Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 5 - Administrative Personnel last revised: Jan 31, 2025
§ 890.1401 - Purpose.

This subpart sets forth the conditions for coverage, rights, and benefits under Chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code, according to the provisions of 25 U.S.C. 1647b.

§ 890.1402 - Definitions and deemed references.

(a) In this subpart—

Billing unit is a subdivision of the tribal employer's workforce that aligns tribal employees for purposes of administering FEHB enrollment and collection of payment. A billing unit may be either governmental or commercial or a combination of both. So long as a tribal employer purchases FEHB for at least one billing unit that is an Indian Tribe or tribal organization carrying out at least one program under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) or Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1988 (TCSA), or an urban Indian organization carrying out at least one program under title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA), the tribal employer may purchase FEHB for other billing units without regard to its programs.

Paymaster is the entity or entities designated by OPM as responsible for receiving FEHB premiums from the tribal employer, forwarding premiums to the Employees Health Benefits Fund, and maintaining enrollment records for all participating tribal employers.

Payment is the sum of the tribal employer's share of premium plus the tribal employees' share of premium plus any administrative fees or costs required under this subpart, due for the enrollment, in the aggregate, of the tribal employer's tribal employees.

Pay period is the interval of time for which a paycheck is issued by the tribal employer for work performed by the tribal employee.

Tribal employee is a full-time or part-time common law employee of a tribal employer. An individual is a common law employee if, based on all the facts and circumstances, the tribal employer has the right to control and direct the individual who performs the services, not only as to the result to be accomplished by the work but also as to the details and means by which that result is accomplished. This determination is based on all facts and circumstances and shall be guided by the factors described by the Internal Revenue Service in Rev. Rul. 87-41, 1987-1 C.B. 296 and referenced in Joint Committee on Taxation report JCX-26-07 Present Law and Background Relating to Worker Classification for Federal Tax Purposes, dated May 7, 2007, and the determination shall be consistent with the tribal employer's determination of common law employee status for Federal employment tax purposes, if any. For purposes of this subpart, tribal employees do not include retirees or annuitants of a tribal employer, volunteers of a tribal employer, or others who are not common law employees of a tribal employer. Categories of excluded tribal employees are described at § 890.1405(b). FEHB benefits available to tribal employees are set forth in this subpart and to the extent there exists any ambiguity or inconsistency between this subpart and other subparts of part 890, the terms of this subpart will govern FEHB benefits available to tribal employees.

Tribal employer is an Indian tribe or tribal organization (as those terms are defined in 25 U.S.C. chapter 18, “Indian Health Care”) carrying out at least one program under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act or the TCSA (25 U.S.C. 2501 et seq.); or an urban Indian organization (as that term is defined in 25 U.S.C. chapter 18, “Indian Health Care”) carrying out at least one program under title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. The tribe, tribal organization, or urban Indian organization is a tribal employer provided that it certifies entitlement to purchase FEHB according to the process described in subpart N. FEHB benefits that tribal employers are entitled to purchase for their tribal employees are set forth in this subpart and to the extent there exists any ambiguity or inconsistency between this subpart and other subparts of this part, the terms of this subpart will govern FEHB benefits available for purchase by tribal employers.

Tribally controlled school is a school (as the term is defined in section 2511 of 25 U.S.C. chapter 27, “Tribally Controlled School Grants”) that is operated by an Indian tribe or a tribal organization, enrolling students in kindergarten through grade 12, including a preschool; is not a local educational agency; and is not directly administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

(b) In this subpart, wherever reference is made to other subparts of part 890—

(1) A reference to employee is deemed a reference to tribal employee;

(2) A reference to employer is deemed a reference to tribal employer;

(3) A reference to enrollee is deemed a reference to a tribal employee in whose name the enrollment is carried;

(4) A reference to employing agency, employing office, or agency is deemed a reference to tribal employer, and/or if the reference involves the subject of a paymaster function, the paymaster, as appropriate;

(5) A reference to United States, Federal Government, or Government in the capacity of an employer is deemed a reference to tribal employer;

(6) A reference to Federal Service or Government Service is deemed a reference to employment with a tribal employer;

(7) A reference to annuitant, survivor annuitant, or an individual with entitlement to an annuity is deemed inapplicable in the context of this subpart; and

(8) A reference incorporated into this subpart that does not otherwise apply to tribal employees and tribal employers shall have no meaning and is deemed inapplicable in the context of this subpart.

