Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 400.675 - Purpose.

This subpart prescribes conditions under which a person may be determined to be ineligible to participate in any program administered under the authority of the Federal Crop Insurance Act. This subpart also establishes the criteria for regaining eligibility.

§ 400.676 - [Reserved]
§ 400.677 - Definitions.

As used in this subpart:

Act means the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1501-1524).

Applicant means a person who has submitted an application for crop insurance coverage under the Act.

Authorized person means any current or past officer, employee, elected official, managing general agent, agent, or contractor of an insurance provider, FCIC, or any other government agency whose duties require access to the ITS to administer the Act.

Controlled substance has the same meaning provided in 7 CFR 3021.610.

Conviction means a judgment or any other determination of guilt of a criminal offense by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether entered upon a verdict or plea, including a plea of no contest.

Date of delinquency means: The termination date specified in the applicable policy for administrative fees and premiums owed for insurance issued under the authority of the Act, and any interest and penalties on those amounts, if applicable; and the due date specified in the notice to the person of the amount due for any other amounts due the insurance provider or FCIC for insurance issued under the authority of the Act. Other amounts due include, but are not limited to, indemnities, prevented planting payments, or replant payments found not to have been earned or that were overpaid, premium billed with a due date after the termination date for the crop year in which premium is earned, and any interest, administrative fees, and penalties on such amounts, if applicable. Payments postmarked or received before the date of delinquency by the insurance provider or its agent for debts owed to the insurance provider, or by FCIC for debts owed to FCIC, are not delinquent.

Debt means an amount of money that has been determined to be owed by any person to FCIC or an insurance provider, excluding money owed to an insurance provider's agent, under any program administered under the Act. The debt may have arisen from nonpayment of interest, penalties, premium, or administrative fee; overpayment of indemnity, prevented planting or replant payment; cost of collection; or other causes. A debt does not include debts discharged in bankruptcy.

Debtor means a person who owes a debt and that debt is delinquent.

Delinquent debt means a debt that is not satisfied on or before the date of delinquency. To avoid delinquency or ineligibility due to a delinquent debt, a debtor may enter into a written payment agreement acceptable to the insurance provider or FCIC to pay any such debt as long as all payments are made by the due dates specified in such written payment agreement. A delinquent debt does not include debts discharged in bankruptcy or any debt to an insurance provider's agent.

Employer Identification Number (EIN) means a Tax Identification Number issued by the Internal Revenue Service used to identify a business entity, and may also be referred to as a Federal Tax Identification Number.

Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) means a list maintained by the General Services Administration that provides a source of current information about persons who are excluded or disqualified from covered transactions, including the date the person was determined ineligible and the date the period of ineligibility ends.

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) means a wholly owned government corporation within the USDA.

Ineligible person means a person who is denied participation in any program administered under the authority of the Act.

Ineligible Tracking System (ITS) means an electronic system to identify persons who are ineligible to participate in any program pursuant to this subpart.

Insurance Provider means a legal entity which has entered into a Standard Reinsurance Agreement, Livestock Price Reinsurance Agreement, or other reinsurance agreement, as applicable, with FCIC for the applicable reinsurance year.

Livestock Price Reinsurance Agreement means a cooperative financial assistance agreement between FCIC and an insurance provider to deliver eligible livestock price insurance contracts under the authority of the Act and establishes the terms and conditions under which FCIC will provide subsidy and reinsurance on eligible livestock price insurance policies sold.

Meaningful opportunity to contest means the opportunity for the insured to resolve disagreements with a decision by the insurance provider through requesting a review of the decision by the insurance provider, mediation, arbitration, or judicial review, as applicable.

Person means an individual, partnership, association, corporation, estate, trust, or other legal entity, and wherever applicable, a State or political subdivision or agency of a State. “Person” does not include the United States Government or any agency thereof.

Qualified alien has the same meaning provided in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1641).

Reinstatement means that the policy will retain the same plan of insurance, coverage levels, price percentages, endorsements and options the person had prior to termination, provided the person continues to meet all eligibility requirements, comply with the terms of the policy, and there is no evidence of misrepresentation or fraud.

