Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 1421.1 - Applicability and interest.

(a) The regulations in this subpart are applicable to crops of barley, small and large chickpeas, corn, grain sorghum, lentils, oats, dry peas, peanuts, rice, wheat, wool, mohair, oilseeds and other crops designated by Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). These regulations specify the general provisions under which Marketing Assistance Loans (MALs) and Loan Deficiency Payments (LDPs) will be administered by CCC. Additional terms and conditions are in the additional documents required to receive MALs and LDPs. In any case in which money must be refunded to CCC in connection with this part, interest will be due to run from the date of disbursement of the sum to be refunded. This provision will apply, unless waived by the Deputy Administrator, irrespective of any other rule.

(b)(1) The basic loan rates, the schedule of premiums and discounts, and forms applicable to the MAL and LDP Programs for the commodities specified in paragraph (a) of this section are available in Farm Service Agency (FSA) State and county offices. The forms for use in these programs will be prescribed by CCC.

(2) LDPs will be available for unshorn pelts, hay and silage.

(c) MALs and LDPs will not be available for any commodity produced on land owned or otherwise in the possession of the United States if such land is occupied without the consent of the United States.

(d) Producers who produced eligible loan commodities are eligible for MALs or LDPs.

(e) Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) provisions specified in part 1400 of this chapter apply to this part.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 32422, June 6, 2006; 74 FR 15649, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 119, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70705, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.2 - Administration.

(a) The MAL and LDP Programs will be administered under the general supervision of the Executive Vice President, CCC and will be carried out in the field by FSA State and county committees, respectively.

(b) State and county committees, and representatives and employees thereof, cannot modify or waive any requirement of this part, except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section.

(c) The State committee will take any required action not taken by the county committee. The State committee will also:

(1) Correct or require correction of an action taken by a county committee that is not in compliance with this part; or

(2) Require a county committee to not take an action or implement a decision that is not under the regulations of this part.

(d) The Executive Vice President, CCC, or a designee, may determine any question arising under these programs, or reverse or modify a determination made by a State or county committee.

(e) The Deputy Administrator for Farm Programs, FSA, may authorize State and county committees to waive or modify deadlines and other program requirements in cases where lateness or failure to meet such other requirements does not adversely affect the operation of the MAL and LDP Programs.

(f) A representative of CCC may execute MAL and LDP applications and related documents only under the terms and conditions determined and announced by CCC. Any document not executed under such terms and conditions, including any purported execution before the date authorized by CCC, will be null and void.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15650, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 120, 130, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.3 - Definitions.

The definitions in this section apply for all purposes of program administration. Terms defined in part 718 of this title and parts 1412 and 1425 of this chapter also apply, except where they conflict with the definitions in this section.

Administrative County Office is the FSA County Office where a producer's FSA records are maintained.

Basic loan rate means the loan rate established by CCC for a commodity before any adjustment for premiums and discounts.

Calling a loan is accelerating or moving forward the maturity date of an outstanding MAL. A MAL can be called when, as determined by CCC, the terms and conditions of the MAL note and security agreement are violated, a producer incorrectly certifies a loan quantity or makes any fraudulent representation with respect to obtaining a loan, removing or disposing of a farm-stored commodity pledged as collateral for a loan without authorization, to protect CCC's interest, or in emergency situations.

CCC means the Commodity Credit Corporation.

Charges means all fees, costs, and expenses incurred in insuring, carrying, handling, storing, conditioning, and marketing the commodity tendered to CCC for a MAL. Charges also include any other expenses incurred by CCC in protecting CCC's or the producer's interest in such commodity.

Chickpeas means any chickpea that meets the definition of a chickpea according to the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA), Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS).

(1) Small chickpea falls below a 20/64th sieve.

(2) Large chickpea stays above a 20/64th sieve.

CMA means a cooperative marketing association that is subject to regulations in Part 1425 of this chapter.

COC means the FSA county committee.

Commodity certificate exchange means the exchange, as provided for in § 1421.111, of commodities pledged as collateral for a marketing assistance loan at a rate determined by CCC in the form of a commodity certificate bearing a dollar denomination.

Crop means with respect to a year, commodities harvested in that year. Therefore, the referenced crop year of a commodity means commodities that when planted were intended for harvest in that calendar year.

Current net worth ratio means current assets minus current liabilities, divided by current liabilities, based on the financial statement provided in connection with a DMA application or a recertification for DMA status.

Department means the United States Department of Agriculture.

Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator for Farm Programs, Farm Service Agency (FSA) or a designee of that person.

DMA Service County Office is an FSA County Office designated by CCC to accept, process, and disburse bundled peanut MALs and LDPs to a DMA. In the absence of a centralized MAL and LDP processing system for peanuts, a service county FSA office is necessary for entering MALs and LDPs made by DMAs into CCC accounting systems.

Designated Marketing Association (DMA) means an entity, or a subsidiary thereof, that performs marketing functions for peanut producers and is designated to handle MALs and LDPs for them. A DMA is eligible to perform those functions only if the DMA meets the eligibility criteria set out elsewhere in this part.

Drawdown account is an account titled to the DMA at a financial institution and funded at the discretion of CCC for the purpose of allowing the DMA to advance funds to producers who have applied for MALs and LDPs before a subsequent MAL or LDP is made to the DMA by an assigned FSA county office.

Electronic warehouse receipt (EWR) means a receipt electronically filed in a central filing system by an approved provider as provided in an executed, “Farm Service Agency Provider Agreement to Electronically File and Maintain Warehouse Receipts.”

