Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 273.1 - Household concept.

(a) General household definition. A household is composed of one of the following individuals or groups of individuals, unless otherwise specified in paragraph (b) of this section:

(1) An individual living alone;

(2) An individual living with others, but customarily purchasing food and preparing meals for home consumption separate and apart from others; or

(3) A group of individuals who live together and customarily purchase food and prepare meals together for home consumption.

(b) Special household requirements—(1) Required household combinations. The following individuals who live with others must be considered as customarily purchasing food and preparing meals with the others, even if they do not do so, and thus must be included in the same household, unless otherwise specified.

(i) Spouses;

(ii) A person under 22 years of age who is living with his or her natural or adoptive parent(s) or step-parent(s); and

(iii) A child (other than a foster child) under 18 years of age who lives with and is under the parental control of a household member other than his or her parent. A child must be considered to be under parental control for purposes of this provision if he or she is financially or otherwise dependent on a member of the household, unless State law defines such a person as an adult.

(2) Elderly and disabled persons. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, an otherwise eligible member of a household who is 60 years of age or older and is unable to purchase and prepare meals because he or she suffers from a disability considered permanent under the Social Security Act or a non disease-related, severe, permanent disability may be considered, together with his or her spouse (if living there), a separate household from the others with whom the individual lives. Separate household status under this provision must not be granted when the income of the others with whom the elderly disabled individual resides (excluding the income of the elderly and disabled individual and his or her spouse) exceeds 165 percent of the poverty line.

(3) Boarders. (i) Residents of a commercial boarding house, regardless of the number of residents, are not eligible to participate in the Program. A commercial boarding house is an establishment licensed to offer meals and lodging for compensation. It does not include any of the entities listed in paragraph (b)(7)(vii) of this section. In project areas without licensing requirements, a commercial boarding house is a commercial establishment that offers meals and lodging for compensation with the intent of making a profit.

(ii) All other individuals or groups of individuals paying a reasonable amount for meals or meals and lodging must be considered boarders and are not eligible to participate in the Program independently of the household providing the board. Such individuals or groups of individuals may participate, along with a spouse or children living with them, as members of the household providing the boarder services, only at the request of the household providing the boarder services. An individual paying less than a reasonable amount for board must not be considered a boarder but must be considered, along with a spouse or children living with him or her, as a member of the household providing the board.

(A) For individuals whose board arrangement is for more than two meals per day, “reasonable compensation” must be an amount that equals or exceeds the maximum SNAP allotment for the appropriate size of the boarder household.

(B) For individuals whose board arrangement is for two meals or less per day, “reasonable compensation” must be an amount that equals or exceeds two-thirds of the maximum SNAP allotment for the appropriate size of the boarder household.

(iii) Boarders must not be considered to be residents of an institution as outlined in paragraph (b)(7)(vii) of this section.

(4) Foster care individuals. Individuals placed in the home of relatives or other individuals or families by a Federal, State, or local governmental foster care program must be considered to be boarders. They cannot participate in the Program independently of the household providing the foster care services. Such foster care individuals may participate, along with a spouse or children living with them, as members of the household providing the foster care services, only at the request of the household providing the foster care.

(5) Roomers. Individuals to whom a household furnishes lodging for compensation, but not meals, may participate as separate households. Persons described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section must not be considered roomers.

(6) Live-in attendants. A live-in attendant may participate as a separate household. Persons described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section must not be considered live-in attendants.

(7) Ineligible household members. The following persons are not eligible to participate as separate households or as a member of any household:

(i) Ineligible aliens and students as specified in §§ 273.4 and 273.5, respectively;

(ii) SSI recipients in “cash-out” States as specified in § 273.20;

(iii) Individuals disqualified for noncompliance with the work requirements of § 273.7;

(iv) Individuals disqualified for failure to provide an SSN as specified in § 273.6;

(v) Individuals disqualified for an intentional Program violation as specified in § 273.16; and

(vi) Residents of an institution, with some exceptions. Individuals must be considered residents of an institution when the institution provides them with the majority of their meals (over 50 percent of three meals daily) as part of the institution's normal services. Exceptions to this requirement include only the individuals listed in paragraphs (b)(7)(vii)(A) through (b)(7)(vii)(E) of this section. The individuals listed in paragraphs (b)(7)(vii)(A) through (b)(7)(vii)(E) can participate in the Program and must be treated as separate households from the others with whom they reside, subject to the mandatory household combination requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, unless otherwise stated:

(A) Individuals who are residents of federally subsidized housing for the elderly;

(B) Individuals who are narcotic addicts or alcoholics and reside at a facility or treatment center for the purpose of regular participation in a drug or alcohol treatment and rehabilitation program. This includes the children but not the spouses of such persons who live with them at the treatment center or facility;

(C) Individuals who are disabled or blind and are residents of group living arrangements;

(D) Individual women or women with their children who are temporarily residing in a shelter for battered women and children; and

(E) Individuals who are residents of public or private nonprofit shelters for homeless persons.

(vii) Individuals who are ineligible under § 273.11(m) because of a drug-related felony conviction.

(viii) At State agency option, individuals who are disqualified in another assistance program in accordance with § 273.11(k).

(ix) Individuals who are fleeing to avoid prosecution or custody for a crime, or an attempt to commit a crime, or who are violating a condition of probation or parole who are ineligible under § 273.11(n).

(x) Individuals disqualified for failure to cooperate with child support enforcement agencies in accordance with § 273.11(o) or (p), or for being delinquent in any court-ordered child support obligation in accordance with § 273.11(q).

(xi) Persons ineligible under § 273.24, the time limit for able-bodied adults.

(xii) Individuals convicted of certain crimes and who are out of compliance with the terms of their sentence and ineligible under § 273.11(s).

(c) Unregulated situations. For situations that are not clearly addressed by the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the State agency may apply its own policy for determining when an individual is a separate household or a member of another household if the policy is applied fairly, equitably and consistently throughout the State.

(d) Head of household. (1) A State agency shall not use the head of household designation to impose special requirements on the household, such as requiring that the head of household, rather than another responsible member of the household, appear at the certification office to make application for benefits. When designating the head of household, the State agency shall allow the household to select an adult parent of children (of any age) living in the household, or an adult who has parental control over children (under 18 years of age) living in the household, as the head of household provided that all adult household members agree to the selection. The State agency shall permit such households to select their head at each certification action or whenever there is a change in household composition. The State agency shall provide written notice to all households at the time of application and as otherwise appropriate that specifies the household's right to select its head of household in accordance with this paragraph. The written notice shall identify which households have the option to select their head of household, the circumstances under which a household may change its designation of head of household, and how such changes must be reported to the State agency. If all adult household members do not agree to the selection or decline to select an adult parent as the head of household, the State agency may designate the head of household or permit the household to make another selection. In no event shall the household's failure to select an adult parent of children or an adult who has parental control over children as the head of household delay the certification or result in the denial of benefits of an otherwise eligible household. For households that do not consist of adult parents and children or adults who have parental control of children living in the household, the State agency shall designate the head of household or permit the household to do so.

(2) For purposes of failure to comply with the work requirements of § 273.7, the head of household shall be the principal wage earner unless the household has selected an adult parent of children as specified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The principal wage earner shall be the household member (including excluded members) who is the greatest source of earned income in the two months prior to the month of the violation. This provision applies only if the employment involves 20 hours or more per week or provides weekly earnings at least equivalent to the Federal minimum wage multiplied by 20 hours. No person of any age living with a parent or person fulfilling the role of a parent who is registered for work or exempt from work registration requirements because such parent or person fulfilling the role of a parent is subject to and participating in any work requirement under title IV of the Social Security Act, or in receipt of unemployment compensation (or has registered for work as part of the application for or receipt of unemployment compensation), or is employed or self-employed and working a minimum of 30 hours weekly or receiving weekly earnings equal to the Federal minimum wage multiplied by 30 hours shall be considered the head of household unless the person is an adult parent of children as specified in § 273.1(d)(1) and the household elects to designate the adult parent as its head of household. If there is no principal source of earned income in the household, the household member, documented in the casefile as the head of the household at the time of the violation, shall be considered the head of household. The designation of head of household through the circumstances of this paragraph shall take precedence over a previous designation of head of household at least until the period of ineligibility is ended.

(e) Strikers. Households with a striking member are not eligible to participate in the Program, unless the household was eligible for benefits the day before the strike and is otherwise eligible at the time of application. A striker must be anyone involved in a strike or concerted stoppage of work by employees (including a stoppage by reason of the expiration of a collective-bargaining agreement) and any concerted slowdown or other concerted interruption of operations by employees. Any employee affected by a lockout, however, must not be deemed to be a striker. Further, an individual who goes on strike but is exempt from work registration under § 273.7(b) the day before the strike, other than those exempt solely on the grounds that they are employed, must not be deemed to be a striker. Also, persons such as truck drivers who cannot do their jobs because the strike has left them with nothing to deliver, and employees who are not part of the bargaining unit and do not want to cross the picket line for fear of personal injury or death, must not be deemed to be strikers.

(1) Pre-strike eligibility must be determined by considering the day prior to the strike as the day of application and assuming the strike did not occur.

(2) Eligibility at the time of application must be determined by comparing the striking member's income before the strike to the striker's current income and adding the higher of the two to the current income of non-striking members during the month of application. If the household is eligible, the higher income figure must also be used in determining the household's benefits.

[Amdt. 132, 43 FR 47889, Oct. 17, 1978] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 273.1, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
§ 273.2 - Office operations and application processing.

(a) Operation of SNAP offices and processing of applications—(1) Office operations. State agencies must establish procedures governing the operation of SNAP offices that the State agency determines best serve households in the State, including households with special needs, such as, but not limited to, households with elderly or disabled members, households in rural areas with low-income members, homeless individuals, households residing on reservations, households with adult members who are not proficient in English, and households with earned income (working households). The State agency must provide timely, accurate, and fair service to applicants for, and participants in, SNAP. The State agency cannot, as a condition of eligibility, impose additional application or application processing requirements, including in the implementation of a photo EBT card policy. The State agency's photo EBT card policy must not affect the certification process for purposes of determining eligibility regardless of whether an individual has his/her photo placed on the EBT card. The State agency must have a procedure for informing persons who wish to apply for SNAP benefits about the application process and their rights and responsibilities. The State agency must base SNAP eligibility solely on the criteria contained in the Act and this part.

(2) Application processing. The application process includes filing and completing an application form, being interviewed, and having certain information verified. The State agency must act promptly on all applications and provide SNAP benefits retroactive to the month of application to those households that have completed the application process and have been determined eligible. States must meet application processing timelines, regardless of whether a State agency implements a photo EBT card policy. The State agency must make expedited service available to households in immediate need. Specific responsibilities of households and State agencies in the application process are detailed below.

(b) SNAP application form—(1) A State agency may consider an application form to be a paper document, on-line document or a recorded conversation. Each application form shall contain:

(i) In prominent and boldface lettering and understandable terms a statement that the information provided by the applicant in connection with the application for SNAP benefits will be subject to verification by Federal, State and local officials to determine if such information is factual; that if any information is incorrect, SNAP benefits may be denied to the applicant; and that the applicant may be subject to criminal prosecution for knowingly providing incorrect information;

(ii) In prominent and boldface lettering and understandable terms a description of the civil and criminal provisions and penalties for violations of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008;

(iii) A statement to be signed by one adult household member which certifies, under penalty of perjury, the truth of the information contained in the application, including the information concerning citizenship and alien status of the members applying for benefits;

(iv) A place on the front page of the application where the applicant can write his/her name, address, and signature.

(v) In plain and prominent language on or near the front page of the application, notification of the household's right to immediately file the application as long as it contains the applicant's name and address and the signature of a responsible household member or the household's authorized representative. Regardless of the type of system the State agency uses (paper or electronic), it must provide a means for households to immediately begin the application process with name, address and signature;

(vi) In plain and prominent language on or near the front page of the application, a description of the expedited service provisions described in paragraph (i) of this section;

(vii) In plain and prominent language on or near the front page of the application, notification that benefits are provided from the date of application; and

(viii) The following nondiscrimination statement on the application itself even if the State agency uses a joint application form: “In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs, or disability. “To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”; and

(ix) For multi-program applications, contain language which clearly affords applicants the option of answering only those questions relevant to the program or programs for which they are applying.

(2) Income and eligibility verification system (IEVS). In using IEVS in accordance with paragraph (f)(9) of this section, a State agency must notify all applicants for SNAP benefits at the time of application and at each recertification through a written statement on, or provided with, the application form that information available through IEVS will be requested, used, and may be verified through collateral contact when discrepancies are found by the State agency, and that such information may affect the household's eligibility and level of benefits. The regulations at § 273.2(f)(4)(ii) govern the use of collateral contacts. The State agency must also notify all applicants on the application form that the alien status of applicant household members may be subject to verification by USCIS through the submission of information from the application to USCIS, and that the submitted information received from USCIS may affect the household's eligibility and level of benefits.

(3) Jointly processed cases. If a State agency has a procedure that allows applicants to apply for SNAP and another program at the same time, the State agency shall notify applicants that they may file a joint application for more than one program or they may file a separate application for SNAP benefits independent of their application for benefits from any other program. All SNAP applications, regardless of whether they are joint applications or separate applications, must be processed for SNAP purposes in accordance with SNAP procedural, timeliness, notice, and fair hearing requirements. No household shall have its SNAP benefits denied solely on the basis that its application to participate in another program has been denied or its benefits under another program have been terminated without a separate determination by the State agency that the household failed to satisfy a SNAP eligibility requirement. Households that file a joint application for SNAP benefits and another program and are denied benefits for the other program shall not be required to resubmit the joint application or to file another application for SNAP benefits but shall have its SNAP eligibility determined based on the joint application in accordance with the SNAP processing time frames from the date the joint application was initially accepted by the State agency.

(4) Privacy Act statement. As a State agency, you must notify all households applying and being recertified for SNAP benefits of the following:

(i) The collection of this information, including the social security number (SSN) of each household member, is authorized under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 2011-2036. The information will be used to determine whether your household is eligible or continues to be eligible to participate in SNAP. We will verify this information through computer matching programs. This information will also be used to monitor compliance with program regulations and for program management.

(ii) This information may be disclosed to other Federal and State agencies for official examination, and to law enforcement officials for the purpose of apprehending persons fleeing to avoid the law.

(iii) If a SNAP claim arises against your household, the information on this application, including all SSNs, may be referred to Federal and State agencies, as well as private claims collection agencies, for claims collection action.

(iv) Providing the requested information, including the SSN of each household member, is voluntary. However, failure to provide an SSN will result in the denial of SNAP benefits to each individual failing to provide an SSN. Any SSNs provided will be used and disclosed in the same manner as SSNs of eligible household members.