Social Security Number (SSN) means an individual's Social Security Number as issued under the authority of the Social Security Act.

Standard Reinsurance Agreement (SRA) means a cooperative financial assistance agreement between FCIC and an insurance provider to deliver eligible crop insurance contracts under the authority of the Act and establishes the terms and conditions under which FCIC will provide subsidy and reinsurance on eligible crop insurance policies sold.

Substantial beneficial interest has the same meaning as contained in the applicable policy.

USDA means the United States Department of Agriculture.

United States non-citizen national has the same meaning provided in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. § 1408).

Written payment agreement means a written document between a debtor and the insurance provider, or FCIC, that is signed and dated by all applicable parties to satisfy financial obligations of the debtor with scheduled installment payments under conditions that modify the terms of the original debt in accordance with § 400.681.

[79 FR 2079, Jan. 13, 2014, as amended at 81 FR 42472, June 30, 2016]
§ 400.678 - Applicability.

This subpart applies to any program administered under the authority of the Act, including but not limited to:

(a) The catastrophic risk protection plan of insurance;

(b) The additional coverage plans of insurance as authorized under section 508(c) of the Act;

(c) Private insurance products authorized under section 508(h) or 523(d) of the Act and reinsured by FCIC; and

(d) Persons entering contracts or cooperative agreements under sections 506(l), 522(c), 522(d), or 524(a) of the Act.

§ 400.679 - Criteria for ineligibility.

Except as otherwise provided, a person is ineligible to participate in any program administered under the authority of the Act if the person meets one or more of the following criteria:

(a) Has a delinquent debt:

(1) The existence and delinquency of the debt must be verifiable.

(2) The person has to be provided a meaningful opportunity to contest the debt.

(3) If the person contests the debt, such action does not delay or preclude:

(i) Effect of the determination of ineligibility;

(ii) Determination or notification of ineligibility in accordance with § 400.682;

(iii) Termination of the applicable crop insurance policies; or

(iv) Ineligible persons being reported in accordance with § 400.682 or the ineligible persons being recorded in the ITS.

(4) If the person is determined not to owe the debt, eligibility is reinstated retroactive to the date of the determination of ineligibility, any applicable policies will be reinstated, and any applicable indemnity, prevented planting or replant payment earned may be paid provided the person has continued to comply with the terms of the policy;

(b) Is an individual and has been convicted of a controlled substance violation according to § 400.680;

(c) Has been disqualified under section 515(h) of the Act.;

(d) Is an individual and is not a United States citizen, United States non-citizen national, or a qualified alien. Such individuals may not be recorded in the ITS; however, such individuals are ineligible under the provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, 8 U.S.C. 1611;

(e) Has been suspended or debarred for committing a crime specified in 2 CFR part 180 or 2 CFR part 417, or 7 U.S.C. 2209j (Ineligibility determinations will not be stayed pending review. However, reversal of the determination of ineligibility will reinstate eligibility retroactive to the date of the determination of ineligibility, and any applicable policies will be reinstated);

(f) Has been debarred for knowingly doing business with a person debarred or suspended under 2 CFR part 180 or 2 CFR part 417 or 7 U.S.C. 2209j; or

(g) Has requested the Administrator, Risk Management Agency, for consideration to reinstate their eligibility in accordance with the applicable policy provisions and such request has been denied.

[79 FR 2079, Jan. 13, 2014, as amended at 79 FR 37161, July 1, 2014; 81 FR 42472, June 30, 2016]
§ 400.680 - Controlled substance.

(a) This section implements section 1764 of the Food Security Act of 1985 (Pub. L. 99-198) and Chapter 13 of Title 21 requiring the denial of Federal Benefits, including crop insurance, to individuals convicted of controlled substance violations in accordance with paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual will be ineligible to participate in any program authorized under the Act, as provided in § 400.683, if the individual is convicted under Federal or State law of planting, cultivating, growing, producing, harvesting, or storing a controlled substance in any crop year.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual may, as determined by the court, be ineligible to participate in any program authorized under the Act, as provided in § 400.683, if the person is convicted under Federal or State law of possession of or trafficking in a controlled substance.

