Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
Table of Contents

§ 987.1 - Secretary.

§ 987.2 - Act.

§ 987.3 - Person.

§ 987.4 - Area of production.

§ 987.5 - Dates.

§ 987.6 - Crop year.

§ 987.7 - Producer.

§ 987.8 - Handler.

§ 987.8a - Repacker.

§ 987.9 - Handle.

§ 987.10 - Handler carry-over.

§ 987.11 - Trade demand.

§ 987.12 - Marketable dates.

§ 987.13 - Free dates.

§ 987.14 - Restricted dates.

§ 987.15 - Substandard dates.

§ 987.16 - Cull dates.

§ 987.17 - Graded dates.

§ 987.18 - Committee.

§ 987.20 - Part and subpart.


§ 987.21 - Establishment and membership.

§ 987.23 - Term of office.

§ 987.24 - Nomination and selection.

§ 987.25 - Qualification.

§ 987.26 - Vacancies.

§ 987.27 - Alternates.

§ 987.28 - Expenses.

§ 987.29 - Powers.

§ 987.30 - Duties.

§ 987.31 - Procedure.


§ 987.33 - Research and promotion.


§ 987.34 - Development.

§ 987.35 - Modifications.

§ 987.36 - Notice.

§ 987.38 - Handlers of record.


§ 987.39 - The establishment of minimum standards.

§ 987.40 - Additional grade or size regulations.

§ 987.41 - Inspection.


§ 987.43 - Outlets and specifications for marketable dates.

§ 987.44 - Free and restricted percentages.

§ 987.45 - Withholding restricted dates.

§ 987.46 - Revisions of percentages.

§ 987.47 - Surplus.


§ 987.48 - Container regulation.


§ 987.50 - Application after end of crop year.

§ 987.51 - Interhandler transfers.

§ 987.52 - Exemption.

§ 987.53 - Application of regulations to repackers.


§ 987.55 - Outlets for restricted dates.

§ 987.56 - Outlets for utility and cull dates.

§ 987.57 - Approved manufacturers or feeders.

§ 987.58 - Terminal date.

§ 987.59 - Safeguards.


§ 987.61 - Reports of handler carryover.

§ 987.62 - Reports of dates shipped.

§ 987.63 - Reports on restricted dates withheld.

§ 987.64 - Reports on disposition of restricted, other marketable, utility, and cull dates.

§ 987.65 - Other reports.

§ 987.66 - Certification of reports.

§ 987.67 - Confidential information.

§ 987.68 - Verification of reports and records.


§ 987.71 - Expenses.

§ 987.72 - Assessments.


§ 987.76 - Compliance.

§ 987.77 - Personal liability.

§ 987.78 - Separability.

§ 987.79 - Derogation.

§ 987.80 - Duration of immunities.

§ 987.81 - Agents.

§ 987.82 - Effective time, suspension, or termination.

§ 987.83 - Effect of termination or amendment.

§ 987.84 - Amendments.

§ 987.1 - Secretary.

Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, or any officer or employee of the Department to whom authority has heretofore been delegated, or to whom authority may hereafter be delegated, to act in his stead.

§ 987.2 - Act.

Act means Public Act No. 10, 73d Congress, as amended and as reenacted and amended by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (sections 1-19, 48 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).

§ 987.3 - Person.

Person means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, or any other business unit.

§ 987.4 - Area of production.

Area of production means Riverside County, Calif.

[36 FR 15037, Aug. 12, 1971]
§ 987.5 - Dates.

Dates means the Deglet Noor, Zahidi, Halawy, and Khadrawy varieties of domestic dates produced or packed in the area of production.

§ 987.6 - Crop year.

Crop year means the 12-month period beginning October 1 of each year and ending September 30 of the following year.

[43 FR 4250, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.7 - Producer.

Producer is synonymous with grower and means any person engaged in a proprietary capacity in the production of dates for sale.

§ 987.8 - Handler.

Handler means any person handling dates which have not been inspected and certified for handling in the hands of a previous holder and any repacker: Provided, That for the purposes of §§ 987.21 and 987.24 a person shall qualify as a handler only if he has acquired the dates directly from producers.

[32 FR 12595, Aug. 31, 1967, as amended at 43 FR 4250, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.8a - Repacker.

Repacker means any wholesaler or jobber who receives packed dates certified for handling pursuant to § 987.41(a), repackages them in containers other than those in which received, and handles such repackaged dates.

[32 FR 12595, Aug. 31, 1967]
§ 987.9 - Handle.

Handle means to sell, consign, transport, or ship (except as a common or contract carrier of dates owned by another person) or in any way to put dates into the current of commerce including the shipment or delivery of utility dates or cull dates into nonhuman consumption outlets, except that sales or deliveries, by producers, of other than cull dates, to a handler within the area of production, or the movement of dates by a handler to storage for his account within the area of production, or counties adjoining the area of production, shall not be considered handling. The Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish monitoring procedures for storage of dates in Orange, San Diego, and Yuma Counties.

[36 FR 15037, Aug. 12, 1971, as amended at 43 FR 4250, 4251, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.10 - Handler carry-over.

Handler carry-over means, as of any date, all marketable dates then held by a handler or for his account (whether or not sold), plus the estimated quantity of marketable dates in ungraded or unprocessed lots then held by said handler.

§ 987.11 - Trade demand.

Trade demand means those quantities of marketable dates which the Committee finds are required to satisfy the need for dates in specific outlets in which marketable dates are handled.

[43 FR 4250, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.12 - Marketable dates.

Marketable dates means those dates which are certified as equal to or higher than the applicable minimum grade and size requirements in effect pursuant to § 987.39, and any additional applicable requirements in effect pursuant to § 987.40. Marketable dates shall include but not be limited to the following:

(a) DAC dates. DAC dates are marketable whole or pitted dates that are inspected and certified as meeting the grade, size, container, and identification requirements established by the Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, for a specific variety for handling in the United States and Canada.

(b) Dates for further processing. Dates for further processing (FP) are marketable whole dates acquired by one handler from another handler that are certified as meeting the same grade and size requirements for DAC dates, with the exception of moisture requirements, and such identification requirements applicable to FP dates that are established by the Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, for any specific variety.