(c) Filing an application—(1) Household's right to file—(i) Where to file. Households must file SNAP applications by submitting the forms to the SNAP office either in person, through an authorized representative, by mail, by completing an on-line electronic application, or, if available, by fax, telephone, or other electronic transmission.

(ii) Right to file in writing. All households have the right to apply or to re-apply for SNAP in writing. The State agency shall neither deny nor interfere with a household's right to apply or to re-apply in writing.

(iii) Right to same-day filing. Each household has the right to file an application form on the same day it contacts the SNAP office during office hours. The household shall be advised that it does not have to be interviewed before filing the application and may file an incomplete application form as long as the form contains the applicant's name and address, and is signed by a responsible member of the household or the household's authorized representative. Regardless of the type of application system used, the State agency must provide a means for all applicants applying through any mechanism to immediately begin the application process by filing an application with only the name, address and signature.

(iv) Recording the filing date. The date of application is the date the application is received by the State agency. State agencies must document the application date on the application. If the application is received outside normal business hours the State agency will consider the date of application the next business day. For online applications, the date of application is the date the application is submitted, or the next business day if it is submitted after business hours. For telephonic applications, the date of application is the date on which the household member provides verbal assent.

(v) Application copies. When a household member completes an application, the State agency must offer to provide a copy of the completed application. For purposes of this subsection, a copy of the completed application is a copy of the information provided by the client that the State agency has used or will use to determine a household's eligibility and benefit allotment. At the option of the household, the State may provide the copy in an electronic format.

(vi) Residents of institutions. The following special provisions apply to residents of institutions.

(A) Filing date. When a resident of an institution is jointly applying for SSI and SNAP benefits prior to leaving the institution, the filing date of the application that the State agency must record is the date of release of the applicant from the institution.

(B) Processing deadline. The length of time a State agency has to deliver benefits is calculated from the date the application is filed in the SNAP office designated by the State agency to accept the household's application, except when a resident of a public institution is jointly applying for SSI and SNAP benefits prior to his/her release from an institution in accordance with § 273.11(i).

(C) Certification procedures. Residents of public institutions who apply for SNAP prior to their release from the institution shall be certified in accordance with § 273.2 paragraph (g)(1) or § 273.2(i)(3)(i) of this section, as appropriate.

(2) Contacting the SNAP office. (i) State agencies shall encourage households to file an application form the same day the household or its representative contacts the SNAP office in person or by telephone and expresses interest in obtaining SNAP assistance or expresses concerns which indicate food insecurity. If the State agency attempts to discourage households from applying for cash assistance, it shall make clear that the disadvantages and requirements of applying for cash assistance do not apply to SNAP benefits. In addition, it shall encourage applicants to continue with their application for SNAP benefits. The State agency shall inform households that receiving SNAP benefits will have no bearing on any other program's time limits that may apply to the household. If a household contacting the SNAP office by telephone does not wish to come to the appropriate office to file the application that same day and instead prefers receiving an application through the mail, the State agency shall mail an application form to the household on the same day the telephone request is received. An application shall also be mailed on the same day a written request for food assistance is received.

(ii) Where a project area has designated certification offices to serve specific geographic areas, households may contact an office other than the one designated to service the area in which they reside. When a household contacts the wrong certification office within a project area in person or by telephone, the certification office shall, in addition to meeting other requirements in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, give the household the address and telephone number of the appropriate office. The certification office shall also offer to forward the household's application to the appropriate office that same day if the household has completed enough information on the application to file or forward it the next day by any means that ensures the application arrives at the application office the day it is forwarded. The household shall be informed that its application will not be considered filed and the processing standards shall not begin until the application is received by the appropriate office. If the household has mailed its application to the wrong office within a project area, the certification office shall mail the application to the appropriate office on the same day, or forward it the next day by any means that ensures the application arrives at the application office the day it is forwarded.

(iii) In State agencies that elect to have Statewide residency, as provided in § 273.3, the application processing timeframes begin when the application is filed in any SNAP office in the State.

(3) Availability of the application form. (i) General availability. The State agency shall make application forms readily accessible to potentially eligible households. The State agency shall also provide an application form to anyone who requests the form. Regardless of the type of system the State agency uses, the State agency must provide a means for applicants to immediately file an application that includes only name, address and signature. If the State agency maintains a Web page, it must make the application available on the Web page in each language in which the State agency makes a printed application available. The State agency must provide on the Web page the addresses and phone numbers of all State SNAP offices and a statement that the household should return the application form to its nearest local office. The applications must be accessible to persons with disabilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Public Law 93-112, as amended by the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1974, Public Law 93-516, 29 U.S.C. 794,and,42.S.C. 12101.

(ii) Paper forms. The State agency must make paper application forms readily accessible and available even if the State agency also accepts application forms through other means.

(4) Notice of right to file. The State agency shall post signs in the certification office which explain the application processing standards and the right to file an application on the day of initial contact. The State agency shall include similar information about same day filing on the application form.

(5) Notice of Required Verification. The State agency shall provide each household at the time of application for certification and recertification with a notice that informs the household of the verification requirements the household must meet as part of the application process. The notice shall also inform the household of the State agency's responsibility to assist the household in obtaining required verification provided the household is cooperating with the State agency as specified in (d)(1) of this section. The notice shall be written in clear and simple language and shall meet the bilingual requirements designated in § 272.4(b) of this chapter. At a minimum, the notice shall contain examples of the types of documents the household should provide and explain the period of time the documents should cover.

(6) Withdrawing application. The household may voluntarily withdraw its application at any time prior to the determination of eligibility. The State agency shall document in the case file the reason for withdrawal, if any was stated by the household, and that contact was made with the household to confirm the withdrawal. The household shall be advised of its right to reapply at any time subsequent to a withdrawal.

(7) Signing an application or reapplication form. In this paragraph, the word “form” refers to applications and reapplications.

(i) Requirement for a signature. A form must be signed to establish a filing date and to determine the State agency's deadline for acting on the form. The State agency shall not certify a household without a signed form.

(ii) Right to provide written signature. All households have the right to sign a SNAP form in writing.

(iii) Unwritten signatures. The State agency shall decide whether unwritten signatures are generally acceptable. The State agency may decide to accept unwritten signatures. A State agency that does not select this option must accept unwritten signatures when necessary to comply with civil rights laws.

(A) These may include electronic signature techniques, recorded telephonic signatures, or recorded gestured signatures.

(B) A State agency is not required to obtain a written signature in addition to an unwritten signature.

(iv) Who may sign the form.

(A) An adult member of the household.

(B) An authorized representative, as described in paragraph (n)(1) of this section.

(v) Application copies. When a household member completes an application, the State agency must offer to provide a copy of the completed application. For purposes of this subsection, a copy of the completed application is a copy of the information provided by the client that the State agency has used or will use to determine a household's eligibility and benefit allotment. At the option of the household, the State may provide the copy in an electronic format.

(vi) Handwritten signatures. These provisions apply specifically to handwritten signatures, including handwritten signatures that the household transmits by facsimile or other electronic transmission.

(A) If the signatory cannot sign with a name, an X is a valid signature.

(B) The State agency may require a witness to attest to an X signature.

(C) An employee of the State agency may serve as a witness.

(vii) Electronic signatures. These provisions apply specifically to electronic signatures.

(A) The State agency may accept an electronic signature but is not required to do so.

(B) Some examples of electronic signature are the use of a Personal Identification Number (PIN), a computer password, clicking on an “I accept these conditions” button on a screen, or clicking on a “Submit” button on a screen.

(viii) Telephonic signatures. These provisions apply specifically to telephonic signatures.

(A) A State agency that chooses to accept telephonic signatures under this paragraph (c)(7)(viii) must specify in its State plan of operation that it has selected this option.

(B) To constitute a valid telephonic signature, the State agency's telephonic signature system must make an audio recording of the household's verbal assent and a summary of the information to which the household assents. An example of a telephonic signature is a recording of “Yes” or “No”, “I agree” or “I do not agree”, or otherwise clearly indicating agreement or disagreement during an interview over the telephone. An example of a summary of the information to which the household assents is a recording of a reiteration of the household's details agreed to during the telephone conversation.

(C) A telephonic signature system must provide for linkage from the audio file of the recorded verbal assent to the application so that the State agency has ready access to the household's entire case file.

(D) The State agency shall promptly provide to the household member a written copy of the completed application, with instructions for a simple procedure for correcting any errors or omissions.

(ix) Gestured signatures. These provisions apply specifically to gestured signatures.

(A) A State agency that chooses to accept gestured signatures under this paragraph (c)(7)(ix) must specify in its State plan of operation that it has selected this option.

(B) Gestured signatures include the use of signs and expressions to communicate “Yes” or “I agree” in American Sign Language (ASL), Manually Coded English (MCE) or another similar language or method during an interview, in person or over a video link.

(C) The State agency shall promptly provide to the household member a written copy of the completed application, with instructions for a simple procedure for correcting any errors or omissions.

(d) Household cooperation. (1) To determine eligibility, the application form must be completed and signed, the household or its authorized representative must be interviewed, and certain information on the application must be verified. If the household refuses to cooperate with the State agency in completing this process, the application shall be denied at the time of refusal. For a determination of refusal to be made, the household must be able to cooperate, but clearly demonstrate that it will not take actions that it can take and that are required to complete the application process. For example, to be denied for refusal to cooperate, a household must refuse to be interviewed not merely failing to appear for the interview. If there is any question as to whether the household has merely failed to cooperate, as opposed to refused to cooperate, the household shall not be denied, and the agency shall provide assistance required by paragraph (c)(5) of this section. The household shall also be determined ineligible if it refuses to cooperate in any subsequent review of its eligibility, including reviews generated by reported changes and applications for recertification. Once denied or terminated for refusal to cooperate, the household may reapply but shall not be determined eligible until it cooperates with the State agency. The State agency shall not determine the household to be ineligible when a person outside of the household fails to cooperate with a request for verification. The State agency shall not consider individuals identified as nonhousehold members under § 273.1(b)(2) as individuals outside the household.

(2) Cooperation with QC Reviewer. In addition, the household shall be determined ineligible if it refuses to cooperate in any subsequent review of its eligibility as a part of a quality control review. If a household is terminated for refusal to cooperate with a quality control reviewer, in accordance with §§ 275.3(c)(5) and 275.12(g)(1)(ii) of this chapter, the household may reapply, but shall not be determined eligible until it cooperates with the quality control reviewer. If a household terminated for refusal to cooperate with a State quality control reviewer reapplies after 125 days from the end of the annual review period, the household shall not be determined ineligible for its refusal to cooperate with a State quality control reviewer during the completed review period, but must provide verification in accordance with paragraph (f)(1)(ix) of this section. If a household terminated for refusal to cooperate with a Federal quality control reviewer reapplies after nine months from the end of the annual review period, the household shall not be determined ineligible for its refusal to cooperate with a Federal quality control reviewer during the completed review period, but must provide verification in accordance with paragraph (f)(1)(ix) of this section. In the event that one or more household members no longer resides with a household terminated for refusal to cooperate, the penalty for refusal to cooperate will attach to household of the person(s) who refused to cooperate. If the State agency is unable to determine which household member(s) refused to cooperate, the State agency shall determine the household to which the penalty shall apply.

(e) Interviews. (1) Except for households certified for longer than 12 months, and except as provided in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, households must have a face-to-face interview with an eligibility worker at initial certification and at least once every 12 months thereafter. State agencies may not require households to report for an in-office interview during their certification period, though they may request households to do so. For example, State agencies may not require households to report en masse for an in-office interview during their certification periods simply to review their case files, or for any other reason. State agencies may not require an in person interview solely to take a photo. Interviews may be conducted at the SNAP office or other mutually acceptable location, including a household's residence. If the interview will be conducted at the household's residence, it must be scheduled in advance with the household. If a household in which all adult members are elderly or disabled is certified for 24 months in accordance with § 273.10(f)(1), or a household residing on a reservation is required to submit monthly reports and is certified for 24 months in accordance with § 273.10(f)(2), a face-to-face interview is not required during the certification period. The individual interviewed may be the head of household, spouse, any other responsible member of the household, or an authorized representative. The applicant may bring any person he or she chooses to the interview. The interviewer must not simply review the information that appears on the application, but must explore and resolve with the household unclear and incomplete information. The interviewer must advise households of their rights and responsibilities during the interview, including the appropriate application processing standard and the households' responsibility to report changes. The interviewer must advise households that are also applying for or receiving PA benefits that time limits and other requirements that apply to the receipt of PA benefits do not apply to the receipt of SNAP benefits, and that households which cease receiving PA benefits because they have reached a time limit, have begun working, or for other reasons, may still qualify for SNAP benefits. The interviewer must conduct the interview as an official and confidential discussion of household circumstances. The State agency must protect the applicant's right to privacy during the interview. Facilities must be adequate to preserve the privacy and confidentiality of the interview.

(2) The State agency may use a telephone interview instead of the face-to-face interview required in paragraph (e)(1) of this section for all applicant households, for specified categories of households, or on a case-by-case basis because of household hardship situations as determined by the State agency. The hardship conditions must include, but are not limited to, illness, transportation difficulties, care of a household member, hardships due to residency in a rural area, prolonged severe weather, or work or training hours that prevent the household from participating in an in-office interview. If a State agency has not already provided that a telephone interview will be used for a household, and that household meets the State agency's hardship criteria and requests to not have an in-office interview, the State agency must offer to the household to conduct the interview by telephone. The State agency may provide a home-based interview only if a household meets the hardship criteria and requests one. A State agency that chooses to routinely interview households by telephone in lieu of the face-to-face interview must specify this choice in its State plan of operation and describe the types of households that will be routinely offered a telephone interview in lieu of a face-to-face interview. The State agency must grant a face-to-face interview to any household that requests one.

(i) State agencies must inform each applicant of the opportunity for a face-to-face interview at the time of application and recertification and grant a face-to-face interview to any household that requests one at any time, even if the State agency has elected the option to routinely provide telephone interviews.

(ii) Like households participating in face-to-face interviews, households interviewed by any means other than the face-to-face interview are not exempt from verification requirements. However, the State agency may use special procedures to permit the household to provide verification and thus obtain its benefits in a timely manner, such as substituting a collateral contact in cases where documentary verification would normally be provided.

(iii) The use of non-face-to-face interviews may not affect the length of a household's certification period.

(iv) State agencies must provide Limited English Proficient (LEP) households with bilingual personnel during the interview as required under § 272.4(b) of this chapter.

