Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 5 - Administrative Personnel last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 842.301 - Purpose.

This subpart sets forth the provisions governing credit for service under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), 5 U.S.C. 8411. Except as provided by section 302 of the Federal Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986, Pub. L. 99-335 (the special provisions for employees who elect to transfer to FERS), service not creditable under this subpart is not creditable either for the purposes of determining eligibility to an annuity or in computing the rate of an annuity benefit under subchapter II (basic annuity), IV (survivor annuity), or V (disability annuity) of chapter 84 of title 5 of the United States Code.

§ 842.302 - Definitions.

Cadet Nurse Corps means any training as a student or graduate nurse under a plan approved under section 2 of the Act of June 15, 1943 (57 Stat. 153).

Employee means an employee as defined by 5 U.S.C. 8401(11).

FERS means the Federal Employees Retirement System as established under chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code.

Government means the Federal Government and Gallaudet College.

Member means a Member of Congress as defined by 5 U.S.C. 8401(20).

Military service means honorable active service in the armed forces of the United States; in the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service after June 30, 1960; or in the commissioned corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or a predecessor entity in function, after June 30, 1961. “Military service” does not include service in the National Guard except when ordered to active duty in the service of the United States.

Survivor means a current spouse, a child or a former spouse who is entitled to an annuity in accordance with part 843 of this chapter.

§ 842.303 - General.

(a)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, no service credit is allowed for a period of separation from service.

(2) Service credit is allowed for a period of separation of less than 4 days and for a period of separation during which an individual was receiving benefits under subchapter I of chapter 81 of title 5, United States Code, provided the individual returns to duty in the Government subject to FERS.

(b) Service credit cannot be granted in excess of actual calendar time from the date of appointment to the date of separation from service.

(c) Any period of time for which service credit under chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code, is specifically allowed by a provision of law is creditable under this subpart subject to any applicable deposit requirements.

§ 842.304 - Civilian service.

(a) Except as otherwise provided under title III of the Federal Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986, an employee or Member is entitled to credit for all purposes under FERS for a period of civilian service with the Government or the U.S. Postal Service—

(1) Performed after December 31, 1986, which is covered service under subpart A of this part and for which deductions required under 5 U.S.C. 8422(a) have not been refunded;

(2) That, other than service under paragraph (a)(1) of this section—

(i) Was performed before 1989;

(ii) Would have been creditable under 5 U.S.C. 8332 if the employee or Member were subject to subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code, without regard to any deposit, redeposit, or coverage requirement under that subchapter; and

(iii) Is covered by deductions or a deposit required by § 842.305 and the deductions or deposit have not been refunded after the employee or Member first became subject to FERS;

(3) That was creditable under subchapter II of chapter 8 of title 1 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 (Foreign Service Pension System), provided—

(i) The employee or Member waives credit for the service under the Foreign Service Pension System; and

(ii) The employee or Member makes the deposit required by § 842.305, and the deposit is not refunded;

(4) While on leave of absence without pay, subject to a limit of 6 months per calendar year, except that the 6-month limit does not apply while—

(i) Performing military service; or

(ii) Receiving benefits under subchapter I of chapter 81 of title 5, United States Code;

(5) While on approved leave without pay granted to serve as a full-time officer or employee of an organization composed primarily of employees, as defined by section 8331(1) or 8401(11) of title 5, United States Code, provided—

(i) The employee elects, within 60 days after the commencing date of leave without pay, to pay to the employing agency the retirement deductions and agency contributions that would be applicable if the employee were in a pay status;

(ii) Payments of the deductions and contributions begin on a regular basis within 60 days after the commencing date of leave without pay; and

(iii) Payments of the required deductions and contributions are completed and not refunded; and

(6) While assigned on detail or leave without pay to a State or local government under 5 U.S.C. 3373,provided; and

(ii) The employee, or, if he or she dies without making an election, his or her survivor, does not elect to receive benefits under any State or local government retirement law or program, which OPM determines to be similar to FERS.