(c) Export dates. Export dates are marketable whole or pitted dates that are inspected and certified as meeting the grade, size, container, and identification requirements established by the Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, for a specific variety, to be handled in export to any country or group of countries with the exception of Canada. The Committee may establish different requirements for different countries.

(d) Product dates. Product dates are marketable dates that are inspected and certified as meeting the applicable grade and size requirements for dates to be handled in such forms as rings, chunks, pieces, butter, macerate, paste, or any other forms which the Committee deems appropriate and which will result in dates moving into consumption in a form other than that of whole or pitted dates.

[43 FR 4250, Feb. 1, 1978, as amended at 88 FR 82235, Nov. 24, 2023]
§ 987.13 - Free dates.

Free dates means dates of any variety that are at the time of certification destined for consumption in whole or pitted form in the United States and Canada (and such other countries as the Committee determines are likely to acquire them at prices reasonably comparable with prices received domestically) and which are free to be handled pursuant to any free percentage established by the Secretary in accordance with § 987.44.

[43 FR 4251, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.14 - Restricted dates.

Restricted dates means those dates which must be withheld by handlers pursuant to any restricted percentage established by the Secretary in accordance with § 987.44.

§ 987.15 - Substandard dates.

Utility dates means those dates which fail to meet the requirements for marketable dates but are not cull dates.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 43 FR 4251, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.16 - Cull dates.

Cull dates means dates which fail to meet the requirements (with respect to freedom from defects) prescribed in title 3, group 4, article 24, section 24, section 1434 of the Food and Agricultural Code of California for dates for use in products or by-products other than alcohol, brandy, and products not intended for human consumption and any dates residual from field or packinghouse grading operations.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 43 FR 4251, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.17 - Graded dates.

Graded dates means those dates which are eligible for certification as marketable dates.

§ 987.18 - Committee.

Committee means the California Date Administrative Committee established pursuant to § 987.21.

[36 FR 15037, Aug. 12, 1971]
§ 987.20 - Part and subpart.

Part means the order regulating the handling of domestic dates produced or packed in Riverside County, Calif., and all rules, regulations, and supplementary orders issued thereunder. The aforesaid order shall be a subpart of such part.

[36 FR 15037, Aug. 12, 1971]
§ 987.21 - Establishment and membership.

A California Date Administrative Committee consisting of nine members is hereby established to administer the terms and conditions of this part. For each member there shall be an alternate member, and the provisions of this part applicable to the number, nomination, qualification and selection of members shall apply in like manner to alternate members. Three of the members, referred to in this part as “producer members”, shall be producers or officers or employees of producers, and shall not be handlers, or directors, officers, or employees exercising a supervisory or managerial function of a handler. The six remaining members, referred to in this part as “producer-handlers”, shall be selected from (a) handlers, or directors, officers or employees of a handler, or (b) producers who are also handlers or directors, officers or employees exercising a supervisory or managerial function of a handler. The Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may issue rules and regulations covering matters of eligibility for producer members, or revising the composition of the Committee prescribed in this section if it no longer is representative following a substantial change in the industry.

[43 FR 4251, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.23 - Term of office.

The term of office for members and alternate members shall be three years beginning August 1, except that such term may be shorter if the Committee composition is changed in the interim pursuant to § 987.21. Provided, That the terms of office of all members and alternates currently serving at the time of the amendment will end on July 31, 2014. Each member and alternate member shall, unless otherwise ordered by the Secretary, continue to serve until his or her successor has been selected and has qualified.

[77 FR 37765, June 25, 2012]
§ 987.24 - Nomination and selection.

(a) Nomination for members and alternate members of the Committee shall be made not later than June 15 of every third year.

(b) Opportunity shall be provided producers and handlers to nominate individuals to serve on the Committee by establishing a day for polling and also for casting absentee ballots. Persons will only be able to vote in nominations for the group in which they would be qualified to serve on the Committee, and shall nominate the applicable number of individuals for the positions prescribed pursuant to § 987.21. Each producer, regardless of the number and locations of his date gardens, voting in the nominations for producer members and producer alternate members, shall be entitled to one vote for each member and alternate member position to be filled. The individual receiving the highest number of votes for a position shall be the nominee. Each person voting in the nominations for producer-handler members and producer-handler alternate members, shall be given the opportunity to vote for one member and one alternate member position. His ballot shall be weighted by the pounds of dates he had certified as marketable dates, from the beginning of the then current crop year through April which he produced in his own gardens or acquired from other producers. The individual receiving the highest weighted vote for a producer-handler position shall be the nominee. The Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may issue rules and regulations on the manner in which nominees for a position may be obtained, polling, balloting, absentee ballots, and the weighting of votes for producer-handler positions when the Committee is restructured during a term of office.

[43 FR 4251, Feb. 1, 1978, as amended at 77 FR 37765, June 25, 2012]
§ 987.25 - Qualification.

Each person selected as a member or alternate member of the Committee shall, prior to serving on the Committee, qualify by filing with the Secretary a written acceptance after receiving notice of his selection. Any member or alternate who, at the time of his selection, was a member of or employed by a member of the group which nominated him shall, upon ceasing to be such member or employee, become disqualified to serve further and his position on the Committee shall be deemed vacant.

§ 987.26 - Vacancies.

In the event of any vacancy occasioned by the failure to qualify, declination to serve, removal, resignation, disqualification, or death of any person nominated to serve on the Committee, or any member or alternate member selected by the Secretary, the Committee shall promptly submit its recommendation to the Secretary of a nominee eligible to serve in accordance with the requirements specified for the group in § 987.21. If the vacancy is for a member position, the Committee shall recommend appointment of the alternate member if that person is willing to serve in that position. If the Committee's recommendation is not submitted within 30 calendar days after such vacancy occurs, the Secretary may fill such vacancy without regard to nominations, and the selection shall be made on the basis of representation provided in § 987.21.

[43 FR 4251, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.27 - Alternates.