[81 FR 95405, Dec. 28, 2016, as amended at 86 FR 49466, Sept. 3, 2021]
§ 890.1403 - Tribal employer purchase of FEHB requires current deposit of premium payment and timely payment of administrative fee.

(a) A tribal employer shall be entitled to purchase coverage, rights, and benefits for its tribal employees under Chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code, if premium payment for the coverage, rights, and benefits for the period of employment with such tribal employer is currently deposited in the Employees Health Benefits Fund, and if the administrative fee is timely paid to the paymaster.

(b) Premium payment will be considered currently deposited if received by the Employees Health Benefits Fund before, during, or within fourteen days after the end of the month covered by the premium payment.

(c) Administrative fee will be considered timely paid if received by the paymaster before, during, or within fourteen days after the end of the month covered by the administrative fee.

(d) Purchase of FEHB coverage by a tribal employer confers all the rights and benefits of FEHB as set forth in Subpart N to the tribal employer and tribal employee.

§ 890.1404 - Tribal employer election and agreement to purchase FEHB.

(a) A tribal employer that intends to purchase FEHB for its tribal employees shall notify OPM by email or telephone.

(1) A tribal employer must purchase FEHB for at least one billing unit carrying out programs or activities under the tribal employer's ISDEAA or IHCIA contract or TCSA grant.

(2) For so long as a tribal employer continues to purchase FEHB for at least one billing unit carrying out programs or activities under a tribal employer's ISDEAA or IHCIA contract or TCSA grant, the tribal employer may purchase FEHB for one or more billing units without regard to whether they are carrying out programs or activities under the tribal employer's ISDEAA or IHCIA contract or TCSA grant.

(b) A tribal employer must enter into an agreement with OPM to purchase FEHB. This agreement will include—

(1) The name, job title, and contact information of the individual responsible for health insurance coverage decisions for the tribal employer;

(2) The date on which the tribal employer will begin to purchase FEHB coverage;

(3) The approximate number of tribal employees who will be eligible to enroll;

(4) A certification that the eligible tribal employees within the enrolling billing unit will not have alternate tribal employer-sponsored health insurance coverage available concurrent with FEHB;

(5) A certification and documentation demonstrating that the tribal employer is entitled to purchase FEHB as either: An Indian tribe or tribal organization carrying out at least one program under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act or Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1988; or an urban Indian organization carrying out at least one program under Title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act;

(6) Agreement by the tribal employer that its purchase of FEHB makes the tribal employer responsible for administering the program in accordance with this subpart, subject to Federal Government audit with respect to such purchase and administration, and subject to OPM authority to direct the administration of the program, including but not limited to the correction of errors;

(7) Agreement that the tribal employer will establish or identify an independent dispute resolution panel to adjudicate appeals of determinations made by a tribal employer regarding an individual's status as a tribal employee eligible to enroll in FEHB, eligibility of family members, and eligibility to change enrollment. This panel must have authority to enforce eligibility decisions;

(8) A certification that the tribal employer will supply necessary enrollment information and payment to the paymaster;

(9) Agreement to provide notice to OPM in the event that the tribal employer is no longer carrying out at least one program under the ISDEAA or title V of IHCIA or the Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1988; and

(10) Other terms and conditions as appropriate.

(c) A tribal employer may make an initial election to purchase FEHB at any time. A tribal employer purchasing FEHB shall commit to purchase FEHB for at least the remainder of the calendar year in which the agreement is signed. Elections will be automatically renewable year to year unless revoked by the tribal employer or terminated by OPM.

(d) If a tribal employer revokes the initial election, OPM must be given 60 days notice. The tribal employer may not re-elect to purchase FEHB until the first annual open season that falls at least twelve months after the revocation. If the tribal employer revokes an election to participate a second time, the tribal employer may not re-elect to purchase FEHB until the first open season that falls at least twenty-four months after the second revocation.

