Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 5 - Administrative Personnel last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 870.701 - Eligibility for life insurance.

(a) When an insured employee retires, Basic life insurance (but not accidental death and dismemberment) continues or is reinstated if he/she:

(1) Is entitled to retire on an immediate annuity under a retirement system for civilian employees, including the retirement system of a nonappropriated fund instrumentality of the Department of Defense or the Coast Guard;

(2) Was insured for the 5 years of service immediately before the date the annuity starts, or for the full period(s) of service during which he/she was eligible to be insured if less than 5 years; and

(3) Has not converted to an individual policy as described in § 870.603. If it is determined that an individual is eligible to continue the group coverage as an annuitant after he/she has already converted to an individual policy, the group enrollment may be reinstated. If the individual wants the group coverage reinstated, the conversion policy must be voided, the group policy must be reinstated retroactively, and the premiums already paid on the conversion policy must be refunded to the individual.

(b) Following separation or the completion of 12 months' nonpay status, a compensationer's Basic life insurance (but not accidental death and dismemberment) continues or is reinstated if he/she:

(1) Has been insured for the 5 years of service immediately before the date of entitlement to compensation, or for the full period(s) of service during which he/she was eligible to be insured if less than 5 years; and

(2) Has not converted to an individual policy as described in § 870.603. If it is not determined that an individual is eligible to continue the group coverage as a compensationer until after he/she has converted, the group enrollment may be reinstated. If the individual wants the group coverage reinstated, the conversion policy must be voided, the group policy must be reinstated retroactively, and the premiums already paid on the conversion policy must be refunded to the individual.

(c) An individual who meets the requirements of paragraph (a) or (b) of this section or § 870.706 for continuation or reinstatement of life insurance must complete an election, in a manner designated by OPM, at the time entitlement is established. For the election to be valid, OPM must receive the election before OPM has made a final decision on the individual's application for annuity or supplemental annuity or an individual's request to continue life insurance as a compensationer. If there is no valid election, OPM considers the individual to have chosen the option described in § 870.703(a)(2).

(d) If the annuity or compensation of an insured individual is terminated, or if the Department of Labor finds that an insured compensationer is able to return to duty, his/her Basic life insurance held as an annuitant or compensationer stops on the date of the termination or finding. There is no 31-day extension of coverage or conversion right.

(e)(1) An annuitant or compensationer who is eligible to continue or have reinstated Basic insurance is also eligible to continue or have reinstated Optional insurance if he/she meets the same coverage requirements for Optional insurance as those stated in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section for Basic insurance.

(2) For the purpose of continuing insurance as an annuitant or compensationer, an employee is not considered to have been eligible for Option C during any period when the employee had no eligible family members.

(f) An individual's period of coverage in a life insurance plan is credited to the 5 years of service under paragraph (a)(2) of this section if:

(1) He/she participated in the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) life insurance plan and transferred to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Public Law 111-203; and

(2) Elected FEGLI coverage during the special enrollment period between June 1, 2012 and July 29, 2012. Evidence of the non-FEGLI period of continuous coverage will be documented in a manner designated by OPM.

[62 FR 48731, Sept. 17, 1997, as amended at 75 FR 60583, Oct. 1, 2010; 81 FR 60236, Sept. 1, 2016]
§ 870.702 - Amount of Basic insurance.

(a) The amount of Basic insurance an annuitant or compensationer can continue is the BIA on the date insurance would otherwise have stopped because of the individual's separation from service or completion of 12 months in nonpay status. The amount of Basic insurance in force is the BIA minus any reductions applicable under § 870.703(a).

(b)(1) For the purpose of paying benefits upon the death of an insured individual under age 45 who is retired or receiving compensation, the BIA will be multiplied by the appropriate age factor shown in § 870.202(c) of this part. Exceptions:

(i) If the insured individual retired or became insured as a compensationer before October 10, 1980, or

(ii) If the insured individual elected a partial Living Benefit as an employee under subpart K of this part.

(2)(i) For an annuitant or compensationer who elected a partial Living Benefit as an employee, the amount of Basic insurance he or she can continue is the post-election BIA, as described in § 870.203(a)(2).

