Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 400.650 - Purpose.

The Reform Act requires FCIC to implement a crop insurance program that offers several levels of insurance coverage for producers. These levels of protection include catastrophic risk protection, and additional coverage insurance. This subpart provides notice of the availability of these crop insurance options and establishes provisions and requirements for implementation of the insurance provisions of the Reform Act.

[61 FR 42975, Aug. 20, 1996, as amended at 68 FR 37721, June 25, 2003]
§ 400.651 - Definitions.

Act. The Federal Crop Insurance Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.).

Additional coverage. A level of coverage greater than catastrophic risk protection.

Administrative fee. An amount the producer must pay for catastrophic, and additional coverage each crop year on a per crop and county basis as specified in the Basic Provisions or the Catastrophic Risk Protection Endorsement.

Approved insurance provider. A private insurance company, including its agents, that has been approved and reinsured by FCIC to provide insurance coverage to producers participating in the Federal crop insurance program.

Approved yield. The actual production history (APH) yield, calculated and approved by the verifier, used to determine the production guarantee by summing the yearly actual, assigned, adjusted or unadjusted transitional yields and dividing the sum by the number of yields contained in the database, which will always contain at least four yields. The database may contain up to 10 consecutive crop years of actual or assigned yields. The approved yield may have yield adjustments elected under applicable policy provisions, or other limitations according to FCIC approved procedures applied when calculating the approved yield.

Catastrophic risk protection. The minimum level of coverage offered by FCIC which is required before a person may qualify for certain other USDA program benefits unless the producer executes a waiver of any eligibility for emergency crop loss assistance in connection with the crop. For the 1995 through 1998 crop years, such coverage will offer protection equal to fifty percent (50%) of the approved yield indemnified at sixty percent (60%) of the expected market price, or a comparable coverage as established by FCIC. For the 1999 and subsequent crop years, such coverage will offer protection equal to fifty percent (50%) of the approved yield indemnified at fifty-five percent (55%) of the expected market price, or a comparable coverage as established by FCIC.

Catastrophic Risk Protection Endorsement. The part of the crop insurance policy that contains provisions of insurance that are specific to catastrophic risk protection.

Crop of economic significance. A crop that has either contributed in the previous crop year, or is expected to contribute in the current crop year, ten percent (10%) or more of the total expected value of the producer's share of all crops grown in the county. However, a crop will not be considered a crop of economic significance if the expected liability under the Catastrophic Risk Protection Endorsement is equal to or less than the administrative fee required for the crop.

Expected market price. (price election) The price per unit of production (or other basis as determined by FCIC) anticipated during the period the insured crop normally is marketed by producers. This price will be set by FCIC before the sales closing date for the crop. The expected market price may be less than the actual price paid by buyers if such price typically includes remuneration for significant amounts of post-production expenses such as conditioning, culling, sorting, packing, etc.

FCIC. The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, a wholly owned Government Corporation within USDA.

FSA. The Farm Service Agency, an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture or any successor agency.

Insurable interest. The value of the producer's interest in the crop that is at risk from an insurable cause of loss during the insurance period. The maximum indemnity payable to the producer may not exceed the indemnity due on the producer's insurable interest at the time of loss.

Intended crop. A crop stated on the application as submitted on or before the sales closing date for the crop which the producer intended to plant in the crop year for which application is made.

Linkage requirement. The legal requirement that a producer must obtain at least catastrophic risk protection coverage for any crop of economic significance as a condition of receiving benefits for such crop from certain other USDA programs in accordance with § 400.655, unless the producer executes a waiver of any eligibility for emergency crop loss assistance in connection with the crop.

Person. An individual, partnership, association, corporation, estate, trust, or other legal entity, and wherever applicable, a state or a political subdivision or agency of a state.

Reform Act. The Federal Crop Insurance Reform Act of 1994, Public Law 103-354.

Secretary. The Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture.

Substitute crop. An alternative crop whose sales closing date has passed and that is planted on acreage that is prevented from being planted to an intended crop or where an intended crop is planted and fails.

Zero acreage report. An acreage report filed by the producer that certifies that the producer does not have a share in the crop for that crop year.

[61 FR 42975, Aug. 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 40634, July 30, 1998; 64 FR 40742, July 28, 1999; 68 FR 37721, June 25, 2003]
§ 400.652 - Insurance availability.

(a) If sufficient actuarial data are available, FCIC will offer catastrophic risk protection, and additional coverage plans of insurance to indemnify persons for FCIC insured or reinsured crop loss due to loss of yield or prevented planting, if the crop loss or prevented planting is due to an insured cause of loss specified in the applicable crop insurance policy.

(b) Catastrophic risk protection coverage may be offered through approved insurance providers and through local offices of the Farm Service Agency specified by the Secretary. Additional coverage will only be offered through approved insurance providers unless there is not a sufficient number of approved insurance providers that offer such insurance within a service area.

(c) A person must obtain at least catastrophic risk protection for the crop on all insurable acreage in the county in which the person has a share on or before the sales closing date designated by FCIC for the crop in the county in order to satisfy the linkage requirements unless the producer executes a waiver of any eligibility for emergency crop loss assistance in connection with the crop.

(d) For additional coverage, in areas where insurance is not available for a particular agricultural commodity that is insurable elsewhere, FCIC may enter into a written agreement with a person to insure the commodity, provided that the person has actuarially sound data relating to the production of the commodity that is acceptable to FCIC and that such written agreement is specifically allowed by the crop insurance regulations applicable to the crop.

