Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 987.101 - Lot.

Lot means the aggregate quantity of dates of the same variety, style, type and grade in like containers with like identification either (a) packed as a continuous production segment, or (b) offered for inspection as a shipping, storage, or other unit.

§ 987.102 - Lot number.

Lot number is synonymous with code and means a combination of letters or numbers, or both, acceptable to the Committee, showing at least the date of packing, the variety, and the outlet category of the dates. The combination of letters or numbers, or both, imprinted on the containers shall differ from those of any other lot coded within a 3-year period.

§ 987.104 - Major marketing promotion.

A major marketing promotion program is one requiring the expenditure of more than $500 of Committee funds.

[43 FR 28435, June 30, 1978]
§ 987.105 - Whole equivalent of pitted dates.

For the purposes of this part, the whole date equivalent weight of pitted dates shall be determined by dividing the weight of the pitted dates by 0.83.

[53 FR 39226, Oct. 6, 1988]
§ 987.112 - Identification of dates.

(a) General. Prior to applying the markings required by this section, each handler shall remove or delete from each container all former identifying marks which conflict with those applicable to the dates currently in the container. Dates of each outlet category shall be held, stored, or shipped in a manner to preserve their identity. Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, the markings on the containers shall be not less than five-sixteenths ( 5/16) inch in height on containers exceeding 5 pounds net weight and not less than one-eighth ( 1/8) inch in height on smaller containers. All markings shall be legible.

(b) DAC dates. Each handler shall mark every shipping or storage container (excluding subcontainers) of DAC dates with his name or that of the distributor for whom the handler is packing, and the lot number. Under the supervision of the inspection service every container shall be marked with the date of inspection, the name or insignia of the inspection service, and the letters “DAC”.

(c) FP dates. Each handler shall mark every shipping or storage container (excluding subcontainers) of FP dates with his name or that of the distributor for whom the handler is packing, and the lot number. Under the supervision of the inspection service every container shall be marked with the date of inspection, the name or insignia of the inspection service, and the letters “FP”.

(d) Export dates. Each handler shall mark every shipping or storage container (excluding subcontainers) of Export dates with his name or that of the exporting firm, and the lot number. If the dates, including field-run dates with cull dates removed, are certified as meeting the grade and size requirements for export to approved countries other than Mexico, the containers shall be marked “Export”. Dry dates for processing packed for shipment to approved countries shall be marked “Export Dry”. Dates packed for export to Mexico shall be marked “Export Mexico”. However, “Export Mexico” shall be in letters not less than three-fourths ( 3/4) inch in height on containers exceeding 5 pounds net weight, and not less than one-eighth ( 1/8) inch in height on smaller containers. DAC dates and FP dates, marked pursuant to paragraphs (b) and (c), respectively, of this section, may be exported without change of marking.

(e) Product and utility dates. Each handler shall mark every shipping or storage container (excluding subcontainers) of Product dates, or Utility dates when approved for use in products, with the lot number and, if for shipment outside the area of production, with the word Product or Utility, as applicable. Whenever a handler, or an approved date product manufacturer, utilizes a procedure that maintains the identity of the lot and assures that the dates will be used in products or exported, the Committee may waive the requirements of this paragraph for that lot.

(f) Unidentified dates. If a handler loses the identity of any lot of dates previously inspected and certified as marketable dates, the certification as to such lot shall be void.

[43 FR 28436, June 30, 1978, as amended at 88 FR 82236, Nov. 24, 2023]
§ 987.112a - Grade, size, and container requirements for each outlet category.

(a) In lieu of the minimum standards prescribed in § 987.39, the following standards are prescribed as the minimum grades and sizes for marketable dates to be handled in the applicable outlets. These standards shall continue in effect irrespective of whether the season average price to producers for dates is or is not in excess of the parity level specified in section 2(1) of the act.

(b) DAC dates. (1) All varieties of DAC dates may be handled in the United States, Canada, or any other outlet established for dates of lesser grades or sizes.