(3) The State agency must schedule an interview for all applicant households who are not interviewed on the day they submit their applications. To the extent practicable, the State agency must schedule the interview to accommodate the needs of groups with special circumstances, including working households. The State agency must schedule all interviews as promptly as possible to insure eligible households receive an opportunity to participate within 30 days after the application is filed. The State agency must notify each household that misses its interview appointment that it missed the scheduled interview and that the household is responsible for rescheduling a missed interview. If the household contacts the State agency within the 30 day application processing period, the State agency must schedule a second interview. The State agency may not deny a household's application prior to the 30th day after application if the household fails to appear for the first scheduled interview. If the household requests a second interview during the 30-day application processing period and is determined eligible, the State agency must issue prorated benefits from the date of application.

(f) Verification. Verification is the use of documentation or a contact with a third party to confirm the accuracy of statements or information. The State agency must give households at least 10 days to provide required verification. Paragraph (i)(4) of this section contains verification procedures for expedited service cases.

(1) Mandatory verification. State agencies shall verify the following information prior to certification for households initially applying:

(i) Gross nonexempt income. Gross nonexempt income shall be verified for all households prior to certification. However, where all attempts to verify the income have been unsuccessful because the person or organization providing the income has failed to cooperate with the household and the State agency, and all other sources of verification are unavailable, the eligibility worker shall determine an amount to be used for certification purposes based on the best available information.

(ii) Alien eligibility. (A) The State agency shall verify the eligible status of all aliens applying for SNAP benefits by using an immigration status verification system established under section 1137 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-7). FNS may require State agencies to provide written confirmation from USCIS that the system used by the State is an immigration status verification system established under section 1137 of the Social Security Act. If an alien does not wish the State agency to contact USCIS to verify his or her immigration status, the State agency must give the household the option of withdrawing its application or participating without that member. The Department of Justice (DOJ) Interim Guidance On Verification of Citizenship, Qualified Alien Status and Eligibility Under Title IV of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Interim Guidance) (62 FR 61344, November 17, 1997) contains information on acceptable documents and USCIS codes. State agencies should use the Interim Guidance until DOJ publishes a final rule on this issue. Thereafter, State agencies should consult both the Interim Guidance and the DOJ final rule. Where the Interim Guidance and the DOJ final rule conflict, the latter should control the verification of alien eligibility. As provided in § 273.4, the following information may also be relevant to the eligibility of some aliens: date of admission or date status was granted; military connection; battered status; if the alien was lawfully residing in the United States on August 22, 1996; membership in certain Indian tribes; if the person was age 65 or older on August 22, 1996; if a lawful permanent resident can be credited with 40 qualifying quarters of covered work and if any Federal means-tested public benefits were received in any quarter after December 31, 1996; or if the alien was a member of certain Hmong or Highland Laotian tribes during a certain period of time or is the spouse or unmarried dependent of such a person. The State agency must also verify these factors, if applicable to the alien's eligibility. The SSA Quarters of Coverage History System (QCHS) is available for purposes of verifying whether a lawful permanent resident has earned or can receive credit for a total of 40 qualifying quarters. However, the QCHS may not show all qualifying quarters. For instance, SSA records do not show current year earnings and in some cases the last year's earnings, depending on the time of request. Also, in some cases, an applicant may have work from uncovered employment that is not documented by SSA, but is countable toward the 40 quarters test. In both these cases, the individual, rather than SSA, would need to provide the evidence needed to verify the quarters.

(B) An alien is ineligible until acceptable documentation is provided unless:

(1) The State agency has submitted a copy of a document provided by the household to USCIS for verification. Pending such verification, the State agency cannot delay, deny, reduce or terminate the individual's eligibility for benefits on the basis of the individual's immigration status; or

(2) The applicant or the State agency has submitted a request to SSA for information regarding the number of quarters of work that can be credited to the individual, SSA has responded that the individual has fewer than 40 quarters, and the individual provides documentation from SSA that SSA is conducting an investigation to determine if more quarters can be credited. If SSA indicates that the number of qualifying quarters that can be credited is under investigation, the State agency must certify the individual pending the results of the investigation for up to 6 months from the date of the original determination of insufficient quarters; or

(3) The applicant or the State agency has submitted a request to a Federal agency for verification of information which bears on the individual's eligible alien status. The State agency must certify the individual pending the results of the investigation for up to 6 months from the date of the original request for verification.

(C) The State agency must provide alien applicants with a reasonable opportunity to submit acceptable documentation of their eligible alien status as of the 30th day following the date of application. A reasonable opportunity must be at least 10 days from the date of the State agency's request for an acceptable document. When the State agency fails to provide an alien applicant with a reasonable opportunity as of the 30th day following the date of application, the State agency must provide the household with benefits no later than 30 days following the date of application, provided the household is otherwise eligible.

(iii) Utility expenses. The State agency shall verify a household's utility expenses if the household wishes to claim expenses in excess of the State agency's utility standard and the expense would actually result in a deduction. If the household's actual utility expenses cannot be verified before the 30 days allowed to process the application expire, the State agency shall use the standard utility allowance, provided the household is entitled to use the standard as specified in § 273.9(d). If the household wishes to claim expenses for an unoccupied home, the State agency shall verify the household's actual utility expenses for the unoccupied home in every case and shall not use the standard utility allowance.

(iv) Medical expenses. The amount of any medical expenses (including the amount of reimbursements) deductible under § 273.9(d)(3) shall be verified prior to initial certification. Verification of other factors, such as the allowability of services provided or the eligibility of the person incurring the cost, shall be required if questionable.

(v) Social security numbers. The State agency shall verify the social security number(s) (SSN) reported by the household by submitting them to the Social Security Administration (SSA) for verification according to procedures established by SSA. The State agency shall not delay the certification for or issuance of benefits to an otherwise eligible household solely to verify the SSN of a household member. Once an SSN has been verified, the State agency shall make a permanent annotation to its file to prevent the unnecessary reverification of the SSN in the future. The State agency shall accept as verified an SSN which has been verified by another program participating in the IEVS described in § 272.8. If an individual is unable to provide an SSN or does not have an SSN, the State agency shall require the individual to submit Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Number, to the SSA in accordance with procedures in § 273.6. A completed SSA Form 2853 shall be considered proof of application for an SSN for a newborn infant.

(vi) Residency. The residency requirements of § 273.3 shall be verified except in unusual cases (such as homeless households, some migrant farmworker households, or households newly arrived in a project area) where verification of residency cannot reasonably be accomplished. Verification of residency should be accomplished to the extent possible in conjunction with the verification of other information such as, but not limited to, rent and mortgage payments, utility expenses, and identity. If verification cannot be accomplished in conjunction with the verification of other information, then the State agency shall use a collateral contact or other readily available documentary evidence. Documents used to verify other factors of eligibility should normally suffice to verify residency as well. Any documents or collateral contact which reasonably establish the applicant's residency must be accepted and no requirement for a specific type of verification may be imposed. No durational residency requirement shall be established.

(vii) Identity. The identity of the person making application shall be verified. Where an authorized representative applies on behalf of a household, the identity of both the authorized representative and the head of household shall be verified. Identity may be verified through readily available documentary evidence, or if this is unavailable, through a collateral contact. Examples of acceptable documentary evidence which the applicant may provide include, but are not limited to, a driver's license, a work or school ID, an ID for health benefits or for another assistance or social services program, a voter registration card, wage stubs, or a birth certificate. Any documents which reasonably establish the applicant's identity must be accepted, and no requirement for a specific type of document, such as a birth certificate, may be imposed.

(viii) Disability. (A) The State agency shall verify disability as defined in § 271.2 as follows:

(1) For individuals to be considered disabled under paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) of the definition, the household shall provide proof that the disabled individual is receiving benefits under titles I, II, X, XIV or XVI of the Social Security Act.

(2) For individuals to be considered disabled under paragraph (6) of the definition, the household must present a statement from the Veterans Administration (VA) which clearly indicates that the disabled individual is receiving VA disability benefits for a service-connected or non-service-connected disability and that the disability is rated as total or paid at the total rate by VA.

(3) For individuals to be considered disabled under paragraphs (7) and (8) of the definition, proof by the household that the disabled individual is receiving VA disability benefits is sufficient verification of disability.

(4) For individuals to be considered disabled under paragraphs (5) and (9) of the definition, the State agency shall use the Social Security Administration's (SSA) most current list of disabilities considered permanent under the Social Security Act for verifying disability. If it is obvious to the caseworker that the individual has one of the listed disabilities, the household shall be considered to have verified disability. If disability is not obvious to the caseworker, the household shall provide a statement from a physician or licensed or certified psychologist certifying that the individual has one of the nonobvious disabilities listed as the means for verifying disability under paragraphs (5) and (9) of the definition.

(5) For individuals to be considered disabled under paragraph (10) of the definition, the household shall provide proof that the individual receives a Railroad Retirement disability annuity from the Railroad Retirement Board and has been determined to qualify for Medicare.

(6) For individuals to be considered disabled under paragraph (11) of the definition, the household shall provide proof that the individual receives interim assistance benefits pending the receipt of Supplemental Security Income; or disability-related medical assistance under title XIX of the SSA; or disability-based State general assistance benefits. The State agency shall verify that the eligibility to receive these benefits is based upon disability or blindness criteria which are at least as stringent as those used under title XVI of the Social Security Act.

(B) For disability determinations which must be made relevant to the provisions of § 273.1(a)(2)(ii), the State agency shall use the SSA's most current list of disabilities as the initial step for verifying if an individual has a disability considered permanent under the Social Security Act. However, only those individuals who suffer from one of the disabilities mentioned in the SSA list who are unable to purchase and prepare meals because of such disability shall be considered disabled for the purpose of this provision. If it is obvious to the caseworker that the individual is unable to purchase and prepare meals because he/she suffers from a severe physical or mental disability, the individual shall be considered disabled for the purpose of the provision even if the disability is not specifically mentioned on the SSA list. If the disability is not obvious to the caseworker, he/she shall verify the disability by requiring a statement from a physician or licensed or certified psychologist certifying that the individual (in the physician's/psychologist's opinion) is unable to purchase and prepare meals because he/she suffers from one of the nonobvious disabilities mentioned in the SSA list or is unable to purchase meals because he/she suffers from some other severe, permanent physical or mental disease or nondisease-related disability. The elderly and disabled individual (or his/her authorized representative) shall be responsible for obtaining the cooperation of the individuals with whom he/she resides in providing the necessary income information about the others to the State agency for purposes of this provision.

(ix) State agencies shall verify all factors of eligibility for households who have been terminated for refusal to cooperate with a State quality control reviewer, and reapply after 95 days from the end of the annual review period. State agencies shall verify all factors of eligibility for households who have been terminated for refusal to cooperate with a Federal quality control reviewer and reapply after seven months from the end of the annual review period.

(x) Household composition. State agencies shall verify factors affecting the composition of a household, if questionable. Individuals who claim to be a separate household from those with whom they reside shall be responsible for proving that they are a separate household to the satisfaction of the State agency. Individuals who claim to be a separate household from those with whom they reside based on the various age and disability factors for determining separateness shall be responsible for proving a claim of separateness (at the State agency's request) in accordance with the provisions of § 273.2(f)(1)(viii).

(xi) Students. If a person claims to be physically or mentally unfit for purposes of the student exemption contained in § 273.5(b)(2) and the unfitness is not evident to the State agency, verification may be required. Appropriate verification may consist of receipt of temporary or permanent disability benefits issued by governmental or private sources, or of a statement from a physician or licensed or certified psychologist.

(xii) Legal obligation and actual child support payments. The State agency shall obtain verification of the household's legal obligation to pay child support, the amount of the obligation, and the monthly amount of child support the household actually pays. Documents that are accepted as verification of the household's legal obligation to pay child support shall not be accepted as verification of the household's actual monthly child support payments. State agencies may and are strongly encouraged to obtain information regarding a household member's child support obligation and payments from Child Support Enforcement (CSE) automated data files. For households that pay their child support exclusively through their State CSE agency, the State agency may use information provided by that agency in determining a household's legal obligation to pay child support, the amount of its obligation and amount the household has actually paid. A household would not have to provide additional verification unless it disagrees with the data presented by the State CSE agency. Before the State agency may use the CSE agency's information, the household must sign a statement authorizing release of the household's child support payment records to the State agency. State agencies that choose to rely on information provided by their State CSE agency in accordance with this paragraph (f)(1)(xii) must specify in their State plan of operation that they have selected this option. The State agency shall give the household an opportunity to resolve any discrepancy between household verification and CSE records in accordance with paragraph (f)(9) of this section.

(xiii) [Reserved]

(xiv) Additional verification for able-bodied adults subject to the time limit—(A) Hours worked. For individuals subject to the SNAP time limit of § 273.24 who are satisfying the work requirement by working, by combining work and participation in a work program, or by participating in a work or workfare program that is not operated or supervised by the State agency, the individuals' work hours shall be verified.

(B) Countable months in another state. For individuals subject to the SNAP time limit of § 273.24, the State agency must verify the number of countable months (as defined in § 273.24(b)(1)) an individual has used in another State if there is an indication that the individual participated in that State. The normal processing standards of 7 CFR 273.2(g) apply. The State agency may accept another State agency's assertion as to the number of countable months an individual has used in another State.

(2) Verification of questionable information. (i) The State agency shall verify, prior to certification of the household, all other factors of eligibility which the State agency determines are questionable and affect the household's eligibility and benefit level. The State agency shall establish guidelines to be followed in determining what shall be considered questionable information. These guidelines shall not prescribe verification based on race, religion, ethnic background, or national origin. These guidelines shall not target groups such as migrant farmworkers or American Indians for more intensive verification under this provision.

(ii) If a member's citizenship or status as a non-citizen national is questionable, the State agency must verify the member's citizenship or non-citizen national status in accordance with attachment 4 of the DOJ Interim Guidance. After DOJ issues final rules, State agencies should consult both the Interim Guidance and the final rule. Where the Interim Guidance and the DOJ final rule conflict, the latter should control the eligibility determination. The State agency must accept participation in another program as acceptable verification if verification of citizenship or non-citizen national status was obtained for that program. If the household cannot obtain the forms of verification suggested in attachment 4 of the DOJ Interim Guidance and the household can provide a reasonable explanation as to why verification is not available, the State agency must accept a signed statement, under penalty of perjury, from a third party indicating a reasonable basis for personal knowledge that the member in question is a U.S. citizen or non-citizen national. The signed statement must contain a warning of the penalties for helping someone commit fraud. Absent verification or third party attestation of U.S. citizenship or non-citizen national status, the member whose citizenship or non-citizen national status is in question is ineligible to participate until the issue is resolved. The member whose citizenship or non-citizen national status is in question will have his or her income and resources considered available to any remaining household members as set forth in § 273.11(c).

