Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 06, 2025
Title 5 - Administrative Personnel last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 847.601 - Purpose and scope.
(a) The purpose of this subpart is to establish the methodology that OPM will use to determine—
(1) The cost of an employee's election under § 847.411 or § 847.421; and
(2) The amount by which annuity payments may be affected as a result of the election.
(b) This subpart applies only to CSRS and FERS benefits. The Departments of Defense, and the U.S. Coast Guard will issue regulations providing methodologies for NAFI's under their jurisdictions.
§ 847.602 - [Reserved]
§ 847.603 - Date of present value and deficiency determinations.
(a) For determining the deficiency under § 847.604, OPM will determine, under §§ 847.605 through 847.607, the present values of future retirement benefits (with and without credit for the NAFI service) as of the first date on which inclusion of credit for the NAFI service will affect the rate of annuity payable.
(b) Appendix A to this subpart contains a table in which the left column is a list of events for which inclusion of credit for the NAFI service will affect the rate of annuity payable and the right column indicates the date on which the deficiency will be determined.
§ 847.604 - Methodology for determining deficiency.
(a) When an event listed in the left column of the table in Appendix A to this subpart occurs, OPM will compute the deficiency, as follows:
(1) As of the date of computation under § 847.603, OPM will determine—
(i) The present value of the annuity including credit for the NAFI service under § 847.605;
(ii) The present value of the annuity without credit for the NAFI service under § 847.606 or § 847.607, as applicable; and
(iii) The amount credited to the employee from a transfer to the Fund under subpart E of this part including earnings under § 847.507.
(2) OPM will add the amount determined under paragraphs (a)(1)(ii) and (iii) of this section and subtract that sum from the amount determined under paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section.
(b) If the amount determined under paragraph (a)(2) of this section is greater than zero, the deficiency is equal to that amount.
(c) If no event listed in the left column of the table in Appendix A to this subpart occurs—that is, the additional service credit does not cause an increase in an employee annuity or a survivor annuity actually paid—or, if the amount determined under paragraph (a)(2) of this section is less than or equal to zero, the deficiency equals zero.
§ 847.605 - Methodology for determining the present value of annuity with service credit.
(a) OPM will determine the present value of the annuity including service credit for NAFI service under paragraph (b) or (c) of this section.
(b) In cases in which the annuity is payable to a retiree, the present value under paragraph (a) of this section equals the monthly annuity rate including credit for the NAFI service as of the date of computation under § 847.603 times the present value factor for the retiree's age on that date.
(c) In cases in which the annuity is payable to a survivor, the present value under paragraph (a) of this section equals the monthly annuity rate including credit for the NAFI service as of the date of computation under § 847.603 times the present value factor for the survivor's age on that date.
§ 847.606 - Methodology for determining the present value of annuity without service credit—credit not needed for title.
(a) If credit for the NAFI service is not necessary to provide title to an annuity payable on the date of computation under § 847.603, OPM will determine the present value of the annuity without credit for the NAFI service under paragraph (b) or (c) of this section.
(b) In cases in which the annuity is payable to a retiree, the present value under paragraph (a) of this section equals the monthly annuity rate without credit for the NAFI service as of the date of computation under § 847.603 times the present value factor for the retiree's age on that date.
(c) In cases in which the annuity is payable to a survivor, the present value under paragraph (a) of this section equals the monthly annuity rate including credit for the NAFI service as of the date of computation under § 847.603 times the present value factor for the survivor's age on that date.
§ 847.607 - Methodology for determining the present value of annuity without service credit—credit needed for title.
(a) If credit for the NAFI service is necessary to provide title to an annuity payable on the date of computation under § 847.603, OPM will determine the present value of the annuity without credit for the NAFI service under paragraph (b) or (c) of this section.
(b)(1) In cases in which the annuity is payable to a retiree, the present value under paragraph (a) of this section equals the present value of the deferred annuity without credit for the NAFI service as of the deferred annuity date discounted for interest to that date determined under § 847.603.
(2) The present value of the deferred annuity without credit for the NAFI service as of the deferred annuity date equals the retiree's monthly annuity rate without credit for the NAFI service as of the deferred annuity date times the present value factor for the retiree's age on that date.
(3) The present value under paragraph (b)(2) of this section is discounted for interest by dividing that amount by a factor equal to the value of exponential function in which—
(i) The base is one plus the assumed interest rate under § 841.405 of this chapter on the date determined under § 847.603, and
(ii) The exponent is one-twelfth of the number of months between the date determined under § 847.603 and the deferred annuity date.
(c) In cases in which the annuity is payable to a survivor, the present value under paragraph (a) of this section equals zero, that is, no survivor annuity would ever become payable without credit for the NAFI service.
§ 847.608 - Reduction in annuity due to deficiency.
Any annuity payable in the case of an employee who has made an election under subpart D of this part will include credit for the NAFI service. The monthly annuity rate on the date determined under § 847.603 will be permanently reduced by an amount equal to the amount of any deficiency divided by the present value factor for the annuitant's age on that date.
Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Subpart F of Part 847—List of Events for Which Inclusion of NAFI Service May Affect the Rate of Annuity Payable
Type of event
| Date deficiency will be determined
CSRS or FERS nondisability retirement | Commencing date of annuity.
CSRS disability retirement | Commencing date of annuity.
FERS disability retirement | First day of month following 62nd birthday.
CSRS death in service | Commencing date of survivor annuity.
FERS death in service | Commencing date of survivor annuity.
FERS death of disability annuitant prior to age 62 | Commencing date of survivor annuity.
FERS death of separated employee | Commencing date of survivor annuity.
CSRS or FERS redetermination of annuity | Commencing date of redetermined annuity benefit.
authority: 5 U.S.C. 8332(b)(17) and 8411(b)(6) and sections 1131 and 1132 of Pub. L. 107-107, December 28, 2001, 115 Stat 1242;
5 U.S.C. 8347(a) and 8461(g) and section 1043(b) of Pub. L. 104-106, Div. A, Title X, Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 434. Subpart B also issued under
5 U.S.C. 8347(q) and 8461(n)
source: 61 FR 41721, Aug. 9, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 5 CFR 847.604