Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 5 - Administrative Personnel last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 213.3101 - Positions other than those of a confidential or policy-determining character for which it is impracticable to examine.

Upon specific authorization by OPM, agencies may make appointments under this section to positions which are not of a confidential or policy-determining character, and which are not in the Senior Executive Service, for which it is not practicable to examine. Examining for this purpose means application of the qualification standards and requirements established for the competitive service. Positions filled under this authority are excepted from the competitive service and constitute Schedule A. For each authorization under this section, OPM shall assign an identifying number from 213.3102 through 213.3199 to be used by the appointing agency in recording appointments made under that authorization.

[46 FR 20147, Apr. 3, 1981, as amended at 46 FR 45323, Sept. 11, 1981, 59 FR 64841, Dec. 16, 1994; 62 FR 19900, Apr. 24, 1997]
§ 213.3102 - Entire executive civil service.

(a) Positions of Chaplain and Chaplain's Assistant.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Positions to which appointments are made by the President without confirmation by the Senate.

(d) Attorneys.

(e) Law clerk trainee positions. Appointments under this paragraph shall be confined to graduates of recognized law schools or persons having equivalent experience and shall be for periods not to exceed 14 months pending admission to the bar. No person shall be given more than one appointment under this paragraph. However, an appointment which was initially made for less than 14 months may be extended for not to exceed 14 months in total duration.

(f)-(h) [Reserved]

(i) Temporary and less-than-full time positions for which examining is impracticable. These are:

(1) Positions in remote/isolated locations where examination is impracticable. A remote/isolated location is outside the local commuting area of a population center from which an employee can reasonably be expected to travel on short notice under adverse weather and/or road conditions which are normal for the area. For this purpose, a population center is a town with housing, schools, health care, stores and other businesses in which the servicing examining office can schedule tests and/or reasonably expect to attract applicants. An individual appointed under this authority may not be employed in the same agency under a combination of this and any other appointment to positions involving related duties and requiring the same qualifications for more than 1,040 workings hour in a service year. Temporary appointments under this authority may be extended in 1-year increments, with no limit on the number of such extensions, as an exception to the service limits in § 213.104.

(2) Positions for which a critical hiring need exists. This includes both short-term positions and continuing positions that an agency must fill on an interim basis pending completion of competitive examining, clearances, or other procedures required for a longer appointment. Appointments under this authority may not exceed 30 days and may be extended for up to an additional 30 days if continued employment is essential to the agency's operations. The appointments may not be used to extend the service limit of any other appointing authority. An agency may not employ the same individual under this authority for more than 60 days in any 12-month period.

(3) Other positions for which OPM determines that examining is impracticable.

(j) Positions filled by current or former Federal employees eligible for placement under special statutory provisions. Appointments under this authority are subject to the following conditions.

(1) Eligible employees. (i) Persons previously employed as National Guard Technicians under 32 U.S.C. 709(a) who are entitled to placement under § 353.110 of this chapter, or who are applying for or receiving an annuity under the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 8337(h) or 8456 by reason of a disability that disqualifies them from membership in the National Guard or from holding the military grade required as a condition of their National Guard employment.

(ii) Executive branch employees (other than employees of intelligence agencies) who are entitled to placement under § 353.110 but who are not eligible for reinstatement or noncompetitive appointment under the provisions of part 315 of this chapter.

(iii) Legislative and judicial branch employees and employees of the intelligence agencies defined in 5 U.S.C. 2302(a)(2)(C)(ii) who are entitled to placement under § 353.110.

(2) Employees excluded. Employees who were last employed in Schedule C or under a statutory authority that specified the employee served at the discretion, will, or pleasure of the agency are not eligible for appointment under this authority.

(3) Position to which appointed. Employees who are entitled to placement under § 353.110 will be appointed to a position that OPM determines is equivalent in pay and grade to the one the individual left, unless the individual elects to be placed in a position of lower grade or pay. National Guard Technicians whose eligibility is based upon a disability may be appointed at the same grade, or equivalent, as their National Guard Technician position or at any lower grade for which they are available.

(4) Conditions of appointment. (i) Individuals whose placement eligibility is based on an appointment without time limit will receive appointments without time limit under this authority. These appointees may be reassigned, promoted, or demoted to any position within the same agency for which they qualify.

(ii) Individuals who are eligible for placement under § 353.110 based on a time-limited appointment will be given appointments for a time period equal to the unexpired portion of their previous appointment.

(k) Positions without compensation provided appointments thereto meet the requirements of applicable laws relating to compensation.

