Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 1421.100 - Applicability.

This subpart provides the terms and conditions for MALs offered by CCC. Additional terms and conditions are also in the note and security agreement which the producer must sign to receive such MALs.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 80 FR 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.101 - Maturity dates.

(a)(1) All MALs will mature on demand by CCC and no later than the last day of the 9th calendar month following the month in which the note and security agreement is filed and approved except for transferred MAL collateral. The maturity date for transferred MAL collateral will be the maturity date applicable to the original MAL that was transferred.

(2) CCC may at any time call the MAL by notifying the producer at least 30 days in advance of the accelerated maturity date.

(b) The maturity date of any MAL may not be extended.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15654, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 123, 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.102 - Adjustment of basic loan rates.

(a) Basic loan rates are established under § 1421.9 and will be adjusted or not adjusted as follows:

(1) For farm-stored commodities, except for peanuts, that exceed acceptable levels of contamination, the loan rate will be discounted to 10 percent of the base county MAL rate if pledged as collateral for a nonrecourse loan. Loan rates for commodities with acceptable levels of contamination will not be adjusted if pledged as collateral for recourse loans.

(2) For farm-stored commodities where the test weight discounts are on the:

(i) Crop year specific schedules of premiums and discounts, the MAL rate will be adjusted for the higher of the discount for test weight or grade based on test weight.

(ii) Additional schedule of discounts, the MAL rate will be reduced to 20 percent of the county loan rate.

(3) With respect to commodities harvested, excluding silage or hay, as other than grain and pledged as collateral for a nonrecourse MAL, the MAL rate will be discounted to 30 percent of the county loan rate.

(4) With respect to farm-stored wheat, the basic county loan rate will not be adjusted to reflect the protein content.

(5) With respect to Segregation 2 and 3 peanuts as determined by CCC, the MAL rate will be discounted to 35 percent of the applicable loan rate.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15654, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 123, 129, 130, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70705, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.103 - Authorized storage.

(a) Authorized farm storage is:

(1) A storage structure located on or off the farm, (excluding public warehouses that do not enter into an agreement with CCC), that CCC determines to be controlled by the producer which affords safe storage of collateral pledged for a MAL;

(2) If determined and announced to be available in a State or county, on ground storage and other temporary storage structures approved by CCC.

(3) As determined by CCC, temporary authorized storage may also include:

(i) On-ground storage or;

(ii) Other storage arrangements.

(b) CCC may reduce the quantity of a commodity pledged as collateral for a MAL made available under paragraph (a)(2) of this section to not more than 75 percent of such otherwise eligible quantity in order to protect the interests of CCC. CCC may also limit the length of time the commodity may be stored on-ground or in temporary structures to not more than 90 days. A MAL made with respect to such commodity that is not moved to a structure specified in (a)(2) within 90 days of the date the MAL was disbursed may be called by CCC.

(c)(1) Authorized warehouse storage consists of warehouses that:

(i) If Federally licensed, are in compliance with 7 CFR part 735 or

(ii) If not Federally licensed, are in compliance with State laws and that issue warehouse receipts that meet the criteria specified in § 1421.107.

(iii) If not Federally licensed or in compliance with State Laws and issue warehouse receipts that meet the criteria specified in § 1421.107, have entered into a storage agreement with CCC.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(1) of this section, if storing peanuts, the warehouse must in all cases have entered into a storage agreement with CCC. For storing other crops, notwithstanding paragraph (c)(1) of this section, CCC may, on a case-by-case basis, still require a warehouse operator that would qualify under paragraphs (c)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section to enter into a storage agreement if deemed necessary by the Deputy Administrator to be needed to protect CCC's interests.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15654, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 123, 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.104 - Making MALs.

(a)(1) CCC may conduct such lien searches and may perfect its interest in loan commodities under State law as it deems to be in its interest.

(2) The cost for terminating the financing statement for MALs disbursed under this part before the end of the term will be paid by the producer.

