Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 766.101 - Initial Agency notification to borrower of loan servicing programs.

(a) Borrowers notified. The Agency will provide servicing information under this section to borrowers who:

(1) Have a current farm operating plan that demonstrates the borrower is financially distressed;

(2) Are 90 days or more past due on loan payments, even if the borrower has submitted an application for loan servicing as a financially distressed borrower;

(3) Are in non-monetary default on any loan agreements;

(4) Have filed bankruptcy;

(5) Request this information;

(6) Request voluntary conveyance of security;

(7) Have only delinquent SA; or

(8) Are subject to any other collection action, except when such action is a result of failure to graduate. Borrowers who fail to graduate when required and are able to do so, will be accelerated without providing notification of loan servicing options.

(b) Form of notification. The Agency will notify borrowers of the availability of primary loan servicing programs, conservation contract, current market value buyout, debt settlement programs, and homestead protection as follows:

(1) A borrower who is financially distressed, or current and requesting servicing will be provided FSA-2512;

(2) A borrower who is 90 days past due will be sent FSA-2510 (Appendix A to this subpart) or FSA-2510-IA (Appendix B to this subpart);

(3) A borrower who is in non-monetary or both monetary and non-monetary default will receive FSA-2514;

(4) A borrower who has only delinquent SA will be notified of available loan servicing;

(5) Notification to a borrower who files bankruptcy will be provided in accordance with subpart G of this part.

(c) Mailing. Notices to delinquent borrowers or borrowers in non-monetary default will be sent by certified mail to the last known address of the borrower. If the certified mail is not accepted, the notice will be sent immediately by first class mail to the last known address. The appropriate response time will begin three days following the date of the first class mailing. For all other borrowers requesting the notices, the notices will be sent by regular mail or hand-delivered.

(d) Borrower response timeframes. To be considered for loan servicing, a borrower who is:

(1) Current or financially distressed may submit a complete application any time prior to becoming 90 days past due;

(2) Ninety (90) days past due must submit a complete application within 60 days from receipt of or FSA-2510-IA;

(3) In non-monetary default with or without monetary default must submit a complete application within 60 days from receipt of FSA-2514.

(e) SED extension authority. In extraordinary circumstances, after the application period described in paragraphs (d)(2) and (3) of this section has expired, the SED may extend the application deadline when requested by the borrower in writing.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 85 FR 36693, June 17, 2020; 89 FR 65048, Aug. 8, 2024]
§ 766.102 - Borrower application requirements.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, an application for primary loan servicing, conservation contract, current market value buyout, homestead protection, or some combination of these options, must include the following to be considered complete:

(1) Completed Agency application form;

(2) Financial records for the 3 most recent years, including income tax returns;

(3) The farming operation's production records for the 3 most recent years or the years the borrower has been farming, whichever is less;

(4) Documentation of compliance with the Agency's environmental regulations contained in part 799 of this chapter;

(5) Verification of all non-farm income;

(6) A current financial statement and the operation's farm operating plan, including the projected cash flow budget reflecting production, income, expenses, and debt repayment plan. In the case of an entity, the entity and all entity members must provide current financial statements;

(7) Verification of all debts and collateral and

(8) Upon Agency request, any leases, contracts, options, and other agreements related to the operation.

(b) In addition to the requirements contained in paragraph (a) of this section, the borrower must submit an aerial photo delineating any land to be considered for a conservation contract.

(c) To be considered for debt settlement, the borrower must provide the appropriate Agency form, and any additional information required under part 761, subpart F of this chapter.

(d) If a borrower who submitted a complete application while current or financially distressed is renotified as a result of becoming 90 days past due, the borrower must only submit a request for servicing in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this section, provided all other information is less than 90 days old and is based on the current production cycle. Any information 90 or more days old or not based on the current production cycle must be updated.

(e) The borrower need not submit any information under this section that already exists in the Agency's file and is still current as determined by the Agency.

(f) When jointly liable borrowers have been divorced and one has withdrawn from the farming operation, the Agency may release the withdrawing individual from liability, provided:

(1) The remaining individual submits a complete application in accordance with this section;

(2) Both parties have agreed in a divorce decree or property settlement that only the remaining individual will be responsible for all FLP loan payments;

(3) The withdrawing individual has conveyed all ownership interest in the security to the remaining individual; and

(4) The withdrawing individual does not have repayment ability and does not own any non-essential assets.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 85 FR 36693, June 17, 2020; 89 FR 65044, Aug. 8, 2024] Editorial Note:At 81 FR 51285, Aug. 3, 2016, § 766.102, in paragraph (b)(3)(ii), the words “subpart G of 7 CFR part 1940” were removed and the words “part 799 of this chapter” were added in their place. However, paragraph (b)(3)(ii) does not exist, and this amendment could not be incorporated.
§ 766.103 - Borrower does not respond or does not submit a complete application.

