Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 1468.30 - Program requirements.

(a) General. (1) Under the ACEP-WRE, NRCS may purchase wetland reserve easements from eligible landowners who voluntarily cooperate to restore, protect, and enhance wetlands on eligible private or Tribal lands. A 30-year contract enrollment option is also available for acreage owned by Indian Tribes.

(2) To participate in ACEP-WRE, a landowner must agree to the implementation of a WRPO, the effect of which is to restore, protect, enhance, maintain, manage, and monitor the hydrologic conditions of inundation or saturation of the soil, native vegetation, and natural topography of eligible lands.

(3) NRCS may provide financial assistance through an easement restoration agreement for the conservation practices and eligible activities that promote the restoration, protection, enhancement, maintenance, and management of wetland functions and values and associated habitats.

(4) For ACEP-WRE enrollments, NRCS may implement such conservation practices and eligible activities through an agreement with the landowner, a contract with a vendor, an interagency agreement, or a cooperative agreement. The specific restoration, protection, enhancement, maintenance, and management actions authorized by NRCS, may be undertaken by the landowner, NRCS, or its designee.

(5) The duration of a wetland reserve easement may be either perpetual, 30-years, or the maximum duration allowed by State law. The duration of a 30-year contract on acreage owned by Indian Tribes is 30 years.

(b) Acreage limitations. (1) No more than 25 percent of the total cropland in any county, as determined by the FSA, may be enrolled in CRP and ACEP-WRE, and no more than 15 percent of the total cropland in the county may be subject to an easement under ACEP-WRE.

(2) The limitations in paragraph (b)(1) of this section do not apply to areas devoted to windbreaks or shelterbelts after November 28, 1990, or to cropland designated by NRCS with “subclass w” in the land capability classes IV through VIII because of severe use limitations due to factors related to excess water such as poor soil drainage, wetness, high water table, soil saturation, or inundation.

(3) NRCS and the FSA will concur before a waiver of the 25-percent limit of paragraph (b)(1) of this section can be approved for an easement proposed for enrollment in ACEP-WRE. Such a waiver will only be approved if the waiver will not adversely affect the local economy, and operators in the county are having difficulties complying with the conservation plans implemented under 16 U.S.C. 3812.

(c) Landowner eligibility. To be eligible to enroll in the ACEP-WRE, all landowners must be in compliance with the highly erodible land and wetland conservation provisions in 7 CFR part 12. Persons or legal entities must be in compliance with the Adjusted Gross Income Limitation provisions at 7 CFR part 1400 and:

(1) Be the landowner of eligible land for which enrollment is sought;

(2) Provide any documentation required by NRCS as necessary to determine eligibility; and

(3) For easement applications, have been the landowner of such land for the 24-month period prior to the time of application unless it is determined by NRCS that:

(i) The land was acquired by will or succession as a result of the death of the previous landowner or pursuant to the terms of an existing trust,

(ii) The ownership change occurred due to foreclosure on the land and the owner of the land immediately before the foreclosure exercises a right of redemption from the mortgage holder in accordance with State law, or

(iii) The land was acquired under circumstances that give adequate assurances, as determined by NRCS, that such land was not acquired for the purposes of placing it in the program. Adequate assurances will include documentation that the change of ownership resulted from circumstances such as:

(A) The prior landowner owned the land for 2 years or more and transferred ownership amongst members of the immediate family (father, mother, spouse, children, grandparents, or grandchildren),

(B) A completion of a contract for deed entered into 24 months or more prior to the application date,

(C) The new landowner had leased the land for agricultural purposes for 24 months or more prior to the application date, or

(D) The easement area is a portion of a larger property where the majority portion was acquired for agriculture purposes.

(4) Agree to provide such information to NRCS as the agency deems necessary to assist in its determination of eligibility for program benefits and for other program implementation purposes.

