Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 986.1 - Accumulator.
Accumulator means a person who compiles inshell pecans from other persons for the purpose of resale or transfer.
§ 986.2 - Act.
Act means Public Act No. 10, 73d Congress, as amended and as reenacted and amended by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).
§ 986.3 - Affiliation.
Affiliation. This term normally appears as “affiliate of” or “affiliated with,” and means a person such as a grower or sheller who is: A grower or handler that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, owns or controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with the grower or handler specified; or a grower or handler that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, is connected in a proprietary capacity, or shares the ownership or control of the specified grower or handler with one or more other growers or handlers. As used in this part, the term “control” (including the terms “controlling,” “controlled by,” and “under the common control with”) means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a handler or a grower, whether through voting securities, membership in a cooperative, by contract or otherwise.
§ 986.4 - Blowouts.
Blowouts mean lightweight or underdeveloped inshell pecan nuts that are considered of lesser quality and market value.
§ 986.5 - To certify.
To certify means the issuance of a certification of inspection of pecans by the inspection service.
§ 986.6 - Confidential data or information.
Confidential data or information submitted to the Council consists of data or information constituting a trade secret or disclosure of the trade position, financial condition, or business operations of a particular entity or its customers.
§ 986.7 - Container.
Container means a box, bag, crate, carton, package (including retail packaging), or any other type of receptacle used in the packaging or handling of pecans.
§ 986.8 - Council.
Council means the American Pecan Council established pursuant to § 986.45, American Pecan Council.
§ 986.9 - Crack.
Crack means to break, crack, or otherwise compromise the outer shell of a pecan so as to expose the kernel inside to air outside the shell.
§ 986.10 - Cracks.
Cracks refer to an accumulated group or container of pecans that have been cracked in harvesting or handling.
§ 986.11 - Custom harvester.
Custom harvester means a person who harvests inshell pecans for a fee.
§ 986.12 - Department or USDA.
Department or USDA means the United States Department of Agriculture.
§ 986.13 - Disappearance.
Disappearance means the difference between the sum of grower-cleaned production and handler-cleaned production (whether from improved orchards or native and seedling groves) and the sum of inshell and shelled merchantable pecans reported on an inshell weight basis.
§ 986.14 - Farm Service Agency.
Farm Service Agency or FSA means that agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
§ 986.15 - Fiscal year.
Fiscal year means the twelve months from October 1 to September 30, both inclusive, or any other such period deemed appropriate by the Council and approved by the Secretary.
§ 986.16 - Grade and size.
Grade and size means any of the officially established grades of pecans and any of the officially established sizes of pecans as set forth in the United States standards for inshell and shelled pecans or amendments thereto, or modifications thereof, or other variations of grade and size based thereon recommended by the Council and approved by the Secretary.
§ 986.17 - Grower.
(a) Grower is synonymous with producer and means any person engaged within the production area in a proprietary capacity in the production of pecans if such person:
(1) Owns an orchard and harvests its pecans for sale (even if a custom harvester is used); or
(2) Is a lessee of a pecan orchard and has the right to sell the harvest (even if the lessee must remit a percentage of the crop or rent to a lessor).
(b) The term “grower” shall only include those who produce a minimum of 50,000 pounds of inshell pecans during a representative period (average of four years) or who own a minimum of 30 pecan acres according to the FSA, including acres calculated by the FSA based on pecan tree density. In the absence of any FSA delineation of pecan acreage, the regular definition of an acre will apply. The Council may recommend changes to this definition subject to the approval of the Secretary.
§ 986.18 - Grower-cleaned production.
Grower-cleaned production means production harvested and processed through a cleaning plant to determine volumes of improved pecans, native and seedling pecans, and substandard pecans to transfer to a handler for sale.
§ 986.19 - Handler.
Handler means any person who handles inshell or shelled pecans in any manner described in § 986.20.
§ 986.20 - To handle.
To handle means to receive, shell, crack, accumulate, warehouse, roast, pack, sell, consign, transport, export, or ship (except as a common or contract carrier of pecans owned by another person), or in any other way to put inshell or shelled pecans into any and all markets in the stream of commerce either within the area of production or from such area to any point outside thereof. The term “to handle” shall not include: sales and deliveries within the area of production by growers to handlers; grower warehousing; custom handling (except for selling, consigning or exporting) or other similar activities paid for on a fee-for-service basis by a grower who retains the ownership of the pecans; or transfers between handlers.
§ 986.21 - Handler inventory.
Handler inventory means all pecans, shelled or inshell, as of any date and wherever located within the production area, then held by a handler for their account.
§ 986.22 - Handler-cleaned production.
Handler-cleaned production is production that is received, purchased or consigned from the grower by a handler prior to processing through a cleaning plant, and then subsequently processed through a cleaning plant so as to determine volumes of improved pecans, native and seedling pecans, and substandard pecans.
§ 986.23 - Hican.
Hican means a tree resulting from a cross between a pecan and some other type of hickory (members of the genus Carya) or the nut from such a hybrid tree.
§ 986.24 - Inshell pecans.
Inshell pecans are nuts whose kernel is maintained inside the shell.
§ 986.25 - Inspection Service.
Inspection service means the Federal-State Inspection Service or any other inspection service authorized by the Secretary.
§ 986.26 - Inter-handler transfer.
Inter-handler transfer means the movement of inshell pecans from one handler to another inside the production area for the purposes of additional handling. Any assessments or requirements under this part with respect to inshell pecans so transferred may be assumed by the receiving handler.
§ 986.27 - Merchantable pecans.