(l) Positions requiring the temporary or intermittent employment of professional, scientific, or technical experts for consultation purposes.

(m) [Reserved]

(n) Any local physician, surgeon, or dentist employed under contract or on a part-time or fee basis.

(o) Positions of a scientific, professional, or analytical nature when filled by bona fide members of the faculty of an accredited college or university who have special qualifications for the positions to which appointed. Employment under this provision shall not exceed 130 working days a year.

(p)-(q) [Reserved]

(r) Positions established in support of fellowship and similar programs that are filled from limited applicant pools and operate under specific criteria developed by the employing agency and/or a non-Federal organization. These programs may include: internship or fellowship programs that provide developmental or professional experiences to individuals who have completed their formal education; training and associateship programs designed to increase the pool of qualified candidates in a particular occupational specialty; professional/industry exchange programs that provide for a cross-fertilization between the agency and the private sector to foster mutual understanding, an exchange of ideas, or to bring experienced practitioners to the agency; residency programs through which participants gain experience in a Federal clinical environment; and programs that require a period of Government service in exchange for educational, financial or other assistance. Appointments under this authority may not exceed 4 years.

(s) Positions with compensation fixed under 5 U.S.C. 5351-5356 when filled by student-employees assigned or attached to Government hospitals, clinics or medical or dental laboratories. Employment under this authority may not exceed 4 years.

(t) [Reserved]

(u) Appointment of persons with intellectual disabilities, severe physical disabilities, or psychiatric disabilities—(1) Purpose. An agency may appoint, on a permanent, time-limited, or temporary basis, a person with an intellectual disability, a severe physical disability, or a psychiatric disability according to the provisions described below.

(2) Definition. “Intellectual disabilities” means only those disabilities that would have been encompassed by the term “mental retardation” in previous iterations of this regulation and the associated Executive order, Executive Order 12125, dated March 15, 1979.

(3) Proof of disability. (i) An agency must require proof of an applicant's intellectual disability, severe physical disability, or psychiatric disability prior to making an appointment under this section.

(ii) An agency may accept, as proof of disability, appropriate documentation (e.g., records, statements, or other appropriate information) issued by a licensed medical professional (e.g., a physician or other medical professional duly certified by a State, the District of Columbia, or a U.S. territory, to practice medicine); a licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist (State or private); or any Federal agency, State agency, or an agency of the District of Columbia or a U.S. territory that issues or provides disability benefits.

(4) Permanent or time-limited employment options. An agency may make permanent or time-limited appointments under this paragraph (u)(4) where an applicant supplies proof of disability as described in paragraph (u)(3) of this section and the agency determines that the individual is likely to succeed in the performance of the duties of the position for which he or she is applying. In determining whether the individual is likely to succeed in performing the duties of the position, the agency may rely upon the applicant's employment, educational, or other relevant experience, including but not limited to service under another type of appointment in the competitive or excepted services.

(5) Temporary employment options. An agency may make a temporary appointment when:

(i) The agency determines that it is necessary to observe the applicant on the job to determine whether the applicant is able or ready to perform the duties of the position. When an agency uses this option to determine an individual's job readiness, the hiring agency may convert the individual to a permanent appointment in the excepted service whenever the agency determines the individual is able to perform the duties of the position; or

(ii) The work is of a temporary nature.

(6) Noncompetitive conversion to the competitive service. (i) An agency may noncompetitively convert to the competitive service an employee who has completed 2 years of satisfactory service under this authority in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 12125, as amended by Executive Order 13124, and § 315.709 of this chapter, except as provided in paragraph (u)(6)(ii) of this section.

(ii) Time spent on a temporary appointment specified in paragraph (u)(5)(ii) of this section does not count towards the 2-year requirement.

(v)-(w) [Reserved]

(x) Positions for which a local recruiting shortage exists when filled by inmates of Federal, District of Columbia and State (including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands) penal and correctional institutions under work-release programs authorized by the Prisoner Rehabilitation Act of 1965, the District of Columbia Work Release Act, or under work-release programs authorized by the States. Initial appointments under the authority may not exceed 1 year. An initial appointment may be extended for one or more periods not to exceed 1 additional year each upon a finding that the inmate is still in a work-release status and that a local recruiting shortage still exists. No person may serve under this authority longer than 1-year beyond the date of that person's release from custody.

(y) [Reserved]

(z) Not to exceed 30 positions of assistants to top-level Federal officials when filled by persons designated by the President as White House Fellows.

