spiny lobster trap or buoy deployed in the EEZ around Puerto Rico is illegal and may be disposed of in any appropriate manner by the Assistant Administrator or an authorized officer.

§ 622.435 - Trap construction specifications and tending restrictions.

(a) Reef fish—(1) Construction specifications—(i) Minimum mesh size. A bare-wire fish trap used or possessed in the EEZ around Puerto Rico that has hexagonal mesh openings must have a minimum mesh size of 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) in the smallest dimension measured between centers of opposite strands. A bare-wire fish trap used or possessed in the EEZ around Puerto Rico that has other than hexagonal mesh openings or a fish trap of other than bare wire, such as coated wire or plastic, used or possessed in the EEZ around Puerto Rico, must have a minimum mesh size of 2 inches (5.1 cm) in the smallest dimension measured between centers of opposite strands.

(ii) Escape mechanisms. A fish trap used or possessed in the EEZ around Puerto Rico must have a panel located on one side of the trap, excluding the top, bottom, and side containing the trap entrance. The opening covered by the panel must measure not less than 8 by 8 inches (20.3 by 20.3 cm). The mesh size of the panel may not be smaller than the mesh size of the trap. The panel must be attached to the trap with untreated jute twine with a diameter not exceeding 1/8-inch (3.2 mm). An access door may serve as the panel, provided it is on an appropriate side, it is hinged only at its bottom, its only other fastening is untreated jute twine with a diameter not exceeding 1/8-inch (3.2 mm), and such fastening is at the top of the door so that the door will fall open when such twine degrades. Jute twine used to secure a panel may not be wrapped or overlapped.

(2) Tending restrictions. A fish trap in the EEZ around Puerto Rico may be pulled or tended only by a person (other than an authorized officer) aboard the fish trap owner's vessel, or aboard another vessel if such vessel has on board written consent of the trap owner, or if the trap owner is aboard and has documentation verifying his identification number and color code. An owner's written consent must specify the time period such consent is effective and the trap owner's gear identification number and color code.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Spiny lobster—(1) Construction specifications

(i) Escape mechanisms. A spiny lobster trap used or possessed in the EEZ around Puerto Rico must contain on any vertical side or on the top a panel no smaller in diameter than the throat or entrance of the trap. The panel must be made of or attached to the trap by one of the following degradable materials:

(A) Untreated fiber of biological origin with a diameter not exceeding 1/8-inch (3.2 mm). This includes, but is not limited to tyre palm, hemp, jute, cotton, wool, or silk.

(B) Ungalvanized or uncoated iron wire with a diameter not exceeding 1/16-inch (1.6 mm), that is, 16-gauge wire.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) Tending restrictions. A spiny lobster trap in the EEZ around Puerto Rico may be pulled or tended only by a person (other than an authorized officer) aboard the trap owner's vessel, or aboard another vessel if such vessel has on board written consent of the trap owner, or if the trap owner is aboard and has documentation verifying his identification number and color code. An owner's written consent must specify the time period such consent is effective and the trap owner's gear identification number and color code.

§ 622.436 - Anchoring restrictions.

The owner or operator of any fishing vessel, recreational or commercial, that fishes for or possesses reef fish in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico must ensure that the vessel uses only an anchor retrieval system that recovers the anchor by its crown, thereby preventing the anchor from dragging along the bottom during recovery. For a grapnel hook, this could include an incorporated anchor rode reversal bar that runs parallel along the shank, which allows the rode to reverse and slip back toward the crown. For a fluke- or plow-type anchor, a trip line consisting of a line from the crown of the anchor to a surface buoy is required.

§ 622.437 - Prohibited gear and methods.

Also see § 622.9 for additional prohibited gear and methods that apply more broadly to multiple fisheries or in some cases all fisheries.

(a) Reef fish—(1) Poisons. A poison, drug, or other chemical may not be used to fish for reef fish in the EEZ around Puerto Rico.