(b) Cadet Nurse Corps. (1) Service credit is allowed under Pub. L. 99-638 for a period of service performed with the Cadet Nurse Corps provided—

(i) The service totaled 2 years or more;

(ii) The individual submits an application for service credit to OPM no later than January 10, 1988;

(iii) The individual is employed by the Federal Government in a position subject to subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code (other than 5 U.S.C. 8344) or chapter 84 of that title (other than 5 U.S.C. 8468) at the time he or she applies to OPM for service credit under this provision; and

(iv) The individual makes a deposit for the service in accordance with § 842.305(g) before the date of separation from service on which the individual's entitlement to annuity is based.

(c) National Guard technician service before January 1, 1969—(1) Definition. In this section, service as a National Guard technician is service performed under section 709 of title 32, United States Code (or under a prior corresponding provision of law) before January 1, 1969.

(2) Employees on or after November 6, 1990. Employees, subject to FERS retirement deductions, whose only service as a National Guard technician was performed prior to January 1, 1969, are entitled to credit under FERS if they—

(i) Submit to OPM an application for service credit in a form prescribed by OPM;

(ii) Are employed by the Federal Government in a position subject to FERS retirement deductions after November 5, 1990; and

(iii) Complete the deposit for the service through normal service credit channels before final adjudication of their application for retirement or have the deposit deemed made when they elect the alternative form of annuity.

(3) Former Federal employees. Former Federal employees who were subject to FERS retirement deductions and separated after December 31, 1968, but before November 6, 1990, with title to a deferred annuity, may make a deposit for pre-1969 National Guard technician service provided they—

(i) Submit a written application for the pre-1969 National Guard technician service to OPM before November 6, 1991; and

(ii) Complete a deposit for the additional service in a lump sum or in installment payments of $50 or more. Payments must be completed before their retirement claim is finally adjudicated, unless the deposit is deemed made when they elect an alternative form of annuity.

(4) Annuitants and survivors. (i) Individuals who were entitled to receive an immediate annuity (or survivor annuity benefits) as of November 6, 1990, may make a deposit for pre-1969 National Guard technician service provided they—

(A) Submit a written application for service credit to OPM before November 6, 1991; and

(B) Complete a deposit for the additional service in a lump sum or in equal monthly annuity installments to be completed within 24 months of the date of the written application.

(ii) To determine the commencing date of the deposit installment payment period for annuitants and survivors, the “date of application” will be considered to be the first day of the second month beginning after OPM receives a complete written application from the individual.

(iii) To be a complete application, the individual's written request for pre-1969 National Guard technician service credit must also include a certification of the dates of employment and the rates of pay received by the individual during the employment period. The individual may obtain certification of service from the Adjutant General of the State in which the service was performed.

(d) Credit for service performed as an employee of a nonappropriated fund instrumentality. (1) Credit for service with a nonappropriated fund instrumentality is allowed in accordance with an election under 5 CFR part 847, subpart D or H.

(2) Service under FERS for which the employee withdrew all deductions is creditable in accordance with an election made under 5 CFR part 847, subpart D.

(3) An annuity that includes credit for service with a nonappropriated fund instrumentality under 5 CFR part 847, subpart D, or refunded service under paragraph (d)(2) of this section is computed under 5 CFR part 847, subpart F.

(4) An annuity that includes credit for service with a nonappropriated fund instrumentality under 5 CFR part 847, subpart H, is computed under 5 CFR part 847, subpart I.

(e) Certain Government service performed abroad after December 31, 1988, and before May 24, 1998—(1) Definition. In this section, certain Government service performed abroad is service performed at a United States diplomatic mission, consular post (other than a consular agency), or other Foreign Service post abroad under a temporary appointment pursuant to sections 309 and 311 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 (22 U.S.C. 3949 and 3951).