(2) DAC dates of any variety shall at least meet the requirements of U.S. Grade B, except that up to 25 percent, by weight, of the dates may possess semi-dry or dry calyx ends, but not more than 5 percent, by weight, of the dates may possess dry calyx ends. Also, with respect to whole dates of the Deglet Noor variety, the individual dates in the sample from the lot shall weigh at least 6.5 grams, but up to 10 percent, by weight, may weigh less than 6.5 grams. These size requirements are in addition to, and do not supersede, the requirements as to uniformity of size prescribed in the grade standards.

(3) DAC dates of any variety, when packed in plastic containers, other than bags and master shipping containers, shall contain a net weight (i) for whole dates, of either eight ounces, twelve ounces, 1 pound 8 ounces, or two pounds or more, and (ii) for pitted dates, of either seven ounces, ten ounces, one pound, one pound eight ounces, or two pounds or more. DAC dates packed in other than plastic containers may be handled without regard to the net weight content. For the purpose of this subparagraph, plastic container means any containers of any shape made from plastic and in which dates are packed without the use of cardboard boats, trays, or other like stiffening material: Provided, That DAC dates shipped for sale in Canada in plastic containers are exempt from the net weight requirements of this subparagraph.

(4) The California Date Administrative Committee may designate with the approval of the Secretary such other types and sizes of containers for testing in connection with a research project conducted by or in cooperation with the Committee. The time period and the quantity of dates which may be marketed by handlers during that period shall be designated by the Committee for each market research project. The handling of each lot of dates in such test containers shall be subject to the prior approval, and under the supervision, of the Committee.

(c) Dates for further processing. (1) Except as provided in § 987.152(b)(1), all varieties of FP dates may be disposed of only (i) to persons in the United States capable of processing and packing the dates and having them certified as DAC dates, or (ii) exported to the countries designated in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.

(2) FP dates of any variety shall at least meet the requirements of U.S. Grade B (dry). Also, with respect to whole dates of the Deglet Noor variety, the individual dates in the sample from the lot shall weigh at least 6.5 grams, but up to 10 percent, by weight, may weigh less than 6.5 grams. These size requirements are in addition to, and do not supersede, the requirements as to uniformity of size prescribed in the grade standards.

(d) Export dates. (1) Dates of any variety identified as “Export” dates and inspected and certified as meeting the requirements of this subparagraph may only be exported to any country except Canada. Such dates shall at least meet the requirements of U.S. Grade C: Provided, That Deglet Noor dates shall score not less than 31 points for character and 24 points for absence of defects but up to 40 percent, by weight, of the dates may be damaged by broken skin.

(2) Export of dry dates. Dates of any variety identified and certified as meeting the requirements of this subparagraph only may be exported to the following designated date producing and processing countries in North Africa: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, 1 Egypt, and Sudan; the following date processing and consuming countries north of the Mediterranean Sea: Spain, France, Belgium, West Germany, Italy, France, Greece, and the Netherlands; and the following date processing and consuming country in Asia: Japan. Such dates shall at least meet U.S. Grade C (dry) except for defects removable by washing: Provided, That Deglet Noor dates shall score not less than 31 points for character and 24 points for absence of defects but up to 40 percent, by weight, of the dates may be damaged by broken skin.

1 Executive Order 12543 of January 7, 1986 (51 FR 875), prohibits trade and certain transactions involving Libya, and is applicable to exports of dates under this marketing order as long as the executive order is in effect. That order, among other things, prohibits the exports to Libya of any goods, technology (including technical data or other information) or services from the United States, except publications and donations of articles intended to relieve human suffering, such as food, clothing, medicine and medical supplies intended strictly for medical purposes.

(3) Dates of any variety identified as “Export—Mexico” and inspected and certified as at least meeting the requirements of U.S. Grade C may be exported only to Mexico. No dates shall be exported to Mexico unless the handler certifies to the Committee and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, on CDAC Form No. 11(a), which shall be submitted to the Committee, that the importing buyer has agreed that such dates will not reenter the United States or be shipped to Canada. The form shall show the identity of the handler, the trucker, the importer, the destination of the dates, the location of the border-crossing station, and such other information as the Committee deems appropriate to perform its duties and exercise its powers under this part.