(a) Inshell. Merchantable inshell pecans mean all inshell pecans meeting the minimum grade regulations that may be effective pursuant to § 986.69, Authorities regulating handling.
(b) Shelled. Merchantable shelled pecans means all shelled pecans meeting the minimum grade regulations that may be effective pursuant to § 986.69, Authorities regulating handling.
§ 986.28 - Pack.
Pack means to clean, grade, or otherwise prepare pecans for market as inshell or shelled pecans.
§ 986.29 - Pecans.
(a) Pecans means and includes any and all varieties or subvarieties of Genus: Carya, Species: illinoensis, expressed also as Carya illinoinensis (syn. C. illinoenses) including all varieties thereof, excluding hicans, that are produced in the production area and are classified as:
(1) Native or seedling pecans harvested from non-grafted or naturally propagated tree varieties;
(2) Improved pecans harvested from grafted tree varieties bred or selected for superior traits of nut size, ease of shelling, production characteristics, and resistance to certain insects and diseases, including but not limited to: Desirable, Elliot, Forkert, Sumner, Creek, Excel, Gracross, Gratex, Gloria Grande, Kiowa, Moreland, Sioux, Mahan, Mandan, Moneymaker, Morrill, Cunard, Zinner, Byrd, McMillan, Stuart, Pawnee, Eastern and Western Schley, Wichita, Success, Cape Fear, Choctaw, Cheyenne, Lakota, Kanza, Caddo, and Oconee; and
(3) Substandard pecans that are blowouts, cracks, stick-tights, and other inferior quality pecans, whether native or improved, that, with further handling, can be cleaned and eventually sold into the stream of commerce.
(b) The Council, with the approval of the Secretary, may recognize new or delete obsolete varieties or sub-varieties for each category.
§ 986.30 - Person.
Person means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, or any other business unit.
§ 986.31 - Production area.
Production area means the following fifteen pecan-producing states within the United States: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas.
§ 986.32 - Proprietary capacity.
Proprietary capacity means the capacity or interest of a grower or handler that, either directly or through one or more intermediaries or affiliates, is a property owner together with all the appurtenant rights of an owner, including the right to vote the interest in that capacity as an individual, a shareholder, member of a cooperative, partner, trustee or in any other capacity with respect to any other business unit.
§ 986.33 - Regions.
(a) Regions within the production area shall consist of the following:
(1) Eastern Region, consisting of: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina
(2) Central Region, consisting of: Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas
(3) Western Region, consisting of: Arizona, California, New Mexico
(b) With the approval of the Secretary, the boundaries of any region may be changed pursuant to § 986.58, Reapportionment and reestablishment of regions.
§ 986.34 - Representative period.
Representative period is the previous four fiscal years for which a grower's annual average production is calculated, or any other period recommended by the Council and approved by the Secretary.
§ 986.35 - Secretary.
Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, or any other officer or employee of the United States Department of Agriculture who is, or who may be, authorized to perform the duties of the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States.
§ 986.36 - Sheller.
Sheller refers to any person who converts inshell pecans to shelled pecans and sells the output in any and all markets in the stream of commerce, both within and outside of the production area; Provided, That the term “sheller” shall only include those who shell more than 1 million pounds of inshell pecans in a fiscal year. The Council may recommend changes to this definition subject to the approval of the Secretary.
§ 986.37 - Shelled pecans.
Shelled pecans are pecans whose shells have been removed leaving only edible kernels, kernel pieces or pecan meal. Shelled pecans are synonymous with pecan meats.
§ 986.38 - Stick-tights.
Stick-tights means pecans whose outer shuck has adhered to the shell causing their value to decrease or be discounted.
§ 986.39 - Trade supply.
Trade supply means the quantity of merchantable inshell or shelled pecans that growers will supply to handlers during a fiscal year for sale in the United States and abroad or, in the absence of handler regulations § 986.69 setting forth minimum grade regulations for merchantable pecans, the sum of handler-cleaned and grower-cleaned production.
§ 986.40 - Unassessed inventory.
Unassessed inventory means inshell pecans held by growers or handlers for which no assessment has been paid to the Council.
§ 986.41 - Varieties.
Varieties mean and include all cultivars, classifications, or subdivisions of pecans.
§ 986.42 - Warehousing.
Warehousing means to hold assessed or unassessed inventory.
§ 986.43 - Weight.
Weight means pounds of inshell pecans, received by handler within each fiscal year; Provided, That for shelled pecans the actual weight shall be multiplied by two to obtain an inshell weight.
§ 986.45 - American Pecan Council.
The American Pecan Council is hereby established consisting of 17 members selected by the Secretary, each of whom shall have an alternate member nominated with the same qualifications as the member. The 17 members shall include nine (9) grower seats, six (6) sheller seats, and two (2) at-large seats allocated to one accumulator and one public member. The grower and sheller nominees and their alternates shall be growers and shellers at the time of their nomination and for the duration of their tenure. Grower and sheller members and their alternates shall be selected by the Secretary from nominees submitted by the Council. The two at-large seats shall be nominated by the Council and appointed by the Secretary.
(a) Each region shall be allocated the following member seats:
(1) Eastern Region: Three (3) growers and two (2) shellers;
(2) Central Region: Three (3) growers and two (2) shellers;
(3) Western Region: Three (3) growers and two (2) shellers.
(b) Within each region, the grower and sheller seats shall be defined as follows:
(1) Grower seats: Each region shall have a grower Seat 1 and Seat 2 allocated to growers whose acreage is equal to or exceeds 176 pecan acres. Each region shall also have a grower Seat 3 allocated to a grower whose acreage is less than 176 pecan acres.