(e) Failure to comply with all provisions of the policy constitutes a breach of contract and may result in ineligibility for certain other farm program benefits for that crop year and any benefit already received must be refunded. If a producer breaches the insurance contract, the execution of a waiver of eligibility for emergency crop loss assistance will not be effective for the crop year in which the breech occurred.

[61 FR 42975, Aug. 20, 1996, as amended at 68 FR 37721, June 25, 2003]
§ 400.653 - Determining crops of economic significance.

To be eligible for certain other program benefits under § 400.655 the following conditions will apply with respect to crops of economic significance if the producer does not execute a waiver of any eligibility for emergency crop loss assistance in connection with the crop.

(a) If a producer planted a crop of economic significance in the preceding crop year, and does not intend to plant the same crop in the present crop year, the producer does not have to obtain insurance coverage or execute a waiver of any eligibility for emergency crop loss assistance in connection with the crop in the present crop year to comply with the linkage requirements. However, if the producer later decides to plant that crop, the producer will be unable to obtain insurance after the sales closing date and must execute a waiver of any eligibility for emergency crop loss assistance in connection with the crop to be eligible for benefits as specified in § 400.655. Failure to execute such a waiver will require the producer to refund any benefits already received under a program specified in § 400.655.

(b) The producer is initially responsible to determine the crops of economic significance in the county. The insurance provider may assist the producer in making these initial determinations. However, these determinations will not be binding on the insurance provider. To determine the percentage value of each crop:

(1) Multiply the acres planted to the crop times the producer's share, times the approved yield, and times the price;

(2) Add the values of all crops grown by the producer (in the county); and

(3) Divide the value of the specific crop by the result of paragraph (b)(2).

(c) The producer may use the type of price, such as the current local market price, futures price, established price, highest amount of insurance, etc., for the price when calculating the value of each crop, provided that the producer uses the same type of price for all crops in the county.

(d) The producer may be required to justify the calculation and provide adequate records to enable the insurance provider to verify whether a crop is of economic significance.

[61 FR 42975, Aug. 20, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 40742, July 28, 1999]
§ 400.654 - Application and acreage report.

(a) To participate in catastrophic risk protection, or additional coverage plans of insurance, a producer must submit an application for insurance on or before the applicable sales closing date.

(b) In order to remain eligible for certain farm programs, as specified in § 400.655, a producer must obtain at least catastrophic risk protection on all crops of economic significance, if catastrophic risk protection is available in the county, unless the producer executes a waiver of any eligibility for emergency crop loss assistance in connection with the crop.

(c) Notwithstanding the requirements of § 400.654(a) that applications for insurance be submitted on or before the applicable sales closing date, FCIC may permit a producer to insure crops other than those specified on the application under the following conditions:

(1) The producer must be unable to plant the intended crop or it is not practical to replant a failed crop before the final planting date. FCIC will take into consideration marketing windows when determining whether it was not practical to replant.

(2) Conditions must exist to warrant allowing a producer to insure crops other than the intended crop.

(3) The producer must submit an application for the substitute crop on or before the acreage reporting date for the substitute crop and pay any applicable administrative fee. A producer may not substitute a crop that the producer planted in the preceding crop year unless that crop was listed on a timely filed application for the current crop year.

(4) If the producer plants a substitute crop that is a crop of economic significance, the producer must obtain CAT coverage, if available, to comply with the linkage requirements specified in § 400.655. The producer may not substitute a crop under this provision if the producer has signed or intends to sign a waiver for emergency crop loss assistance for the crop year.

(5) The substitute crop must be planted on or before the final planting date or within the late planting period, if applicable, for the substitute crop.

(6) Under no circumstances may a producer submit an application for additional coverage after the sales closing date for the substitute crop.

(d) For all coverages, including catastrophic risk protection, and additional coverages, the producer must file a signed acreage report on or before the acreage reporting date. Any person may sign any document relative to crop insurance coverage on behalf of any other person covered by such a policy, provided that the person has a properly executed power of attorney or other legally sufficient document authorizing such person to sign.

(e) Under catastrophic risk protection, unless the other person with an insurable interest in the crop objects in writing prior to the acreage reporting date and provides a signed acreage report on their own behalf an operator may sign the acreage report for all other persons with an insurable interest in the crop without a power of attorney. All persons with an insurable interest in the crop, and for whom the operator purports to sign and represent, are bound by the information contained in that acreage report.

[61 FR 42975, Aug. 20, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 40742, July 28, 1999; 68 FR 37721, June 25, 2003]
§ 400.655 - Eligibility for other program benefits.

The producer must obtain at least catastrophic coverage for each crop of economic significance in the county in which the producer has an insurable share, if insurance is available in the county for the crop, unless the producer executes a waiver of any eligibility for emergency crop loss assistance in connection with the crop, to be eligible for:

(a) Benefits under the Agricultural Market Transition Act;

(b) Loans or any other USDA provided farm credit, including: guaranteed and direct farm ownership loans, operating loans, and emergency loans under the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act provided after October 13, 1994; and

(c) Benefits under the Conservation Reserve Program derived from any new or amended application or contract executed after October 13, 1994.

[61 FR 42975, Aug. 20, 1996. Redesignated at 63 FR 40634, July 30, 1998]
§§ 400.656-400.657 - §[Reserved]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 1506(1), 1506(o)
cite as: 7 CFR 400.653