(4) Whenever field-run dates of any variety are authorized for export to any country, each lot shall consist of at least 85 percent, by weight, of sound dates. Sound dates means individual dates which are at least U.S. Grade C in character and are free of the defects—other than those removable by washing—scored to determine the point requirement applicable to their intended destination.

(5) Dates meeting the grade and size requirements of this paragraph may be disposed of in outlet categories established for dates of lesser grades and sizes.

(e) Product dates. (1) Dates of any variety identified as “Product” dates and inspected and certified as at least meeting the requirements of this paragraph may be disposed of by handlers for use or used by them in the production of table syrup, rings, chunks, pieces, butter, paste, and macerated dates or other products approved by the Committee. If the handler does not use the dates in products, he may sell them to: (i) Other handlers within the area of production for conversion into products, or (ii) to date product manufacturers approved by the Committee regardless of their location. Once the dates have been converted from their whole or pitted form, they may be shipped to any market in the United States, Canada, or foreign country.

(2) Product dates of any variety and identified as “Product” shall meet the requirements of U.S. Grade C, except that mashing and mechanical injury not affecting eating quality shall not be considered in determining the defect factor.

(f) Change of outlet. A handler may change the outlet category for any lot of dates: Provided, That prior to such change, the handler files a completed CDAC Form No. 1(a) and a new inspection certificate with the Committee. If the grade and size requirements of the new outlet category are the same as or less than the requirements of the outlet category previously intended, only a condition inspection is required. If the grade and size requirements of the new outlet category are greater, a complete inspection is required. The handler shall change the marking on the containers to conform with the identification requirements prescribed in § 987.112 for the new outlet.

(g) Deteriorated dates. Any marketable dates which deteriorated in quality so that they are either utility or cull dates may be disposed of only in the applicable outlets for such dates or they may be reconditioned and upon reconditioning, the modified lot may be reinspected and recertified, as applicable.

[43 FR 28436, June 30, 1978, as amended at 47 FR 4489, Feb. 1, 1982; 47 FR 23417, May 28, 1982; 48 FR 176, Jan. 11, 1983; 51 FR 4478, Feb. 5, 1986; 52 FR 35530, Sept. 22, 1987; 53 FR 35994, Sept. 16, 1988; 56 FR 778, Jan. 9, 1991; 57 FR 61779, Dec. 29, 1992; 62 FR 7663, Feb. 20, 1997; 88 FR 82236, Nov. 24, 2023]
§ 987.124 - Nomination and polling.

(a) Date producers and producer-handlers shall be provided an opportunity to nominate and vote for individuals to serve on the Committee. For this purpose, the Committee shall, no later than June 15 of every third year, provide date producers and producer-handlers nomination and balloting material by mail or equivalent electronic means, upon which producers and producer-handlers may nominate candidates and cast their votes for members and alternate members of the Committee in accordance with the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section, respectively. All ballots are subject to verification. Balloting material should be provided to voters at least two weeks before the due date and should contain, at least, the following information:

(1) The names of incumbents who are willing and eligible to continue to serve on the Committee;

(2) The names of other persons willing and eligible to serve;

(3) Instructions on how voters may add write-in candidates;

(4) The date on which the ballot is due to the Committee or its agent; and

(5) How and where to return ballots.

(b)(1) Producers. Each producer may vote for three producer members and three producer alternate members. No producer may vote more than once for any one person. The three individuals receiving the highest number of votes for the producer member positions shall be the producer member nominees. Individuals nominated for producer member and failing to receive enough votes to become a producer member nominee shall have their names listed with those nominated for producer alternate members and the votes cast for them as member shall be counted with any votes they received for producer alternate member. The three individuals receiving the highest number of votes for the producer alternate member positions shall be the producer alternate member nominees.

(2) Producer-handlers. Each producer-handler may vote for one producer-handler member and one producer-handler alternate member, and these votes shall be weighted as provided in § 987.24. No producer-handler may vote more than once for any one person. The six individuals receiving the highest weighted votes for the producer-handler member positions shall be the producer-handler member nominees. Individuals nominated for producer-handler member and failing to receive enough votes to become a producer-handler member nominee shall have their names listed with those nominated for producer-handler alternate members and the votes cast for them as member shall be counted with any votes they received for producer-handler alternate member. The six individuals receiving the highest weighted vote for producer-handler alternate member positions shall be the alternate member nominees.

