(a) The purpose of this part is to set forth the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) rules and regulations to carry out the Rural Abandoned Mine Program under section 406, Pub. L. 95-87; 91 Stat. 460 (30 U.S.C. 1236).
(b) The Rural Abandoned Mine Program:
(1) Through the NRCS delivery system, assists land users to voluntarily develop reclamation plans and apply conservation treatment for the reclamation, conservation, and development of eligible coal-mined lands and water, and
(2) Provides cost sharing through long-term contracts according to an approved reclamation plan, to land users for establishing land use and conservation treatment on these lands.
(a) The objectives of the program are to protect people and the environment from the adverse effects of past coal-mining practices and to promote the development of the soil and water resources of unreclaimed mined lands by:
(1) Stabilizing mined lands.
(2) Controlling erosion and sediment on mined areas and areas affected by mining.
(3) Reclaiming lands and water for useful purposes.
(4) Enhancing water quality or quantity where it has been disturbed by past coal-mining practices.
(a) The Rural Abandoned Mine Program is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) through NRCS in accordance with the delegation of responsibility contained in § 601.1(h) of this chapter.
(1) The Chief of NRCS is responsible for national program management and administration and for coordinating program operations with the Office of Surface Mining (OSM), U.S. Department of the Interior.
(2) State conservationists (Responsible Federal Officials) are responsible for program operations within a State including program coordination with the State reclamation agency and the representatives of OSM.
(b) The primary public contacts for program assistance are the district conservationists located in local NRCS field offices.
(c) NRCS is assisted by other USDA agencies in accordance with existing authorities and agreements in carrying out the program.
(d) NRCS is to coordinate Rural Abandoned Mine Program activities with NRCS programs and the other reclamation programs authorized by Pub. L. 95-87 that are carried out by the Office of Surface Mining of the U.S. Department of the Interior, State reclamation agencies, and Indian tribes. Coordination includes program development, development of reclamation standards, preparation of special reports, requests for funding, and related actions required to achieve coordination between programs.
(e) NRCS is to consult with State and local reclamation committees to obtain recommendations on program operation, evaluation of applications for reclamation assistance, and public participation. The NRCS State Conservationist is to use existing reclamation committees or encourage the organization of a new State committee for this purpose. The State Conservationist is to serve as a member when the committee is functioning for the purposes of this program. Representatives of the Office of Surface Mining, State reclamation agency, State water quality agency, State conservation agency, and other agencies or groups are to be invited to participate as members. Individual citizens may participate through the State committee. Local committees, if needed, are to be organized on a multicounty, county, conservation district, or other appropriate area with a local membership structure similar to the State committee. The district conservationist is to be a member of a local reclamation committee organized to provide program guidance.
[43 FR 44749, Sept. 28, 1978, as amended at 45 FR 65181, Oct. 2, 1980]
Abandoned mined lands. Unreclaimed coal-mined lands that existed before August 3, 1977, and for which there is no continuing reclamation responsibility on the part of a mine operator, permittee, or agent under State or Federal law or on the part of the State as a result of a bond forfeiture. See § 632.13.
Average costs. The calculated cost, determined by recent actual costs and current cost estimates, considered necessary for a land user to carry out a conservation practice or an identifiable unit of a conservation practice.
Conservation district. A legal subdivision of State government responsible for developing and carrying out programs of soil and water conservation with which the Secretary of Agriculture cooperates under the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act of 1935.
Conservation treatment. Specific conservation or reclamation practices applied to the land according to current standards and specifications in NRCS technical guides.
Contract. A binding agreement between NRCS and the land user that includes the reclamation plan and provides for cost sharing the conservation treatment.
Contracting officer. The NRCS official authorized to enter into and administer contracts for the Rural Abandoned Mine Program.
Cost. The monetary amount actually paid or obligated to be paid by the land user for equipment use, materials, and services for carrying out a conservation practice or identifiable unit. If the land user uses his own resources, it includes the computed value of his labor, equipment use, and materials.
Cost-share payments. Payments made to or on behalf of land users at established rates as specified in contracts for carrying out a conservation practice or an identifiable unit of such practices according to the contract.
Financial burden. The land user's cost of reclamation that cannot be expected to be recovered within the contract period and that would probably prevent participation in the program. The land user must sign a statement to substantiate financial burden.
Identifiable unit. A component of a conservation practice that can be clearly identified as a step in carrying out the conservation practice.
Inadequately reclaimed. Lands or water that are mined for coal or are affected by mining conducted before August 3, 1977, which continue in their present condition to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, prevent or damage beneficial use of land or water resources, or endanger the health or safety of the public.
Landrights. An interest acquired by fee simple title, easements, and rights-of-way to occupy or use land, buildings, structures, or other improvements.
Land user. Any person, partnership, firm, company, corporation, association, trust, estate, other entity, or agent that owns or has management control of the surface rights of the land during the contract period or owns water rights on eligible lands. Also included are State or local public entities that own or control eligible land and water.
Main benefits. The principal values or benefits that can be identified and/or quantified as a result of reclamation. Main offsite benefits are those values that accrue to surrounding land users or the public in general as a result of the reclamation. Main onsite benefits are those that accrue to the participant. Examples of principal values or benefits include but are not limited to human lives and property protected, reduction of erosion or sediment damage, elimination of public safety or health hazards, improvement of water quality, improved visual quality, improved fish or wildlife habitat, or restoration of beneficial uses of reclaimed areas.
Reclamation committee. A committee on a local or State level consisting of representatives of Federal and State agencies and other organizations or individuals that have responsibilities or interest in abandoned mine reclamation. The committee provides guidance to NRCS on the operation of the Rural Abandoned Mine Program.
Reclamation plan. A conservation and development plan as referred to in Pub. L. 95-87, consisting of a written record of land user decisions on proposed use, conservation treatment, and maintenance of eligible lands and water that will protect, enhance, and maintain the resource base. A reclamation plan contains pertinent soils data, a planned land use map or drawing, a record of use and treatment decisions including a schedule of conservation treatment, and other resource data as appropriate.
Specified maximum costs. The maximum amount of cost-share money that is to be paid to a land user for carrying out a conservation practice or an identifiable unit of a conservation practice.
Standards and specifications. Requirements that establish the acceptable quality level for planning, designing, and installing a conservation practice so it achieves its intended purpose. NRCS standards and specifications are contained in the NRCS field office technical guides and are designed to be sound and practicable under local conditions. Technical guides are on file in local NRCS field offices.
Water rights. Any interest acquired in, priority established for, or permission obtained for the use of water.
[43 FR 44749, Sept. 28, 1978, as amended at 45 FR 65181, Oct. 2, 1980]