(a) If a borrower, who is financially distressed or current, requested loan servicing and received FSA-2512, but fails to respond timely and subsequently becomes 90 days past due, the Agency will notify the borrower in accordance with § 766.101(a)(2).

(b) If a borrower who is 90 days past due and received FSA-2510 or FSA-2510-IA, or is in non-monetary, or both monetary and non-monetary default and received FSA-2514, and fails to timely respond or does not submit a complete application within the 60-day timeframe, the Agency will notify the borrower by certified mail of the following:

(1) The Agency's intent to accelerate the loan; and

(2) The borrower's right to request reconsideration, mediation and appeal in accordance with 7 CFR parts 11 and 780.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 85 FR 36693, June 17, 2020]
§ 766.104 - Borrower eligibility requirements.

(a) A borrower must meet the following eligibility requirements to be considered for primary loan servicing:

(1) The delinquency or financial distress is the result of reduced repayment ability due to one of the following circumstances beyond the borrower's control:

(i) Illness, injury, or death of a borrower or other individual who operates the farm;

(ii) Natural disaster, adverse weather, disease, or insect damage which caused severe loss of agricultural production;

(iii) Widespread economic conditions such as low commodity prices;

(iv) Damage or destruction of property essential to the farming operation;

(v) Loss of, or reduction in, the borrower or spouse's essential non-farm income; or

(vi) Catastrophic medical expenses for the care of a family member of the borrower or entity member, in the case of an entity borrower.

(2) The borrower does not have non-essential assets for which the net recovery value is sufficient to resolve the financial distress or pay the delinquent portion of the loan.

(3) If the borrower is in non-monetary default, the borrower will resolve the non-monetary default prior to closing the servicing action.

(4) The borrower has acted in good faith.

(5) Financially distressed or current borrowers requesting servicing must pay a portion of the interest due on the loans.

(6) The borrower must not be ineligible due to disqualification resulting from Federal crop insurance violation according to 7 CFR part 718.

(b) Debtors with SA only must:

(1) Be delinquent due to circumstances beyond their control;

(2) Have acted in good faith.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 89 FR 65044, Aug. 8, 2024]
§ 766.105 - Agency consideration of servicing requests.

(a) Order in which Agency considers servicing options. The Agency will consider loan servicing options and combinations of options to maximize loan repayment and minimize losses to the Agency. The Agency will consider loan servicing options in the following order for each eligible borrower who requests servicing:

(1) Conservation Contract, if requested;

(2) Consolidation and rescheduling or reamortization;

(3) Deferral;

(4) Write-down; and

(5) Current market value buyout.

(b) Debt service margin. (1) The Agency will attempt to achieve a 110 percent debt service margin for the servicing options listed in paragraphs (a)(2) through (4) of this section.

(2) If the borrower cannot develop a feasible plan with the 110 percent debt service margin, the Agency will reduce the debt service margin by one percent and reconsider all available servicing authorities. This process will be repeated until a feasible plan has been developed or it has been determined that a feasible plan is not possible with a 100 percent margin.

(3) The borrower must be able to develop a feasible plan with at least a 100 percent debt service margin to be considered for the servicing options listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section.

(c) Appraisal of borrower's assets. The Agency will obtain an appraisal on:

(1) All Agency security, non-essential assets, and real property unencumbered by the Agency that does not meet the criteria established in § 766.112(b), when:

(i) A write-down is required to develop a feasible plan;

(ii) The borrower will be offered current market value buyout.

(2) The borrower's non-essential assets when their net recovery value may be adequate to bring the delinquent loans current.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 89 FR 65044, Aug. 8, 2024]
§ 766.106 - Agency notification of decision regarding a complete application.

The Agency will send the borrower notification of the Agency's decision within 60 calendar days after receiving a complete application for loan servicing. Except that when a real estate appraisal is involved, the Agency will send the borrower notification of the Agency's decision within 90 calendar days after receiving a complete application.

(a) Notification to financially distressed or current borrowers. (1) If the borrower can develop a feasible plan and is eligible for primary loan servicing, the Agency will offer to service the account.

(i) The borrower will have 45 days to accept the offer of servicing. After accepting the Agency's offer, the borrower must execute loan agreements and security instruments, as appropriate.