(e) OPM maintains final authority, in consultation with the United States Department of the Interior and the United States Department of Health and Human Services, to determine whether a tribal employer is entitled to purchase FEHB as either—

(1) An Indian tribe or tribal organization carrying out at least one program under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act or under the Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1988; or

(2) An urban Indian organization carrying out at least one program under title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.

(f) If a tribe, tribal organization or urban Indian organization believes it has been improperly denied the entitlement to purchase FEHB, it may appeal the denial to OPM. The appeal will be given an independent level of review within OPM and the decision on review will be final.

[81 FR 95405, Dec. 28, 2016, as amended at 86 FR 49466, Sept. 3, 2021]
§ 890.1405 - Tribal employees eligible for enrollment.

(a) A tribal employee who is a full-time or part-time common law employee of a tribal employer is eligible to enroll in FEHB if that tribal employer has elected to purchase FEHB coverage for the tribal employees of that tribal employer's billing unit, except that a tribal employee described in paragraph (b) of this section is not eligible to enroll in FEHB.

(b) Status as a tribal employee under § 890.1402(a) for purposes of eligibility to enroll in FEHB is initially made based on a reasonable determination by the tribal employer. OPM maintains final authority to correct errors regarding FEHB enrollment as set forth at § 890.1406.

(c) Retirees, annuitants, volunteers, compensationers under Federal worker's disability programs past 365 days, and others who are not common law employees of the tribal employer are not eligible to enroll under this subpart.

(d) The following tribal employees are not eligible to enroll in FEHB—

(1) A tribal employee whose employment is limited to one year or less and who has not completed one year of continuous employment, including any break in service of 5 days or less;

(2) A tribal employee who is expected to work less than 6 months in one year;

(3) An intermittent tribal employee—a non-full-time tribal employee without a prearranged regular tour of duty;

(4) A beneficiary or patient employee in a Government or tribal hospital or home; and

(5) A tribal employee paid on a piecework basis, except one whose work schedule provides for full-time service or part-time service with a regular tour of duty.

(e) Notwithstanding paragraphs (d)(1), (2), and (3) of this section a tribal employee working on a temporary appointment, a tribal employee working on a seasonal schedule of less than 6 months in a year, or a tribal employee working on an intermittent schedule, for whom the tribal employer expects the total hours in pay status (including overtime hours) plus qualifying leave without pay hours to be at least 130 hours per calendar month, is eligible to enroll in FEHB according to terms described in § 890.102(j) unless the tribal employer provides written notification to the Director as described in § 890.102(k).

(f) The tribal employer initially determines eligibility of a tribal employee to enroll in FEHB, eligibility of family members, and eligibility of tribal employee to change enrollment. The tribal employer's initial decision may be appealed pursuant to § 890.1415.

(g) A tribal employee who is eligible and enrolls in FEHB under this subpart will have the option of enrolling in any FEHB open fee-for-service plan or health maintenance organization (HMO), consumer driven health plan (CDHP), or high deductible health plan (HDHP) available to Federal employees in the same geographic location as the tribal employee. The tribal employee will have the same choice of self only, self plus one, or self and family enrollment as is available to Federal employees.

(h) Family members of tribal employees will be covered by FEHB according to terms described at § 890.302. Children of tribal employees, whether married or not married, and whether or not dependent, are covered under a self and family enrollment or a self plus one enrollment (if the child is the designated covered family member) up to the age of 26. Former spouses of tribal employees are not former spouses as described at 5 U.S.C. 8901(10) and are not eligible to elect coverage under subpart H.

(i) Eligibility for FEHB under this subpart does not identify an individual as a Federal employee for any purpose, nor does it convey any additional rights or privileges of Federal employment.

§ 890.1406 - Correction of enrollment errors.

Correction of errors regarding FEHB enrollment for tribal employees takes place according to the terms described in § 890.103.

§ 890.1407 - Enrollment process; effective dates.

