Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 5 - Administrative Personnel last revised: Oct 11, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 831.1711 - Eligibility.

§ 831.1712 - Working percentage and officially established hours for phased employment.

§ 831.1713 - Application for phased retirement.

§ 831.1714 - Effective date of phased employment and phased retirement annuity commencing date.

§ 831.1715 - Effect of phased retirement.

§ 831.1701 - Applicability and purpose.

§ 831.1702 - Definitions.

§ 831.1703 - Implementing directives.


§ 831.1721 - Ending phased retirement status to return to regular employment status.

§ 831.1722 - Effective date of end of phased retirement status to return to regular employment status.

§ 831.1723 - Effect of ending phased retirement status to return to regular employment status.


§ 831.1731 - Application for full retirement status.

§ 831.1732 - Commencing date of composite retirement annuity.


§ 831.1741 - Computation of phased retirement annuity.

§ 831.1742 - Computation of composite annuity at final retirement.

§ 831.1743 - Cost-of-living adjustments.


§ 831.1751 - Deposit for civilian service for which no retirement deductions were withheld and redeposit for civilian service for which retirement deductions were refunded to the individual.

§ 831.1752 - Deposit for military service.

§ 831.1753 - Civilian and military service of an individual affected by an erroneous retirement coverage determination.


§ 831.1761 - Death of phased retiree during phased employment.

§ 831.1762 - Death of an individual who has separated from phased employment and who dies before submitting an application for a composite retirement annuity.

§ 831.1763 - Lump-sum credit.


§ 831.1771 - Reemployment of an individual who has separated from phased employment and who dies before submitting an application for a composite retirement annuity.


§ 831.1781 - Mentoring.

§ 831.1711 - Eligibility.

(a) A retirement-eligible employee, as defined in paragraphs (b) and (c), may elect to enter phased retirement status if the employee has been employed on a full-time basis for not less than the 3-year period ending on the effective date of phased retirement status, under § 831.1714(a).

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, a retirement-eligible employee means an employee who, if separated from the service, would meet the requirements for retirement under subsection (a) or (b) of 5 U.S.C. 8336.

(c) A retirement-eligible employee does not include—

(1) A member of the Capitol Police or Supreme Court Police, or an employee occupying a law enforcement officer, firefighter, nuclear materials courier, air traffic controller, or customs and border protection officer position, except a customs and border protection officer who is exempt from mandatory separation and retirement under 5 U.S.C. 8335 pursuant to section 535(e)(2)(A) of Division E of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, Public Law 110-161;

(2) An individual eligible to retire under 5 U.S.C. 8336(c), (m), or (n); or

(3) An employee covered by a special work schedule authority that does not allow for a regularly recurring part-time schedule, such as a firefighter covered by 5 U.S.C. 5545b or a nurse covered by 38 U.S.C. 7456 or 7456A.

§ 831.1712 - Working percentage and officially established hours for phased employment.

(a) For the purpose of this subpart, working percentage means the percentage of full-time equivalent employment equal to the quotient obtained by dividing—

(1) The number of officially established hours per pay period to be worked by a phased retiree, as described in paragraph (b) of this section; by

(2) The number of hours per pay period to be worked by an employee serving in a comparable position on a full-time basis.

(b) The number of officially established hours per pay period to be worked by an employee in phased retirement status must equal one-half the number of hours the phased retiree would have been scheduled to work had the phased retiree remained in a full-time work schedule and not elected to enter phased retirement status. These hours make up the officially established part-time work schedule of the phased retiree and exclude any additional hours worked under § 831.1715(h).

§ 831.1713 - Application for phased retirement.

(a) To elect to enter phased retirement status, a retirement-eligible employee covered by § 831.1711 must—

(1) Submit to an authorized agency official a written and signed request to enter phased employment, on a form prescribed by OPM;

(2) Obtain the signed written approval of an authorized agency official to enter phased employment; and

(3) File an application for phased retirement, in accordance with § 831.104.

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, an applicant for phased retirement may withdraw his or her application any time before the election becomes effective, but not thereafter.

(c) An applicant for phased retirement may not withdraw his or her application after OPM has received a certified copy of a court order (under part 581 or part 838 of this chapter) affecting the benefits.

(d)(1) An employee and an agency approving official may agree to a time limit to the employee's period of phased employment as a condition of approval of the employee's request to enter phased employment and phased retirement, or by mutual agreement after the employee enters phased employment status.