(ii) If the borrower does not accept the offer, the Agency will send the borrower another notification of the availability of loan servicing if the borrower becomes 90 days past due in accordance with § 766.101(a)(2).

(2) If the borrower cannot develop a feasible plan, or is not eligible for loan servicing, the Agency will send the borrower the calculations used and the reasons for the adverse decision.

(i) The borrower may request reconsideration, mediation and appeal in accordance with 7 CFR parts 11 and 780 of this title.

(ii) The Agency will send the borrower another notification of the availability of loan servicing if the borrower becomes 90 days past due in accordance with § 766.101(a)(2).

(b) Notification to borrowers 90 days past due or in non-monetary default. (1) If the borrower can develop a feasible plan and is eligible for primary loan servicing, the Agency will offer to service the account.

(i) The borrower will have 45 days to accept the offer of servicing. After accepting the Agency's offer, the borrower must execute loan agreements and security instruments, as appropriate.

(ii) If the borrower does not timely accept the offer, or fails to respond, the Agency will notify the borrower of its intent to accelerate the account.

(2) If the borrower cannot develop a feasible plan, or is not eligible for loan servicing, the Agency will send the borrower notification within 15 days, including the calculations used and reasons for the adverse decision, of its intent to accelerate the account in accordance with subpart H of this part, unless the account is resolved through any of the following options:

(i) The borrower may request reconsideration, mediation or voluntary meeting of creditors, or appeal in accordance with 7 CFR parts 11 and 780.

(ii) The borrower may request negotiation of appraisal within 30 days in accordance with § 766.115.

(iii) If the net recovery value of non-essential assets is sufficient to pay the account current, the borrower has 90 days to pay the account current.

(iv) The borrower, if eligible in accordance with § 766.113, may buy out the loans at the current market value within 90 days.

(v) The borrower may request homestead protection if the borrower's primary residence was pledged as security by providing the information required under § 766.151.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 86 FR 43392, Aug. 9, 2021]
§ 766.107 - Consolidation and rescheduling.

(a) Loans eligible for consolidation. The Agency may consolidate OL loans if:

(1) The borrower meets the loan servicing eligibility requirements in § 766.104;

(2) The Agency determines that consolidation will assist the borrower to repay the loans;

(3) Consolidating the loans will bring the borrower's account current or prevent the borrower from becoming delinquent;

(4) The Agency has not referred the borrower's account to OGC or the U.S. Attorney, and the Agency does not plan to refer the account to either of these two offices in the near future;

(5) The borrower is in compliance with the Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation requirements of 7 CFR part 12, if applicable;

(6) The loans are not secured by real estate;

(7) The Agency holds the same lien position on each loan;

(8) The Agency has not serviced the loans for unauthorized assistance under subpart F of this part; and

(9) The loan is not currently deferred, as described in § 766.109, or set-aside, as described in subpart B or J of this part. The Agency may consolidate loans upon cancellation of the deferral, DBSA, or DSA.

(b) Loans eligible for rescheduling. The Agency may reschedule loans made for chattel purposes, including OL, CL, SW, RL, EE, or EM if:

(1) The borrower meets the loan servicing eligibility requirements in § 766.104;

(2) Rescheduling the loans will bring the borrower's account current or prevent the borrower from becoming delinquent;

(3) The Agency determines that rescheduling will assist the borrower to repay the loans;

(4) The Agency has not referred the borrower's account to OGC or the U.S. Attorney, and the Agency does not plan to refer the account to either of these two offices in the near future;

(5) The borrower is in compliance with the Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation requirements of 7 CFR part 12, if applicable; and

(6) The loan is not currently deferred, as described in § 766.109, or set-aside, as described in subpart B or J of this part. The Agency may reschedule loans upon cancellation of the deferral, DBSA, or DSA.

(c) Consolidated and rescheduled loan terms. (1) The Agency determines the repayment schedule for consolidated and rescheduled loans according to the borrower's repayment ability.

(2) Except for CL and RL loans, the repayment period cannot exceed 15 years from the date of the consolidation and rescheduling.

(3) The repayment schedule for RL loans may not exceed 7 years from the date of rescheduling.

(4) The repayment schedule for CLs may not exceed 20 years from the date of the original note or assumption agreement.

(d) Consolidated and rescheduled loan interest rate. The interest rate of consolidated and rescheduled loans will be as follows:

(1) The interest rate for loans made at the regular interest rate will be the lesser of:

(i) The interest rate for that type of loan on the date a complete servicing application was received;

(ii) The interest rate for that type of loan on the date of restructure; or

(iii) The lowest original loan note rate on any of the original notes being consolidated and rescheduled.

