Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 766.351 - Liquidation.

(a) General. (1) When a borrower cannot or will not meet a loan obligation, the Agency will consider liquidating the borrower's account in accordance with this subpart.

(2) The Agency will charge protective advances against the borrower's account as necessary to protect the Agency's interests during liquidation in accordance with § 765.203 of this chapter.

(3) When no surviving relative or third party assumes or repays a deceased borrower's loan in accordance with part 765, subpart J, of this chapter, or when the estate does not otherwise fully repay or sell loan security to repay a deceased borrower's FLP loans, the Agency will liquidate the security as quickly as possible in accordance with State and local requirements.

(b) Liquidation for Program borrowers. (1) If the borrower does not apply, does not accept, or is not eligible for primary loan servicing, conservation contract, market value buyout or homestead protection, and all administrative appeals are concluded, the Agency will accelerate the borrower's account in accordance with §§ 766.355 and 766.356, as appropriate.

(2) Borrowers may voluntarily liquidate their security in accordance with §§ 766.352, 766.353 and 766.354. In such case, the Agency will:

(i) Not delay involuntary liquidation action.

(ii) Notify the borrower in accordance with subpart C of this part, prior to acting on the request for voluntary liquidation, if the conditions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section have not been met.

(c) Liquidation for Non-program borrowers. If a borrower has both program and Non-program loans, the borrower's account will be handled in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. If a borrower with only Non-program loans is in default, the borrower may liquidate voluntarily, subject to the following:

(1) The Agency may delay involuntary liquidation actions when in the Agency's financial interest for a period not to exceed 60 days.

(2) The borrower must obtain the Agency's consent prior to the sale of the property.

(3) If the borrower will not pay the Agency in full, the minimum sales price must be the market value of the property as determined by the Agency.

(4) The Agency will accept a conveyance offer only when it is in the Agency's financial interest.

(5) If a Non-program borrower does not cure the default, or cannot or will not voluntarily liquidate, the Agency will accelerate the loan.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, asended at 89 FR 65045, Aug. 8, 2024]
§ 766.352 - Voluntary sale of real property and chattel.

(a) General. A borrower may voluntarily sell real property or chattel security to repay FLP debt in lieu of involuntary liquidation if all applicable requirements of this section are met. Partial dispositions are handled in accordance with part 765, subparts G and H, of this chapter.

(1) The borrower must sell all real property and chattel that secure FLP debt until the debt is paid in full or until all security has been liquidated.

(2) The Agency must approve the sale and approve the use of proceeds.

(3) The sale proceeds are applied in order of lien priority, except that proceeds may be used to pay customary costs appropriate to the transaction provided:

(i) The costs are reasonable in amount;

(ii) The borrower is unable to pay the costs from personal funds or have the purchaser pay;

(iii) The costs must be paid to complete the sale;

(iv) Costs are not for postage and insurance of the note while in transit when required for the Agency to present the promissory note to the recorder to obtain a release of a portion of the real property from the mortgage.

(4) The Agency will approve the sale of property when the proceeds do not cover the borrower's full debt only if:

(i) The sales price must be equal to or greater than the market value of the property; and

(ii) The sale is in the Agency's financial interest.

(5) If an unpaid loan balance remains after the sale, the Agency will continue to service the loan in accordance with part 761, subpart F of this chapter and part 3 of this title.

(b) Voluntary sale of chattel. If the borrower complies with paragraph (a) of this section, the borrower may sell chattel security by:

(1) Public sale if the borrower obtains the agreement of lienholders as necessary to complete the public sale; or

(2) Private sale if the borrower:

(i) Sells all of the security for not less than the market value;

(ii) Obtains the agreement of lienholders as necessary to complete the sale;

(iii) Has a buyer who is ready and able to purchase the property; and

(iv) Obtains the Agency's agreement for the sale.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 85 FR 36713, June 17, 2020]
§ 766.353 - Voluntary conveyance of real property.