(3) State agency options. In addition to the verification required in paragraphs (f)(1) and (f)(2) of this section, the State agency may elect to mandate verification of any other factor which affects household eligibility or allotment level, including household size where not questionable. Such verification may be required Statewide or throughout a project area, but shall not be imposed on a selective, case-by-case basis on particular households.

(i) The State agency may establish its own standards for the use of verification, provided that, at a minimum, all questionable factors are verified in accordance with paragraph (f)(2) of this section and that such standards do not allow for inadvertent discrimination. For example, no standard may be applied which prescribes variances in verification based on race, religion, ethnic background or national origin, nor may a State standard target groups such as migrant farmworkers or American Indians for more intensive verification than other households. The options specified in this paragraph, shall not apply in those offices of the Social Security Administration (SSA) which, in accordance with paragraph (k) of this section, provide for the SNAP certification of households containing recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and social security benefits. The State agency, however, may negotiate with those SSA offices with regard to mandating verification of these options.

(ii) If a State agency opts to verify a deductible expense and obtaining the verification may delay the household's certification, the State agency shall advise the household that its eligibility and benefit level may be determined without providing a deduction for the claimed but unverified expense. This provision also applies to the allowance of medical expenses as specified in paragraph (f)(1)(iv) of this section. Shelter costs would be computed without including the unverified components. The standard utility allowance shall be used if the household is entitled to claim it and has not verified higher actual costs. If the expense cannot be verified within 30 days of the date of application, the State agency shall determine the household's eligibility and benefit level without providing a deduction of the unverified expense. If the household subsequently provides the missing verification, the State agency shall redetermine the household's benefits, and provide increased benefits, if any, in accordance with the timeliness standards in § 273.12 on reported changes. If the expense could not be verified within the 30-day processing standard because the State agency failed to allow the household sufficient time, as defined in paragraph (h)(1) of this section, to verify the expense, the household shall be entitled to the restoration of benefits retroactive to the month of application, provided that the missing verification is supplied in accordance with paragraph (h)(3) of this section. If the household would be ineligible unless the expense is allowed, the household's application shall be handled as provided in paragraph (h) of this section.

(4) Sources of verification—(i) Documentary evidence. State agencies shall use documentary evidence as the primary source of verification for all items except residency and household size. These items may be verified either through readily available documentary evidence or through a collateral contact, without a requirement being imposed that documentary evidence must be the primary source of verification. Documentary evidence consists of a written confirmation of a household's circumstances. Examples of documentary evidence include wage stubs, rent receipts, and utility bills. Although documentary evidence shall be the primary source of verification, acceptable verification shall not be limited to any single type of document and may be obtained through the household or other source. Whenever documentary evidence cannot be obtained or is insufficient to make a firm determination of eligibility or benefit level, the eligibility worker may require collateral contacts or home visits. For example, documentary evidence may be considered insufficient when the household presents pay stubs which do not represent an accurate picture of the household's income (such as out-dated pay stubs) or identification papers that appear to be falsified.

(ii) Collateral contacts. A collateral contact is an oral confirmation of a household's circumstances by a person outside of the household. The collateral contact may be made either in person or over the telephone. The State agency may select a collateral contact if the household fails to designate one or designates one which is unacceptable to the State agency. Examples of acceptable collateral contacts may include employers, landlords, social service agencies, migrant service agencies, and neighbors of the household who can be expected to provide accurate third-party verification. When talking with collateral contacts, State agencies should disclose only the information that is absolutely necessary to get the information being sought. State agencies should avoid disclosing that the household has applied for SNAP benefits, nor should they disclose any information supplied by the household, especially information that is protected by § 273.1(c), or suggest that the household is suspected of any wrong doing.

(iii) Home visits. Home visits may be used as verification only when documentary evidence is insufficient to make a firm determination of eligibility or benefit level, or cannot be obtained, and the home visit is scheduled in advance with the household. Home visits are to be used on a case-by-case basis where the supplied documentation is insufficient. Simply because a household fits a profile of an error-prone household does not constitute lack of verification. State agencies shall assist households in obtaining sufficient verification in accordance with paragraph (c)(5) of this section.

(iv) Discrepancies. Where unverified information from a source other than the household contradicts statements made by the household, the household shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to resolve the discrepancy prior to a determination of eligibility or benefits. The State agency may, if it chooses, verify the information directly and contact the household only if such direct verification efforts are unsuccessful. If the unverified information is received through the IEVS, as specified in § 272.8, the State agency may obtain verification from a third party as specified in paragraph (f)(9)(v) of this section.

(v) Homeless households. Homeless households claiming actual shelter expenses or those with extremely low shelter costs may provide verification of their shelter expenses to qualify for the homeless shelter deduction if the State agency has such a deduction. If a homeless household has difficulty in obtaining traditional types of verification of shelter costs, the caseworker shall use prudent judgment in determining if the verification obtained is adequate. For example, if a homeless individual claims to have incurred shelter costs for several nights and the costs are comparable to costs typically incurred by homeless people for shelter, the caseworker may decide to accept this information as adequate information and not require further verification.

(5) Responsibility of obtaining verification. (i) The household has primary responsibility for providing documentary evidence to support statements on the application and to resolve any questionable information. The State agency must assist the household in obtaining this verification provided the household is cooperating with the State agency as specified under paragraph (d)(1) of this section. Households may supply documentary evidence in person, through the mail, by facsimile or other electronic device, or through an authorized representative. The State agency must not require the household to present verification in person at the SNAP office. The State agency must accept any reasonable documentary evidence provided by the household and must be primarily concerned with how adequately the verification proves the statements on the application. However, the State agency has primary responsibility for verifying fleeing felon and parole or probation violator status in accordance with § 273.11(n). If a SNAP applicant's attestation regarding disqualified felon status described in § 273.2(o) is questionable, the State agency shall verify the attestation. Each element of a questionable attestation—that the individual has been convicted of a crime listed at § 273.11(s), and that the individual is not in compliance with the terms of their sentence—shall be verified by the State agency. The State agency shall determine whether an attestation is questionable based on the standards established under § 273.2(f)(2)(i). In conducting verifications of questionable attestations under this paragraph, the State agency shall establish reasonable, consistent standards, evaluate each case separately, and document the case file accordingly.

(ii) Whenever documentary evidence is insufficient to make a firm determination of eligibility or benefit level, or cannot be obtained, the State agency may require a collateral contact or a home visit in accordance with paragraph (f)(4) of this section. The State agency, generally, shall rely on the household to provide the name of any collateral contact. The household may request assistance in designating a collateral contact. The State agency is not required to use a collateral contact designated by the household if the collateral contact cannot be expected to provide an accurate third-party verification. When the collateral contact designated by the household is unacceptable, the State agency shall either designate another collateral contact, ask the household to designate another collateral contact or to provide an alternative form of verification, or substitute a home visit. The State agency is responsible for obtaining verification from acceptable collateral contacts.

(6) Documentation. Case files must be documented to support eligibility, ineligibility, and benefit level determinations. Documentation shall be in sufficient detail to permit a reviewer to determine the reasonableness and accuracy of the determination.

(7) State Data Exchange and Beneficiary Data Exchange. The State agency may verify SSI benefits through the State Data Exchange (SDX), and Social Security benefit information through the Beneficiary Data Exchange (BENDEX), or through verification provided by the household. The State agency may use SDX and BENDEX data to verify other SNAP eligibility criteria. The State agency may access SDX and BENDEX data without release statements from households, provided the State agency makes the appropriate data request to SSA and executes the necessary data exchange agreements with SSA. The household shall be given an opportunity to verify the information from another source if the SDX or BENDEX information is contradictory to the information provided by the household or is unavailable. Determination of the household's eligibility and benefit level shall not be delayed past the application processing time standards of paragraph (g) of this section if SDX or BENDEX data is unavailable.

(8) Verification subsequent to initial certification—(i) Recertification (A) At recertification the State agency shall verify a change in income if the source has changed or the amount has changed by more than $50. Previously unreported medical expenses, actual utility expenses and total recurring medical expenses which have changed by more than $25 shall also be verified at recertification. The State agency shall not verify income if the source has not changed and if the amount is unchanged or has changed by $50 or less, unless the information is incomplete, inaccurate, inconsistent or outdated. The State agency shall also not verify total medical expenses, or actual utility expenses claimed by households which are unchanged or have changed by $25 or less, unless the information is incomplete, inaccurate, inconsistent or outdated. For households eligible for the child support deduction or exclusion, the State agency may use information provided by the State CSE agency in determining the household's legal obligation to pay child support, the amount of its obligation and amounts the household has actually paid if the household pays its child support exclusively through its State CSE agency and has signed a statement authorizing release of its child support payment records to the State agency. A household would not have to provide any additional verification unless they disagreed with the information provided by the State CSE agency. State agencies that choose to use information provided by their State CSE agency in accordance with this paragraph (f)(8)(i)(A) must specify in their State plan of operation that they have selected this option. For all other households eligible for the child support deduction or exclusion, the State agency shall require the household to verify any changes in the legal obligation to pay child support, the obligated amount, and the amount of legally obligated child support a household member pays to a nonhousehold member. The State agency shall verify reportedly unchanged child support information only if the information is incomplete, inaccurate, inconsistent or outdated.

(B) Newly obtained social security numbers shall be verified at recertification in accordance with verification procedures outlined in § 273.2(f)(1)(v).

(C) For individuals subject to the SNAP time limit of § 273.24 who are satisfying the work requirement by working, by combining work and participation in a work program, or by participating in a work program that is not operated or supervised by the State agency, the individuals' work hours shall be verified.

(D) Other information which has changed may be verified at recertification. Unchanged information shall not be verified unless the information is incomplete, inaccurate, inconsistent or outdated. Verification under this paragraph shall be subject to the same verification procedures as apply during initial verification.

(ii) Changes. Changes reported during the certification period shall be subject to the same verification procedures as apply at initial certification, except that the State agency shall not verify changes in income if the source has not changed and if the amount has changed by $50 or less, unless the information is incomplete, inaccurate, inconsistent or outdated. The State agency shall also not verify total medical expenses or actual utility expenses which are unchanged or have changed by $25 or less, unless the information is incomplete, inaccurate, inconsistent or outdated.

(9) Mandatory use of IEVS. (i) The State agency must obtain information through IEVS in accordance with procedures specified in § 272.8 of this chapter and use it to verify the eligibility and benefit levels of applicants and participating households.

(ii) The State agency must access data through the IEVS in accordance with the disclosure safeguards and data exchange agreements required by part 272.

(9) Mandatory use of IEVS. (i) The State agency must obtain information through IEVS in accordance with procedures specified in § 272.8 of this chapter and use it to verify the eligibility and benefit levels of applicants and participating households.

(ii) The State agency must access data through the IEVS in accordance with the disclosure safeguards and data exchange agreements required by part 272.

(iii) The State agency shall take action, including proper notices to households, to terminate, deny, or reduce benefits based on information obtain through the IEVS which is considered verified upon receipt. This information is social security and SSI benefit information obtained from SSA, and TANF benefit information and UIB information obtained from the agencies administering those programs. If the State agency has information that the IEVS-obtained information about a particular household is questionable, this information shall be considered unverified upon receipt and the State agency shall take action as specified in paragraph (f)(9)(iv) of this section.

(iv) Except as noted in this paragraph, prior to taking action to terminate, deny, or reduce benefits based on information obtained through the IEVS which is considered unverified upon receipt, State agencies shall independently verify the information. Such unverified information is unearned income information from IRS, wage information from SSA and SWICAs, and questionable IEVS information discussed in paragraph (f)(9)(iii) of this section. Independent verification shall include verification of the amount of the asset or income involved, whether the household actually has or had access to such asset or income such that it would be countable income or resources for SNAP purposes, and the period during which such access occurred. Except with respect to unearned income information from IRS, if a State agency has information which indicates that independent verification is not needed, such verification is not required.

(v) The State agency shall obtain independent verification of unverified information obtained from IEVS by means of contacting the household and/or the appropriate income, resource or benefit source. If the State agency chooses to contact the household, it must do so in writing, informing the household of the information which it has received, and requesting that the household respond within 10 days. If the household fails to respond in a timely manner, the State agency shall send it a notice of adverse action as specified in § 273.13. The State agency may contact the appropriate source by the means best suited to the situation. When the household or appropriate source provides the independent verification, the State agency shall properly notify the household of the action it intends to take and provide the household with an opportunity to request a fair hearing prior to any adverse action.

(10) Mandatory use of SAVE. Households are required to submit documentation for each alien applying for SNAP benefits in order for the State agency to verify their immigration statuses. State agencies shall verify the validity of such documents through an immigration status verification system established under section 1137 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-7) in accordance with § 272.11 of this chapter. USCIS maintains the SAVE system to conduct this verification. When using SAVE to verify immigration status, State agencies shall use the following procedures:

(i) The State agency shall provide an applicant alien with a reasonable opportunity to submit acceptable documentation of their eligible alien status prior to the 30th day following the date of application. A reasonable opportunity shall be at least 10 days from the date of the State agency's request for an acceptable document. An alien who has been given a reasonable opportunity to submit acceptable documentation and has not done so as of the 30th day following the date of application shall not be certified for benefits until acceptable documentation has been submitted. However, if the 10-day reasonable opportunity period provided by the State agency does not lapse before the 30th day following the date of application, the State agency shall provide the household with benefits no later than 30 days following the date of application Provided the household is otherwise eligible.

(ii) The written consent of the alien applicant shall not be required as a condition for the State agency to contact USCIS to verify the validity of documentation.

(iii) State agencies which access the ASVI database through an automated access shall also submit USCIS Form G-845, with an attached photocopy of the alien's document, to USCIS whenever the initial automated access does not confirm the validity of the alien's documentation or a significant discrepancy exists between the data provided by the ASVI and the information provided by the applicant. Pending such responses from either the ASVI or USCIS Form G-845, the State agency shall not delay, deny, reduce, or terminate the alien's eligibility for benefits on the basis of the individual's alien status.

(iv) If the State agency determines, after complying with the requirements of this section, that the alien is not in an eligible alien status, the State agency shall take action, including proper notices to the household, to terminate, deny or reduce benefits. The State agency shall provide households the opportunity to request a fair hearing under § 273.15 prior to any adverse action.

(v) The use of SAVE shall be documented in the casefile or other agency records. When the State agency is waiting for a response from SAVE, agency records shall contain either a notation showing the date of the State agency's transmission or a copy of the USCIS Form G-845 sent to USCIS. Once the SAVE response is received, agency records shall show documentation of the ASVI Query Verification Number or contain a copy of the USCIS-annotated Form G-845. Whenever the response from automated access to the ASVI directs the eligibility worker to initiate secondary verification, agency records shall show documentation of the ASVI Query Verification Number and contain a copy of the USCIS Form G-845.

