Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 292.8 - Plan for Operations and Management.

(a) Not later than August 15 of each year, the Summer EBT agency must submit to the FNS Regional Office its intent to administer the Summer EBT Program the following summer, along with an interim Plan for Operations and Management (POM) and expenditure plan for the Summer EBT Program for the upcoming fiscal year. For 2024 only, the Summer EBT agency must submit to the FNS regional office its intent to administer the Summer EBT Program by January 1, 2024, and the interim POM and expenditure plan as soon as is practicable. The interim POM must:

(1) Include the Summer EBT agency's forecasted program participation, anticipated administrative funding needs as part of an expenditure plan, and other programmatic information required in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section, if applicable, to the extent that such information has been determined at the time of submission.

(2) Be approved by FNS before the Summer EBT agency may draw Federal administrative funds for the fiscal year.

(b) Not later than February 15 of each year, the Summer EBT agency must submit to the FNS Regional Office a final POM. The final POM must:

(1) Address all the requirements of paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section, if applicable.

(2) Be approved by FNS before the Summer EBT agency may draw Federal food benefit funds for the fiscal year.

(c) USDA will respond to the interim and final POM, respectively, within 30 calendar days of receipt. If the plan initially submitted is not approved, the Summer EBT agency and USDA will collaborate to ensure changes to the plan are submitted for approval.

(d) At any time after approval, the Summer EBT agency may amend an interim or final POM to reflect changes. The Summer EBT agency must submit the amendments to USDA for approval. The amendments must be signed by the Summer EBT agency-designated official responsible for ensuring that the Program is operated in accordance with the POM.

(e) Summer EBT agencies must include the following in their final POM, at a minimum:

(1) A copy of the inter-agency written agreement between the Summer EBT coordinating agency and each partnering agency that outlines the roles and responsibilities of each as required in § 292.3(e) if applicable.

(2) An estimate of the number of participants who will be served for the coming year.

(3) The administrative budget on behalf of the State's or ITO's entire program operations which reflects the comprehensive needs of the Summer EBT agencies and local education agencies. The budget must include the Summer EBT agency's plan to comply with any standards prescribed by the Secretary for the use of these funds, as well as an expenditure plan reflecting planned administrative cost requirements for the year. Should administrative fund needs change, an amended expenditure plan is required.

(4) A plan for timely and effective action against program violators.

(5) A plan to comply with the Summer EBT agency requirements in §§ 292.12 through 292.14.

(6) A plan to ensure that Summer EBT benefits are issued to children based on their enrollment at the end of the instructional year immediately preceding each summer.

(7) A description of enrollment procedures including, but not limited to, applications, NSLP enrollment database, direct verification and verification, as applicable.

(8) The plan to coordinate with an ITO Summer EBT Program or State Summer EBT Program, as applicable, in accordance with § 292.9.

(9) The procedures to detect and prevent dual participation including a child simultaneously receiving benefits from more than one Summer EBT Program, or simultaneously receiving multiple allotments from the same State or ITO-administered Summer EBT Program as required in § 292.9(b)(3).

(10) A description of the issuance process including:

(i) The start and end dates of the summer operational period;

(ii) Date(s) when benefits will be issued;

(iii) Benefit issuance dates for LEAs operating on a continuous school calendar, as applicable;

(iv) Whether benefits will be added to an existing EBT card or other mobile payment instrument used to deliver SNAP or WIC benefits or, instead, whether benefits will be issued on a unique Summer EBT card or instrument;

(v) Whether benefits will be issued to each eligible child or to households, as applicable;

(vi) How the Summer EBT agency will provide access to households experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations; and

(vii) Claims procedures in cases of erroneous payments in accordance with requirements at § 292.16(g).

(11) Customer service plans including:

(i) A single point of contact for all customer service information and inquiries including a hotline and website;

(ii) How eligible households will be informed of the availability of program benefits and the process to apply for benefits, if necessary; and

(iii) A simplified process for households to opt out of the program.

(12) A copy of the fair hearing procedure for participants.

(f) In addition to the items listed in paragraph (e) of this section, an ITO Summer EBT agency must include in its POM:

(1) The service area of the ITO, a map or other visual reference aid, and a description of any Tribal areas outside of the ITO's jurisdiction that they propose to serve;

(2) A plan and procedures to enroll children already deemed eligible by a State Summer EBT agency serving the same geographic area, without further application;

(3) A plan and procedures to determine eligibility for and enroll children who must apply through the ITO Summer EBT agency to receive benefits because they have not already been identified as eligible, e.g., by a State Summer EBT agency serving the same geographic area. The ITO Summer EBT agency must use the eligibility criteria under § 292.6;

(4) A description of the benefit delivery model to be used. The ITO Summer EBT agency may use a cash-value benefit (CVB) model, a food package model, a combination of the two, or an alternate model. The ITO Summer EBT agency must use the same benefit model for all participants throughout its service area;

(i) For ITOs using a CVB-only benefit delivery model, a description of how the benefit level equal to the amount set forth in § 292.15(e); or

(ii) For ITOs using a food package benefit delivery model, a combination CVB and food package benefit delivery model, or an alternate benefit delivery model, a description of how the benefit level will not exceed the amount set forth in § 292.15(e);

(5) The list of supplemental foods for which participants can transact upon enrollment, excluding infant formula and infant foods;

(6) Procedures for enrolling applicable vendors to transact and redeem Summer EBT Program benefits. As a prerequisite, such vendors must be approved for participation in the WIC Program;

(7) A plan for providing technical assistance and training to vendors enrolled to transact and redeem Summer EBT Program benefits; and

(8) A plan for vendor integrity and monitoring, pursuant to § 292.19.

§ 292.9 - Coordination between State-administered and ITO-administered Summer EBT Programs.

(a) The ITO Summer EBT agency must receive priority consideration to serve eligible individuals within its service area, as identified in its FNS-approved Plan for Operations and Management (POM) per § 292.8.

(b) An ITO Summer EBT agency and State Summer EBT agency serving proximate geographic areas must coordinate Summer EBT Program services, which may include a written agreement between both parties. ITO Summer EBT agency and State Summer EBT agency coordination must, at minimum, include the following:

(1) The State Summer EBT agency must share data, including household contact information, indicating those individuals deemed eligible in the ITO Summer EBT agency's service area in a manner and timeframe that will allow the ITO Summer EBT agency to issue program benefits timely;

(2) The ITO Summer EBT agency and the State Summer EBT agency must each provide notice to eligible individuals or households that they may choose to receive Summer EBT Program benefits from either Summer EBT agency, in addition to referral information upon individual or household request; and

(3) The ITO Summer EBT agency and State Summer EBT agency must coordinate to detect and prevent dual participation in the same summer operational period when serving proximate service areas in accordance with § 292.15(d). For all student data exchanged applicable to the Summer EBT Program, the ITO Summer EBT agency and State Summer EBT agency must ensure the confidentiality of such data and data must only be used for program purposes in accordance with § 292.13(o).

(c) Eligible households choosing to participate in either the ITO-operated Summer EBT Program or the State-operated Summer EBT Program must participate in the same program for the duration of the summer operational period in any given year.

§ 292.10 - Coordinated Services Plan.

(a) Each State Summer EBT agency must establish, and update annually as needed, a plan to coordinate the statewide availability of services offered through the Summer EBT Program described in this part and the Summer Food Service Program established in 7 CFR part 225. Each ITO Summer EBT agency is encouraged to develop a plan coordinating summer services available to the children and households they serve.