(2) Conditions for Creditability. Service credit is allowed under section 321 of Pub. L. 107-228 for certain Government service performed abroad after December 31, 1988, and before May 24, 1998, provided—

(i) The service in the aggregate totaled 90 days or more;

(ii) The individual performing the service would have satisfied all eligibility requirements under regulations of the Department of State (as in effect on September 30, 2002) for a family member limited noncareer appointment (within the meaning of such regulations, as in effect on September 30, 2002) at the time the service was performed, except that, in applying this paragraph, an individual not employed by the Department of State while performing the service shall be treated as if then so employed;

(iii) The service would have been creditable under FERS had it been performed before 1989 and had the deposit requirements of § 842.305 been met;

(iv) The service is not otherwise creditable under FERS or any other retirement system for employees of the U.S. Government (disregarding title II of the Social Security Act);

(v) The individual applying for the service credit submits a written application to make a deposit with the department or agency where the service was performed, and completes the deposit, in accordance with § 842.305(j); and

(vi) The department or agency where the service was performed remits Government contributions for the service to OPM in accordance with § 842.305(j).

(3) Departments or agencies no longer in existence. If the department or agency where the individual performed certain Government service abroad no longer exists, the Department of State must process applications for service credit under this section. Government contributions for the service will not need to be remitted to OPM.

[52 FR 18193, May 14, 1987, as amended at 56 FR 6554, Feb. 19, 1991; 56 FR 55596, Oct. 29, 1991; 61 FR 41720, Aug. 9, 1996; 68 FR 2178, Jan. 16, 2003; 70 FR 50953, Aug. 29, 2005]
§ 842.305 - Deposits for civilian service.

(a) Eligibility—current and former employees or Members. An employee or Member subject to FERS and a former employee or Member who is entitled to an annuity may make a deposit for civilian service described under paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of § 842.304 upon application to OPM in a form prescribed by OPM. A deposit for civilian service cannot be made later than 30 days after the first regular monthly payment as defined in § 842.602.

(b) Eligibility—survivors. If an employee or Member was, at the time of death, eligible to make a deposit, the employee's survivor may make the deposit for civilian service. A deposit under this paragraph cannot be made after adjudication of the survivor's application for benefits becomes final, which is 30 days after the date of OPM's notice to the survivor of the annuity rates with and without making the deposit.

(c) Distinct period of service. A deposit is not considered to have been made for any distinct period of service unless the total amount due for the period is paid in full. A distinct period of civilian service for this purpose is a period of civilian service that is not interrupted by a break in service of more than 3 days.

(d) Amount of deposits. The amount of a deposit for a period of service under § 842.304(a)(2) equals 1.3 percent of the basic pay for the service, plus interest. The amount of a deposit for a period of service under § 842.304(a)(3) equals the amount that would have been deducted from pay under 5 U.S.C. 8422(a) had the employee been subject to FERS during the service, plus interest.

(e) Interest. (1) Interest is charged at the rate of 4 percent a year through December 31, 1947; 3 percent a year beginning January 1, 1948, through December 31, 1984; and thereafter at a rate as determined by the Secretary of the Treasury for each calendar year that equals the overall average yield to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (the Fund) during the preceding fiscal year from all obligations purchased by the Secretary during such fiscal year under 5 U.S.C. 8348 (c), (d), and (e).

(2) The computation of interest is on the basis of 30 days to the month. Interest is computed for the actual calendar time involved in each case; but, whenever applicable, the rule of average applies.

(3) Interest is computed from the midpoint of each service period included in the computation. The interest accrues annually on the outstanding portion, and is compounded annually, until the portion is deposited. Interest is not charged after the commencing date of annuity or for a period of separation from the service that began before October 1, 1956.

(f) Forms of deposit. Deposits may be made in a single lump sum or in installments not smaller than $50 each.

(g) Cadet Nurse Corps. (1) Upon receiving an application for service credit with the Cadet Nurse Corps, OPM will determine whether all the conditions for creditability (§ 842.304(b)) have been met; compute the deposit, including interest; and advise the employing agency and the employee of the total amount of the deposit due. The rate of basic pay for this purpose is deemed to be $15 per month for the first 9 months of study; $20 per month for the 10th through the 21st months of study; and $30 per month for any month in excess of 21 months. Interest is computed in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.

(2) The employing agency must establish a deposit account showing the total amount due and a payment schedule (unless deposit is made in one lump sum) to record the date and amount of each payment.

(3) If the individual cannot make payment in one lump sum, the employing agency must accept installment payments (by allotments or otherwise). The employing agency, however, is not required to accept individual checks in amounts less than $50.

