Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 400.301 - Basis, purpose, and applicability.

The regulations contained in this subpart are issued pursuant to the Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), to prescribe the procedures for nonstandard determinations and the assignment of assigned yields or premium rates in conformance with the intent of section 508 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 1508). These regulations are applicable to all policies of insurance insured or reinsured by the Corporation under the Act and on those policies where the insurance coverage or indemnities are based on determinations applicable to the individual insured. These regulations will not be applicable to any policy where the amount of coverage or indemnities are based on the experience of the area.

[62 FR 22876, Apr. 28, 1997]
§ 400.302 - Definitions.

Act means Federal Crop Insurance Act as amended (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.).

Actively engaged in farming means a person who, in return for a share of profits and losses, makes a contribution to the production of an insurable crop in the form of capital, equipment, land, personal labor, or personal management.

Actual yield means total harvested production of a crop divided by the number of acres on which the crop was planted. For insured acres, actual yield is the total production to count as defined in the insurance policy, divided by insured acres.

Assigned yield means units of crop production per acre administratively assigned by the Corporation for the purpose of determining insurance coverage.

Corporation means the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.

Cumulative earned premium rate is the total premium earned for all years in the base period, divided by the total liability for all years in the base period with the result expressed as a percentage.

Cumulative loss ratio means the ratio of total indemnities to total earned premiums during the base period expressed as a decimal.

Earned premium means premium earned (both the amount subsidized and the amount paid by the producer, but excluding any amount of the subsidy attributed to the operating and administrative expenses of the insurance provider) for a crop under a policy insured or reinsured by the Corporation.

Earned premium rate—means premium earned divided by liability and expressed as a percentage.

Entity—means a person as defined in this subpart other than an individual.

Indemnified loss means a loss applicable for the policy for any year during the NCS base period for which the total indemnity exceeds the total earned premium. If the person has insurance for the crop in more than one county for any crop year, indemnities and premiums will be accumulated for all counties for each crop year to determine an indemnified loss.

Insurance experience means earned premiums, indemnities paid (but not including replant payments), and other data for the crop (after applicable adjustments), resulting from all of the insured's crop insurance policies insured or reinsured by the Corporation for one or more crop years and will include all information from all counties in which the person was insured.

Loss ratio—means the ratio of indemnity to earned premium expressed as a decimal.

NCS means nonstandard classification system.

NCS base period means the 10 consecutive crop years (as defined in the crop policy) ending 2 crop years prior to the crop year in which the NCS classification becomes effective for all crops, except those specified on the Special Provisions. For these excepted crops, the NCS base period means the 10 consecutive crop years ending 3 crop years prior to the crop year in which the NCS classification becomes effective. For example: An NCS classification effective for the 1996 crop year against a producer of citrus production in Arizona, California, and Texas, or sugarcane would have a NCS base period that includes the 1984 through 1993 crop years. An NCS classification effective for the 1996 crop year against a producer of all other crops would have a NCS base period that includes the 1985 through 1994 crop years.

Person—means an individual, partnership, association, corporation, estate, trust, or other legal entity, and whenever applicable, a State or a political subdivision, or agency of a state.

Substantial beneficial interest—means an interest of 10 percent or more. In determining whether such an interest equals at least 10 percent, all interests which are owned directly or indirectly through such means as ownership of shares in a corporation which owns the interest will be taken into consideration.

[55 FR 32595, Aug. 10, 1990, as amended at 62 FR 22876, Apr. 28, 1997]
§ 400.303 - Initial selection criteria.

(a) Nonstandard classification procedures in this subpart initially apply when all of the following insurance experience criteria (including any applicable adjustment in § 400.303(d)) for the crop have been met:

(1) Three (3) or more indemnified losses during the NCS base period;

(2) Cumulative indemnities in the NCS base period that exceed cumulative premiums during the same period by at least $500;

(3) The result of dividing the number of indemnified losses during the NCS base period by the number of years premium is earned for that period equals .30 or greater; and

(4) Either of the following apply:

(i) The natural logarithm of the cumulative earned premium rate multiplied by the square root of the cumulative loss ratio equals 2.00 or greater; or

(ii) Five (5) or more indemnified losses have occurred during the NCS base period and the cumulative loss ratio equals or exceeds 1.50.

(b) The minimum standards provided in paragraphs (a) (2), (3), and (4) of this section may be increased in a specific county if that county's overall insurance experience for the crop is substantially different from the insurance experience for which the criteria was determined. The increased standard will apply until the conditions requiring the increase no longer apply. Any change in the standards will be contained in the Special Provisions for the crop.