[43 FR 28437, June 30, 1978, as amended at 74 FR 61267, Nov. 24, 2009; 77 FR 37766, June 25, 2012]
§ 987.138 - Handlers of record.

Prior to handling dates, each person shall file CDAC Form No. 18 with the Committee at the times, and containing the information, prescribed in § 987.38.

[43 FR 28437, June 30, 1978]
§ 987.141 - Inspection and certification.

Each handler shall furnish, or cause the inspection service to furnish, to the Committee a copy of the inspection certificate issued to him on each lot of dates, and such certificate shall contain at least the following information: (a) The date of inspection; (b) the name of the handler; (c) the lot number and the applicable outlet category set forth in § 987.112a; (d) the variety of dates and weight of the lot; (e) the number and type of containers in the lot; and (f) if the dates (1) are other than field-run dates, a certification as to the grade of the dates and whether or not they meet the applicable grade, size, container, and identification requirements, or (2) are field-run dates, a certification showing the percentage by weight, of sound dates in the lot, and whether or not they meet the identification requirements for such dates.

[43 FR 28437, June 30, 1978]
§ 987.145 - Withholding obligation.

(a) Satisfying the withholding obligation. Any handler may satisfy all or part of his withholding obligation for any variety of dates for which free and restricted percentages have been established by having an adequate quantity of that variety inspected and certified as meeting the applicable grade, size, and container requirements prescribed by the Committee for any approved restricted date outlet.

(b) Credit for excess disposition in restricted outlets. Disposition of marketable dates in restricted outlets in excess of a handler's withholding obligation may be: (1) Transferred pursuant to § 987.45 upon such handler filing a completed CDAC Form No. 14 with the Committee, or (2) Credited to the handler's withholding obligation of the following crop year so long as the excess disposition exceeds 199 pounds. However, the quantity so credited shall never exceed 40 percent of the handler's withholding obligation of the crop year in which the excess disposition occurred and 100 percent of the withholding obligation incurred by him during October through December of the crop year following the crop year in which such excess disposition occurred. All such crediting or accumulation shall be contingent upon the Committee receiving, in due course, confirmation that the dates were disposed of in eligible restricted outlets. With respect to exports, the withholding credit shall be granted upon the Committee receiving notification from the inspection service, and in due course a copy of the on board bill of lading or other documentary evidence satisfactory to the Committee.

(c) FP dates. Withholding obligations on FP dates shall be based on the weight of such dates when they are inspected and certified. However, if such dates are subsequently processed and packed within the area of production, the withholding obligation shall be adjusted to reflect any increase in weight.

(d) Dates for deferment of withholding. Any handler may defer his certification and withholding or disposition of restricted dates by pledging a comparable volume of graded or field-run dates as a surety that he will meet his withholding obligation at a later date. Such deferment shall not be effective until: (1) The handler files with the Committee a CDAC Form No. 12 to set aside graded dates or CDAC Form No. 13 to set aside field-run dates; and (2) the pledged dates are set aside as a lot and identified by the handler as “Restricted” and as “Graded” or “Field-Run”, as appropriate, and as to the number of containers, the date of set-aside and whether or not the dates have been inspected. If the handler sets aside field-run dates or disposes of field-run dates in outlets prescribed in or pursuant to § 987.56 to obtain withholding credit for the sound date portion in the lot, the field-run dates shall meet the requirements prescribed in paragraph (f) of this section for eligible field-run dates, as determined by the inspection service.

(e) Identification of restricted dates. Any lot of restricted dates not immediately disposed of through exportation to countries approved by the Committee or directed to approved product outlets shall be stored as a lot separate from all other dates and in a specified location with a USDA inspection service tag marked “Restricted”.