(2) The interest rate for loans made at the limited resource interest rate will be the lesser of:

(i) The limited resource interest rate for that type of loan on the date a complete servicing application was received;

(ii) The limited resource interest rate for that type of loan on the date of restructure; or

(iii) The lowest original loan note rate on any of the original notes being consolidated and rescheduled.

(3) At the time of consolidation and rescheduling, the Agency may reduce the interest rate to a limited resource rate, if available, if:

(i) The borrower meets the requirements for the limited resource interest rate; and

(ii) A feasible plan cannot be developed at the regular interest rate and maximum terms permitted in this section.

(e) Capitalizing accrued interest and adding protective advances to the loan principal. (1) The Agency capitalizes the amount of outstanding accrued interest on the loan at the time of consolidation and rescheduling.

(2) The Agency adds protective advances for the payment of real estate taxes to the principal balance at the time of consolidation and rescheduling.

(3) The borrower must resolve all other protective advances not capitalized prior to closing the servicing actions.

(f) Installments. If there are no deferred installments, the first installment payment under the consolidation and rescheduling will be at least equal to the interest amount which will accrue on the new principal between the date the promissory note is executed and the next installment due date.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 75 FR 54016, Sept. 3, 2010; 87 FR 13124, Mar. 9, 2022; 89 FR 65044, Aug. 8, 2024]
§ 766.108 - Reamortization.

(a) Loans eligible for reamortization. The Agency may reamortize loans made for real estate purposes, including FO, SW, RL, SA, EE, RHF, CL, and EM if:

(1) The borrower meets the loan servicing eligibility requirements in § 766.104;

(2) Reamortization will bring the borrower's account current or prevent the borrower from becoming delinquent;

(3) The Agency determines that reamortization will assist the borrower to repay the loan;

(4) The Agency has not referred the borrower's account to OGC or the U.S. Attorney, and the Agency does not plan to refer the account to either of these two offices in the near future;

(5) The borrower is in compliance with the Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation requirements of 7 CFR part 12, if applicable; and

(6) The loan is not currently deferred, as described in § 766.109, or set-aside, as described in subpart B of this part. The Agency may reamortize loans upon cancellation of the deferral or DSA.

(b) Reamortized loan terms. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2), the Agency will reamortize loans within the remaining term of the original loan or assumption agreement unless a feasible plan cannot be developed or debt forgiveness will be required to develop a feasible plan.

(2) If the Agency extends the loan term, the repayment period from the original loan date may not exceed the maximum number of years for the type of loan being reamortized in paragraphs (2)(i) through (iv), or the useful life of the security, whichever is less.

(i) FO, SW, RL, EE real estate-type, and EM loans made for real estate purposes may not exceed 40 years from the date of the original note or assumption agreement.

(ii) EE real estate-type loans secured by chattels only may not exceed 20 years from the date of the original note or assumption agreement.

(iii) RHF loans may not exceed 33 years from the date of the original note or assumption agreement.

(iv) SA loans may not exceed 25 years from the date of the original Shared Appreciation note.

(v) CLs may not exceed 20 years from the date of the original note or assumption agreement.

(c) Reamortized loan interest rate. The interest rate will be as follows:

(1) The interest rate for loans made at the regular interest rate will be the lesser of:

(i) The interest rate for that type of loan on the date a complete servicing application was received;

(ii) The interest rate for that type of loan on the date of restructure; or

(iii) The original loan note rate of the note being reamortized.

(2) The interest rate for loans made at the limited resource interest rate will be the lesser of:

(i) The limited resource interest rate for that type of loan on the date a complete servicing application was received;

(ii) The limited resource interest rate for that type of loan on the date of restructure; or

(iii) The original loan note rate of the note being reamortized.

(3) At the time of reamortization, the Agency may reduce the interest rate to a limited resource rate, if available, if:

(i) The borrower meets the requirements for the limited resource interest rate; and

(ii) A feasible plan cannot be developed at the regular interest rate and maximum terms permitted in this section.

(4) SA payment agreements will be reamortized at the current SA amortization rate in effect on the date of approval or the rate on the original payment agreement, whichever is less.

(d) Capitalizing accrued interest and adding protective advances to the loan principal. (1) The Agency capitalizes the amount of outstanding accrued interest on the loan at the time of reamortization.

(2) The Agency adds protective advances for the payment of real estate taxes to the principal balance at the time of reamortization.

(3) The borrower must resolve all other protective advances not capitalized prior to closing the reamortization.