(2) Sheller seats: Each region shall have a sheller Seat 1 allocated to a sheller who handles more than 12.5 million pounds of inshell pecans in the fiscal year preceding nomination, and a sheller Seat 2 allocated to a sheller who handles less than or equal to 12.5 million pounds of inshell pecans in the fiscal year preceding nomination.
(c) The Council may recommend, subject to the approval of the Secretary, revisions to the above requirements for grower and sheller seats to accommodate changes within the industry.
§ 986.46 - Council nominations and voting.
Nomination of Council members and alternate members shall follow the procedure set forth in this section, or as may be changed as recommended by the Council and approved by the Secretary. All nominees must meet the requirements set forth in §§ 986.45, American Pecan Council, and 986.48, Eligibility, or as otherwise identified by the Secretary, to serve on the Council.
(a) Initial members. Nominations for initial Council members and alternate members shall be conducted by the Secretary by either holding meetings of shellers and growers, by mail, or by email, and shall be submitted on approved nomination forms. Eligibility to cast votes on nomination ballots, accounting of nomination ballot results, and identification of member and alternate nominees shall follow the procedures set forth in this section, or by any other criteria deemed necessary by the Secretary. The Secretary shall select and appoint the initial members and alternate members of the Council.
(b) Successor members. Subsequent nominations of Council members and alternate members shall be conducted as follows:
(1) Call for nominations. (i) Nominations for the grower member seats for each region shall be received from growers in that region on approved forms containing the information stipulated in this section.
(ii) If a grower is engaged in producing pecans in more than one region, such grower shall nominate in the region in which they grow the largest volume of their production.
(iii) Nominations for the sheller member seats for each region shall be received from shellers in that region on approved forms containing the information stipulated in this section.
(iv) If a sheller is engaged in handling in more than one region, such sheller shall nominate in the region in which they shelled the largest volume in the preceding fiscal year.
(2) Voting for nominees. (i) Only growers, through duly authorized officers or employees of growers, if applicable, may participate in the nomination of grower member nominees and their alternates. Each grower shall be entitled to cast only one nomination ballot for each of the three grower seats in their region.
(ii) If a grower is engaged in producing pecans in more than one region, such grower shall cast their nomination ballot in the region in which they grow the largest volume of their production. Notwithstanding this stipulation, such grower may vote their volume produced in any or all of the three regions.
(iii) Only shellers, through duly authorized officers or employees of shellers, if applicable, may participate in the nomination of the sheller member nominees and their alternates. Each sheller shall be entitled to cast only one nomination ballot for each of the two sheller seats in their region.
(iv) If a sheller is engaged in handling in more than one region, such sheller shall cast their nomination ballot in the region in which they shelled the largest volume in the preceding fiscal year. Notwithstanding this stipulation, such sheller may vote their volume handled in all three regions.
(v) If a person is both a grower and a sheller of pecans, such person may not participate in both grower and sheller nominations. Such person must elect to participate either as a grower or a sheller.
(3) Nomination procedure for grower seats. (i) The Council shall mail to all growers who are on record with the Council within the respective regions a grower nomination ballot indicating the nominees for each of the three grower member seats, along with voting instructions. Growers may cast ballots on the proper ballot form either at meetings of growers, by mail, or by email as designated by the Council. For ballots to be considered, they must be submitted on the proper forms with all required information, including signatures.
(ii) On the ballot, growers shall indicate their vote for the grower nominee candidates for the grower seats and also indicate their average annual volume of inshell pecan production for the preceding four fiscal years.
(iii) Seat 1 (growers with equal to or more than 176 acres of pecans). The nominee for this seat in each region shall be the grower receiving the highest volume of production (pounds of inshell pecans) votes from the respective region, and the grower receiving the second highest volume of production votes shall be the alternate member nominee for this seat. In case of a tie vote, the nominee shall be selected by a drawing.
(iv) Seat 2 (growers with equal to or more than 176 acres of pecans). The nominee for this seat in each region shall be the grower receiving the highest number of votes from their respective region, and the grower receiving the second highest number of votes shall be the alternate member nominee for this seat. In case of a tie vote, the nominee shall be selected by a drawing.
(v) Seat 3 (grower with less than 176 acres of pecans). The nominee for this seat in each region shall be the grower receiving the highest number of votes from the respective region, and the grower receiving the second highest number of votes shall be the alternate member nominee for this seat. In case of a tie vote, the nominee shall be selected by a drawing.
(4) Nomination procedure for sheller seats. (i) The Council shall mail to all shellers who are on record with the Council within the respective regions the sheller ballot indicating the nominees for each of the two sheller member seats in their respective regions, along with voting instructions. Shellers may cast ballots on approved ballot forms either at meetings of shellers, by mail, or by email as designated by the Council. For ballots to be considered, they must be submitted on the approved forms with all required information, including signatures.
(ii) Seat 1 (shellers handling more than 12.5 million lbs. of inshell pecans in the preceding fiscal year). The nominee for this seat in each region shall be assigned to the sheller receiving the highest number of votes from the respective region, and the sheller receiving the second highest number of votes shall be the alternate member nominee for this seat. In case of a tie vote, the nominee shall be selected by a drawing.
(iii) Seat 2 (shellers handling equal to or less than 12.5 million lbs. of inshell pecans in the preceding fiscal year). The nominee for this seat in each region shall be assigned to the sheller receiving the highest number of votes from the respective region, and the sheller receiving the second highest number of votes shall be the alternate member nominee for this seat. In case of a tie vote, the nominee shall be selected by a drawing.