(2) To enter into such an agreement, the employee and the approving official must complete a written and signed agreement.

(3) The written agreement must include the following:

(i) The date the employee's period of phased employment will terminate;

(ii) A statement that the employee can request the approving official's permission to return to regular employment status at any time as provided in § 831.1721; the agreement must also explain how returning to regular employment status would affect the employee, as described in §§ 831.1721-1723.

(iii) A statement that the employee has a right to elect to fully retire at any time as provided in § 831.1731;

(iv) A statement that the employee may accept a new appointment at another agency, with or without the new agency's approval of phased employment, at any time before the expiration of the agreement or within 3 days of the expiration of the agreement; the agreement must also explain how accepting an appointment at a new agency as a regular employee would affect the employee, as described in §§ 831.1721-1723;

(v) An explanation that when the agreed term of phased employment ends, the employee will be separated from employment and that such separation will be considered voluntary based on the written agreement; and

(vi) An explanation that if the employee is separated from phased employment and is not employed within 3 days (i.e., the employee has a break in service of greater than 3 days), the employee will be deemed to have elected full retirement.

(4) The agency approving official and the employee may rescind an existing agreement, or enter into a new agreement to extend or reduce the term of phased employment agreed to in an existing agreement, by entering into a new written agreement meeting the requirements of this paragraph, before the expiration of the agreement currently in effect.

(e) An agency must establish written criteria that will be used to approve or deny applications for phased retirement before approving or denying applications for phased retirement.

§ 831.1714 - Effective date of phased employment and phased retirement annuity commencing date.

(a) Phased employment is effective the first day of the first pay period beginning after phased employment is approved by the authorized agency official under § 831.1713(a), or the first day of a later pay period specified by the employee with an authorized agency official's concurrence.

(b) The commencing date of a phased retirement annuity (i.e., the beginning date of the phased retirement period) is the first day of the first pay period beginning after phased employment is approved by an authorized agency official under § 831.1713(a), or the first day of a later pay period specified by the employee with the authorized agency official's concurrence.

§ 831.1715 - Effect of phased retirement.

(a)(1) A phased retiree is deemed to be a full-time employee for the purpose of 5 U.S.C. chapter 89 and 5 CFR part 890 (related to health benefits), as required by 5 U.S.C. 8336a(i). The normal rules governing health benefits premiums for part-time employees in 5 U.S.C. 8906(b)(3) do not apply.

(2) A phased retiree is deemed to be receiving basic pay at the rate applicable to a full-time employee holding the same position for the purpose of determining a phased retiree's annual rate of basic pay used in calculating premiums (employee withholdings and agency contributions) and benefits under 5 U.S.C. chapter 87 and 5 CFR part 870 (dealing with life insurance), as required by 5 U.S.C. 8336a(n). The deemed full-time schedule will consist of five 8-hour workdays each workweek, resulting in a 40-hour workweek. Only basic pay for hours within the deemed full-time schedule will be considered, consistent with 5 U.S.C. 8336a(n) and the definition of “full-time” in § 831.1702. Any premium pay creditable as basic pay for life insurance purposes under 5 CFR 870.204 for overtime work or hours outside the full-time schedule that an employee was receiving before phased retirement, such as standby duty pay under 5 U.S.C. 5545(c)(1) or customs officer overtime pay under 19 U.S.C. 267(a), may not be considered in determining a phased retiree's deemed annual rate of basic pay under this paragraph.

(b) A phased retiree may not be appointed to more than one position at the same time.

(c) A phased retiree may move to another position in the agency or another agency during phased retirement status only if the change would not result in a change in the working percentage. To move to another agency during phased retirement status and continue phased employment and phased retirement status, the phased retiree must submit a written and signed request and obtain the signed written approval, in accordance with § 831.1713(a)(1) and (2), of the authorized agency official of the agency to which the phased retiree is moving. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 831.1714, if the authorized agency official approves the request, the phased retiree's phased employment and phased retirement status will continue without interruption at the agency to which the phased retiree moves. If the authorized agency official at the agency to which the phased retiree moves does not approve the request, phased employment and phased retirement status terminates in accordance with § 831.1722(b).

(d) A phased retiree may be detailed to another position or agency, subject to 5 CFR part 300, subpart C, if the working percentage of the position to which detailed is the same as the working percentage of the phased retiree's position of record.