(vi) State agencies may use information contained in SAVE search results to confirm whether an alien has a sponsor who has signed a legally binding affidavit of support when evaluating the alien's application for SNAP benefits in accordance with the deeming requirements described in § 273.4(c)(2).

(11) Use of disqualification data. (i) Pursuant to § 273.16(i), information in the disqualified recipient database will be available for use by any State agency that executes a computer matching agreement with FNS. The State agency shall use the disqualified recipient database for the following purposes:

(A) Ascertain the appropriate penalty to impose based on past disqualifications in a case under consideration;

(B) Conduct matches as specified in § 273.16 on:

(1) Program application information prior to certification and for a newly added household member whenever that might occur; and

(2) The current recipient caseload at the time of recertification for a period of 1 year after the implementation date of this match. State agencies do not need to include minors, as that term is defined by each State.

(3) States having the ability to conduct a one-time match of their entire active caseload against active cases from the disqualified recipient database may do so and be exempted from the 1-year requirement to conduct matches at recertification.

(ii) State agencies shall not take any adverse action to terminate, deny, suspend, or reduce benefits to an applicant, or SNAP recipient, based on disqualified recipient match results unless the match information has been independently verified. The State agency shall provide to an applicant, or recipient, an opportunity to contest any adverse disqualified recipient match result pursuant to the provisions of § 273.13.

(iii) Independent verification shall take place separate from and prior to issuing a notice of adverse action—a two-step process. Independent verification for disqualification purposes means contacting the applicant or recipient household and/or the State agency that originated the disqualification record immediately to obtain corroborating information or documentation to support the reported disqualification information in the intentional Program violation database.

(A) Documentation may be in any form deemed appropriate and legally sufficient by the State agency considering the adverse action. Such documentation may include, but shall not be limited to, electronic or hard copies of court decisions, administrative disqualification hearing determinations, signed disqualification consent agreements or administrative disqualification hearing waivers.

(B) A State may accept a verbal or written statement from another State agency attesting to the existence of the documentation listed in paragraph (f)(11)(iii)(A) of this section.

(C) A State may accept a verbal or written statement from the household affirming the accuracy of the disqualification information if such a statement is properly documented and included in the case record.

(D) If a State agency is not able to provide independent verification because of a lack of supporting documentation, the State agency shall so advise the requesting State agency or FNS, as appropriate, and shall take immediate action to remove the unsupported record from the disqualified recipient database in accordance with § 273.16(i)(6).

(iv) Once independent verification has been received, the requesting State agency shall review and immediately enter the information into the case record and send the appropriate notice(s) to the record subject and any remaining members of the record subject's SNAP household.

(v) Information from the disqualified recipient database is subject to the disclosure provisions in § 272.1(c) of this chapter and the routine uses described in the most recent “Notice of Revision of Privacy Act System of Records” published in the Federal Register.

(g) Normal processing standard—(1) Thirty-day processing. The State agency shall provide eligible households that complete the initial application process an opportunity to participate (as defined in § 274.2(b)) as soon as possible, but no later than 30 calendar days following the date the application was filed, except for residents of public institutions who apply jointly for SSI and SNAP benefits prior to release from the institution in accordance with § 273.11(i). An application is filed the day the appropriate SNAP office receives an application containing the applicant's name and address, which is signed by either a responsible member of the household or the household's authorized representative. Households entitled to expedited processing are specified in paragraph (i) of this section. For residents of public institutions who apply for SNAP benefits prior to their release from the institution in accordance with § 273.11(i), the State agency shall provide an opportunity to participate as soon as possible, but not later than 30 calendar days from the date of release of the applicant from the institution.

(2) Combined allotments. Households which apply for initial month benefits (as described in § 273.10(a)) after the 15th of the month, are processed under normal processing timeframes, have completed the application process within 30 days of the date of application, and have been determined eligible to receive benefits for the initial month of application and the next subsequent month, may be issued a combined allotment at State agency option which includes prorated benefits for the month of application and benefits for the first full month of participation. The benefits shall be issued in accordance with § 274.2(c) of this chapter.

(3) Denying the application. Households that are found to be ineligible shall be sent a notice of denial as soon as possible but not later than 30 days following the date the application was filed. If the household has failed to appear for a scheduled interviewand has made no subsequent contact with the State agency to express interest in pursuing the application, the State agency shall send the household a notice of denial on the 30th day following the date of application. The household must file a new application if it wishes to participate in the program. In cases where the State agency was able to conduct an interview and request all of the necessary verification on the same day the application was filed, and no subsequent requests for verification have been made, the State agency may also deny the application on the 30th day if the State agency provided assistance to the household in obtaining verification as specified in paragraph (f)(5) of this section, but the household failed to provide the requested verification.

(h) Delays in processing. If the State agency does not determine a household's eligibility and provide an opportunity to participate within 30 days following the date the application was filed, the State agency shall take the following action:

(1) Determining cause. The State agency shall first determine the cause of the delay using the following criteria:

(i) A delay shall be considered the fault of the household if the household has failed to complete the application process even though the State agency has taken all the action it is required to take to assist the household. The State agency must have taken the following actions before a delay can be considered the fault of the household:

(A) For households that have failed to complete the application form, the State agency must have offered, or attempted to offer, assistance in its completion.

(B) If one or more members of the household have failed to register for work, as required in § 273.7, the State agency must have informed the household of the need to register for work, determined if the household members are exempt from work registration, and given the household at least 10 days from the date of notification to register these members.

(C) In cases where verification is incomplete, the State agency must have provided the household with a statement of required verification and offered to assist the household in obtaining required verification and allowed the household sufficient time to provide the missing verification. Sufficient time shall be at least 10 days from the date of the State agency's initial request for the particular verification that was missing.

(D) For households that have failed to appear for an interview, the State agency must notify the household that it missed the scheduled interview and that the household is responsible for rescheduling a missed interview. If the household contacts the State agency within the 30 day processing period, the State agency must schedule a second interview. If the household fails to schedule a second interview, or the subsequent interview is postponed at the household's request or cannot otherwise be rescheduled until after the 20th day but before the 30th day following the date the application was filed, the household must appear for the interview, bring verification, and register members for work by the 30th day; otherwise, the delay shall be the fault of the household. If the household has failed to appear for the first interview, fails to schedule a second interview, and/or the subsequent interview is postponed at the household's request until after the 30th day following the date the application was filed, the delay shall be the fault of the household. If the household has missed both scheduled interviews and requests another interview, any delay shall be the fault of the household.

(ii) Delays that are the fault of the State agency include, but are not limited to, those cases where the State agency failed to take the actions described in paragraphs (h)(1)(i) (A) through (D) of this section.

(2) Delays caused by the household. (i) If by the 30th day the State agency cannot take any further action on the application due to the fault of the household, the household shall lose its entitlement to benefits for the month of application. However, the State agency shall give the household an additional 30 days to take the required action, except that, if verification is lacking, the State agency has the option of holding the application pending for only 30 days following the date of the initial request for the particular verification that was missing.

(A) The State agency has the option of sending the household either a notice of denial or a notice of pending status on the 30th day. The option chosen may vary from one project area to another, provided the same procedures apply to all households within a project area. However, if a notice of denial is sent and the household takes the required action within 60 days following the date the application was filed, the State agency shall reopen the case without requiring a new application. No further action by the State agency is required after the notice of denial or pending status is sent if the household failed to take the required action within 60 days following the date the application was filed, or if the State agency chooses the option of holding the application pending for only 30 days following the date of the initial request for the particular verification that was missing, and the household fails to provide the necessary verification by this 30th day.

(B) State agencies may include in the notice a request that the household report all changes in circumstances since it filed its application. The information that must be contained on the notice of denial or pending status is explained in § 273.10(g)(1) (ii) and (iii).

(ii) If the household was at fault for the delay in the first 30-day period, but is found to be eligible during the second 30-day period, the State agency shall provide benefits only from the month following the month of application. The household is not entitled to benefits for the month of application when the delay was the fault of the household.

(3) Delays caused by the State agency. (i) Whenever a delay in the initial 30-day period is the fault of the State agency, the State agency shall take immediate corrective action. Except as specified in §§ 273.2(f)(1)(ii)(F) and 273.2(f)(10)(i), the State agency shall not deny the application if it caused the delay, but shall instead notify the household by the 30th day following the date the application was filed that its application is being held pending. The State agency shall also notify the household of any action it must take to complete the application process. If verification is lacking the State agency has the option of holding the application pending for only 30 days following the date of the initial request for the particular verification that was missing.

(ii) If the household is found to be eligible during the second 30-day period, the household shall be entitled to benefits retroactive to the month of application. If, however, the household is found to be ineligible, the State agency shall deny the application.

(4) Delays beyond 60 days. (i) If the State agency is at fault for not completing the application process by the end of the second 30-day period, and the case file is otherwise complete, the State agency shall continue to process the original application until an eligibility determination is reached. If the household is determined eligible, and the State agency was at fault for the delay in the initial 30 days, the household shall receive benefits retroactive to the month of application. However, if the initial delay was the household's fault, the household shall receive benefits retroactive only to the month following the month of application. The State agency may use the original application to determine the household's eligibility in the months following the 60-day period, or it may require the household to file a new application.

(ii) If the State agency is at fault for not completing the application process by the end of the second 30-day period, but the case file is not complete enough to reach an eligibility determination, the State agency may continue to process the original application, or deny the case and notify the household to file a new application. If the case is denied, the household shall also be advised of its possible entitlement to benefits lost as a result of State agency caused delays in accordance with § 273.17. If the State agency was also at fault for the delay in the initial 30 days, the amount of benefits lost would be calculated from the month of application. If, however, the household was at fault for the initial delay, the amount of benefits lost would be calculated from the month following the month of application.

(iii) If the household is at fault for not completing the application process by the end of the second 30-day period, the State agency shall deny the application and require the household to file a new application if it wishes to participate. If however, the State agency has chosen the option of holding the application pending only until 30 days following the date of the initial request for the particular verification that was missing, and verification is not received by that 30th day, the State agency may immediately close the application. A notice of denial need not be sent if the notice of pending status informed the household that it would have to file a new application if verification was not received within 30 days of the initial request. The household shall not be entitled to any lost benefits, even if the delay in the initial 30 days was the fault of the State agency.

(i) Expedited service—(1) Entitlement to expedited service. The following households are entitled to expedited service:

(i) Households with less than $150 in monthly gross income, as computed in § 273.10 provided their liquid resources (i.e., cash on hand, checking or savings accounts, savings certificates, and lump sum payments as specified in § 273.9(c)(8)) do not exceed $100;

(ii) Migrant or seasonal farmworker households who are destitute as defined in § 273.10(e)(3) provided their liquid resources (i.e., cash on hand, checking or savings accounts, savings certificates, and lump sum payments as specified in § 273.9(c)(8)) do not exceed $100;

(iii) Households whose combined monthly gross income and liquid resources are less than the household's monthly rent or mortgage, and utilities (including entitlement to a SUA, as appropriate, in accordance with § 273.9(d)).

(2) Identifying households needing expedited service. The State agency's application procedures shall be designed to identify households eligible for expedited service at the time the household requests assistance. For example, a receptionist, volunteer, or other employee shall be responsible for screening applications as they are filed or as individuals come in to apply.

(3) Processing standards. All households receiving expedited service, except those receiving it during months in which allotments are suspended or cancelled, shall have their cases processed in accordance with the following provisions. Those households receiving expedited service during suspensions or cancellations shall have their cases processed in accordance with the provisions of § 271.7(e)(2).

(i) General. For households entitled to expedited service, the State agency shall post benefits to the household's EBT card and make them available to the household not later than the seventh calendar day following the date an application was filed. For a resident of a public institution who applies for benefits prior to his/her release from the institution in accordance with § 273.11(i) and who is entitled to expedited service, the date of filing of his/her SNAP application is the date of release of the applicant from the institution. Whatever systems a State agency uses to ensure meeting this delivery standard shall be designed to provide the household with an EBT card and PIN no later than the seventh calendar day following the day the application was filed.

(ii) Drug addicts and alcoholics, group living arrangement facilities. For residents of drug addiction or alcoholic treatment and rehabilitation centers and residents of group living arrangements who are entitled to expedited service, the State agency shall make benefits available to the recipient not later than the 7 calendar days following the date an application was filed.

(iii) Out-of-office interviews. If a household is entitled to expedited service and is also entitled to a waiver of the office interview, the State agency shall conduct the interview (unless the household cannot be reached) and complete the application process within the expedited service standards. The first day of this count is the calendar day following application filing. If the State agency conducts a telephone interview and must mail the application to the household for signature, the mailing time involved will not be calculated in the expedited service standards. Mailing time shall only include the days the application is in the mail to and from the household and the days the application is in the household's possession pending signature and mailing.

(iv) Late determinations. If the prescreening required in paragraph (i)(2) of this section fails to identify a household as being entitled to expedited service and the State agency subsequently discovers that the household is entitled to expedited service, the State agency shall provide expedited service to households within the processing standards described in paragraphs (i)(3) (i) and (ii) of this section, except that the processing standard shall be calculated from the date the State agency discovers the household is entitled to expedited service.

(v) Residents of shelters for battered women and children. Residents of shelters for battered women and children who are otherwise entitled to expedited service shall be handled in accordance with the time limits in paragraph (i)(3)(i) of this section.

(4) Special procedures for expediting service. The State agency shall use the following procedures when expediting certification and issuance:

(i) In order to expedite the certification process, the State agency shall use the following procedures:

(A) In all cases, the applicant's identity (i.e., the identity of the person making the application) shall be verified through a collateral contact or readily available documentary evidence as specified in paragraph (f)(1) of this section.

(B) All reasonable efforts shall be made to verify within the expedited processing standards, the household's residency in accordance with § 273.2(f)(1)(vi), income statement (including a statement that the household has no income), liquid resources and all other factors required by § 273.2(f), through collateral contacts or readily available documentary evidence. However, benefits shall not be delayed beyond the delivery standards prescribed in paragraph (i)(3) of this section, solely because these eligibility factors have not been verified.