(e) Installments. If there are no deferred installments, the first installment payment under the reamortization will be at least equal to the interest amount which will accrue on the new principal between the date the promissory note is executed and the next installment due date.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 75 FR 54016, Sept. 3, 2010; 87 FR 13124, Mar. 9, 2022]
§ 766.109 - Deferral.

(a) Conditions for approving deferrals. The Agency will only consider deferral of loan payments if:

(1) The borrower meets the loan servicing eligibility requirements in § 766.104;

(2) Rescheduling, consolidation, and reamortization of all the borrower's loans, will not result in a feasible plan with 110 percent debt service margin;

(3) The need for deferral is temporary; and

(4) The borrower develops feasible first-year deferral and post-deferral farm operating plans subject to the following:

(i) The deferral will not create excessive net cash reserves beyond that necessary to develop a feasible plan.

(ii) The Agency will consider a partial deferral if deferral of the total Agency payment would result in the borrower developing more cash availability than necessary to meet debt repayment obligations.

(b) Deferral period. (1) The deferral term will not exceed 5 years and will be determined based on the post-deferral plan that results in the:

(i) Greatest improvement over the first year cash available to service FLP debt;

(ii) The shortest possible deferral period.

(2) The Agency will distribute interest accrued on the deferred principal portion of the loan equally to payments over the remaining loan term after the deferral period ends.

(c) Agency actions when borrower's repayment ability improves. (1) If during the deferral period the borrower's repayment ability has increased to allow the borrower to make payments on the deferred loans, the borrower must make supplemental payments, as determined by the Agency. If the borrower agrees to make supplemental payments, but does not do so, the borrower will be considered to be in non-monetary default.

(2) If the Agency determines that the borrower's improved repayment ability will allow graduation, the Agency will require the borrower to graduate in accordance with part 765, subpart C of this chapter.

(d) Associated loan servicing. (1) The Agency must cancel an existing deferral if the Agency approves any new primary loan servicing action.

(2) Loans deferred will also be serviced in accordance with §§ 766.107, 766.108 and 766.111, as appropriate.

§ 766.110 - Conservation Contract.

(a) General. (1) A debtor with only SA or Non-program loans is not eligible for a Conservation Contract. However, an SA or Non-program loan may be considered for a Conservation Contract if the borrower also has program loans.

(2) A current or financially distressed borrower may request a Conservation Contract at any time prior to becoming 90 days past due.

(3) A delinquent borrower may request a Conservation Contract during the same 60-day time period in which the borrower may apply for primary loan servicing. The borrower eligibility requirements in § 766.104 will apply.

(4) A Conservation Contract may be established for conservation, recreation, and wildlife purposes.

(5) The land under a Conservation Contract cannot be used for the production of agricultural commodities during the term of the contract.

(6) Only loans secured by the real estate that will be subject to the Conservation Contract may be considered for debt reduction under this section.

(b) Eligible lands. The following types of lands are eligible to be considered for a Conservation Contract by the Conservation Contract review team:

(1) Wetlands or highly erodible lands; and

(2) Uplands that meet any one of the following criteria:

(i) Land containing aquatic life, endangered species, or wildlife habitat of local, State, tribal, or national importance;

(ii) Land in 100-year floodplains;

(iii) Areas of high water quality or scenic value;

(iv) Historic or cultural properties listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places;

(v) Aquifer recharge areas of local, regional, State, or tribal importance;

(vi) Buffer areas necessary for the adequate protection of proposed Conservation Contract areas, or other areas enrolled in other conservation programs;

(vii) Areas that contain soils generally not suited for cultivation; or

(viii) Areas within or adjacent to Federal, State, tribal, or locally administered conservation areas.

(c) Unsuitable acreage. Notwithstanding paragraph (b) of this section, acreage is unsuitable for a Conservation Contract if:

(1) It is not suited or eligible for the program due to legal restrictions;

(2) It has on-site or off-site conditions that prohibit the use of the land for conservation, wildlife, or recreational purposes; or

(3) The Conservation Contract review team determines that the land is not suitable for conservation, wildlife, or recreational purposes.

(3) The Conservation Contract review team determines that the land does not provide measurable conservation, wildlife, or recreational benefits;

(4) There would be a duplication of benefits as determined by the Conservation Contract review team because the acreage is encumbered under another Federal, State, or local government program for which the borrower has been or is being compensated for conservation, wildlife, or recreation benefits;

(5) The acreage subject to the proposed Conservation Contract is encumbered under a Federal, State, or local government cost share program that is inconsistent with the purposes of the proposed Conservation Contract, or the required practices of the cost share program are not identified in the conservation management plan;

(6) The tract does not contain a legal right of way or other permanent access for the term of the contract that can be used by the Agency or its designee to carry out the contract; or

(7) The tract, including any buffer areas, to be included in a Conservation Contract is less than 10 acres.