(5) Reports to the Secretary. Nominations in the foregoing manner received by the Council shall be reported to the Secretary on or before 15 of each July of any year in which nominations are held, together with a certified summary of the results of the nominations and other information deemed by the Council to be pertinent or requested by the Secretary. From those nominations, the Secretary shall select the fifteen grower and sheller members of the Council and an alternate for each member, unless the Secretary rejects any nomination submitted. In the event the Secretary rejects a nomination, a second nomination process may be conducted to identify other nominee candidates, the resulting nominee information may be reported to the Secretary after July 15 and before September 15. If the Council fails to report nominations to the Secretary in the manner herein specified, the Secretary may select the members without nomination. If nominations for the public and accumulator at-large members are not submitted by September 15 of any year in which their nomination is due, the Secretary may select such members without nomination.
(6) At-large members. The grower and sheller members of the Council shall select one public member and one accumulator member and respective alternates for consideration, selection and appointment by the Secretary. The public member and alternate public member may not have any financial interest, individually or corporately, or affiliation with persons vested in the pecan industry. The accumulator member and alternate accumulator member must meet the criteria set forth in § 986.1, Accumulator, and may reside or maintain a place of business in any region.
(7) Nomination forms. The Council may distribute nomination forms at meetings, by mail, by email, or by any other form of distribution recommended by the Council and approved by the Secretary.
(i) Grower nomination forms. Each nomination form submitted by a grower shall include the following information:
(A) The name of the nominated grower;
(B) The name and signature of the nominating grower;
(C) Two additional names and respective signatures of growers in support of the nomination;
(D) Any other such information recommended by the Council and approved by the Secretary.
(ii) Sheller nomination forms. Each nomination form submitted by a sheller shall include the following:
(A) The name of the nominated sheller;
(B) The name and signature of the nominating sheller;
(C) One additional name and signature of a sheller in support of the nomination;
(D) Any other such information recommended by the Council and approved by the Secretary.
(8) Changes to the nomination and voting procedures. The Council may recommend, subject to the approval of the Secretary, a change to these procedures should the Council determine that a revision is necessary.
§ 986.47 - Alternate members.
(a) Each member of the Council shall have an alternate member to be nominated in the same manner as the member.
(b) An alternate for a member of the Council shall act in the place and stead of such member in their absence or in the event of their death, removal, resignation, or disqualification, until the next nomination and elections take place for the Council or the vacancy has been filled pursuant to § 986.48, Eligibility.
(c) In the event any member of the Council and their alternate are both unable to attend a meeting of the Council, any alternate for any other member representing the same group as the absent member may serve in the place of the absent member.
§ 986.48 - Eligibility.
(a) Each grower member and alternate shall be, at the time of selection and during the term of office, a grower or an officer, or employee, of a grower in the region and in the classification for which nominated.
(b) Each sheller member and alternate shall be, at the time of selection and during the term of office, a sheller or an officer or employee of a sheller in the region and in the classification for which nominated.
(c) A grower can be a nominee for only one grower member seat. If a grower is nominated for two grower member seats, he or she shall select the seat in which he or she desires to run, and the grower ballot shall reflect that selection.
(d) Any member or alternate member who at the time of selection was employed by or affiliated with the person who is nominated shall, upon termination of that relationship, become disqualified to serve further as a member and that position shall be deemed vacant.
(e) No person nominated to serve as a public member or alternate public member shall have a financial interest in any pecan grower or handling operation.
§ 986.49 - Acceptance.
Each person to be selected by the Secretary as a member or as an alternate member of the Council shall, prior to such selection, qualify by advising the Secretary that if selected, such person agrees to serve in the position for which that nomination has been made.
§ 986.50 - Term of office.
(a) Selected members and alternate members of the Council shall serve for terms of four years: Provided, That at the end of the first four (4) year term and in the nomination and selection of the second Council only, four of the grower member and alternate seats and three of the sheller member and alternate seats shall be seated for terms of two years so that approximately half of the memberships' and alternates' terms expire every two years thereafter. Member and alternate seats assigned two-year terms for the seating of the second Council only shall be as follows:
(1) Grower member Seat 2 in all regions shall be assigned a two-year term;
(2) Grower member Seat 3 in all regions shall, by drawing, identify one member seat to be assigned a two-year term; and,
(3) Sheller Seat 2 in all regions shall be assigned a two-year term.
(b) Council members and alternates may serve up to two consecutive, four-year terms of office. Subject to paragraph (c) of this section, in no event shall any member or alternate serve more than eight consecutive years on the Council as either a member or an alternate. However, if selected, an alternate having served up to two consecutive terms may immediately serve as a member for two consecutive terms without any interruption in service. The same is true for a member who, after serving for up to two consecutive terms, may serve as an alternate if nominated without any interruption in service. A person having served the maximum number of terms as set forth above may not serve again as a member or an alternate for at least twelve consecutive months. For purposes of determining when a member or alternate has served two consecutive terms, the accrual of terms shall begin following any period of at least twelve consecutive months out of office.
(c) Each member and alternate member shall continue to serve until a successor is selected and has qualified.
(d) A term of office shall begin as set forth in the by-laws or as directed by the Secretary each year for all members.
(e) The Council may recommend, subject to approval of the Secretary, revisions to the start day for the term of office, the number of years in a term, and the number of terms a member or an alternate can serve.
§ 986.51 - Vacancy.
Any vacancy on the Council occurring by the failure of any person selected to the Council to qualify as a member or alternate member due to a change in status making the member ineligible to serve, or due to death, removal, or resignation, shall be filled, by a majority vote of the Council for the unexpired portion of the term. However, that person shall fulfill all the qualifications set forth in this part as required for the member whose office that person is to fill. The qualifications of any person to fill a vacancy on the Council shall be certified in writing to the Secretary. The Secretary shall notify the Council if the Secretary determines that any such person is not qualified.