(a) FEHB election for tribal employers. Tribal employers may purchase FEHB coverage for their tribal employees after an agreement is accepted by OPM. Tribal employers will not be permitted to access FEHB if the tribal employer contributes toward, or offers, an alternative employer-sponsored health insurance plan for tribal employees within the billing unit(s) for which the employer seeks to purchase FEHB coverage, with the exception of a collectively bargained alternative plan. A stand-alone dental, vision, or disability plan is not considered alternative health insurance.

(b) Opportunities for tribal employees to enroll—

(1) Upon electing to purchase FEHB, a tribal employer will establish an initial enrollment opportunity for tribal employees. A tribal employee's enrollment upon an initial enrollment opportunity becomes effective as prescribed by OPM.

(2) After the initial enrollment opportunity, described in § 890.1407(b)(1), tribal employees are subject to the same initial enrollment period, belated enrollment rules, enrollment by proxy, and open season as Federal employees, as described at § 890.301(a), (b), (c), and (f).

(3) A tribal employee who enrolls after the initial enrollment opportunity and who does not elect premium conversion through his or her tribal employer's premium conversion plan, if one is available, will be subject to the enrollment and qualifying life event rules described at § 890.301 and effective dates described at § 890.301(b) and (f).

(4) A tribal employee who enrolls after the initial enrollment opportunity and who elects premium conversion through his or her tribal employer's premium conversion plan, if one is available, will be subject to the enrollment rules, qualifying life event rules and effective dates described at §§ 892.207, 892.208 and 892.210 of this chapter (together with § 890.301 as referenced therein).

§ 890.1408 - Change in enrollment type, plan, or option.

(a) A tribal employee enrolled under this subpart may increase or decrease his or her enrollment, or may change enrollment from one plan or option to another, as described in § 890.301 (for tribal employees who did not elect premium conversion) or part 892 of this chapter (for tribal employees who did elect premium conversion).

(b) A change in enrollment type, plan, or option under this section becomes effective as described in § 890.301 (for tribal employees who did not elect premium conversion) or part 892 of this chapter (for tribal employees who did elect premium conversion).

§ 890.1409 - Cancellation of coverage or decreases in enrollment.

(a) A tribal employee enrolled under this subpart may cancel enrollment as described at § 890.304(d) or decrease his or her enrollment as described at § 890.301. A tribal employee who does not participate in premium conversion may cancel his or her enrollment or decrease his or her enrollment at any time by request to the tribal employer, unless there is a legally binding court or administrative order requiring coverage of a child as described at § 890.301(g)(3). A tribal employee who participates in premium conversion may cancel his or her enrollment as provided by § 892.209 or decrease his or her enrollment as provided by § 892.208 of this chapter only during open season or because of and consistent with a qualifying life event.

(b) A cancellation of enrollment becomes effective as described at § 890.304(d). A decrease in enrollment becomes effective as described in § 890.301(e)(2).

(c) A tribal employee who cancels his or her enrollment under this section or decreases his or her enrollment may reenroll or increase his or her enrollment only during open season or because of and consistent with a qualifying life event.

§ 890.1410 - Termination of enrollment and 31-day temporary extension of coverage; and conversion to individual policy.

(a) Tribal Employee Separation—

(1) Enrollment of a tribal employee under this subpart terminates due to separation from employment with the tribal employer for reasons of resignation, dismissal, or retirement. Termination of enrollment is effective at midnight of the last day of the pay period in which the tribal employee separates from employment.

(2) A former tribal employee who is separated under this subpart due to resignation, dismissal, or retirement and covered family members are entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage without premium contribution and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401.

(b) Death of tribal employee—

(1) Enrollment of a tribal employee terminates at midnight of the last day of the pay period in which the tribal employee dies.

(2) If, at the time of death, the deceased tribal employee was enrolled in self and family FEHB coverage:

(i) The surviving spouse is entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage without premium contribution and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401;

(ii) The covered children of the deceased tribal employee are entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage without premium contribution and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401.

(3) If, at the time of death, the deceased tribal employee was enrolled in self plus one FEHB coverage, only the designated covered family member is entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage without premium contribution and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401.