(2) Powerheads. A powerhead may not be used in the EEZ around Puerto Rico to harvest reef fish. The possession of a mutilated reef fish in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico and a powerhead constitutes a rebuttable presumption of a violation of this paragraph (a)(2).

(3) Gillnets and trammel nets. A gillnet or trammel net may not be used in the EEZ around Puerto Rico to fish for reef fish. The possession of a reef fish in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico and a gillnet or trammel net constitutes a rebuttable presumption of a violation of this paragraph (a)(3). A gillnet or trammel net used in the EEZ around Puerto Rico to fish for any other species must be tended at all times.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Spiny lobster—(1) Spears and hooks. A spear, hook, or similar device may not be used in the EEZ around Puerto Rico to harvest a spiny lobster. The possession of a speared, pierced, or punctured spiny lobster in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico constitutes a rebuttable presumption of a violation of this paragraph (c)(1).

(2) Gillnets and trammel nets. A gillnet or trammel net may not be used in the EEZ around Puerto Rico to fish for spiny lobster. The possession of a spiny lobster in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico and a gillnet or trammel net constitutes a rebuttable presumption of a violation of this paragraph (c)(2). A gillnet or trammel net used in the EEZ around Puerto Rico to fish for any other species must be tended at all times.

§ 622.438 - Prohibited species.

The harvest and possession restrictions of this section apply without regard to whether the species is harvested by a vessel operating under a commercial vessel permit. The operator of a vessel that fishes in the EEZ around Puerto Rico is responsible for the limit applicable to that vessel. Any of the following species caught in the EEZ around Puerto Rico must be released immediately with a minimum of harm.

(a) Reef fish. No person may fish for or possess the following reef fish species in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico.

(1) Goliath grouper or Nassau grouper.

(2) Blue parrotfish, midnight parrotfish, or rainbow parrotfish.

(b)-(c) [Reserved]

(d) Coral, sea cucumber, and sea urchin. A coral, sea cucumber, or sea urchin may not be fished for or possessed in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico. The taking of coral in the EEZ around Puerto Rico is not considered unlawful possession provided it is returned immediately to the sea in the general area of fishing.

(e) Queen conch. No person may fish for or possess queen conch in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico.

(f) Rays. No person may fish for or possess giant manta, spotted eagle ray, or southern stingray in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico.

§ 622.439 - Area and seasonal closures.

(a) Closures applicable to specific areas—(1) Abrir La Sierra Bank red hind spawning aggregation area. Abrir La Sierra Bank is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the points listed in Table 1 to this paragraph (a)(1).

(i) From December 1 through the last day of February, each year, fishing is prohibited in Abrir La Sierra Bank.

(ii) Fishing with pots, traps, bottom longlines, gillnets or trammel nets is prohibited year-round in Abrir La Sierra Bank.

Table 1 to § 622.439(a)(1)—Abrir La Sierra Bank

Point North lat. West long.

(2) Tourmaline Bank red hind spawning aggregation area. Tourmaline Bank is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the points listed in Table 2 to this paragraph (a)(2).

(i) From December 1 through the last day of February, each year, fishing is prohibited in those parts of Tourmaline Bank that are in the EEZ around Puerto Rico.

(ii) Fishing with pots, traps, bottom longlines, gillnets or trammel nets is prohibited year-round in those parts of Tourmaline Bank that are in the EEZ around Puerto Rico.

Table 2 to § 622.439(a)(2)—Tourmaline Bank

Point North lat. West long.

(3) Bajo de Sico. Bajo de Sico is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the points listed in Table 3 to this paragraph (a)(3).

(i) From October 1 through March 31, each year, no person may fish for or possess any reef fish in or from those parts of Bajo de Sico that are in the EEZ around Puerto Rico. The prohibition on possession does not apply to such reef fish harvested and landed ashore prior to the closure.

(ii) Fishing with pots, traps, bottom longlines, gillnets or trammel nets is prohibited year-round in those parts of Bajo de Sico that are in the EEZ around Puerto Rico.

(iii) Anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round in those parts of Bajo de Sico that are in the EEZ around Puerto Rico.