(3) If there are any liens or encumbrances on the commodity pledged as collateral for a MAL made under this part, waivers that fully protect CCC's interest must be obtained even though the liens or encumbrances are satisfied from MAL proceeds disbursed under this part. No additional liens or encumbrances will be placed on the commodity after such a MAL is approved.

(b) Fees, charges, interest, and all applicable approved commodity assessment collections must be paid by the producer at a rate CCC determines or, in the case of assessments, at a rate approved by the assessment authority. Such fees, charges, and interest include:

(1) A non-refundable loan service fee;

(2) Interest that accrues on a loan under part 1405 of this chapter.

(c) To ensure proper storage of peanuts for which a MAL is made under this section, the Secretary will pay reasonable handling and other associated costs (other than storage) incurred at the time at which the peanuts are placed in a warehouse stored MAL. Such rates will be available in the State and county FSA offices.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 32424, June 6, 2006; 74 FR 15654, Apr. 7, 2009; 75 FR 19193, Apr. 14, 2010; 80 FR 123, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70705, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.105 - Farm-stored MALs.

(a) The producer of a commodity pledged as security for a farm-storage MAL:

(1) Certifies the quantity of such commodity on the MAL application, or;

(2) Has such quantity measured by CCC at the measurement service rate established by CCC.

(b) The State committee may establish a MAL percentage not to exceed a percentage CCC establishes or it may apply quality discounts to the loan rate in each year for each commodity on a statewide basis or for specified areas within the State. Before approving a county committee request to establish a different loan percentage, or to apply quality discounts, the State committee will consider conditions in the State or areas within a State to determine if the MAL percentage should be reduced below the maximum MAL percentage or the quality discounts should be applied to the basic county MAL rate to provide CCC with adequate protection. MALs disbursed based upon loan percentages previously lowered and loan rates adjusted for quality will not be altered if conditions within the State or areas within the State change to substantiate removing such reductions. Percentages established or loan rates adjusted for quality under this section will apply only to new MALs and not to outstanding MALs. In determining loan percentages or the necessity to apply quality discounts, the State committee will consider any factor at its discretion, including the following:

(1) General crop conditions;

(2) Factors affecting quality peculiar to an area within the State; and

(3) Climatic conditions affecting storability.

(c) An eligible quantity of a commodity that is commingled with an ineligible quantity of the commodity is not eligible to be collateral for a MAL unless the producer, when requesting a MAL designates all structures that may be used for storage of the MAL collateral.

(1) In such cases, the producer is not required to obtain prior written approval from the county committee before moving MAL collateral from one designated structure to another designated structure.

(2) In all other instances, if the producer intends to move MAL collateral from a designated structure to an undesignated structure, the producer must request prior approval from the county committee in writing. The producer may request that the eligible or ineligible commodity be measured by a representative of the county office, at the producer's expense, before commingling, but such measurement is not required. Prior to commingling, with respect to wool and mohair, a representative of the FSA county committee may determine an average production of the wool and mohair in a manner approved by CCC.

(d)(1) Two or more producers may obtain:

(i) A single joint MAL for commodities that are stored in the same farm storage facility; or

(ii) Individual MALs for their share of the commodity that is commingled in a farm storage facility with commodities owned by other producers if such other producers execute an agreement that provides that such producers will obtain the permission of a representative of the county committee before removal of any quantity of the commodity from the storage facility. All producers who store a commodity in a farm storage facility in which commodities that have been pledged as collateral for a MAL will be liable for any damage incurred by CCC for the deterioration or unauthorized removal or disposition of such commodities.

(2) In such cases, each producer must execute a note and security agreement with CCC, and each such producer will be jointly and severally liable for the violation of the terms and conditions of the note and the requirements of this part. Each producer is also liable for repayment of the entire MAL amount until the MAL is fully repaid without regard to their share in the commodity pledged as collateral. In addition, such producer may not amend the note and security agreement for the producer's claimed share in such commodities, or MAL proceeds, after execution of the note and security agreement by CCC.

(e)(1) A producer, when requesting a MAL, will designate in writing specific storage structures.