(c) Termination of family member coverage—

(1) Coverage of a family member of a tribal employee who was covered under this subpart terminates, subject to the 31-day temporary extension of coverage, for conversion, at midnight of the earlier of the following dates:

(i) The day on which he or she ceases to be a family member; or

(ii) The day the tribal employee's enrollment terminates, unless the family member is entitled to continued coverage under the enrollment of another.

(2) Family members who lose coverage under this subsection are entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage without premium contribution and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401.

(d) Tribal employer loses entitlement to purchase FEHB—

(1) Coverage of a tribal employee and family members under this subpart, except TCC that is already elected and in effect, terminates at midnight of the last day of the calendar year in which a tribal employer is no longer entitled to purchase FEHB. FEHB can terminate earlier at the request of the tribal employer.

(2) Following the termination described in § 890.1410(d)(1), enrolled tribal employees and covered family members are entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage without premium contribution and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401.

(e) Tribal employer revokes election to purchase FEHB—

(1) If a tribal employer voluntarily revokes its election to purchase FEHB, tribal employees will be entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401. In such a case, the FEHB enrollment terminates effective the first day for which premium payment is not received and the 31-day temporary extension of coverage, for conversion begins immediately thereafter.

(2) [Reserved]

(f) Failure to currently deposit premium payment—

(1) If premium payment is not currently deposited in the Employees Health Benefits Fund, the tribal employer's entitlement to purchase FEHB can be terminated, and all enrollments affected by the paymaster's failure to obtain current deposit of premium payment will be terminated, for non-payment.

(2) Enrollments of all of the tribal employer's tribal employees affected by the paymaster's failure to obtain current deposit of premium payment will be terminated effective midnight of the last day of the month for which payment was received.

(3) In the case of termination of enrollment due to non-payment, affected tribal employees will be entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage without premium contribution and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401. The 31-day extension of coverage begins immediately upon termination of enrollment.

(4) In the event that a tribal employer elects to purchase FEHB for its tribal employees but does not currently deposit premium payment in the first month that it is due, the enrollment of tribal employees affected by the paymaster's failure to obtain current deposit of premium payment will be terminated effective midnight of the last day of the month for which premium payment was not currently deposited. Tribal employees affected by the paymaster's failure to obtain current deposit of premium payment will not be entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage and may not convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401.

(5) Any outstanding premium due for coverage in arrears will be treated as a debt owed solely by the tribal employer.

§ 890.1411 - Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC).

(a) For purposes of this subpart, temporary continuation of coverage (TCC) is described by 5 U.S.C. 8905a and subpart K of this part. The administrative fee for TCC for tribal employees is the same as for Federal employees, with no specific tribal administrative fee as described in § 890.1413(e).

(b) A former tribal employee who is separated under this subpart due to resignation, dismissal, or retirement may elect TCC, unless the separation is due to gross misconduct as defined in § 890.1102.

(c) Eligibility for TCC for tribal employees follows procedures provided in § 890.1103 of subpart K of this part, except that former spouses of tribal employees are not eligible for TCC.

§ 890.1412 - Non-pay status, insufficient pay, or change to ineligible position.

(a) Non-pay status for 365 days. Enrollment of a tribal employee and coverage of family members may continue for up to 365 days during which the tribal employee is in a non-pay status (as described at § 890.303(e)(1)) under terms described at § 890.502(b). Enrollment terminates at midnight of the last day of the pay period which includes the 365th consecutive day of nonpay status or the last day of leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act, whichever is later. The tribal employee and covered family members are entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage without premium contribution and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401.

(b) Insufficient pay. If the pay of a non-temporary tribal employee who is enrolled in FEHB is insufficient to pay for the tribal employee's share of premiums, the tribal employer must follow the procedure described at § 890.502(b). If the enrollment is terminated due to insufficient pay, the tribal employee and covered family members are entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage without premium contribution and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401.

