Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 5 - Administrative Personnel last revised: Jan 31, 2025
§ 875.201 - Am I eligible as a Federal civilian or Postal employee?
(a) If you are a Federal civilian or Postal employee whose current position conveys eligibility for Federal Employees Health Benefits under part 890 of this chapter, you are also eligible to apply for coverage, with the following exceptions:
(1) If you are a District of Columbia employee or retiree, you are not eligible to apply for coverage, regardless of whether you are eligible for Federal Employees Health Benefits coverage. There is a related exception, however: D.C. government employees and retirees who were first employed by the D.C. government before October 1, 1987 are eligible to apply for coverage.
(2) If you are a Tennessee Valley Authority employee or retiree, you are eligible to apply for coverage, even though you may not be eligible for Federal Employees Health Benefits coverage.
(3) If you are a Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) employee or retiree you are eligible to apply when the Secretary of Defense determines such eligibility for the NAF instrumentality that employs you, and you will be treated the same as a Federal civilian employee or retiree (as applicable) under this Part.
(b) If you are a Federal civilian or Postal employee whose current position is excluded from Federal Employees Health Benefits eligibility under § 890.102 of this chapter, you are excluded from applying for coverage unless paragraph (a)(2) of this section applies.
(c) If you are an annuitant reemployed by the Federal Government, you may apply for coverage as an employee.
[68 FR 5534, Feb. 4, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 30607, May 27, 2005]
§ 875.202 - Am I eligible as a Federal annuitant?
If you are a Federal annuitant, including a survivor annuitant, a deferred annuitant, or a compensationer, you are eligible to apply for coverage. Separated Federal employees with title to a deferred annuity may apply for coverage, even if they are not yet receiving that annuity.
[68 FR 5534, Feb. 4, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 30607, May 27, 2005]
§ 875.203 - Am I eligible if I separated under the FERS MRA+10 provision?
If you have separated from service under the FERS Minimum Retirement Age and 10 years of service (MRA+10) provision of 5 U.S.C. 8412(g), and have postponed receiving an annuity under that provision, you are eligible to apply for coverage as an annuitant under this part.
[87 FR 68598, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.204 - Am I eligible as a member of the uniformed services?
(a) You are eligible to apply for coverage if you are on active duty or full-time National Guard duty for more than a 30-day period.
(b) You are eligible to apply for coverage if you are a member of the Selected Reserve, which consists of:
(1) Drilling Reservists and Guardsmembers assigned to Reserve Component Units;
(2) Individual Mobilization Augmentees who are Reservists assigned to Reserve Component billets in Active Component units (you may be performing duty in a pay or non-pay status); and
(3) Active Guard and Reserve members who are full-time Reserve members on full-time National Guard duty or active duty in support of the National Guard or Reserves.
(c) You are not eligible to apply for coverage solely because you belong to the Individual Ready Reserve. The Individual Ready Reserves includes Reservists who are assigned to a Voluntary Training Unit in the Naval Reserve and Category E in the Air Force Reserve.
[68 FR 5534, Feb. 4, 2003, as amended at 87 FR 68598, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.205 - Am I eligible as a retired member of the uniformed services?
(a) You are eligible to apply for coverage if you are a retired member of the uniformed services entitled to retired or retainer pay (including disability retirement pay).
(b) You are eligible to apply for coverage if you are a retired reservist who is currently receiving retirement pay.
(c) You are eligible to apply for coverage as a retired (“grey”) reservist, even if not yet receiving retirement pay.
[68 FR 5534, Feb. 4, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 30607, May 27, 2005]
§ 875.206 - [Reserved]
§ 875.207 - What happens if I am in nonpay status during a special application period?
(a) If you return to pay status from nonpay status during a special application period, you have 60 days from the date of your return, or until the end of the special application period, whichever gives you more time, to apply for coverage pursuant to the rules of that special application period.
(b) If you return to pay status from nonpay status within 180 days after the end of the special application period, you have 60 days from the date of your return to apply for coverage pursuant to the rules of that special application period.
(c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section apply only when you have been in nonpay status for more than one-half of a special application period, unless you went into nonpay status for a reason beyond your control.
[87 FR 68598, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.208 - May I apply as a qualified relative if the person on whom I am basing my eligibility status has died?
You may not apply as a qualified relative if the workforce member on whom you are basing your qualified relative status died prior to the time you apply for coverage, unless you are receiving a survivor annuity as the spouse or an insurable interest annuity as the domestic partner of a deceased workforce member. In this case, your adult children and your current spouse or domestic partner are also considered to be qualified relatives.
[80 FR 66786, Oct. 30, 2015]
§ 875.209 - How do I demonstrate that I am eligible to apply for coverage?
(a) When you submit your application for coverage, you must make known your status as a member of an eligible group. If you are a qualified relative, you need to provide identifying information about the workforce member who makes you an eligible individual.
(b) If the Carrier finds that you misrepresented your eligibility status, the Carrier has the right to void your coverage and return to you any premiums you paid, without interest. The incontestability provisions in § 875.408 do not apply to this section.
[68 FR 5534, Feb. 4, 2003, as amended at 72 FR 12037, Mar. 15, 2007; 87 FR 68598, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.210 - What happens if I become ineligible after I submit an application?
(a) You must be eligible at the time of your application and at the time your coverage is scheduled to go into effect. Except as noted in paragraph (b) of this section, if you lose your status as part of an eligible group before your coverage goes into effect, you are no longer eligible for FLTCIP coverage. You are required to inform the Carrier that you are no longer eligible.
(b) In two instances, you will continue to be eligible for coverage even if you lose your status as part of an eligible group after you submit an application for coverage, but before your coverage becomes effective. The two instances are:
(1) When you are involuntarily separated from Federal civilian service (except for misconduct) or from the uniformed services (except for a dishonorable discharge); or, when you are the qualified relative of a workforce member who has been involuntarily separated from Federal civilian service (except for misconduct) or from the uniformed services (except for a dishonorable discharge).
(2) When you are the qualified relative of a workforce member who dies.
[68 FR 5534, Feb. 4, 2003, as amended at 87 FR 68598, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.211 - What happens if my eligibility status changes after I submit my application?
(a) If you applied as an active workforce member, and you retire or separate from service after you submit an application for coverage, but before your coverage becomes effective, you must notify the Carrier of this change.
(b) If you applied with abbreviated underwriting during a special application period as an active workforce member or the spouse of an active workforce member, and the active workforce member retires or separates from service before your coverage becomes effective, you must reapply based on your new eligibility status.
[87 FR 68598, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.212 - Is there a minimum application age?
Yes, there is a minimum application age. You must be at least 18 years old at the time you submit an application for coverage.
§ 875.213 - May I apply as a qualified relative if I am the domestic partner of an employee or annuitant?
You may apply for coverage as a qualified relative if you are a domestic partner, as described in § 875.101. As prescribed by OPM, you will be required to provide documentation to demonstrate that you meet these requirements, and you must submit to full underwriting requirements. However, as explained in § 875.210, if you lose your status as a domestic partner, and therefore status as a qualified relative, before your coverage goes into effect, you are no longer eligible for FLTCIP coverage.
[87 FR 68598, Nov. 16, 2022]
source: 68 FR 5534, Feb. 4, 2003, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 5 CFR 875.209