(d) New landowner. When a parcel of land that has been accepted for enrollment into the ACEP-WRE is sold or transferred prior to NRCS purchase of the easement, NRCS will cancel the application or agreement to purchase and remove the acres from enrollment unless the new landowner meets the requirements of paragraph (c) of this section and accepts the terms and conditions of enrollment. The new landowner must submit required documentation for NRCS review and execute any required agreements or contracts. The decision to approve and execute an enrollment transferred prior to closing is at NRCS's discretion.

(e) Land eligibility. (1) Only private land or acreage owned by an Indian Tribe may be considered for enrollment into ACEP-WRE.

(2) NRCS will determine whether land is eligible for enrollment and whether, once found eligible, the lands may be included in the program based on the likelihood of successful restoration of such land and resultant wetland functions and values merit inclusion of such land in the program when considering the cost of acquiring the easement and the cost of the restoration, protection, enhancement, maintenance, management, and monitoring.

(3) Land will only be considered eligible for enrollment in the ACEP-WRE if NRCS determines that the enrollment of such land maximizes wildlife benefits and wetland function and values.

(4) To be determined eligible, NRCS must also determine that such land is—

(i) Farmed wetland or converted wetland, together with adjacent lands that are functionally dependent on the wetlands, if such land is identified by NRCS as:

(A) Wetlands farmed under natural conditions, farmed wetlands, prior converted cropland, commenced conversion wetlands, farmed wetland pastures, and agricultural lands substantially altered by flooding so as to develop and retain wetland functions and values; or

(B) Former or degraded wetlands that occur on lands that have been used or are currently being used for the production of food and fiber, including rangeland and forest production lands, where the hydrology has been significantly degraded or modified and will be substantially restored; or

(C) Farmed wetland and adjoining land enrolled in CRP that has the highest wetland functions and values and is likely to return to production after the land leaves CRP; or

(D) A riparian area along a stream or other waterway that links, or after restoring the riparian area, will link wetlands protected by the ACEP-WRE easement, another easement, or other device or circumstance that achieves the same objectives as an ACEP-WRE easement.

(ii) Cropland or grassland that was used for agricultural production prior to flooding from the natural overflow of—

(A) A closed basin lake, together with adjacent land that is functionally dependent upon it, if the State or other entity is willing to provide a 50-percent share of the cost of the easement; or

(B) A pothole and adjacent land that is functionally dependent on it; and

(C) The size of the parcel offered for enrollment is a minimum of 20 contiguous acres. Such land meets the requirement of likelihood of successful restoration only if the soils are hydric and the depth of water is 6.5 feet or less.

(5) If land offered for enrollment is determined eligible under this section, then NRCS may also enroll land adjacent or contiguous to such eligible land together with the eligible land, if such land maximizes wildlife benefits and contributes significantly to wetland functions and values. Such adjacent or contiguous land may include buffer areas, created wetlands, noncropped natural wetlands, riparian areas that do not meet the requirements of paragraph (e)(4)(i)(D) of this section, and restored wetlands, but not more than NRCS, in consultation with the State technical committee, determines is necessary to maximize wildlife benefits and contribute significantly to wetland functions and values. NRCS will not enroll as eligible adjacent or contiguous land any constructed wetlands that treat wastewater or contaminated runoff.

(6) To be enrolled in the program, eligible land must have sufficient access and be configured in a size and with boundaries that allow for the efficient management and monitoring of the area for program purposes and otherwise promote and enhance program objectives as determined by NRCS.

(f) Enrollment of CRP lands. Land subject to an existing CRP contract may be enrolled in ACEP-WRE only if the land and landowner meet the requirements of this part and the enrollment is requested by the landowner and agreed to by NRCS. To enroll in ACEP-WRE, the CRP contract for the property must be terminated or otherwise modified subject to such terms and conditions as are mutually agreed upon by FSA and the landowner.

