Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 25, 2025
Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Feb 12, 2025
§ 634.10 - Applicability.
RCWP is applicable in project areas that meet the criteria for eligibility contained in § 634.12 and are authorized for funding by the Administrator, NRCS.
§ 634.11 - Availability of funds.
(a) The provisions of the program are subject to the appropriation of funds by Congress to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
(b) The allocation of funds to the administering agencies is to be made on the basis of the total funds needed to carry out the project.
(c) The obligation of Federal funds for RCWP contracts with participants is to be made on the basis of the total contract costs.
§ 634.12 - Eligible project areas.
(a) Only those project areas which are included in an approved agricultural portion of a 208 water quality management plan, or revised portions thereof, and have identified agricultural nonpoint source water quality problems are eligible for authorization under RCWP. Those critical areas or sources of pollutants significantly contributing to the water quality problems are eligible for financial and technical assistance.
(b) The management agency designated by the Governor under section 208(c)(1) of the Act to implement the agricultural portion of the 208 plan must assure in writing in the project application that there will be an adequate level of participation by land owners or operators with critical areas or sources in a project area.
(c) An RCWP project area is a hydrologically related land area. Exceptions may be made for ease of administration, or to focus on concentrated critical areas. To be designated as an RCWP project area eligible for authorization, the area's water quality problems must be related to agricultural nonpoint source pollutants, including sediment animal waste, irrigation return flows, runoff, or leachate that contain high concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, dissolved solids, toxics (pesticides and heavy metals), or high pathogen levels. Generally, the project areas will be less than 200,000 acres.
§ 634.13 - Project applications.
(a) The SRCWCC is to assure that a process exists to prepare the RCWP project applications for submission by the Governor in order of priority to the Administrator, NRCS, through the State Conservationst, NRCS. This process must include the opportunity for public participation, especially participation by potential RCWP participants. Applications will be submitted in conformance with OMB Circular A-95.
(b) The preparation and submission of applications are to be based on the priorities established by the Governor and data and information in the approved agricultural portion of the State or areawide 208 water quality management plan.
(c) Applications shall contain the following components. Additional material may be added when, in the judgment of the applicant, it is needed to fully support the application and/or would enhance the probability of project authorization. Information provided under each component shall be in sufficient detail to permit the NRCWCC to evaluate the application using priority criteria in § 634.14.
(1) Description of the project area,
(2) Severity of the water quality problem
(3) Objectives and planned action,
(4) Schedule for carrying out the plan, and
(5) Estimated cost. This component is to identify and show the basis for those costs associated with completing the project. The project application shall include an estimate of the total cost of the project, the Federal contribution, and the non-Federal contribution. The Federal contribution shall not exceed 50 percent unless the application, based on offsite benefits and financial burden, show that a higher level is appropriate.
(6) Estimated water quality benefits and effects.
(7) Arrangements for project administration. This component is to set out the applicant's plan for carrying out the program in the project area. The plan should:
(i) Identify the administering agency and document the capability of the agency to carry out the responsibilities described in § 634.4(p). In addition, information should be included to describe the administering agency staff, the location of that staff relative to the project area, and the experience of the agency in administering comparable grant programs.
(ii) Where appropriate, describe the specific arrangements that have been made, or that are anticipated, for local, State, and Federal agency participation such as technical assistance and other cost-sharing programs.
(8) Attachments. The following attachments are the minimum required with each application:
(i) A letter from the water-quality management agency designated by the Governor to carry out the approved agricultural portion of the 208 water quality management plan for the area or source certifying that the BMPs to be cost shared are consistent with the BMP's in the 208 plan,
(ii) A letter from the designated management agency which assures and sets out a strategy for reaching an adequate level of participation (§ 634.5(a)).
(iii) As appropriate, the preapplication for Federal assistance (OMB Circular A-102) from the identified administering agency, and
(iv) A listing of the prevailing cost-share levels of other programs in the project area.
§ 634.14 - Review and approval of project applications.