§ 400.681 - Written payment agreement.

(a) Written payment agreements shall:

(1) Require scheduled installment payments that will allow for full repayment of the debt within the time frame allotted in paragraph (a)(2) of this section;

(2) Not exceed two years in duration; and

(3) Not be modified, replaced, or consolidated after it has been executed in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) To avoid being determined to be ineligible through the execution of a written payment agreement:

(1) For a debt arising from any unpaid premium, administrative fees, or catastrophic risk protection fees:

(i) Only one written payment agreement is permitted per termination date. A written payment agreement may cover multiple crops provided they all have the same termination date; and

(ii) The written payment agreement must be signed by both parties, the debtor and the insurance provider or FCIC, as applicable, on or before the termination date specified in the applicable policy to prevent an ineligible determination for a delinquent debt.

(2) For all other debts, the written payment agreement must be signed by both parties, the debtor and the insurance provider or FCIC, as applicable, on or before the due date specified in the notice to the person of the amount due to prevent an ineligible determination for a delinquent debt.

§ 400.682 - Determination and notification.

(a) The insurance provider must send a written notice of the debt to the person, including the time frame in which the debt must be paid, and provide the person with a meaningful opportunity to contest the amount or existence of the debt. Once a debtor has filed bankruptcy and the insurance provider is formally informed of such through the court or the debtor, no request for payment of the debt can be made, unless approved in writing by the Office of General Counsel. The debtor may be notified of the amount of debt and ineligibility for crop insurance.

(1) The insurance provider shall evaluate the person's response, if any, and determine if the debt is owed and delinquent.

(2) Upon request by FCIC, the insurance provider shall submit all documentation related to the debt to FCIC.

(b) If an insurance provider or any other person has evidence that a person meets criteria set forth in § 400.679(a), (b), (c), (e) or (f), they must immediately notify FCIC.

(c) After the insurance provider determines a person has met one or more of the criteria in § 400.679 and notifies FCIC, FCIC will issue and mail a Notice of Ineligibility to the person's last known address and to the insurance provider. Notices sent to such address will be conclusively presumed to have been received by that person.

(d) The Notice of Ineligibility will state the criteria upon which the determination of ineligibility has been based, a brief statement of the facts to support the determination, the time period of ineligibility, and the right to appeal the determination to be placed on the ITS in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.

(e) Within 30 days of receiving the Notice of Ineligibility, the ineligible person may appeal FCIC's determination to be placed on ITS to the National Appeals Division in accordance with 7 CFR part 11. The existence and amount of the debt is determined by the insurance provider, not FCIC; therefore, those determinations are not appealable to the National Appeals Division.

(f) If the person appeals FCIC's determination to be placed on ITS to the National Appeals Division, the insurance provider will be notified and provided with an opportunity to participate in the proceeding, if permitted by 7 CFR part 11.

(g) No later than 60 days after the termination date, a missed payment date of a previously executed written payment agreement, or in the case of an overpaid indemnity or any amount that became due after the termination date, the due date specified in a notice to the person of an amount due, as applicable, such ineligible person may request consideration for reinstatement from the Administrator, Risk Management Agency, in accordance with section 2 of the Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions (7 CFR 457.8).

[79 FR 2079, Jan. 13, 2014, as amended at 79 FR 37161, July 1, 2014; 81 FR 42472, June 30, 2016]
§ 400.683 - Period of ineligibility.

(a) The beginning of the period of ineligibility will be:

(1) For ineligibility as a result of a delinquent debt, beginning on the date stated in the applicable policy;

(2) For ineligibility as a result of a conviction under Federal or State law of:

(i) Planting, cultivating, growing, producing, harvesting, or storing a controlled substance, the beginning of the crop year in which the individual is convicted; or

(ii) Possession of or trafficking in a controlled substance, the beginning of the crop year in which the individual is convicted, unless determined otherwise by the court.

(3) For ineligibility as a result of a disqualification, debarment, or suspension under 515(h) of the Act, 2 CFR part 180, 2 CFR part 417, the date the person was disqualified, debarred, or suspended by debarring official, Administrative Law Judge, or such other person authorized to take such action; and

(4) For debarment under 7 U.S.C. 2209j,the.