FSA means the Farm Service Agency of the United States Department of Agriculture.

High moisture state means corn or grain sorghum having a moisture content in excess of CCC standards used to determine eligibility for MALs made by the Secretary.

Incorrect certification means the certifying of a quantity of a commodity for the purpose of obtaining a MAL or LDP in excess of the quantity eligible for such MAL or LDP or the making of any fraudulent representation with respect to obtaining MALs or LDPs.

Loan commodities means wheat, corn, grain sorghum, barley, oats, rice, soybeans, other oilseeds, peanuts, wool, mohair, dry peas, lentils, chickpeas, and other crops designated by CCC.

Loan deficiency payment (LDP) means a payment made in lieu of a MAL when the CCC-determined value, which is based on the current local price in a county, is below the applicable county loan rate. The payment is the difference between the two rates times the eligible quantity.

Loan settlement means farm stored commodities delivered to CCC and warehouse stored commodities forfeited to CCC, for the applicable crop years.

Locked in repayment rate means an announced repayment rate on a disbursed MAL that the producer has locked in for 60 calendar days. All locked in repayment rates expire within 14 calendar days before the loan maturity date. MAL can be repaid either at principal plus interest or the repayment rate in effect on the date the repayment is made. The repayment rate can only be locked in one time for a designated quantity and, if multiple locked in repayment rates are in effect for quantities under MAL that have not had a locked in repayment rate, the oldest rate is always applied first.

MAL means marketing assistance loan.

Market loan gain is the loan rate, minus the repayment rate on loans repaid at a rate that is less than the loan rate. A producer's adjusted gross income must be below the limit as specified in part 1400 of this chapter to receive a market loan gain.

Medium grain rice for the purposes of this part includes both short and medium grain rice as defined by the U.S. Standards for Rice.

Mohair means the hair sheared from a live Angora goat. Mohair does not include pelts, or hides or mohair shorn from pelts or hides.

Oilseeds means any crop of sunflower seed, canola, rapeseed, safflower, flaxseed, mustard seed, crambe, sesame seed, and other oilseeds as determined and announced by CCC.

Other crops designated by CCC means with respect to eligibilities for benefits under this part:

(1) Those crops harvested as other than grain, such as silage, haylage, earlage;

(2) Specific crops designated for grazing; or

(3) As otherwise designated by CCC.

Pulse crops means any crop of dry peas, lentils, and chickpeas as defined by CCC.

Recording FSA County Office is the FSA County Office that records eligibility data for producers designated as multi-county producers.

Rice means, unless otherwise noted, long grain rice and medium grain rice.

Secretary means the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture, or the Secretary's delegate.

Security for DMAs means a certified or cashier's check payable to CCC, an irrevocable commercial letter of credit in a form acceptable to CCC, a performance or surety bond conditioned on the DMA fully discharging all of its obligations under this part, or other form of financial security as CCC may deem appropriate.

Servicing agent bank means the bank designated as the financial institution for a CMA or a designated marketing association.

STC means the FSA State committee.

Unauthorized disposition means the conversion of any MAL quantity pledged as collateral for a farm-stored MAL without prior written authorization from the county committee.

Unauthorized removal means the movement of any farm-stored loan quantity from the storage structure in which the commodity was stored or structures that were designated when the MAL was approved to any other storage structure, whether or not such structure is located on the producer's farm, without prior written authorization from the county committee.

Unshorn pelt means the removed skin and attached wool from a slaughtered lamb that has never been shorn.

Warehouse receipt means a receipt containing the required information prescribed in this part and is:

(1) A pre-numbered, negotiable warehouse receipt issued under the authority of the U.S. Warehouse Act, a state licensing authority, or by an approved CCC warehouse in such format authorized and approved, in advance, by CCC;

(2) An electronic warehouse receipt (EWR) issued by such warehouse recorded in a central filing system or system maintained in one or more locations which are approved by FSA to operate such system; or

(3) Other such acceptable evidence of title, as determined by CCC.

Wool means the fiber sheared from a live sheep and includes, unless noted otherwise, graded and nongraded wool.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 68 FR 37940, June 26, 2003; 70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005; 74 FR 15650, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 120, 129, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70705, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.4 - Eligible producers.

(a) To be an eligible producer, the producer must:

(1) Be a person, partnership, association, corporation, estate, trust, or other legal entity that produces an eligible commodity as a landowner, landlord, tenant, or sharecropper, or in the case of rice, furnishes land, labor, water, or equipment for a share of the rice crop. With respect to wool and mohair, the producer must own, other than through a security interest mortgage, or lien, the sheep and goats that produced the wool and mohair respectively for a period of not less than 30 days.

(2) Comply with all provisions of this part and, as applicable:

(i) 7 CFR part 12—Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation;

(ii) 7 CFR part 707—Payments Due Persons Who Have Died, Disappeared, or Have Been Declared Incompetent;

(iii) 7 CFR part 718—Provisions Applicable to Multiple Programs;

(iv) 7 CFR part 996—Minimum Quality and Handling Standards for Domestic and Imported Peanuts Marketed in the United States;

(v) 7 CFR part 1400—Payment Limitation & Payment Eligibility;

(vi) 7 CFR part 1402—Policy for Certain Commodities Available for Sale;

(vii) 7 CFR part 1403—Debt Settlement Policies and Procedures;

(viii) 7 CFR part 1405—Loans, Purchases, and Other Operations;

(ix) 7 CFR part 1412—Agriculture Risk Coverage, Price Loss Coverage, and Cotton Transition Assistance Programs; and

(x) 7 CFR part 1423—Commodity Credit Corporation Approved Warehouses.