(c) Insufficient pay for temporary tribal employees. If the pay of a temporary tribal employee who meets eligibility requirements described at 5 U.S.C. 8906a is insufficient to pay the tribal employee's share of premiums as described at § 890.304(a)(2), and the tribal employee does not or cannot elect a plan at a cost to him or her not in excess of the pay, the tribal employee's enrollment must be terminated as described at § 890.304(a)(2). The tribal employee and covered family members are entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage without premium contribution and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401.

(d) Change to ineligible position. A tribal employee who moves from an FEHB eligible to a non-FEHB-eligible position at a tribal employer will be eligible to continue FEHB enrollment as described in § 890.303(b).

(e) Non-pay status due to Uniformed Service—

(1) Enrollment of a tribal employee and coverage of family members terminates at midnight of the earliest of the dates described at § 890.304(a)(1)(vi) through (viii). The tribal employee and covered family members are entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage without premium contribution and may convert to an individual policy as described at § 890.401.

(2) Enrollment is reinstated on the date the tribal employee is restored to duty in an eligible position with the tribal employer upon return from Uniformed Service, pursuant to applicable law, provided that the tribal employer continues to purchase FEHB for its tribal employees in the affected tribal employee's billing unit on that date.

§ 890.1413 - Premiums and administrative fee.

(a) Premium contributions and withholdings described at §§ 890.501 and 890.502 must be paid by the tribal employer and the tribal employee, except that the term OPM as used in § 890.502(c) is deemed to be a reference to the paymaster, as appropriate, for purposes of this subpart. There is no Government contribution as that term is used in 5 U.S.C. 8906.

(b) Contribution requirements. (1) A tribal employer must contribute at least the monthly equivalent of the minimum Government contribution for a specific FEHB plan as described in 5 U.S.C. 8906;

(2) There is no cap on the percentage of premium that a tribal employer may contribute, as long as the contribution and withholding arrangement is not designed to encourage or discourage enrollment in any particular plan or plan option;

(3) A tribal employer may vary the contribution amount by type of FEHB enrollment (self only, self plus one, self and family), providing it is done in a uniform manner and meets the requirements described in § 890.1413(b)(1) and (2); and

(4) A tribal employer may vary the contribution amount by billing unit, providing each billing unit meets the requirements described in § 890.1413(b)(1) through (3).

(c) A tribal employer may, but is not required to, prorate the tribal employer and tribal employee share of premium attributable to enrollment of its part-time tribal employees working between 16 and 32 hours per week by prorating shares in proportion to the percentage of time that a tribal employee in a comparable full time position is regularly scheduled to work.

(d) Tribal employee and tribal employer contributions to premiums under this subpart will be aggregated by the tribal employer. The tribal employee and tribal employer contributions must be available for receipt by the paymaster on an agreed upon date. The paymaster will receive the premium contributions together with the fee described at paragraph (e) of this section and will deposit only the premium payment into the Employees Health Benefits Fund described in 5 U.S.C. 8909.

(e) A fee determined annually by OPM will be charged in addition to premium for each enrollment of a tribal employee. The fee may be used for other purposes as determined by OPM. The fee must be paid entirely by the tribal employer as part of the payment to purchase FEHB for tribal employees, and must be available for collection by the paymaster, together with the aggregate tribal employee and tribal employer contributions.

§ 890.1414 - Responsibilities of the tribal employer.

(a) The tribal employer pays premiums for tribal employees enrolled under this subpart pursuant to §§ 890.1403 and 890.1413.

(b) The tribal employer must determine the eligibility of individuals who attempt to enroll for coverage under this subpart and enroll those it finds eligible.

(c) The tribal employer must determine whether eligible tribal employees have eligible family member(s) and allow coverage under a self plus one or self and family enrollment as described in § 890.302 for those it finds eligible.

(d) The tribal employer must establish or identify an independent dispute resolution panel for reconsideration of enrollment and eligibility decisions as described in § 890.1415.

(e) The tribal employer has the following notification responsibilities. The tribal employer must—

(1) Notify OPM and tribal employees in writing of intent to revoke election to purchase FEHB at least 60 days before such revocation described at § 890.1404(d);

(2) Promptly notify tribal employees and OPM if there is a change in the tribal employer's entitlement to purchase FEHB described at § 890.1410(d);

(3) Promptly notify affected tribal employees of termination of enrollment due to non-payment, the 31-day temporary extension of coverage and its ending date described at § 890.1410(f)(2) through (3); and

(4) Promptly notify affected tribal employees of termination of enrollment due to non-payment described at § 890.1410(f)(4).