(d) Conservation Contract terms. The borrower selects the term of the contract, which may be 10, 30, or 50 years.

(e) Conservation management plan. The Agency, with the recommendations of the Conservation Contract review team, is responsible for developing a conservation management plan. The conservation management plan will address the following:

(1) The acres of eligible land and the approximate boundaries, and

(2) A description of the conservation, wildlife, or recreation benefits to be realized.

(f) Management authority. The Agency has enforcement authority over the Conservation Contract. The Agency, however, may delegate contract management to another entity if doing so is in the Agency's best interest.

(g) Limitations. The Conservation Contract must meet the following conditions:

(1) Result in a feasible plan for current borrowers; or

(2) Result in a feasible plan with or without primary loan servicing for financially distressed or delinquent borrowers; and

(3) Improve the borrower's ability to repay the remaining balance of the loan.

(h) Maximum debt reduction for a financially distressed or current borrower. The amount of debt reduction by a Conservation Contract is calculated as follows:

(1) Divide the contract acres by the total acres that secure the borrower's FLP loans to determine the contract acres percentage.

(2) Multiply the borrower's total unpaid FLP loan balance (principal, interest, and recoverable costs already paid by the Agency) by the percentage calculated under paragraph (h)(1) of this section to determine the amount of FLP debt that is secured by the contract acreage.

(3) Multiply the borrower's total unpaid FLP loan balance (principal, interest, and recoverable costs already paid by the Agency) by 33 percent.

(4) The lesser of the amounts calculated in paragraphs (h)(2) and (h)(3) of this section is the maximum amount of debt reduction for a 50-year contract.

(5) The borrower will receive 60 percent of the amount calculated in paragraph (h)(4) of this section for a 30-year contract.

(6) The borrower will receive 20 percent of the amount calculated in paragraph (h)(4) of this section for a 10-year contract.

(i) Maximum debt reduction for a delinquent borrower. The amount of debt reduction by a Conservation Contract is calculated as follows:

(1) Divide the contract acres by the total acres that secure the borrower's FLP loans to determine the contract acres percentage.

(2) Multiply the borrower's total unpaid FLP loan balance (principal, interest, and recoverable costs already paid by the Agency) by the percentage calculated in paragraph (i)(1) of this section to determine the amount of FLP debt that is secured by the contract acreage.

(3) Multiply the market value of the total acres, less contributory value of any structural improvements, that secure the borrower's FLP loans by the percent calculated in paragraph (i)(1) of this section to determine the current value of the acres in the contract.

(4) Subtract the market value of the contract acres calculated in paragraph (i)(3) of this section from the FLP debt secured by the contract acres as calculated in paragraph (i)(2) of this section.

(5) Select the greater of the amounts calculated in either paragraphs (i)(3) and (i)(4) of this section.

(6) The lesser of the amounts calculated in paragraphs (i)(2) and (i)(5) of this section will be the maximum amount of debt reduction for a 50-year contract term.

(7) The borrower will receive 60 percent of the amount calculated in paragraph (i)(6) of this section for a 30-year contract term.

(8) The borrower will receive 20 percent of the amount calculated in paragraph (i)(6) of this section for a 10-year contract term.

(j) Conservation Contract Agreement. The borrower must sign the Conservation Contract Agreement establishing the contract's terms and conditions.

(k) Transferring title to land under Conservation Contract. If the borrower or any subsequent landowner transfers title to the property, the Conservation Contract will remain in effect for the duration of the contract term.

(l) Borrower appeals of technical decisions. Borrower appeals of the Natural Resources Conservation Service's (NRCS) technical decisions made in connection with a Conservation Contract, will be handled in accordance with applicable NRCS regulations. Other aspects of the denial of a conservation contract may be appealed in accordance with 7 CFR parts 11 and 780.

(m) Subordination. For real estate with a Conservation Contract:

(1) Subordination will be required for all liens that are in a prior lien position to the Conservation Contract.

(2) The Agency will not subordinate Conservation Contracts to liens of other lenders or other Governmental entities.