(b) Only one plan must be established for each State in which both the Summer Food Service Program and the Summer EBT Program is administered. If more than one agency administers the Summer Food Service Program and Summer EBT within a respective State, they must work together to develop and implement the plan. States should also ensure that plans include the National School Lunch Program's Seamless Summer Program if appropriate.

(c) The plan must include, at minimum, the following information:

(1) A description of the roles and responsibilities of each Summer Food Service Program and Summer EBT agency, and, as applicable, any other agencies, ITOs, or public or private organizations which will be involved in administering the Programs;

(2) A description of how the Summer EBT agency and any other organizations included in the plan will coordinate outreach and programmatic activities to maximize the reach of the Summer Food Service Program and Summer EBT Program; metrics to assess program reach and coverage; and

(3) The Summer EBT agency's plans to partner with other Federal, State, Tribal, or local programs to aid participants in accessing all Federal, State, Tribal, or local programs for which they are eligible.

(d) States must notify the public about their plan and make it available to the public through a website, and should, to the maximum extent practicable, solicit and consider input on plan development and implementation from other State agencies, ITOs, and local agencies; organizations involved in the administration of nutrition and human services programs; participants; and other stakeholders.

(e) States must consult with FNS on the development of and any significant subsequent updates to their plan. Initial plans must be submitted to FNS no later than January 1, 2025. States must submit updates annually when significant changes are made to the plan, and otherwise no less than every 3 years.

§ 292.11 - Advance Planning Document (APD) processes.

(a) APD process for State agencies and ITOs. As a condition for the initial and continued ability to claim Federal financial participation (FFP) for the costs of the planning, development, acquisition, installation, and implementation of Information System (IS) equipment and services used in the administration of the Summer EBT Program, Summer EBT agencies must adhere to the APD process in this section (see guidance in Food and Nutrition Service's (FNS' Handbook 901 for more information), the State Systems APD process in paragraph (b) of this section, and for SNAP and WIC ITOs the existing APD process requirements for Management Information Systems and/or Information Systems as outlined in 7 CFR parts 246, 274, and 277, respectively. Summer EBT Projects have the option to include the Summer EBT Program in an existing SNAP or WIC EBT APD or to create a separate APD specific to Summer EBT services. Where the Summer EBT agency is a SNAP or WIC agency, changes to the Management Information System to support Summer EBT follow the APD processes as outlined in §§ 246.12 and 277.18 of this chapter (see guidance within FNS' Handbook 901 for more information). Child Nutrition Programs do not have a similar requirement for Management Information Systems, so the APD requirements will only apply the EBT services projects associated with the Summer EBT Program.

(b) APD process for States. Requirements for FNS prior approval of IS projects—

(1) For the acquisition of IS equipment or services to be utilized in an EBT system regardless of the cost of the acquisition in accordance with the Summer EBT issuance standards (subpart D of this part). For Summer EBT agencies that administer SNAP and are planning changes to their SNAP information systems to incorporate the Summer EBT requirements, refer to § 277.18 of this chapter.

(2) Specific prior approval requirements. (i) For IS projects which require prior approval, as specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the State Summer EBT agency must obtain the prior written approval of USDA for:

(A) Conducting planning activities, entering into contractual agreements or making any other commitment for acquiring the necessary planning services for the development of an initial Summer EBT services project; and

(B) Conducting design, development, testing or implementation activities, entering into contractual agreements or making any other commitment for the acquisition of IS equipment or services.

(ii) For IS equipment and services acquisitions requiring prior approval as specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, prior approval of the following documents associated with such acquisitions is also required:

(A) Requests for Proposals (RFPs). Unless specifically exempted by FNS, the State Summer EBT agency must obtain prior written approval of the RFP before the RFP may be released. The State Summer EBT agency must obtain prior written approval from FNS for RFPs which are associated with an EBT system regardless of the cost.

(B) Contracts. All contracts must be submitted to FNS. The State Summer EBT agency must obtain prior written approval from FNS for contracts which are associated with an EBT system regardless of the cost.

(C) Contract amendments. All contract amendments must be submitted to FNS. Unless specifically exempted by FNS, the State Summer EBT agency must obtain prior written approval from FNS of any contract amendments which cumulatively exceed 20 percent of the base contract costs before being signed by the State Summer EBT agency.

(3) Procurement requirements. (i) Procurements of IS equipment and services are subject to § 277.14 of this chapter (procurement standards) regardless of any conditions for prior approval contained in this section, except the requirements of § 277.14(b)(1) and (2) of this chapter regarding review of proposed contracts. The procurement standards in § 277.14(b)(1) and (2) include a requirement for maximum practical open and free competition regardless of whether the procurement is formally advertised or negotiated.

(ii) The standards prescribed by § 277.14 of this chapter, as well as the requirement for prior approval in this paragraph (b), apply to IS services and equipment acquired primarily to support Summer EBT regardless of the acquiring entity.

(iii) The competitive procurement policy prescribed by § 277.14 of this chapter must be applicable except for IS services provided by the agency itself, or by other State or local agencies.

(iv) The following FNS-required provisions as required under 2 CFR part 200, appendix II, apply to Summer EBT procurements as well:

(A) Compliance with Executive Order 11246 related to equal employment opportunity.

(B) Compliance with Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q).

(C) Compliance with Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387).

(D) Compliance with Anti-Lobbying Act.

(E) Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act.

(F) Compliance with drug-free workplace requirements.

(G) Compliance with suspension/debarment requirements.

(H) USDA has royalty-free rights to use software and documentation developed.

(I) The State Summer EBT agency must obtain prior written approval from FNS, as specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section, to claim and receive reimbursement for the associated costs of the IS acquisition.

(4) Document submission requirements. (i) For IS projects requiring prior approval as specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section, the State Summer EBT agency must submit the following documents to FNS for approval:

(A) Planning APD as described in § 292.2.

(B) Implementation APD as described in § 292.2.

(C) Annual APDU as described in § 292.2 for the initial Summer EBT implementation.

(ii) The Annual APDU must be submitted to FNS 60 days prior to the expiration of the FFP approval, unless the submission date is specifically altered by USDA. In years where an As Needed APDU is required, as described in § 292.2, FNS may waive or modify the requirement to submit the annual APDU. The requirement in this paragraph (b)(4)(ii) will only apply to the initial implementation of Summer EBT.

(iii) As Needed APDU as described in § 292.2. As Needed APDU are required to obtain a commitment of FFP whenever significant project changes occur. Significant project changes are defined as changes in cost, schedule, scope or strategy which exceed FNS-defined thresholds or triggers. Without such approval, the Summer EBT agency is at risk for funding of project activities which are not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the approved APD and subsequently approved APDU until such time as approval is specifically granted by FNS.

(iv) Acquisition documents as described in § 277.14(g) of this chapter for Summer EBT agencies that administer SNAP (see guidance within in FNS Handbook 901 for more information), or for Summer EBT services projects utilizing an existing or new SNAP EBT services contract for Summer EBT.

(v) Emergency acquisition requests as described in paragraph (j) of this section.

(c) Prior approval. The State Summer EBT agency must obtain prior FNS approval of the documents specified in paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section in order to claim and receive reimbursement for the associated costs of the IS acquisition.

