Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 18, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Dec 30, 2025
§ 634.20 - Eligible land.

RCWP is only applicable to privately owned land. Land owned by corporations whose ownership is public (i.e., their stock is publicly traded over the market) is eligible for program assistance only if the corporation can document that the installation of BMP's places an inappropriate financial burden on the corporation.

§ 634.21 - Eligible participants.

(a) Any landowner or operator whose land or activities in a project area is contributing to the area's agricultural nonpoint source water quality problems and who has an approved water quality plan is eligible to enter into an RCWP contract.

(b) This program will be conducted in compliance with all nondiscrimination requirements as contained in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and amendments thereto and the Regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture (7 CFR 15.1 through 15.12).

§ 634.22 - Application for assistance.

(a) Landowners or operators must apply for RCWP assistance through the office of the administering agency or its designee(s) by completing the prescribed application form.

(b) The priority for assistance among landowners and operators in developing water quality plans is to be determined jointly, through an agreed-to process, by the county ASC committee and the soil conservation district, with technical assistance from NRCS.

(c) Applications that are ineligible or technically infeasible are to be returned to the applicant with a letter stating the reasons for disapproval. Applications that are of a low priority will be retained and the applicant will be sent a notice that the application is being held for a period to be determined locally for future consideration.

§ 634.23 - Water quality plan.

(a) The participant's water quality plan, developed with technical assistance by the NRCS or its designee, is to include appropriate BMP's identified in the approved agricultural portion of the 208 water quality management plan. Such BMP's must reduce the amount of pollutants that enter a stream or lake by:

(1) Methods, such as reducing the application rates or changing the application methods of potential pollutants, and

(2) Methods, such as practices or combinations of practices which prevent potential pollutants from leaving source areas or reduce the amount of potential pollutants that reach a stream or lake after leaving a source area.

(b) Participant's water quality plans shall as a minimum include BMP's for all critical areas or sources. The plans will include BMP's which are required but not cost-shared. Non-cost-shared BMP's, essential for the performance and maintenance of cost-shared BMP's shall be required as a condition of the RCWP contract.

(c) The participant is responsible for compliance with all other applicable Federal, State, and local laws that deal with the participant's nonpoint source water quality problems, such as the treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste. BMP's required for compliance may be cost shared.

(d) It is recognized that the participants' water-quality plans upon which the RCWP contracts are to be based may include conservation measures other than those related to water quality improvement. These measures are not eligible for cost sharing under this program. The installation of such conservation measures will not be required as a condition of the RCWP contract and will not be shown in the time schedules for implementing BMP's.

(e) Time schedules for implementing BMP's are to be provided in the participant's water quality plan. The time schedule is to establish the length of the contract within the 5 to 10 year period established by law.

(f) The Natural Resources Conservation Service will certify as to the technical adequacy of the water-quality plan.

(g) The soil conservation districts are to review and approve all water-quality plans and modifications.

§ 634.24 - Cost sharing.

(a) The portion of BMP cost (including labor) to be cost shared shall be that part which the Secretary determines is necessary and appropriate. The value of land upon which BMP's are applied, or the participant's water rights, cannot be considered a part of the participant's share of the cost.

(b) The administering agency, in consultation with the county ASC committee(s), soil conservation district(s), and designated management agency will annually set maximum individual BMP cost-share levels for the project area. However, the Federal share of the cost of the contract cannot exceed 50 percent unless a variance has been granted.

(c) Recommended variances exceeding the 50 percent level must be in the public interest and based on the following criteria:

(1) The main benefits to be derived from measures are related to improving offsite water quality, and

(2) The matching share requirements would place a burden on the landowner or operator which would probably prevent him or her from participating in the program.

(d) BMP's to be cost shared must have a positive effect on water quality by reducing the amount of agricultural nonpoint source pollutants that enter a stream or lake.

(e) Cost sharing is not to be made available for:

(1) Measures installed primarily for bringing additional land into crop production, including but not limited to land clearing and brush removal;

(2) Measures installed primarily for increasing production on existing cropland, including but not limited to bedding, field ditches, open drains, and tile drains;

(3) Measures having flood protection as the primary purpose, including but not limited to open channels, clearing and snagging, and obstruction removal;

(4) Structural measures authorized for installation under Pub. L. 83-566.