(2) The producer is not required to request prior approval before moving marketing assistance loan collateral between such designated structures.

(3) Movement of MAL collateral to any other structures not designated or the disposal of such loan collateral without prior written approval of the county committee, will subject the producer to administrative actions.

(4) The producer is responsible for any loss in quantity or quality of the farm-stored commodity pledged as collateral.

(5) CCC will not assume any loss in quantity or quality of the MAL collateral for farm-stored MALs.

(f) If the producer does not pay CCC the total amount due in accordance with a MAL by the maturity date, CCC has the right to acquire title to the MAL collateral and to sell or otherwise take possession of such collateral without any further action by the producer. With respect to farm-stored MALs, the producer may, as CCC determines, deliver the MAL collateral in accordance with instructions issued by CCC. CCC will not accept delivery of any quantity of a commodity in excess of 110 percent of the outstanding farm-stored MAL quantity. If a quantity in excess of 110 percent of the outstanding farm-stored MAL quantity is shown on the warehouse receipt or other documents, the producer must provide replacement warehouse receipts and delivery documents. If the warehouse receipt and such other documents applicable to the settlement are not replaced to reflect the excess amount, CCC will provide for such corrected documents and apply charges for such service, if any, to the producer's account as charges for settlement on the MAL.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 80 FR 123, 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.106 - Warehouse-stored MAL collateral.

(a) A commodity may be pledged as collateral for a warehouse-stored MAL in the quantity delivered to CCC for storage at a warehouse that meets standards for approval at part 1423 of this chapter. Such quantity is the net weight specified on the warehouse receipt or supplemental certificate.

(b) Two or more producers may obtain a single joint MAL for commodities stored in an approved warehouse if the warehouse receipt pledged as collateral is issued jointly to the producers.

(c) If more than one producer executes a note and security agreement with CCC, each such producer is jointly and severally liable for the violation of the terms and conditions of the note and the regulations in this part. Each such producer also remains liable for repayment of the entire MAL amount until the MAL is fully repaid without regard to such producer's claimed share in the commodity pledged as collateral for the MAL. In addition, such producer may not amend the note and security agreement with respect to the producer's claimed share in such commodities, or MAL proceeds, after execution of the note and security agreement by CCC.

(d) Storage rates that CCC has approved to be deducted from MAL proceeds are available in FSA State and county offices and other USDA service centers. Deductions are based upon entries on the warehouse receipt or supplemental certificate, but the storage rate is not to exceed the storage rate CCC has approved. No storage deduction is to be made if written evidence acceptable to CCC is submitted indicating that:

(1) Storage charges through the maturity date have been prepaid; or

(2) The producer has arranged with the warehouse operator for the payment of storage charges through the maturity date and the warehouse operator enters an endorsement in substantially the following form on the warehouse receipt:

Storage arrangements have been made by the depositor of the commodity covered by this receipt through (date through which storage has been provided). No lien will be asserted by the warehouse operator against CCC or any subsequent holder of the warehouse receipt for the storage charges that accrued before the specified date.

(e) The beginning date to be used for computing storage deductions on the commodity stored in an approved warehouse will be the later of the following:

(1) The date the commodity was received or deposited in the warehouse;

(2) The date the storage charges start; or

(3) The day following the date through which storage charges have been paid.

(f) For hard red winter and hard red spring wheat tendered to CCC and stored in an approved warehouse, producers must obtain official protein content determinations or, as CCC determines is acceptable, protein content may be determined by mutual agreement between the producer and the warehouse operator. Costs of determinations will not be paid by CCC.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15654, Apr. 7, 2009;80 FR 124, 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.107 - Warehouse receipts.

(a) Warehouse receipts for MALs tendered to CCC as specified in § 1421.3 may either be paper or electronic. All receipts, whether paper or electronic, must meet all the applicable provisions of this section and this part, and CCC program document requirements. EWRs must be issued by a provider approved by CCC.