Table 3 to § 622.439(a)(3)—Bajo de Sico

Point North lat. West long.

(b) Seasonal closures applicable to specific species—(1) Black, red, tiger, yellowedge, and yellowfin grouper closure. From February 1 through April 30, each year, no person may fish for or possess black, red, tiger, yellowedge, or yellowfin grouper in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico. The prohibition on possession does not apply to such grouper harvested and landed ashore prior to the closure.

(2) Red hind closure. From December 1 through the last day of February, each year, no person may fish for or possess red hind in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico west of 67°10′ W. longitude. The prohibition on possession does not apply to red hind harvested and landed ashore prior to the closure.

(3) Black, blackfin, silk, and vermilion snapper closure. From October 1 through December 31, each year, no person may fish for or possess black, blackfin, silk, or vermilion snapper in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico. The prohibition on possession does not apply to such snapper harvested and landed ashore prior to the closure.

(4) Lane and mutton snapper closure. From April 1 through June 30, each year, no person may fish for or possess lane or mutton snapper in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico. The prohibition on possession does not apply to such snapper harvested and landed ashore prior to the closure.

§ 622.440 - Annual catch limits (ACLs), annual catch targets (ACTs), and accountability measures (AMs).

(a) Reef fish. For those fishing commercially, the applicable ACL is the commercial ACL. For those fishing recreationally, the applicable ACL is the recreational ACL. When landings for one sector are not available for comparison to that sector's ACL, the ACL for the sector with available landings is the ACL for the stock or stock complex.

(1) Commercial ACLs. The commercial ACLs are as follows and given in round weight.

Table 1 to § 622.440(a)(1)

Family Stock or stock complex and species composition Commercial ACL
AngelfishesAngelfish—French angelfish, gray angelfish, queen angelfish137 lb (62.1 kg).
GroupersGrouper 3—coney, 1 graysby23,890 lb (10,836.3 kg).
Grouper 4—black grouper, red grouper, tiger grouper, yellowfin grouper, yellowmouth grouper2,492 lb (1,130.3 kg)
Grouper 5—misty grouper, yellowedge grouper15,327 lb (6,952.2 kg).
Grouper 6—red hind, 1 rock hind121,729 lb (55,215.3 kg).
GruntsGrunts—white grunt177,923 lb (80,704.5 kg).
JacksJacks 1—crevalle jack46 lb (20.8 kg).
Jacks 2—African pompano1,052 lb (477.1 kg).
Jacks 3—rainbow runner913 lb (414.1 kg).
ParrotfishesParrotfish 2—princess parrotfish, queen parrotfish, redband parrotfish, redtail parrotfish, stoplight parrotfish, striped parrotfish147,774 lb (67,029.1 kg).
SnappersSnapper 1—black snapper, blackfin snapper, silk snapper, 1 vermilion snapper, wenchman424,009 lb (192,327.2 kg).
Snapper 2—cardinal snapper, queen snapper 1257,236 lb (116,680.2 kg).
Snapper 3—lane snapper244,376 lb (110,847 kg).
Snapper 4—dog snapper, mutton snapper, 1 schoolmaster116,434 lb (52,813.5 kg).
Snapper 5—yellowtail snapper315,806 lb (143,247.1 kg).
Snapper 6—cubera snapper119 lb (53.9 kg).
SurgeonfishesSurgeonfish—blue tang, doctorfish, ocean surgeonfish147 lb (66.6 kg).
TriggerfishesTriggerfish—gray triggerfish, ocean triggerfish, queen triggerfish 183,099 lb (37,693 kg).
WrassesWrasses 1—hogfish70,140 lb (31,814.9 kg).
Wrasses 2—puddingwife, Spanish hogfish20,126 lb (9,129 kg).

1 Indicator stock.

(2) Recreational ACLs. The recreational ACLs are as follows and given in round weight.