(f) The Federal cost-share level is not to be reduced by the contribution of a State or subdivision thereof. Total payments from Federal, State, and local sources for a BMP may not exceed the total cost of that BMP.

§ 634.25 - Contracting.

(a) To participate in RCWP, a landowner or operator must enter into a contract in which he or she agrees to apply his or her water-quality plan. Any person who controls, or shares control, of the farm, ranch, or other land for the proposed contract period (5 to 10 years) must sign the contract.

(b) Cost-sharing payments cannot be provided for any measure that is initiated before the contract is approved by the administering agency.

(c) The participant must furnish satisfactory evidence of his or her control of the farm, ranch, or other land. The administering agency is to determine the acceptability of the evidence and maintain current ownership evidence in the contract file.

(d) RCWP contracts shall include the basic contract document, special provisions as needed, the participant's water-quality plan, schedule of operations, and any other data necessary.

(e) NRCS or its designee shall approve the technical adequacy of the RCWP contract and obtain the required signature of the participants. The NRCS or its designee will provide the contract to the administering agency for certification of fund availability and for execution.

(f) Participants shall install best management practices according to the specifications that are applicable at the time measures are installed.

(g) NRCS will provide technical assistance to participants for installing BMPs. The State Conservationist, NRCS, or its designee may enter into contracts with qualified soil conservation districts or others to provide technical assistance.

(h) The RCWP contract is to require BMPs to be operated and maintained by the participant at no cost to that administering agency.

(i) The contract period is to be not less than 5 and not more than 10 years. A contract is to extend for at least 1 year after the application of the last cost-shared BMPs. All contract items are to be accomplished prior to contract expiration.

(j) A land owner or operator may enter into a contract jointly (pooling ageement) with other land owners or operators to solve mutual water quality problems. Each participant must enter into an RCWP contract to treat water quality problems not covered by the joint arrangement.

(k) Participants may use all available sources of assistance to accomplish their water-quality objectives. They are responsible for:

(1) Accomplishing the water-quality plan;

(2) Keeping the administering agency informed of their current mailing address;

(3) Obtaining, having in hand, and maintaining any required permits and landrights necessary to perform the planned work;

(4) Applying or arranging for the application of BMPs, as scheduled in the plan, according to approved standards and specifications;

(5) The operation and maintenance of BMPs installed during the contract period; and

(6) Obtaining the authorities, rights, easements, or other approvals necessary to maintain BMPs in keeping with applicable laws and regulations.

(l) Unless otherwise approved by the Administrator, NRCS, and Administrator, EPA, the administering agency shall not enter into any new RCWP contracts after five (5) years of elapsed time from the date when RCWP funds are first made available to begin the project.

(m) Contracts may be terminated due to hardship by mutual agreement if the administering agency and the State Conservationist, NRCS, determine that such action would be in the public interest.

§ 634.26 - Contract modifications.

(a) The administering agency may modify contracts previously entered into if it is determined to be desirable to carry out the purposes of the program, facilitate the practical administration thereof, or to accomplish equitable treatment with respect to other conservation, land-use, or water-quality programs.

(b) Requirements of active contracts may be waived or modified by the administering agency only if such waiver or modification is specifically provided for in these regulations. NRCS concurrence in modifications is necessary when modifications involve a technical aspect of the participant's water-quality plan. A contract may be modified only if it is determined that such modifications are desirable to carry out purposes of the program or to facilitate the program's practical administration.

(c) Contracts may be modified to add, delete, substitute, or reinstall best management practices when:

(1) The installed measure failed to achieve the desired results through no fault of the participant,

(2) The installed measure deteriorated because of conditions beyond the control of the participant, or

(3) Another BMP is substituted that will achieve the desired results.

(d) Contract modifications are not required when items of work are accomplished prior to scheduled completion or within 1 year following the year of scheduled completion.