(b) The duration of the period of ineligibility will be:

(1) For ineligibility as a result of a delinquent debt, until the debt has been paid in full discharged in bankruptcy, or the person has executed a written payment agreement.

(2) For ineligibility as a result of a conviction under Federal or State law of:

(i) Planting, cultivating, growing, producing, harvesting, or storing a controlled substance, four crop years succeeding the crop year in which the person was convicted; and

(ii) Possession of a controlled substance or trafficking in a controlled substance, in addition to the time of ineligibility imposed in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, until the period of time imposed by a court has expired.

(3) For ineligibility as a result of a disqualification, debarment, or suspension under section 515(h) of the Act, or 2 CFR part 180 and 2 CFR part 417 until the period of time of disqualification, debarment, or suspension, as applicable, has expired.

(4) For ineligibility as a result of not being a United States citizen, United States non-citizen national, or a qualified alien, until the date such individual becomes a United States citizen, United States non-citizen national, or a qualified alien.

(5) For ineligibility as a result of a conviction falling under 7 U.S.C. 2209j,permanent.

§ 400.684 - Effect of ineligibility.

(a) The effect of ineligibility depends on the basis for the determination.

(1) Persons who are ineligible as a result of a delinquent debt are ineligible for crop insurance authorized under the Act for a certain time period in accordance with § 400.683. Filing for bankruptcy does not make the person eligible for crop insurance or preclude the ineligible person from being placed on the ITS in accordance with § 400.684(b)(1).

(2) Persons who are ineligible as a result of a suspension or debarment are precluded from:

(i) Participating in all programs authorized under the Act, including but not limited to:

(A) Obtaining crop insurance;

(B) Acting as an agent, loss adjuster, insurance provider, or affiliate, as defined in the Standard Reinsurance Agreement or Livestock Price Reinsurance Agreement, or successor agreements;

(C) Entering into any contracts with FCIC under sections 506(l) and section 522(c) of the Act; and

(D) Entering into any cooperative agreements or partnerships under sections 506(l), 522(d) and 524(a) of the Act; and

(ii) Participating in any other covered transaction as specified in 2 CFR part 180 and 2 CFR part 417.

(3) Persons who are ineligible because of disqualification under section 515(h) of the Act are precluded from participating in all programs authorized under the Act indicated in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, and those listed in section 515(h)(3)(B) and (C) of the Act.

(4) Individuals who are ineligible because of a conviction of a violation of the controlled substance provisions or are not a United States citizen, United States non-citizen national, or a qualified alien are precluded from participating in any program authorized under the Act indicated in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section.

(5) Persons who are ineligible as a result of a conviction falling under 7 U.S.C. 2209j,are.

(b) Once a person has been determined to be ineligible:

(1) The ineligible person will be placed on the ITS and may be reported to other government agencies, unless the ineligible person is an individual and the sole reason for ineligibility is because the individual is not a United States citizen, United States non-citizen national, or qualified alien.

(2) If the ineligible person is an individual:

(i) All crop insurance policies in which the ineligible person is the sole insured will terminate if the person is ineligible for any reason other than a controlled substance violation, or be void if the person is ineligible due to conviction of a controlled substance violation according to § 400.680, and the person will remain ineligible for crop insurance for the applicable period specified in § 400.683; and

(ii) The ineligible person must be reported on all policies in which the ineligible person has a substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured, and the insured share under such policy will be reduced commensurate with the ineligible person's substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured for as long as the ineligible person remains ineligible in accordance with § 400.683.