An alternate for a member of the Committee shall act in the place and stead of such member during his absence or in the event of his removal, resignation, disqualification, or death, until a successor for such member's unexpired term has been selected and has qualified. In the event a member and his alternate are unable to attend a meeting of the Committee, such member or alternate, in that order, may designate an alternate from the group he represents to act in his place. If neither a member nor his alternate has designated an alternate as his replacement, or such designated alternate is unable to serve as the replacement, the chairman may, with the concurrence of a majority of the members including alternates acting as members, representing such group, designate an alternate from such group who is present at the meeting and is not acting as a member to act in the place and stead of the absent member.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 36 FR 15038, Aug. 12, 1971; 43 FR 4251, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.28 - Expenses.

The members of the Committee shall serve without compensation but shall be allowed their necessary expenses.

§ 987.29 - Powers.

The Committee shall have the following powers:

(a) To administer the terms and provisions of this subpart.

(b) To make rules and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of this subpart.

(c) To receive, investigate, and report to the Secretary complaints of violations of this subpart, and

(d) To recommend to the Secretary amendments to this subpart.

§ 987.30 - Duties.

The Committee shall have, among other things, the following duties:

(a) To act as intermediary between the Secretary and any producer or handler.

(b) To keep minutes, books, and records which will clearly reflect all of its transactions and such minutes, books, and other records shall be subject to examination by the Secretary at any time.

(c) To investigate the growing, handling, and marketing conditions with respect to dates, to assemble data in connection therewith.

(d) To furnish to the Secretary such available information as may be deemed pertinent to the administration of this subpart or as he may request and to give to the Secretary the same notice of meetings of the Committee as is given to the members of the Committee.

(e) To appoint such employees as it may deem necessary and to determine the salaries, define the duties and where desirable fix the bonds of such employees.

(f) To cause the books of the Committee to be audited by a certified public accountant at least once each crop year and at such other times as the Committee may deem necessary or the Secretary may request. The report of each such audit shall show among other things the receipt and expenditure of funds pursuant hereto. Two copies of such audit shall be submitted to the Secretary.

(g) To investigate compliance and to use means available to the Committee to prevent violations of this part.

(h) To furnish the Committee viewpoints of the consumer, the Committee may utilize a consumer consultant. The consumer consultant shall have no financial interest in the date industry and shall receive no compensation, however, such person shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses attendant to those assignments that the Committee has given prior support and approval.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 43 FR 4252, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.31 - Procedure.

(a) A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

(b) The Committee shall, from among its members, select a chairman and such other officers and adopt such rules for the conduct of its business as it may deem advisable.

(c) For any decision of the Committee to be valid, a concurring vote of at least five members is required, except as follows:

(1) In matters relating to restructuring Committee composition pursuant to § 987.21, concurrence by at least eight members is required;

(2) In matters relating to establishment, modification and application of free and restricted percentages pursuant to §§ 987.44 and 987.46, concurrence by at least seven members is required; and

(3) In matters relating to recommendation of any program of paid advertising or major program of market promotion pursuant to § 987.33, concurrence by at least six members is required.

(d) At the discretion of the chairperson, Committee meetings may be assembled or conducted by means of teleconference, video conference, or other means of communication that may be developed. Assembled meetings may also allow for participation by means of teleconference or video conference or other communication methods, at the discretion of the chair. Members participating in meetings via any of these alternative means retain the same voting privileges that they would otherwise have.

(e) The Committee may vote upon any proposition by mail, or by telephone when confirmed in writing within two weeks, upon due notice and full and identical explanation to all members, including alternates acting as members, but any such action shall not be considered valid unless unanimously approved.

(f) If the total number of members of the Committee is changed pursuant to § 987.21, the minimum voting requirements shall be in the same ratio to the revised total number of members, as nearly as practicable, as the minimum voting requirements prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section are to nine.

[36 FR 15038, Aug. 12, 1971, as amended at 43 FR 4252, Feb. 1, 1978; 77 FR 37765, June 25, 2012]
§ 987.33 - Research and promotion.

(a) The Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish or provide for the establishment of marketing research and development projects, including marketing promotion and paid advertising, designed to assist, improve, or promote the marketing, distribution, and consumption of dates. The expenses of such projects shall be paid from funds collected pursuant to § 987.72. Upon conclusion of each program, but at least annually, the Committee shall summarize and report on the program status and accomplishments, to its members and the Secretary. A similar report to the Committee shall be required of any contracting party on any paid advertising or major program. Also, for each advertising or major program the contracting party shall be required to maintain records of money received and expenditures and such shall be available to the Committee and the Secretary. The Committee shall, with the approval of the Secretary, establish criteria which will determine such major program.

(b) [Reserved]

[32 FR 12595, Aug. 31, 1967, as amended at 36 FR 15038, Aug. 12, 1971; 43 FR 4252, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.34 - Development.

As early as practicable, but no later than October 31, the Committee shall prepare and submit to the Secretary, a report setting forth its marketing policy, including data on which it is based, by variety, for regulation of dates in the crop year.

(a) The committee shall consider such factors as:

(1) The estimated production of dates during the crop year;

(2) The estimated production of DAC dates, export dates, and product dates;

(3) The handler carryin on October 1 of dates of those qualities;

(4) The estimated trade demand in each outlet during the crop year; and

(5) The desirable carryout, by outlet.

(b) If dates to be handled as free dates are not synonymous with those to be handled in DAC outlets, the Committee shall consider such additional factors as:

(1) The supply of marketable dates that will be available from the estimated production, and from the October 1 carryin, that could be used as free dates, and

(2) The estimated trade demand for free dates during the current crop year, and the desirable carryout for free dates.

(c) The Committee shall submit its recommendation as to grade, size, and container regulations and its recommendation whether free and restricted percentages should be established and if so, the free and restricted percentages and the appropriate withholding factor.

[43 FR 4252, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.35 - Modifications.

In the event the Committee subsequently determines that the marketing policy should be modified due to changing supply or demand conditions, it shall formulate and submit to the Secretary its modified marketing policy along with the data which it considered in connection with such modification.

§ 987.36 - Notice.

The Committee shall give notice through newspapers having general circulation in the area of production or by other means of communication to producers and handlers of the contents of each marketing policy report submitted to the Secretary and of each report modifying such marketing policy. Copies of all such reports shall be maintained in the office of the Committee where they shall be available for examination by producers and handlers.