(a) Requirements for conveying real property. The borrower must supply the Agency with the following:

(1) An Agency application form;

(2) A current financial statement. If the borrower is an entity, all entity members must provide current financial statements;

(3) Information on present and future income and potential earning ability;

(4) A warranty deed or other deed acceptable to the Agency;

(5) A resolution approved by the governing body that authorizes the conveyance in the case of an entity;

(6) Assignment of all leases to the Agency. The borrower must put all oral leases in writing;

(7) Title insurance or title record for the security, if available;

(8) Complete debt settlement application in accordance with subpart B of part 761, subpart F of this chapter before, or in conjunction with, the voluntary conveyance offer if the value of the property to be conveyed is less than the FLP debt; and

(9) Any other documentation required by the Agency to evaluate the request.

(b) Conditions for conveying real property. The Agency will accept voluntary conveyance of real property by a borrower if:

(1) Conveyance is in the Agency's financial interest;

(2) The borrower conveys all real property securing the FLP loan; and

(3) The borrower has received prior notification of the availability of loan servicing in accordance with subpart C of this part.

(c) Prior and junior liens. (1) The Agency will pay prior liens to the extent consistent with the Agency's financial interest.

(2) Before conveyance, the borrower must pay or obtain releases of all junior liens, real estate taxes, judgments, and other assessments. If the borrower is unable to pay or obtain a release of the liens, the Agency may attempt to negotiate a settlement with the lienholder if it is in the Agency's financial interest.

(d) Charging and crediting the borrower's account. (1) The Agency will charge the borrower's account for all recoverable costs incurred in connection with a conveyance.

(2) The Agency will credit the borrower's account for the amount of the market value of the property less any prior liens, or the debt, whichever is less. In the case of an American Indian borrower whose loans are secured by real estate located within the boundaries of a Federally recognized Indian reservation, however, the Agency will credit the borrower's account with the greater of the market value of the security or the borrower's FLP debt.

(e) Right of possession. After voluntary conveyance, the borrower or former owner retains no statutory, implied, or inherent right of possession to the property beyond those rights under an approved lease-purchase agreement executed according to § 766.154 or required by State law.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 85 FR 36713, June 17, 2020]
§ 766.354 - Voluntary conveyance of chattel.

(a) Requirements for conveying chattel. The borrower must supply the Agency with the following:

(1) An Agency application form;

(2) A current financial statement. If the borrower is an entity, all entity members must provide current financial statements;

(3) Information on present and future income and potential earning ability;

(4) A bill of sale including each item and titles to all vehicles and equipment, as applicable;

(5) A resolution approved by the governing body that authorizes the conveyance in the case of an entity borrower;

(6) Complete debt settlement application in accordance with part 761, subpart F of this chapter before, or in conjunction with, the voluntary conveyance offer if the value of the property to be conveyed is less than the FLP debt.

(b) Conditions for conveying chattel. The Agency will accept conveyance of chattel only if:

(1) The borrower has made every possible effort to sell the property voluntarily;

(2) The borrower can convey the chattel free of other liens;

(3) The conveyance is in the Agency's financial interest;

(4) The borrower conveys all chattel securing the FLP loan; and

(5) The borrower has received prior notification of the availability of loan servicing in accordance with subpart C of this part.

(c) Charging and crediting the borrower's account. (1) The Agency will charge the borrower's account for all recoverable costs incurred in connection with the conveyance.

(2) The Agency will credit the borrower's account in the amount of the market value of the chattel.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 85 FR 36713, June 17, 2020]
§ 766.355 - Acceleration of loans.

(a) General. (1) The Agency accelerates loans in accordance with this section, unless:

(i) State law imposes separate restrictions on accelerations;

(ii) The borrower is American Indian, whose real estate is located on an Indian reservation.

(2) The Agency accelerates all of the borrower's loans at the same time, regardless of whether each individual loan is delinquent or not.

(3) All borrowers must receive prior notification in accordance with subpart C of this part, except for borrowers who fail to graduate in accordance with § 766.101(a)(8).

(b) Time limitations. The borrower has 30 days from the date of the Agency acceleration notice to pay the Agency in full.

(c) Borrower options. The borrower may:

(1) Pay the account in full;

(2) Transfer the security to a third party in accordance with part 765, subpart I of this chapter;

(3) Sell the security property in accordance with § 766.352; or

(4) Voluntarily convey the security to the Agency in accordance with §§ 766.353 and 766.354, as appropriate.