§ 890.1415 - Reconsideration of enrollment and eligibility decisions and appeal rights.

(a) The tribal employer shall establish or identify an independent dispute resolution panel to adjudicate appeals of determinations made by a tribal employer denying an individual's status as a tribal employee eligible to enroll in FEHB or denying a change in the type of enrollment (i.e.: to or from self only coverage) under this subpart. Such panel shall be authorized to enforce enrollment and eligibility decisions. The tribal employer shall notify affected individuals of this panel and its functions.

(b) Under procedures set forth by the tribal employer, an individual may file a written request to the independent dispute resolution panel to reconsider an initial decision of the tribal employer under this subpart. A reconsideration decision made by the panel must be issued to the individual in writing and must fully state the findings and reasons for the findings. The panel may consider information from the tribal employer, the individual, or another source. The panel must retain a file of its documentation until December 31 of the 3rd year after the year in which the decision was made, and must provide the file to OPM upon request.

(c) If the panel determines that the individual is ineligible to enroll in FEHB as a tribal employee or to change enrollment, the individual may request that OPM reconsider the denial. Such a request must be made in writing and any decision by OPM will be binding on the tribal employer.

(d) OPM may request a panel decision file during the retention period described at paragraph (b) of this section. Panel decisions remain subject to final OPM authority to correct errors, as set forth in § 890.1406.

§ 890.1416 - Filing claims for payment or service and court review.

(a) Tribal employees may file claims for payment or service as described at § 890.105.

(b) Tribal employees may invoke the provisions for court review described at § 890.107(b) through (d).

§ 890.1417 - No continuation of FEHB enrollment into retirement from employment with a tribal employer.

(a) An FEHB enrollment cannot be continued into retirement from employment with a tribal employer.

(b) A Federal annuitant may continue FEHB enrollment into retirement from Federal service if the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 8905(b) for carrying FEHB coverage into retirement are satisfied through enrollment, or coverage as a family member, either through a Federal employing office or a tribal employer, or any combination thereof.

(c) A Federal annuitant who is employed after retirement by a tribal employer in an FEHB eligible position may participate in FEHB through the tribal employer. In such a case, the Federal annuitant's retirement system will transfer the FEHB enrollment to the tribal employer, in a similar manner as for a Federal annuitant who is employed by a Federal agency after retirement.

(d) A tribal employee who becomes a survivor annuitant as described in § 890.303(d)(2) is entitled to reinstatement of health benefits coverage as a Federal employee would under the same circumstances.

§ 890.1418 - No continuation of FEHB enrollment in compensationer status past 365 days.

A tribal employee who is not also a Federal employee who becomes eligible for one of the Department of Labor's disability compensation programs may not continue FEHB coverage in leave without pay status past 365 days.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; Sec. 890.102 also issued under sections 11202(f), 11232(e), and 11246 (b) of Pub. L. 105-33, 111 Stat. 251; Sec. 890.111 also issued under 36 U.S.C. 5522; Sec. 890.112 also issued under 2 U.S.C. 2051; Sec. 890.113 also issued under section 1110 of Pub. L. 116-92, 133 Stat. 1198 (5 U.S.C. 8702 note); Sec. 890.301 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9801; Sec. 890.302(b) also issued under 42 U.S.C. 300gg-14; Sec. 890.803 also issued under 50 U.S.C. 3516 (formerly 50 U.S.C. 403p) and 22 U.S.C. 4069c and 4069c-1; subpart L also issued under section 599C of Pub. L. 101-513, 104 Stat. 2064 (5 U.S.C. 5561 note); subpart M also issued under 10 U.S.C. 1108 and 25 U.S.C. 1647b; and subpart P issued under 5 U.S.C. 8903c.
source: 33 FR 12510, Sept. 4, 1968, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 5 CFR 890.1407