(b) Warehouse receipts must be issued in the name of the eligible producer or CCC. If issued in the name of the eligible producer, the receipt must be properly endorsed on its reverse side certifying that the crop is free of encumbrances in order for title to vest in the holder. Receipts must be issued by an authorized warehouse and must represent a commodity that is deemed to be stored commingled. The receipts must be negotiable and must represent a commodity that is the same quantity and quality as the eligible commodity actually in storage in the warehouse of the original deposit.

(c) If the receipt is issued for a commodity that is owned by the warehouse operator either solely, jointly, or in common with others, the fact of such ownership is to be stated on the receipt. In States where the pledge of warehouse receipts issued by a warehouse operator on the warehouse operator's commodity is invalid, the warehouse operator may offer the commodity to CCC for a MAL if such warehouse is licensed under the U.S. Warehouse Act.

(d) Each warehouse receipt or accompanying supplemental certificate representing a commodity stored in an authorized warehouse must indicate that the commodity is insured. CCC shall not be responsible for the cost of such insurance.

(e) A separate warehouse receipt must be submitted for each grade and class of any commodity tendered to CCC and, for rice, such receipt must also state the milling yield of the rice, and for wool, such receipts must also state the yield and micron of the wool.

(f) With respect to peanuts, a warehouse receipt must be submitted exhibiting grade, type, and segregation for peanuts tendered to CCC.

(g)(1) Each warehouse receipt, or a supplemental certificate (in duplicate) that properly identifies the warehouse receipt, must be issued by an authorized warehouse as specified in § 1421.103(c)(1), as applicable, and must indicate:

(i) The name and location of the storing warehouse;

(ii) The warehouse code assigned by licensing authority;

(iii) The warehouse receipt number;

(iv) The date the receipt was issued;

(v) The type of commodity;

(vi) The date the commodity was deposited or received;

(vii) The date to which storage has been paid or the storage start date;

(viii) Whether the commodity was received by rail, truck or barge;

(ix) The amount per bushel, pound, or hundredweight of prepaid in or out charges;

(x) The signature of the warehouse operator or the authorized agent; and

(xi) For warehouses operating under a merged warehouse code agreement (KC-385), the location and county to which the producer delivered the commodity.

(2) In addition to the information specified in paragraph (g)(1) of this section, additional commodity specific requirements will be determined by CCC and be available at State and county offices and the Kansas City Commodity Office.

(h) If a warehouse receipt indicates that the commodity tendered for MAL grades “infested” or “contains excess moisture,” or both, the receipt must be accompanied by a supplemental certificate in order for the commodity to be eligible for a MAL. The grade, grading factors, and quantity to be delivered must be shown on the certificate as follows:

(1) When the warehouse receipt shows “infested” and the commodity has been conditioned to correct the infested condition, the supplemental certificate must show the same grade without the “infested” designation and the same grading factors and quantity as shown on the warehouse receipt.

(2)(i) When the warehouse receipt shows that the commodity contained excess moisture and the commodity has been dried or blended, the supplemental certificate must show the grade, grading factors, and quantity after drying or blending of the commodity. Such entries must reflect a drying or blending shrinkage as provided in paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section.

(ii) When a supplemental certificate is issued under paragraphs (g)(1) and (h)(2)(i) of this section, the grade, grading factors, and the quantity shown on such certificate will supersede the entries for such items on the warehouse receipt.

(iii) If the commodity has been dried or blended to reduce the moisture content, the quantity specified on the warehouse receipt or the supplemental certificate represents the quantity after drying or blending.

(iv) For commodities dried or blended under paragraph (h)(2)(iii) of this section, such quantity must reflect a minimum shrinkage in the receiving weight excluding dockage:

(A) For the following commodities, 1.3 times the percentage difference between the moisture content of the commodity received and the following percentages for the specified commodity:

(1) Barley: 14.5 percent;

(2) Corn: 15.5 percent;

(3) Grain sorghum: 14.0 percent;

(4) Oats: 14.0 percent;

(5) Rice: 14.0 percent;

(6) Soybeans: 14.0 percent;

(7) Wheat: 13.5 percent; and

(8) Peanuts: 10.0 percent.