§ 987.38 - Handlers of record.

Each crop year but no later than October 10 for continuing handlers and prior to handling dates in the case of new handlers, any person desiring to handle dates shall submit a report to the Committee on a form prescribed by it containing the following information with respect to all dates which such person expects to handle:

(a) The name and address of each producer;

(b) The location of each date garden; and

(c) The acreage and estimated current season's production thereon.

Those reports required to be filed by October 10 shall reflect producers who are signed up with the handlers as of October 1 of the then current crop year. The Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may issue rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this section. [43 FR 4252, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.39 - The establishment of minimum standards.

In order to effectuate the declared policy of the act, all dates handled as marketable dates shall meet the requirements of U.S. Grade C, or if for further processing, U.S. Grade C (Dry) of the effective U.S. Standards for Grades of Dates, 7 CFR 52.1001: Provided, That the Secretary, may upon recommendation of the Committee, prescribe other minimum standards of grades and sizes for marketable dates of any variety to be handled in any designated outlet. To aid the Secretary in prescribing such other minimum standards, the Committee shall furnish to the Secretary the data upon which it acted in recommending such standards. The provisions hereof relating to minimum standards of grades and sizes for marketable dates and inspection requirements, within the meaning of section 2(3) of the act, and any other provisions relating to the administration and enforcement thereof shall continue in effect irrespective of whether the season average price to producers for dates is or is not in excess of the parity level specified in section 2(1) of the act. Notice of the minimum standard regulation shall be sent by the Committee to all handlers of record. On and after the effective date of such regulations no handler shall handle dates except in accordance with such minimum standard.

[32 FR 12596, Aug. 31, 1967, as amended at 43 FR 4252, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.40 - Additional grade or size regulations.

Whenever the Committee deems it advisable to establish grade or size requirements for any variety of dates, in addition to the minimum standard provided pursuant to § 987.39, to govern dates of such variety to be handled in any designated outlet or to be withheld to meet withholding obligation, or both, it shall recommend to the Secretary requirements as to grade based on the effective United States Standards for Grades of Dates or any modification thereof, and such size requirements as it may deem appropriate. If the Secretary finds, upon the basis of such recommendation or other information available to him, that such additional grade or size regulation, or both such regulations, will tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, he shall establish such regulations. Notice thereof, showing the effective date, shall be sent by the Committee to all handlers of record. On and after the effective date no handler shall handle dates of such variety in any designated outlet or withhold such dates to meet withholding obligation except in accordance with such regulations.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 43 FR 4252, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.41 - Inspection.

(a) Packed dates. Prior to handling any dates packed for handling each handler shall, at his own expense, cause:

(1) An inspection to be made of such dates in order to ascertain if such dates meet the applicable grade and size regulations prescribed or provided for in this part; and

(2) A certification for handling to be made of all such dates as meet such grade and size regulations.

(b) Dates for further processing. Prior to handling any dates for further processing each handler shall, at his own expense, cause: (1) An inspection to be made to ascertain if such dates meet the applicable grade and size requirements effective pursuant to § 987.39 or § 987.40, except for character associated with moisture; and (2) a certification for further processing to be made of all such dates as meet such grade and size requirements: Provided, That such inspection and certification requirements shall not apply to inter-handler transfers within the area of production of field-run dates or graded dates.

(c) Identification and service. All dates handled shall be identified by seals, stamps, or other means prescribed by the Committee and affixed to the containers by the handlers under the supervision of the Committee or the designated inspectors. Inspection shall be performed by inspectors of the United States Department of Agriculture's Specialty Crop Inspection Division or such other inspection service as may be recommended by the committee and approved by the Secretary. Handlers shall cause a copy of each inspection certificate to be furnished to the Committee.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 88 FR 82235, Nov. 24, 2023]
§ 987.43 - Outlets and specifications for marketable dates.

Marketable dates shall not be handled or otherwise disposed of except as provided in this subpart. This shall not preclude dates of better grades or sizes being handled or otherwise disposed of in any outlet established for dates of lesser grades or sizes. The Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may modify the designations specified in § 987.12 to reflect new major outlets and regulatory requirements needed because of changes in marketing conditions. Marketable dates shall include but not be limited to the following: DAC dates, Dates for further processing, Export dates, and Product dates.

[43 FR 4252, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.44 - Free and restricted percentages.

(a) Whenever the Committee finds that the available supply of marketable dates of applicable grade and size available to supply the trade demand for free dates of any variety is likely to be excessive, and that limiting the volume of marketable dates to be handled as free dates through establishment of free and restricted percentages applicable to such variety of such dates would tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, it shall recommend such percentages to the Secretary. If the Secretary finds, upon the basis of the Committee's recommendation and supporting data or other information available to him, that the establishment of such percentages would tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, he shall establish such percentages. The sum of the free and restricted percentages for any crop year shall equal 100 percent.

(b) The dates handled by any handler in accordance with the provisions hereof shall be determined to be that handler's quota fixed by the Secretary within the meaning of section 8a(5) of the act.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 43 FR 4252, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.45 - Withholding restricted dates.

(a) Whenever free and restricted percentages for any variety of dates have been established for a crop year by the Secretary in accordance with § 987.44, each handler shall, at the time of having dates of such variety certified for handling as free dates (including those for further processing that are to be handled as free dates), withhold from handling a quantity of marketable dates of such variety having a weight equal to the restricted percentage for such variety referrable to the dates so far certified. The withholding requirement shall not apply to dates certified for delivery directly to an excess supply removal program of the Secretary. The weight required to be withheld shall be determined by dividing the restricted percentage by the free percentage and applying the resultant withholding factor, rounded to the nearest one-tenth of one percent, to the weight of dates so certified. The withholding factor, computed as aforesaid, shall be established by the Secretary. When pitted dates are certified, the weight to be withheld shall be determined by dividing the weight of the pitted dates certified for handling or further processing by a divisor established by the Committee with the approval of the Secretary and applying the withholding factor.