(d) Partial payments. The Agency may accept a payment that does not cover the unpaid balance of the accelerated loan if the borrower is in the process of selling security, unless acceptance of the payment would reverse the acceleration.

(e) Failure to satisfy the debt. The Agency will liquidate the borrower's account in accordance with § 766.357 if the borrower does not pay the account in full within the time period specified in the acceleration notice.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 87 FR 13124, Mar. 9, 2022]
§ 766.356 - Acceleration of loans to American Indian borrowers.

(a) General. (1) The Agency accelerates loans to American Indian borrowers whose real estate is located on an Indian reservation in accordance with this section, unless State law imposes separate restrictions on accelerations.

(2) The Agency accelerates all of the borrower's loans at the same time, regardless of whether each individual loan is delinquent or not.

(3) All borrowers must receive prior notification in accordance with subpart C of this part, except for borrowers who fail to graduate in accordance with § 766.101(a)(8).

(4) At the time of acceleration, the Agency will notify the borrower and the Tribe that has jurisdiction over the Indian reservation of:

(i) The possible outcomes of a foreclosure sale and the potential impacts of those outcomes on rights established under paragraphs (a)(4)(ii) and (iii) of this section;

(ii) The priority for purchase of the property acquired by the Agency through voluntary conveyance or foreclosure;

(iii) Transfer of acquired property to the Secretary of the Interior if the priority of purchase of the property established under paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section is not exercised.

(b) Borrower options. The Agency will notify an American Indian borrower of the right to:

(1) Request the Tribe, having jurisdiction over the Indian reservation in which the real property is located, be assigned the loan;

(i) The Tribe will have 30 calendar days after the Agency notification of such request to accept the assignment of the loan.

(ii) The Tribe must pay the Agency the lesser of the outstanding Agency indebtedness secured by the real estate or the market value of the property.

(iii) The Tribe may pay the amount in a lump sum or according to the rates, terms and requirements established in part 770 of this chapter, subject to the following:

(A) The Tribe must execute the promissory note and loan documents within 90 calendar days of receipt from the Agency;

(B) Such loan may not be considered for debt write-down under 7 CFR part 770.

(iv) The Tribe's failure to respond to the request for assignment of the loan or to finalize the assignment transaction within the time provided, shall be treated as the Tribe's denial of the request.

(2) Request the loan be assigned to the Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary of the Interior's failure to respond to the request for assignment of the loan or to finalize the assignment transaction, shall be treated as denial of the request;

(3) Voluntarily convey the real estate property to the Agency;

(i) The Agency will conduct a environmental review before accepting voluntary conveyance.

(ii) The Agency will credit the account with the greater of the market value of the real estate or the amount of the debt.

(4) Sell the real estate;

(i) The buyer must have the financial ability to buy the property.

(ii) The sale of the property must be completed within 90 calendar days of the Agency's notification.

(iii) The loan can be transferred and assumed by an eligible buyer.

(5) Pay the FLP debt in full.

(6) Consult with the Tribe that has jurisdiction over the Indian reservation to determine if State or Tribal law provides rights and protections that are more beneficial than those provided under this section.

(c) Tribe notification. At the time of acceleration, the Agency will notify the Tribe that has jurisdiction over the Indian reservation in which the property is located, of the:

(1) Sale of the American Indian borrower's property;

(2) Market value of the property;

(3) Amount the Tribe would be required to pay the Agency for assignment of the loan.

(d) Partial payments. The Agency may accept a payment that does not cover the unpaid balance of the accelerated loan if the borrower is in the process of selling security, unless acceptance of the payment would reverse the acceleration.

(e) Failure to satisfy the debt. The Agency will liquidate the borrower's account in accordance with § 766.357 if:

(1) The borrower does not pay the account in full within the time period specified in the acceleration notice;

(2) The borrower does not voluntarily convey the property to the Agency;

(3) Neither the Tribe nor the Secretary of the Interior accepts assignment of the borrower's loan.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 89 FR 65045, Aug. 8, 2024]
§ 766.357 - Involuntary liquidation of real property and chattel.