§ 986.52 - Council expenses.
The members and their alternates of the Council shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for the reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties under this part.
§ 986.53 - Powers.
The Council shall have the following powers:
(a) To administer the provisions of this part in accordance with its terms;
(b) To make bylaws, rules and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of this part;
(c) To receive, investigate, and report to the Secretary complaints of violations of this part; and
(d) To recommend to the Secretary amendments to this part.
§ 986.54 - Duties.
The duties of the Council shall be as follows:
(a) To act as intermediary between the Secretary and any handler or grower;
(b) To keep minute books and records which will clearly reflect all of its acts and transactions, and such minute books and records shall at any time be subject to the examination of the Secretary;
(c) To furnish to the Secretary a complete report of all meetings and such other available information as he or she may request;
(d) To appoint such employees as it may deem necessary and to determine the salaries, define the duties, and fix the bonds of such employees;
(e) To cause the books of the Council to be audited by one or more certified public accountants at least once for each fiscal year and at such other times as the Council deems necessary or as the Secretary may request, and to file with the Secretary three copies of all audit reports made;
(f) To investigate the growing, shipping and marketing conditions with respect to pecans and to assemble data in connection therewith;
(g) To investigate compliance with the provisions of this part; and,
(h) To recommend by-laws, rules and regulations for the purpose of administering this part.
§ 986.55 - Procedure.
(a) The members of the Council shall select a chairman from their membership, and shall select such other officers and adopt such rules for the conduct of Council business as they deem advisable.
(b) The Council may provide for meetings by telephone, or other means of communication, and any vote cast at such a meeting shall be confirmed promptly in writing. The Council shall give the Secretary the same notice of its meetings as is given to members of the Council.
(c) Quorum. A quorum of the Council shall be any twelve voting Council members. The vote of a majority of members present at a meeting at which there is a quorum shall constitute the act of the Council; Provided, That:
(1) Actions of the Council with respect to the following issues shall require a two-thirds (12 members) concurring vote of the Council:
(i) Establishment of or changes to by-laws;
(ii) Appointment or administrative issues relating to the program's manager or chief executive officer;
(iii) Budget;
(iv) Assessments;
(v) Compliance and audits;
(vi) Reestablishment of regions and reapportionment or reallocation of Council membership;
(vii) Modifying definitions of grower and sheller;
(viii) Research or promotion activities under § 986.68;
(ix) Grade, quality and size regulation under § 986.69(a)(1) and (2);
(x) Pack and container regulation under § 986.69(a)(3); and,
(2) Actions of the Council with respect to the securing of commercial bank loans for the purpose of financing start-up costs of the Council and its activities or securing financial assistance in emergency situations shall require a unanimous vote of all members present at an in-person meeting; Provided, That in the event of an emergency that warrants immediate attention sooner than a face-to-face meeting is possible, a vote for financing may be taken. In such event, the Council's first preference is a videoconference and second preference is phone conference, both followed by written confirmation of the members attending the meeting.
§ 986.56 - Right of the Secretary.
The members and alternates for members and any agent or employee appointed or employed by the Council shall be subject to removal or suspension by the Secretary at any time. Each and every regulation, decision, determination, or other act shall be subject to the continuing right of the Secretary to disapprove of the same at any time, and, upon such disapproval, shall be deemed null and void, except as to acts done in reliance thereon or in compliance therewith prior to such disapproval by the Secretary.
§ 986.57 - Funds and other property.
(a) All funds received pursuant to any of the provisions of this part shall be used solely for the purposes specified in this part, and the Secretary may require the Council and its members to account for all receipts and disbursements.
(b) Upon the death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or expiration of the term of office of any member or employee, all books, records, funds, and other property in their possession belonging to the Council shall be delivered to their successor in office or to the Council, and such assignments and other instruments shall be executed as may be necessary to vest in such successor or in the Council full title to all the books, records, funds, and other property in the possession or under the control of such member or employee pursuant to this subpart.
§ 986.58 - Reapportionment and reestablishment of regions.
The Council may recommend, subject to approval of the Secretary, reestablishment of regions, reapportionment of members among regions, and may revise the groups eligible for representation on the Council. In recommending any such changes, the following shall be considered:
(a) Shifts in acreage within regions and within the production area during recent years;
(b) The importance of new production in its relation to existing regions;
(c) The equitable relationship between Council apportionment and regions;
(d) Changes in industry structure and/or the percentage of crop represented by various industry entities; and
(e) Other relevant factors.
§ 986.60 - Budget.
As soon as practicable before the beginning of each fiscal year, and as may be necessary thereafter, the Council shall prepare a budget of income and expenditures necessary for the administration of this part. The Council may recommend a rate of assessment calculated to provide adequate funds to defray its proposed expenditures. The Council shall present such budget to the Secretary with an accompanying report showing the basis for its calculations, and all shall be subject to Secretary approval.
§ 986.61 - Assessments.
(a) Each handler who first handles inshell pecans shall pay assessments to the Council. Assessments collected each fiscal year shall defray expenses which the Secretary finds reasonable and likely to be incurred by the Council during that fiscal year. Each handler's share of assessments paid to the Council shall be equal to the ratio between the total quantity of inshell pecans handled by them as the first handler thereof during the applicable fiscal year, and the total quantity of inshell pecans handled by all regulated handlers in the production area during the same fiscal year. The payment of assessments for the maintenance and functioning of the Council may be required under this part throughout the period it is in effect irrespective of whether particular provisions thereof are suspended or become inoperative. Handlers may avail themselves of an inter-handler transfer, as provided for in § 986.62, Inter-handler transfers.