(d) Approval by the State Summer EBT agency. Approval by the State Summer EBT agency is required for all documents and acquisitions specified in this subpart prior to submission for FNS approval. However, the State Summer EBT agency may delegate approval authority to any subordinate entity for those acquisitions of IS equipment and services not requiring prior approval by FNS.

(e) Prompt action on requests for prior approval. FNS will reply promptly to State Summer EBT agency requests for prior approval. If FNS has not provided written approval, disapproval, or a request for additional information within 60 days of FNS' acknowledgment of receipt of the State Summer EBT agency's request, the request will be deemed to have provisionally met the prior approval requirement in paragraph (b) of this section. However, provisional approval will not exempt a State Summer EBT agency from having to meet all other Federal requirements which pertain to the acquisition of IS equipment and services. Such requirements remain subject to Federal audit and review.

(f) APD content requirements—(1) Planning APD (PAPD). The PAPD is a written plan of action to acquire proposed services or equipment and to perform necessary activities to investigate the feasibility, system alternatives, requirements and resources needed to replace, modify, or upgrade the State Summer EBT agency's IS. The PAPD must contain adequate documentation to demonstrate the need to undertake a planning process, as well as a thorough description of the proposed planning activities, and estimated costs and timeline (see guidance within FNS' Handbook 901 for more information).

(2) Implementation APD (IAPD). The IAPD is a written plan of action to acquire the proposed IS services or equipment and to perform necessary activities to design, develop, acquire, install, test, and implement the new IS. The IAPD must contain detailed documentation of planning and preparedness for the proposed project, (see guidance within FNS' Handbook 901 for more information), demonstrating the feasibility of the project, thorough analysis of system requirements and design, a rigorous management approach, stewardship of Federal funds, a realistic schedule and budget, and preliminary plans for key project phases. The IAPD must be submitted and approved prior to incurring any costs under the new EBT service contract.

(3) Annual APDU content requirements. The Annual APDU is a yearly update to ongoing IS projects when planning or implementation activities occur. The Annual APDU must contain documentation on the project activity status and a description of major tasks, milestones, budget, and any changes (see guidance within FNS' Handbook 901 for more information).

(4) As Needed APDU content requirements.

The As Needed APDU document must contain the items as defined in paragraph (b)(4)(ii) of this section with emphasis on the area(s) where changes have occurred or are anticipated that triggered the submission of the APDU (see guidance within FNS' Handbook 901 for more information).”

Paragraph (d) should read: (q) APD process for ITOs. For the acquisition of IS equipment or services to be utilized in an EBT system regardless of the cost of the acquisition in accordance with the Summer EBT issuance standards in subpart D to this part, WIC EBT coordinating Summer EBT agencies, administering WIC, that are planning changes to their ITO Management Information Systems to incorporate the Summer EBT requirements should refer to the APD process requirements outlined in 7 CFR 246.12, 2 CFR part 200, appendix XI, and the APD process in this section (see guidance within FNS' Handbook 901 for more information).

(g) Service agreements. (1) The State Summer EBT agency must execute service agreements when IS services are to be provided by a State central IT facility or another State or local agency. Service agreement means the document signed by the State or local agency and the State or local central IT facility whenever an IT facility provides IT services to the State or local agency. Service agreements must:

(i) Identify the IS services that will be provided;

(ii) Include a schedule of rates for each identified IS service, and a certification that these rates apply equally to all users;

(iii) Include a description of the method(s) of accounting for the services rendered under the agreement and computing services charges;

(iv) Include assurances that services provided will be timely and satisfactory;

(v) Include assurances that information in the IS as well as access, use and disposal of IS data will be safeguarded in accordance with provisions of §§ 272.1(c) (disclosure) and 277.13 (property) of this chapter;

(vi) Require the provider to obtain prior approval from FNS pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section for IS equipment and IS services that are acquired from commercial sources primarily to support federally aided public assistance programs and require the provider to comply with § 277.14 of this chapter (procurement standards) for procurements related to the service agreement. IS equipment and services are considered to be primarily acquired to support federally aided public assistance programs when the Programs may reasonably be expected to either be billed for more than 50 percent of the total charges made to all users of the IS equipment and services during the time period covered by the service agreement, or directly charged for the total cost of the purchase or lease of IS equipment or services;

(vii) Include the beginning and ending dates of the period of time covered by the service agreement; and

(viii) Include a schedule of expected total charges to the Program for the period of the service agreement.

(2) The State Summer EBT agency must maintain a copy of each service agreement in its files for Federal review upon request.

(h) Basis for continued Federal financial participation (FFP)—(1) General. FNS will continue FFP at the levels approved in the Planning APD and the Implementation APD provided that project development proceeds in accordance with the conditions and terms of the approved APD and that IS resources are used for the purposes authorized. FNS will use the APDU to monitor IS project development. The submission of the update as prescribed in paragraph (b)(4) of this section for the duration of project development is a condition for continued FFP. In addition, periodic onsite reviews of IS project development and State and local agency IS operations may be conducted by or for FNS to assure compliance with approved APDs, proper use of IS resources, and the adequacy of State or local agency IS operations.

(2) Pre-implementation. The State Summer EBT agency must demonstrate through thorough testing that the system meets all program functional and performance requirements. FNS may require a pre-implementation review of the system to validate system functionality prior to Summer EBT agency testing.

(3) Testing. The State Summer EBT agency must commit to completing and submitting the following documents for FNS approval and obtaining such approval prior to issuance of benefits to eligible households in the project area:

(i) Functional demonstration. A functional demonstration of the functional requirements prescribed in this part in combination with the system components described by the approved system design is recommended in order to identify and resolve any problems prior to acceptance testing. The Department reserves the right to participate in the functional demonstration if one is conducted. FNS may require that any or all of these tests be repeated in instances where significant modifications are made to the system after these tests are initially completed or if problems that surfaced during initial testing warrant a retest.

(ii) An Acceptance Test Plan. The Acceptance Test Plan for the project must describe the methodology to be utilized to verify that the EBT system complies with Program requirements and System Design specifications. At a minimum, the Acceptance Test Plan must address:

(A) The types of testing to be performed;

(B) The organization of the test team and associated responsibilities, test database generation, test case development, test schedule, and the documentation of test results. Acceptance testing must include functional requirements testing, error condition handling and destructive testing, security testing, recovery testing, controls testing, stress and throughput performance testing, and regression testing; and

(C) A “what-if” component must also be included to permit the opportunity for observers and participants to test possible scenarios in a free-form manner.

(iii) Independent testing. The Department reserves the right to participate and conduct independent testing as necessary during the acceptance testing and appropriate events during system design, development, implementation, and operation.

(iv) An acceptance test report. The State Summer EBT agency must provide a separate report after the completion of the acceptance test only in instances where FNS is not present at the testing or when serious problems are uncovered during the testing that remain unresolved by the end of the test session. The report must summarize the activities, describe any discrepancies, describe the proposed solutions to discrepancies, and the timetable for their retesting and completion. In addition, the report must contain the State Summer EBT agency's recommendations regarding implementation of the EBT system.

(v) A prototype food retailer agreement. The State Summer EBT agency must enter an agreement with each FNS authorized retailer that complies with the requirements under § 274.3 of this chapter.