(b) Compliance by any handler with the withholding of restricted dates may be deferred to any date not later than January 31 of any crop year, upon request to the Committee and when accompanied by a written undertaking that on or prior to such date, he will have fully satisfied his withholding obligation. Such undertaking shall be secured by a bond or bonds to be filed with, and acceptable to, the Committee and with a surety or sureties acceptable to the Committee, running in favor of the Committee and the Secretary in an amount conditioned upon full compliance with such undertaking. The amount shall be determined by multiplying the poundage of the deferred restricted obligation by a bonding rate per pound which would provide funds estimated to be sufficient for the Committee to purchase on the open market a volume of dates equivalent to the deferred obligation. Such bonding rate shall be established annually, and modified as necessary, by the Committee. Any sums collected through default by a handler on his bond shall be used by the Committee to purchase dates to meet the violated restricted obligation, reimburse the Committee for expenses relative to the default, and any excess money remaining shall be refunded to the defaulting handler. The dates so purchased by the Committee shall be turned over to the defaulting handler for disposition as restricted dates. In the event the Committee is unable to purchase a poundage of dates equal to the defaulted volume, the sums collected shall, after reimbursement of Committee expenses in connection with the default, be distributed among all handlers other than the defaulting handler in proportion to the volume of certified dates handled as free dates (including those for further processing that were handled as free dates), during the crop year in which the default occurred.

(c) At any time during the crop year free dates may be inspected and certified for handling or for further processing as provided in § 987.41. Dates so certified shall, at the time of certification, be identified by appropriate seals, stamps, or tags to be furnished by the Committee and to be affixed to the containers by the handler under the direction and supervision of the Committee or its designated inspectors. The assessment requirements in § 987.72 as well as the withholding obligation prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section shall be met at the time of certification. However, a handler who has had more free dates certified for handling or further processing than he subsequently shipped or otherwise handled may, upon request to the Committee and with its approval, have any of such excess quantity of the certified dates suspended from certification of record or, if damaged or the outlet changed, removed from certification, and his withholding and assessment obligations adjusted accordingly. A handler, who has had dates certified for handling or further processing and has not had them so suspended from certification of record or removed from certification, may carry such certified free dates over into the new crop year and need not pay the assessment nor meet the requirements of any withholding percentages established for such year.

(d) Dates withheld to meet the withholding obligation shall be stored at the expense of the handler, in storage of his own choosing and disposed of in accordance with § 987.55. All such dates shall be inspected and identified by appropriate seals, stamps, or tags to be furnished by the Committee and to be affixed to the containers by the handler under the direction and supervision of the Committee or its designated inspectors. All withholding and movement of restricted dates, shall be subject to the supervision and accounting control of the Committee and reports shall be filed as required by this part. Any handler who during a crop year disposes in restricted outlets of a quantity of marketable dates in excess of his withholding obligation of such year may: (1) On written request delivered to the Committee not later than September 30 of such crop year have a part or all of such excess transferred, by the Committee, to such other handler or handlers as he may name, for crediting such other handlers' withholding obligations incurred in that crop year; and in addition (2) have a part or all of the remainder of such excess credited to his restricted obligation of the subsequent crop year: Provided, That the amount of any such credit shall not exceed that established by the Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, as the percentage of such withholding obligation.

(e) On request to the Committee and with its approval, a handler may, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph and any applicable rules and regulations which the Committee may prescribe with the approval of the Secretary, defer until any date not later than September 30 of the crop year the meeting of any portion of his obligation to withhold restricted dates by setting aside such amount of graded dates as will assure a quantity of marketable dates equal at least to the quantity needed to be withheld to meet his withholding obligation. With respect to any such dates the handler may set aside in connection with such a deferment, the Committee may require, if it deems it necessary, the handler to have made, at his own expense, such inspection as may be necessary for a determination as to whether such dates conform to the applicable requirements for dates that may be set aside under this paragraph. As a condition to the Committee approving the deferment, the handler shall agree in writing that:

(1) He will adequately mark and identify the set-aside graded dates as such and hold them separate and apart from other dates;

(2) The graded dates will not be removed from the stacks in which so set aside without the prior written permission of the Committee;

(3) Inspection of the dates by the Committee will be permitted at any reasonable time; and

(4) If the quantity, quality, or size of the set-aside dates is found by the Committee at any time to be deficient, the handler will promptly set aside such additional or substitute quantity of graded dates as is necessary to correct the deficiency.

(f) Upon the Committee prescribing, with the approval of the Secretary, minimum standards for inspection of field-run dates and appropriate administrative rules and regulations, a handler may, in accordance therewith and the provisions of this paragraph, satisfy all or any part of his obligation to withhold restricted dates by setting aside field-run dates or by disposing of field-run dates in outlets prescribed in, or pursuant to, § 987.56. The field-run dates shall be of such quality or size as shall be prescribed in such rules and regulations. The setting aside, direct disposal, and disposal of any field-run dates set aside shall occur prior to September 30 of the crop year in which the withholding obligation occurs. Prior to the disposal or setting aside of the field run dates, the handler shall have had them inspected to determine the weight of dates eligible to satisfy withholding obligation. Upon such disposal or setting aside of the field-run dates, the handler shall be credited with satisfaction of his restricted obligation to the extent of the eligible weight of dates. In permitting the handler to so satisfy his withholding obligation the Committee shall require the handler to agree in writing that:

(1) Any field-run dates set aside will be held separate and apart from other dates and appropriately marked;

(2) Such dates will not be removed from the stacks in which so set aside for substitution of other dates, disposition, or for any other reason without prior written permission of the Committee; and

(3) Inspection of said dates by the Committee will be permitted at any reasonable time. In order to satisfy a withholding obligation by direct disposal of field-run dates into cull outlets, the disposal shall be under the supervision of the Committee and through persons on a Committee approved list of feeders and manufacturers. The handler may, upon giving prior notice to the Committee of any of the following proposed actions with respect to field-run dates withheld and obtaining its approval, (i) dispose of any such set-aside, field-run dates in the same manner as provided for direct disposal (ii) grade such dates and have the graded dates certified as marketable dates and withhold or dispose of such marketable dates as restricted dates, or (iii) substitute for the set-aside, field-run dates an equivalent quantity of marketable dates which he shall withhold or dispose of as restricted dates.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 29 FR 9707, July 18, 1964; 36 FR 15039, Aug. 12, 1971; 43 FR 4253, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.46 - Revisions of percentages.