(b) Based upon a recommendation of the Council or other available data, the Secretary shall fix three base rates of assessment for inshell pecans handled during each fiscal year. Such base rates shall include one rate of assessment for any or all varieties of pecans classified as native and seedling; one rate of assessment for any or all varieties of pecans classified as improved; and one rate of assessment for any pecans classified as substandard.
(c) Upon implementation of this part and subject to the approval of the Secretary, initial assessment rates per classification shall be set within the following prescribed ranges: Native and seedling classified pecans shall be assessed at one-cent to two-cents per pound; improved classified pecans shall be assessed at two-cents to three-cents per pound; and, substandard classified pecans shall be assessed at one-cent to two-cents per pound. These assessment ranges shall be in effect for the initial four years of the order.
(d) Subsequent assessment rates shall not exceed two percent of the aggregate of all prices in each classification across the production area based on Council data, or the average of USDA reported average price received by growers for each classification, in the preceding fiscal year as recommended by the Council and approved by the Secretary. After four years from the implementation of this part, the Council may recommend, subject to the approval of the Secretary, revisions to this calculation or assessment ranges.
(e) The Council, with the approval of the Secretary, may revise the assessment rates if it determines, based on information including crop size and value, that the action is necessary, and if the revision does not exceed the assessment limitation specified in this section and is made prior to the final billing of the assessment.
(f) In order to provide funds for the administration of the provisions of this part during the first part of a fiscal year, before sufficient operating income is available from assessments, the Council may accept the payment of assessments in advance and may also borrow money for such purposes; Provided, That no loan may amount to more than 50 percent of projected assessment revenue projected for the year in which the loan is secured, and the loan must be repaid within five years.
(g) If a handler does not pay assessments within the time prescribed by the Council, the assessment may be increased by a late payment charge and/or an interest rate charge at amounts prescribed by the Council with approval of the Secretary.
(h) On August 31 of each year, every handler warehousing inshell pecans shall be identified as the first handler of those pecans and shall be required to pay the assessed rate on the category of pecans in their possession on that date. The terms of this paragraph may be revised subject to the recommendation of the Council and approval by the Secretary.
(i) On August 31 of each year, all inventories warehoused by growers from the current fiscal year shall cease to be eligible for inter-handler transfer treatment. Instead, such inventory will require the first handler that handles such inventory to pay the assessment thereon in accordance with the prevailing assessment rates at the time of transfer from the grower to the said handler. The terms of this paragraph may be revised subject to the recommendation of the Council and approval by the Secretary.
§ 986.62 - Inter-handler transfers.
Any handler inside the production area, except as provided for in § 986.61(h) and (i), Assessments, may transfer inshell pecans to another handler inside the production area for additional handling, and any assessments or other marketing order requirements with respect to pecans so transferred may be assumed by the receiving handler. The Council, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish methods and procedures, including necessary reports, to maintain accurate records for such transfers. All inter-handler transfers will be documented by forms or electronic transfer receipts approved by the Council, and all forms or electronic transfer receipts used for inter-handler transfers shall require that copies be sent to the selling party, the receiving party, and the Council. Such forms must state which handler has the assessment responsibilities.
§ 986.63 - Contributions.
The Council may accept voluntary contributions. Such contributions may only be accepted if they are free from any encumbrances or restrictions on their use and the Council shall retain complete control of their use. The Council may receive contributions from both within and outside of the production area.
§ 986.64 - Accounting.
(a) Assessments collected in excess of expenses incurred shall be accounted for in accordance with one of the following:
(1) Excess funds not retained in a reserve, as provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section shall be refunded proportionately to the persons from whom they were collected; or
(2) The Council, with the approval of the Secretary, may carry over excess funds into subsequent fiscal periods as reserves: Provided, That funds already in reserves do not equal approximately three fiscal years' expenses. Such reserve funds may be used:
(i) To defray expenses during any fiscal period prior to the time assessment income is sufficient to cover such expenses;
(ii) To cover deficits incurred during any fiscal period when assessment income is less than expenses;
(iii) To defray expenses incurred during any period when any or all provisions of this part are suspended or are inoperative; and
(iv) To cover necessary expenses of liquidation in the event of termination of this part.
(b) Upon such termination, any funds not required to defray the necessary expenses of liquidation shall be disposed of in such manner as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate. To the extent practical, such funds shall be returned pro rata to the persons from whom such funds were collected.
(c) All funds received by the Council pursuant to the provisions of this part shall be used solely for the purposes specified in this part and shall be accounted for in the manner provided for in this part. The Secretary may at any time require the Council and its members to account for all receipts and disbursements.
(d) Upon the removal or expiration of the term of office of any member of the Council, such member shall account for all receipts and disbursements and deliver all property and funds in their possession to the Council, and shall execute such assignments and other instruments as may be necessary or appropriate to vest in the Council full title to all of the property, funds, and claims vested in such member pursuant to this part.
(e) The Council may make recommendations to the Secretary for one or more of the members thereof, or any other person, to act as a trustee for holding records, funds, or any other Council property during periods of suspension of this subpart, or during any period or periods when regulations are not in effect and if the Secretary determines such action appropriate, he or she may direct that such person or persons shall act as trustee or trustees for the Council.
§ 986.65 - Marketing policy.