State agencies also may verify factors other than identity, residency, and income provided that verification can be accomplished within expedited processing standards. State agencies should attempt to obtain as much additional verification as possible during the interview, but should not delay the certification of households entitled to expedited service for the full timeframes specified in paragraph (i)(3) of this section when the State agency has determined it is unlikely that other verification can be obtained within these timeframes. Households entitled to expedited service will be asked to furnish a social security number for each person applying for benefts or apply for one for each person applying for benefits before the second full month of participation. Those household members unable to provide the required SSN's or who do not have one prior to the second full month of participation shall be allowed to continue to participate only if they satisfy the good cause requirements with respect to SSN's specified in § 273.6(d), except that households with a newborn may have up to 6 months following the month the baby was born to supply an SSN or proof of an application for an SSN for the newborn in accordance with § 273.6(b)(4). The State agency may attempt to register other household members but shall postpone the registration of other household members if it cannot be accomplished within the expedited service timeframes. With regard to the work registration requirements specified in § 273.7, the State agency shall, at a minimum, require the applicant to register (unless exempt or unless the household has designated an authorized representative to apply on its behalf in accordance with § 273.1(f)). The State agency may attempt registration of other household members by requesting that the applicant complete the work registration forms for other household members to the best of his or her ability. The State agency may also attempt to accomplish work registration for other household members in a timely manner through other means, such as calling the household. The State agency may attempt to verify questionable work registration exemptions, but such verification shall be postponed if the expedited service timeframes cannot be met.

(ii) Once an acceptable collateral contact has been designated, the State agency shall promptly contact the collateral contact, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (f)(4)(ii) of this section. Although the household has the primary responsibility for providing other types of verification, the State agency shall assist the household in promptly obtaining the necessary verification.

(iii) Households that are certified on an expedited basis and have provided all necessary verification required in paragraph (f) of this section prior to certification shall be assigned normal certification periods. If verification was postponed, the State agency may certify these households for the month of application (the month of application and the subsequent month for those households applying after the 15th of the month) or, at the State agency's option, may assign normal certification periods to those households whose circumstances would otherwise warrant longer certification periods. State agencies, at their option, may request any household eligible for expedited service which applies after the 15th of the month and is certified for the month of application and the subsequent month only to submit a second application (at the time of the initial certification) if the household's verification is postponed.

(A) For households applying on or before the 15th of the month, the State agency may assign a one-month certification period or assign a normal certification period. Satisfaction of the verification requirements may be postponed until the second month of participation. If a one-month certification period is assigned, the notice of eligibility may be combined with the notice of expiration or a separate notice may be sent. The notice of eligibility must explain that the household has to satisfy all verification requirements that were postponed. For subsequent months, the household must reapply and satisfy all verification requirements which were postponed or be certified under normal processing standards. If the household does not satisfy the postponed verification requirements and does not appear for the interview, the State agency does not need to contact the household again.

(B) For households applying after the 15th of the month, the State agency may assign a 2-month certification period or a normal certification period of no more than 12 months. Verification may be postponed until the third month of participation, if necessary, to meet the expedited timeframe. If a two-month certification period is assigned, the notice of eligibility may be combined with the notice of expiration or a separate notice may be sent. The notice of eligibility must explain that the household is obligated to satisfy the verification requirements that were postponed. For subsequent months, the household must reapply and satisfy the verification requirements which were postponed or be certified under normal processing standards. If the household does not satisfy the postponed verification requirements and does not attend the interview, the State agency does not need to contact the household again. When a certification period of longer than 2 months is assigned and verification is postponed, households must be sent a notice of eligibility advising that no benefits for the third month will be issued until the postponed verification requirements are satisfied. The notice must also advise the household that if the verification process results in changes in the household's eligibility or level of benefits, the State agency will act on those changes without advance notice of adverse action.

(C) Households which apply for initial benefits (as described in § 273.10(a)) after the 15th of the month, are entitled to expedited service, have completed the application process, and have been determined eligible to receive benefits for the initial month and the next subsequent month, shall receive a combined allotment consisting of prorated benefits for the initial month of application and benefits for the first full month of participation within the expedited service timeframe. If necessary, verification shall be postponed to meet the expedited timeframe. The benefits shall be issued in accordance with § 274.2(c) of this chapter.

(D) The provisions of paragraph (i)(4)(iii)(C) of this section do not apply to households which have been determined ineligible to receive benefits for the month of application or the following month, or to households which have not satisfied the postponed verification requirements. However, households eligible for expedited service may receive benefits for the initial month and next subsequent month under the verification standards of paragraph (i)(4) of this section.

(E) If the State agency chooses to exercise the option to require a second application in accordance with paragraph (i)(4)(iii) of this section and receives the application before the third month, it shall not deny the application but hold it pending until the third month. The State agency will issue the third month's benefits within 5 working days from receipt of the necessary verification information but not before the first day of the month. If the postponed verification requirements are not completed before the end of the third month, the State agency shall terminate the household's participation and shall issue no further benefits.

(iv) There is no limit to the number of times a household can be certified under expedited procedures, as long as prior to each expedited certification, the household either completes the verification requirements that were postponed at the last expedited certification or was certified under normal processing standards since the last expedited certification. The provisions of this section shall not apply at recertification if a household reapplies before the end of its current certification period.

(v) Households requesting, but not entitled to, expedited service shall have their applications processed according to normal standards.

(j) PA, GA and categorically eligible households. The State agency must notify households applying for public assistance (PA) of their right to apply for SNAP benefits at the same time and must allow them to apply for SNAP benefits at the same time they apply for PA benefits. The State agency must also notify such households that time limits or other requirements that apply to the receipt of PA benefits do not apply to the receipt of SNAP benefits, and that households which cease receiving PA benefits because they have reached a time limit, have begun working, or for other reasons, may still qualify for SNAP benefits. If the State agency attempts to discourage households from applying for cash assistance, it shall make clear that the disadvantages and requirements of applying for cash assistance do not apply to SNAP benefits. In addition, it shall encourage applicants to continue with their application for SNAP benefits. The State agency shall inform households that receiving SNAP benefits will have no bearing on any other program's time limits that may apply to the household. The State agency may process the applications of such households in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (j)(1) of this section, and the State agency must base their eligibility solely on SNAP eligibility criteria unless the household is categorically eligible, as provided in paragraph (j)(2) of this section. If a State has a single Statewide GA application form, households in which all members are included in a State or local GA grant may have their application for SNAP benefits included in the GA application form. State agencies may use the joint application processing procedures described in paragraph (j)(1) of this section for GA recipients in accordance with paragraph (j)(3) of this section. The State agency must base eligibility of jointly processed GA households solely on SNAP eligibility criteria unless the household is categorically eligible as provided in paragraph (j)(4) of this section. The State agency must base the benefit levels of all households solely on SNAP criteria. The State agency must certify jointly processed and categorically eligible households in accordance with SNAP procedural, timeliness, and notice requirements, including the 7-day expedited service provisions of paragraph (i) of this section and normal 30-day application processing standards of paragraph (g) of this section. Individuals authorized to receive PA, SSI, or GA benefits but who have not yet received payment are considered recipients of benefits from those programs. In addition, individuals are considered recipients of PA, SSI, or GA if their PA, SSI, or GA benefits are suspended or recouped. Individuals entitled to PA, SSI, or GA benefits but who are not paid such benefits because the grant is less than a minimum benefit are also considered recipients. The State agency may not consider as recipients those individuals not receiving GA, PA, or SSI benefits who are entitled to Medicaid only.

(1) Applicant PA households. (i) If a joint PA/SNAP application is used, the application may contain all the information necessary to determine a household's SNAP eligibility and level of benefits. Information relevant only to SNAP eligibility must be contained in the PA form or must be an attachment to it. The joint PA/SNAP application must clearly indicate that the household is providing information for both programs, is subject to the criminal penalties of both programs for making false statements, and waives the notice of adverse action as specified in paragraph (j)(1)(iv) of this section.

(ii) The State agency may conduct a single interview at initial application for both public assistance and SNAP purposes. A household's eligibility for SNAP out-of-office interview provisions in paragraph (e)(2) of this section does not relieve the household of any responsibility for a face-to-face interview to be certified for PA.

(iii) For households applying for both PA and SNAP benefits, the State agency must follow the verification procedures described in paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(8) of this section for those factors of eligibility which are needed solely for purposes of determining the household's eligibility for SNAP benefits. For those factors of eligibility which are needed to determine both PA eligibility and SNAP eligibility, the State agency may use the PA verification rules. However, if the household has provided the State agency sufficient verification to meet the verification requirements of paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(8) of this section, but has failed to provide sufficient verification to meet the PA verification rules, the State agency may not use such failure as a basis for denying the household's SNAP application or failing to comply with processing requirements of paragraph (g) of this section. Under these circumstances, the State agency must process the household's SNAP application and determine eligibility based on its compliance with the requirements of paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(8) of this section.

(iv) In order to determine if a household will be eligible due to its status as a recipient PA/SSI household, the State agency may temporarily postpone, within the 30-day processing standard, the SNAP eligibility determination if the household is not entitled to expedited service and appears to be categorically eligible. However, the State agency shall postpone denying a potentially categorically eligible household until the 30th day in case the household is determined eligible to receive PA benefits. Once the PA application is approved, the household is to be considered categorically eligible if it meets all the criteria concerning categorical eligibility in § 273.2(j)(2). If the State agency can anticipate the amount and the date of receipt of the initial PA payment, but the payment will not be received until a subsequent month, the State agency shall vary the household's SNAP benefit level according to the anticipated receipt of the payment and notify the household. Portions of initial PA payments intended to retroactively cover a previous month shall be disregarded as lump sum payments under § 273.9(c)(8). If the amount or date of receipt of the initial PA payment cannot be reasonably anticipated at the time of the SNAP eligibility determination, the PA payments shall be handled as a change in circumstances. However, the State agency is not required to send a notice of adverse action if the receipt of the PA grant reduces, suspends or terminates the household's SNAP benefits, provided the household is notified in advance that its benefits may be reduced, suspended, or terminated when the grant is received. The case may be terminated if the household is not categorically eligible in accordance with § 273.12(c). The State agency shall ensure that the denied application of a potentially categorically eligible household is easily retrievable. For a household filing a joint application for SNAP benefits and PA benefits or a household that has a PA application pending and is denied SNAP benefits but is later determined eligible to receive PA benefits and is otherwise categorically eligible, the State agency shall provide benefits using the original application and any other pertinent information occurring subsequent to that application. Except for residents of public institutions who apply jointly for SSI and SNAP benefits prior to their release from a public institution in accordance with § 273.11(i), benefits shall be paid from the beginning of the period for which PA or SSI benefits are paid, the original SNAP application date, or December 23, 1985 whichever is later. Residents of public institutions who apply jointly for SSI and SNAP benefits prior to their release from the institution shall be paid benefits from the date of their release from the institution. In situations where the State agency must update and reevaluate the original application of a denied case, the State agency shall not reinterview the household, but shall use any available information to update the application. The State agency shall then contact the household by phone or mail to explain and confirm changes made by the State agency and to determine if other changes in household circumstances have occurred. If any information obtained from the household differs from that which the State agency obtained from available information or the household provided additional changes in information, the State agency shall arrange for the household or it authorized representative to initial all changes, re-sign and date the updated application and provide necessary verification. In no event can benefits be provided prior to the date of the original SNAP application filed on or after December 23, 1985. Any household that is determined to be eligible to receive PA benefits for a period of time within the 30-day SNAP processing time, shall be provided SNAP benefits back to the date of the SNAP application. However, in no event shall SNAP benefits be paid for a month for which such household is ineligible for receipt of any PA benefits for the month, unless the household is eligible for SNAP benefits and an NPA case. Benefits shall be prorated in accordance with § 273.10(a)(1)(ii) and (e)(2)(ii)(B). Household that file joint applications that are found categorically eligible after being denied NPA SNAP benefits shall have their benefits for the initial month prorated from the date from which the PA benefits are payable, or the date of the original SNAP application, whichever is later. The State agency shall act on reevaluating the original application either at the household's request or when it becomes otherwise aware of the household's PA and/or SSI eligibility. The household shall be informed on the notice of denial required by § 273.10(g)(1)(ii) to notify the State agency if its PA or SSI benefits are approved.

(v) The State agency may not require households which file a joint PA/SNAP application and whose PA applications are denied to file new SNAP applications. Rather, the State agency must determine or continue their SNAP eligibility on the basis of the original applications filed jointly for PA and SNAP purposes. In addition, the State agency must use any other documented information obtained subsequent to the application which may have been used in the PA determination and which is relevant to SNAP eligibility or level of benefits.

(2) Categorically eligible PA and SSI households. (i) The following households are categorically eligible for SNAP benefits unless the entire household is institutionalized as defined in § 273.1(e) or disqualified for any reason from receiving SNAP benefits.

(A) Any household (except those listed in paragraph (j)(2)(vii) of this section) in which all members receive or are authorized to receive cash through a PA program funded in full or in part with Federal money under Title IV-A or with State money counted for maintenance of effort (MOE) purposes under Title IV-A;

(B) Any household (except those listed in paragraph (j)(2)(vii) of this section) in which all members receive or are authorized to receive non-cash or in-kind benefits or services from a program that is more than 50 percent funded with State money counted for MOE purposes under Title IV-A or Federal money under Title IV-A and that is designed to forward purposes one and two of the TANF block grant, as set forth in Section 401 of P.L. 104-193.

(C) Any household (except those listed in paragraph (j)(2)(vii) of this section) in which all members receive or are authorized to receive non-cash or in-kind benefits or services from a program that is more than 50 percent funded with State money counted for MOE purposes under Title IV-A or Federal money under Title IV-A and that is designed to further purposes three and four of the TANF block grant, as set forth in Section 401 of P.L. 104-193, and requires participants to have a gross monthly income at or below 200 percent of the Federal poverty level.

(D) Any household in which all members receive or are authorized to receive SSI benefits, except that residents of public institutions who apply jointly for SSI and SNAP benefits prior to their release from the institution in accordance with § 273.11(i), are not categorically eligible upon a finding by SSA of potential SSI eligibility prior to such release. The State agency must consider the individuals categorically eligible at such time as SSA makes a final SSI eligibility and the institution has released the individual.

(E) Any household in which all members receive or are authorized to receive PA and/or SSI benefits in accordance with paragraphs (j)(2)(i)(A) through (j)(2)(i)(D) of this section.

(ii) The State agency, at its option, may extend categorical eligibility to the following households only if doing so will further the purposes of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008:

(A) Any household (except those listed in paragraph (j)(2)(vii) of this section) in which all members receive or are authorized to receive non-cash or in-kind services from a program that is less than 50 percent funded with State money counted for MOE purposes under Title IV-A or Federal money under Title IV-A and that is designed to further purposes one and two of the TANF block grant, as set forth in Section 401 of P.L. 104-193. States must inform FNS of the TANF services under this paragraph that they are determining to confer categorical eligibility.

(B) Subject to FNS approval, any household (except those listed in paragraph (j)(2)(vii) of this section) in which all members receive or are authorized to receive non-cash or in-kind services from a program that is less than 50 percent funded with State money counted for MOE purposes under Title IV-A or Federal money under Title IV-A and that is designed to further purposes three and four of the TANF block grant, as set forth in Section 401 of P.L 104-193, and requires participants to have a gross monthly income at or below 200 percent of the Federal poverty level.