(4) Payments received by the employing agency must be remitted to OPM immediately for deposit to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund.

(5) Once the employee's deposit has been paid in full or closed out, the employing agency must submit the documentation pertaining to the deposit to OPM in accordance with instructions issued by OPM.

(h) Processing applications for pre-1969 National Guard technician service credit for employees subject to FERS retirement deductions after November 5, 1990—(1) OPM determines creditable service. OPM will determine whether all conditions for crediting the additional service have been met, compute the deposit, and notify the employee of the amount of and the procedures for submitting the deposit payments to OPM to obtain credit for the service.

(2) Computing the deposit. (i) For individuals who will not have a CSRS component, the deposit will be computed based on—

(A) One and three tenths percent of basic pay at the time the service was performed; and

(B) Interest at the rate of 3 percent per year computed as specified by section 8334(e)(2) of title 5, United States Code, until the date the deposit is paid.

(ii) For individuals who will have a CSRS component, the deposit will be computed as specified in 5 CFR 831.306(c).

(i) Processing applications for pre-1969 National Guard technician service credit for annuitants (and survivors) and for former employees who separated after December 31, 1968, and before November 6, 1990—(1) OPM determines creditable service. OPM will determine whether all conditions for crediting the additional service have been met, compute the amount of the deposit, and notify the individual.

(2) Computing the deposit for annuitants and survivors. (i) For individuals who do not have a CSRS component, the deposit will be computed based on—

(A) One and three tenths percent of basic pay at the time the service was performed; and

(B) Interest at the rate of 3 percent per year as specified by section 8334(e)(2) of title 5, United States Code, to the midpoint of the 24-month installment period, or if paid in a lump sum, the date the deposit is paid.

(ii) For individuals who will have a CSRS component, the deposit will be computed as specified in 5 CFR 831.306(e)(2)(i) and (ii)(A).

(iii)(A) OPM will notify annuitants and survivors of the amount of the deposit and give them a proposed installment schedule for paying the deposit from monthly annuity payments. The proposed installment payments will consist of equal monthly payments that will not exceed a period 24 months from the date a complete written application is received by OPM.

(B) The annuitant or survivor may allow the deposit installments to be deducted from his or her annuity as proposed or make payment in a lump sum within 30 days from the date of the notice.

(C) Increased annuity payments will begin to accrue the first day of the month after OPM receives the complete written application.

(iv) If an annuitant dies before completing the deposit installment payments, the remaining installments will be deducted as established for the annuitant from benefits payable to the survivor annuitant (but not if the only survivor benefit is payable to a child or children of the deceased), if any. If no survivor annuity is payable, OPM may collect the balance of the deposit from any lump sum benefits payable or from the decedent's estate, if any.

(3) Computing the deposit for former Federal employees separated after December 31, 1968 but before November 6, 1990. For former employees with title to a deferred annuity that commences after November 6, 1990, the deposit will be computed as provided in paragraph (i)(2) above, except that interest will be computed through the commencing date of annuity or the date the deposit is paid, whichever comes first.

(j) Certain Government service performed abroad after December 31, 1988, and before May 24, 1998—(1) Eligibility-current and former employees, and retirees. A current or former employee, or a retiree who performed certain Government service abroad described in § 842.304(e) may make a deposit for such service, in a form prescribed by OPM.

(2) Eligibility-survivors. A survivor of a current employee, former employee, or a retiree eligible to make a deposit under paragraph (j)(1) of this section may make a deposit under this section if the current or former employee, or retiree is deceased and the survivor is eligible or would be eligible for a survivor annuity under FERS based on the service of the current or former employee, or retiree.

(3) Filing of deposit application. An individual eligible to make a deposit under paragraphs (j)(1) and (2) of this section for service described in § 842.304(e) must submit a written application to make a deposit for such service with the appropriate office in the department or agency where such service was performed. If the department or agency where the service was performed no longer exists, the individual must submit the written application to the appropriate office in the Department of State.

(4) Time limit for filing application. An application to make a deposit under this section must be submitted on or before August 29, 2008.