(e) A retirement-eligible employee who makes an election under this subpart may not elect an alternative annuity under 5 U.S.C. 8343a.

(f) If the employee's election of phased retirement status becomes effective, the employee is barred from electing phased retirement status again. Ending phased retirement status or entering full retirement status does not create a new opportunity for the individual to elect phased retirement status.

(g) Except as otherwise expressly provided by law or regulation, a phased retiree is treated as any other employee on a part-time tour of duty for all other purposes.

(h)(1) A phased retiree may not be assigned hours of work in excess of the officially established part-time schedule (reflecting the working percentage), except under the conditions specified in paragraph (h)(2) of this section.

(2) An authorized agency official may order or approve a phased retiree to perform hours of work in excess of the officially established part-time schedule only in rare and exceptional circumstances meeting all of the following conditions:

(i) The work is necessary to respond to an emergency posing a significant, immediate, and direct threat to life or property;

(ii) The authorized agency official determines that no other qualified employee is available to perform the required work;

(iii) The phased retiree is relieved from performing excess work as soon as reasonably possible (e.g., by management assignment of work to other employees); and

(iv) When an emergency situation can be anticipated in advance, agency management made advance plans to minimize any necessary excess work by the phased retiree.

(3) Employing agencies must inform each phased retiree and his or her supervisor of—

(i) The limitations on hours worked in excess of the officially established part-time schedule;

(ii) The requirement to maintain records documenting that exceptions met all required conditions;

(iii) The fact that, by law and regulation, any basic pay received for hours outside the employee's officially established part-time work schedule (as described in § 831.1712(a)(1) and (b)) is subject to retirement deductions and agency contributions, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8336a(d), but is not used in computing retirement benefits; and

(iv) The fact that, by law and regulation, any premium pay received for overtime work or hours outside the full-time schedule, that would otherwise be basic pay for retirement, such as customs officer overtime pay under 19 U.S.C. 267(a), will not be subject to retirement deductions or agency contributions, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8336a(d), and that any such premium pay received will not be included in computing retirement benefits.

(4) Employing agencies must maintain records documenting that exceptions granted under paragraph (h)(2) of this section meet the required conditions. These records must be retained for at least 6 years and be readily available to auditors. OPM may require periodic agency reports on the granting of exceptions and of any audit findings.

(5) If OPM finds that an agency (or subcomponent) is granting exceptions that are not in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph (h), OPM may administratively withdraw the agency's (or subcomponent's) authority to grant exceptions and require OPM approval of any exception.

(6) If OPM finds that a phased retiree has been working a significant amount of excess hours beyond the officially established part-time schedule to the degree that the intent of the phased retirement law is being undermined, OPM may require that the agency end the individual's phased retirement by unilateral action, notwithstanding the normally established methods of ending phased retirement. This finding does not need to be based on a determination that the granted exceptions failed to meet the required conditions in paragraph (h)(2) of this section. With the ending of an individual's phased retirement, that individual must be returned to regular employment status on the same basis as a person making an election under § 831.1721—unless that individual elects to fully retire as provided under § 831.1731.

(7) A phased retiree must be compensated for excess hours of work in accordance with the normally applicable pay rules.

(8) Any premium pay received for overtime work or hours outside the full-time schedule that would otherwise be basic pay for retirement, such as customs officer overtime pay under 19 U.S.C. 267(a), is not subject to retirement deductions or agency contributions, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8336a(d).

(i) A phased retiree is deemed to be an annuitant for the purpose of subpart S of 5 CFR part 831.

§ 831.1701 - Applicability and purpose.

This subpart contains the regulations implementing provisions of 5 U.S.C. 8336a authorizing phased retirement. This subpart establishes the eligibility requirements for making an election to enter phased retirement status, the procedures for making an election, the record-keeping requirements, and the methods to be used for certain computations not addressed elsewhere in part 831.

§ 831.1702 - Definitions.

In this subpart—

Authorized agency official means—

(1) For the executive branch agencies, the head of an Executive agency as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105;

(2) For the legislative branch, the Secretary of the Senate, the Clerk of the House of Representatives, or the head of any other legislative branch agency;

(3) For the judicial branch, the Director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts;

(4) For the Postal Service, the Postmaster General;

(5) For any other independent establishment that is an entity of the Federal Government, the head of the establishment; or

(6) An official who is authorized to act for an official named in paragraphs (1)-(5) in the matter concerned.

