Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 6 - Domestic Security last revised: Jan 14, 2025
§ 1000.1 - Purpose.

This part describes the organization of the Board, and the assignment of authorities and the responsibilities of the Board, individual Board members, and employees.

§ 1000.2 - Definitions.

As used in this part:

Board means the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, established by the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, Public Law 110-53.

Chairman means the Chairman of the Board, as appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate under section 801(a) of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, Public Law 110-53.

Executive Director means the individual appointed by the Chairman to act as the Executive Director (or, in the event the Chairman position is vacant, by the Board) to discharge the responsibilities assigned to the Executive Director.

General Counsel means the individual appointed by the Chairman to act as the chief legal officer of the Board or, if the General Counsel is absent or unavailable, the Deputy General Counsel, or in the event both positions are vacant, the individual(s) designated by the Chairman (or, in the event the Chairman position is vacant, by the Board) to discharge the responsibilities assigned to the General Counsel. If both the General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel are absent and unavailable for a prolonged period of time, the Chairman (or the Board in the event the Chairman position is vacant) may designate any Staff Member who is an active member of the bar of any state, territory, or the District of Columbia to temporarily discharge the responsibilities assigned to the General Counsel until the General Counsel or Deputy General Counsel is again available or a successor has been duly appointed.

Member means an individual appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, to be a member of the Board.

[78 FR 33689, June 5, 2013, as amended at 84 FR 36456, July 29, 2019]
§ 1000.3 - Organization.

(a) The Board is comprised of four part-time Board members and a full-time Chairman, each appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(b) The Board's staff is comprised of the following:

(1) Mission staff who assist the Board with its advice, oversight, and other mission functions, as described in 42 U.S.C. 2000ee(d) and 6 CFR 1000.4; and

(2) Administrative staff who support the Board's operations on a variety of administrative matters, such as budget, contracts, information technology and information assurance, and security; and

(3) Legal staff who provide the Board and agency employees with legal advice and ethical guidance.

[78 FR 33689, June 5, 2013, as amended at 84 FR 36456, July 29, 2019]
§ 1000.4 - Functions.

(a) The Board provides advice and counsel to the President and executive departments and agencies to ensure that privacy and civil liberties are appropriately considered in proposed legislation, regulations, and policies, and in the implementation of new and existing legislation, regulations, and policies, related to efforts to protect the Nation from terrorism;

(b) The Board oversees actions by the executive branch relating to efforts to protect the Nation from terrorism to determine whether such actions appropriately protect privacy and civil liberties and are consistent with governing laws, regulations, and policies regarding privacy and civil liberties; and

(c) The Board receives and reviews reports and other information from privacy and civil liberties officers under 42 U.S.C. 2000ee-1 and, when appropriate, makes recommendations to and coordinates the activities of privacy and civil liberties officers on relevant interagency matters.

§ 1000.5 - Delegations of authority.

(a) The Board. The Board is the head of the agency. The Board is responsible for the overall planning, direction, and control of the agency's agenda. The delegations of authority in this part do not extend to the following actions which are reserved to the Board:

(1) Disposition of all rulemaking and similar proceedings involving the promulgation of rules or the issuance of statements of general policy.

(2) Determination of advice or recommendations to the President or executive departments and agencies regarding the matters described in 42 U.S.C. 2000ee(d).

(3) Determination of the Board's annual agenda or other statement of operational priorities; and

(4) Redelegation to one or more Board members or staff of those responsibilities delegated to the Chairman in § 1000.3(b), in the event of a vacancy.

(5) Formulation and implementation of policies designed to assure the effective administration of the Board's operations and the efficient operations of the staff.

(6) Any authority that is not delegated by the Board in this part, or otherwise vested in officials other than the Board, is reserved to the Board. The Board may reverse delegations at any time, and all delegated authority reverts to the Board upon the termination or expiration of the delegation.

(b) The Chairman. The Chairman is the executive and administrative head of the Board. The Chairman has the authority, duties, and responsibilities assigned to the Chairman under 42 U.S.C. 2000ee(h)(5) and (j)(1) and is responsible for the agency's day-to-day operations. The Chairman is delegated the authority to:

(1) Exercise control over the Board's management and functioning;

(2) Implement and execute the Board's budget;

(3) Develop and effectively use staff support to carry out the functions of the Board, including, but not limited to, the supervision and removal of Board employees and the assignment and distribution of work among staff;

(4) Convene and preside at all meetings of the Board and ensure that every vote and official act of the Board required by law to be recorded is accurately and promptly recorded by the General Counsel;

(5) Redelegate to one or more Board staff persons those responsibilities to the Executive Director or General Counsel under this part, in the event that either position is unfilled.

(6) Authorize any officer or employee of the Board to perform a function vested in, delegated, or otherwise designated to the Chairman.

(c) Executive Director. The Executive Director manages the staff and assists with the day-to-day operation of the agency. The Executive Director is delegated authority to—

(1) Manage the Board's mission-related projects in accordance with the priorities set by the Board;

(2) Supervise the Board's mission staff; and

(3) Authorize any officer or employee of the Board to perform a function vested in, delegated, or otherwise designated to the Executive Director.

(d) General Counsel. The General Counsel is the Board's chief legal officer, and serves as the Board's legal advisor. The General Counsel is delegated authority to—

(1) Serve as the Board's Designated Ethics Official in accordance with 5 CFR 2638.202;

(2) Certify Board votes and conduct other necessary corporate secretary functions consistent with Board policies and procedures; and

(3) Authorize any officer or employee of the Board to perform a function vested in, delegated, or otherwise designated to the General Counsel.

(e) Individual Board Members. Any member delegated authority vested in the Chairman under paragraph (a) of this section may redelegate that authority to one or more Board employees.

(f) Exercise of authority. In carrying out any functions delegated under this part, members and staff are governed in the exercise of those functions by all applicable Federal statutes and regulations, and by the regulations, orders, and rules of the Board.

[78 FR 33689, June 5, 2013, as amended at 78 FR 38811, June 28, 2013; 84 FR 36456, July 29, 2019]
authority: 5 U.S.C. 552.
source: 78 FR 33689, June 5, 2013, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 6 CFR 1000.3