(aa) Scientific and professional research associate positions at GS-11 and above when filled on a temporary basis by persons having a doctoral degree in an appropriate field of study for research activities of mutual interest to appointees and their agencies. Appointments are limited to persons referred by the National Research Council under its post-doctoral research associate program, may not exceed 2 years, and are subject to satisfactory outcome of evaluation of the associate's research during the first year.

(bb) Positions when filled by aliens in the absence of qualified citizens. Appointments under this authority are subject to prior approval of the Office except when the authority is specifically included in a delegated examining agreement with the Office.

(cc)-(ee) [Reserved]

(ff) Not to exceed 24 positions when filled in accordance with an agreement between OPM and the Department of Justice by persons in programs administered by the Attorney General of the United States under Public Law 91-452 and related statutes. A person appointed under this authority may continue to be employed under it after he ceases to be in a qualifying program only as long as he remains in the same agency without a break in service.

(gg)-(kk) [Reserved]

(ll) Positions as needed of readers for blind employees, interpreters for deaf employees and personal assistants for handicapped employees, filled on a full time, part-time, or intermittent basis.

(5 U.S.C. 3301,3307,8337; 5 U.S.C. 3301,3302; E.O. 12364, 47 FR 22931) [47 FR 28902, July 2, 1982] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 213.3102, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 213.3199 - Temporary organizations.

Positions on the staffs of temporary organizations, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 3161(a). Appointments may not exceed 3 years, but temporary organizations may extend the appointments for 2 additional years if the conditions for extension are related to the completion of the study or project.

[68 FR 24605, May 8, 2003]
§ 213.3201 - Positions other than those of a confidential or policy-determining character for which it is not practicable to hold a competitive examination.

(a) Upon specific authorization by OPM, agencies may make appointments under this section to positions which are not of a confidential or policy-determining character, and which are not in the Senior Executive Service, for which it is impracticable to hold open competition or to apply usual competitive examining procedures. Appointments under this authority are subject to the basic qualification standards established by the Office of Personnel Management for the occupation and grade level. Positions filled under this authority are excepted from the competitive service and constitute Schedule B. For each authorization under this section, OPM shall assign a number from 213.3202 through 213.3299 to be used by the appointing agency in recording appointments made under that authorization.

(b) [Reserved]

[46 FR 20147, Apr. 3, 1981, as amended at 47 FR 57655, Dec. 28, 1982; 53 FR 15353, Apr. 29, 1988]
§ 213.3202 - Entire executive civil service.

(a)-(i) [Reserved]

(j) Special executive development positions established in connection with Senior Executive Service candidate development programs which have been approved by OPM. A Federal agency may make new appointments under this authority for any period of employment not exceeding 3 years for one individual.

(k)-(l) [Reserved]

(m) Positions when filed under any of the following conditions:

(1) Appointment at grades GS-15 and above, or equivalent, in the same or a different agency without a break in service from a career appointment in the Senior Executive Service (SES) of an individual who:

(i) Has completed the SES probationary period;

(ii) Has been removed from the SES because of less than fully successful executive performance, failure to be recertified, or a reduction in force; and

(iii) Is entitled to be placed in another civil service position under 5 U.S.C. 3594(b).

(2) Appointment in a different agency without a break in service of an individual originally appointed under paragraph (m)(l).

(3) Reassignment, promotion, or demotion within the same agency of an individual appointed under this authority.

(n) Positions when filled by preference eligibles or veterans who have been separated from the armed forces under honorable conditions after 3 years or more of continuous active military service and who, in accordance with the provisions of Pub.L. 105-339, applied for these positions under merit promotion procedures when applications were being accepted from individuals outside its own workforce. These veterans may be promoted, demoted, or reassigned, as appropriate, to other positions within the agency but would remain employed under this excepted authority as long as there is no break in service. No new appointments may be made under this authority after November 30, 1999.

(o) [Reserved]

[47 FR 28904, July 2, 1982] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 213.3202, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 213.3301 - Positions of a confidential or policy-determining character.

(a) Upon specific authorization by OPM, agencies may make appointments under this section to positions that are of a confidential or policy determining character as defined in § 210.102 of this chapter. Positions filled under this authority are excepted from the competitive service and constitute Schedule C. Each position will be assigned a number from §§ 213.3302 through 213.3999, or other appropriate number, to be used by the agency in recording appointments made under that authorization.

(b) When requesting Schedule C exception, agencies must submit to OPM a statement signed by the agency head certifying that the position was not created solely or primarily for the purpose of detailing the incumbent to the White House.

(c) The exception from the competitive service for each position listed in Schedule C by OPM is revoked immediately upon the position becoming vacant. An agency shall notify OPM within 3 working days after a Schedule C position has been vacated.

