Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 5 - Administrative Personnel last revised: Jan 31, 2025
§ 875.401 - How do I apply for coverage?
To apply for coverage, you must complete the application in a form appropriate for your eligibility status as prescribed by the Carrier and approved by OPM.
[87 FR 68598, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.402 - When will open seasons be held?
(a) There are no regularly scheduled open seasons for long term care insurance. OPM may have special application periods in which active workforce members and their spouses may apply based on abbreviated underwriting.
(b) In situations where OPM determines that it is appropriate to have a special application period, OPM will announce any such period via publication of a document in the Federal Register. The document will include the requirements for eligible applicants during the special application period.
[87 FR 68598, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.403 - When may I apply for coverage?
If you are an eligible individual, you may apply at any time outside of a suspension period described in § 875.110. You will be subject to full underwriting requirements. The only exceptions to the full underwriting requirements are described in § 875.402. You may apply as a qualified relative of a workforce member even if the workforce member does not apply for coverage.
[87 FR 68598, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.404 - What is the effective date of coverage?
(a)(1) The effective dates of coverage under special application period enrollments will be announced in a document published in the Federal Register that announces special application period dates.
(2) If you are an active workforce member or the spouse of an active workforce member and you are applying for coverage during a special application period, the workforce member must be actively at work at least 1 day during the calendar week immediately before the week which contains your coverage effective date for your coverage to become effective. You must inform the Carrier if you do not meet this requirement. In the event you do not meet this requirement, the Carrier will issue you a revised effective date, which will be the 1st day of the next month. The workforce member also must meet the actively at work requirement for any revised effective date for coverage to become effective, or you will be issued another revised effective date in the same manner.
(b) If you enroll at any time outside of a special application period, your coverage effective date is the 1st day of the month after the date your application is approved.
[87 FR 68598, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.405 - May a spouse, domestic partner, or other qualified relative of a workforce member apply for coverage?
A spouse, domestic partner, or other qualified relative of a workforce member may apply for coverage with full underwriting at any time following the marriage or commencing date of the domestic partnership, outside of a suspension period as described in § 875.110.
[87 FR 68599, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.406 - May I change my coverage?
(a) You may make the following changes to your coverage:
(1) At any time outside of a suspension period described in § 875.110, you may apply to increase your coverage with full underwriting.
(2) If you increase your coverage by adding to your daily benefit amount, the premiums for the additional coverage will be based on your age, prevailing premium rates, and coverage rules in effect at the time you purchase the additional coverage.
(3) For other types of coverage increases, your entire premium will be based on your age, prevailing premium rates, and coverage rules in effect at the time you purchase the increased coverage. Any increase in coverage will take effect on the 1st day of the month following the date the Carrier approves your request for an increase.
(b) You may decrease your coverage at any time, although any decrease will be subject to coverage rules at the time of the decrease. Decreased coverage takes effect on the 1st day of the month after the Carrier receives your request. You will not receive any refund of premiums paid for coverage you held before the decrease; however, your subsequent premiums will be reduced based on your new, lower level of coverage. The Carrier will refund or credit any portion of premium paid in advance for the period following the date on which you decrease your coverage.
(c) You may cancel your coverage at any time.
(1) If you cancel during the free look period, your premiums will be refunded to you.
(2) If you cancel your coverage at any time other than during the free look period, cancellation will take effect on your requested cancellation date or at the end of the period covered by your last premium payment, whichever occurs first. You will not receive any refund of premiums paid, other than any premiums paid in advance for the period following the effective date of your cancellation of coverage, and you will not have to pay any more premiums unless you owed retroactive premiums.
[68 FR 5534, Feb. 4, 2003, as amended at 87 FR 68599, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.407 - Who makes insurability decisions?
The Carrier determines the insurability of all applicants. The Carrier's decision may not be appealed to OPM.
§ 875.408 - What is the significance of incontestability?
(a) Incontestability means coverage issued based on an erroneous application may remain in effect. Such coverage will not remain in effect under any of the following conditions:
(1) If your coverage has been in force for less than 6 months, the Carrier may void your coverage upon a showing that information on your signed application that was material to your approval for coverage is different from what is shown in your medical records.