(ii) If an employee elected a partial Living Benefit and that employee is under age 45 at the time of death, OFEGLI will multiply the post-election BIA by the appropriate factor, as specified in § 870.202(c), that was in effect on the date that is nine months after the date OFEGLI received the completed Living Benefit application.

[64 FR 72463, Dec. 28, 1999, as amended at 75 FR 60583, Oct. 1, 2010]
§ 870.703 - Election of Basic insurance.

(a) An individual who makes an election under § 870.701(c) and who has not elected a Living Benefit must select one of the options in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section. No one else can make this election on the individual's behalf.

(1) Termination of the insurance. The individual's insurance stops upon conversion to an individual policy as provided under § 870.603. If the individual does not convert to an individual policy, insurance stops at the end of the month in which OPM or the employing office receives the election;

(2) Continuation or reinstatement of Basic insurance with a maximum reduction of 75 percent during retirement. Premiums are withheld from annuity or compensation (except as provided under § 870.401(d)(1)). The amount of Basic Life insurance in force reduces by 2 percent of the BIA each month until the maximum reduction is reached. This reduction starts at the beginning of the 2nd month after the date the insurance would otherwise have stopped or the date of the insured's 65th birthday, whichever is later;

(3) Continuation or reinstatement of Basic insurance with a maximum reduction of 50 percent during retirement. Premiums are withheld from annuity or compensation. The amount of Basic insurance in force reduces by 1 percent of the BIA each month until the maximum reduction is reached. This reduction starts at the beginning of the 2nd month after the date the insurance would otherwise have stopped or the date of the insured's 65th birthday, whichever is later; or

(4) Continuation or reinstatement of Basic insurance with no reduction after age 65. Premiums are withheld from annuity or compensation.

(b)(1) Unless an employee has elected a partial Living Benefit under subpart K of this part or an individual has assigned the insurance under subpart I of this part, an insured individual may cancel an election under paragraph (a)(3) or (a)(4) of this section at any time. The amount of Basic insurance automatically switches to the amount that would have been in force if the individual had originally elected the 75 percent reduction. This revised amount is effective at the end of the month in which OPM receives the request to cancel the previous election. There is no refund of premiums.

(2) If an individual files a waiver of insurance, the coverage stops without a 31-day extension of coverage or conversion right. Coverage ceases at the end of the month in which OPM received the waiver.

(c) Unless he/she chooses to terminate his/her insurance, an employee who has elected a partial Living Benefit must choose the no reduction election under paragraph (a)(4) of this section. The employee cannot later change to the 75 percent reduction.

(d) If an employee has assigned his or her insurance, he/she cannot cancel an election under paragraph (a)(3) or (a)(4) of this section. Only the assignee(s) may cancel this election. Exception: If the employee elected a partial Living Benefit before assigning the remainder of his or her insurance, the assignee(s) cannot cancel the election under paragraph (a)(4) of this section.

(e)(1) For purposes of this part, a judge who retires under paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (vii) of this section is considered to be an employee after retirement:

(ii) 28 U.S.C. 372(a);

(iii) 28 U.S.C. 377;

(iv) 26 U.S.C. 7447;

(v) 11 DC Code 776;

(vi) Section 7447 of the Internal Revenue Code;

(vii) 38 U.S.C. 7296;

(2) The insurance of a judge described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section does not reduce after age 65. Basic insurance continues without interruption or reduction. Exception: If the insured is a judge eligible for compensation, and chooses to receive compensation instead of annuity, he or she must select an option described in paragraph (a) of this section.

[75 FR 60583, Oct. 1, 2010, as amended at 85 FR 60048, Sept. 24, 2020]
§ 870.704 - Amount of Option A.

(a) The amount of Option A coverage an annuitant or compensationer can continue is $10,000.

(b) An annuitant's or compensationer's Option A coverage reduces by 2 percent of the original amount each month up to a maximum reduction of 75 percent. This reduction starts at the beginning of the 2nd month after the date the insurance would otherwise have stopped or the beginning of the 2nd month after the date of the insured's 65th birthday, whichever is later.