Table 2 to § 622.440(a)(2)

Family Stock or stock complex and species composition Recreational ACL
AngelfishesAngelfish—French angelfish, gray angelfish, queen angelfish2,985 lb (1,353.9 kg).
GroupersGrouper 3—coney 1, graysby19,634 lb (8,905.8 kg).
Grouper 4—black grouper, red grouper, tiger grouper, yellowfin grouper, yellowmouth grouper5,867 lb (2,661.2 kg).
Grouper 5—misty grouper, yellowedge grouper4,225 lb (1,916.4 kg).
Grouper 6—red hind 1, rock hind34,493 lb (15,645.7 kg).
GruntsGrunts—white grunt2,461 lb (1,116.2 kg).
JacksJacks 1—crevalle jack41,894 lb (19,002.7 kg).
Jacks 2—African pompano5,719 lb (2,594 kg).
Jacks 3—rainbow runner8,091 lb (3,670 kg).
ParrotfishesParrotfish 2—princess parrotfish, queen parrotfish, redband parrotfish, redtail parrotfish, stoplight parrotfish, striped parrotfish17,052 lb (7,734.6 kg).
SnappersSnapper 1—black snapper, blackfin snapper, silk snapper 1, vermilion snapper, wenchman111,943 lb (50,776.4 kg).
Snapper 2—cardinal snapper, queen snapper 124,974 lb (11,328 kg).
Snapper 3—lane snapper21,603 lb (9,798.9 kg).
Snapper 4—dog snapper, mutton snapper 1, schoolmaster76,625 lb (34,756.5 kg).
Snapper 5—yellowtail snapper23,988 lb (10,880.7 kg).
Snapper 6—cubera snapper6,448 lb (2,924.7 kg).
SurgeonfishesSurgeonfish—blue tang, doctorfish, ocean surgeonfish860 lb (390 kg).
TriggerfishesTriggerfish—gray triggerfish, ocean triggerfish, queen triggerfish 17,453 lb (3,380.6 kg).
WrassesWrasses 1—hogfish8,263 lb (3,748 kg).
Wrasses 2—puddingwife, Spanish hogfish5,372 lb (2,436.6 kg).

1 Indicator stock.

(3) Total ACLs. The total ACLs (combined commercial and recreational ACLs) are as follows and given in round weight.

Table 3 to § 622.440(a)(3)

Family Stock or stock complex and species composition Total ACL
AngelfishesAngelfish—French angelfish, gray angelfish, queen angelfish3,122 lb (1,416.1 kg).
GroupersGrouper 3—coney, 1 graysby43,524 lb (19,742.1 kg).
Grouper 4—black grouper, red grouper, tiger grouper, yellowfin grouper, yellowmouth grouper8,359 lb (3,791.5 kg).
Grouper 5—misty grouper, yellowedge grouper19,552 lb (8,868.6 kg).
Grouper 6—red hind, 1 rock hind156,222 lb (70,861.1 kg).
GruntsGrunts—white grunt180,384 lb (81,820.8 kg).
JacksJacks 1—crevalle jack41,940 lb (19,023.6 kg).
Jacks 2—African pompano6,771 lb (3,071.2 kg).
Jacks 3—rainbow runner9,004 lb (4,084.1 kg).
ParrotfishesParrotfish 2—princess parrotfish, queen parrotfish, redband parrotfish, redtail parrotfish, stoplight parrotfish, striped parrotfish164,826 lb (74,763.8 kg).
SnappersSnapper 1—black snapper, blackfin snapper, silk snapper, 1 vermilion snapper, wenchman535,952 lb (243,103.7 kg).
Snapper 2—cardinal snapper, queen snapper 1282,210 lb (128,008.3 kg).
Snapper 3—lane snapper265,979 lb (120,646 kg).
Snapper 4—dog snapper, mutton snapper, 1 schoolmaster193,059 lb (87,570 kg).
Snapper 5—yellowtail snapper339,794 lb (154,127.9 kg).
Snapper 6—cubera snapper6,567 lb (2,978.7 kg).
SurgeonfishesSurgeonfish—blue tang, doctorfish, ocean surgeonfish1,007 lb (456.7 kg).
TriggerfishesTriggerfish—gray triggerfish, ocean triggerfish, queen triggerfish 190,552 lb (41,073.6 kg).
WrassesWrasses 1—hogfish78,403 lb (35,563 kg).
Wrasses 2—puddingwife, Spanish hogfish25,498 lb (11,565.6 kg).