(iii) Any household in which one member receives or is authorized to receive benefits according to paragraphs (j)(2)(i)(B), (j)(2)(i)(C), (j)(2)(ii)(A) and (j)(2)(ii)(B), of this section and the State agency determines that the whole household benefits.

(iv) For purposes of paragraphs (j)(2)(i), (j)(2)(ii),and (j)(2)(iii) of this section, “authorized to receive” means that an individual has been determined eligible for benefits and has been notified of this determination, even if the benefits have been authorized but not received, authorized but not accessed, suspended or recouped, or not paid because they are less than a minimum amount.

(v) The eligibility factors which are deemed for SNAP eligibility without the verification required in paragraph (f) of this section because of PA/SSI status are the resource, gross and net income limits; social security number information, sponsored alien information, and residency. However, the State agency must collect and verify factors relating to benefit determination that are not collected and verified by the other program if these factors are required to be verified under paragraph (f) of this section. If any of the following factors are questionable, the State agency must verify, in accordance with paragraph (f) of this section, that the household which is considered categorically eligible:

(A) Contains only members that are PA or SSI recipients as defined in the introductory paragraph (j) of this section;

(B) Meets the household definition in § 273.1(a);

(C) Includes all persons who purchase and prepare food together in one SNAP household regardless of whether or not they are separate units for PA or SSI purposes; and

(D) Includes no persons who have been disqualified as provided for in paragraph (j)(2)(vi) of this section.

(vi) Households subject to retrospective budgeting that have been suspended for PA purposes as provided for in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) regulations, or that receive zero benefits shall continue to be considered as authorized to receive benefits from the appropriate agency. Categorical eligibility shall be assumed at recertification in the absence of a timely PA redetermination. If a recertified household is subsequently terminated from PA benefits, the procedures in § 273.12(f)(3), (4), and (5) shall be followed, as appropriate.

(vii) Under no circumstances shall any household be considered categorically eligible if:

(A) Any member of that household is disqualified for an intentional Program violation in accordance with § 273.16 or for failure to comply with monthly reporting requirements in accordance with § 273.21;

(B) The entire household is disqualified because one or more of its members failed to comply with workfare in accordance with § 273.22; or

(C) The head of the household is disqualified for failure to comply with the work requirements in accordance with § 273.7.

(D) Any member of that household is ineligible under § 273.11(m) by virtue of a conviction for a drug-related felony, under § 273.11(n) for being a fleeing felon or a probation or parole violator, or under § 273.11(s) for having a conviction of certain crimes and not being in compliance with the sentence.

(viii) These households are subject to all SNAP eligibility and benefits provisions (including the provisions of § 273.11(c)) and cannot be reinstated in the Program on the basis of categorical eligibility provisions.

(ix) No person shall be included as a member in any household which is otherwise categorically eligible if that person is:

(A) An ineligible alien as defined in § 273.4;

(B) Ineligible under the student provisions in § 273.5;

(C) An SSI recipient in a cash-out State as defined in § 273.20; or

(D) Institutionalized in a nonexempt facility as defined in § 273.1(e).

(E) Ineligible because of failure to comply with a work requirement of § 273.7.

(x) For the purposes of work registration, the exemptions in § 273.7(b) shall be applied to individuals in categorically eligible households. Any such individual who is not exempt from work registration is subject to the other work requirements in § 273.7.

(xi) When determining eligibility for a categorically eligible household all provisions of this subchapter except for those listed below shall apply:

(A) Section 273.8 except for the last sentence of paragraph (a).

(B) Section 273.9(a) except for the fourth sentence in the introductory paragraph.

(C) Section 273.10(a)(1)(i).

(D) Section 273.10(b).

(E) Section 273.10(c) for the purposes of eligibility.

(3) Applicant GA households. (i) State agencies may use the joint application processing procedures in paragraph (j)(1) of this section for GA households, except for the effective date of categorical eligibility, when the criteria in paragraphs (j)(3)(i) (A) and (B) of this section are met. Benefits for GA households that are categorically eligible, as provided in paragraph (j)(4) of this section, shall be provided from the date of the original SNAP application, the beginning of the period for which GA benefits are authorized, or the effective date of State GA categorical eligibility (February 1, 1991) or local GA categorical eligibility (August 1, 1992), whichever is later:

(A) The State agency administers a GA program which uses formalized application procedures and eligibility criteria that test levels of income and resources; and,

(B) Administration of the GA program is integrated with the administration of the PA or SNAP programs, in that the same eligibility workers process applications for GA benefits and PA or SNAP benefits.

(ii) State agencies in which different eligibility workers process applications for GA benefits and PA or SNAP benefits, but procedures otherwise meet the criteria in paragraph (j)(3)(i) of this section may, with FNS approval, jointly process GA and SNAP applications. If approved, State agencies shall adhere to the joint application processing procedures in paragraph (j)(1) of this section, except for the effective date of categorical eligibility for GA households. Benefits shall be provided GA households that are categorically eligible, as provided in paragraph (j)(4) of this section, from the date of the original SNAP application, the beginning of the period for which GA benefits are authorized, or the effective date of State GA categorical eligibility (February 1, 1992) or local GA categorical eligibility (August 1, 1992), whichever is later.

(4) Categorically eligible GA households. Households in which each member receives benefits from a State or local GA program which meets the criteria for conferring categorical eligibility in paragraph (j)(4)(i) of this section shall be categorically eligible for SNAP benefits unless the individual or household is ineligible as specified in paragraph (j)(4)(iv) and (j)(4)(v) of this section.

(i) Certification of qualifying programs. Recipients of benefits from programs that meet the criteria in paragraphs (j)(4)(i)(A) through (j)(4(i)(C) of this section shall be considered categorically eligible to receive benefits from SNAP. If a program does not meet all of these criteria, the State agency may submit a program description to the appropriate FNS regional office for a determination. The description should contain, at a minimum, the type of assistance provided, the income eligibility standard, and the period for which the assistance is provided.

(A) The program must have income standards which do not exceed the gross income eligibility standard in § 273.9(a)(1). The rules of the GA program apply in determining countable income.

(B) The program must provide GA benefits as defined in § 271.2 of this part.

(C) The program must provide benefits which are not limited to one-time emergency assistance.

(ii) Verification requirements. In determining whether a household is categorically eligible, the State agency shall verify that each member receives PA benefits, SSI, or GA from a program that meets the criteria in paragraph (j)(4)(i) section or that has been certified by FNS as an appropriate program and that it includes no individuals who have been disqualified as provided in paragraph (j)(4)(iv) or (j)(2)(v) of this section. The State agency shall also verify household composition if it is questionable, in accordance with § 273.2(f), in order to determine that the household meets the definition of a household in § 273.1(a).

(iii) Deemed eligibility factors. When determining eligibility for a categorically eligible household, all SNAP requirements apply except the following:

(A) Resources. None of the provisions of § 273.8 apply to categorically eligible households except the second sentence of § 273.8(a) pertaining to categorical eligibility and § 273.8(i) concerning transfer of resources. The provision in § 273.10(b) regarding resources available the time of the interview does not apply to categorically eligible households.

(B) Gross and net income limits. None of the provisions in § 273.9(a) relating to income eligibility standards apply to categorically eligible households, except the fourth sentence pertaining to categorical eligibility. The provisions in §§ 273.10(a)(1)(i) and 273.10(c) relating to the income eligibility determination also do not apply to categorically eligible households.

(C) Zero benefit households. All eligible households of one or two persons must be provided the minimum benefit, as required by § 273.10(e)(2)(ii)(C).

(D) Residency.

(E) Sponsored alien information.

(iv) Ineligible household members. No person shall be included as a member of an otherwise categorically eligible household if that person is:

(A) An ineligible alien, as defined in § 273.4;

(B) An ineligible student, as defined in § 273.5;

(C) Disqualified for failure to provide or apply for an SSN, as required by § 273.6;

(D) A household member, not the head of household, disqualified for failure to comply with a work requirement of § 273.7;

(E) Disqualified for intentional program violation, as required by § 273.16;

(F) An SSI recipient in a cash-out State, as defined in § 273.20; or

(G) An individual who is institutionalized in a nonexempt facility, as defined in § 273.1(e).

(v) Ineligible households. A household shall not be considered categorically eligible if:

(A) It refuses to cooperate in providing information to the State agency that is necessary for making a determination of its eligibility or for completing any subsequent review of its eligibility, as described in §§ 273.2(d) and 273.21(m)(1)(ii);

(B) The household is disqualified because the head of household fails to comply with a work requirement of § 273.7;

(C) The household is ineligible under the striker provisions of § 273.1(g); or

(D) The household is ineligible because it knowingly transferred resources for the purpose of qualifying or attempting to qualify for the Program, as provided in § 273.8(i).

(vi) Combination households. Households consisting entirely of recipients of PA, SSI and/or GA from a program that meets the requirements of § 273.2(j)(4)(i) shall be categorically eligible in accordance with the provisions for paragraphs (j)(2)(iii) and (j)(2)(v) of this section for members receiving PA and SSI or provisions of paragraphs (j)(4) (iv) and (v) of this section for members receiving GA.

(5) Households with some PA or GA recipients. State agencies that use the joint application processing procedures in paragraphs (j)(1) and (j)(3) of this section may apply these procedures to a SNAP applicant household in which some, but not all, members are in the PA/GA filing unit, except for procedures concerning categorical eligibility. If the State agency decides not to use the joint application procedures for these households, the households shall file separate applications for PA/GA and SNAP benefits. This decision shall not be made on a case-by-case basis, but shall be applied uniformly to all households of this type in a project area.

(k) SSI households. For purposes of this paragraph, SSI is defined as Federal SSI payments made under title XVI of the Social Security Act, federally administered optional supplementary payments under section 1616 of that Act, or federally administered mandatory supplementary payments made under section 212(a) of Pub. L. 93-66. Except in cashout States (§ 273.20), households which have not applied for SNAP benefits in the thirty preceding days, and which do not have applications pending, may apply and be certified for SNAP benefits in accordance with the procedures described in § 273.2(k)(1)(i) or § 273.2(k)(1)(ii) and with the notice, procedural and timeliness requirements of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 and its implementing regulations. Households applying simultaneously for SSI and SNAP benefits shall be subject to SNAP eligibility criteria, and benefit levels shall be based solely on SNAP eligibility criteria until the household is considered categorically eligible. However, households in which all members are either PA or SSI recipients or authorized to receive PA or SSI benefits (as discussed in § 273.2(j)) shall be SNAP eligible based on their PA/SSI status as provided for in § 273.2(j)(1)(iv) and (j)(2). Households denied NPA SNAP benefits that have an SSI application pending shall be informed on the notice of denial of the possibility of categorical eligibility if they become SSI recipients. The State agency shall make an eligibility determination based on information provided by SSA or by the household.

(1) Initial application and eligibility determination. At each SSA office, the State agency shall either arrange for SSA to complete and forward SNAP applications, or the State agency shall outstation State SNAP eligibility workers at the SSA Offices with SSA's concurrence, based upon an agreement negotiated between the State agency and the SSA.

(i) If the State agency arranges with the SSA to complete and forward SNAP applications the following actions shall be taken:

(A) Whenever a member of a household consisting only of SSI applicants or recipients transacts business at an SSA office, the SSA shall inform the household of:

(1) Its right to apply for SNAP benefits at the SSA office without going to the SNAP office; and

(2) Its right to apply at a SNAP office if it chooses to do so.

(B) The SSA will accept and complete SNAP applications received at the SSA Office from SSI households and forward them, within one working day after receipt of a signed application, to a designated office of the State agency. SSA shall also forward to the State agency a transmittal form which will be approved by SSA and FNS. The SSA will use the national SNAP application form for joint processing. State agencies may substitute a State SNAP application, provided that prior approval is received from both FNS and SSA. SSA shall approve, deny, or comment upon FNS-approved State SNAP applications within thirty days of their submission to SSA.

(C) SSA will accept and complete SNAP applications from SSI households received by SSA staff in contact stations. SSA will forward all SNAP applications from SSI households to the designated SNAP office.

(D) The SSA staff shall complete joint SSI and SNAP applications for residents of public institutions in accordance with § 273.11(i).

(E) The State agency shall designate an address for the SSA to forward SNAP applications and accompanying information to the State agency for eligibility determination. Applications and accompanying information must be forwarded to the agreed upon address in accordance with the time standards contained in § 273.2(k)(1)(i)(B).

(F) Except for applications taken in accordance with paragraph (k)(1)(i)(D) of this section, the State agency shall make an eligibility determination and issue SNAP benefits to eligible SSI households within 30 days following the date the application was received by the SSA. Applications shall be considered filed for normal processing purposes when the signed application is received by SSA. The expedited processing time standards shall begin on the date the State agency receives a SNAP application. The State agency shall make an eligibility determination and issue SNAP benefits to a resident of a public institution who applies jointly for SSI and SNAP benefits within 30 days following the date of the applicant's release from the institution. Expedited processing time standards for an applicant who has applied for SNAP benefits and SSI prior to release shall also begin on the date of the applicant's release from the institution in accordance with § 273.2 (i)(3)(i). SSA shall notify the State agency of the date of release of the applicant from the institution. If, for any reason, the State agency is not notified on a timely basis of the applicant's release date, the State agency shall restore benefits in accordance with § 273.17 to such applicant back to the date of release. SNAP applications and supporting documentation sent to an incorrect SNAP office shall be sent to the correct office, by the State agency, within one working day of their receipt in accordance with § 273.2(c)(2)(ii).

(G) Households in which all members are applying for or participating in SSI will not be required to see a State eligibility worker, or otherwise be subjected to an additional State interview. The SNAP application will be processed by the State agency. The State agency shall not contact the household further in order to obtain information for certification for SNAP benefits unless: the application is improperly completed; mandatory verification required by § 273.2(f)(1) is missing; or, the State agency determines that certain information on the application is questionable. In no event would the applicant be required to appear at the SNAP office to finalize the eligibility determination. Further contact made in accordance with this paragraph shall not constitute a second SNAP certification interview.

(H) SSA shall refer non-SSI households to the correct SNAP office. The State agencies shall process those applications in accordance with the procedures noted in § 273.2. Applications from such households shall be considered filed on the date the signed application is taken at the correct State agency office, and the normal and expedited processing time standards shall begin on that date.

(I) The SSA shall prescreen all applications for entitlement to expedited services on the day the application is received at the SSA office and shall mark “Expedited Processing” on the first page of all households' applications that appear to be entitled to such processing. The SSA will inform households which appear to meet the criteria for expedited service that benefits may be issued a few days sooner if the household applies directly at the SNAP office. The household may take the application from SSA to the SNAP office for screening, an interview, and processing of the application. This provision does not apply to applications described in paragraph (k)(1)(i)(D) of this section.