(c) Paragraph (b) of this section does not apply to a judge who retires under one of the provisions listed in § 870.703(e)(1). For purposes of this part, such a judge is considered to be an employee after retirement, and Option A insurance continues without interruption or reduction. Exception: If the judge is eligible for compensation and chooses to receive compensation instead of annuity, paragraph (b) of this section applies.

[75 FR 60583, Oct. 1, 2010]
§ 870.705 - Amount and election of Option B and Option C.

(a) The number of multiples of Option B and Option C coverage an annuitant or compensationer can continue is the highest number of multiples in force during the applicable period of service required to continue Option B and Option C.

(b)(1)(i) At the time an employee retires or becomes insured as a compensationer, he or she must elect the number of allowable multiples he or she wishes to continue during retirement or while receiving compensation.

(ii) An employee who elects to continue fewer multiples than the number for which he or she is eligible is considered to have cancelled the multiples that are not continued.

(iii) An employee separating for retirement and an employee becoming insured as a compensationer on or after April 24, 1999, must choose the level of post-age-65 reduction he or she wants. There are two choices: Full Reduction and No Reduction. The election may be made only by the employee and must be made in the manner that OPM designates. The employee may make different elections for Option B and for Option C. He or she may choose Full Reduction for some multiples of an Option and No Reduction for other multiples of the same Option. Failure to make an election for Option B or for Option C will be considered to be an election of Full Reduction for all multiples of that Option.

(iv) For purposes of this part, a judge who retires under one of the provisions listed in § 870.703(e)(1) is considered to be an employee after retirement. The insurance of such a judge does not reduce after age 65. Exception: If the judge is eligible for compensation and chooses to receive compensation instead of annuity, the post-65 reductions and elections apply.

(2)(i) Prior to reaching age 65, an annuitant or compensationer can change from No Reduction to Full Reduction at any time. Exception: If the individual has assigned his or her insurance as provided in subpart I of this part, only the assignee can change from No Reduction to Full Reduction for the Option B coverage.

(3)(i) After reaching age 65, an annuitant or compensationer can change from No Reduction to Full Reduction at any time. Exception: If the individual has assigned his or her insurance as provided in subpart I of this part, only the assignee can change from No Reduction to Full Reduction for the Option B coverage. If an individual age 65 or over changes to Full Reduction, the amount of insurance in force is computed as if he or she had elected Full Reduction initially. There is no refund of premiums.

(ii) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, after reaching age 65, an annuitant or compensationer cannot change from Full Reduction to No Reduction.

(4)(i) Shortly before an annuitant or compensationer's 65th birthday, an annuitant's retirement system will send a reminder about the post-age-65 reduction election he/she made and will offer the individual a chance to change the initial election made at the time of retirement.

(ii) If the individual is already 65 or older at the time of retirement or becoming insured as a compensationer, the retirement system will process the retirement using the current Continuation of Life Insurance Coverage (SF 2818) on file, send the reminder, and give the opportunity to change the election as soon as the retirement processing or compensation transfer is complete.

(iii) If the individual assigned his/her insurance as provided in subpart I of this part, and if the employee elected No Reduction for Option B coverage at the time of retirement or becoming insured as a compensationer, the retirement system will send the reminder notice for Option B coverage to the assignee.

(iv) An annuitant or compensationer who wishes to change his/her reduction election must return the notice by the end of the month following the month in which the individual turns 65, or if already over age 65, by the end of the 4th month after the date of the letter. An annuitant or compensationer who does not return the election notice will keep his/her initial election or the default election, as applicable.

(c)(1) For each multiple of Option B and/or Option C for which an individual elects Full Reduction, the coverage reduces by 2 percent of the original amount each month. This reduction starts at the beginning of the 2nd month after the date the insurance would otherwise have stopped or the beginning of the 2nd month after the insured's 65th birthday, whichever is later. At 12:00 noon on the day before the 50th reduction, the insurance stops, with no extension of coverage or conversion right.

(2) For each multiple of Option B and/or Option C for which an individual elects No Reduction, the coverage in force does not reduce. After age 65 the annuitant or compensationer continues to pay premiums appropriate to his or her age.

