Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 5 - Administrative Personnel last revised: Jan 31, 2025
§ 892.201 - Who is covered by the premium conversion plan?
(a) All employees in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government who are participating in the FEHB Program (as described in 5 U.S.C. 8901), and whose pay is issued by an agency of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, are automatically covered by the premium conversion plan. Certain reemployed annuitants may be considered employees for purposes of premium conversion, as described in subpart D of this part.
(b) Employees of organizations that have established a premium conversion plan under separate authority prior to October 2000 may not participate in the premium conversion plan described here because they are already covered by their employing agency's plan.
(c) Individuals enrolled in FEHB who are not employees of the Executive Branch of the Federal government or are not employees of the Federal government, will be covered by the premium conversion plan if their employer signs an adoption agreement that is accepted by OPM.
(d) Individuals enrolled in FEHB who are appointed by an agency in the Executive Branch, but whose pay is not issued by that agency, will be covered by the premium conversion plan if the entity that makes their FEHB contribution signs an adoption agreement that is accepted by OPM.
(e) Individuals may waive premium conversion by filing a waiver form with their employer in accordance with this part.
§ 892.202 - Are retirees eligible for the premium conversion plan?
No, only current employees who are enrolled in the FEHB Program are covered by the premium conversion plan. Former employees are not eligible. If you are a reemployed annuitant, see subpart D of this part.
§ 892.203 - When will my premium conversion begin?
If you are newly employed or newly eligible for FEHB in a covered Executive Branch agency (as described in § 892.201(a)), your salary reduction (through a Federal allotment) and pre-tax benefit will be effective on the 1st day of the first pay period beginning on or after your employing agency receives your enrollment.
[68 FR 56528, Oct. 1, 2003]
§ 892.204 - How do I waive participation in premium conversion before the benefit first becomes effective?
You must file a waiver form by the date set by your employing office, but not later than the day before the effective date of coverage. The waiver form is available from your employing office.
§ 892.205 - May I waive participation in premium conversion after the initial implementation?
Yes, but the opportunity to waive premium conversion is limited. You may waive premium conversion:
(a) During the annual FEHB open season. The effective date of the waiver will be the first day of the first pay period that begins in the following calendar year;
(b) At the same time as you sign up for FEHB when first hired or hired as a reemployed annuitant. Employees who leave Federal service and are rehired after a three-day break in service or in a different calendar year also may waive;
(c) In conjunction with a change in FEHB enrollment, on account of and consistent with a qualifying life event (see § 892.101); or
(d) When you have a qualifying life event and the waiver is on account of and consistent with that qualifying life event (even if you do not change your FEHB enrollment). You have 60 days after the qualifying life event to file a waiver with your employer. The waiver is effective on the first day of the pay period following the date your employer receives the waiver.
§ 892.206 - Can I cancel my waiver and participate in premium conversion?
Yes, you may cancel a waiver and participate in premium conversion if:
(a) You have a qualifying life event; the change in FEHB coverage is consistent with the qualifying life event; and you complete an election form to participate in premium conversion within 60 days after the qualifying life event; or
(b) You cancel your waiver during an open season, including an extended open season authorized by OPM.
§ 892.207 - Can I make changes to my FEHB enrollment while I am participating in premium conversion?
(a) Subject to the exceptions described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, you can make changes to your FEHB enrollment for the same reasons and with the same effective dates listed in § 890.301 of this chapter.
(b) However, if you are participating in premium conversion there are two exceptions: You must have a qualifying life event to decrease enrollment type, switch a covered family member, or to cancel FEHB coverage entirely. (See §§ 892.209 and 892.210.) Your change in enrollment must be consistent with and correspond to your qualifying life event as described in § 892.101. These limitations apply only to changes you may wish to make outside open season.
(c) If you are subject to a court or administrative order as discussed in § 890.301(g)(3) of this chapter, your employing agency can limit a change to your enrollment as long as the court or administrative order is still in effect and you have at least one child identified in the order who is still eligible under the FEHB Program, unless you provide documentation to your agency that you have other coverage for your child or children. See also § 892.208 and § 892.209.
(d) During the first plan year in which the self plus one enrollment type is available, OPM will administer a limited enrollment period for enrollees who participate in premium conversion. During this limited enrollment period, enrollees who participate in premium conversion will be allowed to decrease enrollment from self and family to self plus one during a time period determined by OPM. No other changes, including changes in plan or plan option or increases in enrollment, will be allowed. Enrollments will be effective on the first day of the first pay period following the one in which the appropriate request is received by the employing office.
[69 FR 56929, Sept. 23, 2004, as amended at 80 FR 55739, Sept. 17, 2015]
§ 892.208 - Can I decrease my enrollment type at any time?