Composite retirement annuity means the annuity computed when a phased retiree attains full retirement status.

Director means the Director of the Office of Personnel Management.

Full retirement status means that a phased retiree has ceased employment and is entitled, upon application, to a composite retirement annuity.

Full-time means—

(1) An officially established recurring basic workweek consisting of 40 hours within the employee's administrative workweek (as established under § 610.111 of this chapter or similar authority); or

(2) An officially established recurring basic work requirement of 80 hours per biweekly pay period (as established for employees with a flexible or compressed work schedule under 5 U.S.C. chapter 61, subchapter II, or similar authority).

Phased employment means the less-than-full-time employment of a phased retiree.

Phased retiree means a retirement-eligible employee who—

(1) With the concurrence of an authorized agency official, enters phased retirement status; and

(2) Has not entered full retirement status.

Phased retirement annuity means the annuity payable under 5 U.S.C. 8336a before full retirement.

Phased retirement percentage means the percentage which, when added to the working percentage for a phased retiree, produces a sum of 100 percent.

Phased retirement period means the period beginning on the date on which an individual becomes entitled to receive a phased retirement annuity and ending on the date on which the individual dies or separates from phased employment.

Phased retirement status means that a phased retiree is concurrently employed in phased employment and eligible to receive a phased retirement annuity.

Working percentage has the meaning given that term in § 831.1712(a).

§ 831.1703 - Implementing directives.

The Director may prescribe, in the form he or she deems appropriate, such detailed procedures as are necessary to carry out the purpose of this subpart.

§ 831.1721 - Ending phased retirement status to return to regular employment status.

(a) Election to end phased retirement status to return to regular employment status. (1) A phased retiree may elect, with the permission of an authorized agency official, to end phased employment at any time to return to regular employment status. The election is deemed to meet the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 8336a(g) regardless of the employee's work schedule. The employee is not subject to any working percentage limitation (i.e., full-time, 50 percent of full-time, or any other working percentage) upon electing to end phased retirement status.

(2) To elect to end phased retirement status to return to regular employment status, a phased retiree must—

(i) Submit to the authorized agency official, on a form prescribed by OPM, a written and signed request to end phased retirement status to return to regular employment status; and

(ii) Obtain the signed written approval of the authorized agency official for the request.

(3) An employee may cancel an approved election to end phased retirement status to return to regular employment status by submitting a signed written request to the agency and obtaining the approval of an authorized agency official before the effective date of return to regular employment status.

(4) The employing agency must notify OPM that the employee's phased retirement status has ended by submitting to OPM a copy of the completed election to end phased retirement status to return to regular employment status within 15 days of its approval.

(b) Mandated return to regular employment status. A phased retiree may be returned to regular employment status as provided under § 831.1715(h)(6).

(c) Bar on reelection of phased retirement. Once an election to end phased retirement status to return to regular employment status is effective, the employee may not reelect phased retirement status.

§ 831.1722 - Effective date of end of phased retirement status to return to regular employment status.

(a)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, if a request to end phased retirement status to return to regular employment status is approved by an authorized agency official under § 831.1721 on any date on or after the first day of a month through the fifteenth day of a month, the phased retiree's resumption of regular employment status is effective the first day of the first full pay period of the month following the month in which the election to end phased retirement status to return to regular employment status is approved.

(2) If a request to end phased retirement status to return to regular employment status is approved by an authorized agency official under § 831.1721 on any date on or after the sixteenth day of a month through the last day of a month, the phased retiree's resumption of regular employment status is effective on the first day of the first full pay period of the second month following the month in which the election to end phased retirement status to return to regular employment status is approved.

(3) The phased retirement annuity terminates on the date determined under paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section.

(b) When a phased retiree moves from the agency that approved his or her phased employment and phased retirement status to another agency and the authorizing official at the agency to which the phased retiree moves does not approve a continuation of phased employment and phased retirement status, phased employment and phased retirement status terminates when employment ends at the current employing agency.

§ 831.1723 - Effect of ending phased retirement status to return to regular employment status.

(a) After phased retirement status ends under § 831.1722, the employee's rights under subchapter III of chapter 83 or chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code, are determined based on the law in effect at the time of any subsequent separation from service.