1 Indicator stock.

(4) General applicability and monitoring of AMs. At or near the beginning the fishing year, landings for each stock, stock complex, or indicator stock will be evaluated relative to the ACL based on a moving multi-year average of landings, as described in the FMP. When landings for one sector are not available for comparison to that sector's ACL, the ACL for the sector with available landings is the ACL for the stock or stock complex and the AM specified in paragraph (a)(7) of this section applies. Any fishing season reduction required under paragraph (a) of this section will be applied starting from September 30 and moving earlier toward the beginning of the fishing year. If the length of the required fishing season reduction exceeds the time period of January 1 through September 30, any additional fishing season reduction will be applied starting from October 1 and moving later toward the end of the fishing year.

(5) Commercial AMs. If NMFS estimates that commercial landings for a stock, stock complex, or indicator stock have exceeded the applicable commercial ACL specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section for the stock or stock complex, and the combined commercial and recreational landings for the stock, stock complex, or indicator stock have exceeded the applicable combined commercial and recreational sector ACL (total ACL) specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this section for that stock or stock complex, the Assistant Administrator for NOAA Fisheries (AA) will file a notification with the Office of the Federal Register to reduce the length of the commercial fishing season for the stock or stock complex within that fishing year by the amount necessary to prevent commercial landings from exceeding the commercial ACL for the stock or stock complex, unless NMFS determines that a fishing season reduction is not necessary based on the best scientific information available. If NMFS determines that either the commercial ACL or total ACL for the stock or stock complex was exceeded because data collection or monitoring improved rather than because landings increased, NMFS will not reduce the length of the commercial fishing season for the stock or stock complex.

(6) Recreational AMs. If NMFS estimates that recreational landings for a stock, stock complex, or indicator stock have exceeded the applicable recreational ACL specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section for the stock or stock complex, and the combined commercial and recreational landings for the stock, stock complex, or indicator stock have exceeded the applicable combined commercial and recreational ACL (total ACL) specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this section for that stock or stock complex, the AA will file a notification with the Office of the Federal Register to reduce the length of the recreational fishing season for the stock or stock complex within that fishing year by the amount necessary to prevent recreational landings from exceeding the recreational ACL for the stock or stock complex, unless NMFS determines that a fishing season reduction is not necessary based on the best scientific information available. If NMFS determines that either the recreational ACL or total ACL for the stock or stock complex was exceeded because data collection or monitoring improved rather than because landings increased, NMFS will not reduce the length of the recreational fishing season for the stock or stock complex.

(7) AM when only one sector's landings are available. When landings for one sector are not available for comparison to that sector's ACL, the ACL for the sector with available landings in paragraph (a) of this section is the applicable ACL for the stock or stock complex. If NMFS estimates that available landings for the stock, stock complex, or indicator stock, have exceeded the applicable ACL for the stock or stock complex, the AA will file a notification with the Office of the Federal Register to reduce the length of the fishing season for the stock or stock complex within that fishing year by the amount necessary to prevent landings from exceeding the ACL, unless NMFS determines that a fishing season reduction is not necessary based on the best scientific information available. If NMFS determines that the ACL was exceeded because data collection or monitoring improved rather than because landings increased, NMFS will not reduce the length of the fishing season for the stock or stock complex.

(b) Pelagic fish. The ACLs and ACTs are given in round weight. Indicator stocks are noted in the relevant tables to paragraph (a) of this section. For those fishing commercially, the applicable ACL is the commercial ACL and the applicable ACT is the commercial ACT. For those fishing recreationally, the applicable ACL is the recreational ACL and the applicable ACT is the recreational ACT. When landings for one sector are not available for comparison to that sector's ACL and ACT, the ACL and ACT for the sector with available landings are the ACL and ACT for the stock or stock complex.