[60 FR 35120, July 6, 1995, as amended at 89 FR 25046, Apr. 9, 2024]
§ 213.3302 - Temporary transitional Schedule C positions.

(a) An agency may establish temporary transitional Schedule C positions necessary to assist a department or agency head during the 1-year period immediately following a change in presidential administration, when a new department or agency head has entered on duty, or when a new department or agency is created. These positions may be established only to meet legitimate needs of the agency in carrying out its mission during the period of transition associated with such changeovers. They must be of a confidential or policy-determining character and are subject to instructions issued by OPM.

(b) The number of temporary transitional Schedule C positions established by an agency cannot exceed either 50 percent of the highest number of permanent Schedule C positions filled by that agency at any time over the previous 5 years, or three positions, whichever is higher. In the event a new department or agency is created, the number of temporary transitional positions should reasonable in light of the size and program responsibility of that department or agency. OPM may approve an increase in an agency's quota to meet a critical need or in unusual circumstances.

(c) Individual appointments under this authority may be made for 120 days, with one extension of an additional 120 days. They may be deemed provisional appointments for purposes of the regulations set out in parts 351, 831, 842, 870, and 890 of this chapter if they meet the criteria set out in §§ 316.401 and 316.403 of this chapter.

(d) An agency shall notify OPM within 5 working days after a temporary transitional Schedule C position has been encumbered and within 3 working days when it has been vacated. The agency must also submit to OPM a statement signed by the agency head certifying that the position was not created solely or primarily for the purpose of detailing the incumbent to the White House.

[60 FR 35120, July 6, 1995]
§ 213.3401 - Positions other than those of a confidential or policy determining character for which the competitive service requirements make impracticable the adequate recruitment of sufficient numbers of students attending qualifying educational institutions or individuals who have recently completed qualifying educational programs.

As authorized by OPM, agencies may make appointments under this section to positions other than those of a confidential or policy-determining character for which the competitive service requirements make impracticable the adequate recruitment and selection of sufficient numbers of students attending qualifying educational institutions or individuals who have recently completed qualifying educational programs. These positions, which may be filled in the excepted service to enable more effective recruitment from all segments of society by using means of recruiting and assessing candidates that diverge from the rules generally applicable to the competitive service, constitute Schedule D Pathways Programs. Appointments under this authority are subject to the basic qualification standards established by the Office of Personnel Management for the occupation and grade level unless otherwise stated.

§ 213.3402 - Entire executive civil service; Pathways Programs.

(a) Internship Program; Positions in the Internship Program. Agencies may make initial appointments of Interns under this authority at any grade level, depending on the candidates' qualifications. Appointments must be made in accordance with the provisions of subpart B of part 362 of this chapter.

(b) Recent Graduates Program; Positions in the Recent Graduates Program. (1) Agencies may make initial appointments of Recent Graduates at any grade level, not to exceed GS-09 (or equivalent level under another pay and classification system, including the Federal Wage System (FWS)), depending on the candidates' qualifications, and the position's requirements except that:

(i) Initial appointments to positions for science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) occupations may be made at the GS-11 level, if the candidate possesses a Ph.D. or equivalent degree directly related to the STEM position the agency is seeking to fill.

(ii) Initial appointments to scientific and professional research positions at the GS-11 level for which the classification and qualification criteria for research positions apply, if the candidate possesses a master's degree or equivalent graduate degree directly related to the position the agency is seeking to fill.

(iii) Initial appointments to scientific and professional research positions at the GS-12 level for which the classification and qualification criteria for research positions apply, if the candidate possesses a Ph.D. or equivalent degree directly related to the position the agency is seeking to fill.

(2) Appointments must be made in accordance with the provisions of subpart C of part 362 of this chapter.

(c) Presidential Management Fellows Program. Positions in the Presidential Management Fellows Program. Appointments under this authority may not exceed 2 years except as provided in subpart D of part 362 of this chapter. Agencies may make initial appointments of Fellows at the GS-09, GS-11, or GS-12 level (or equivalent under another pay and classification system such as the FWS), depending on the candidates' qualifications and the positions' requirements. Appointments must be made in accordance with the provisions of subpart D of part 362 of this chapter.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 3161,3301; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR 1954-1958 Comp., p. 218; Sec. 213.101 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 2103. Sec. 213.3102 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 3301,3302,3307,8337,and; E.O. 13318, 3 CFR 1982 Comp., p. 185; 38 U.S.C. 4301
source: 46 FR 20147, Apr. 3, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 5 CFR 213.3202