(f) Field-run dates. Field-run dates set aside for the purpose of deferring or meeting any part or all of a withholding obligation shall consist of at least 70 percent, by weight, of sound dates but may contain 10 percent, by weight, of cull dates of which not more than 5 percent may be hidden culls—i.e., dates with internal defects including souring, mold, fermentation, insect infestation, or foreign material.

(g) Substitution. Any handler may, under the direction and supervision of the Committee or the inspection service, substitute for any quantity of restricted dates held by him a like quantity of dates of the same variety and of the same or more recent year's production which have been certified and identified as meeting the requirements for restricted dates.

[43 FR 28437, June 30, 1978, as amended at 88 FR 82236, Nov. 24, 2023]
§ 987.147 - Surplus.

(a) General. Surplus dates delivered to the Committee pursuant to § 987.47 shall be pooled for sale to livestock feeders, distillers, or manufacturers of inedible products: Provided, That if any portion of the deliveries differs sufficiently to require separate handling, and earn a different average return, such portion shall be handled as a separate pool. The income from sale of surplus, after deduction of committee expenses, shall be paid to the respective equity holders in the pool or pools, or to their assignees, on the basis of the weight of dates each delivered.

(b) Delivery. The Committee may refuse delivery of any surplus dates which it determines are excessively soured, fermented, or adulterated by palm debris, rocks, paper, wood, plastic liners, or other foreign material. If the Committee refuses delivery, the deliverer shall be permitted to clean such dates sufficiently to make them acceptable to the Committee. The weight of each accepted delivery shall be that determined by a public weightmaster or, in the absence of such weight, that determined by the Committee on the basis of the number and size of the containers used in the delivery. Upon delivery of surplus dates to the Committee, the deliverer, or a designee of the Committee shall execute CDAC Form SP-1, Delivery Manifest, showing:

(1) The person to receive payment of the net proceeds for the surplus,

(2) The date and place of loading,

(3) If field surplus, the location and owner of the garden,

(4) The type and number of containers loaded or dumped,

(5) The net weight of the load, and

(6) If the delivery is directly to a buyer's truck, the driver, truck and buyer.

§ 987.151 - Interhandler transfers.

When any handler transfers dates, other than product dates, to another handler, the selling handler shall promptly notify the Committee by filing with it a completed CDAC Form No. 1 and shall show the name and address of the transferring or selling handler and of the receiving or buying handler, the variety and processed category or classification of the dates, the lot number and inspection certificate number on any lot of packed and certified dates, the number and type of containers, the net weight of the transferred dates, and if applicable, the transferring handler's statement on assuming the withholding and assessment obligation. A transfer of products dates between handlers shall be reported as a disposition by the selling handler filing with the Committee a completed CDAC Form No. 8.

[37 FR 23325, Nov. 2, 1972, as amended at 43 FR 28438, June 30, 1978]
§ 987.152 - Exemption from regulations.

(a) Producer exemption. The Committee may permit any producer to sell dates from such producer's own production free of the requirements of §§ 987.41, 987.45, 987.48, and 987.72 when sold directly to consumers through a roadside stand or date shop owned or operated by the producer within 25 miles of the city limits of Indio, California, through shipments by parcel post or express, or by certified producers at certified farmers' markets, as these terms are defined by the State of California. Permission to so sell dates shall be granted only upon the producer filing with the Committee a completed CDAC Form No. 9 wherein the producer describes how the producer plans to sell such dates and agrees to sell only dates of DAC date quality of the producer's own production in direct sales; and to report such sales to the Committee. If the producer fails to comply with this agreement, the Committee may revoke any or all exemptions granted the producer.

(b) Handler exemptions—(1) Specialty sales. The Committee may permit any handler to sell to health food stores or health food outlets, dates which at least meet the requirements for FP dates. It may permit any handler to sell to a candy manufacturer hand-pitted dates which meet the grade requirements for DAC dates except for size, or damage due to cutting and pitting. Also, it may permit any handler to sell hand-layered dates in tin, wood, plastic, or other type of container exempt from §§ 987.41(a) and 987.48, or to make shipments by common carrier of up to 150 pounds to any one purchaser in any one day exempt from the provisions of § 987.41(a): Provided, That the hand-layered dates or the shipment to a single purchaser in any 1 day have been packed from dates certified as meeting the grade requirements for DAC dates and have not been commingled with other dates. Permission to use these exemptions shall be granted only upon the handler filing with the Committee its CDAC Form No. 10 wherein he describes how he plans to sell, and agrees to sell only specific dates and to report such sales.