(g) Ineligible land. The land specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through (7) of this section is not eligible for enrollment in the ACEP-WRE:

(1) Converted wetlands if the conversion was commenced after December 23, 1985;

(2) Land established to trees under the CRP, except in cases where the land meets all other WRE eligibility criteria, the established cover conforms to WRE restoration requirements and NRCS specifications, an active CRP contract will be terminated or otherwise modified upon purchase of the WRE easement, and any additional criteria NRCS uses to determine if enrollment of such lands would further the purposes of the program;

(3) Lands owned by the United States other than held in trust for Indian Tribes;

(4) Lands owned in fee title by a State, including an agency or a subdivision of a State or a unit of local government;

(5) Land subject to an easement or deed restriction which, as determined by NRCS, provides similar restoration and protection of wetland functions and values as would be provided by enrollment in ACEP-WRE;

(6) Lands where the purposes of the program or implementation of restoration practices would be undermined due to onsite or offsite conditions, including, but not limited to—

(i) Risk of hazardous materials or petroleum products either onsite or offsite;

(ii) Permitted or existing rights of way, either onsite or offsite, for infrastructure development;

(iii) Adjacent land uses, such as airports, that would either impede complete restoration or prevent wetland functions and values from being fully restored; or

(7) Land which NRCS determines to have unacceptable exceptions to clear title or legal access that is encumbered, nontransferable, restricted, or otherwise insufficient.

§ 1468.31 - Application procedures.

(a) Application for participation. To apply for enrollment, a landowner must submit an application to NRCS.

(b) Preliminary agency action. By filing an application, the landowner consents to an NRCS representative entering upon the land for purposes of assessing the wetland functions and values and for other activities, such as the ranking and development of the preliminary WRPO, that are necessary or desirable for NRCS to evaluate applications. The landowner is entitled to accompany an NRCS representative on any site visits.

(c) Voluntary reduction in costs. In order to enhance the probability of enrollment in ACEP-WRE, the landowner or someone other than the landowner may offer to contribute financially to the cost of the acquisition or restoration of the wetland reserve easement to leverage Federal funds. This offer must be made in writing to NRCS.

§ 1468.32 - Establishing priorities, ranking consideration, and project selection.

(a) When evaluating easements or 30-year contract applications from landowners, NRCS, with advice from the State technical committee, may consider:

(1) The conservation benefits of obtaining an easement or other interest in the land, including but not limited to—

(i) Habitat that will be restored for the benefit of migratory birds and wetland-dependent wildlife, including diversity of wildlife that will be benefitted or life-cycle needs that will be addressed;

(ii) Extent and use of habitat that will be restored for threatened, endangered, or other at-risk species or number of different at-risk species benefitted;

(iii) Protection or restoration of native vegetative communities;

(iv) Habitat diversity and complexity to be restored;

(v) Proximity and connectivity to other protected habitats;

(vi) Extent of beneficial adjacent land uses;

(vii) Proximity to impaired water bodies;

(viii) Extent of wetland losses within a geographic area, including wetlands generally or specific wetland types;

(ix) Capacity of the wetland to improve water quality;

(x) Hydrology restoration potential, which must comprise at least 50 percent of the points for conservation benefits.

(2) The cost effectiveness of each easement;

(3) Whether the landowner or another person or entity is offering to contribute financially to the cost of the easement or other interest in the land to leverage Federal funds;

(4) The extent to which the purposes of this part would be achieved on the land;

(5) The productivity of the land;

(6) The on-farm and off-farm environmental threats if the land is used for the production of agricultural commodities;

(7) Such other factors as NRCS determines are necessary to carry out the purposes of the program.

(b) To the extent practicable, taking into consideration costs and future agricultural and food needs, NRCS will give priority to—

(1) Obtaining permanent easements over shorter term easements; and

(2) Acquiring easements based on the value of the easement for protecting and enhancing habitat for migratory birds and other wetland-dependent wildlife or improving water quality, in coordination with FWS at the local level, as may be appropriate.

(c) NRCS, in consultation with the State technical committee, may place higher priority on—

(1) Certain land types or geographic regions of the State where restoration of wetlands may better achieve State and regional goals and objectives; and

(2) Land that is currently enrolled in CRP in a contract that is set to expire within 1 year from the date of application or land under a CRP contract that is in transition to a covered farmer or rancher pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 3835(f), and such land and is farmed wetland and adjoining land that has the highest wetland functions and values and is likely to return to production after the land leaves CRP.