(5) Amount of deposit. (i) A deposit under this section must be computed using distinct periods of service. For the purpose of this section, a distinct period of service means a period of service not interrupted by a break in service of more than 3 days. A deposit may be made for any or all distinct periods of service.

(ii) The amount of deposit under this section equals the amount of deductions from basic pay that would have been required under section 8422 of title 5, United States Code, if at the time the service was performed the service had been subject to FERS deductions under that section, plus interest.

(6) Forms of deposit. A deposit under this section must be made as a single lump sum within 180 days of being notified of the deposit amount.

(7) Processing deposit applications and payments. (i) The department or agency where the service described in § 842.304(e) was performed must process the deposit applications and payments under this section. If the department or agency where the service was performed no longer exists, the Department of State must process the deposit applications and payments under this section.

(ii) Whenever requested, the Department of State must assist the department or agency responsible for processing deposit applications under this section determine whether the application meets the requirements of § 842.304(e).

(iii) Upon receiving a deposit application under this section, the department or agency must determine whether the application meets the requirements of § 842.304(e); compute the deposit, including interest; and advise the applicant of the total amount of deposit due.

(iv) The department or agency must establish a deposit account showing the total amount due.

(v) When it receives an individual's payment for the service, the department or agency must remit the payment to OPM immediately for deposit to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund in accordance with instructions issued by OPM.

(vi) Once a deposit has been paid in full or otherwise closed out, the department or agency must submit the documentation pertaining to the deposit to OPM in accordance with instructions issued by OPM.

(8) Government contributions. (i) The department or agency where service described in § 842.304(e) was performed must pay Government contributions for each period of service covered by a deposit under this section.

(ii) The amount of contributions under this section equals the amount of Government contributions which would have been required for the service under section 8423 of title 5, United States Code, if the service had been covered under chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code, plus interest.

(iii) The department or agency must remit the amount of Government contributions under this section to OPM at the same time it remits the employee deposit for this service to OPM in accordance with instructions issued by OPM.

(9) Interest. Interest must be computed as described under paragraphs (2) and (3) of 5 U.S.C. 8334(e). Interest must be computed for each distinct period of service from the midpoint of each distinct period of service. The interest accrues annually on the outstanding deposit and is compounded annually, until the deposit is paid.

(10) Effect of deposit. An individual completing a deposit under this section will receive retirement credit for the service covered by the deposit when OPM receives certification that the deposit has been paid in full, and the deposit payment and agency contributions are remitted to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund.

(11) Appeal rights. When the department or agency processing an application for deposit under this section determines that the individual is not eligible to make a deposit for a period of service, it must provide the individual with a written decision explaining the reason for the decision and explaining the individual's right to appeal the decision to the Merit Systems Protection Board.

(k) Administrative error. If OPM determines that additional interest was assessed on a deposit for full-time volunteer service as a volunteer or a volunteer leader with the Peace Corps or Volunteers in Serviced to America (VISTA) due to its own administrative error, OPM may pay, on behalf of the employee, Member, or annuitant, any additional interest assessed due to the administrative error.

[52 FR 18193, May 14, 1987, as amended at 56 FR 55597, Oct. 29, 1991; 56 FR 65419, Dec. 17, 1991; 70 FR 50953, Aug. 29, 2005; 86 FR 20438, Apr. 20, 2021]
§ 842.306 - Military service.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), and unless otherwise provided under title III of the Federal Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986, an employee's or Member's military service is creditable if it was performed—

(1) Before January 1, 1957; or

(2) After December 31, 1956, subject to payment, before separation from service, of the deposit required by § 842.307.

(b) Credit for a period of military service is not allowed if the employee or Member is receiving military retired pay for such period awarded for reasons other than—

(1) Service-connected disability incurred in combat with an enemy of the United States;

(2) Service-connected disability caused by an instrumentality of war and incurred in the line of duty during a period of war (within the meaning of chapter 11 of title 38, United States Code); or

(3) Retirement under chapter 67 of title 10, United States Code.