(B) For the following commodities, 1.1 times the percentage difference between the moisture content of the commodity received and the following percentages for the specified commodity:

(1) Canola: 10.0 percent;

(2) Flaxseed: 9.0 percent;

(3) Mustard Seed: 10.0 percent;

(4) Rapeseed: 10.0 percent;

(5) Safflower Seed: 10.0 percent;

(6) Sunflower Seed: 10.0 percent;

(7) Crambe: 10.0 percent; and

(8) Sesame Seed: 10.0 percent.

(i)(1) If, under paragraph (g) of this section, a supplemental certificate is issued in connection with a warehouse receipt, such certificate must state that no lien for processing will be asserted by the warehouse operator against CCC or any subsequent holder of such receipt.

(2) Warehouse receipts and the commodities represented by such receipts may be subject to a lien for warehouse charges. For all commodities except peanuts, the producer who pledged such a receipt as collateral for a MAL under this part pays to CCC all costs incurred by CCC as result of the existence of the lien. In no event is a warehouse operator entitled to satisfy such a lien by sale of the commodities when CCC is the holder of such receipt.

(j) Warehouse receipts representing commodities that have been shipped by rail or by barge, must be accompanied by supplemental certificates completed under paragraph (g) of this section.

(k) If the warehouse issues an EWR for the commodity, the producer must notify the EWR provider to make CCC the holder of the EWR and to secure an affirmation verifying that CCC has been made the holder of the EWR.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15654, Apr. 7, 2009; 75 FR 19193, Apr. 14, 2010; 80 FR 124, 130, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.108 - Transfers and reconcentrations.

(a) Upon request by the producer before transfer, the county committee may approve the transfer of a quantity of a commodity that is pledged as collateral for a farm-stored MAL to a warehouse-stored MAL at any time during the MAL period.

(1) Transfer of all or part of the farm-stored MAL collateral to an authorized warehouse will be made through the pledge of warehouse receipts for the commodity placed under a warehouse-stored MAL. The loan rate of the transferred MAL will be the same as the loan rate of the original MAL. The MAL quantity for the warehouse-stored MAL cannot exceed the loan quantity transferred from the farm-stored MAL.

(2) Any amounts due the producer will be disbursed by the FSA county service center.

(b) The producer must request county committee approval before the transfer of a warehouse-stored MAL to a farm-stored MAL. The county committee may approve the transfer of part or all of a warehouse-stored MAL at any time during the MAL period. Quantities pledged as collateral for a farm-stored MAL will be based on a measurement or a calculation of average production of wool and mohair, by a representative of the county office before approving the farm-stored MAL. The producer must immediately repay the amount by which the farm-stored MAL is less than the warehouse-stored MAL and charges plus interest on the shortage. The maturity date of the farm-stored MAL is the maturity date applicable to the warehouse-stored MAL that was transferred.

(c) Upon the filing of the Reconcentration Agreement and Trust Receipt by the producer and warehouse operator, CCC may, during the MAL period, approve the reconcentration in another authorized warehouse for all or part of a commodity that is pledged as collateral for a warehouse-stored MAL. Any such approval will be subject to the terms and conditions in the Reconcentration Agreement and Trust Receipt. A producer may, before the new warehouse receipt is delivered to CCC, pay CCC:

(1) The principal amount of the MAL and charges plus interest and applicable charges; or

(2) If CCC so announces, an amount less than the principal amount of the MAL and charges plus interest under the terms and conditions specified by CCC at the time the producer redeems the commodity pledged as collateral for such MAL.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 74 FR 15654, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 124, 129, 130, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.109 - Personal liability of the producer.