(1) Barracudagreat barracuda. (i) Commercial ACL—495 lb (224.5 kg).

(ii) Commercial ACT—445 lb (201.8 kg).

(iii) Recreational ACL—167,693 lb (76,064.2 kg).

(iv) Recreational ACT—150,924 lb (68,457.9 kg).

(2) Dolphinfishesdolphinfish, pompano dolphinfish. (i) Commercial ACL—232,173 lb (105,311.9 kg).

(ii) Commercial ACT—208,956 lb (94,780.8 kg).

(iii) Recreational ACL—1,513,873 lb (686,681.2 kg).

(iv) Recreational ACT—1,362,486 lb (618,013.2 kg).

(3) Mackerelscero, king mackerel. (i) Commercial ACL—232,422 lb (105,424.8 kg).

(ii) Commercial ACT—209,180 lb (94,882.4 kg).

(iii) Recreational ACL—129,180 lb (58,595 kg).

(iv) Recreational ACT—116,262 lb (52,735.5 kg).

(4) Tripletail. (i) Commercial ACL—270 lb (122.4 kg).

(ii) Commercial ACT—243 lb (110.2 kg).

(iii) Recreational ACL—39,005 lb (17,692.3 kg).

(iv) Recreational ACT—35,105 lb (15,923.3 kg).

(5) Tunasblackfin tuna, little tunny. (i) Commercial ACL—82,779 lb (37,547.9 kg).

(ii) Commercial ACT—74,501 lb (33,793 kg).

(iii) Recreational ACL—34,485 lb (15,642.1 kg).

(iv) Recreational ACT—31,037 lb (14,078.1 kg).

(6) Wahoo. (i) Commercial ACL—25,911 lb (11,753 kg).

(ii) Commercial ACT—23,320 lb (10,577.7 kg).

(iii) Recreational ACL—210,737 lb (95,588.6 kg).

(iv) Recreational ACT—189,663 lb (86,029.6 kg).

(7) Pelagic fish AM application. At or near the beginning the fishing year, landings for each stock, stock complex, or indicator stock will be evaluated relative to the applicable ACT for the stock or stock complex based on a moving multi-year average of landings, as described in the FMP. If NMFS estimates that landings have exceeded the applicable ACT specified in paragraph (b) of this section for a stock or stock complex, NMFS in consultation with the Caribbean Fishery Management Council will determine appropriate corrective action.

(c) Spiny lobster. (1) The ACL is 357,629 lb (162,218 kg), round weight.

(2) At or near the beginning of the fishing year, NMFS will compare a 3 year average of available landings to the average ACLs effective during those same years, as described in the FMP. If NMFS estimates that average landings have exceeded the average ACLs, the AA will file a notification with the Office of the Federal Register to reduce the length of the fishing season for spiny lobster within that fishing year by the amount necessary to prevent average landings from exceeding the ACL for that fishing year, as specified in paragraph (c)(1) of this section. If NMFS determines that a fishing season reduction is not necessary based on the best scientific information available, or if NMFS determines the ACL exceedance was due to improved data collection or monitoring rather than from increased landings, NMFS will not reduce the length of the fishing season. Any fishing season reduction required under this paragraph (c)(2) will be applied starting from September 30 and moving earlier toward the beginning of the fishing year. If the length of the required fishing season reduction exceeds the time period of January 1 through September 30, any additional fishing season reduction will be applied starting from October 1 and moving later toward the end of the fishing year.

(d)-(e) [Reserved]

(f) Closure provisions for reef fish and spiny lobster—(1) Restrictions applicable during a commercial closure for a reef fish stock or stock complex in the EEZ around Puerto Rico. During the closure period announced in the notification filed pursuant to paragraph (a)(5) of this section, the commercial sector included in the notification is closed, and such stock or stock complex in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico may not be purchased or sold. Harvest or possession of such reef fish stock or stock complex in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico is limited to the recreational bag and possession limits. If the recreational sector for such stock or stock complex also is closed, such stock or stock complex in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico may not be harvested, possessed, purchased, or sold, and the bag and possession limits are zero.