(3) If the ineligible person is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture and is ineligible as a result of:

(i) A delinquent debt:

(A) All partners or members of the ineligible general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture will be ineligible;

(B) The ineligible general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture and all partners and members of the ineligible general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture will remain ineligible for crop insurance for the applicable period specified in § 400.683;

(C) All crop insurance policies in which the ineligible general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture is the sole insured will terminate;

(D) All crop insurance policies in which the ineligible partner or member is the sole insured will terminate; and

(E) The ineligible general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture and all ineligible partners or members must be reported on any other policy in which they have a substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured, and the insured share under such policies will be reduced commensurate with the ineligible general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture or the ineligible partners' or members' substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured for as long as they remain ineligible in accordance with § 400.683; or

(ii) Meeting the criteria specified in § 400.679(c), (e) or (f):

(A) All crop insurance policies in which the ineligible general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture is the sole insured will terminate, and the ineligible general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture will remain ineligible for crop insurance for the applicable period specified in § 400.683; and

(B) The ineligible general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company, or joint venture must be reported on any other policy in which it has a substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured, and the insured share under such policies will be reduced commensurate with the ineligible general partnership's, limited partnership's, limited liability partnership's, limited liability company's, or joint venture's substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured for as long as it remains ineligible in accordance with § 400.683.

(4) If the ineligible person is an association, estate, trust, corporation, or other similar entity, and is ineligible as a result of:

(i) A delinquent debt:

(A) Any partners, members, shareholders, administrators, executors, trustees, or grantors may be individually ineligible if the delinquent debt occurred as a result of their actions or inactions, as determined by the insurance provider or FCIC;

(B) All policies in which the ineligible association, estate, trust, corporation, or other similar entity is the sole insured will terminate, and it will remain ineligible for crop insurance for the applicable period specified in § 400.683.

(C) The ineligible association, estate, trust, corporation, or other similar entity must be reported on any other policy in which it has a substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured, and the insured share under such policies will be reduced commensurate with the ineligible entity's substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured for as long as the person remains ineligible in accordance with § 400.683;

(D) All policies in which a partner, member, shareholder, administrator, executor, trustee, or grantor determined ineligible according to § 400.684(b)(4)(i)(A) is the sole insured will terminate, and the person will remain ineligible for crop insurance for the applicable period specified in § 400.683; and

(E) The ineligible partner, member, shareholder, administrator, executor, trustee, or grantor must be reported on any other policy in which they have a substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured, and the insured share under such policies will be reduced commensurate with the ineligible person's substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured for as long as the person remains ineligible in accordance with § 400.683; or

(ii) Meeting the criteria specified in § 400.679(c), (e) or (f):

(A) All crop insurance policies in which the ineligible association, estate, trust, corporation, or other similar entity is the sole insured will terminate, and the ineligible association, estate, trust, corporation, or other similar entity will remain ineligible for crop insurance for the applicable period specified in § 400.683; and

(B) The ineligible association, estate, trust, corporation, or other similar entity must be reported on any other policy in which it has a substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured, and the insured share under such policies will be reduced commensurate with the ineligible association, estate, trust, corporation, or other similar entity's substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured for as long as it remains ineligible in accordance with § 400.683.

(5) If an applicant or insured is a corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, limited partnership, or other similar entity that was created to conceal the interest of an ineligible person or to evade the ineligibility determination of a person with a substantial beneficial interest in the applicant or insured, the policy will be void.

(6) All crop insurance policies in which the ineligible person is insured as landlord/tenant will terminate on the next termination date. The other person(s) on such policy may submit a new application for crop insurance coverage on or before the applicable sales closing date to obtain insurance coverage for the crop, if they are otherwise eligible for such coverage.

(c) The spouse and minor child of an individual insured is considered to be the same as the individual for purposes of this subpart and subject to the same ineligibility, except when:

(1) The individual is ineligible due to a conviction of a controlled substance violation in accordance with § 400.680;

(2) The individual is ineligible as a result of a felony conviction for knowingly defrauding the United States in connection with any program administered by USDA;

(3) The individual is ineligible because they are not a United States citizen, United States non-citizen national, or a qualified alien;

(4) The individual is ineligible as a result of a disqualification, debarment, or suspension;

(5) The spouse can prove they are legally separated or otherwise legally separate under the applicable State dissolution of marriage laws; or

(6) The minor child has a separate legal interest in such person or is engaged in a separate farming operation from the individual.