(a) When a producer obtains a commodity MAL, the producer agrees, in writing, not to:

(1) Provide an incorrect certification of the quantity or make any fraudulent or erroneous representation for the MAL;

(2) Remove or dispose of a quantity of commodity that is collateral for a CCC farm-stored MAL without prior written approval from CCC in accordance with § 1421.10; or

(3) Violate the terms and conditions of the note and security agreement, which will cause harm or damage to CCC in that funds may be disbursed to the producer for a quantity of a commodity that is not actually in existence or for a quantity on which the producer is not eligible. If CCC determines that the producer has violated the terms and conditions of the applicable forms prescribed by CCC, liquidated damages will be assessed on the quantity of the commodity that is involved in the violation.

(b) Such violations as referred to in paragraph (a)(3) of this section may include, but are not limited to:

(1) Incorrect certification;

(2) Unauthorized removal; and

(3) Unauthorized disposition.

(c) If the county committee determines that the producer has committed such violations, liquidated damages will be assessed on the quantity of the commodity that is involved in the violation.

(d) Liquidated damages assessed in accordance with this section will be determined by multiplying the quantity involved in the violation by 10 percent of the MAL rate applicable to the MAL note.

(e) When it has been determined that a violation of the terms and conditions of the note and security agreement has occurred as a result of unauthorized removal or disposition, CCC will determine the quantity of the commodity involved with respect to such violation and require the repayment of that portion of the MAL which is equivalent to such quantity of the commodity. In the case of these violations, if CCC determines the producer:

(1) Acted in good faith when the violation occurred, liquidated damages will be assessed according to paragraph (d) of this section and the commodity involved in the violation must be redeemed at the lesser of:

(i) The rate at which the MAL was disbursed, plus interest and any other charges assessed under the note and security agreement; or

(ii) The alternative repayment rate in effect on the date of the determination is issued by CCC that a violation has occurred, plus 15 percent of the original MAL rate as provided on the note and security agreement.

(2) Did not act in good faith when the violation was committed, liquidated damages will be assessed in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section, and administrative actions will be taken in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section. The MAL is required to be redeemed at the rate at which the MAL was disbursed, plus interest and any other charges assessed under the note and security agreement.

(f) When it has been determined that a violation of the terms and conditions of the note and security agreement has occurred as result of an incorrect certification, CCC will determine the quantity of the commodity involved with respect to such violation and require the repayment of that portion of the MAL which is equivalent to such quantity of the commodity. In the case of an incorrect certification, if CCC determines the producer:

(1) Acted in good faith when the violation occurred, liquidated damages will be assessed according to paragraph (d) of this section, and the commodity involved in the violation must be redeemed at the rate at which the MAL was disbursed, plus interest and any other charges assessed under the note and security agreement.

(2) Did not act in good faith about the violation, liquidated damages will be assessed in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section and administrative actions will be taken in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section. The MAL must be redeemed at the rate at which the MAL was disbursed, plus interest and any other charges assessed under the note and security agreement.

(g) If the producer fails to pay such amount within 30 days from the date of notification of violations as provided in paragraphs (e)(1) and (f)(1) of this section, the producer must immediately repay the MAL at the rate at which the MAL was disbursed plus interest, and any other charges assessed under the note and security agreement.

(h) For violations as specified in paragraphs (e)(2) and (f)(2) of this section, the producer must immediately repay the MAL at the rate at which the MAL was disbursed plus interest, and any other charges assessed under the note and security agreement. If the MAL has already been repaid, any market loan gain previously realized on the MAL, plus interest, is immediately due to CCC. CCC will demand delivery of any remaining MAL collateral if the MAL and any other charges and interest are not repaid within the 30 calendar day notification period specified in paragraph (g) of this section.

(i) If the county committee determines that the producer has committed a violation, the county committee will notify the producer in writing that:

(1) The producer has 30 calendar days to provide sufficient evidence and information regarding the circumstances that caused the violation, to the county committee; and

(2) Administrative actions will be taken.

(j) If the MAL is accelerated, the producer may not repay the MAL at the alternative loan repayment rate, unless authorized by CCC.

(k) Producers denied or rejected for a farm-stored MAL for any reason under this section may apply for a warehouse-stored MAL.