(a) In reviewing applications and recommending priorities, the NRCWCC will consider the following:
(1) Severity of the water quality problem caused by agricultural and silvicultural related pollutants, including:
(i) State designated uses of the water affected,
(ii) Kinds, sources, and effects of pollutants, and
(iii) Miles of stream or acres of water bodies affected,
(2) Demonstration of public benefits from the project, including:
(i) Effects on human health,
(ii) Population benefited by improved water quality,
(iii) Effects on the natural environment, and
(iv) Additional beneficial uses of the waters that result from improvement of the water quality,
(3) Economic, and technical feasibility to control water quality problems within the life of the project, including:
(i) Cost effectiveness of BMP's,
(ii) Size of the area and BMP's needed, and
(iii) Cost per participant and cost per acre for solution of problem,
(4) State and local input in the project area, including:
(i) Funds for cost-sharing, technical, and administrative costs. States or local governments with their own cost-share programs may receive greater consideration for the funding of RCWP projects,
(ii) Commitment of local leadership to promote the program, and
(5) The project area's contribution to meeting the national water quality goals.
(b) Based on the project applications, the NRCWCC is to recommend an upper limit of the Federal contribution to the total cost of the project.
(c) All project applications will be reviewed by EPA. Project applications approval for funding require written EPA concurrence, except that the Administrator, NRCS, may assume EPA's concurrence if EPA does not act within 45 days following receipt of the project application. EPA review of project applications will occur concurrently with review by the NRCWCC.
(d) The Administrator, NRCS, will approve projects for funding. The NRCWCC acting through the Chairman will announce the approval of the project. The State Conservationist, NRCS, through the SRCWCC, will also inform the other involved Federal, State, and local agencies of the approval.
§ 634.15 - Agreements.
The State Conservationist, NRCS, upon receiving notice of an approved project, is to enter into a grant agreement with the administering agency, except in those cases where USDA is to administer the program. When USDA retains administration, the State Conservationist, NRCS, is to enter into a fund transfer agreement with the State Executive Director, ASCS.
(a) Grant agreements. Grant agreements detail the working arrangements and applicable operating regulations between NRCS and the administering agency. A written grant agreement identifying the parties involved, their responsibilities for carrying out the program, and the amount of program funds to be encumbered by NRCS is to be executed by the parties. This agreement is the fund obligating document. It also sets out the necessary working arrangements between parties for determining and allocating the administering agency's costs. All grants to administering agencies are to be in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-102, Department of the Treasury Circular No. 1075, and Federal Management Circular No. 74-4. State or local administering agency grants will be funded under Letter-of-Credit serviced by the U.S. Treasury Regional Disbursing Office, or by NRCS approved advance/reimbursement financing arrangements subject to the terms and conditions of the grant agreement.
(1) The grant agreement will provide for payment of cost-sharing for BMP (§ 634.5(j)) and administrative costs (§ 634.5(c)).
(2) The grant agreement may provide for payment of technical assistance costs when the administering agency has the capability, and the NRCS designates that agency to provide this assistance to RCWP participants.
(3) The administering agency is to monitor the performance of activities supported by RCWP grant funds to assure that time schedules and participant RCWP contract requirements are being met. Performance goals are to be measured against the terms of the grant agreement and program directives. When NRCS determines that onsite technical inspections, certified completion data, and financial status reports do not provide adequate grant evaluation data, the following information may be requested:
(i) A comparison of actual accomplishments with the objectives established for the plan,
(ii) Reasons why established objectives were not met, and
(iii) Objectives established for the next reporting period.
(4) Grant agreements may be amended by mutural agreement of the parties to the agreement. NRCS may unilaterally amend agreements when the sole consideration is a change in the cost and the Administrator, NRCS, based on NRCWCC recommendations, determines that such an adjustment is necessary to carry out the program efficiently and effectively.