(d) Notwithstanding § 400.684(f), when a policy is voided in accordance with this subpart:

(1) No indemnities or payments will be paid for the voided policy;

(2) Any indemnities or payments already made for the voided policy will be declared overpayments and must be repaid in full; and

(3) No premiums will be due and any premium paid will be refunded except when the policy is void due to a conviction of a controlled substance violation according to § 400.680, in which case the insured will still be required to pay 20 percent of the premium the insured would otherwise be required to pay to offset costs in the servicing of the policy.

(e) When the insured share of a policy is reduced in accordance with this subpart:

(1) Any indemnities or payments commensurate with the share reduced already made will be declared overpayments and must be repaid in full; and

(2) Any premiums paid by the insured commensurate with the share reduced will be refunded.

(f) Any insurance written by an insurance provider to any person who is ineligible under the provisions of this subpart is not eligible for reinsurance by FCIC. All premium subsidies, expenses, or other payments made by FCIC for insurance written for any person who is ineligible under the provisions of this subpart must be immediately refunded to FCIC. However, with regard to policies that would be void due to a conviction of a controlled substance violation according to § 400.680, if the insurance provider follows the procedures of FCIC and the requirements of the regulations, reinsurance will continue to be provided under the reinsurance agreement on the policy unless it is shown that the agent or insurance provider had knowledge of the facts which would indicate ineligibility on the part of the insured and failed to act on that knowledge.

§ 400.685 - Criteria for regaining eligibility.

After the period of ineligibility as specified in § 400.683 has ended, the ineligible person is eligible to participate in programs authorized under the Act, provided the person meets all eligibility requirements.

(a) After a person regains eligibility for crop insurance when their policy was terminated or voided, the person must submit a new application for crop insurance coverage on or before the applicable sales closing date to obtain insurance coverage for the crop. If the date of regaining eligibility occurs after the applicable sales closing date for the crop, the person may not participate until the following year unless that crop policy allows for applications to be accepted after the sales closing date.

(b) If a person who was determined ineligible according to this subpart is subsequently determined to be an eligible person for crop insurance through reinstatement, mediation, arbitration, appeal, or judicial review, such person's policies will be reinstated effective at the beginning of the crop year for which the producer was determined ineligible, and such person will be entitled to all applicable benefits under such policies, provided the person meets all eligibility requirements and complies with the terms of the policy.

[79 FR 2079, Jan. 13, 2014, as amended at 79 FR 37161, July 1, 2014]
§ 400.686 - Administration and maintenance.

(a) Ineligible producer data will be maintained in a system of records established and maintained by the Risk Management Agency in accordance with the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a).

(1) The ITS contains identifying information of the ineligible person, including but not limited to, name, address, telephone number, SSN or EIN, reason for ineligibility, and time period of ineligibility.

(2) Information in the ITS may be used by an authorized person. The information may be furnished to other users as may be appropriate or required by law or regulation, including but not limited to, FCIC contracted agencies, other government agencies, credit reporting agencies, and collection agencies, and in response to judicial orders in the course of litigation. The individual information may be made available in the form of various reports and notices.

(3) Supporting documentation regarding the determination of ineligibility and reinstatement or regaining of eligibility will be maintained by FCIC, or its contractors, insurance providers, Federal agencies, and State agencies. This documentation will be maintained and retained consistent with the electronic information contained within the ITS.

(b) Information may be entered into the ITS by FCIC employees or contractors, or insurance providers.

(c) All persons applying for crop insurance policies or with an existing policy, issued or reinsured by FCIC, will be subject to validation of their eligibility status against the ITS. Applications, transfers, or benefits approved and accepted are considered approved or accepted subject to review of eligibility status in accordance with this subpart.

(d) Insurance providers, partners, cooperators, and contractors must check to ensure that the persons with whom they are doing business are eligible to participate in the programs authorized under the Act. Insurance providers, partners, cooperators, and contractors must check the ITS but the ITS may not include all persons ineligible to receive government benefits, such as persons debarred, disqualified or suspended from receiving government benefits by an agency other than FCIC. Insurance providers, partners, cooperators, and contractors must check other sources that contain ineligible persons, including but not limited to EPLS, or successor list, provide data on persons ineligible to participate in programs authorized under the Act.

authority: 7 U.S.C. 1506(1), 1506(o)
cite as: 7 CFR 400.679