(3) Have made an acreage certification with respect to all the cropland on the farm.

(b) A receiver or trustee of an insolvent or bankrupt debtor's estate, an executor or an administrator of a deceased person's estate, a guardian of an estate of a ward or an incompetent person, and trustees of a trust is considered to represent the insolvent or bankrupt debtor, the deceased person, the ward or incompetent, and the beneficiaries of a trust, respectively. The production of the receiver, executor, administrator, guardian, or trustee is considered to be the production of the person or estate represented by the receiver, executor, administrator, guardian, or trustee. MALs and LDP documents executed by any such person will be accepted by CCC only if they are legally valid and such person has the authority to sign the applicable documents.

(c) A minor who is otherwise an eligible producer is eligible to receive MALs or LDPs only if the minor meets one of the following requirements:

(1) The right of majority has been conferred on the minor by court proceedings or by statute;

(2) A guardian has been appointed to manage the minor's property and the applicable MAL or LDP documents are signed by the guardian;

(3) Any note or loan deficiency payment program application signed by the minor is cosigned by a person determined by the county committee to be financially responsible; or

(4) A bond is furnished under which a surety guarantees to protect CCC from any loss incurred for which the minor would be liable had the minor been an adult.

(d) If more than one producer executes a note and security agreement with CCC, each such producer is jointly and severally liable for any violation of the terms and conditions of the note and security agreement and the regulations in this part. Each such producer also remains liable for repayment of the entire MAL amount until the MAL is fully repaid without regard to such producer's claimed share in the commodity pledged as collateral for the MAL. In addition, such producer may not amend the note and security agreement with respect to the producer's claimed share in such commodities, or MAL proceeds, after execution of the note and security agreement by CCC.

(e)(1) The county committee may deny a producer a MAL on farm-stored commodities if the producer has:

(i) Made a misrepresentation in connection with the MAL or LDP program;

(ii) Not allowed an FSA representative access to the site where commodities pledged as collateral for MALs were stored, or otherwise failed to cooperate in the settlement of MAL; or

(iii) Failed to adequately protect the interests of CCC in the commodity pledged as collateral for a farm-stored MAL.

(2) A producer who is denied a farm-stored MAL will be eligible to pledge a commodity as collateral for a warehouse-stored MAL or provide some other form of financial assurance to obtain a farm-stored MAL.

(f) A CMA may obtain a MAL and LDP on eligible production of a MAL commodity on behalf of its members who are eligible to receive MALs or LDPs with respect to a crop of a commodity. For purposes of this subpart, the term “producer” includes a CMA.

(g) In case of the death, incompetency, or disappearance of any producer who is entitled to the payment of any sum in settlement of a MAL or LDP, payment will, upon proper application to the FSA county service center that disbursed the MAL or LDP, be made to the persons who would be entitled to such producer's payment under the regulations contained in part 707 of this title.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15650, Apr. 7, 2009; 75 FR 19193, Apr. 14, 2010; 80 FR 120, 129, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70705, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.5 - Eligible commodities.

(a) Commodities eligible to be pledged as collateral for a MAL made under this part are:

(1) Barley, corn, grain sorghum, oats, peanuts, soybeans, oilseeds, wheat, dry peas, lentils, chickpeas, rice and other crops designated by CCC produced and mechanically harvested in the United States;

(2) Dual purpose sorghum varieties as determined by CCC; and

(3) Wool and mohair produced and shorn from live animals in the United States.

(b) A commodity produced on land owned or otherwise in the possession of the United States that is occupied without the consent of the United States is not an eligible commodity.

(c)(1) To be an eligible commodity, the commodity must be merchantable for food, feed, or other uses determined by CCC and must not contain mercurial compounds, toxin producing molds, or other substances poisonous to humans or animals. A commodity containing vomitoxin, aflatoxin, or Aspergillus mold may not be pledged for a nonrecourse MAL made under this part, except as provided by CCC in the MAL note and security agreement.

(2) The determination of eligibility for rice includes class, grade, grading factor, milling yields, and other quality factors and will be based upon the U.S. Standards for Rice as applied to rough rice whether or not such determinations are made on the basis of an official inspection.

(3) The determination of eligibility for peanuts includes type, quality, and quantity.

(4) With regard to barley, canola, corn, flaxseed, grain sorghum, oats, rice, soybeans, sunflower seed for extraction of oil, wheat, and other commodities designated by CCC, the determination of eligibility will be based upon the Official U.S. Standards for Grain: U.S. Standards for Whole Dry Peas, Split Peas, and Lentils for dry peas and lentils; and the U.S. Standards for Beans for chickpeas, whether or not such determinations are made on the basis of an official inspection.

(5) With regard to hull-less barley, hull-less oats, mustard seed, rapeseed, safflower seed, and sunflower seed used for a purpose other than to extract oil, the determination of eligibility will be based on quality requirements established and announced by CCC, whether or not such determinations are made on the basis of an official inspection. The costs of an official quality determination may be paid by CCC. The quality requirements that are used in administering MALs and LDPs for the oilseeds in this paragraph are available in USDA State and county FSA service centers.

(6) With regard to farm-stored peanuts, the determination of eligibility will be determined at the time of delivery to CCC by a Federal or State Inspector authorized or licensed by the Secretary.