(l) The MAL plus other charges are payable to CCC upon demand if a producer:

(1) Makes any fraudulent representation in obtaining a MAL, maintaining, or settling a MAL; or

(2) Disposes or moves the MAL collateral without the approval of CCC.

(m) A producer is personally liable for damages resulting from a commodity delivered to or removed by CCC containing mercurial compounds, toxin producing molds, or other substances poisonous or harmful to humans or animals or property.

(n) If the amount disbursed under a MAL or in settlement of the MAL, exceeds the amount authorized by this part, the producer is liable for repayment of the excess and charges, plus interest.

(o) If the amount collected from the producer in satisfaction of the MAL is less than the amount required under this part, the producer is personally liable for repayment of the amount of such difference and charges, plus interest.

(p) In the case of joint MALs, the personal liability for the amounts specified in this section is joint and several on the part of each producer signing the note.

(q) Any or all of the liquidated damages assessed under this section may be waived if the CCC determines that the violation occurred inadvertently, accidentally, or unintentionally.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 68 FR 67939, Dec. 5, 2003; 71 FR 32424, June 6, 2006; 74 FR 15655, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 124, 129, 130, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.110 - Commodity certificate exchanges.

(a) For any outstanding marketing assistance loan, a producer may purchase a commodity certificate and exchange that commodity certificate for the marketing assistance loan collateral.

(b) The exchange rate is the lessor of:

(1) The loan rate and charges, plus interest applicable to the loan; or

(2) The prevailing world market price, as determined by CCC, or the alternative repayment rate for all other commodities, as determined by CCC.

(c) Commodity certificate exchanges may not be used when locking in a repayment rate under § 1421.10.

(d) Producers must request a commodity certificate exchange on or before loan maturity in person at the FSA county office that disbursed the marketing assistance loan by:

(1) Completing a written request on the form or providing the information as required by CCC;

(2) Purchasing a commodity certificate for the exact amount required to exchange the marketing assistance loan collateral; or

(3) Immediately exchanging the purchased commodity certificate for the outstanding loan collateral.

(e) Loan gains realized from a commodity certificate exchange are not subject to AGI provisions specified in part 1400 of this chapter.

[86 FR 70705, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.111 - MAL settlement.

(a) The value of MALs at settlement will be determined by CCC on the following basis:

(1) For nonrecourse MALs, the schedule of premiums and discounts for the commodity, provided that if the value of the eligible delivered collateral at settlement is:

(i) Less than the amount due, the producer will pay to CCC the amount of such deficiency and charges, plus interest on such deficiency; or

(ii) More than the amount due, the amount of such excess will be paid to the producer or, if applicable, to the producer and applicable secured creditors of the producer.

(2) For recourse MALs, full repayment of principal plus interest is required. As specified in § 1421.113, recourse MAL collateral may not be delivered or forfeited to CCC in satisfaction of indebtedness.

(3) If CCC sells the commodity described in paragraph (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section in settlement of the MAL, the sales proceeds will be applied to the amount owed as follows:

(i) For nonrecourse MALs, CCC will in all instances retain all proceeds obtained from the sale of the eligible commodity and will not make any payment of any amount of such proceeds to any party, including the producer who has satisfied their obligation under the MAL through delivery of the commodity to CCC. CCC will settle with the producer based on the quality and quantity of the commodity; or

(ii) For recourse MALs, the sales proceeds from the eligible collateral will be applied to the amount owed CCC by the producer. The producer will be responsible for any costs incurred by CCC in completing the sale and CCC will deduct the amount of these costs from the sale proceeds. If:

(A) The amount received from the sale of the collateral is less than the amount due, the producer will pay to CCC the amount of such deficiency and costs, plus interest on the remaining amount owed; or

(B) The amount received from the sale of the collateral is greater than the sum of the amount due, the amount of such excess will be paid to the producer or, if applicable, to the producer and applicable secured creditor of the producer.

(b) Settlements made by CCC for eligible commodities that are acquired by CCC and that are stored in an authorized warehouse will be made on the basis of the entries in the applicable warehouse receipt, supplemental certificate, and accompanying documents.