(b) Fund transfer agreements. When it is impractical for NRCS to enter into agreements with local soil conservation districts, State soil and water conservation agencies, or State water quality agencies to administer the program in a project area, USDA will retain program administration. In this case, the State Executive Director, ASCS, and the State Conservationist, NRCS, are to enter into an agreement for the transfer of funds to ASCS through county ASC committees for activities included in administrative cost (§ 634.5(c)) and BMP cost (§ 634.5(j)). The following general working arrangements are to apply:
(1) Administering contracts, making cost-share payment, and program reporting are to be provided by ASCS as the administering agency.
(2) NRCS, or its designee, with appropriate Federal or State agency support, will provide technical assistance to participants in preparing RCWP contracts and in carrying out their water-quality plans.
(c) Agreements for services. NRCS may enter into an agreement for services with a State or local agency. The designee must meet the requirements of OMB Circular No. A-102.
(d) Contracts for services. NRCS may enter into contracts for services with individuals or firms for providing technical assistance.
§ 634.16 - Suspension of grants.
(a) Suspension orders. Work on a project or on a portion or phase of a project for which a grant has been awarded, may be suspended by order of the State Conservationist, NRCS. Suspension does not affect RCWP contracts existing at the time the suspension order is issued, or the administering agency's responsibility to make payments under such contracts unless specifically provided for in the suspend order. In no event will the participant's right to cost-share payment be diminished by action taken under this section.
(b) Use of suspension orders. Suspension may be required for good cause, such as default by the administering agency, failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant, realignment of programs, or advancements in the state of the art.
(c) Contents of suspension orders. Prior to issuance, suspension orders will be discussed with the administering agency and may be appropriately modified, in the light of such discussions. Suspension orders are to include:
(1) A clear description of the work to be suspended,
(2) Instructions as to the issuance of further orders by the administering agency for materials or services,
(3) Instructions as to the administering agency entering into new RCWP contracts in the project area,
(4) Instructions as to the administering agency servicing existing RCWP contracts in the project area, and
(5) Other instructions to the administering agency for minimizing Federal costs.
(d) Issuance of suspension order. Suspension orders are issued by the State Conservationist, NRCS, by letter to the administering agency (certified mail, return receipt requested). A suspension order may not exceed forty-five (45) calendar days.
(e) Effect of suspension order. (1) Upon receipt of a suspension order, the administering agency shall promptly comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work suspension. During the suspension period, NRCS shall either:
(i) Cancel the suspension order, in full or in part, and authorize resumption of work, or
(ii) Take action to terminate the work covered by such order as provided by § 634.17.
(2) If a suspension order is canceled, or the period of the order expires, the administering agency shall promptly resume the suspended work. An equitable adjustment shall be made in the grant period, the project period, or grant amount, or all of these, and the grant agreement may be amended:
(i) The suspension order results in an increase in the time, or cost properly allocable to, the performance of any part of the project; and
(ii) The administering agency asserts a written claim for such adjustment within thirty (30) days after the end of the period of work suspension. If no written claim is made, NRCS may unilaterally make such adjustments.
(iii) Reasonable costs resulting from the suspension order shall be allowed in arriving at any terminations settlement.
(3) Costs incurred by the administering agency after a suspension order is delivered that are not authorized by this section or specifically authorized in writing by the State Conservationist, NRCS, shall not be allowable costs.
§ 634.17 - Termination of grant agreement.
(a) Termination agreement or notice. (1) The State Conservationist, NRCS, may, based on evidence of failure to comply with the terms of the grant agreement, issue a notice of intent to terminate the grant agreement. The notice of intent to terminate has the force and effect of extending or modifying the conditions of the suspend order. Any modification of the conditions of the suspend order shall be shown in the notice and discussed with the administering agency. The State Conservationist shall give not less than ten (10) days written notice to the administering agency (certified mail, return receipt requested) of intent to terminate the grant in whole or in part.
(2) After the administering agency has been afforded an opportunity for consultation, the State Conservationist, NRCS, may request authorization from the Administrator, NRCS, to terminate the grant in whole or in part. If the Administrator, NRCS, concurs in the termination action, the proposed termination notice will be forwarded to the Administrator, EPA, for concurrence.