(vi) An implementation plan. (A) The implementation plan must include the following:

(1) A description of the tools, procedures, detailed schedules, and resources needed to implement the project;

(2) The equipment acquisition and installation requirements, ordering schedules, and system and component testing;

(3) A phase-in-strategy which permits a measured and orderly transition from one EBT system to another. In describing this strategy, the plan must address schedules that avoid disruption of normal shopping patterns and operations of participating children and food retailers. Training of Summer EBT eligible children, State Summer EBT agency personnel and retailers and/or their trainers must be coordinated with the installation of equipment in retail stores;

(4) A description of on-going tasks associated with fine-tuning the system and making any corrective actions necessary to meet contractual requirements. The description must also address those tasks associated with ongoing training, document updates, equipment maintenance, on-site support and system adjustments, as needed to meet Program requirements; and,

(5) A plan for orderly phase-out of the project and/or for continuing benefit issuance operations if it is demonstrated during the pilot project or conversion operations that the new system is not acceptable.

(B) The State Summer EBT agency must submit a written contingency plan for FNS approval. The contingency plan must contain information regarding the back-up issuance system that will be activated in the event of an emergency shut-down which results in short-term or extended system inaccessibility, or total discontinuation of EBT system operations. The contingency plan must be incorporated into the Summer EBT State system security plan after FNS approval as specified in paragraph (p) of this section.

(i) Disallowance of Federal financial participation (FFP). If FNS finds that any acquisition approved under the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section fails to comply with the criteria, requirements and other undertakings described in the approved or modified APD, payment of FFP may be suspended or may be disallowed in whole or in part.

(j) Emergency acquisition requirements. The State Summer EBT agency may request FFP for the costs of IS equipment and services acquired to meet emergency situations in which the agency can demonstrate to FNS an immediate need to acquire IS equipment or services in order to continue operation of Summer EBT; and the State Summer EBT agency can clearly document that the need could not have been anticipated or planned for and precludes the State from following the prior approval requirements of paragraph (c) of this section. FNS may provide FFP in emergency situations if the following conditions are met:

(1) The State Summer EBT agency must submit a written request to FNS prior to the acquisition of any IS equipment or services. The written request must include:

(i) A brief description of the IS equipment and/or services to be acquired and an estimate of their costs;

(ii) A brief description of the circumstances which result in the State Summer EBT agency's need to proceed with the acquisition prior to fulfilling approval requirements at paragraph (c) of this section; and

(iii) A description of the adverse impact which would result if the State Summer EBT agency does not immediately acquire the IS equipment and/or services.

(2) Upon receipt of a written request for emergency acquisition FNS must provide a written response to the State Summer EBT agency within 14 days. The FNS response must:

(i) Inform the State Summer EBT agency that the request has been disapproved and the reason for disapproval.

(ii) If FNS approves the request submitted under paragraph (j)(1) of this section, FFP will be available from the date the State Summer EBT agency acquires the IS equipment and services.

(iii) FNS recognizes that an emergency situation exists and grants conditional approval pending receipt of the State Summer EBT agency's formal submission of the IAPD information specified at paragraph (b)(4) of this section within 90 days from the date of the agency's initial written request.

(iv) If the complete IAPD submission required by paragraph (b)(2) of this section is not received by FNS within 90 days from the date of the initial written request, costs may be subject to disallowance.

(k) General cost requirements—(1) Cost determination. Actual costs must be determined in compliance with 2 CFR part 200, subpart E, and USDA implementing regulations in 2 CFR parts 400 and 415 and an FNS approved budget and must be reconcilable with the approved FNS funding level. A State Summer EBT agency must not claim reimbursement for costs charged to any other Federal program or uses of IS systems for purposes not connected with Summer EBT. The approved APD cost allocation plan includes the methods which will be used to identify and classify costs to be claimed. This methodology must be submitted to FNS as part of the request for FNS approval of funding as required in this section. Operational costs are to be allocated based on the statewide cost allocation plan rather than the APD cost plan. Approved cost allocation plans for ongoing operational costs must not apply to IS system development costs under this section unless documentation required under paragraph (b) of this section is submitted to and approvals are obtained from FNS. Any APD-related costs approved by FNS must be excluded in determining the Summer EBT agency's administrative costs under any other section of this part.

(2) Cost identification for purposes of FFP claims. State Summer EBT agencies must assign and claim the costs incurred under an approved APD in accordance with the following criteria:

(i) Development costs. Using its normal departmental accounting system, in accordance with the cost principles set forth in 2 CFR part 200, subpart E, and USDA implementing regulations in 2 CFR parts 400 and 415, the State Summer EBT agency must specifically identify what items of costs constitute development costs, assign these costs to specific project cost centers, and distribute these costs to funding sources based on the specific identification, assignment and distribution outlined in the approved APD. The methods for distributing costs set forth in the APD should provide for assigning identifiable costs, to the extent practicable, directly to program/functions. The State Summer EBT agency must amend the cost allocation plan required by 2 CFR part 200, subpart E, to include the approved APD methodology for the identification, assignment, and distribution of the development costs.

(ii) Operational costs. Costs incurred for the operation of an IS must be identified and assigned by the State Summer EBT agency to funding sources in accordance with the approved cost allocation plan required by 2 CFR part 200, subpart E.

(iii) Service agreement costs. States that operate a central data processing facility must use their approved central service cost allocation plan required by 2 CFR part 200, subpart E, and USDA implementing regulations in 2 CFR parts 400 and 415 to identify and assign costs incurred under service agreements with the State Summer EBT agency. The State Summer EBT agency must then distribute these costs to funding sources in accordance with the development and operational costs outlined in this section.

(iv) Claiming costs. Prior to claiming funding under this section the State Summer EBT agency must have complied with the requirements for obtaining approval and prior approval of paragraph (b) of this section.

(v) Budget authority. FNS approval of requests for funding must provide notification to the State Summer EBT agency of the budget authority and dollar limitations under which such funding may be claimed. FNS must provide this amount as a total authorization for such funding which may not be exceeded unless amended by FNS. FNS's determination of the amount of this authorization must be based on the budget submitted by the State Summer EBT agency. Activities not included in the approved budget, as well as continuation of approved activities beyond scheduled deadlines in the approved plan, must require FNS approval of an As Needed APDU as prescribed in paragraphs (b)(4) and (f)(4) of this section, including an amended State budget. Requests to amend the budget authorization approved by FNS must be submitted to FNS prior to claiming such expenses.

(l) Access to the system and records. Access to the system in all aspects, including but not limited to design, development, and operation, including work performed by any source, and including cost records of contractors and subcontractors, must be made available by the State Summer EBT agency to FNS or its authorized representatives at intervals as are deemed necessary by FNS, in order to determine whether the conditions for approval are being met and to determine the efficiency, economy and effectiveness of the system. Failure to provide full access to all parts of the system may result in suspension and/or termination of Summer EBT funds for the costs of the system and its operation.

(m) Ownership rights. The State Summer EBT agency must comply with the requirements under this part and the requirement for intangible property in 2 CFR 200.315.

(n) Software. (1) The State or local government must include a clause in all procurement instruments which provides that the State or local government must have all ownership rights in any software or modifications thereof and associated documentation designed, developed, or installed with FFP under this section.

(2) FNS reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use and to authorize others to use for Federal Government purposes, such software, modifications, and documentation.