(d) Eligible wool and mohair must:

(1) Have been produced and sheared from live sheep and goats, of domestic origin and located in the U.S. for a period of not less than 30 calendar days prior to shearing.

(2) Be of merchantable quality deemed by CCC to be suitable for MAL and must have been shorn in the United States.

(e) When certifying acreage on farms in which an interest is held, the producer must provide acceptable evidence of the commodity from which the county committee may determine whether the eligible production claimed by the producer is reasonable for the production practices on such farm or have either the eligible or ineligible commodity measured by a representative of the county FSA service center at the producer's expense, before commingling.

(f) A commodity that is purchased, substituted, or acquired by sale, gift, or exchange of an existing harvested, sheared, or slaughtered commodity, or through any other transaction is ineligible to be pledged as collateral for a MAL; in addition an LDP will not be made with respect to such commodities.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 32422, June 6, 2006; 74 FR 15651, Apr. 7, 2009; 75 FR 19193, Apr. 14, 2010; 80 FR 121, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70705, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.6 - Beneficial interest.

(a) To be eligible to receive MALs and loan deficiency payments, a producer must have beneficial interest in the commodity that is tendered to CCC for a MAL or is requested for a LDP. For the purposes of this part, the term “beneficial interest” refers to a determination by CCC that a person has title to and control of the commodity that is tendered to CCC as collateral for a MAL or of the commodity that will be used to determine a LDP. A determination of whether a person has beneficial interest in a commodity is made by CCC in accordance with this part and is not based upon a determination under any State law or any other regulation of a Federal agency.

(b) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, when requesting a MAL for a loan commodity, in order to have beneficial interest in the commodity tendered as collateral for the MAL, a person must:

(1) Be the producer of the commodity as determined in accordance with § 1421.4;

(2) Have had ownership of the commodity from the time it was planted (with respect to wool and mohair from time of shearing) through the earlier the date the MAL was repaid or the maturity date of the MAL;

(3) Have control of the commodity from the time of planting (for wool and mohair from the time of shearing) through the maturity date of the MAL. To have control of the commodity, such person must have complete decision-making authority regarding whether the commodity will be tendered as collateral for a MAL, when the MAL will be repaid, or if the collateral will be forfeited to CCC in satisfaction of the MAL obligations of such person, and where the commodity will be maintained during the term of the MAL;

(4) Not have received any payment from any party with respect to the commodity; and

(5) If the commodity has been physically delivered to a location other than a location owned or under the total control of the producer, have delivered the commodity to a warehouse authorized in accordance with § 1421.103(c). Delivery of the commodity to a location other than to such an authorized warehouse will result in the loss of beneficial interest in the commodity on the date of physical delivery and the producer will be considered to have lost beneficial interest as of 11:59 p.m. of such day. Accordingly, delivery of a commodity to entities such as a dairy, feedlot, ethanol plant, wool pool, feed mill, feed or grain bank, or other facilities as determined by CCC will result in the loss of beneficial interest as of the date of delivery, regardless of any other action or agreement between such an entity and the producer unless such an entity has been authorized by CCC under § 1421.103(c).

(c) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, when requesting a loan deficiency payment for an eligible commodity, in order to have beneficial interest in the commodity a person must:

(1) Be the producer of the commodity as determined in accordance with § 1421.4;

(2) Have had ownership of the commodity from the time it was planted, with respect to wool and mohair from the time of shearing, or from the time of slaughter for unshorn pelts, through the date the producer has elected to determine the loan deficiency payment rate;

(3) Have control of the commodity. For control such person must have complete decisionmaking authority regarding whether a loan deficiency payment will be requested with respect to the commodity; when the loan deficiency rate will be selected; and where the commodity will be maintained prior to the date on which the LDP rate will be determined;

(4) Not have received any payment from any party with respect to the commodity; and

(5) If the commodity has been physically delivered to a location other than a location owned or under the total control of the producer, have delivered the commodity to a warehouse authorized in accordance with § 1421.103(c). Delivery of the commodity to a location other than to an authorized warehouse will result in the loss of beneficial interest in the commodity on the date of physical delivery and the producer will be considered to have lost beneficial interest as of 11:59 p.m. of such day. Accordingly, delivery of a commodity to entities such as a dairy, feedlot, ethanol plant, wool pool, feed mill, feed or grain bank, or unauthorized storage facility, will result in the loss of beneficial interest as of the date of delivery, regardless of any other action or agreement between such an entity and the producer unless such an entity has been authorized by CCC under § 1421.103(c).

(d) Notwithstanding any provision of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section and § 1421.5(f), in order to facilitate handling situations involving the death of a producer, CCC will consider an estate, heirs of the deceased producer, and a person to whom title to a commodity has passed by virtue of State law upon the death of the producer to have beneficial interest in a commodity produced by the producer under the same terms and conditions that would otherwise be applicable to such producer;

(e) Notwithstanding any provision of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section and § 1421.5(f), a person who purchases or otherwise acquires a commodity from a producer under any circumstances does not obtain beneficial interest to the commodity whether such purchase or acquisition is made prior to the harvest of the crop or after harvest; however, CCC will consider a person to have beneficial interest in a commodity if, prior to harvest, such person has obtained title to the growing commodity at the same time that such person obtained full title to the land on which such crop was growing;

(f) If marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments are made available to producers through an approved CMA in accordance with part 1425 of this chapter, the beneficial interest in the commodity must always have been in the producer-member who delivered the commodity to the approved CMA or its member approved CMA, except as otherwise provided in this section. If the producer-member who delivered the commodity does not retain the right to share in the proceeds from the marketing of the commodity as provided in part 1425 of this chapter, commodities delivered to an approved CMA shall not be eligible to be pledged as collateral for a marketing assistance loan or be taken into consideration when a loan deficiency payment is made.