(2) If your coverage has been in force for at least 6 months but less than 2 years, the Carrier may void your coverage upon a showing that information on your signed application that was material to your approval for coverage is different from what is shown in your medical records and pertains to the condition for which benefits are sought.
(3) After your coverage has been in effect for 2 years, the Carrier may void your coverage only upon a showing that you knowingly and intentionally made a false or misleading statement or omitted information in your signed application for coverage regarding your health status that was material to your approval for coverage.
(4) If your coverage is voided, as described in paragraph (a)(1), (a)(2), or (a)(3) of this section, no claims will be paid. In addition, the provisions of § 875.104 relating to the procedures for resolving a dispute involving benefits eligibility or claims denials do not apply to your situation. You may request a review by the Carrier if you believe that your coverage was voided in error. You must submit your request in writing to the Carrier within 30 days of the date of the rescission letter (letter voiding your coverage).
(b) Your coverage can be contested at any time when the Carrier finds that you were not an eligible individual at the time you applied and were approved for coverage.
(c) If the Carrier voids coverage after it has paid benefits, it cannot recover the benefits already paid.
(d) Incontestability does not apply when you have not paid your premiums on a timely basis.
[68 FR 5534, Feb. 4, 2003, as amended at 72 FR 12037, Mar. 15, 2007]
§ 875.409 - Must I provide an authorization to release medical information?
You must provide the Carrier with an authorization to release medical information when requested. The Carrier may deny a claim for benefits or void your coverage if the Carrier does not receive an authorization to release medical information within 3 weeks after its request (4 weeks for those outside the United States).
§ 875.410 - May I continue my coverage when I leave Federal or military service?
If you are an active workforce member, your coverage will automatically continue when you leave active service, as long as the Carrier continues to receive the required premium when due.
[87 FR 68599, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.411 - May I continue my coverage when I am no longer a qualified relative?
If you are already enrolled as a qualified relative, you may continue your FLTCIP coverage if you subsequently lose qualified relative status (such as upon divorce), as long as the Carrier receives the required premium when due.
§ 875.412 - When will my coverage terminate?
Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, your coverage will terminate on the earliest of the following dates:
(a) The date you specify to the Carrier that you wish your coverage to end;
(b) The date of your death;
(c) The end of the period covered by your last premium payment if you do not pay the required premiums when due, after a grace period of 30 days; or
(d) The date you have exhausted your maximum lifetime benefit. (However, in this event, care coordination services will continue.)
(e) Termination of a domestic partnership does not terminate insurance coverage as long as the Carrier continues to receive the required premium when due.
[68 FR 5534, Feb. 4, 2003, as amended at 80 FR 66787, Oct. 30, 2015]
§ 875.413 - Is it possible to have coverage reinstated?
(a) Under certain circumstances, your coverage can be reinstated. The Carrier will reinstate your coverage if it receives proof satisfactory to it, within 6 months from the date of the written notice of termination, that you suffered from a cognitive impairment or loss of functional capacity, before the grace period ended, that caused you to miss making premium payments. In that event, you will not be required to submit to underwriting. Your coverage will be reinstated retroactively to the termination date but you must pay back premiums for that period. The premium will be the same as it was prior to termination.
(b) If your coverage has terminated because you did not pay premiums or because you requested cancellation, the Carrier may reinstate your coverage within 12 months from the date of the written notice of termination at your request. You will be required to reapply based on full underwriting, and the Carrier will determine whether you are still insurable. If you are insurable, your coverage will be reinstated retroactively to the termination date and you must pay back premiums for that period. The premium will be the same as it was prior to termination.
[87 FR 68599, Nov. 16, 2022]
§ 875.414 - Will benefits be coordinated with other coverage?
Yes, benefits will be coordinated with other plans, following the coordination of benefits (COB) guidelines set by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The total benefits from all plans that pay a long term care benefit to you should not exceed the actual costs you incur. The other plans that are considered for COB purposes include government programs, group medical benefits, and other employer-sponsored long term care insurance plans. Medicaid, individual insurance policies, and association group insurance policies are not taken into consideration under this provision.
source: 68 FR 5534, Feb. 4, 2003, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 5 CFR 875.414