(3) Proprietary operating/vendor software packages which meet the definition of COTS in § 292.2 must not be subject to the ownership provisions in paragraph (m) of this section. FFP is not available for development costs for proprietary application software developed specifically for Summer EBT.

(o) Information Systems equipment. The policies and procedures governing title, use and disposition of property purchased with FFP, which appear at 2 CFR 200.315 are applicable to IS equipment.

(p) Information system security requirements and review process-(1) Information system security requirements. State and local agencies are responsible for the security of all IS projects under development, and operational systems involved in the administration of Summer EBT. State and local agencies must determine appropriate IS security requirements based on recognized industry standards or compliance with standards governing security of Federal information systems and information processing.

(2) Information security program. State Summer EBT agencies must implement and maintain a comprehensive Security Program for IS and installations involved in the administration of the Summer EBT. Security Programs must include the following components:

(i) Determination and implementation of appropriate security requirements as prescribed in paragraph (p)(1) of this section.

(ii) Establishment of a security plan and, as appropriate, policies and procedures to address the following areas of IS security:

(A) Physical security of IS resources;

(B) Equipment security to protect equipment from theft and unauthorized use;

(C) Software and data security;

(D) Telecommunications security;

(E) Personnel security;

(F) Contingency plans to meet critical processing needs in the event of short- or long-term interruption of service;

(G) Emergency preparedness; and

(H) Designation of an Agency IS Security Manager.

(3) Periodic risk analyses. State Summer EBT agencies must establish and maintain a program for conducting periodic risk analyses to ensure that appropriate, cost-effective safeguards are incorporated into new and existing systems. In addition, risk analyses must be performed whenever significant system changes occur.

(4) IS security reviews. State Summer EBT agencies must review the security of IS involved in the administration of Summer EBT on a biennial basis. At a minimum, the reviews must include an evaluation of physical and data security, operating procedures and personnel practices. State Summer EBT agencies must maintain reports of their biennial IS security reviews, together with pertinent supporting documentation, for Federal review upon request.

(5) Applicability. The security requirements of this section apply to all IS systems used by State and local governments to administer Summer EBT.

(q) APD process for ITOs. For the acquisition of IS equipment or services to be utilized in an EBT system regardless of the cost of the acquisition in accordance with the Summer EBT issuance standards in subpart D of this part, WIC EBT coordinating Summer EBT agencies, administering WIC, that are planning changes to their ITO Management Information Systems to incorporate the Summer EBT requirements should refer to the APD process requirements outlined in 7 CFR 246.12, 2 CFR part 200, appendix XI, and the APD process (see guidance within FNS' Handbook 901 for more information).

(r) ITO EBT management and reporting. (1) The Summer EBT agency must follow the Department APD requirements in this section and submit Planning and Implementation APDs and appropriate updates, for Department approval, for planning, development, and implementation of initial and subsequent EBT systems.

(2) If an ITO plans to incorporate additional programs in its EBT system, the ITO must consult with ITO officials responsible for administering the programs prior to submitting the Planning APD (PAPD) document and include the outcome of those discussions in the PAPD submission to the Department for approval.

(3) Annually as part of the State plan, the Summer EBT agency must submit EBT project status reports. At a minimum, the annual status report must contain:

(i) Any information on future EBT changes and procurement updates affecting present operations; and

(ii) Such other information the Secretary may require.

(4) The ITO must be responsible for EBT coordination and management for planning, implementation and ongoing operations of Summer EBT.

(s) ITO Summer EBT procurements. The following procurement requirements from title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations apply to ITO Summer EBT agencies:

(1) 2 CFR 200.315;

(2) 2 CFR 200.317;

(3) 2 CFR 200.326;

(4) 2 CFR part 200, appendix II:

(i) Remedies for violation or breach;

(ii) Termination for cause and for convenience;

(iii) Equal employment opportunity (EEO) provisions;

(iv) Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act;

(v) Debarment and suspension requirements; and

(vi) Anti-lobbying requirements; and

(5) 2 CFR part 400.

(t) ITO Program costs. (1) The two kinds of allowable costs under the Program are “food costs” and “nutrition services and administration costs.” In general, costs necessary to the fulfillment of Program objectives are to be considered allowable costs. The two types of nutrition services and administration costs are:

(i) Direct costs. Those direct costs that are allowable under 2 CFR part 200, subpart E, and USDA implementing regulations in 2 CFR parts 400 and 415.

(ii) Indirect costs. Those indirect costs that are allowable under 2 CFR part 200, subpart E, and USDA implementing regulations in 2 CFR parts 400 and 415. When computing indirect costs, food costs may not be used in the base to which the indirect cost rate is applied. In accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR part 200, subpart E, and USDA implementing regulations in 2 CFR parts 400 and 415, a claim for indirect costs must be supported by an approved allocation plan for the determination of allowable indirect costs.

(2) Program funds may not be used to pay for retroactive benefits.

§ 292.12 - Enrolling eligible children.

(a) Minimum requirements for Program informational activities. Summer EBT agencies must comply with the following minimum information requirements for applicants and recipients.

(1) Summer EBT agencies must inform participant and applicant households of their Program rights and responsibilities. This information may be provided through whatever means the Summer EBT agency deems appropriate.

(2) All Program informational material must:

(i) Be in an understandable and uniform format, and to the maximum extent practicable, in a language that parents and guardians can understand;

(ii) Include the USDA nondiscrimination statement; and

(iii) Be provided in alternate formats for individuals with disabilities, as practicable.

(3) All program information material should be provided by households' preferred method of contact, to the maximum extent practicable.

(b) General requirements. In enrolling eligible children, Summer EBT agencies must:

(1) Establish procedures to ensure correct eligibility determinations;

(2) Establish procedures to allow households to provide updated contact information for the purpose of receiving Summer EBT; and

(3) Establish procedures to enable anyone who has been determined to be eligible for Summer EBT benefits to confirm their eligibility status and unenroll, or opt out, of the Program, if they do not want to receive benefits; and

(4) Provide assistance to households that seek help in applying for benefits.

(c) NSLP/SBP enrollment database. By 2025, Summer EBT agencies must establish and maintain a State- or ITO-wide database of all children enrolled in NSLP- or SBP-participating schools within the State or ITO service area, as applicable, for the purposes of enrolling children for Summer EBT benefits and detecting and preventing duplicate benefit issuance. If an ITO, in consultation with FNS, determines that establishing and maintaining a database meeting the requirements of this section is not feasible or is unnecessary based on their method of enrolling children, the ITO may submit a waiver request under § 292.3(h).

(1) Database elements. At a minimum, the database must contain the following information for these children:

(i) Name;

(ii) Date of birth;

(iii) School/school district where enrolled;

(iv) Mailing address;

(v) Individual free or reduced price eligibility status, as applicable; and

(vi) Any other information needed to issue benefits timely and with integrity.

(2) Data use and confidentiality. Summer EBT agencies must ensure the confidentiality of all such data, and the data must be used only for the purposes of the Summer EBT Program, or to provide other social service benefits to eligible children.

