Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 1421.400 - Applicability.
(a) This subpart specifies the terms and conditions under which an entity that is a DMA of peanut producers, or a subsidiary of such an entity, may qualify as a DMA, as defined in § 1421.3. DMAs may process peanut MALs and LDPs on behalf of producers.
(b) This subpart only applies with respect to peanut MALs and peanut LDPs.
[80 FR 128, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.401 - DMA responsibilities.
(a) DMAs are eligible to process the MALs and LDPs provided for in this part only for peanut producers and only if the DMA and the producers and peanuts meet all eligibility criteria set out in this part, including, but not limited to, the DMA eligibility provisions of this subpart. In carrying out those functions, DMAs must:
(1) Prepare and execute the appropriate CCC peanut MAL and LDP application documents;
(2) Determine whether producers and the commodity are eligible for MALs and LDPs, including whether the otherwise eligible peanuts are free and clear of all liens which DMAs determine by performing lien searches at DMAs expense;
(3) Instruct the holder of EWRs, if applicable, to notify the EWR provider to amend the EWR to show CCC is the holder;
(4) Receive MAL and LDP documents from a DMA Service County Office;
(5) Disburse peanut MALs and LDP proceeds to eligible producers;
(6) Prepare and execute documents for MAL repayments;
(7) Collect MAL repayments from producers or buyers and transmit those funds to CCC;
(8) Transmit documents to render forfeited collateral to CCC; and
(9) Collect data for reporting to CCC as required by CCC;
(b) As part of performing the responsibilities in paragraph (a) of this section, DMAs:
(1) Become knowledgeable of and follow the procedures in CCC and FSA peanut MAL and LDP regulations, applicable notices published in the Federal Register, applicable FSA peanut program handbooks and amendments thereto, and any applicable notices or instructions issued by FSA and the Agricultural Marketing Service.
(2) Make and service CCC peanut MALs and LDPs, only upon the presenting by producers or their agents of the warehouse receipts, unless otherwise directed by CCC.
(3) Attend, at the DMAs expense, DMA peanut MAL, and LDP program training offered by CCC.
(4) Provide sufficient personnel, computer hardware, computer communications systems, and software, as determined necessary by CCC, to administer the peanut MAL and LDP program.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated and amended at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 128, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.402 - DMA eligibility to process MALs and LDPs.
(a) A DMA is eligible to process any MAL or LDPs only if approved in advance to handle such matters by the Farm Service Agency pursuant to this part; and
(1) The DMA meets the financial requirements and other requirements in this subpart and part;
(2) The DMA is comprised solely of peanut producers or is a subsidiary of an organization of peanut producers;
(3) The DMA is not controlled directly or indirectly by a person or entity that acquires peanuts for processing or crushing through a business involved in buying and selling peanuts or peanut products;
(4) The DMA does not take title at any time to any peanuts for which it processes MALs or LDPs, irrespective of whether such title is taken before or after those activities are performed. If such title or interest is taken, the DMA is required to return to CCC the full amount of the CCC proceeds disbursed with respect to the peanuts; and
(5) The DMA meets any additional requirements imposed by CCC or FSA.
(b) The DMA's activities under this part are to be conducted only with respect to peanuts and only for producers and peanuts that meet all the eligibility requirements of this part. Such requirements include, but are not limited to, the requirement of § 1421.6 that the producer must have the beneficial interest in the peanuts while the peanuts are under MAL or when the LDP is received and must be the only person that has had such an interest in the peanuts prior to that time except as allowed by § 1421.6.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 128, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.403 - DMA approval.
(a) Entities wishing to apply to be a DMA enabled to perform MAL and LDP functions under this part for peanuts must submit an application for such approval to FSA in a form approved by CCC. That application will include the following:
(1) Two originals of a properly executed Designated Marketing Association agreement containing the terms and conditions prescribed by CCC.
(2) A financial statement of not less than 1 year old on the date submitted, including accompanying notes, schedules, or exhibits, certified by a certified public accountant as fairly representing the entity's financial condition.
(3) The entity's tax identification number.
(4) A copy of any applicable incorporating or partnership documents.
(5) The applicant entity's mailing address, electronic mail address, and telephone number and facsimile number.