(1) All eligible commodities that are stored in other than authorized warehouses must be delivered to CCC as CCC instructs. Settlement will be based on entries in the applicable warehouse receipt, supplemental certificate, and accompanying documents.

(2) For eligible loan commodities that are delivered from other than an authorized warehouse, settlement will be made by CCC on the basis of the basic MAL rate that is in effect for the commodity at the producer's customary delivery point, as determined by CCC.

(c) Settlements made by CCC for peanuts acquired by CCC and stored in an authorized warehouse will be based on the settlement value at the time of the loan disbursement and the entries in the applicable warehouse receipt, supplemental certificate, and accompanying documents subject to adjustments for changes in quality and other factors.

(1) All eligible commodities that are stored in other than authorized warehouses will be delivered to CCC as CCC instructs. Settlement will be based on entries in the applicable warehouse receipt, supplemental certificate, and accompanying documents.

(2) For eligible loan commodities that are delivered from other than an authorized warehouse, settlement shall be made by CCC on the basis of the basic marketing assistance loan rate that is in effect for the commodity at the producer's customary delivery point, as determined by CCC.

(d) For peanuts forfeited to CCC, the Secretary will pay reasonable storage, handling, and other associated costs for all peanuts pledged as collateral that are forfeited under this section.

(e) In all cases, settlements may be adjusted for changes in quality and other factors affecting the value of the commodity.

(f) Premiums and discounts will apply to all eligible loan commodities that are forfeited and delivered to CCC. There will not be any additional adjustments for peanuts at settlement, because such premiums and discounts will be accounted for when a peanut MAL is made.

(g) If a deficiency exists after the collateral securing a nonrecourse MAL has been delivered to CCC or a recourse MAL sold under a local sale, a receivable for such deficiency will be established as specified in part 1403 of this chapter.

(h) CCC will not assume any loss in quantity or quality of the loan collateral for any farm-stored MALs.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 32425, June 6, 2006. Redesignated and amended at 74 FR 15655, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 125, 129, 130, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.112 - Foreclosure.

(a)(1) Upon maturity and nonpayment of a warehouse-stored MAL, title to the unredeemed collateral securing the MAL will immediately vest in CCC.

(2) Upon maturity and nonpayment of a farm-stored MAL, title to the unredeemed collateral will automatically transfer to CCC upon CCC demand.

(3) When CCC acquires title to the unredeemed collateral, CCC will not pay for any market value that such collateral may have in excess of the MAL indebtedness, (the unpaid amount of the note and charges plus interest).

(b) If the total amount due on a farm-stored MAL (the unpaid amount of the note plus charges, and interest) is not satisfied upon maturity, CCC may remove the commodity from storage, and assign, transfer, and deliver the commodity or documents evidencing title thereto when, how, and upon terms as CCC determines. Disposition may also be affected without removing the commodity from storage. The commodity may be processed before sale and CCC may become the purchaser of the whole or any part of the commodity at either a public or private sale.

(1) The value of settlement for a farm-stored commodity removed by CCC from storage and will be as provided in § 1421.111.

(2) If a deficiency exists after the collateral is sold, a receivable for such deficiency will be established in accordance with part 1403 of this title.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002. Redesignated and amended at 74 FR 15655, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 124, 130, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70705, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.113 - Recourse MALs.

(a) CCC will make recourse MALs available to eligible producers of high moisture corn, high moisture grain sorghum, commodities that fall within acceptable levels of contamination and remain merchantable, and other eligible loan commodities as determined by the Deputy Administrator, Farm Programs.

(b) Repayment is required to be paid in full at principal plus interest on or before the loan maturity date.

(c) Recourse MAL collateral may not be delivered or forfeited to CCC in satisfaction of the loan indebtedness.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002. Redesignated at 70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated and amended at 74 FR 15655, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 126, 129, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70705, Dec. 13, 2021]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 7231-7237,7931,and,15.S.C. 714b and c
cite as: 7 CFR 1421.106