(2) Restrictions applicable during a recreational closure for a reef fish stock or stock complex in the EEZ around Puerto Rico. During the closure period announced in the notification filed pursuant to paragraph (a)(6) of this section, the recreational sector for the reef fish stock or stock complex included in the notification is closed, and the bag and possession limits for such stock or stock complex in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico are zero. If the commercial sector for such stock or stock complex also is closed, such stock or stock complex in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico may not be harvested, possessed, purchased, or sold, and the bag and possession limits are zero.

(3) Restrictions applicable during a closure for a reef fish stock or stock complex in the EEZ around Puerto Rico when only one sector's landings are available. During the closure period announced in the notification filed pursuant to paragraph (a)(7) of this section, the fishing season for the reef fish stock or stock complex included in the notification is closed, and such stock or stock complex in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico may not be harvested, possessed, purchased, or sold, and the bag and possession limits for such stock or stock complex are zero.

(4) Restrictions applicable during a spiny lobster closure in the EEZ around Puerto Rico. During the closure period announced in the notification filed pursuant to paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the fishing season for spiny lobster is closed, and spiny lobster in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico may not be harvested, possessed, purchased, or sold, and the bag and possession limits are zero.

[87 FR 56216, Sept. 13, 2022, as amended at 88 FR 16195, Mar. 16, 2023; 88 FR 46695, July 20, 2023; 89 FR 34169, Apr. 30, 2024]
§ 622.441 - Size limits.

All size limits in this section are minimum size limits unless specified otherwise. A fish not in compliance with its size limit in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico may not be possessed, sold, or purchased, and must be released immediately with a minimum of harm. The operator of a vessel that fishes in the EEZ around Puerto Rico is responsible for ensuring that all species on board are in compliance with the size limits specified in this section. See § 622.10 regarding requirements for landing fish intact. See § 622.445(c)(2) regarding requirements for landing spiny lobster intact.

(a) Reef fish. (1) Yellowtail snapper—12 inches (30.5 cm), TL.

(2) [Reserved]

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Spiny lobster. 3.5 inches (8.9 cm), carapace length.

§ 622.442 - [Reserved]
§ 622.443 - Restrictions on sale or purchase.

(a) Reef fish. A live red hind or live mutton snapper in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico may not be sold or purchased and used in the marine aquarium trade.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Coral. (1) No person may sell or purchase a coral harvested in the EEZ around Puerto Rico.

(2) A coral that is sold in Puerto Rico will be presumed to have been harvested in the EEZ around Puerto Rico, unless it is accompanied by documentation showing that it was harvested elsewhere. Such documentation must contain:

(i) The information specified in subpart K of part 300 of this title for marking containers or packages of fish or wildlife that are imported, exported, or transported in interstate commerce.

(ii) The name and home port of the vessel, or the name and address of the individual harvesting the coral.

(iii) The port and date of landing the coral.

(iv) A statement signed by the person selling the coral attesting that, to the best of his or her knowledge, information, and belief, such coral was harvested from other than in the EEZ around Puerto Rico or the waters of Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.

§ 622.444 - Bag and possession limits.

Section 622.11(a) provides the general applicability for bag and possession limits. However, § 622.11(a) notwithstanding, the bag limits of this section do not apply to a person who has a valid commercial fishing license issued by Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.

(a) Reef fish. (1) Groupers, parrotfishes, and snappers combined—5 per person per day or, if 3 or more persons are aboard, 15 per vessel per day; but not to exceed 2 parrotfish per person per day or 6 parrotfish per vessel per day.

(2) Angelfishes, grunts, jacks, surgeonfishes, triggerfishes, and wrasses combined—5 per person per day or, if 3 or more persons are aboard, 15 per vessel per day, but not to exceed 1 surgeonfish per person per day or 4 surgeonfish per vessel per day.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Spiny lobster. 3 per person per day, not to exceed 10 per vessel per day, whichever is less.