(2) Donations. The Committee may permit any handler to donate marketable dates other than DAC dates to needy persons, prisoners, or Indians on reservations. Before such donation is made, such handler shall file a request for donation with the Committee detailing the quantity and grade of dates involved and the name and address of the intended donee. The donation may be subject to Committee surveillance, verification by written documentation of receipt by the donee, and any other safeguards necessary to assure consumption in these outlets.

[37 FR 23325, Nov. 2, 1972, as amended at 43 FR 28438, June 30, 1978; 53 FR 35994, Sept. 16, 1988; 57 FR 39112, Aug. 28, 1992]
§ 987.157 - Approved date product manufacturers.

Any person, including date handlers, with facilities for converting dates into products may apply to the committee, by filing CDAC Form No. 3, for listing as an approved date product manufacturer.

(a) The applicant shall indicate on such form: The products he/she intends to make; the quantity of dates he/she may use; the location of his/her facilities; and agree that all dates obtained for manufacturing into products shall be used for that purpose, none shall be resold or disposed of as whole or pitted dates.

(b) As a condition to become an approved date product manufacturer: Each applicant is subject to an inspection of his/her manufacturing plant to verify that proper equipment to convert dates into products is in place and that the plant meets appropriate sanitation requirements; the applicant also shall agree to file a report of the disposition of each lot of dates on the Committee's CDAC Form No. 8 within 24 hours of the transaction, and to file an annual usage and inventory report on CDAC Form No. 4 by October 10 of each year; and an applicant who is also a handler under the order shall be in compliance with the order, including the assessment payment and reporting requirements.

(c) The committee shall approve each such application on the basis of information furnished or its own investigation, and may revoke any approval for cause. The name and address of all approved manufacturers shall be placed on a list and made available to each date handler in Riverside County.

(d) If an application is disapproved, the committee shall notify the applicant in writing of the reasons for disapproval, and allow the applicant an opportunity to respond to the disapproval. When the applicant has complied with all the qualification requirements to become an approved manufacturer, the committee shall notify the applicant in writing of such approval. The applicant's name shall be added to the list of approved manufacturers, which shall be made available to each date handler in Riverside County.

(e) Each approved manufacturer of date products is required to renew their approved manufacturer status with the committee by submitting an updated CDAC Form No. 3 at the end of a crop year, but no later than October 10 of the new crop year. In addition, the approved manufacturer must continue to meet the other approved manufacturer qualification requirements.

(f) In the event an approved date product manufacturer who is also a regulated date handler within the area of production does not remain in compliance with the order, or fails or refuses to submit reports or to pay assessments required by the committee, such date product manufacturer shall become ineligible to continue as an approved date product manufacturer. Prior to making a determination to remove a date product manufacturer from the approved date product manufacturer list, the committee shall notify such manufacturer in writing of its intention and the reasons for removal. The committee shall allow the date product manufacturer an opportunity to respond. In the event that a date product manufacturer's name has been removed from the list of approved date product manufacturers, a new application must be submitted to the committee and the applicant must await approval.

[70 FR 11119, Mar. 8, 2005]
§ 987.161 - Handler carryover.

Each handler shall file with the Committee, a report of his carryover of dates as of March 1 and October 1 and, when volume regulation is established, as of January 1. This report shall be on CDAC Form No. 5 and shall show, by variety, at least:

(a) The quantity of DAC dates held within and outside the area,

(b) The quantity of FP dates held within the area,

(c) The quantity of export dates, and

(d) The quantity of dates held graded but not certified, and as field-run, segregated as to outlet category.

[43 FR 28438, June 30, 1978, as amended at 53 FR 35995, Sept. 16, 1988]
§ 987.162 - Handler acquisition and disposition.