(c) When adjudicating annuity claims, OPM will accept determinations made by the agency that authorized military retired pay concerning—

(1) The effective date of a waiver of military retired pay;

(2) Whether an individual's military retired pay was awarded for any of the reasons mentioned under paragraph (b) of this section; and

(3) Whether a period of military service forms the basis for military retired pay.

(d)(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (d)(2) and (d)(3) of this section, the computation of a survivor's annuity includes credit for any military service allowable under paragraph (a) of this section.

(2) If the separated employee (as defined in § 843.102 of this chapter) was awarded military retired pay, died after the date of separation from civilian service, and did not waive military retired pay effective before the date of death, military service upon which the military retired pay was based is not creditable.

(3) If the survivor of a deceased employee who had been awarded military retired pay files, in a form prescribed by OPM, an election not to have a period of military service included in the computation of survivor benefits, that period of military service is not included in the computation of survivor benefits.

§ 842.307 - Deposits for military service.

(a) Eligibility to make a deposit. (1) An employee or Member subject to FERS may make a deposit for any distinct period of military service by filing an application in a form prescribed by OPM.

(2) An application to make a deposit is filed with the appropriate office in the employing agency, or, for Members and Congressional employees, with the Secretary of the Senate, or the Clerk of the House of Representatives, as appropriate.

(3) An employee's or Member's deposit for military service must be completed before separation from service. If a deceased employee or Member was, at the time of death, eligible to make a deposit, the employee's or Member's survivor may make the deposit in one lump sum to the former employing agency, the Secretary of the Senate or the Clerk of the House of Representatives, before OPM completes adjudication of the survivor annuity application. A person who was eligible to make a deposit for military service but failed to complete the deposit within the time limits provided in this paragraph, may complete the deposit in a lump sum within the time limit set by OPM when it rules that an administrative error has been made.

(b) Amount of deposit. (1) The amount of a deposit for military service equals 3 percent of the basic pay for the service under 37 U.S.C. 207,or,plus,unless.

(2) Interest is charged at a rate as determined by the Secretary of the Treasury for each calendar year that equals the overall average yield to the Fund during the preceding fiscal year from all obligations purchased by the Secretary during such fiscal year under 5 U.S.C. 8348(c), (d), and (e).

(3) The computation of interest is on the basis of 30 days to the month. Interest is computed for the actual calendar time involved in each case; but whenever applicable, the rule of average applies.

(4) Interest is computed from the mid-point of each full period of service included in the computation. The interest accrues annual on the outstanding portion beginning on the second anniversary of the employee's or Member's beginning date of coverage under FERS, and is compounded annually, until the portion is deposited. Interest is charged to the date of deposit. No interest will be charged if the deposit is completed before the end of the year after interest begins. For example, if an employee becomes subject to FERS on March 1, 1988, interest begins to accrue on March 1, 1990; however, no interest would be included in the deposit due if the deposit is completed by February 28, 1991.

(c) Processing deposit applications and payments. (1) The agency, Clerk of the House of Representatives, or Secretary of the Senate will have the employee or Member—

(i) Complete an application to make deposit;

(ii) Provided a copy of his or her DD Form 214 or its equivalent to verify the period(s) of service; and

(iii) Provide copies of all official military pay documents, as identified in instructions issued by OPM, which show the exact basic pay he or she received for full period of service; or, if such evidence is not available, obtain a statement of estimated earnings from the appropriate branch of the military service and submit the statement.

(2) Upon receipt of the application, the DD Form 214, and either the evidence of exact basic pay or the statement of estimated earnings, the agency, Clerk of the House of Representatives, or Secretary of the Senate will establish a deposit account showing—

(i) The total amount due, including interest, if any;

(ii) A payment schedule (unless deposit is made in a lump sum); and

(iii) The date and amount of each payment.

(3) Deposits may be made in a single lump sum or in installments. The agency, Clerk of the House of Representatives, and Secretary of the Senate are not required to accept installment payments in amounts less than $50.

(4) Payments received by the employing agency, the Clerk of the House of Representatives, or the Secretary of the Senate will be remitted to OPM for deposit to the Fund in accordance with payroll office instructions issued by OPM.