(g) A producer will lose beneficial interest in a commodity if the producer receives any payment from any person under any contractual arrangement with respect to a commodity if the person who is making the payment, or any person otherwise associated with the person making the payment, will at any time have title to the commodity or control of the commodity prior to or after harvest, shearing, or slaughter unless:

(1) Such payment is authorized in accordance with part 1425 of this chapter; or

(2) The payment is made as consideration for an option to purchase the commodity and such option contains the following language:

Notwithstanding any other provision of this option to purchase or any other contract, title and control of the commodity and beneficial interest in the commodity as specified in 7 CFR 1421.6 shall remain with the producer until the buyer exercises this option to purchase the commodity. This option to purchase shall expire, notwithstanding any action or inaction by either the producer or the buyer, at the earlier of:

(1) The maturity of any Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loan that is secured by such commodity;

(2) The date CCC claims title to such commodity; or

(3) Such other date as provided in this option.

(h) Inclusion in a contract of one or more of the following types of provisions will not result in the loss of beneficial interest in a commodity:

(1) A provision that allows the producer to select the sales price of the commodity at a time the contract is entered into or at a later date, for example, a contract normally referred to as a deferred-price, forward or price later contract. The following conditions apply:

(i) Producers under a deferred-price, forward, or price later contract will lose beneficial interest in the commodity the earlier of receipt of any payment or once the commodity is applied in fulfillment of the delivery requirements of such a contract.

(ii) Beneficial interest in the commodity is retained by the producer if the contract has no restrictive or contradictory clauses within the contract that may cause the producer to lose beneficial interest in the commodity.

(2) A provision between the producer and a warehouse authorized in accordance with § 1421.103(c) for the storage of MAL collateral that provides the producer a period of time following the date of physical delivery of the commodity to elect whether the commodity is to be stored and receipted on behalf of the producer or is to be considered transferred to the warehouse if CCC determines such a provision is required.

(i) Commodities produced under a contract in which the title to the seed remains with the entity providing the seed to the producer, including contracts for the production of hybrid seed, genetically modified commodities, and other specialty seeds as approved in writing by CCC, are eligible to be pledged as collateral for a MAL or a LDP may be made with respect to such production if, at the time of the request for such a MAL or LDP, the producer has not:

(1) Received a payment under the contract; or

(2) Delivered the commodity to another person.

[71 FR 32422, June 2, 2006, as amended at 71 FR 51426, Aug. 30, 2006; 71 FR 60413, Oct. 13, 2006; 74 FR 15651, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 121, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.7 - Requesting MALs and LDPs.

(a) A producer may apply for a MAL or LDP at any FSA county office. The receiving FSA county office will forward the MAL or LDP request to the administrative county office, as specified in part 718 of this title, that is responsible for administrating programs for the farm on which the commodity was produced. The administrative county office will process and approve the MAL or LDP.

(b) A MAL or LDP may be requested in person, by mail, or by electronic format designated by CCC. Forms prescribed by CCC may be obtained from the FSA Web site.

(c) To receive a MAL or LDP for an eligible commodity, a producer must execute a note and security agreement or LDP application on or before the applicable final loan availability date, as follows:

(1) March 31 of the year following the year in which the following crops are normally harvested: barley, canola, flaxseed, oats, rapeseed, crambe, sesame seed, and wheat.

(2) May 31 of the year following the year in which the following crops are normally harvested: corn, grain sorghum, mustard seed, rice, safflower, soybeans, sunflower seed, dry peas, lentils, and chickpeas.

(3) January 31 of the year following the year in which peanuts are normally harvested or wool and mohair are normally sheared.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15651, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 121, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.8 - Eligible quantity.

(a) With respect to MALs and LDPs for:

(1) Farm-stored commodities, all determinations of weight and quality, except as otherwise agreed to or required by CCC, will be determined at the time of delivery of the commodity to CCC or at the time the LDP application is filed for measured requests, if applicable, or selected for spot-check for certified requests.

(2) Warehouse-stored commodities, all determinations of grade, weight and quality, except as otherwise agreed to or required by CCC, will be determined at the time the MAL is forfeited to CCC.

(b)(1) A producer may, before the final MAL availability date for obtaining a MAL for a commodity, repledge as collateral for securing a MAL any commodity that had been previously pledged as collateral for a MAL, except with respect to:

(i) Commodities that have been redeemed at the prevailing world market price for rice, or the alternative repayment rate for all other commodities, as determined by CCC.

(ii) Commodities on which a LDP has been received.

(2) The commodity repledged as security for the subsequent MAL will have the same maturity date, under § 1421.101 as the original MAL.

(c)(1) The MAL documents will not be presented for disbursement unless the commodity subject to the note and security agreement is an eligible harvested commodity, is in existence, and is in authorized farm or warehouse storage, as determined by CCC. If the commodity was not either an eligible commodity, in existence, or in authorized storage at the time of disbursement, the total amount disbursed under the MAL and charges plus interest must be refunded promptly by the producer.