(a) Handlers shall file CDAC Form No. 6 with the committee by the 16th of each month or such other date as the committee may prescribe, reporting at least the following for the preceding month:

(1) Their acquisitions of field run dates;

(2) Their shipments of marketable dates in each outlet category;

(3) Their shipments of free dates and disposition of restricted dates, whenever applicable; and

(4) Their purchases from other handlers of DAC, export, product, graded, and field run dates.

(b) In addition, this report shall include the names and addresses of any producers not previously identified pursuant to § 987.38, the quantity of dates acquired from each producer, the location of such producer's date garden, the acreage of that garden, and the estimated current season's production from that garden.

[74 FR 61267, Nov. 24, 2009]
§ 987.164 - Shipments of product dates and disposition of restricted dates in approved product outlets.

Each handler shall file with the Committee a completed CDAC Form No. 8 showing the shipment of each lot of product dates or the disposition of restricted dates in approved product outlets. This report shall be filed promptly after shipment or disposition of those dates and shall identify the lot, the outlet, the number of containers, and the net weight of the dates. If such dates are sold to an approved date product manufacturer, a copy of the completed form shall be signed and dated by the manufacturer and returned to the Committee. If the lot was certified as product dates and is exported to Mexico, the handler shall submit completed CDAC Form No. 8 together with completed CDAC Form No. 11(a) to the Committee.

[43 FR 28439, June 30, 1978, as amended at 53 FR 35995, Sept. 16, 1988]
§ 987.165 - Other reports.

(a) Exempt sales. Each handler shall file with the Committee, a completed CDAC Form No. 2 showing the quantity and variety of dates sold under exemption during the crop year. The report shall be filed upon the completion of such sales or promptly after the end of the crop year.

(b) Products. Each approved date product manufacturer shall file with the Committee a completed CDAC Form No. 4 showing his beginning and ending inventories of product dates, the quantity received during the crop year, the quantity used, the type and quantity of products manufactured, and his year-end inventory of products. This report shall be filed promptly after the end of each crop year.

[37 FR 23325, Nov. 2, 1972, as amended at 43 FR 28439, June 30, 1978]
§ 987.168 - Handler records.

Each handler shall establish complete records which accurately show the quantity of dates handled, disposed of, and withheld. These records shall be maintained for at least 2 years after the end of the crop year of record. Records shall show:

(a) For grower deliveries of dates, the name of each grower, the varieties delivered and the net weight of each variety;

(b) For shipments of dates, the variety, type of pack, net weight and destination or name and address of the person to whom each shipment was sent;

(c) If different from shipments, the variety, type of pack, net weight and purchaser of each quantity of dates sold; and

(d) Manifests, invoices, weight certificates, inventory tabulations, or any other documents necessary to prepare, file, or substantiate the reports required to be filed with the Committee.

[37 FR 23325, Nov. 2, 1972, as amended at 43 FR 28439, June 30, 1978]
§ 987.172 - Adjustment of assessment obligation, and late payment and interest charges.

(a) In accordance with §§ 987.45 and 987.72, the assessment obligation of FP dates shall be based on the weight of the dates at the time of inspection and certification. However, if such dates are subsequently processed and packed within the area of production, the assessment obligation shall be adjusted to reflect any increase in weight and the obligation shall be placed on the handler agreeing to assume it.

(b) Pursuant to § 987.72, the committee shall impose an interest charge on any handler whose assessment payment has not been received in the committee's office, or the envelope containing the payment legibly postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service, within 60 days of the invoice date shown on the handler's statement. The interest charge shall be a rate of one and one-half percent per month, and shall be applied to the unpaid assessment balance for the number of days all or any part of the unpaid balance is delinquent beyond the 60-day payment period.

(c) In addition to the interest charge specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the committee shall impose a late payment charge on any handler whose payment has not been received in the committee's office, or the envelope containing the payment legibly postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service, within 60 days of the invoice date. The late payment charge shall be 10 percent of the unpaid balance.

[43 FR 28439, June 30, 1978, as amended at 79 FR 41417, July 16, 2014; 88 FR 82236, Nov. 24, 2023]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 601-674.
cite as: 7 CFR 987.145