(d) Notwithstanding any limitation of this part regarding priority ranking, NRCS may enroll eligible lands at any time to encompass total wetland areas subject to multiple ownership or otherwise to achieve program objectives. NRCS may, at any time, exclude enrollment of otherwise eligible lands if the participation of the adjacent landowners is essential to the successful restoration of the wetlands and those adjacent landowners are unwilling or ineligible to participate.

[85 FR 571, Jan. 6, 2020, as amended at 86 FR 8131, Feb. 4, 2021]
§ 1468.33 - Enrollment process.

(a) Tentative selection. Based on the priority ranking, NRCS will notify an affected landowner of tentative acceptance into the program.

(b) Effect of notice of tentative selection. The notice of tentative acceptance into the program does not bind NRCS or the United States to enroll the proposed project in ACEP-WRE, nor does it bind the landowner to continue with enrollment in the program. The notice informs the landowner of NRCS's intent to continue the enrollment process on their land.

(c) Acceptance and effect of offer of enrollment—(1) Wetland reserve easement. For applications requesting enrollment through a wetland reserve easement, NRCS will present an agreement to purchase to the landowner which will describe the easement area, the easement compensation amount, the easement terms and conditions, and other terms and conditions for participation that may be required by NRCS as appropriate. The easement compensation amount will be based upon the lowest of the fair market value of the land, the geographic area rate cap, or the landowner offer, as provided in § 1468.34 of this part. The landowner accepts enrollment in the ACEP-WRE by signing the agreement to purchase. NRCS will continue with easement acquisition activities after the property has been enrolled.

(2) 30-year contract. For applications requesting enrollment of acreage owned by an Indian Tribe through the 30-year contract option, NRCS will present an agreement to enter 30-year contract to the Tribal landowner which will describe the contract area, the contract compensation amount, the contract terms and conditions, and other terms and conditions for participation that may be required by NRCS as appropriate. The Tribal landowner accepts enrollment in the ACEP-WRE by signing the agreement to enter 30-year contract. NRCS will proceed with implementation of the WRPO after the 30-year contract has been executed.

(d) Restoration responsibility and the scope of enrollment. (1) The agreement to purchase or agreement to enter 30-year contract is the enrollment document that establishes the terms of enrollment consistent with the terms and conditions of this part and identifies the—

(i) Scope of the agreement between NRCS and the landowner,

(ii) Basis for NRCS to obligate funds,

(iii) Nature and method through which NRCS will provide ACEP-WRE technical and financial assistance to the landowner, and

(iv) Withholding of the landowner's share of the restoration cost from the easement payment for applicable 30-year or nonpermanent easement or 30-year contract enrollments.

(2) The agreement to purchase between NRCS and the landowner under the easement option also constitutes the agreement for—

(i) Granting an easement on the enrolled land and sufficient access to the enrolled land as set forth under § 1468.37,

(ii) Implementing a WRPO which provides for the restoration, protection, and management of the wetland functions and values,

(iii) Recording the easement in accordance with applicable State law, and

(iv) Ensuring the title to the easement is superior to the rights of all others, except for exceptions to the title that are deemed acceptable by NRCS and in accordance with Department of Justice Title Standards.

(3) The terms of the easement identified in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section includes the landowner's agreement to the implementation of a WRPO identified in paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section. In particular, the easement deed identifies that NRCS has the right to enter the easement area to undertake on its own or through an agreement with the landowner or other third party, any activities to restore, protect, enhance, manage, maintain, and monitor the wetland and other natural values of the easement area.

(4) At the time NRCS enters into an agreement to purchase, NRCS agrees, subject to paragraph (e) of this section, to acquire and provide for restoration of the land enrolled into the program.

(e) Withdrawal of offer of enrollment. Prior to execution of the easement deed or 30-year contract by the United States and the landowner, NRCS may withdraw the land from enrollment at any time due to lack of availability of funds, inability to clear title, insufficient access, sale of the land, risk of contamination from hazardous materials or petroleum products, or other reasons.