(3) Data sharing across Summer EBT Programs. State Summer EBT agencies must make this data available to ITO Summer EBT agencies for children within an ITO's Summer EBT service area, in a timeframe that allows ITO Summer EBT agencies to issue timely benefits. ITO Summer EBT agencies must ensure confidentiality of the data in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(d) Automatic enrollment with streamlined certification. (1) Summer EBT agencies must enroll eligible children through streamlined certification, including those who, during the period of eligibility were:

(i)(A) Individually certified for free or reduced price school meals through the NSLP/SBP, per § 245.6 of this chapter; or

(B) School aged and:

(1) Members of a household receiving assistance under SNAP, as defined in § 292.2;

(2) Members of a household receiving assistance under FDPIR and TANF, if data for these programs are available at the State level; or

(3) A foster, homeless, migrant, runaway, or Head Start child, as defined in § 245.2 of this chapter, if data for these programs are available at the State level.

(ii) Not enrolled in a special provision school but are otherwise determined eligible for a free or reduced priced meal through the NSLP/SBP.

(2) Summer EBT agency may enroll eligible children through streamlined certification who are members of a household receiving assistance under other means-tested programs, as approved by the Secretary.

(3) Streamlined certification does not require further confirmation of school enrollment.

(4) If an ITO, in consultation with FNS, determines that any element of automatic enrollment with streamlined certification is not feasible or is unnecessary based on available resources or circumstances to the population served, the ITO may submit a waiver request under § 292.3(h).

(e) Enrollment by Summer EBT application. (1) Summer EBT agencies must enroll eligible children in Summer EBT if it is determined that they meet the requirements to receive free or reduced price meals at § 292.5(a), as determined through a complete Summer EBT application. A Summer EBT application is considered complete if the following information is provided:

(i) Names of children and other household members;

(ii) Amount, source, and frequency of income for each household member; and

(iii) Signature of an adult household member, including electronic signatures, as described in § 292.13(h).

(2) Confirmation of enrollment in an NSLP/SBP- participating school during the immediately preceding instructional year is required for children who apply by Summer EBT application. This can be accomplished by matching against the State or ITO-wide NSLP/SBP enrollment database, as required in paragraph (c) of this section, prior to benefit issuance.

(3) Children who are not in an NSLP or SBP-participating school in the immediately preceding instructional year cannot be certified as eligible, and therefore cannot be deemed eligible for Summer EBT through submission of an application for Summer EBT benefits.

(4) Summer EBT agencies are prohibited from requiring income documentation at the time of application.

(f) Notice of approval—(1) Income applications. The Summer EBT agency must notify (or place notification in the mail) eligible households of a child's approved status within 15 operational days of receipt of a complete application. This may be included in the mailing containing the EBT card, if applicable, or other communication informing the household about the issuance or use of benefits.

(2) Streamlined certification. Households approved for benefits based on information provided by the appropriate State or local agency responsible for the administration of a means-tested program that has been approved by the Secretary must be notified, in writing, that their children are eligible for Summer EBT and that no application is required. The notice of approval must also inform the household how to opt-out if they do not want their children to receive Summer EBT benefits.

(3) Households declining benefits. Children from households that notify the Summer EBT agency that they do not want Summer EBT benefits must not be issued benefits, or have their benefits expunged as soon as possible if already issued. Any notification from the household declining benefits must be documented and maintained on file, as required under § 292.23, to substantiate the change in benefits. Because any expungement in this instance is at the request of the household, the 30 day household notice typically required for expunging benefits is not required in this instance.

(4) Duplicate benefit issuance. Summer EBT agencies must include in the notice of approval a statement communicating that households that are erroneously issued duplicate benefits from more than one State or ITO should only use benefits from the State or ITO where their child(ren) completed the instructional year immediately preceding the summer operational period. Under no circumstances may they use both.

(g) Denied applications and the notice of denial. When the application furnished by a household is not complete or does not meet the eligibility criteria for Summer EBT benefits, the Summer EBT agency must document and retain the reasons for ineligibility and must retain the denied application. In addition, the Summer EBT agency must provide written notice to each household denied benefits within 15 operational days of receipt of a complete application. At a minimum, this notice must include:

(1) The specific reason or reasons for the denial of benefits, e.g., income in excess of allowable limits or incomplete application;

(2) Notification of the right to appeal;

(3) Instructions on how to appeal; and

(4) A statement reminding households that they may reapply for benefits at any time.

(h) Appeals of denied benefits. A household that wishes to appeal an application that was denied may do so in accordance with the procedures established by the Summer EBT agency as required by § 292.26. However, prior to initiating the hearing procedure, the household may request a conference to provide the opportunity for the household to discuss the situation, present information, and obtain an explanation of the data submitted in the application or the decision rendered. The request for a conference must not in any way prejudice or diminish the right to a fair hearing. The Summer EBT agency must promptly schedule a fair hearing, if requested.

(i) Confidential nature of streamlined certification information. Information about children or their households obtained through the streamlined certification process must be kept confidential and is subject to the limitations on disclosure of information in section 9 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, 42 U.S.C. 1758.

§ 292.13 - Application requirements.

(a) Statewide application. By 2025, the Summer EBT agency must make a Summer EBT application available to households whose children are enrolled in NSLP- or SBP-participating schools and who do not already have an individual eligibility determination.

(b) Contracting application processes. Summer EBT agencies may not delegate to LEAs the responsibility of making a Summer EBT application available. However, a Summer EBT agency may contract with another entity into order to fulfill the requirement in this paragraph (b).

(c) Household applications. The application must be clear and simple in design and the required information must be limited to what is required to demonstrate that the household does, or does not, meet the eligibility criteria for Summer EBT benefits at § 292.5(a). The application or associated instructions must also include the income eligibility guidelines and an explanation that households with incomes at or below the income limit may be eligible for Summer EBT. Summer EBT agencies are encouraged to include optional questions on the application to improve customer service including, but not limited to:

(1) Preferred method of communication (e.g., mail, email, phone, text message);

(2) Preferred contact information;

(3) Preferred language of communication;

(4) Preferred method of benefit issuance (e.g., EBT card, electronic benefit);

(5) Interest in receiving information about how to access other assistance program benefits (e.g., Summer Food Service Program, NSLP/SBP, Child and Adult Care Food Program, SNAP, WIC, TANF, FDPIR, Medicaid);

(6) Membership in an ITO; and

(7) Other program options where a household may have preferences, receipt of information that households may find useful, or information that would aid Summer EBT agencies in successful program implementation.

(d) Understandable communications. Any communication with households for eligibility determination purposes must be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the maximum extent practicable, in a language that parents and guardians can understand.

(e) Availability of applications. Summer EBT agencies must ensure that a Summer EBT application is available throughout the period of eligibility, as defined in § 292.2.

(f) Timely certifications. Summer EBT agencies must follow-up with a household that submits an incomplete application within 10 operational days of receipt of the application. See notice of approval at § 292.12(f) for additional requirements for complete applications that are approved for benefits, and providing benefits to participants at § 292.15(c) for requirements around timely issuance of benefits for eligible children.

(g) Deadline for applications. Households must submit an application for Summer EBT benefits by the last day of the summer operational period in order to receive benefits for that summer. Applications that are submitted after the last day of the summer operational period may be used to establish eligibility for the following summer. Summer EBT agencies may encourage households to apply prior to the application deadline, however applications must be accepted and processed up until the application deadline, and benefits must be issued if the application is approved.

(h) Electronic applications. In addition to the distribution of information, applications, and descriptive materials in paper form, the Summer EBT agency may establish a system for executing household applications electronically and using electronic signatures. The electronic submission system must comply with the same requirements as paper applications. Descriptive materials may also be made available electronically by the Summer EBT or local educational agency. If the application is made available electronically, a paper version must also be available.