(2) CCC will limit the total quantity for MAL or LDP disbursement to 100 percent of the quantity of such MAL or LDP application. A producer may obtain a separate MAL or LDP before the final loan availability date for the commodity for quantities in excess of 100 percent of such quantity if such quantities are otherwise eligible.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15651, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 121, 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.9 - Basic loan rates.

(a) Basic MAL rates for a commodity may be established on a National, State, regional, county basis or other basis, will be at rates that comply with applicable statutes, and may be adjusted by CCC to reflect grade, type, quality, location and other factors applicable to the commodity and as otherwise provided in this section.

(b) The basic MAL rates for wheat, corn, barley, oats, grain sorghum, rice, peanuts, soybean, canola, flaxseed, mustard seed, rapeseed, safflower, sunflower seed, dry peas, lentils, chickpeas, crambe, sesame seed, wool, mohair and other crops designated by CCC will be determined by CCC and made available to State and county offices.

(c) Subject to adjustment as specified in paragraph (f) of this section, in case of forfeiture, for all commodities except rice and peanuts, warehouse-stored MALs will be disbursed at levels based on the basic county MAL rate for the county where the commodity is stored.

(1) For rice, subject to adjustment as specified in paragraph (f) of this section, in case of forfeiture, warehouse-stored MALs will be disbursed at levels based on the milling yields times the whole and broken kernel MAL rates.

(2) For peanuts, warehouse-stored MALs will be disbursed at levels based on National loan rates by peanut type, adjusted for the schedule of premiums and discounts on the basis of grade, quality, and other factors specified on warehouse receipts.

(d) The Secretary will establish a single loan rate in each county for each kind of other oilseeds, such as but not limited to, sunflower, rapeseed, canola, safflower, flaxseed, mustard seed, crambe, sesame seed, and other oilseeds as designated by the Secretary.

(e) Adjustments by the Secretary to establish loan rates for loan commodities, except rice, on a county basis will not be lower than 95 percent of the national average loan rate, if those loan rates do not result in an increase in outlays. Adjustments in this section will not result in an increase in the national average loan rate for any year.

(f) For all crop years, premiums and discounts will not apply for all eligible loan commodities at loan disbursement, except for peanuts or additional commodities as determined by the Deputy Administrator on a crop year basis. However, premiums and discounts will apply if the eligible loan commodities are forfeited or delivered to CCC and any deficiency must be repaid to CCC.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15651, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 122, 129, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70705, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.10 - Loan repayment rates.

(a) For the applicable crop years of barley, corn, grain sorghum, oats, wheat, dry peas, lentils, chickpeas, oilseeds, wool, mohair, and other crops as designated by CCC (other than peanuts, long grain rice, medium grain rice, and confectionery and each other kind of sunflower seed (other than oil sunflower seed)), a producer may repay a nonrecourse MAL at a rate that is the lesser of:

(2) A rate (as determined by the Secretary) that is calculated based on average market prices for the loan commodity during a preceding 30-day period and that the Secretary has determined will minimize discrepancies in marketing loan benefits across State boundaries and across county boundaries; or

(3) A rate that the Secretary may develop using alternative methods for calculating a repayment rate for a loan commodity that the Secretary determines will: Minimize potential loan forfeitures; minimize the accumulation of stocks of the commodity by the Federal Government; minimize the cost incurred by the Federal Government in storing the commodity; allow the commodity produced in the U.S. to be marketed freely and competitively, both domestically and internationally; and minimize discrepancies in marketing loan benefits across State boundaries and across county boundaries.

(b) To the extent practicable, CCC will determine and announce repayment rates under paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section based upon market prices at appropriate U.S. markets as determined by CCC and these repayment rates may be adjusted to reflect grade, type, quality, location, and other factors for each crop of a commodity as follows:

(1) On a weekly basis in each county for oilseeds, except canola, flaxseed, soybeans, and sunflower seed;

(2) On a daily basis in each county for barley, canola, corn, flaxseed, grain sorghum, oats, soybeans, sunflower seed and wheat; and

(3) On a weekly basis regionally for dry peas, lentils, chickpeas, wool and mohair.

(1) A producer may repay a nonrecourse MAL for peanuts at a rate that is the lesser of:

(i) The loan rate established for the commodity under § 1421.9, plus interest; or

(ii) A rate that the Secretary determines will: Minimize potential loan forfeitures; minimize the accumulation of stocks of the commodity by the Federal Government; minimize the cost incurred by the Federal Government in storing the commodity; and allow the commodity produced in the United States to be marketed freely and competitively, both domestically and internationally.

(2) To the extent practicable, CCC will determine and announce weekly alternative repayment rates for peanuts.

(d) For peanuts, the Secretary will require the repayment of handling and other associated costs paid under § 1421.104 for all peanuts pledged as collateral for a MAL that are redeemed under this section.

(e) The Secretary will permit producers to repay a MAL for long grain rice and medium grain rice at a rate that is the lesser of:

(1) The loan rate established for the commodity under § 1421.9, plus interest; or

(2) The prevailing world market price for the commodity, as determined and adjusted by the Secretary in accordance with this section.

(f) For purposes of this section, the Secretary will prescribe—

(1) A formula to determine the prevailing world market price for long grain rice and medium grain rice and

(2) A mechanism by which the Secretary will announce periodically those prevailing world market prices.

(g) Adjustments will be made to the prevailing world market price for long grain rice and medium grain rice.

(1) The prevailing world market price for long grain and medium rice determined under paragraph (f) of this section will be adjusted to U.S. quality and location.