(b) After an individual ends phased retirement status to return to regular employment status, for the purposes of subchapter III of chapter 83 or chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code, at the time of the subsequent separation from service, the phased retirement period will be treated as if it had been a period of part-time employment with the work schedule described in § 831.1712(a)(1) and (b). The part-time proration adjustment for the phased retirement period will be based upon the individual's officially established part-time work schedule, with no credit for extra hours worked. In determining the individual's deemed rate of basic pay during the phased retirement period, only basic pay for hours within the individual's officially established part-time work schedule may be considered. No pay received for other hours during the phased retirement period may be included as part of basic pay for the purpose of computing retirement benefits, notwithstanding the normally applicable rules.

(c) The restrictions in §§ 831.1751 and 831.1752 regarding when an individual must complete a deposit for civilian service, a redeposit for civilian service that ended on or after March 1, 1991, or a deposit for military service do not apply when a phased retiree ends phased retirement status to return to regular employment status under this section.

(d) When a phased retiree whose phased retirement annuity was subject to an actuarial reduction for unpaid redeposit service, in accordance with § 831.303(c) and (d), ends phased retirement status to return to regular employment status, the annuity the individual becomes entitled to at retirement is subject to the actuarial reduction, increased by cost-of-living adjustments under § 831.1743(d). For the purpose of applying the provisions of § 831.1743(d) under this paragraph, cost-of-living adjustments are applied through the annuity commencing date.

§ 831.1731 - Application for full retirement status.

(a) Election of full retirement. (1) A phased retiree may elect to enter full retirement status at any time by submitting to OPM an application for full retirement in accordance with § 831.104. This includes an election made under § 831.1715(h)(6) in lieu of a mandated return to regular employment status. Upon making such an election, a phased retiree is entitled to a composite retirement annuity.

(2) A phasFERCed retiree may cancel an election of full retirement status and withdraw an application for full retirement by submitting a signed written request with the agency and obtaining the approval of an authorized agency official before the commencing date of the composite retirement annuity.

(b) Deemed election of full retirement. A phased retiree who is separated from phased employment for more than 3 days enters full retirement status. The individual's composite retirement annuity will begin to accrue on the commencing date of the composite annuity as provided in § 831.1732, and payment will be made after he or she submits an application in accordance with § 831.104 for the composite retirement annuity.

(c) Survivor election provisions. An individual applying for full retirement status under this section is subject to the survivor election provisions of subpart F of this part.

§ 831.1732 - Commencing date of composite retirement annuity.

(a) The commencing date of the composite retirement annuity of a phased retiree who enters full retirement status is the day after separation.

(b) A phased retirement annuity terminates upon separation from service.

§ 831.1741 - Computation of phased retirement annuity.

(a) Subject to adjustments described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, a phased retiree's phased retirement annuity equals the product obtained by multiplying—

(1) The amount of annuity computed under 5 U.S.C. 8339,including,1982,but,that,on,the.S.C. 8336(a) or (b); by

(2) The phased retirement percentage for the phased retiree.

(b)(1) The monthly installment of annuity derived from the computation of the annuity under paragraph (a) of this section is reduced by any actuarial reduction for unpaid redeposit service in accordance with § 831.303(c) and (d).

(2) For the purpose of applying § 831.303(c) and (d) in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the term “time of retirement” in § 831.303(c)(2) and (d)(2)(i) means the commencing date of the phased retiree's phased retirement annuity.

(c) The monthly installment of annuity derived from the computation of the annuity under paragraph (a) of this section is also subject to any offset under § 831.1005, adjusted by multiplying the offset that would otherwise apply had the phased retiree fully retired under 5 U.S.C. 8336(a) or (b) by the phased retirement percentage.

§ 831.1742 - Computation of composite annuity at final retirement.

(a) Subject to the adjustment described in paragraph (c) of this section, a phased retiree's composite retirement annuity at final retirement equals the sum obtained by adding—

(1) The amount computed under § 831.1741(a) without adjustment under § 831.1741(b) and (c), increased by cost-of-living adjustments under § 831.1743(c); and

(2) The “fully retired phased component” computed under paragraph (b) of this section.

(b)(1) Subject to the requirements described in paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section, a “fully retired phased component” equals the product obtained by multiplying—

(i) The working percentage; by

(ii) The amount of an annuity computed under 5 U.S.C. 8339 that would have been payable at the time of full retirement if the individual had not elected phased retirement status and as if the individual was employed on a full-time basis in the position occupied during the phased retirement period and before any reduction for survivor annuity.