(i) Application content requirements. Summer EBT applications must contain the following elements:

(1) Required income information. The information requested on the application with respect to the current income of the household must be limited to:

(i) The income received by each member identified by the household member who received the income or an indication which household members had no income; and

(ii) The source of the income (such as earnings, wages, welfare, pensions, support payments, unemployment compensation, social security and other cash income). Other cash income includes cash amounts received or withdrawn from any source, including savings, investments, trust accounts, and other resources which are available to pay for a child's meals.

(2) Household members. The application must require applicants to provide the names of all household members. However, the application must allow the household to provide a case number if they participate in SNAP, or another means-tested program that has been approved by the Secretary, in lieu of names of all household members and household income information.

(3) Name of school where child is enrolled. A State- or ITO-wide application must contain a space for the household to indicate the name of the school or district where each eligible child is enrolled.

(4) Mailing address. The application must contain a space for the household to list their mailing address. However, the application must be accepted and processed as complete even if the field was not completed by the applicant. The instructions should communicate that it will be used to mail their EBT card, as applicable, and therefore should be the address that will be used by the household at the time the Summer EBT agency issues benefits.

(5) Adult member's signature. The application must be signed by an adult member of the household.

(j) Attesting to information on the application. The application must also include a statement, immediately above the space for signature, that the person signing the application certifies that all information furnished in the application is true and correct, that the application is being made in connection with the receipt of Federal funds, that the applicant is not already receiving Summer EBT benefits in another State or ITO, that Summer EBT agencies may verify the information on the application, and that deliberate misrepresentation of the information may subject the applicant to prosecution under applicable State and Federal criminal statutes.

(k) Race and ethnicity. The application must contain space for collection of information on race and ethnicity of applicants. The questions should be labeled as optional, and incomplete responses cannot be used as the basis for the denial of benefits.

(l) Accompanying instructions. The application must contain clear instructions is with respect to the completion and submission of the application to the Summer EBT agency to make eligibility determinations. The instructions should inform households that if they intend to move, or have recently moved, that they should apply for benefits in the State where their child will complete or completed the school year immediately preceding the summer operational period.

(m) Required statements for the application. The application and descriptive materials must include substantially the following statements:

(1) “The Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act requires that we use information from this application to determine who qualifies for Summer EBT benefits. We can only approve complete forms. We may share your eligibility information with education, health, and nutrition programs to help them deliver program benefits to your household. Inspectors and law enforcement may also use your information to make sure that program rules are met. Some children qualify for Summer EBT without an application. Please contact your State or ITO to get Summer EBT for a foster child, and children who are homeless, migrant, or runaway.”

(2) When either the Summer EBT agency or the LEA plans to use or disclose children's eligibility information for non-program purposes, additional information, as specified in § 245.6(h) of this chapter, must be added to this statement. State agencies and LEAs are responsible for drafting the appropriate statement.

(3) The application must contain the USDA nondiscrimination statement for Child Nutrition Programs.

(4) The Summer EBT agency must inform applicants and prospective applicants that a non-household member may be designated as the authorized representative for application processing purposes if they have difficulty completing the application process.

(n) Calculating income. The Summer EBT agency must use the income information provided by the household on the application to calculate the household's total current income. When a household submits a complete application, and the household's total current income is at or below the eligibility limits specified in the Income Eligibility Guidelines, the children in that household must be approved for Summer EBT benefits.

(o) Persons authorized to receive eligibility information. Only persons directly connected with the administration or enforcement of a program or activity listed in this section may have access to children's eligibility information, without parent or guardian consent. Persons considered directly connected with administration or enforcement of a program or activity are Federal, State, ITO, or local program operators responsible for the ongoing operation of the program or activity or responsible for program compliance. Program operators may include persons responsible for carrying out program requirements and monitoring, reviewing, auditing, or investigating the program. Program operators may include contractors, to the extent those persons have a need to know the information for program administration or enforcement. Contractors may include evaluators, auditors, and others with whom Federal or State agencies, ITOs, and program operators contract with to assist in the administration or enforcement of their program in their behalf.

(p) Disclosure of all eligibility information in addition to eligibility status. In addition to children's names and eligibility status, the Summer EBT agency, as appropriate, may disclose, without parental consent, all eligibility information obtained through the Summer EBT eligibility process (including all information on the application or obtained through streamlined certification) to:

(1) Persons directly connected with the administration or enforcement of programs authorized under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, or the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008. This means that all eligibility information obtained for the Summer EBT Program may be disclosed to persons directly connected with administering or enforcing regulations under the Summer EBT Program, National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs (7 CFR parts 210 and 220, respectively), Child and Adult Care Food Program (7 CFR part 226), Summer Food Service Program (7 CFR part 225), the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) (7 CFR part 246), and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (7 CFR parts 271 through 285);

(2) Federal, State, and local law enforcement officials for the purpose of investigating any alleged violation of the programs listed in § 292.16(b)(1)(iii); and

(3) The Comptroller General of the United States for purposes of audit and examination.

(q) Phase-in flexibility. For 2024, alternative income applications that do not meet the criteria in paragraph (i) of this section can be used to confer eligibility for Summer EBT if the information provided on the alternative application is sufficient for the Summer EBT agency or LEA to determine that the household meets the income eligibility guidelines for Summer EBT. In 2024, Summer EBT agencies may delegate application processing to LEAs. If a Summer EBT agency delegates application processing to LEAs, then it must cover all administrative costs incurred by the LEAs with respect to Summer EBT application processing.

§ 292.14 - Verification requirements.

(a) Summer EBT applications are subject to the following verification requirements:

(1) Verification for cause. (i) The Summer EBT agency must verify for cause applications, on a case-by-case basis, such as in an instance when the agency is aware of conflicting or inconsistent information from what was provided on the application.

(ii) The Summer EBT agency may verify an application for cause at any time during the instructional year or summer operational period, but verification must be completed within 30 days of receipt of the application.

(iii) Applications verified for cause are not considered part of three (3) percent sample size described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(iv) Applications do not need to be selected for verification for cause during initial application processing. A Summer EBT agency may become aware of a questionable application after the initial certification was completed and benefits were issued. In this case, the Summer EBT agency must verify the application for cause at the time they learn of the questionable or conflicting information.

(v) All verification procedures in this section must be followed for applications selected for verification for cause in the same manner as an application randomly selected as part of the sample described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(2) Verification sample. (i) The Summer EBT agency must verify eligibility of children in a sample of household Summer EBT applications approved for benefits for the summer.

(ii) The sample size for the Summer EBT agency must equal three (3) percent of all applications approved by the Summer EBT agency from the start of the instructional year through April 1 of the school year immediately preceding the summer operational period, selected randomly from all applications.

(3) Verification alternatives. (i) In lieu of carrying out provisions in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, Summer EBT agencies may propose alternative methods for verification that strengthen program integrity and preserve participant access.

(ii) Summer EBT agencies that intend to propose alternative procedures must include a detailed description of their plan in their POM submission. Proposals are subject to USDA approval.

(b) Replacing applications. The Summer EBT agency may, on a case-by-case basis, replace up to ten percent of applications that are randomly selected as part of the verification sample. Applications may be replaced if the Summer EBT agency determines that the household would be unable to satisfactorily respond to the verification request.