The Secretary may, on recommendation of the Committee submitted prior to January 31 of the crop year, or on the basis of other information available to him, increase the free percentage to conform with such new relation as may be found to exist between trade demand for free dates and available supply of marketable dates of applicable grade and size. Upon any revision in the free and restricted percentages the control obligation of each handler with respect to free dates handled or certified for handling or for further processing by him for the entire crop year shall be recomputed in accordance with such revised control percentages. The handler shall be permitted to select, insofar as practicable, under the supervision and direction of the Committee, the particular dates to be removed from any dates withheld.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 43 FR 4253, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.47 - Surplus.

All cull dates and all substandard dates, including such dates blended with varieties within the generic term dates not regulated by this part, except any utility dates released to human consumption outlets pursuant to § 987.56, are surplus dates of any crop year. No handler shall ship or deliver such surplus dates to other than the Committee or its designee(s) for disposition in eligible outlets for such dates, except that any producer or handler may dispose of any such surplus dates of his own production within his own livestock feeding operations. Surplus dates delivered to the Committee shall be disposed of by it, in those outlets specified in § 987.56, at the best prices attainable and the proceeds returned pro rata, after deduction of Committee costs, to equity holders. The Committee may assist handlers with the cleaning, storage, or delivery of surplus dates and may, with the approval of the Secretary, establish rules and regulations necessary and incidental to administration of this regulation.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 43 FR 4251, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.48 - Container regulation.

Whenever the Committee deems it advisable to establish a container regulation for any variety of dates, it shall recommend to the Secretary the size, capacity, weight, or pack of the container, or containers, which may be used in the handling or packaging of dates, or both. If the Secretary finds upon the basis of such recommendation or other information available to him that such container regulation would tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act he shall establish such regulation and notice thereof showing the effective date shall be sent by the Committee to all handlers of record. After the effective date of such regulation, no handler shall handle dates of such variety except in accordance with such regulation and all other applicable requirements in effect pursuant to this part.

§ 987.50 - Application after end of crop year.

Unless otherwise specified the regulations and the bonding rates established for any crop year shall continue in effect with respect to all free dates for which control obligations have not been previously met, until regulations and bonding rates are established for the new crop year. Thereupon the withholding obligations for all free dates handled or certified for handling or for further processing during such crop year shall be adjusted to the newly established percentages and a similar adjustment shall be made in any bond or bonds already given for that crop year.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 43 FR 4253, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.51 - Interhandler transfers.

Transfers of dates may be made from one handler to another, and each handler who so transfers any such dates shall immediately upon the completion of the particular transfer notify the Committee of the transfer, specifying the date of the transfer, the quantity and variety of dates involved, and the name of the receiving handler. If such transfer is wholly within the area of production, the assessment and withholding obligations shall be placed on the handler agreeing to assume them: Provided, That in the absence of the Committee receiving notice of a specific agreement on such obligations, the buying handler shall be held accountable. If such transfer is from within the area of production to any point outside thereof, the assessment and withholding obligations shall be met by the handler within the area of production. Except for packed dates inspected and certified for handling prior to transfer and which are not repacked, any receiving handler (other than a repacker not otherwise a handler, who shall comply with § 987.53) shall comply with the requirements of § 987.41 on all dates, but this shall apply to repacked dates previously inspected and certified for handling only if the handler also packs dates received as field-run dates.

[32 FR 12596, Aug. 31, 1967]
§ 987.52 - Exemption.

(a) The Committee may exempt from regulation, upon written request of any producer or handler, the dates he sells to consumers through roadside stands, local date shops, mail order or specialty outlets, if it determines that the particular request is not likely to materially interfere with the objectives of this part. All dates handled pursuant to exemptions under this section shall be reported to the Committee in such manner and in such form as the Committee may prescribe. The Committee shall issue, with the approval of the Secretary, appropriate rules and regulations establishing the bases on which exemptions may be granted.

(b) The Committee may, with the approval of the Secretary, recommend that the handling of any date variety be exempted from regulations established pursuant to §§ 987.39 through 987.51 and §§ 987.61 through 987.72.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 77 FR 37765, June 25, 2012]
§ 987.53 - Application of regulations to repackers.

Repackers shall be exempt from those requirements of this part, including reporting requirements, with respect to packed dates which had been certified for handling, pursuant to § 987.41(a), prior to receipt, except that: (a) A repacker who processes such dates by machine pitting shall comply with the grade, size, inspection, certification, and identification requirements, and (b) a repacker who repackages such dates in containers other than those in which received, shall comply with the then effective container regulations established pursuant to § 987.48.

[32 FR 12596, Aug. 31, 1967]
§ 987.55 - Outlets for restricted dates.

Restricted dates may be disposed of only through exportation to such countries as the Committee may approve or by diversion in product outlets described in § 987.43 which the Committee concludes to be appropriate and which will result in dates moving into consumption in a form other than that of whole or pitted dates. To facilitate sales and promote orderly marketing of any variety of restricted dates handled in export, the Committee may participate in or negotiate for handlers, the sale of such dates to meet all or a substantial part of the needs of the particular country, and, in connection with each such sale, the Committee shall extend to all handlers an opportunity to participate therein and shall distribute the returns therefrom to participating handlers according to their respective contributions of dates. The Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe rules and regulations governing the opportunity to participate in such sales. The provisions of this section shall not preclude restricted dates being disposed of in outlets for utility and cull dates prescribed in § 987.56.

[43 FR 4253, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.56 - Outlets for utility and cull dates.

Subject to the provisions of § 987.47, utility dates and cull dates may be disposed of without inspection, but only in feed, non-table syrup, alcohol, or brandy outlets, or in such other outlets for non-human food products as the Committee with the approval of the Secretary, may specify: Provided, That whenever the Committee concludes and the Secretary finds that the use of utility dates of any variety in certain products for human consumption would tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, the Secretary shall specify such products, and dates of such variety that are inspected and certified as utility dates may be disposed of for use, or used, in such products: And provided further, That whenever the Committee concludes and the Secretary finds that the disposition of utility dates of any variety through any export outlet would tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act, the Secretary shall specify such export outlet, and dates of such variety that are inspected and certified as meeting such grade, size, container, and identification requirements as may be prescribed by the Committee with the approval of the Secretary for such outlet may be so exported.