(d) Distinct periods of service. A deposit is not considered to have been made for any distinct period of service unless the total amount due for the period is paid in full. A “distinct period” for this purpose is the total years, months, and days from the date of entry on active duty (or from January 1, 1957, if later) to the date of final discharge for enlisted military personnel, or to the date of final release from active duty for officers and reservists. A “distinct period” also includes consecutive periods of service where there is no break in service, but does not include any lost time.

(e) Administrative error. (1) When an administrative error occurs by the employing Agency in calculating or processing a military service deposit, interest assessed as a result of the administrative error may be paid by the agency, the Clerk of the House of Representatives, or the Secretary of the Senate on behalf of the employee. The agency, Clerk of the House of Representatives, or the Secretary of the Senate will determine if administrative error occurred.

(2) When an administrative error occurs by OPM in calculating or processing a military service deposit, interest assessed as a result of the administrative error may be paid by OPM on behalf of the employee. OPM will determine if administrative error occurred. Any payment of additional interest of behalf of the employee is paid from the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund.

[48 FR 193, Jan. 4, 1983, as amended at 86 FR 20438, Apr. 20, 2021]
§ 842.308 - Refunds of deductions and service credit deposits made before becoming subject to FERS.

(a) An employee or Member who, while currently employed, is eligible under 5 U.S.C. 8342(a) for a refund of deductions or deposits (relating to civilian service performed before becoming subject to FERS and totaling less than 5 years, not counting service after 1983 that was covered simultaneously by both CSRS and social security) that were previously made for a period of service performed before becoming subject to FERS is eligible for a refund, upon proper application in a form prescribed by OPM. The amount of this refund is the difference between—

(1) The amount of deductions and deposits to his or her credit for such service, plus any interest computed in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8331(8): and

(2) The amount of the deposit required for such service under § 842.305.

(b) A former employee or Member who is eligible under 5 U.S.C. 8342(a) for a refund of deductions or deposits covering civilian service of the types described in paragraph (a) of this section is eligible for a refund, upon proper application in a form prescribed by OPM. The individual may irrevocably elect a refund, with resepct to this service, of either—

(1) The amount provided under paragraph (a) of this section; or

(2) The full amount of deductions and deposits to his or her credit for such service, plus any interest computed in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8331(8). If the full amount of deductions and deposits is elected by the former employee or Member, no future deposit for the service may be made.

(c) An employee or Member, who, before becoming subject to FERS, made a deposit for military service is eligible upon proper application in a form prescribed by OPM, while currently employed, for a refund of the amount deposited, excluding interest, to the extent that this amount exceeds the amount of the deposit required for such service under § 842.307.

(d) A former employee or Member who, before becoming subject to FERS, made a deposit for military service is eligible for a refund, upon proper application in a form prescribed by OPM. The former employee or Member may irrevocably elect to receive either—

(1) The amount provided under paragraph (c) of this section; or

(2) The full amount deposited and remaining to the individual's credit. If the full amount of the deposit is elected, no future deposit for the service may be made.

(e) If the current employing agency holds all necessary records pertaining to the amounts in question under paragraph (a) or (c) of this section, the current employing agency will pay the refund in accordance with OPM instructions. Otherwise, OPM will pay the refund.

§ 842.309 - Contract service.

Contract service with the United States will only be included in the computation of, or used to establish title to, an annuity under chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code, if—

(a) The employing agency exercised an explicit statutory authority to appoint an individual into the civil service by contract; or

(b) The head of the agency which was party to the contract, based on a timely-filed application, in accordance with section 110 of Public Law 100-238, and the regulations promulgated by OPM pursuant to that statute, certifies that the agency intended that an individual be considered as having been appointed to a position in which (s)he would have been subject to subchapter III of chapter 83 of title 5, United States Code, and deposit has been paid in accordance with OPM's regulations.

[55 FR 53136, Dec. 27, 1990]
§ 842.310 - Service not creditable because of an election under part 847 of this chapter.

Any FERS service which becomes creditable under a retirement system established for nonappropriated fund employees due to an election made under part 847 of this chapter is not creditable for any purpose under FERS.

[61 FR 41721, Aug. 9, 1996]
cite as: 5 CFR 842.307