(2) In making adjustments under this subsection, the Secretary will establish a mechanism for determining and announcing the adjustments in order to avoid undue disruption in the U.S. market.

(h)(1) The prevailing world market price for a class of rice will be determined by CCC based upon a review of prices at which rice is being sold in world markets and a weighting of such prices through the use of information such as changes in supply and demand of rice, tender offers, credit concessions, barter sales, government-to-government sales, special processing costs for coatings or premixes, and other relevant price indicators, and will be expressed in U.S. equivalent values F.O.B. (free on board) vessel, U.S. port of export, per hundredweight as follows:

(i) U.S. grade No. 2, 4 percent broken kernels, long grain milled rice;

(ii) U.S. grade No. 2, 4 percent broken kernels, medium grain milled rice; and

(iii) U.S. grade No. 2, 4 percent broken kernels, short grain milled rice.

(2) Export transactions involving rice and all other related market information will be monitored on a continuous basis. Relevant information may be obtained for this purpose from USDA field reports, international organizations, public or private research entities, international rice brokers, and other sources of reliable information.

(3) The prevailing world market price for a class of rice adjusted to U.S. quality and location, the adjusted world price (AWP), as determined under paragraph (h)(5) of this section, will apply to this section.

(4) The adjusted world price for each class of rice will equal the prevailing world market price for a class of rice (U.S. equivalent value) as determined under paragraphs (h)(1) and (h)(2) of this section and adjusted to U.S. quality and location as follows:

(i) The prevailing world market price for a class of rice will be adjusted to reflect an F.O.B. mill position by deducting from such calculated price an amount that is equal to the estimated national average costs associated with:

(A) The use of bags for the export of U.S. rice, and

(B) The transfer of such rice from a mill location to F.O.B. vessel at the U.S. port of export with such costs including, but not limited to, freight, unloading, wharfage, insurance, inspection, fumigation, stevedoring, interest, banking charges, storage, and administrative costs.

(ii) The price determined under paragraph (h)(4)(i) of this section will be adjusted to reflect the market value of the total quantity of whole kernels contained in milled rice by deducting the world value of broken kernels it contains, with the value of the broken kernels determined by multiplying a formulaic quantity of broken kernels (4 percent per hundredweight) by the world market value of broken kernels. The world market value of broken kernels will be based upon the relationship of whole and broken kernel world prices as estimated from observations of prices at which rice is being sold in world markets.

(iii) The price determined under paragraph (h)(4)(ii) of this section will be adjusted to reflect the per-pound market value of whole kernels by dividing the price by the quantity of whole milled kernels contained in the milled rice (96 percent per hundredweight).

(iv) The price determined under paragraph (h)(4)(iii) of this section will be adjusted to reflect the market value of whole kernels contained in 100 pounds of rough rice by multiplying such price by the estimated national average quantity of whole kernel rice by class obtained from milling 100 pounds of rough rice.

(v) The price determined under paragraph (h)(4)(iv) of this section will be adjusted to reflect the total market value of rough rice by:

(A) Adding to such price:

(1) The market value of bran contained in the rough rice, computed by multiplying the domestic unit market value of bran by the estimated national average quantity of bran produced in milling 100 pounds of rice; and

(2) The market value of broken kernels contained in the rough rice, computed by multiplying the estimated world market value of broken kernels by the estimated national average quantity of broken kernels produced in milling 100 pounds of rice;

(B) Deducting from such price an estimated cost of milling rough rice; and an estimated cost of transporting rough rice from farm to mill locations.

(5) The adjusted world price for each class of rice, loan rate basis, will be determined by CCC and announced, to the extent practicable, on or after 7 a.m. Eastern Standard Time each Wednesday or more frequently as determined necessary by CCC, continuing through the later of:

(i) The last Wednesday of July in the calendar year following the year the rice crop was harvested, or in which the rice MAL matures,

(ii) The last Wednesday of the latest month the rice MAL matures, or

(iii) If Tuesday is not a normal business day, the price determination may be made on the next work day and announced the following day, on or after 7 a.m. Eastern Standard Time.

(i) The producer may repay a MAL under this section for confectionery and each other kind of sunflower seed (other than oil sunflower seed) at a rate that is the lesser of:

(1) The loan rate established for the commodity under § 1421.9, plus interest, or

(2) The repayment rate established for oil sunflower seed.

(j)(1) On a form prescribed by CCC, a producer may request to lock in the applicable repayment rate for a period of 60 calendar days or for the remaining life of the MAL term, whichever is less, provided that no request may be granted within 14 calendar days of the end of the MAL.

(2) The request to lock in the applicable repayment rate must be received in the FSA county service center that disbursed the MAL.

(3) The repayment rate that is locked in will be the rate in effect when the request to lock in is approved.

(4) The repayment rate may be locked in on outstanding farm-stored or warehouse-stored loans.

(5) The repayment rate that is locked in will expire as provided in paragraph (j)(1) of this section.

(6) The requests can only be completed one time for a designated quantity.

(7) For multiple locked in requests, the oldest unexpired locked in repayment rate is applied first.

(8) The completed and signed form can be submitted in person, by facsimile, or electronically.

(9) The requests cannot be canceled, terminated, or changed after approval.

(10) The locked in applicable repayment rate will transfer to any MAL disbursed outside of the originating county where the commodity was stored.

(11) Once a repayment rate is locked in it cannot be extended.