(2) In applying paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, the individual must be deemed to have a full-time schedule during the period of phased retirement. The deemed full-time schedule will consist of five 8-hour workdays each workweek, resulting in a 40-hour workweek. In determining the individual's deemed rate of basic pay during phased retirement, only basic pay for hours within the deemed full-time schedule will be considered, consistent with the definition of “full-time” in § 831.1702. Any premium pay creditable as basic pay for retirement purposes for overtime work or hours outside the full-time schedule that an employee was receiving before phased retirement, such as standby duty pay under 5 U.S.C. 5545(c)(1) or customs officer overtime pay under 19 U.S.C. 267(a), may not be considered in determining a phased retiree's deemed rate of basic pay during phased retirement.

(3) In computing the annuity amount under paragraph (b)(1) of this section—

(i) The amount of unused sick leave equals the result of dividing the days of unused sick leave to the individual's credit at separation for full retirement by the working percentage; and

(ii) The reduction for any unpaid deposit for non-deduction service performed before October 1, 1982, is based on the amount of unpaid deposit, with interest computed to the commencing date of the composite annuity.

(c) The composite retirement annuity computed under paragraph (a) of this section is adjusted by applying any reduction for any survivor annuity benefit.

(d) The monthly installment derived from a composite retirement annuity computed under paragraph (a) of this section and adjusted under paragraph (c) is adjusted by any—

(1) Actuarial reduction applied to the phased retirement annuity under § 831.1741(b), increased by cost-of-living adjustments under § 831.1743(d); and

(2) Offset under § 831.1005 (i.e., the offset based on all service, including service during the phased retirement period, performed by the individual that was subject to mandatory Social Security coverage).

§ 831.1743 - Cost-of-living adjustments.

(a) The phased retirement annuity under § 831.1741 is increased by cost-of-living adjustments in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8340.

(b) A composite retirement annuity under § 831.1742 is increased by cost-of-living adjustments in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8340,except.S.C. 8340(c)(1) does not apply.

(c)(1) For the purpose of computing the amount of phased retirement annuity used in the computation under § 831.1742(a)(1), the initial cost-of-living adjustment applied is prorated in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8340(c)(1).

(2) If the individual enters full retirement status on the same day as the effective date of a cost-of-living adjustment (usually December 1st), that cost-of-living adjustment is applied to increase the phased retirement annuity used in the computation under § 831.1742(a)(1).

(d)(1) For the purpose of computing the actuarial reduction used in the computation under § 831.1742(d)(1), the initial cost-of-living adjustment applied is prorated in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8340(c)(1).

(2) If the individual enters full retirement status on the same day as the effective date of a cost-of-living adjustment (usually December 1st), that cost-of-living adjustment is applied to increase the actuarial reduction used in the computation under § 831.1742(d)(1).

(3) When applying each cost-of-living adjustment to the actuarial reduction used in the computation under § 831.1742(d)(1), the actuarial reduction is rounded up to the next highest dollar.

§ 831.1751 - Deposit for civilian service for which no retirement deductions were withheld and redeposit for civilian service for which retirement deductions were refunded to the individual.

(a)(1) Any deposit an employee entering phased retirement status wishes to make for civilian service for which no retirement deductions were withheld (i.e., “non-deduction” service) must be paid within 30 days from the date OPM notifies the employee of the amount of the deposit, during the processing of the employee's application for phased retirement. The deposit amount will include interest under § 831.105, computed to the effective date of phased retirement.

(2) No deposit payment may be made by the phased retiree when entering full retirement status.

(3) As provided under § 831.1741(a)(1), for the computation of phased retirement annuity, the amount of any unpaid deposit for non-deduction service performed before October 1, 1982, including interest computed to the effective date of phased retirement annuity, will be the basis for reduction of the phased retirement annuity for such unpaid deposit.

(4) As provided under § 831.1742(b)(2), the amount of any unpaid deposit for non-deduction service performed before October 1, 1982, including interest computed to the commencing date of the composite annuity, will be the basis for reduction of the “fully retired phased component” for such unpaid deposit.