By the end of each fiscal year, the Council shall make a report and recommendation to the Secretary on the Council's proposed marketing policy for the next fiscal year. Each year such report and recommendation shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (
2/3) of the members of the Council and shall include the following and, where applicable, on an inshell basis:
(a) Estimate of the grower-cleaned production and handler-cleaned production in the area of production for the fiscal year;
(b) Estimate of disappearance;
(c) Estimate of the improved, native, and substandard pecans;
(d) Estimate of the handler inventory on August 31, of inshell and shelled pecans;
(e) Estimate of unassessed inventory;
(f) Estimate of the trade supply, taking into consideration imports, and other factors;
(g) Preferable handler inventory of inshell and shelled pecans on August 31 of the following year;
(h) Projected prices in the new fiscal year;
(i) Competing nut supplies; and
(j) Any other relevant factors.
§ 986.67 - Recommendations for regulations.
Upon complying with § 986.65, Marketing policy, the Council may propose regulations to the Secretary whenever it finds that such proposed regulations may assist in effectuating the declared policy of the Act.
§ 986.68 - Authority for research and promotion activities.
The Council, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish or provide for the establishment of production research, marketing research and development projects, and marketing promotion, including paid generic advertising, designed to assist, improve, or promote the marketing, distribution, and consumption or efficient production of pecans including product development, nutritional research, and container development. The expenses of such projects shall be paid from funds collected pursuant to this part.
§ 986.69 - Authorities regulating handling.
(a) The Council may recommend, subject to the approval of the Secretary, regulations that:
(1) Establish handling requirements or minimum tolerances for particular grades, sizes, or qualities, or any combination thereof, of any or all varieties or classifications of pecans during any period;
(2) Establish different handling requirements or minimum tolerances for particular grades, sizes, or qualities, or any combination thereof for different varieties or classifications, for different containers, for different portions of the production area, or any combination of the foregoing, during any period;
(3) Fix the size, capacity, weight, dimensions, or pack of the container or containers, which may be used in the packaging, transportation, sale, preparation for market, shipment, or other handling of pecans; and
(4) Establish inspection and certification requirements for the purposes of (a)(1) through (3) of this section.
(b) Regulations issued hereunder may be amended, modified, suspended, or terminated whenever it is determined:
(1) That such action is warranted upon recommendation of the Council and approval by the Secretary, or other available information; or
(2) That regulations issued hereunder no longer tend to effectuate the declared policy of the Act.
(c) The authority to regulate as put forward in this subsection shall not in any way constitute authority for the Council to recommend volume regulation, such as reserve pools, producer allotments, or handler withholding requirements which limit the flow of product to market for the purpose of reducing market supply.
(d) The Council may recommend, subject to the approval of the Secretary, rules and regulations to effectuate this subpart.
§ 986.70 - Handling for special purposes.
Regulations in effect pursuant to § 986.69, Authorities regulating handling, may be modified, suspended, or terminated to facilitate handling of pecans for:
(a) Relief or charity;
(b) Experimental purposes; and
(c) Other purposes which may be recommended by the Council and approved by the Secretary.
§ 986.71 - Safeguards.
The Council, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish through rules such requirements as may be necessary to establish that shipments made pursuant to § 986.70, Handling for special purposes, were handled and used for the purpose stated.
§ 986.72 - Notification of regulation.
The Secretary shall promptly notify the Council of regulations issued or of any modification, suspension, or termination thereof. The Council shall give reasonable notice thereof to industry participants.
§ 986.75 - Reports of handler inventory.
Each handler shall submit to the Council in such form and on such dates as the Council may prescribe, reports showing their inventory of inshell and shelled pecans.
§ 986.76 - Reports of merchantable pecans handled.
Each handler who handles merchantable pecans at any time during a fiscal year shall submit to the Council in such form and at such intervals as the Council may prescribe, reports showing the quantity so handled and such other information pertinent thereto as the Council may specify.
§ 986.77 - Reports of pecans received by handlers.
Each handler shall file such reports of their pecan receipts from growers, handlers, or others in such form and at such times as may be required by the Council with the approval of the Secretary.
§ 986.78 - Other handler reports.
Upon request of the Council made with the approval of the Secretary each handler shall furnish such other reports and information as are needed to enable the Council to perform its duties and exercise its powers under this part.
§ 986.79 - Verification of reports.
For the purpose of verifying and checking reports filed by handlers on their operations, the Secretary and the Council, through their duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any premises where pecans and pecan records are held. Such access shall be available at any time during reasonable business hours. Authorized representatives of the Council or the Secretary shall be permitted to inspect any pecans held and any and all records of the handler with respect to matters within the purview of this part. Each handler shall maintain complete records on the receiving, holding, and disposition of all pecans. Each handler shall furnish all labor necessary to facilitate such inspections at no expense to the Council or the Secretary. Each handler shall store all pecans held by him in such manner as to facilitate inspection and shall maintain adequate storage records which will permit accurate identification with respect to inspection certificates of respective lots and of all such pecans held or disposed of theretofore. The Council, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish any methods and procedures needed to verify reports.
§ 986.80 - Certification of reports.
All reports submitted to the Council as required in this part shall be certified to the Secretary and the Council as to the completeness and correctness of the information contained therein.
§ 986.81 - Confidential information.
All reports and records submitted by handlers to the Council, which include data or information constituting a trade secret or disclosing the trade position, or financial condition or business operations of the handler shall be kept in the custody of one or more employees of the Council and shall be disclosed to no person except the Secretary.
§ 986.82 - Books and other records.
Each handler shall maintain such records of pecans received, held and disposed of by them as may be prescribed by the Council for the purpose of performing its duties under this part. Such books and records shall be retained and be available for examination by authorized representatives of the Council and the Secretary for the current fiscal year and the preceding three (3) fiscal years.