(e) If, during the contract period, all or part of the right and interest in the land is transferred by sale or other transfer action, the contract is terminated on the land unit that was transferred and the participant having control over such land:

(1) Forfeits all right to any future cost-share payments on the transferred land unit, and

(2) Must refund with interest all cost-share payments that have been made on the transferred land unit unless the new land owner or operator becomes a party to the contract, except that where it is determined by the administering agency, with the approval of the State conservationist, NRCS, that the established BMPs will provide water quality benefits for the design life of the BMP, the payment may be retained.

(f) If the new land owner or operator becomes a party to the contract:

(1) Payment which has been earned, but not made to the participant who applied the BMPs and had control prior to the transfer, can be made,

(2) Such land owner or operator is to assume all obligations of the previous participant on the transferred land unit,

(3) The contract with the new participant is to remain in effect with the original terms and conditions, and

(4) The contract is to be modified in writing to show the changes caused by the transfer. If the modification is not acceptable to the administering agency, the provisions of paragraphs (e) (1) and (2) of this section apply.

(g) The transfer of all or part of a land unit by a participant does not affect the rights and obligations of other participants who have signed the contract.

§ 634.27 - Cost-share payment.

(a) General. Participants are to obtain or contract for materials or services as needed to install BMPs. Federal Cost-share payments are to be made by the administering agency upon certification by the District Conservationist, NRCS, or its designee, that the BMPs, or an identifiable unit thereof, have been properly carried out and meet the appropriate standards and specifications.

(b) Payment maximum. The maximum total Federal cost-share payment to a participant shall be limited to $50,000. Exceptions to this limit may be made by the administering agency with concurrence of the Administrator, NRCS, upon recommedation of the NRCWCC, where it determines that the main benefits to be derived are essential for meeting the water quality objectives in the project area.

(c) Basis for cost-share payment. (1) Cost-share payments are to be made by the administering agency at the cost-share percentage and by one of the following methods designated by the administering agency and set out in the contract:

(i) Average cost, or

(ii) Actual cost not to exceed average cost.

(2) If the average cost at the time of starting the installation of a BMP or identifiable unit is less than the costs specified in the contract, payment is to be at the lower rate. If the costs at the start of installation are higher, payment may be made at the higher rate. A modification will be necessary if the higher cost results in a significant increase in the total cost-share obligation. Cost-share payment is not to be made until the modification reflecting the increase is approved.

(d) Average cost development. Average costs are to be developed by the administering agency for each project using cost data from the local area. These costs should be reviewed by the SRCWCC for consistency with average costs in other USDA programs. The average cost list is to be updated annually by the administering agency.

(e) Application for payment. Cost-share payments can be made by the administering agency after a participant has carried out a BMP or an identifiable unit of a BMP. Application for payment must be submitted to the administering agency, be certified by the NRCS or its designee, and be supported by such cost receipts as are required by the administering agency. It is the participant's responsibility to apply for payments.

(f) Authorizations for payments to suppliers. (1) The contract may authorize that part or all of the Federal cost share for a BMP or an identifiable unit be made directly to suppliers of materials or services. The materials or services must be delivered or performed before payment is made.

(2) Federal cost shares will not be in excess of the cost share attributable to the material or service used or not in excess of the cost share for all identifiable units as may be requested by the participant.

(g) Material inspection and analysis. When authorizations for payments to suppliers are specified, the administering agency, its representatives, or the Government reserve the right to inspect, sample, and analyze materials or services prior to their use.

(h) Assignments, set-offs, and claims. (1) A State or local administering agency may allow the assignment of payments to the extent provided by State law. When ASCS is designated as the administering agency, assignments by any participant who may be entitled to cost-share payment under the program are prohibited unless they are made in accordance with the provisions of section 203, Title 31, U.S.C., as amended, and section 15, Title 41, U.S.C., as amended.