(b)(1) Any redeposit an employee entering phased retirement status wishes to make for civilian service for which retirement deductions were refunded to the employee must be paid within 30 days from the date OPM notifies the employee of the amount of the redeposit, during the processing of the employee's application for phased retirement. The redeposit amount will include interest under § 831.105 computed to the effective date of phased retirement.

(2) No redeposit payment may be made by the phased retiree when entering full retirement status.

(3) As provided under § 831.1741(b), for the computation of monthly installment of phased retirement annuity, the amount of any unpaid redeposit at phased retirement, or unpaid balance thereof, including interest computed to the effective date of phased retirement, will be the basis, along with the phased retiree's age, for any actuarial reduction of the monthly installment of phased retirement annuity for such unpaid redeposit.

(4) As provided under § 831.1742(d)(1), any actuarial reduction for unpaid redeposit service applied to the monthly installment of phased retirement annuity, as described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section and § 831.1741(b), is increased by cost-of-living adjustments and applied to the monthly installment derived from the composite retirement annuity.

§ 831.1752 - Deposit for military service.

(a) A phased retiree who wishes to make a military service credit deposit under § 831.2104(a) for military service performed prior to entering phased retirement status must complete such a deposit no later than the day before the effective date of his or her phased employment and the commencing date of the phased retirement annuity. A military service credit deposit for military service performed prior to an individual's entry into phased retirement status cannot be made after the effective date of phased employment and the commencing date of phased retirement annuity.

(b) A phased retiree who wishes to make a military service credit deposit under § 831.2104(a) for military service performed after the effective date of phased employment and the commencing date of the phased retirement annuity and before the effective date of the composite retirement annuity (e.g., due to the call-up of the employee for active military service) must complete such a deposit no later than the day before the effective date of his or her composite retirement annuity.

§ 831.1753 - Civilian and military service of an individual affected by an erroneous retirement coverage determination.

(a) For the purpose of crediting service for which actuarial reduction of annuity is permitted under § 831.303(d) for an employee who enters phased retirement, the deposit amounts under § 831.303(d) form the basis, along with the phased retiree's age, for any actuarial reduction of the phased retirement annuity for such unpaid deposits.

(b) No deposit payment for service described under § 831.303(d) may be made by the phased retiree when entering full retirement status.

(c) As provided under § 831.1741(b), the amount of any deposit under § 831.303(d) at the commencing date of the individual's phased retirement annuity, or unpaid balance thereof, including interest computed to the effective date of phased retirement annuity, will be the basis, along with the phased retiree's age, for any actuarial reduction of the phased retirement annuity for such unpaid deposit.

(d) As provided under § 831.1742(d)(1), any actuarial reduction for any unpaid deposit service under § 831.303(d) applied to the phased retirement annuity, as described in § 831.1741(b), is increased by cost-of-living adjustments and applied to the monthly installment derived from the composite retirement annuity.

§ 831.1761 - Death of phased retiree during phased employment.

(a) For the purpose of 5 U.S.C. 8341

(1) The death of a phased retiree is deemed to be a death in service of an employee; and

(2) The phased retirement period is deemed to have been a period of part-time employment with the work schedule described in § 831.1712(a)(1) and (b) for the purpose of determining survivor benefits. The part-time proration adjustment for the phased retirement period will be based upon the employee's officially established part-time work schedule, with no credit for extra hours worked. In determining the employee's deemed rate of basic pay during the phased retirement period, only basic pay for hours within the employee's officially established part-time work schedule may be considered. No pay received for other hours during the phased retirement period may be included as part of basic pay for the purpose of computing retirement benefits, notwithstanding the normally applicable rules.

(b) If a phased retiree elects not to make a deposit described in 5 U.S.C. 8334(d)(1), such that his or her annuity is actuarially reduced under 5 U.S.C. 8334(d)(2) and § 831.1741(b), and that individual dies in service as a phased retiree, the amount of any deposit upon which such actuarial reduction was to have been based will be deemed to have been fully paid.

§ 831.1762 - Death of an individual who has separated from phased employment and who dies before submitting an application for a composite retirement annuity.

(a) For the purpose of 5 U.S.C. 8341,an,and,with.

(b) Unless an individual described in paragraph (a) of this section was reemployed with the Federal Government after separating from phased employment, the composite retirement annuity of an individual described in paragraph (a) of this section is deemed to have accrued from the day after separation through the date of death. Any composite annuity accrued during such period of time, minus any phased annuity paid during that period, will be paid as a lump-sum payment of accrued and unpaid annuity, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8342(c) and (f).