(n) Breach of Conservation Contract. If the borrower or a subsequent owner of the land under the Conservation Contract fails to comply with any of its provisions, the Agency will declare the Conservation Contract breached. If the Conservation Contract is breached, the borrower or subsequent owner of the land must restore the land to be in compliance with the Conservation Contract and all terms of the conservation management plan within 90 days. If this cure is not completed, the Agency will take the following actions:

(1) For borrowers who have or had a loan in which debt was exchanged for the Conservation Contract and breach the Conservation Contract, the Agency may reinstate the debt that was cancelled, plus interest to the date of payment at the rate of interest in the promissory note, and assess liquidated damages in the amount of 25 percent of the debt cancelled, plus any actual expenses incurred by the Agency in enforcing the terms of the Conservation Contract. The borrower's account will be considered in non-monetary default; and

(2) Subsequent landowners who breach the Conservation Contract must pay the Agency the amount of the debt cancelled when the contract was executed, plus interest at the non-program interest rate to the date of payment, plus liquidated damages in the amount of 25 percent of the cancelled debt, plus any actual expenses incurred by the Agency in enforcing the terms of the Conservation Contract.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 78 FR 65532, Nov. 1, 2013]
§ 766.111 - Write-down.

(a) Borrower eligibility. The Agency will only consider a write-down if the borrower:

(1) Meets the eligibility criteria in § 766.104;

(2) Is delinquent;

(3) Has not previously received debt forgiveness on any FLP direct loan; and

(4) Complies with the Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation requirements of 7 CFR part 12.

(b) Conditions. The conditions required for approval of write-down are:

(1) Rescheduling, consolidation, reamortization, deferral or some ombination of these options on all of the borrower's loans would not result in a feasible plan with a 110 percent debt service margin. If a feasible plan is achieved with a debt service margin of 101 percent or more, the Agency will permit a borrower to accept a non-write-down servicing offer and waive the right to a write-down offer when the write-down offer will require additional time and appraisals to fully develop. If after obtaining an appraisal a feasible plan is achieved with and without a write-down and the borrower meets all the eligibility requirements, both options will be offered, and the borrower may choose one option.

(2) The present value of the restructured loan must be greater than or equal to the net recovery value of Agency security and any non-essential assets.

(3) The write-down amount, excluding debt reduction received through Conservation Contract, does not exceed $300,000.

(4) A borrower who owns real estate must execute an SAA in accordance with § 766.201.

(c) Associated loan servicing. Loans written down will also be serviced in accordance with §§ 766.107 and 766.108, as appropriate.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 86 FR 43392, Aug. 9, 2021; 89 FR 65044, Aug. 8, 2024]
§ 766.112 - Additional security for restructured loans.

(a) If the borrower is delinquent prior to restructuring, an additional amount of security will be required, if available, to reach a 125 percent security margin when the Agency is servicing a loan, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. Total loan security in excess of what is needed to achieve a security margin of 125 percent will only be taken when it is not practicable to separate the security.

(b) The Agency will take the best lien obtainable on assets of the borrower and co-borrowers to meet the 125 percent security margin requirement, except that the following assets will not be considered available to meet this requirement:

(1) When taking a lien on an asset will prevent the borrower from obtaining credit from other sources;

(2) When an asset could have significant environmental problems or costs as described in part 799 of this chapter;

(3) When the Agency cannot obtain a valid lien;

(4) When an asset is subsistence livestock, cash, special collateral accounts the borrower uses for the farming operation, retirement accounts, education savings accounts, personal vehicles necessary for family living, household contents, or small equipment such as hand tools and lawn mowers; or

(5) When a contractor holds title to a livestock or crop enterprise, or the borrower manages the enterprise under a share lease or share agreement.

[89 FR 65044, Aug. 8, 2024]
§ 766.113 - Buyout of loan at current market value.

(a) Borrower eligibility. A delinquent borrower may buy out the borrower's FLP loans at the current market value of the loan security, including security not in the borrower's possession, and all non-essential assets if:

(1) The borrower has not previously received debt forgiveness on any other FLP direct loan;

(2) The borrower has acted in good faith;

(3) The borrower does not have non-essential assets for which the net recovery value is sufficient to pay the account current;

(4) The borrower is unable to develop a feasible plan through primary loan servicing programs or a Conservation Contract, if requested;

(5) The present value of the restructured loans is less than the net recovery value of Agency security;

(6) The borrower pays the amount required in a lump sum without guaranteed or direct credit from the Agency; and

(7) The amount of debt forgiveness does not exceed $300,000.

(b) Buyout time frame. After the Agency offers current market value buyout of the loan, the borrower has 90 days from the date of Agency notification to pay that amount.

§ 766.114 - State-certified mediation or voluntary meeting of creditors.

(a) A borrower who is unable to develop a feasible plan but is otherwise eligible for primary loan servicing may request:

(1) State-certified mediation; or

(2) Voluntary meeting of creditors when a State does not have a certified mediation program.