(6) Any and all information requested by CCC regarding the DMAs materials, and equipment as CCC determines is necessary for the applicant to perform the services for which the approval to perform is sought.
(7) A narrative explaining how the proposed DMA entity or parent entity provides marketing services to peanut producers.
(8) Any additional information or financial security requested by the Agency.
(b) Applicants are responsible for notifying FSA when any changes occur to their operations requiring amendments to their application or supporting documents.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 128, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.404 - Financial security.
(a) In order to be approved to handle MALs and LDPs, a DMA must:
(1) Have a current net worth ratio of at least 1:1; and
(2) Provide security equal to $100,000 or a greater amount as determined by CCC.
(b) [Reserved]
[80 FR 128, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.405 - Liability.
(a) DMAs must indemnify CCC against any claim or loss by CCC in connection with the processing of any MALs or LDPs or other activity carried out by the DMA. If CCC pays any claim or suffers a loss as a result of the actions of DMA, or if a refund otherwise becomes due to CCC, payment in the amount of such losses or refund, plus interest, may be set-off by CCC from the financial security provided by DMA as required by this subpart. If the amount of the loss exceeds the amount of the financial security, such amount is paid to CCC by DMA with interest. Interest and other charges may be assessed consistent with § 1403.9 of this chapter. Remedies provided in this section or part are in addition to other remedies or penalties, whether civil, criminal or otherwise, as may apply.
(b) If a DMA becomes liable to CCC under paragraph (a) of this section or otherwise in connection with this subpart, such DMA is not eligible to process an LDP or MAL until the receivable amount owed CCC is paid in full, and the full amount of financial security required by this subpart has been restored.
[80 FR 128, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.406 - Reporting requirements.
(a) Report of changes. A DMA must furnish information to CCC within thirty calendar days relating to any substantial change in the DMA operations including but not limited to the following:
(1) A change in its articles of incorporation;
(2) A resolution affecting MAL or LDP operations.
(3) A change to the DMAs name, address, phone number, or related information on the DMA agreement.
(b) Other Information. The DMA must supply such additional information as CCC may request related to the DMAs continued approval by CCC to process MALs and LDPs under the authority provided in this subpart.
(c) CCC request for information. CCC may require a DMA to submit updated information, a new application, or a request for recertification whenever CCC becomes aware of any changes or has any reason to be uncertain that the DMA is operating in a manner that is consistent with the information already submitted, or consistent with this part.
(d) Annual recertification. Within 4 months after the end of the DMAs fiscal year, a DMA must submit the following information to CCC:
(1) A current financial statement prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles;
(2) A report of audit or review of the financial statement conducted by an independent Certified Public Accountant. The accountant's report of audit or review must include the accountant's certifications, assurances, opinions, comments, and notes with respect to such financial statements.
(3) Additional financial security as determined by CCC, if the financial security on file with CCC does not meet current requirements or has expired.
(4) A report of changes as required under paragraph (a) of this section.
(e) Activity report. DMAs must provide CCC reports of MAL and LDP volume and benefit earnings made by the DMA for individual producers, and gains received on behalf of each peanut producer, in a format as directed by CCC.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 128, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.407 - Suspension and termination.
(a) Suspension. If CCC determines that a DMA is not in compliance with the DMA agreement CCC may suspend the DMA from making peanut MALs and LDPs until the DMA corrects the violation, or longer.
(b) Termination. The DMA agreement may be terminated by the DMA upon 30 calendar days' written notice to CCC. CCC may cancel the agreement at any time. Upon termination DMA must immediately cease processing MAL or LDP requests and documents except as needed to preserve CCC's position with respect to existing MALs or LDPs.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 128, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.408 - Prohibited activity.
(a) DMAs approved to handle MALs and LDPs under this subpart may not:
(1) Discriminate against or deny any producer from receiving MALs or LDPs because of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status for which they would otherwise be eligible under the statutes regulating the MAL and LDP program.
(2) Pool peanuts for the purpose of obtaining peanut MALs or LDPs from CCC.
(3) Pool the proceeds obtained from peanut MALs or LDPs made by CCC.
(4) Process farm-stored certified or measured MALs or LDPs unless authorized by CCC.