§ 986.86 - Exemptions.
(a) Any handler may handle inshell pecans within the production area free of the requirements of this part if such pecans are handled in quantities not exceeding 1,000 inshell pounds during any fiscal year.
(b) Any handler may handle shelled pecans within the production area free of the requirements of this part if such pecans are handled in quantities not exceeding 500 shelled pounds during any fiscal year.
(c) Mail order sales are not exempt sales under this part.
(d) The Council, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish such rules, regulations, and safeguards, and require such reports, certifications, and other conditions, as are necessary to ensure compliance with this part.
§ 986.87 - Compliance.
Except as provided in this subpart, no handler shall handle pecans, the handling of which has been prohibited by the Secretary in accordance with provisions of this part, or the rules and regulations thereunder.
§ 986.88 - Duration of immunities.
The benefits, privileges, and immunities conferred by virtue of this part shall cease upon termination hereof, except with respect to acts done under and during the existence of this part.
§ 986.89 - Separability.
If any provision of this part is declared invalid, or the applicability thereof to any person, circumstance, or thing is held invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions and the applicability thereof to any other person, circumstance, or thing shall not be affected thereby.
§ 986.90 - Derogation.
Nothing contained in this part is or shall be construed to be in derogation of, or in modification of, the rights of the Secretary or of the United States to exercise any powers granted by the Act or otherwise, or, in accordance with such powers, to act in the premises whenever such action is deemed advisable.
§ 986.91 - Liability.
No member or alternate of the Council nor any employee or agent thereof, shall be held personally responsible, either individually or jointly with others, in any way whatsoever, to any party under this part or to any other person for errors in judgment, mistakes, or other acts, either of commission or omission, as such member, alternate, agent or employee, except for acts of dishonesty, willful misconduct, or gross negligence. The Council may purchase liability insurance for its members and officers.
§ 986.92 - Agents.
The Secretary may name, by designation in writing, any person, including any officer or employee of the USDA or the United States to act as their agent or representative in connection with any of the provisions of this part.
§ 986.93 - Effective time.
The provisions of this part and of any amendment thereto shall become effective at such time as the Secretary may declare, and shall continue in force until terminated in one of the ways specified in § 986.94.
§ 986.94 - Termination.
(a) The Secretary may at any time terminate this part.
(b) The Secretary shall terminate or suspend the operation of any or all of the provisions of this part whenever he or she finds that such operation obstructs or does not tend to effectuate the declared policy of the Act.
(c) The Secretary shall terminate the provisions of this part applicable to pecans for market or pecans for handling at the end of any fiscal year whenever the Secretary finds, by referendum or otherwise, that such termination is favored by a majority of growers; Provided, That such majority of growers has produced more than 50 percent of the volume of pecans in the production area during such fiscal year. Such termination shall be effective only if announced on or before the last day of the then current fiscal year.
(d) The Secretary shall conduct a referendum within every five-year period beginning from the implementation of this part, to ascertain whether continuance of the provisions of this part applicable to pecans are favored by two-thirds by number or volume of growers voting in the referendum. The Secretary may terminate the provisions of this part at the end of any fiscal year in which the Secretary has found that continuance of this part is not favored by growers who, during an appropriate period of time determined by the Secretary, have been engaged in the production of pecans in the production area: Provided, That termination of this part shall be effective only if announced on or before the last day of the then current fiscal year.
(e) The provisions of this part shall, in any event, terminate whenever the provisions of the Act authorizing them cease to be in effect.
§ 986.95 - Proceedings after termination.
(a) Upon the termination of this part, the Council members serving shall continue as joint trustees for the purpose of liquidating all funds and property then in the possession or under the control of the Council, including claims for any funds unpaid or property not delivered at the time of such termination.
(b) The joint trustees shall continue in such capacity until discharged by the Secretary; from time to time accounting for all receipts and disbursements; delivering all funds and property on hand, together with all books and records of the Council and of the joint trustees to such person as the Secretary shall direct; and, upon the request of the Secretary, executing such assignments or other instruments necessary and appropriate to vest in such person full title and right to all of the funds, property, or claims vested in the Council or in said joint trustees.
(c) Any funds collected pursuant to this part and held by such joint trustees or such person over and above the amounts necessary to meet outstanding obligations and the expenses necessarily incurred by the joint trustees or such other person in the performance of their duties under this subpart, as soon as practicable after the termination hereof, shall be returned to the handlers pro rata in proportion to their contributions thereto.
(d) Any person to whom funds, property, or claims have been transferred or delivered by the Council, upon direction of the Secretary, as provided in this part, shall be subject to the same obligations and duties with respect to said funds, property, or claims as are imposed upon said joint trustees.
§ 986.96 - Amendments.
Amendments to this part may be proposed from time to time by the Council or by the Secretary.
§ 986.97 - Counterparts.
Handlers may sign an agreement with the Secretary indicating their support for this marketing order. This agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts by each handler. If more than fifty percent of the handlers, weighted by the volume of pecans handled during an appropriate period of time determined by the Secretary, enter into such an agreement, then a marketing agreement shall exist for the pecans marketing order. This marketing agreement shall not alter the terms of this part. Upon the termination of this part, the marketing agreement has no further force or effect.
§ 986.98 - Additional parties.
After this part becomes effective, any handler may become a party to the marketing agreement if a counterpart is executed by the handler and delivered to the Secretary.
§ 986.99 - Order with marketing agreement.
Each signatory handler hereby requests the Secretary to issue, pursuant to the Act, an order for regulating the handling of pecans in the same manner as is provided for in this agreement.
source: 81 FR 51302, Aug. 4, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 986.78