(2) If any participant to whom compensation is payable under RCWP is indebted to the United States and such indebtedness is listed on the county register of indebtedness maintained by the County ASC committee, the compensation due the participant must be used (set-off) to reduce that idebtedness. Indebtedness to USDA is to be given first consideration. Deductions for setoffs involving a nonresident alien shall be made as provided by 26 U.S.C. 871. Setoffs made pursuant to this section are not to deprive the participant of any right to contest the justness of the indebtedness involved, either by administrative appeal or by legal action.

(3) Any cost-share payment due any participant shall be allowed without deduction of claims for advances except as provided for above and without regard to any claim or lien against any crop, or proceeds thereof, in favor of the participant or any other creditor.

(i) Access to land unit and records. Any authorized administering agency, or NRCS employees or agents, shall have the right of access at reasonable times to land under application or contract, and the right to examine any program records to ascertain the accuracy of any representations made in the application or contract. This is limited to the right to furnish technical assistance and to inspect work performed under the contract.

(j) Suspension of payments. No cost-share payments will be made pending a decision on whether or not a contract violation has occurred.

(k) Ineligible payments. The filing of requests for payment for BMP's not carried out, or for BMP's carried out in such a manner that they do not meet contract specifications, constitutes a violation of the contract.

§ 634.28 - Appeals not related to contract violations.

(a) The participant may, prior to execution of the contract, request that the administering agency review or reconsider criteria being used in developing his or her contract. Such review or reconsideration may include the eligibility of BMP's which had not been approved for application in the project area, cost-sharing levels for BMP's, priorities for developing water quality plans, and standards and specifications.

(1) If verbal agreement is not reached, the participant may make a written request within 30 days after receiving notice of the decision of his or her verbal request.

(2) The administering agency shall have 30 days in which to make a decision and notify the participant in writing.

(3) The decision of the administering agency shall be final.

(b) If, after the contract has been executed, the participant and the administering agency are unable to reach written agreement relative on matters which are not related to contract violations, the participant may request and receive a review by the appeals board. The administering agency will:

(1) Notify the participant, in writing, of the date the appeals board will consider the appeal.

(2) Within 30 days after receiving the administering agency's notice, the participant may file a request to appear and present oral and other evidence. If the participant does not request an appearance, the administering agency appeals board will decide the dispute on the evidence available to them, including statements or briefs of the authorized representatives of the soil conservation district and NRCS. The administering agency shall notify the participants of the appeals board's decision in writing. There shall be no further administrative appeal of this decision.

(c) Filing of documents. A document is considered filed when it is received in the office of the person or agency concerned.

§ 634.29 - Violations.

(a) Actions causing violations. The following actions constitute violation of a contract by a participant:

(1) Knowingly or negligently damaging or causing BMP's to become impaired.

(2) Adopting a land use or practice during the contract period which tends to defeat the purposes of the program.

(3) Failing to comply with the terms of the contract.

(4) Filing a false claim.

(5) Misusing authorizations for payment.

(b) Contract termination as a result of violations. (1) By signing a contract, the participant agrees to forfeit all rights to further cost-sharing payments under a contract and to refund all cost-share payments received, with interest, if the administering agency, with the concurrence of the State Conservationist, NRCS, determines that:

(i) There was a violation of the contract during the time the participant had control of the land; and

(ii) The violation was of such a nature as to warrant termination of the contract.

(2) The participant shall be obligated to refund all cost-share payments and all cost shares paid under authorizations, with interest, at the rates established by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to Pub. L. 92-41, 85 Stat. 97.

(c) Payment adjustments and refunds resulting from violations. (1) By signing a contract, the participant agrees to refund cost-share payments received under the contract or to accept payment adjustments if the administering agency determines and the State Conservationist, NRCS, concurs that:

(i) There was a violation of the contract during the time the participant had control of the land; and

(ii) The nature of the violation does not warrant termination of the contract.

(2) Payment adjustments may include decreasing the rate of cost share, or deleting from the contract a cost-share commitment, or withholding cost-share payments earned but not paid. The participant who signs the contract may be obligated to refund cost-share payments.

§ 634.30 - Appeals in USDA administered projects.

The participant in a USDA-administered RCWP project may appeal decisions of the administering agency in accordance with part 614 of this title.