[29 FR 9707, July 18, 1964, as amended at 43 FR 4251, 4253, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.57 - Approved manufacturers or feeders.

(a) Diversion of dates, pursuant to § 987.55 or § 987.56, shall be accomplished only by such persons (which may include handlers) as are approved manufacturers or feeders. Any person may become an approved manufacturer or feeder if he (1) submits an application to the Committee in which he agrees, as a condition to approval of his application, to furnish to the Committee such information as it may require and to comply with the requirements and restrictions relative to the use and disposition of such dates, as set forth in this part, and (2) receives from the Committee written approval of his application. The application and approval shall be in accordance with such rules, regulations and safeguards as may be prescribed pursuant to § 987.59.

(b) [Reserved]

[27 FR 6818, July 9, 1962, as amended at 43 FR 4251, 4253, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.58 - Terminal date.

Dates covered by §§ 987.55 and 987.56 shall, by September 30 of the subsequent crop year (a) in accordance with the applicable requirements of such sections, be disposed of, or be converted from their whole or pitted form; or (b) be set aside and marked for disposition pursuant to the applicable requirements of such sections. The Committee may prescribe, with the approval of the Secretary, such rules, regulations and safeguards, pursuant to § 987.59, as may be necessary to prevent dates covered by §§ 987.55 and 987.56 from interfering with the objectives of this part.

§ 987.59 - Safeguards.

The Committee may prescribe, with the approval of the Secretary, such rules, regulations and safeguards as are necessary to prevent dates covered by §§ 987.55 and 987.56 from interfering with the objectives of this part.

§ 987.61 - Reports of handler carryover.

Each handler shall file each year with the Committee written reports of his carryover of dates as of March 1, October 1, and at such other times as the Committee may prescribe: Provided, That during those seasons when volume regulations are established by the Secretary, the handler shall file an additional report on his January 1 carryover. Such reports shall be filed within 10 days of the date of the carryover. These reporting dates specified may be changed, upon recommendation of the Committee, together with substantiation of the need therefore, with the approval of the Secretary.

[43 FR 4253, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.62 - Reports of dates shipped.

Each handler who ships dates during a crop year shall submit to the Committee, in such form and at such intervals as the Committee may prescribe, reports showing the net weight of dates shipped by him and such other information pertinent thereto as the Committee may specify.

§ 987.63 - Reports on restricted dates withheld.

Each handler from time to time, on demand of the Committee, shall file with it a report of the restricted dates withheld by him in satisfaction of his withholding obligation. Such reports shall show such information as the Committee may require and may be in such form as the Committee may prescribe.

§ 987.64 - Reports on disposition of restricted, other marketable, utility, and cull dates.

Each handler disposing of any dates pursuant to §§ 987.55 and 987.56 shall promptly thereafter report such disposition to the Committee in such form as the Committee may prescribe.

[43 FR 4253, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.65 - Other reports.

Upon request of the Committee each handler shall furnish to it in such manner and at such times as it prescribes, such other information as will enable the Committee to perform its duties and exercise its powers hereunder.

§ 987.66 - Certification of reports.

All reports submitted to the Committee as required in this part shall be certified to the United States Department of Agriculture and to the Committee as to the completeness and correctness of the information therein.

§ 987.67 - Confidential information.

All data or other information constituting a trade secret or disclosing a trade position or business condition shall be received by, and kept in the custody of, one or more designated employees of the Committee and information which would reveal the circumstances of a single handler shall be disclosed to no person other than the Secretary.

§ 987.68 - Verification of reports and records.

For the purpose of checking compliance with record keeping requirements and verifying reports filed by handlers, the Secretary and the Committee, through its duly authorized employees, shall have access to any premises where dates are held and, at any time during reasonable business hours, shall be permitted to examine any dates held and any and all records with respect to matters within the purview of this part. Handlers shall furnish labor necessary to facilitate such examinations at no expense to the Committee. All handlers shall maintain complete records establish and which accurately show the quantity of dates handled, disposed of, and withheld. The Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish the type of records to be maintained. Such records shall be retained by handlers for not less than two years subsequent to the termination of each crop year.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 36 FR 15039, Aug. 12, 1971; 43 FR 4253, Feb. 1, 1978]
§ 987.71 - Expenses.

The Committee is authorized to incur such expenses, including maintenance of an operating reserve fund, as the Secretary may find are reasonable and are likely to be incurred by it during each crop year for the maintenance and functioning of the Committee and for such other purposes as he determines to be appropriate. The recommendation of the Committee as to total expenses and allocation thereof for each crop year, together with all data supporting such recommendation, shall be submitted to the Secretary within a reasonable time after the marketing policy for each crop year is recommended.

§ 987.72 - Assessments.

(a) Requirement for payment. Each handler shall pay to the Committee upon demand, on all dates he has certified as meeting the requirements for marketable dates and utility dates utilized in product outlets including the eligible portion of any field-run dates certified and set aside or disposed of pursuant to § 987.45(f), his pro rata share of all expenses which the Secretary finds are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the Committee during each crop year. Should the condition arise wherein the utility portion of dates handled in certain other outlets should not be, in the opinion of the Committee, subject to the payment of assessments on that portion, the Committee may recommend and the Secretary approve by rulemaking, such exclusion. Each handler's pro rata share shall be the rate of assessment per hundredweight fixed by the Secretary. At any time during or after a crop year the Secretary may increase such assessment rate to secure sufficient funds to cover unanticipated expenses or a deficit in assessable poundage. Any such increase shall apply to all assessable poundage of the crop year. The Committee may accept payments of assessments in advance and may borrow money in any amount not to exceed 10 percent of the estimated expenses set forth in its budget for the then crop year. The assessment weight of pitted dates shall be determined by dividing the weight of such dates by a divisor established by the Committee with the approval of the Secretary.