§ 622.445 - Other harvest restrictions.

(a)-(b) [Reserved]

(c) Spiny lobster—(1) Prohibition on harvest of egg-bearing spiny lobster. Egg-bearing spiny lobster in the EEZ around Puerto Rico must be returned to the water unharmed. An egg-bearing spiny lobster may be retained in a spiny lobster trap, provided the trap is returned immediately to the water. An egg-bearing spiny lobster may not be stripped, scraped, shaved, clipped, or in any other manner molested, in order to remove the eggs.

(2) Landing spiny lobster intact. (i) A spiny lobster in or from the EEZ around Puerto Rico must be maintained with head and carapace intact through offloading ashore.

(ii) The operator of a vessel that fishes in the EEZ around Puerto Rico is responsible for ensuring that spiny lobster on that vessel are maintained intact through offloading ashore, as specified in this section.

§ 622.446 - Spiny lobster import prohibitions.

(a) Minimum size limits for imported spiny lobster. Multiple minimum size limits apply to importation of spiny lobster into the United States—one that applies any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States other than Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, and more restrictive minimum size limits that apply to Puerto Rico, St. Croix, and St. Thomas and St. John, respectively.

(1) No person may import a spiny lobster with less than a 6-ounce (170-gram) tail weight into Puerto Rico. For the purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, a 6-ounce (170-gram) tail weight is defined as a tail that weighs 5.9-6.4 ounces (167-181 grams). If the documentation accompanying an imported spiny lobster, including but not limited to product packaging, customs entry forms, bills of lading, brokerage forms, or commercial invoices, indicates that the product does not satisfy the minimum tail-weight, the person importing such spiny lobster has the burden to prove that such spiny lobster does satisfy the minimum tail-weight requirement or that such spiny lobster has a tail length of 6.2 inches (15.75 cm) or greater or that such spiny lobster has or had a carapace length of 3.5 inches (8.89 cm) or greater. If the imported product itself does not satisfy the minimum tail-weight requirement, the person importing such spiny lobster has the burden to prove that such spiny lobster has a tail length of 6.2 inches (15.75 cm) or greater or that such spiny lobster has or had a carapace length of 3.5 inches (8.89 cm) or greater. If the burden is satisfied, such spiny lobster will be considered to be in compliance with the minimum 6-ounce (170-gram) tail-weight requirement.

(2) See § 622.409 regarding the minimum size limit that applies to spiny lobster imported into any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States other than Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.

(3) See subparts T and U of this part for the minimum size limits that apply to spiny lobster imported into St. Croix and St. Thomas and St. John, respectively.

(b) Additional spiny lobster import prohibitions—(1) Prohibition related to tail meat. No person may import into any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States spiny lobster tail meat that is not in whole tail form with the exoskeleton attached.

(2) Prohibitions related to egg-bearing spiny lobster. No person may import into any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States spiny lobster with eggs attached or spiny lobster from which eggs or pleopods (swimmerets) have been removed or stripped. Pleopods are the first five pairs of abdominal appendages.

§ 622.447 - Adjustment of management measures.

In accordance with the framework procedure of the Fishery Management Plan for the EEZ around Puerto Rico, the RA may establish or modify the following items.

(a) Standard open framework procedures. Re-specify maximum sustainable yield (MSY), optimum yield (OY), overfishing limit (OFL), maximum fishing mortality threshold (MFMT), minimum stock size threshold (MSST), acceptable biological catch (ABC), ACL, ACT, sustainable yield level, and other related management reference points and status determination criteria; establish or revise rebuilding plans; revise AMs; modify reporting or monitoring requirements, and time or area closures and closure procedures.

(b) Abbreviated open framework procedures. Gear or vessel marking requirements, maintaining fish in a specific condition, size limits, commercial trip limits, recreational bag and possession limits, changes to the length of an established closed season of no more than 1 day, and gear modifications to address conservation issues including responding to interactions with species listed under the Endangered Species Act or protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801
source: 78 FR 22952, Apr. 17, 2013, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 50 CFR 622.434