[60 FR 67316, Dec. 29, 1995]
§ 634.31 - Appeals of contract violations.

(a) Scope. This section prescribes the regulations dealing with contract violations. The Administrator, NRCS, reserves the right to revise or supplement any of the provisions of this section at any time if the action does not adversely affect the participant, or if the participant has been officially notified before this action is taken.

(b) Determination by administering agency. Upon notification that a contract violation may have occurred, the administering agency:

(1) Determines that a violation did not occur or that the violation was of such a nature that no further action is to be taken; or

(2) Determines that a violation did occur and the participant agrees to accept a written penalty of forfeiture, refund, payment adjustment, or termination. If no agreement is reached, further action is to be taken.

(c) Notice of possible violation. (1) When the administering agency is notified that a contract violation may have occurred and the matter is not resolved under § 634.31(b)(1) it shall notify, in writing, each participant who signed the contract of the alleged violation. This notice setting forth the alleged violation may be personally delivered or sent by certified or registered mail. A participant is considered to have received the notice at the time of personal receipt acknowledged in writing, at the time of delivery of a certified or registered letter, or at the time of the return of a refused certified or registered letter.

(2) The notice shall give the participant an opportunity to appear at a hearing before an appeals board. The participant's request for a hearing shall be submitted in writing, and must be received by the appeals board within 30 days after receipt of the notice. The participant shall be notified in writing by the appeals board of the time, date, and place for the hearing. The participant shall have no right to a hearing if he does not file a written request for a hearing, or if he or his representative does not appear at the appointed time, unless the appeals board, at its discretion, permits an appearance. A request for a hearing filed by a participant shall be considered to be a request by all participants who signed the contract.

(d) Hearing. The appeals board shall conduct an open hearing to obtain the facts about the alleged violation. The appeals board shall limit the hearing to relevant facts and evidence, and shall not be bound by the strict rules of evidence. Witnesses may be sworn in at the discretion of the appeals board.

(1) The participant or his or her representative shall be given full opportunity to present oral or documentary evidence about the alleged violation. Likewise, the administering agency may submit statements and evidence. Individuals not otherwise represented at the hearing may, at the discretion of the appeals board, be permitted to give information or evidence. The appeals board, at its discretion, may permit witnesses to be cross-examined.

(2) The appeals board shall make a record of the hearing. A summary of the testimony may be made if both the participant and the appeals board agree. A transcript of the hearing shall be made if requested by either the appeals board or the participant within 10 days prior to the hearing. If a transcript is requested by the participant, the participant may be assessed the cost of a copy of the transcript.

(3) The appeals board shall, after a reasonable period of time, close the hearing if the participant or his or her representative is not present at the scheduled time. The appeals board may, at its discretion, accept information and evidence submitted by others present for the hearing.

(4) The appeals board shall furnish the administering agency and the State Conservationist, NRCS, with a written report setting forth their findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The report shall include the summary of testimony or transcript made of the hearing and any other information which would aid the administering agency in reaching a decision.

(e) Decision by the administering agency. The administering agency shall make a decision within 30 days on the basis of the appeals board report, recommendations of soil conservation district board, if any, and any other information available, including if applicable, the amount of the forfeiture, refund, or payment adjustment. The decision shall state whether the violation is of such a nature as to warrant termination of the contract. The administering agency shall notify, in writing, each participant who signed the contract of its decision. The administering agency may authorize or require the reopening of any hearing before the appeals board for any reason at any time before their decision. The administering agency's decision shall be final.

(1) If the decision provides for termination of the contract, it shall state that the contract is terminated and that all rights to further cost-share payments under the contract are forfeited and that all cost-share payments received under the contract shall be refunded with interest. The decision is to state the amount of refund and method of payment.

(2) If the decision does not provide for termination of the contract, the participant may be required to make a refund of cost-share payments or to accept payment adjustments. The decision shall state the amount and justification for refunds of cost-share payments or payment adjustments.

authority: Sec. 35, Pub. L. 95-217, 91 Stat. 1579 (33 U.S.C. 1288)
source: 43 FR 50855, Nov. 1, 1978, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 634.20