(c) Selection criteria may be applied on the basis of insurance experience of a person, insured acreage, or the combination of both.

(1) Insurance experience of a person will include:

(i) Insurance experience of the person;

(ii) Insurance experience of other insured entities in which the person had substantial beneficial interest if the person was actively engaged in farming of the insured crop by virtue of the person's interest in those insured entities;

(iii) Insurance experience of a spouse and minor children if the person is an individual and the spouse and minor children are considered the same as the individual under § 400.306.

(2) Insurance experience of insured acreage includes all insurance experience during the base period resulting from the production of the insured crop on the acreage.

(3) Where insurance experience is based on a combination of person and insured acreage, the insurance experience will include the experience of the person as defined in paragraph (b) of this section (1) only on the specific insured acreage during the base period.

(d) Insurance experience for the crop will be adjusted, by county and crop year, to discount the effect of indemnities caused by widespread adverse growing conditions. Adjustments are determined as follows:

(1) Determine the average yield for the county using the annual county crop yields for the previous 20 crop years, unless such data is not available;

(2) Determine the normal variability in the average yield for the county, expressed as the standard deviation;

(3) Subtract the result of § 400.303(d)(2) from § 400.303(d)(1);

(4) Divide the annual crop yield for the county for each crop year in the NCS base period by the result of § 400.303(d)(3), the result of which may not exceed 1.0;

(5) Subtract the result of § 400.303(d)(4) for each crop year from 1.0;

(6) Multiply the result of § 400.303(d)(5) by the liability for the crop year; and

(7) Subtract the result of § 400.303(d)(6) from any indemnity for that crop year.

(e) FCIC may substitute the crop yields of a comparable crop in determining § 400.303(d) (1) and (2), or may adjust the average yield or the measurement of normal variability for the county crop, or any combination thereof, to account for trends or unusual variations in production of the county crop or if the availability of yield and loss data for the county crop is limited. Information about how these determinations are made is available by submitting a request to the FCIC Regional Service Office for the producer's area. Alternate methods of determining the effects of adverse growing conditions on insurance experience may be implemented by FCIC if allowed in the Special Provisions.

[55 FR 32595, Aug. 10, 1990, as amended at 62 FR 22876, Apr. 28, 1997]
§ 400.304 - Nonstandard Classification determinations.

(a) Nonstandard Classification determinations can affect a change in assigned yields, premium rates, or both from those otherwise prescribed by the insurance actuarial tables.

(b) Changes of assigned yields based on insurance experience of insured acreage (or of a person on specific insured acreage) will be based on the simple average of available actual yields from the insured acreage during the base period.

(c) Changes of assigned yields based on insurance experience of a person without regard to any specific insured acreage will be determined by an assigned yield factor calculated by multiplying excess loss cost ratio by loss frequency and subtracting that product from 1.00 where:

(1) Excess loss cost ratio is total indemnities divided by total liabilities for all years of insurance experience in the base period and the result of which is then reduced by the cumulative earned premium rate, expressed as a decimal, and

(2) Loss frequency is the number of crop years in which an indemnity was paid divided by the number of crop years in which premiums were earned during the base period.

(d) Changes of premium rates will be made to reflect premium rates that would have resulted in insurance experience during the base period with a loss ratio of 1.00 but:

(1) A higher loss ratio than 1.00 may be used for premium rate determinations provided that the higher loss ratio is applied uniformly in a county; and

(2) If a Nonstandard Classification change has been made to current assigned yields, insurance experience during the base period will be adjusted to reflect the affects of changed assigned yields before changes of premium rates are calculated based on that experience.

(e) Once selection criteria have been met in any year, Nonstandard Classification adjustments will be made from year to year until no further changes are necessary in assigned yields or premium rates under the conditions set forth in § 400.304(f). In determining whether further changes are necessary, the eligibility criteria will be recomputed each subsequent year using the premium rates and yields which would have been applicable had this part not been in effect.

(f) Nonstandard Classification changes will not be made that:

(1) Increase assigned yields or decrease premium rates from those otherwise assigned by the actuarial tables, or

(2) Result in less than a 10 percent decrease in assigned yields or less than a 10 percent increase in premium rates from those otherwise assigned by the actuarial tables.

§ 400.305 - Assignment of Nonstandard Classifications.

(a) Assignment of a Nonstandard Classification of assigned yields, assigned yield factors, or premium rates shall be made on forms approved by the Corporation and included in the actuarial tables for the county.