(d)(1) An employee who was already retired or insured as a compensationer on April 24, 1999, and who had Option B, was given an opportunity to make an election for Option B.

(i) Annuitants and compensationers who were under age 65 were notified of the option to elect No Reduction. The retirement system will send these individuals an actual election notice before their 65th birthday, as provided in paragraph (b)(4) of this section.

(ii) Each such annuitant or compensationer who was age 65 or older on April 24, 1999, and who still had some Option B coverage remaining, was given the opportunity to stop further reductions. The individual had until October 24, 1999, to make the No Reduction election. The amount of Option B coverage retained was the amount in effect on April 24, 1999. Each annuitant or compensationer who elected No Reduction was required to pay premiums retroactive to April 24, 1999.

(2) An employee who was already retired or insured as a compensationer on April 24, 1999, could not elect No Reduction for Option C.

[75 FR 60583, Oct. 1, 2010, as amended at 81 FR 26998, May 5, 2016]
§ 870.706 - Reinstatement of life insurance.

(a) An annuitant whose disability annuity terminates because he/she recovers from the disability or because his/her earning capacity returns, and whose disability annuity is later restored under 5 U.S.C. 8337(e) (after December 31, 1983), may elect to resume the Basic insurance held immediately before his/her disability annuity terminated. OPM must receive the election within 60 days after OPM mails a notice of insurance eligibility and an election form.

(b) An annuitant described in paragraph (a) of this section may elect to resume any Optional insurance held immediately before the annuity terminated if:

(1) He/she has made an election under paragraph (a) of this section; and

(2) OPM receives the election within 60 days after OPM mails a notice of insurance eligibility and an election form.

(c) Basic and Optional insurance reinstated under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section is effective on the 1st day of the month after the date OPM receives the election. Any applicable annuity withholdings are also reinstated on the 1st day of the month after OPM receives the election.

(d) The amounts of Basic and Optional insurance reinstated under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are the amounts that would have been in force if the individual's annuity hadn't terminated.

[62 FR 48731, Sept. 17, 1997; 62 FR 52181, Oct. 6, 1997. Redesignated at 64 FR 72463, Dec. 28, 1999]
§ 870.707 - Reemployed annuitants and compensationers.

(a)(1) If an insured annuitant or compensationer is appointed to a position in which he or she is eligible for insurance, the amount of his or her Basic life insurance as a annuitant or compensationer (and any applicable withholdings) is suspended on the day before the 1st day in pay status under the appointment, unless the reemployed annuitant or compensationer waives all insurance coverage as an employee. The Basic insurance benefit payable upon the death of a reemployed annuitant or compensationer who has Basic insurance in force as an employee, cannot be less than the benefit that would have been payable if the individual had not been reemployed.

(2) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the Basic insurance obtained as an employee stops with no 31-day extension of coverage or conversion right, on the date reemployment terminates. Any suspended Basic insurance (and any applicable withholdings) is reinstated on the day following termination of the reemployment.

(b) Basic insurance obtained during reemployment can be continued after the reemployment terminates if the individual:

(1) Qualifies for a supplemental annuity or receives a new retirement right (or if a compensationer, he or she worked an amount of time equivalent to that required for an annuitant to qualify for a supplemental annuity);

(2) Has had Basic insurance as an employee for at least 5 years of service immediately before separation from reemployment or for the full period(s) during which such coverage was available to the individual, whichever is less; and

(3) Does not convert to nongroup insurance when Basic insurance as an employee would otherwise terminate.

(c) If the Basic insurance obtained during reemployment is continued as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, any suspended Basic life insurance stops, with no 31-day extension of coverage or conversion right.

(d)(1) An annuitant or compensationer appointed to a position in which he or she is eligible for Basic insurance is also eligible for Optional insurance as an employee, unless he or she has on file an uncancelled waiver of Basic or Optional insurance.

(2) If the individual has Option A or C as an annuitant, that insurance (and applicable withholdings) is suspended on the day before his or her 1st day in pay status under the appointment. Unless he or she waives Option A or C (or waives Basic insurance), the individual obtains Option A or C as an employee.

