Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 06, 2025
Title 5 - Administrative Personnel last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 847.901 - What information is in this subpart?
This subpart contains OPM's regulations describing the computation of a CSRS or FERS retirement annuity when an employee elects to use NAFI service to qualify for immediate retirement under subpart H of this part.
§ 847.902 - How does an election to credit NAFI service for immediate CSRS or FERS retirement under subpart H of this part affect the computation of the CSRS or FERS retirement annuity?
The retirement annuity of an employee who elects to use NAFI service to qualify for an immediate CSRS or FERS retirement benefit will be reduced to ensure the present value of the benefits payable will be actuarially equivalent to those that would have been payable if the employee had separated on the same date, but without credit for the NAFI service.
§ 847.903 - How is the monthly reduction to the retirement annuity computed?
(a) The reduction equals:
(1) The difference in the present value of the immediate annuity with credit for NAFI service and the deferred annuity without credit for NAFI service, divided by
(2) The present value factor for the retiree's attained age (in full years) at the time of retirement.
(b) The reduction computed in paragraph (a) of this section is rounded to the next higher dollar.
§ 847.904 - What are Present Value Factors?
Present value factors have the same meaning in this subpart as they do in 5 CFR 847.602.
§ 847.905 - How is the present value of an immediate annuity with credit for NAFI service computed?
(a) OPM will determine the present value of the immediate annuity including service credit for NAFI service by multiplying the monthly annuity rate as of the commencing date of the annuity by the present value factor for the retiree's age on that date.
(b) The monthly annuity rate under paragraph (a) of this section for CSRS and CSRS Offset retirees equals the monthly rate of annuity otherwise payable under 5 U.S.C. chapter 83, subchapter III, including all reductions provided under that subchapter.
(c) The monthly annuity rate under paragraph (a) of this section for FERS retirees equals the monthly rate of annuity otherwise payable under 5 U.S.C. chapter 84, subchapter II, including all reductions provided under that subchapter.
§ 847.906 - How is the present value of a deferred annuity without credit for NAFI service computed?
(a) The present value of a deferred annuity equals the present value of the deferred annuity without credit for the NAFI service as of the deferred annuity date discounted for interest to that date.
(b) The present value of the deferred annuity without credit for the NAFI service as of the deferred annuity date equals the retiree's monthly annuity without credit for the NAFI service as of the deferred annuity date times the present value factor for the retiree's age on that date.
(c) The present value under paragraph (b) of this section is discounted for interest by dividing that amount by a factor equal to the value of the exponential function in which—
(1) The base is one plus the assumed interest rate under 5 CFR part 841, subpart D, on the commencing date of the retiree's immediate annuity, and
(2) The exponent is one-twelfth of the number of months between the commencing date of the retiree's immediate annuity and the deferred annuity date.
§ 847.907 - How is the monthly annuity rate used to compute the present value of the deferred annuity without credit for NAFI service determined?
(a) The monthly annuity rate used to compute the present value of the deferred annuity under § 847.906 of this subpart for CSRS retirees equals the monthly annuity otherwise payable under 5 U.S.C. chapter 83, subchapter III, including all reductions provided under that subchapter.
(b) The monthly annuity rate used to compute the present value of the deferred annuity under § 847.906 of this subpart for CSRS Offset retirees is computed as described in paragraph (a) of this section, except that the reduction under section 5 U.S.C. 8349 does not apply.
(c) The monthly annuity rate used to compute the present value of the deferred annuity under § 847.906 of this subpart for FERS retirees equals the monthly rate of annuity otherwise payable under 5 U.S.C. chapter 84, subchapter II, including all reductions provided under that subchapter.
§ 847.908 - If a retiree who elected to credit NAFI service under subpart H of this part earns a supplemental annuity under 5 CFR part 837, how will that supplemental annuity be computed?
This subpart does not affect supplemental annuities under 5 CFR part 837. Supplemental annuities will be computed in accordance with the provisions of that part.
§ 847.909 - If a retiree who elected to credit NAFI service under subpart H of this part earns a right to a redetermined annuity under 5 CFR part 837, how will the redetermined annuity be computed?
(a) A redetermined annuity will not be subject to a reduction under this subpart if, on the date reemployment with the Government ends, the retiree qualifies for an immediate retirement without credit for the NAFI service.
(b) A redetermined annuity will be subject to a reduction under this subpart if, on the date reemployment with the Government ends, the retiree does not qualify for immediate retirement without credit for the NAFI service.
(c) The reduction in paragraph (b) of this section is computed as in accordance with § 847.903 of this subpart as if the individual was retiring for the first time.
§ 847.910 - If a retiree who elected to credit NAFI service for CSRS immediate retirement returns to work for the Government under conditions that terminate the annuity, how will the retirement annuity be computed when the employee's service with the Government ends?
(a) If an individual whose annuity terminates upon reemployment with the Government elects to credit NAFI service under subpart B of this part to qualify for a new immediate retirement when the reemployment ends, the annuity will be subject to a reduction under this subpart.
(b) If an individual whose annuity terminates upon reemployment with the Government qualifies for a new immediate retirement when the reemployment ends without crediting NAFI service, the new annuity will not be subject to a reduction under this subpart.
(c) If an individual whose annuity terminates upon reemployment with the Government qualifies for a deferred annuity when the reemployment ends, the deferred annuity will not be subject to a reduction under this subpart.
(d) The reduction in paragraph (a) of this section is computed in accordance with § 847.903 of this subpart as if the individual was retiring for the first time.
§ 847.911 - Is an employee who elects to credit NAFI service to qualify for an immediate FERS retirement under subpart H of this part eligible for an FERS annuity supplement under 5 CFR 842 subpart E?
An FERS Annuity Supplement is not payable to a retiree who elects to credit NAFI service under subpart H of this part.
§ 847.912 - If an employee who elects to credit NAFI service under subpart H of this part elects a survivor annuity will the monthly survivor annuity rate be subject to reduction?
(a) The monthly survivor annuity benefit of an employee who elects to credit NAFI service under subpart H of this part will be subject to reduction.
(b) The reduction under paragraph (a) of this section equals:
(1) The difference in the present value of the initial survivor annuity generated from the immediate annuity computation with credit for NAFI service and the initial survivor annuity generated from the deferred annuity computation without credit for NAFI service, divided by
(2) The present value factor for the retiree's age (in full years) at the time of retirement.
(c) The present value of the survivor annuity generated from the immediate annuity with credit for NAFI service in paragraph (b)(1) of this section is computed under the provisions of § 847.905 of this subpart.
(d) The present value of the initial survivor annuity generated from the deferred annuity without credit for NAFI service in paragraph (b)(1) of this section is computed under the provisions of § 847.906 of this subpart.
(e) The ages of the employee as of the commencing date of the immediate retirement and the commencing date of the deferred retirement are used to compute the present value of the survivor benefits under paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section.
authority: 5 U.S.C. 8332(b)(17) and 8411(b)(6) and sections 1131 and 1132 of Pub. L. 107-107, December 28, 2001, 115 Stat 1242;
5 U.S.C. 8347(a) and 8461(g) and section 1043(b) of Pub. L. 104-106, Div. A, Title X, Feb. 10, 1996, 110 Stat. 434. Subpart B also issued under
5 U.S.C. 8347(q) and 8461(n)
source: 61 FR 41721, Aug. 9, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 5 CFR 847.905