(b) Nonstandard classification assignment will be made each year, for the year identified on the assignment forms, and are not subject to change under the provisions of this subpart by the Corporation for that year when included in the actuarial tables for the county, except as a result of a request for reconsideration as provided in section 400.309, or as the result of appeals under 7 CFR part 11.

(c) A nonstandard classification may be assigned to identified insurable acreage; a person; or to a combination of person and identified acreage for a crop or crop practice, type, variety, or crop option or amendment whereby:

(1) Classifications assigned to identified insurable acreage apply to all acres of the insured crop grown on the identified acreage;

(2) Classifications assigned to a person apply to all insurable acres of the insured crop on which the person and any entity in which the person has substantial beneficial interest is actively engaged in farming; and

(3) Classifications assigned to a combination of a person and identified insurable acreage will only apply to those acres of the insured crop grown on the identified acreage on which the named person is actively engaged in producing such crop.

[55 FR 32595, Aug. 10, 1990, as amended at 62 FR 22877, Apr. 28, 1997]
§ 400.306 - Spouses and minor children.

(a) The spouse and minor children of an individual are considered to be the same as the individual for purposes of this subpart except that:

(1) The spouse who was actively engaged in farming in a separate farming operation prior to their marriage will be a separate person with respect to that separate farming operation so long as that operation remains separate and distinct from any farming operation conducted by the other spouse;

(2) A minor child who is actively engaged in farming in a separate farming operation will be a separate person with respect to that separate farming operation if:

(i) The parent or other entity in which the parent has a substantial beneficial interest does not have any interest in the minor's separate farming operation or in any production from such operation;

(ii) The minor has established and maintains a separate household from the parent;

(iii) The minor personally carries out the farming activities with respect to the minor's farming operation; and

(iv) The minor establishes separate accounting and recordkeeping for the minor's farming operation.

(b) An individual shall be considered to be a minor until the age of 18 is reached. Court proceedings conferring majority on an individual under 18 years of age will not change such individual's status as a minor.

§ 400.307 - Discontinuance of participation.

If the person has discontinued participation in the crop insurance program, the person will still be included on the NCS list in the county until the person has discontinued participation as a policyholder or a person with a substantial beneficial interest in a policyholder for at least 10 consecutive crop years. The most recent nonstandard classification assigned will be continued from year to year until participation has been renewed for at least one crop year and at least three years of insurance experience have occurred in the current base period. A nonstandard classification will no longer be applicable to the person or the person on identified acreage if the Corporation determines the person is deceased.

[62 FR 22877, Apr. 28, 1997]
§ 400.308 - Notice of Nonstandard Classification.

(a) The Corporation will give written notice to all persons to whom a Nonstandard Classification will be assigned. The notice will give the Nonstandard Classification and the person's rights and responsibilities according to this subpart.

(b) The person, upon receiving notice from the Corporation, will be responsible for giving notice of the Nonstandard Classification to any other person with an insurable interest affected by the classification. The person will give notice to any other affected person:

(1) Prior to the sales closing date if the other affected person has an established insurable interest at the time the classified person is notified by the Corporation; or

(2) Prior to the Classified person's establishing an insurable interest of another person that will be affected by the classification.

§ 400.309 - Requests for reconsideration.

(a) Any person to be assigned a nonstandard classification under this subpart will be notified of and allowed not less that 30 days from the date notice is received to request reconsideration before the nonstandard classification becomes effective. The request will be considered to have been made when received, in writing, by the Corporation.

(b) Upon receipt of a timely request for reconsideration from the person to whom the classification will be assigned, the Corporation will:

(1) Review all information supplied by, and respond to all questions raised by the individual, or

(2) In the absence of information and questions, review insurance experience and determinations for compliance with this subpart and report review results to the individual requesting reconsideration.

(c) Upon review of a request for reconsideration, the classification to be assigned will be corrected for:

(1) Errors and omissions in insurance experience;

(2) Incorrect calculations under procedures in this subpart, and

(3) Typographical errors.

(d) If the review finds no cause for change, the classification will be assigned and placed on file in the actuarial tables for the county.

(e) Any person not satisfied by a determination of the Corporation upon reconsideration may further appeal under the provisions of 7 CFR part 11.

[55 FR 32595, Aug. 10, 1990, as amended at 62 FR 22877, Apr. 28, 1997]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 1506(1), 1506(o)
cite as: 7 CFR 400.309