(k) If a producer fails to repay a MAL within the time prescribed by CCC under the terms and conditions of the request to lock in a market loan repayment rate, the producer may repay the MAL:

(1) On or before maturity, at the lesser of:

(i) Principal plus interest as determined by CCC; or

(ii) The repayment rate in effect on the day the repayment is received in the FSA County Service Center.

(2) After maturity, at principal plus interest.

(l) When the proceeds of the sale of the commodity are needed to repay all or a part of a farm-stored MAL, the producer must request and obtain prior written approval on a CCC-approved form and comply with the terms and conditions of such form, to remove a specified quantity of the commodity from storage. Approval does not constitute release of CCC's security interest in the commodity or release of producer liability for amounts due CCC for the MAL indebtedness if payment in full is not received by the FSA county office. Failure to repay a MAL within the time period prescribed by CCC in the case of a farm-stored loan and delivery of the pledged collateral to a buyer is a violation of the agreement. In the case of such violation, the producer must repay the loan principal and interest or another amount as determined by the Deputy Administrator, FSA, as specified in § 1421.109.

(m) The producer may obtain county committee approval of a release of all or part of pledged collateral for a warehouse-stored MAL at or before the maturity of such MAL by paying to CCC:

(1) The principal amount of the marketing assistance loan and charges plus interest or

(2) An amount less than the principal amount of the MAL and charges plus interest under the terms and conditions specified by CCC at the time the producer redeems the collateral for such MAL.

(n) A partial release of marketing assistance loan collateral must cover all of the commodity represented by one warehouse receipt. Warehouse receipts redeemed by repayment of the marketing assistance loan must be released only to the producer. However, such receipt may be released to persons designated in a written authorization that is filed with the county office by the producer within 15 days before the date of repayment.

(o) The note and security agreement will not be released until the marketing assistance loan has been satisfied in full.

(p)(1) If the commodity is moved from storage without obtaining prior approval to move such commodity, such removal will constitute unauthorized removal or disposition, as applicable under § 1421.109(b), unless the removal occurred on a non-workday and the producer notified the county office on the next workday of such removal.

(2) Any MAL quantities involved in a violation of § 1421.109 must be repaid under § 1421.109(e).

(q) In the event of a severe disruption to marketing, transportation, or related infrastructure, the Secretary may modify the repayment rate otherwise applicable under this section for marketing assistance loans. Any adjustment made to the repayment rate for marketing assistance loans for a loan commodity under § 1421.5 will be in effect on a short-term and temporary basis, as determined by the Secretary.

[74 FR 15652, Apr. 7, 2009, as amended at 80 FR 122, 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.11 - Spot checks.

(a) CCC may inspect the collateral for MALs, and producers with such MALs must allow CCC reasonable access to the farm and storage facility as necessary to conduct “spot check” collateral inspections. Spot checks are intended to verify that the quality and quantity of farm-stored commodities pledged as collateral for MALs are maintained by the producer.

(b) LDPs are selected for spot check to ensure that all eligibility requirements, as required by CCC, are met in order to receive such LDP.

(c) Producers must present production evidence for commodities acceptable to CCC when a spot check is conducted.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 80 FR 122, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.12 - Production evidence.

(a) Producers who redeem MAL collateral at the prevailing world market price for rice, or the alternative repayment rate for all other commodities, as CCC determines or receives an LDP may be required to provide CCC with:

(1) Evidence of production of the collateral such as:

(i) Evidence of sales;

(ii) Delivery evidence;

(iii) Load summaries from warehouse, processor, or buyer;

(iv) Warehouse receipts including EWRs;

(v) Paid measurement service;

(vi) Spot check measurements with paid measurement service;

(vii) Cleaning tickets for seed;

(viii) Scale tickets, if not issued by the producer for the producer's own production;

(ix) Core tests for wool and mohair; or

(x) Maximum eligible quantity as determined by CCC.

(2) The storage location of the collateral that has not been otherwise disposed of and access to such collateral;

(3) Permission to inspect, examine, and make copies of the records and other written data as deemed necessary to verify the eligibility of the producer and commodity;

(4) In the case of wool and mohair, permission to examine and inspect the sheep herd; and

(5) Any other evidence requested by the county FSA service center or the Deputy Administrator, FSA.

(b) A producer who fails to provide acceptable evidence of production is be required to repay the market loan gain or LDP and charges, plus interest, as determined by CCC.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 80 FR 122, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.13 - Special loan deficiency payments.

(a)(1) Eligible producers of unshorn pelts produced from live sheep and hay and silage derived from an eligible loan commodity as provided in § 1421.5 are eligible to request unshorn pelt, hay, and silage quantities for a LDP under subpart C of this part.

(2) Unshorn pelts, hay, and silage derived from an eligible loan commodity are not eligible to be pledged as collateral to obtain a MAL under subpart B of this part.

[71 FR 32424, June 6, 2006, as amended at 74 FR 15654, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.14 - Obtaining peanut MALs.

(a) Peanuts MALs to individual producers may be obtained through:

(1) County offices; or

(2) A designated Marketing Association or a CMA approved by CCC.

(b) The MAL documents will not be presented for disbursement unless the peanuts pledged as collateral for the MAL are eligible as specified in § 1421.8. If the peanuts were ineligible at the time of the disbursement, the total amount disbursed under MAL, or as an LDP, plus charges and interest will be refunded promptly.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 80 FR 123, Jan. 2, 2015]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 7231-7237,7931,and,15.S.C. 714b and c
cite as: 7 CFR 1421.13