(J) The State agency shall prescreen all applications received from the SSA for entitlement to expedited service on the day the application is received at the correct SNAP office. All SSI households entitled to expedited service shall be certified in accordance with § 273.2(i) except that the expedited processing time standard shall begin on the date the application is received at the correct State agency office, unless the applicant is a resident of a public institution as described in § 273.11(i).

(K) The State agency shall develop and implement a method to determine if members of SSI households whose applications are forwarded by the SSA are already participating in SNAP directly through the State agency.

(L) If SSA takes an SSI application or redetermination on the telephone from a member of a pure SSI household, a SNAP application shall also be completed during the telephone interview. In these cases, the SNAP application shall be mailed to the claimant for signature for return to the SSA office or to the State agency. SSA shall then forward any SNAP applications it receives to the State agency. The State agency may not require the household to be interviewed again in the SNAP office. The State agency shall not contact the household further in order to obtain information for certification for SNAP benefits except in accordance with § 273.2(k)(1)(i)(F).

(M) To SSI recipients redetermined for SSI by mail, the SSA shall send a stuffer informing them of their right to file a SNAP application at the SSA office (if they are members of a pure SSI household) or at their local SNAP office, and their right to an out-of-office SNAP interview to be performed by the State agency if the household is unable to appoint an authorized representative.

(N) Section 272.4 bilingual requirements shall not apply to the Social Security Administration.

(O) State agencies shall provide and SSA shall distribute an information sheet or brochure to all households processed under this paragraph. This material shall inform the household of the following: The address and telephone number of the household's correct SNAP office, the remaining actions to be taken in the application process, and a statement that a household should be notified of the SNAP determinations within thirty days and can contact the SNAP office if it receives no notification within thirty days, or has other questions or problems. It shall also include the client's rights and responsibilities (including fair hearings, authorized representatives, out-of-office interviews, reporting changes and timely reapplication), information on how and where to obtain an EBT card and PIN and how to use an EBT card and PIN (including the commodities clients may purchase with SNAP benefits.

(P) As part of the SSA-State agency joint SNAP processing agreement, States may negotiate, on behalf of project areas, to have SSA provide initial eligibility and payment data where the local area is unable to access accurate and timely data through the State's SDX. However, in negotiating such agreements, SSA may challenge a State's determination that it does not have the computer capability to use SDX data. If SSA, FNS, and the State are unable to resolve this matter, and SSA determines that a State does have the capability to provide accurate and timely SDX data to the SNAP project area, SSA is not required to provide alternate means of transmitting initial SSI eligibility and payment data.

(ii) If the State agency chooses to outstation eligibility workers at SSA offices, with SSA's concurrence, the following actions shall be completed.

(A) SSA will provide adequate space for State SNAP eligibility workers in SSA offices.

(B) The State agency shall have at least one outstationed worker on duty at all time periods during which households will be referred for SNAP application processing. In most cases this would require the availability of an outstationed worker throughout normal SSA business hours.

(C) The following households shall be entitled to file SNAP applications with, and be interviewed by an outstationed eligibility worker:

(1) Households containing an applicant for or recipient of SSI;

(2) Households which do not have an applicant for or recipient of SSI, but which contain an applicant for or recipient of benefits under title II of the Social Security Act, if the State agency and SSA have an agreement to allow the processing of such households at SSA offices.

(D) Households shall be interviewed for SNAP benefits on the day of application unless there is insufficient time to conduct an interview. The State agency shall arrange for the outstationed worker to interview applicants as soon as possible.

(E) The State agency shall not refuse to provide service to persons served by the SSA office because they do not reside in the county or project area in which the SSA office is located, provided, however, that they reside within the jurisdictions served by the SSA office and the State agency. The State agency is not required to process the applications of persons who are not residing within the SSA office jurisdiction but who do reside within the State agency's jurisdiction, other than to forward the forms to the correct SNAP offices.

(F) The State agency may permit the eligibility worker outstationed at the SSA to determine the eligibility of households, or may require that completed applications be forwarded elsewhere for the eligibility determination.

(G) Applications from households entitled to joint processing through an outstationed eligibility worker shall be considered filed on the date they are submitted to that worker. Both the normal and expedited service time standards shall begin on that date.

(H) Households not entitled to joint processing shall be entitled to obtain and submit applications at the SSA office. The outstationed eligibility worker need not process these applications except to forward them to the correct SNAP office where they shall be considered filed upon receipt (any activities beyond acceptance and referral of the application would require SSA concurrence). Both the normal and expedited service time standards shall begin on that date.

(iii) Regardless of whether the State agency or SSA conducts the SNAP interview, the following actions shall be taken:

(A) Verification. (1) The State agency shall ensure that information required by § 273.2(f) is verified prior to certification for households initially applying. Households entitled to expedited certification services shall be processed in accordance with § 273.2(i).

(2) The State agency has the option of verifying SSI benefit payments through the State Data Exchange (SDX), the Beneficiary Data Exchange (BENDEX) and/or through verification provided by the household.

(3) State agencies may verify other information through SDX and BENDEX but only to the extent permitted by data exchange agreements with SSA. Information verified through SDX or BENDEX shall not be reverified unless it is questionable. Households shall be given the opportunity to provide verification from another source if all necessary information is not available on the SDX or the BENDEX, or if the SDX/BENDEX information is contradictory to other household information.

(B) Certification period. (1) State agencies shall certify households under these procedures for up to twelve months, according to the standards in § 273.10(f), except for State agencies which must assign the initial certification period to coincide with adjustments to the SSI benefit amount as designated in § 273.10(f)(3)(iii).

(2) In cases jointly processed in which the SSI determination results in denial, and the State agency believes that SNAP eligibility or benefit levels may be affected, the State agency shall send the household a notice of expiration advising that the certification period will expire the end of the month following the month in which the notice is sent and that it must reapply if it wishes to continue to participate. The notice shall also explain that its certification period is expiring because of changes in circumstances which may affect SNAP eligibility or benefit levels and that the household may be entitled to an out-of-office interview, in accordance with § 273.2(e)(2).

(C) Changes in circumstances. (1) Households shall report changes in accordance with the requirements in § 273.12. The State agency shall process changes in accordance with § 273.12.

(2) Within ten days of learning of the determination of the application for SSI through SDX, the household, advisement from SSA where SSA agrees to do so for households processed under § 273.2(k)(1)(i), or from any other source, the State agency shall take required action in accordance with § 273.12. State agencies are encouraged to monitor the results of the SSI determination through SDX and BENDEX to the extent practical.

(3) The State agency shall process adjustments to SSI cases resulting from mass changes, in accordance with provisions of § 273.12(e).

(D) SSI households applying at the SNAP office. The State agency shall allow SSI households to submit SNAP applications to local SNAP offices rather than through the SSA if the household chooses. In such cases all verification, including that pertaining to SSI program benefits, shall be provided by the household, by SDX or BENDEX, or obtained by the State agency rather than being provided by the SSA.

(E) Restoration of lost benefits. The State agency shall restore to the household benefits which were lost whenever the loss was caused by an error by the State agency or by the Social Security Administration through joint processing. Such an error shall include, but not be limited to, the loss of an applicant's SNAP application after it has been filed with SSA or with a State agency's outstationed worker. Lost benefits shall be restored in accordance with § 273.17.

(2) Recertification. (i) The State agency shall complete the application process and approve or deny timely applications for recertification in accordance with § 273.14 of the SNAP regulations. A face-to-face interview shall be waived if requested by a household consisting entirely of SSI participants unable to appoint an authorized representative. The State agency shall provide SSI households with a notice of expiration in accordance with § 273.14(b), except that such notification shall inform households consisting entirely of SSI recipients that they are entitled to a waiver of a face-to-face interview if the household is unable to appoint an authorized representative.

(ii) Households shall be entitled to make a timely application (in accordance with § 273.14(b)(3)) for SNAP recertification at an SSA office under the following conditions.

(A) In SSA offices where § 273.2(k)(1)(i) is in effect, SSA shall accept the application of a pure SSI household and forward the completed application, transmittal form and any available verification to the designated SNAP office. Where SSA accepts and refers the application in such situations, the household shall not be required to appear at a second office interview, although the State agency may conduct an out-of-office interview, if necessary.

(B) In SSA offices where § 273.2(k)(1)(ii) is in effect, the outstationed worker shall accept the application and interview the recipient and the State agency shall process the application according to § 273.14.

(l) Households applying for or receiving social security benefits. An applicant for or recipient of social security benefits under title II of the Social Security Act shall be informed at the SSA office of the availability of benefits under SNAP and the availability of a SNAP application at the SSA office. The SSA office is not required to accept applications and conduct interviews for title II applicants/recipients in the manner prescribed in § 273.2(k) for SSI applicants/recipients unless the State agency has chosen to outstation eligibility workers at the SSA office and has an agreement with SSA to allow the processing of such households at SSA offices. In these cases, processing shall be in accordance with § 273.2(k)(1)(ii).

(m) Households where not all members are applying for or receiving SSI. An applicant for or recipient of SSI shall be informed at the SSA office of the availability of benefits under SNAP and the availability of a SNAP application at the SSA office. The SSA office is not required to accept applications or to conduct interviews for SSI applicants or recipients who are not members of households in which all are SSI applicants or recipients unless the State agency has chosen to outstation eligibility workers at the SSA office. In this case, processing shall be in accordance with § 273.2(k)(1)(ii).

(n) Authorized representatives. Representatives may be authorized to act on behalf of a household in the application process, in obtaining SNAP benefits, and in using SNAP benefits.

(1) Application processing and reporting. The State agency shall inform applicants and prospective applicants that indicate that they may have difficulty completing the application process, that a nonhousehold member may be designated as the authorized representative for application processing purposes. The household member or the authorized representative may complete work registration forms for those household members required to register for work. The authorized representative designated for application processing purposes may also carry out household responsibilities during the certification period, such as reporting changes in the household's income or other household circumstances in accordance with §§ 273.12(a) and 273.21. Except for those situations in which a drug and alcohol treatment center or other group living arrangement acts as the authorized representative, the State agency must inform the household that the household will be held liable for any overissuance that results from erroneous information given by the authorized representative.

(i) A nonhousehold member may be designated as an authorized representative for the application process provided that the person is an adult who is sufficiently aware of relevant household circumstances and the authorized representative designation has been made in writing by the head of the household, the spouse, or another responsible member of the household. Paragraph (n)(4) of this section contains further restrictions on who can be designated an authorized representative.

(ii) Residents of drug or alcohol treatment centers must apply and be certified through the use of authorized representatives in accordance with § 273.11(e). Residents of group living arrangements have the option to apply and be certified through the use of authorized representatives in accordance with § 273.11(f).

(2) Obtaining SNAP benefits. An authorized representative may be designated to obtain benefits. Even if the household is able to obtain benefits, it should be encouraged to name an authorized representative for obtaining benefits in case of illness or other circumstances which might result in an inability to obtain benefits. The name of the authorized representative must be recorded in the household's case record. The authorized representative for obtaining benefits may or may not be the same individual designated as an authorized representative for the application process or for meeting reporting requirements during the certification period.

(3) Using benefits. A household may allow any household member or nonmember to use its EBT card to purchase food or meals, if authorized, for the household. Drug or alcohol treatment centers and group living arrangements which act as authorized representatives for residents of the facilities must use SNAP benefits for food prepared and served to those residents participating in SNAP (except when residents leave the facility as provided in § 273.11(e) and (f)).

(4) Restrictions on designations of authorized representatives. (i) The State agency must restrict the use of authorized representatives for purposes of application processing and obtaining SNAP benefits as follows:

(A) State agency employees who are involved in the certification or issuance processes and retailers who are authorized to accept SNAP benefits may not act as authorized representatives without the specific written approval of a designated State agency official and only if that official determines that no one else is available to serve as an authorized representative.

(B) An individual disqualified for an intentional Program violation cannot act as an authorized representative during the disqualification period, unless the State agency has determined that no one else is available to serve as an authorized representative. The State agency must separately determine whether the individual is needed to apply on behalf of the household, or to obtain benefits on behalf of the household.

(C) If a State agency has determined that an authorized representative has knowingly provided false information about household circumstances or has made improper use of benefits, it may disqualify that person from being an authorized representative for up to one year. The State agency must send written notification to the affected household(s) and the authorized representative 30 days prior to the date of disqualification. The notification must specify the reason for the proposed action and the household's right to request a fair hearing. This provision is not applicable in the case of drug and alcoholic treatment centers and those group homes which act as authorized representatives for their residents. However, drug and alcohol treatment centers and the heads of group living arrangements that act as authorized representatives for their residents, and which intentionally misrepresent households circumstances, may be prosecuted under applicable Federal and State statutes for their acts.

(D) Homeless meal providers, as defined in § 271.2 of this chapter, may not act as authorized representatives for homeless SNAP recipients.

(ii) In order to prevent abuse of the program, the State agency may set a limit on the number of households an authorized representative may represent.

(iii) In the event employers, such as those that employ migrant or seasonal farmworkers, are designated as authorized representatives or that a single authorized representative has access to a large number of EBT accounts, the State agency should exercise caution to assure that each household has freely requested the assistance of the authorized representative, the household's circumstances are correctly represented, the household is receiving the correct amount of benefits and that the authorized representative is properly using the benefits.

(o) Each State agency shall require the individual applying for SNAP benefits to attest to whether the individual or any other member of the household has been convicted of a crime as an adult as described in § 273.11(s) and whether the convicted member is complying with the terms of the sentence.

(1) The State agency shall update its application process, including certification and recertification procedures, to include the attestation requirement. Attestations may be done in writing, verbally, or both, provided that the attestation requirement shall be explained to the applicant household during the interview and the attestation is legally binding in the law of the State. Whatever procedure a State chooses to implement must be reasonable and consistent for all households applying for SNAP benefits. However, no individual shall be required to come to the SNAP office solely for an attestation.

(2) The State agency shall document this attestation in the case file.

(3) The State agency shall establish standards for verification of only those attestations that are questionable, as described in § 273.2(f)(2). When verifying an attestation, the State agency must verify any conviction for a crime described in § 273.11(s) and that the individual is not in compliance with the terms of the sentence.

(4) Application processing shall not be delayed beyond required processing timeframes solely because the State agency has not obtained verification of an attestation. The State agency shall continue to process the application while awaiting verification. If the State agency is required to act on the case without being able to verify an attestation in order to meet the time standards in § 273.2(g) or § 273.2(i)(3), the State agency shall process the application without consideration of the individual's felony and compliance status.

[Amdt. 132, 43 FR 47889, Oct. 17, 1978] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 273.2, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
authority: 7 U.S.C. 2011-2036.
cite as: 7 CFR 273.1