(b) Any negotiation of the Agency's appraisal must be completed before State-certified mediation or voluntary meeting of creditors.

§ 766.115 - Challenging the Agency appraisal.

(a) A borrower considered for primary loan servicing who does not agree with the Agency's appraisal of the borrower's assets may:

(1) Obtain a USPAP compliant technical appraisal review prepared by a State Certified General Appraiser of the Agency's appraisal and provide it to the Agency within 90 days of the request for reconsideration or appeal and prior to reconsideration or the appeal hearing;

(2) Obtain an independent appraisal within 90 days of the request for reconsideration or appeal request and completed in accordance with § 761.7 as part of the request or reconsideration or appeals process. The borrower must:

(i) Pay for this appraisal;

(ii) Choose which appraisal will be used in Agency calculations, if the difference between the two appraisals is five percent or less.

(3) Use the second appraisal completed under paragraph (a)(2) of this section to negotiate the Agency's appraisal.

(i) If the difference between the two appraisals is five percent or less, the borrower will choose the appraisal to be used in Agency calculations.

(ii) If the difference between the two appraisals is greater than five percent, the borrower may request a third appraisal within 30 days from the date the second appraisal is provided to the Agency. The Agency and the borrower will share the cost of the third appraisal equally. The average of the two appraisals closest in value will serve as the final value.

(iii) A borrower may request a negotiated appraisal only once in connection with an application for primary loan servicing.

(iv) The borrower may not appeal a negotiated appraisal.

(b) If the appraised value of the borrower's assets change as a result of the challenge, the Agency will reconsider its previous primary loan servicing decision using the new appraisal value.

(c) If the appeal process results in a determination that the borrower is eligible for primary loan servicing, the Agency will use the information utilized to make the appeal decision, unless stated otherwise in the appeal decision letter.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 78 FR 65532, Nov. 1, 2013; 89 FR 65044, Aug. 8, 2024]
§§ 766.116-766.119 - §[Reserved]
§ 766.120 - Extending maturity date and installment schedule for direct loans with a balloon payment.

(a) At a borrower's written request, the maturity date and installment schedule of a direct term loan with a balloon payment may be extended for up to an additional 8 years from the original maturity date using an addendum to the promissory note when the:

(1) Loan was originally amortized for no more than 15 years with a balloon payment scheduled in the final year of the loan;

(2) Loan has not received PLS, DBSA, or DSA;

(3) Borrower has made all scheduled loan installments in the last 36 months;

(4) Balloon payment is due in less than 12 months;

(5) Borrower does not have an outstanding DBSA or DSA on any loan;

(6) Borrower has not received PLS on any loan in the last 36 months;

(7) Borrower has only had equal installments scheduled on any direct term loan in the last 36 months;

(8) Borrower's direct loans are fully secured with each loan having a security value of at least 100 percent of the remaining balance of the loan;

(9) Borrower is unable to partially or fully graduate;

(10) Borrower has acted in good faith;

(11) Borrower is not otherwise financially distressed or delinquent;

(12) Borrower must pay a portion of the interest due on the loan; and

(13) Addendum is signed by the borrower before the original maturity date.

(b) In no event may the loan exceed applicable term limits described in this part.

[89 FR 65045, Aug. 8, 2024]
§§ 766.121-766.150 - §[Reserved]
Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 766—FSA-2510, Notice of Availability of Loan Servicing to Borrowers Who Are 90 Days Past Due

This appendix A contains the notification (form letter) that the Farm Service Agency will send to borrowers who are at least 90 days past due on their loan payments. It provides information about the loan servicing that is available to the borrower. As stated below on the notification, the borrower is to respond within 60 days from receiving the notification (see § 766.101(b)(2) and (d)(2) for the requirements). The notification is provided here as required by 7 U.S.C. 1981d.

[89 FR 65046, Aug. 8, 2024]
Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Subpart C of Part 766—FSA-2510-IA, Notice of Availability of Loan Servicing to Borrowers Who Are 90 Days Past Due (for Use In Iowa Only)

This appendix contains the notification (form letter) that the Farm Service Agency will send to borrowers with loans in Iowa who are at least 90 days past due on their loan payments. It provides information about the loan servicing that is available to the borrower. As stated below on the notification, the borrower is to respond within 60 days from receiving the notification (see § 766.101(b)(2) and (d)(2) for the requirements). The notification is provided here as required by 7 U.S.C. 1981d.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 301,7.S.C. 1989, and 1981d(c)
source: 72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 766.115