§ 831.1763 - Lump-sum credit.

If an individual performs phased employment, the lump-sum credit will be reduced by any annuity that is paid or accrued during phased employment.

§ 831.1771 - Reemployment of an individual who has separated from phased employment and who dies before submitting an application for a composite retirement annuity.

(a) Unless eligibility for annuity terminates under 5 U.S.C. 8344,a,but,is.

(b) A phased retiree described in paragraph (a) whose entitlement to a composite retirement annuity terminates under 5 U.S.C. 8344 due to reemployment, is an employee effective upon reemployment. The individual is not entitled to a phased retirement annuity (i.e., phased retirement annuity does not resume) during the period of employment, and the individual's entitlement to a composite retirement annuity terminates effective on the date of employment.

§ 831.1781 - Mentoring.

(a) A phased retiree, other than an employee of the United States Postal Service, must spend at least 20 percent of his or her working hours in mentoring activities as defined by an authorized agency official. For purposes of this section, mentoring need not be limited to mentoring of an employee who is expected to assume the phased retiree's duties when the phased retiree fully retires.

(b) An authorized agency official may waive the requirement under paragraph (a) of this section in the event of an emergency or other unusual circumstances (including active duty in the armed forces) that, in the authorized agency official's discretion, would make it impracticable for a phased retiree to fulfill the mentoring requirement.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 8347; Sec. 831.102 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8334; Sec. 831.106 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 552a; Sec. 831.108 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8336(d)(2); Sec. 831.114 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8336(d)(2) and Sec. 1313(b)(5) of Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2135; Sec. 831.201(b)(1) also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8347(g); Sec. 831.201(b)(6) also issued under 5 U.S.C. 7701(b)(2); Sec. 831.201(g) also issued under Secs. 11202(f), 11232(e), and 11246(b) of Pub. L. 105-33, 111 Stat. 251; Sec. 831.201(g) also issued under Secs. 7(b) and (e) of Pub. L. 105-274, 112 Stat. 2419; Sec. 831.201(i) also issued under Secs. 3 and 7(c) of Pub. L. 105-274, 112 Stat. 2419; Sec. 831.202 also issued under Sec. 111 of Pub. L. 99-500, 100 Stat. 1783, and Sec. 111 of Pub. L. 99-591, 100 Stat. 3341-348, and also Sec. 1 of Pub. L. 110-279, 122 Stat. 2602, as amended by Sec. 1(a) of Pub. L. 116-21, 133 Stat. 903; Sec. 831.204 also issued under Sec. 102(e) of Pub. L. 104-8, 109 Stat. 102, as amended by Sec. 153 of Pub. L. 104-134, 110 Stat. 1321; Sec. 831.205 also issued under Sec. 2207 of Pub. L. 106-265, 114 Stat. 784; Sec. 831.206 also issued under Sec. 1622(b) of Pub. L. 104-106, 110 Stat. 515; Sec. 831.301 also issued under Sec. 2203 of Pub. L. 106-265, 114 Stat. 780; Sec. 831.303 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8334(d)(2) and Sec. 2203 of Pub. L. 106-235, 114 Stat. 780; Sec. 831.502 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8337,and. 1(3), E.O. 11228, 3 CFR 1965-1965 Comp. p. 317; Sec. 831.663 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8339(j) and (k)(2); Secs. 831.663 and 831.664 also issued under Sec. 11004(c)(2) of Pub. L. 103-66, 107 Stat. 412; Sec. 831.682 also issued under Sec. 201(d) of Pub. L. 99-251, 100 Stat. 23; Sec. 831.912 also issued under Sec. 636 of Appendix C to Pub. L. 106-554, 114 Stat. 2763A-164; Subpart P also issued under Sec. 535(d) of Title V of Division E of Pub. L. 110-161, 121 Stat. 2042; Subpart Q also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8336a; Subpart V also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8343a and Sec. 6001 of Pub. L. 100-203, 101 Stat. 1330-275; Sec. 831.2203 also issued under Sec. 7001(a)(4) of Pub. L. 101-508, 104 Stat. 1388-328; Pub. L. 115-352, 132 Stat. 5067 (5 U.S.C. 101)
source: 33 FR 12498, Sept. 4, 1968, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 5 CFR 831.1771