(b) Delinquent payments. Any assessment not paid by a handler within a period of time prescribed by the Committee may be subject to an interest or late payment charge, or both. The period of time, rate of interest, and late payment charge shall be as recommended by the Committee and approved by the Secretary.

(c) Surplus expenses. The Committee is authorized to use temporarily funds derived from assessments collected pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section to defray expenses incurred in disposing of surplus dates. All such expenses shall be deducted from the proceeds obtained by the Committee from such disposal.

(d) Operating reserve. The Committee, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish and maintain during one or more crop years an operating monetary reserve in an amount not to exceed the average of one year's expenses incurred during the most recent five preceding crop years, except that an established reserve need not be reduced to conform to any recomputed average. Funds in reserve shall be available for use by the Committee for expenses authorized pursuant to § 987.71.

(e) Refunds. Funds held by the Committee at the conclusion of the crop year in excess of the crop year's expenses, including reserve requirements, may be used to defray expenses for no more than the ensuing four months, and thereafter within a reasonable time the Committee shall credit, or upon demand, refund the aforesaid excess to handlers who contributed to such excess: Provided, That the excess due any handler may be applied, in whole or in part, by the Committee to any outstanding obligation due the Committee from such handler. A handler's share of the excess funds shall be the amount of assessments he paid in excess of his actual pro rata share of the expenses, including reserve requirements, of the Committee for the preceding crop year. Upon termination of this subpart any money in possession of the Committee shall be distributed in such manner as the Secretary may direct: Provided, That, to the extent practicable, such funds shall be returned pro rata to the persons from whom such funds were collected.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 29 FR 9707, July 18, 1964; 43 FR 4253, Feb. 1, 1978; 77 FR 37765, June 25, 2012]
§ 987.76 - Compliance.

No handler shall handle any dates (including dates for further processing) except in conformity with, and as authorized by or pursuant to, the applicable provisions of this part, including but not being limited to the regulations relating to grade, size, and volume; and no handler shall use or otherwise dispose of restricted dates or any other dates which have not been certified for handling or for further processing except in conformity with, and as authorized by or pursuant to, the applicable provisions of this part.

§ 987.77 - Personal liability.

No member or alternate member of the committee, or any employee or agent thereof, shall be held personally responsible, either individually or jointly with others, in any way whatsoever, to any handler or any other person for errors in judgment, mistakes, or other acts either of commission or omission, as such member, alternate member, agent, or employee, except for acts of dishonesty, willful misconduct or gross negligence.

§ 987.78 - Separability.

If any provision of this part is declared invalid, or the applicability thereof to any person, circumstance, or thing is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this part or the applicability of this part to any other person, circumstance, or thing shall not be affected thereby.

§ 987.79 - Derogation.

Nothing contained in this part is, or shall be construed to be, in derogation or in modification of the rights of the Secretary or of the United States to exercise any powers granted by the act or otherwise, or, in accordance with such powers, to act in the premises whenever such action is deemed advisable.

§ 987.80 - Duration of immunities.

The benefits, privileges, and immunities conferred upon any person by virtue of this subpart shall cease upon its termination except with respect to acts done under and during its existence.

§ 987.81 - Agents.

The Secretary may, by a designation in writing, name any person, including any officer or employee of the United States Government, or name any bureau or division of the United States Department of Agriculture, to act as his agent or representative in connection with any of the provisions of this part.

§ 987.82 - Effective time, suspension, or termination.

(a) Effective time. The provisions of this part, as well as any amendments hereto, shall become effective at such time as the Secretary may declare, and shall continue in force until terminated or suspended in one of the ways hereinafter specified in this section.

(b) Suspension or termination—(1) Failure to effectuate policy of act. The Secretary shall terminate or suspend the operation of any or all of the provisions of this part, whenever he finds that such provisions do not tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act.

(2) When favored by growers. The Secretary shall terminate the provisions of this part at the end of any crop year whenever he finds that such termination is favored by a majority of the growers of dates who, during that crop year, have been engaged in the production for market of dates in the area of production: Provided, That such majority have, during such period, produced for market more than 50 percent of the volume of such dates produced for market within said area; but such termination shall be effective only if announced on or before August 1 of the then current crop year.

(3) If enabling legislation is terminated. The provisions of this part shall, in any event, terminate whenever the provisions of the act authorizing them cease to be in effect.

(c) Proceedings after termination—(1) Designation of trustees. Upon the termination of the provisions hereof, the members of the Committee then functioning shall continue as joint trustees, for the purpose of liquidating the affairs of the Committee, of all funds and property then in the possession or under the control of the Committee, including claims for any funds unpaid or property not delivered at the time of such termination. Action by said trusteeship shall require the concurrence of a majority of the said trustees.

(2) Duties of trustees. Said trustees shall continue in such capacity until discharged by the Secretary; shall, from time to time, account for all receipts and disbursements and deliver all property on hand, together with all books and records of the Committee and the joint trustees, to such person as the Secretary may direct; and shall, upon request of the Secretary, execute such assignments or other instruments necessary or appropriate to vest in such persons full title and right to all funds, property, and claims vested in the Committee or the joint trustees pursuant hereto.

(3) Obligations of persons other than Committee members and trustees. Any person to whom funds, property, or claims have been transferred or delivered by the Committee or its members, pursuant to this section, shall be subject to the same obligations imposed upon the members of the said Committee and upon the said joint trustees.

[27 FR 6818, July 19, 1962, as amended at 36 FR 15039, Aug. 12, 1971]
§ 987.83 - Effect of termination or amendment.

Unless otherwise expressly provided by the Secretary, the termination hereof or of any regulation issued pursuant to this part, or the issuance of any amendment to either thereof, shall not—

(a) Affect or waive any right, duty, obligation, or liability which shall have arisen or which may thereafter arise in connection with any provision of this part or any regulation issued hereunder, or

(b) Release or extinguish any violation of this part or of any regulation issued hereunder, or

(c) Affect or impair any rights or remedies of the Secretary or of any other person, with respect to any such violation.

§ 987.84 - Amendments.

Amendments hereto may be proposed, from time to time by any person or by the Committee.

authority: 7 U.S.C. 601-674.
cite as: 7 CFR 987.8a