If you are participating in premium conversion you may decrease your FEHB enrollment type under either of the following circumstances:
(a) During the annual open season. A decrease in enrollment type made during the annual open season takes effect on the 1st day of the first pay period that begins in the next year.
(b) Within 60 days after you have a qualifying life event. A decrease in enrollment type made because of a qualifying life event takes effect on the first day of the first pay period that begins after the date your employing office receives your appropriate request. Your change in enrollment must be consistent with and correspond to your qualifying life event. For example, if you get divorced and have no dependent children, changing to self only would be consistent with that qualifying life event. As another example, if both you and your spouse are Federal employees, and your youngest dependent turns age 26, changing from a self and family to a self plus one or two self only enrollments would be consistent and appropriate for that event.
(c) If you are subject to a court or administrative order as discussed in § 890.301(g)(3), you may not decrease enrollment type in a way that eliminates coverage of a child identified in the order as long as the court or administrative order is still in effect and you have at least one child identified in the order who is still eligible under the FEHB Program, unless you provide documentation to your agency that you have other coverage for your child or children. See also §§ 892.207 and 892.209. If you are subject to a court or administrative order as discussed in § 890.301(g)(3), you may not change your enrollment to self plus one as long as the court or administrative order is still in effect and you have more than one child identified in the order who is still eligible under the FEHB Program, unless you provide documentation to your agency that you have other coverage for your children. See also §§ 892.207 and 892.209.
[80 FR 55739, Sept. 17, 2015]
§ 892.209 - Can I cancel FEHB coverage at any time?
If you are participating in premium conversion you may cancel your FEHB coverage:
(a) During the annual open season. A cancellation made during the annual open season is effective at midnight of the day before the first day of the first pay period that begins in the next year.
(b) Within 60 days after you have a qualifying life event. A cancellation made because of a qualifying life event takes effect at midnight of the last day of the pay period in which your employing office receives your appropriate request to cancel your enrollment. Your cancellation of coverage must be consistent with and correspond to your qualifying life event. For example, if you get married and you gain other insurance coverage because your spouse's employer provides health insurance for your spouse and you, then canceling FEHB coverage would be consistent with that qualifying life event. If you add an eligible family member, canceling coverage would generally not be consistent with that qualifying life event.
(c) If you are subject to a court or administrative order as discussed in § 890.301(g)(3) of this chapter, you may not cancel your coverage as long as the court or administrative order is still in effect and you have at least one child identified in the order who is still eligible under the FEHB Program, unless you provide documentation to your agency that you have other coverage for your child or children.
[65 FR 44646, July 19, 2000, as amended at 68 FR 56525, 56528, Oct. 1, 2003; 69 FR 56929, Sept. 23, 2004]
§ 892.210 - Does premium conversion change the effective date of an FEHB enrollment, change in enrollment, or cancellation of enrollment?
No. If you are participating in premium conversion, the effective date of an FEHB enrollment, change in enrollment, or cancellation of enrollment is the same effective date as provided in § 890.301 of this chapter.
§ 892.211 - What options are available to me if I go on a period of leave without pay (LWOP) or other types of non-pay status?
(a) Your commencement of a period of LWOP is a qualifying life event as described in § 892.101. You may change your premium conversion election (waive if you now participate, or participate if you now waive).
(b)(1) You may continue your FEHB coverage by agreeing in advance of LWOP to one of the payment options described in paragraph (b)(2), (b)(3), or (b)(4) of this section.
(2) Pre-pay. Prior to commencement of your LWOP you may allot through payroll deduction the amount that will be due for your share of your FEHB premium during your LWOP period, if your employing agency, at its discretion, allows you to do so. Contributions under the pre-pay option may be made through premium conversion on a pre-tax basis. Alternatively, you may pre-pay premiums for the LWOP period on an after-tax basis.
(3) Direct pay. Under the direct pay option, you may pay your share of your FEHB premium on the same schedule of payments that would be made if you were not on LWOP, as described in § 890.502(b) of this chapter. You must make the premium payments directly to your employing agency. The payments you make under the direct pay option are not subject to premium conversion, and are made on an after-tax basis.
(4) Catch-up. Under the catch-up option, you must agree in advance of the LWOP period that: you will continue FEHB coverage while on LWOP; your employer will advance your share of your FEHB premium during your LWOP period; and you will repay the advanced amounts when you return from LWOP. (Described in § 890.502(b) of this chapter.) Your catch-up contributions may be made through premium conversion.
(5) If you remain in FEHB upon your return from LWOP, your catch-up premiums and current premiums will be paid at the same time.
(c) Your return from LWOP constitutes a qualifying life event as described in § 892.101. You may change your premium conversion election (waive if you now participate, or participate if you now waive). The election you choose upon return from LWOP will apply to your current as well as your catch-up premiums.
[68 FR 56528, Oct. 1, 2003]
source: 65 FR 44646, July 19, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 5 CFR 892.204