(c) Rolling verification sample selection. Summer EBT agencies may choose to conduct verification on a rolling basis, as long as the sample size requirements in paragraph (a)(3) of this section are met. (1) If conducting rolling verification, the Summer EBT agency must:

(i)(A) Include in each sample pool only applications approved since the last sample was selected; and

(B) Select three (3) percent of approved applications, as required by the sampling method, each time, but round down to the nearest whole number to prevent over-sampling. If rounding down results in a zero, no applications should be verified for the sample period, and the applications received in that sample period should be included in the next sample pool.

(ii) Select the final sample on April 1.

(A) Selecting only from the applications approved since the last sampling;

(B) Summing the number of applications selected for verification to date (including the final, April 1 sample); and

(C) Calculating three (3) percent of all applications approved as of April 1, and rounding up to the next whole number.

(2) If the number of applications summed per paragraph (c)(1)(ii)(B) of this section is less than the three (3) percent calculated per paragraph (c)(1)(ii)(C) of this section, the Summer EBT agency must fill the remainder of the sample by selecting randomly from all applications.

(3) Summer EBT agencies may choose to sample at any frequency prior to April 1, but may not sample any applications after April 1.

(d) Verification after April 1. Applications that come in after April 1 are still subject to verification for cause, on a case-by-case basis, per paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(e) Direct verification. Summer EBT agencies must conduct direct verification activities with the programs eligible for use in streamlined certification, as defined in § 292.12(d), as well as records from other assistance programs and administrative data, where available. Data records are subject to the timeframe specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this section.

(1) Direct verification must be conducted prior to contacting the household for documentation.

(2) For the purposes of direct verification, documentation may indicate participation in an applicable program or income at any point during the period of eligibility. The information provided only needs to indicate eligibility at a single point in time during the period of eligibility, not that the child was eligible at the time of application or verification.

(3) Summer EBT agencies must include in their POM submission all sources of administrative data that is intended to be used for direct verification.

(f) Verification procedures and assistance for households—(1) Exceptions from verification. Verification is not required of households if all children in the household are determined eligible based on documentation provided by the State or local agency responsible for the administration of the SNAP, FDPIR, TANF, or another means tested program, as approved by the Secretary, or if all children in the household are determined to be foster, homeless, migrant, or runaway, as defined in § 245.2 of this chapter.

(2) Notification of selection. Households selected for verification must be notified in writing that their applications were selected for verification. The written statement must include a telephone number to contact for assistance. Any communications with households concerning verification must be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the maximum extent practicable, in a language that parents and guardians can understand. These households must be advised of the type of information or documents that will be expected. Households selected for verification must be informed that:

(i) They are required to submit the requested information to verify eligibility for Summer EBT benefits, by the date determined by the Summer EBT agency.

(ii) They may, instead, submit proof that the children receive assistance under SNAP, FDPIR, TANF, or another means tested program, as approved by the Secretary.

(iii) They may, instead, request that the Summer EBT agency contact the appropriate officials to confirm that their children are foster, homeless, migrant, or runaway.

(iv) Failure to cooperate with verification efforts will result in the termination of benefits.

(3) Sources of information. For the purposes of this section, sources of information for verification may include, but are not limited to, written evidence, individuals outside of the child's household who can verify the child's circumstances, and systems of records as follows:

(i) Written evidence must be used as the primary source of information for verification. Written evidence includes written confirmation of a household's circumstances, such as wage stubs, award letters, and letters from employers. Whenever written evidence is insufficient to confirm income information on the application or current eligibility, the verifying agency may require confirmation from a person outside of the child's household, or accept a statement from an adult member of the child's household.

(ii) Verbal confirmations of a household's circumstances by a person outside of the household may be made in person or by phone. The verifying official may select a person to contact if the household fails to designate one or designates one which is unacceptable to the verifying official. If the verifying official designates a person, contact must not be made without providing written or oral notice to the household. At the time of this notice, the household must be informed that it may consent to the contact or provide acceptable documentation in another form. If the household refuses to choose one of these options, its eligibility must be terminated in accordance with the normal procedures for failure to cooperate with verification efforts. Individuals outside of the child's household who can verify the child's circumstances could include but are not limited to: employers, social service agencies, school officials, and migrant agencies.

(iii) Agency records to which the verifying agency may have access are not considered to be the same as a person outside of the child's household who can verify their circumstances. Information concerning income, household size, or SNAP, FDPIR, or TANF eligibility, maintained by other government agencies to which the verifying agency can legally gain access, must be used to confirm a household's income, size, or receipt of benefits, as applicable. Information may also be obtained from individuals or agencies serving categorically eligible children, as defined in § 292.2, including foster, homeless, migrant, or runaway children.

(iv) Households which dispute the validity of income information acquired through an individual outside of the child's household or a system of records must be given the opportunity to provide other documentation.

(4) Documentation timeframe. Households selected and notified of their selection for verification must provide documentation of income. The documentation must indicate the source, amount and frequency of all household income and may indicate eligibility at any point during the period of eligibility. The information provided only needs to indicate eligibility for participation in the program at a single point in time during the period of eligibility, not that the child was certified for that program's benefits at the time of application or verification.

(5) Household cooperation. If a household refuses to cooperate with efforts to verify, eligibility for Summer EBT benefits must be terminated.

(6) Telephone assistance. The Summer EBT agency must provide a telephone number to households selected for verification to call free of charge to obtain information about the verification process. The telephone number must be prominently displayed on the letter to households selected for verification.

(7) Follow-up attempts. The Summer EBT agency must make at least two attempts, at least one week apart, to contact any household that does not respond to a verification request. The attempt may be through a telephone call, email, or mail, and must be documented. Non-response to the initial request for verification includes no response and incomplete or ambiguous responses that do not permit the Summer EBT agency to resolve the children's eligibility for Summer EBT benefits.

(8) Eligibility changes. The Summer EBT agency must complete the following activities if there is an eligibility change as a result of verification:

(i) Make appropriate modifications to the initial eligibility determinations.

(ii) Notify the household of any change in eligibility as a result of verification.

(iii)(A) The notice must advise the household of:

(1) The change;

(2) The reasons for the change;

(3) Notification of the right to appeal and when the appeal must be filed;

(4) Instructions on how to appeal; and

(5) The right to reapply at any time during the instructional year or summer operational period.

(B) Properly document and retain on file at the Summer EBT agency the reasons for ineligibility.

(9) Issuance of benefits. Benefits cannot be issued for applications selected for verification until the verification process is completed with the exception of verification for cause, as described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(10) Timing of verification for continuous school calendars. In the case of children who are enrolled in a school operating on a continuous school calendar, the Summer EBT agency must receive approval from USDA for any alternative plans for the timing of conducting verification, in accordance with the State or ITO's approved POM.

(11) Verification after benefit issuance. If a Summer EBT agency is alerted to a questionable application after initial approval or issuance of benefits, no further benefits should be issued until verification for cause, as outlined in paragraph (a)(1) of this section is complete and eligibility is confirmed.

(12) Nondiscrimination. The verification efforts must be applied without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, age, or disability.

(g) Verification of alternative income applications in 2024. In 2024, Summer EBT agencies or LEAs should, on a case-by-case basis, verify for cause any questionable Summer EBT application or alternate income applications used to confer Summer EBT eligibility and follow the procedures in paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 1762.
source: 88 FR 90355, Dec. 29, 2023, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 292.12