(5) Take title to any peanuts.
(6) Operate the DMA under the same entity and tax identification number of a CCC-approved CMA.
(7) Refuse services to producers because the DMA was not granted a power of attorney for purposes of executing MAL documents to obtain MALs for the producer, repaying the MAL for the producer, obtaining LDPs for the producer, or marketing the producer's peanuts.
(8) Adopt any scheme or device to circumvent the purpose of the peanut MAL and LDP program regulations, the regulation governing DMAs, or the DMAs agreement with CCC.
(9) Process MALs or LDPs for producers involved in a bankruptcy proceeding unless authorized by CCC.
(10) Process MALs or LDPs on ineligible peanuts.
(b) If the prohibitions of this section are violated FSA or CCC may take one or more of the actions authorized in this part or otherwise authorized.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 128, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.409 - Monitoring AGI.
DMAs are required to monitor their producers' AGIs and may not permit repayments with a market loan gain on peanut MALs or process peanut LDPs for those producers with annual AGI over the allowable limit as specified in part 1400 of this chapter.
[86 FR 70706, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.410 - Recordkeeping requirements.
A DMA must maintain producer MAL and LDP paper documents and electronic records for an indefinite period unless otherwise notified by CCC.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.411 - Forms.
For purposes of conducting business related to this part, a DMA may use either current CCC forms or other forms approved by CCC. A DMA may perform functions under this part only when approval has been obtained by CCC.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.412 - Powers of attorney.
DMAs may hold a power of attorney from a producer allowing the DMA to sign MAL and LDP documents for the producer, but DMAs may obtain and hold such powers only in accordance with the requirements of CCC governing such powers.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009]
§ 1421.413 - Liens and waivers.
(a) DMAs performing MAL-related functions pursuant to the authority in this subpart must determine, to the same extent as required for MALs handled by FSA county offices, whether a lien on the peanuts exists by performing or obtaining a lien search for all peanuts to be pledged for each MAL, except that the cost associated with such lien search and any necessary lien waivers is borne by the DMA. If a lien exists, the DMA must obtain, on an approved CCC form, a signed waiver from each lienholder with an interest in any such lien.
(b) [Reserved]
[80 FR 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.414 - Producer request to a DMA for an MAL or LDP.
Peanut producers or their authorized agent may request that an MAL or LDP be processed by a DMA only if the DMA is approved under this subpart to process such a request and only if the producer supplies to the DMA:
(a) Beneficial interest information. Beneficial interest must be maintained by the producer according to § 1421.6 for the peanuts to be eligible for MAL or LDP; accordingly, the producer must supply to the DMA such information as it needed to make that determination.
(b) Warehouse receipts and lien information. Producers must supply for all peanuts either individual paper warehouse receipts in the producer's name or an electronic warehouse receipt (EWR) number and provider's name. Producers must supply relevant lien information regarding the peanuts; however, the producer's obligation in this regard does not relieve the DMA from making the appropriate lien search.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009]
§ 1421.415 - Processing marketing assistance loans.
(a) DMAs must take the following actions in the following order when an application for an MAL is filed:
(1) Make all the determinations that are a precondition for a MAL, including all producer eligibility requirements, lien determinations, and if requested by the producer, enter into a power of attorney agreement with the producer.
(2) If there is an EWR for the peanuts, instruct the current holder to notify the EWR provider to amend the EWR to show the DMA as holder. If a paper receipt is involved, the DMA must obtain the receipt (and later, at the appropriate time include the receipt in the documents delivered to the CCC).
(3) Complete all MAL forms.
(4) After the producer or the person holding the power of attorney for the producer signs MAL document, provide the signatory with copies of the documents.
(5) Where there is an EWR for the peanuts notify the EWR provider to make CCC the holder of the EWR and secure an affirmation verifying that CCC has been made the holder of the EWR.
(b) [Reserved]
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.416 - Processing loan deficiency payments.
(a) DMAs must take the following actions in the following order when an application for an LDP is filed:
(1) In addition to other determinations that are required, the DMA must determine whether the producer exceeds the AGI limits to allow the receipt of the LDP. If the producer is over the AGI limit the DMA cannot process the request.