(3) If the individual has Option B as an annuitant or compensationer, that insurance (and applicable withholdings) continues as if the individual were not reemployed, unless:

(i) The individual files with his/her employing office an election of Option B, in a manner designated by OPM, within 60 calendar days after the date of reemployment. In this case Option B (and applicable withholdings) as an annuitant or compensationer is suspended on the date that Option B as an employee becomes effective; or

(ii) The individual waives Basic insurance.

(4) The Option B benefit payable upon the death of a reemployed annuitant or compensationer is the amount in effect as an annuitant or compensationer, unless the individual elected to have Option B as an employee.

(5) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, the Optional insurance obtained as an employee stops, with no 31-day extension or conversion right, on the date reemployment terminates. The amount of suspended Optional insurance that remains in force after applicable monthly reductions after age 65 (and corresponding withholdings) is reinstated on the day after reemployment terminates.

(e) Optional life insurance obtained during reemployment may be continued after the reemployment terminates if the annuitant:

(1) Qualifies for a supplemental annuity or receives a new retirement right (or if a compensationer, he or she worked an amount of time equivalent to that required for an annuitant to qualify for a supplemental annuity);

(2) Continues Basic life insurance under § 870.703(a)(2), (3), or (4); and

(3) Has had Optional insurance as an employee for at least the 5 years of service immediately before separation from reemployment or for the full period(s) of service during which it was available to him or her, whichever is less.

(f) If Optional insurance obtained during reemployment is continued as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, any suspended Optional insurance stops, with no 31-day extension of coverage or conversion right.

(g) If a reemployed annuitant or compensationer waives life insurance as an employee, the waiver also cancels his or her life insurance as an annuitant or compensationer.

[75 FR 60584, Oct. 1, 2010]
§ 870.708 - MRA-plus-10 annuitants.

(a) The Basic insurance of an individual whose coverage terminates under § 870.601(b), and who meets the requirements for continuing Basic insurance after retirement as stated in § 870.701(a), resumes on the starting date of annuity or on the date OPM receives the application for annuity, whichever is later. The individual must file an election as provided in § 870.701(c) so that OPM receives it within 60 days after OPM mails a notice of insurance eligibility and an election form.

(b) Optional insurance of an individual whose coverage terminates under § 870.602(b), and who meets the requirements for continuing Optional insurance after retirement under § 870.701(e), resumes on the starting date of annuity or on the date OPM receives the application for annuity, whichever is later.

[62 FR 48731, Sept. 17, 1997. Redesignated at 64 FR 72463, Dec. 28, 1999]
authority: 5 U.S.C. 8716; Sec. 870.106 also issued under section 1110(b) of Pub. L. 116-92, 133 Stat. 1198 (5 U.S.C. 8702 note); Sec. 870.302(a)(3) also issued under sections 11202(f), 11232(e), and 11246(b) and (c) of Pub. L. 105-33, 111 Stat. 251, section 7(e) of Pub. L. 105-274, 112 Stat. 2419, and section 145 of Pub. L. 106-522, 114 Stat. 2472; Sec. 870.302(a)(3)(ii) also issued under section 153 of Pub. L. 104-134, 110 Stat. 1321; Secs. 870.302(b)(8), 870.601(a), and 870.602(b) also issued under Pub. L. 110-279, 122 Stat. 2604 (2 U.S.C. 2051); Subpart E also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8702(c); Sec. 870.601(d)(3) also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8706(d); Sec. 870.510 also issued under section 1622(b) of Pub. L. 104-106, 110 Stat. 521 (36 U.S.C. 5522); Sec. 870.703(e)(1) also issued under section 502 of Pub. L. 110-177, 121 Stat. 2542 (5 U.S.C. 8701 note); Sec. 870.705 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8714b(c) and 8714c(c); and Subpart J also issued under section 599C of Pub. L. 101-513, 104 Stat. 2064 (5 U.S.C. 5561 note), as amended
source: 62 FR 48731, Sept. 17, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 5 CFR 870.707