(3) After the Administrators, NRCS and EPA, have been informed of any expressed views of the administering agency and concurred in the proposed termination, the State Conservationist, NRCS, may, in writing (certified mail, return receipt requested), terminate the grant in whole or in part.
(4) Termination of all or part of the grant agreement may be carried out by either execution of a termination agreement by the State Conservationist, NRCS, or issuance of a grant termination notice by the State Conservationist, NRCS. The agreement or notice shall establish the effective date of termination of the grant, the basis for settlement of grant termination costs, and the amount and date of payment of any sums due either party.
(b) Basis for termination. A grant may be terminated by NRCS for good cause subject to negotiation and payment of appropriate termination settlement costs. Cause for termination by NRCS includes:
(1) Failure by the administering agency to make satisfactory progress toward achieving an adequate level of participation; or other evidence satisfactory to the NRCWCC, Administrator, EPA, and the Administrator, NRCS, that the administering agency has failed or is unable to perform in accordance with the provisions of the grant agreement; or
(2) Failure through no fault of the administering agency to achieve an adequate level of participation; or other evidence satisfactory to the NRCWCC, Administrator, EPA, and the Administrator, NRCS, that the planned actions approved in the project application cannot be achieved.
(c) Effect of grant termination. (1)(i) In those cases where cause for grant termination is based on the administering agency's failure or inability to perform (§ 634.17(b)(1)), upon termination, the administering agency must refund or credit to the United States that portion of the grant funds paid or owed to the administering agency and allocable to the terminated project work. Funds needed to meet unavoidable commitments may be retained. All other funds, including unexpended cost-sharing monies for existing RCWP contracts executed prior to the termination date, shall be refunded to the United States. The administering agency shall not make any new commitments or enter into any new RCWP contracts. The administering agency shall reduce the amount of other outstanding commitments insofar as possible and report to the State Conservationist, NRCS, the uncommitted balance of funds awarded under the grant. The allowability of termination costs will be determined in conformance with applicable Federal cost principles.
(ii) Upon termination of a grant agreement, existing RCWP contracts and their related obligations will immediately, and in no case later than 5 calendar days be transferred to the ASCS county office to assure continuity in payments to participants. The State Conservationist, NRCS, will immediately initiate action under § 634.15 to establish a new administering agency for completion of the project.
(2) In those cases where cause for grant termination is based on failure to achieve the planned actions through no fault of the administering agency, the termination agreement and amended grant agreement are to permit the administering agency to fulfill the obligations of its existing RCWP contracts. The administering agency shall not make any new commitments or enter into any new RCWP contracts without NRCS approval.
§ 634.18 - Termination of project.
(a) An RCWP project is terminated by the State Conservationist because an adequate level of participation cannot be achieved. Upon this determination, the State Conservationist shall publish in a newspaper of public record in the project area a notice of intent to terminate all or part of the grant agreement and the project (§ 634.7(c)), and an announcement of the time and place of a public hearing.
(b) No sooner than 15 days from the publication of the notice of intent to terminate all or part of the project and grant agreement, the State Conservationist will conduct a public hearing in the project area.
(c) If, based on the hearing record, the performance record of the administering agency, and the recommendations of the SRCWCC, the State Conservationist determines that the project will be terminated pursuant to § 634.17(c), the State Conservationist will enter into a grant termination agreement or issue a grant termination notice.
(d) The existing RCWP contracts will be transferred to the ASCS county office pursuant to § 634.17(c)(1)(ii).
(e) The State Conservationist will prepare a project close-out report summarizing the actions accomplished.
§ 634.19 - Project completion and closeout.
(a) The maximum total life of a project shall be fifteen (15) years or less.
(b) The allowable contracting period may be increased if an adequate level of participation has been achieved and the designated management agency assures a significant increase in participation can be reached in a reasonable time.
(c) The grant or fund transfer agreement with an administering agency shall expire when the administering agency has fulfilled all of its obligations in the long-term RCWP contracts.
(d) When a project is completed, the administering agency is to provide the State Conservationist, NRCS, a closeout report which summarizes the actions accomplished.
source: 43 FR 50855, Nov. 1, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 634.19