(2) If EWRs are applicable for the peanuts for which the LDP is sought, the DMA must instruct the current holder to notify the EWR provider to amend the EWR to show that the peanuts were used to obtain an LDP;
(3) The DMA must insure that the producer or the person holding the power of attorney for the producer signs the LDP documents; and
(4) If the peanuts and the producer are eligible for the MAL and all other conditions have been met, the DMA may disburse funds to the producer subject to the time limits set out elsewhere in this part.
(b) The LDP rate applicable to the LDP request will be the rate in effect on the date the DMA receives the request except as may otherwise be provided for in this part.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 129, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70706, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.417 - Disbursing MAL and LDP proceeds.
(a) A DMA may request that CCC establish a drawdown account from which to disburse MAL and LDP amounts to producers and designate the financial institution they wish to use.
(b) CCC will determine whether a drawdown account is justified and the amount of the account.
(c) If there is no drawdown account, MAL and LDP proceeds are to be distributed to the producer within 3 work days from the date the DMA receives MAL or LDP proceeds from CCC, after deduction of authorized charges or fees for services. If there is a drawdown account, the MAL and LDP proceeds are to be distributed to the producer within 3 days of the completion of the application.
(d) The DMA is to assess charges and fees at the same rate for each producer that it serves.
(e) If a drawdown account is used, CCC will replenish the amount as necessary as it is drawn down.
(f) The DMA must notify CCC of the actual date on which the MAL is disbursed.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 129, 130, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70706, Dec. 13, 2021]
§ 1421.418 - Submitting MAL and LDP documentation to FSA.
(a) Until such time as an alternative FSA MAL- or LDP-making system is made available to DMAs, within 3 business days of any DMA prepared disbursement, the DMA must separately group and submit to FSA:
(1) MALs with the same disbursement date, peanut type, warehouse code, and State where peanuts were inspected; and
(2) LDPs with the same LDP rate, approval date, and peanut type.
(b) Each of the groups identified in paragraph (a) of this section must be submitted to FSA with the following documents:
(1) Individual paper warehouse receipts or EWR numbers, and the EWR provider's name representing the bundled MALs or LDPs.
(2) A form to itemize receipts, and other data, as required, or a pre-processed electronic file containing data required by FSA.
(c) FSA may process each DMA prepared MAL or LDP group for the volume of peanuts on multiple receipts as one MAL or LDP, waive the service fee to the DMA, and either hold MAL paper warehouse receipts, or verify that CCC is holder of the EWRs as of the date of disbursement.
(d) In the case of an MAL, if CCC was not the holder of the EWR on or before the date the DMA prepared MAL was disbursed, the applicable receipts will be rejected, and funds will not be distributed to the DMA drawdown account until CCC becomes the holder of the EWR.
(e) If MAL and LDP documentation is acceptable, FSA will disburse MAL or LDP funds to the DMA, with appropriate supporting documentation.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009; 80 FR 129, 130, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.419 - MAL or LDP servicing.
(a) The DMA is responsible for servicing MALs and are required to take the following actions:
(1) Send the producer a maturity notice letter before MAL maturity.
(2) Maintain the MAL or LDP documents according to FSA requirements.
(3) Transmit the necessary funds to repay the MAL to FSA.
(b) FSA will process the CCC release of paper receipts or EWRs where such a release is appropriate.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009;80 FR 129, 130, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.420 - Inspections and reviews.
The books, documents, papers, and records of the DMA and parent company must be maintained for 6 years after the applicable crop year and be made available to CCC for inspection and examination at all reasonable times. At any time after an application is received, CCC has the right to examine all books, documents, papers, and determine whether the DMA is operating or has operated in accordance with the regulations in this part, any articles of incorporation, articles of association, partnership documents, agreements with producers, the representations made by the DMA in its application for approval, and, where applicable, its agreements with CCC. If the DMA is determined to be not complying with this part or any of its agreements, CCC will take appropriate action as provided in elsewhere in this subpart or other action CCC determines appropriate.
[80 FR 129, Jan. 2, 2015]
§ 1421.421 - Appeals.
Parts 11 and 780 of this title apply to this subpart.
[70 FR 33799, June 10, 2005. Redesignated at 74 FR 15656, Apr. 7, 2009]