(a) General. The Agency will liquidate the borrower's security if:

(1) The borrower does not satisfy the account in accordance with §§ 766.355 and 766.356, as appropriate;

(2) The involuntary liquidation is in the Agency's financial interest.

(b) Foreclosure on loans secured by real property. (1) The Agency will charge the borrower's account for all recoverable costs incurred in connection with the foreclosure and sale of the property.

(2) If the Agency acquires the foreclosed property, the Agency will credit the borrower's account in the amount of the Agency's bid except when incremental bidding was used, in which case the amount of credit will be the maximum bid that was authorized. If the Agency does not acquire the foreclosed property, the Agency will credit the borrower's account in accordance with State law and guidance from the Regional OGC.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(2), for an American Indian borrower whose real property secures an FLP loan and is located within the confines of a Federally-recognized Indian reservation, the Agency will credit the borrower's account in the amount that is the greater of:

(i) The market value of the security; or

(ii) The amount of the FLP debt against the property.

(4) After the date of foreclosure, the borrower or former owner retains no statutory, implied, or inherent right of possession to the property beyond those rights granted by State law.

(5) If an unpaid balance on the FLP loan remains after the foreclosure sale of the property, the Agency will service the account in accordance with part 761, subpart F of this chapter and part 3 of this title.

(c) Foreclosure of loans secured by chattel. (1) The Agency will charge the borrower's account for all recoverable costs incurred by the Agency as a result of the repossession and sale of the property.

(2) The Agency will apply the proceeds from the repossession sale to the borrower's account less prior liens and all authorized liquidation costs.

(3) If an unpaid balance on the FLP loan remains after the sale of the repossessed property, the Agency will service the account in accordance with part 761, subpart F of this chapter and part 3 of this title.

[72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, as amended at 85 FR 36713, June 17, 2020]
§ 766.358 - Acceleration and foreclosure moratorium.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subpart, borrowers who file or have filed a program discrimination complaint that is accepted by USDA Office of Adjudication or successor office (USDA), and have been serviced to the point of acceleration or foreclosure on or after May 22, 2008, will not have their account accelerated or liquidated until such complaint has been resolved by USDA or closed by a court of competent jurisdiction. This moratorium applies only to program loans made under subtitle A, B, or C of the Act (for example, CL, FO, OL, EM, SW, or RL). Interest will not accrue and no offsets will be taken on these loans during the moratorium. Interest accrual and offsets will continue on all other loans, including, but not limited to, non-program loans.

(1) If the Agency prevails on the program discrimination complaint, the interest that would have accrued during the moratorium will be reinstated on the account when the moratorium terminates, and all offsets and servicing actions will resume.

(2) If the borrower prevails on the program discrimination complaint, the interest that would have accrued during the moratorium will not be reinstated on the account unless specifically required by the settlement agreement or court order.

(b) The moratorium will begin on:

(1) May 22, 2008, if the borrower had a pending program discrimination claim that was accepted by USDA as valid and the account was at the point of acceleration or foreclosure on or before that date; or

(2) The date after May 22, 2008, when the borrower has a program discrimination claim accepted by USDA as valid and the borrower's account is at the point of acceleration or foreclosure.

(c) The point of acceleration under this section is the earliest of the following:

(1) The day after all rights offered on the Agency notice of intent to accelerate expire if the borrower does not appeal;

(2) The day after all appeals resulting from an Agency notice of intent to accelerate are concluded if the borrower appeals and the Agency prevails on the appeal;

(3) The day after all appeal rights have been concluded relating to a failure to graduate and the Agency prevails on any appeal;

(4) Any other time when, because of litigation, third party action, or other unforeseen circumstance, acceleration is the next step for the Agency in servicing and liquidating the account.

(d) A borrower is considered to be in foreclosure status under this section anytime after acceleration of the account.

(e) The moratorium will end on the earlier of:

(1) The date the program discrimination claim is resolved by USDA or

(2) The date that a court of competent jurisdiction renders a final decision on the program discrimination claim if the borrower appeals the decision of USDA.

[76 FR 5058, Jan. 28, 2011]
§§ 766.359-766.400 - §[Reserved]
authority: 5 U.S.C. 301,7.S.C. 1989, and 1981d(c)
source: 72 FR 63316, Nov. 8, 2007, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 766.358