(f) Landowner failure to accept enrollment offer in timely manner. The offer of enrollment to the landowner will be void if not executed by the landowner within the time specified.

§ 1468.34 - Compensation for easements and 30-year contracts.

(a) Determination of easement compensation values. (1) Compensation for an easement or 30-year contract under this part will be made in cash in such amount as is agreed to and specified in the agreement to purchase or agreement to enter 30-year contract and finalized in the warranty easement deed or 30-year contract.

(2) Payments for 30-year easements, nonpermanent easements as limited by State law, or 30-year contracts will be not more than 75 percent of that which would have been paid for a permanent easement as determined by the methods listed in paragraph (a)(3) of this section.

(3) NRCS will pay as compensation the lowest of the values from paragraphs (a)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section:

(i) The fair market value of the land using the Uniform Standards for Professional Appraisal Practices or based on an area-wide market analysis or survey,

(ii) The geographic area rate cap determined under paragraph (a)(4) of this section, or

(iii) A written offer made by the landowner.

(4) Each fiscal year NRCS, in consultation with the State technical committee, will establish one or more geographic area rate caps within a State. NRCS will determine the geographic area rate cap using the best information which is readily available in that State. Such information may include soil types, types of crops capable of being grown, production history, location, real estate market values, and tax rates and assessments.

(b) Acceptance of offered easement compensation. (1) NRCS will not acquire any easement unless the landowner accepts the amount of the easement payment offered by NRCS. The easement payment may be less than the fair market value of the interests and rights to be conveyed by the landowner under the easement.

(2)(i) For easements or 30-year contracts valued at $500,000 or less, NRCS will provide compensation in up to 10 annual payments, as requested by the participant, as specified in the agreement to purchase or 30-year contract between NRCS and the participant.

(ii) For easements or 30-year contracts valued at more than $500,000, NRCS may provide compensation in at least 5, but not more than 10 annual payments. NRCS may provide compensation in a single payment for such easements or 30-year contracts when, as determined by the NRCS Chief, it would further the purposes of the program. The applicable payment schedule will be specified in the agreement to purchase or 30-year contract, entered into between NRCS and the landowner.

(c) Reimbursement of a landowner's expenses. For completed easement conveyances, NRCS will reimburse the landowner for fair and reasonable expenses, if any, incurred for legal boundary surveys and other related costs, as authorized and determined by NRCS.

(d) Per-acre-basis-calculations. If easement or 30-year contract compensation values are calculated on a per-acre basis, NRCS will identify an estimated amount in its agreement to purchase and the final easement or 30-year contract payment will be made based on final determination of value and acreage and specified in the warranty easement deed or 30-year contract.

§ 1468.35 - Wetland Reserve Enhancement Partnerships.

(a) The purpose of the Wetland Reserve Enhancement Partnership (WREP) option is to target and leverage resources to address high priority wetland protection, restoration, and enhancement objectives through agreements with States (including a political subdivision or agency of a State), nongovernmental organizations, or Indian Tribes.

(b) NRCS will establish priorities for funding, required level of partner contribution of resources, ranking criteria, and other criteria. NRCS will prioritize proposals that address wetland restoration needs of national or regional importance, including special project or area-wide proposals.

(c) NRCS will make the information regarding WREP available to the public and potential partners.

(d) NRCS will evaluate proposals and make final funding selections based upon the priorities identified in the public notice of funding availability.

(e) NRCS will enter into WREP agreements with partners who have projects selected for funding.

§ 1468.36 - WRPO payments.

(a) NRCS may provide financial assistance for implementing the WRPO on the enrolled land subject to an easement or 30-year contract. The amount and terms and conditions of the financial assistance will be subject to the restrictions in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section on the costs of establishing or installing conservation practices or eligible activities specified in the WRPO:

(1) On enrolled land subject to a permanent easement, NRCS will offer to pay at least 75 percent but not more than 100 percent of such costs; and

(2) On enrolled land subject to a 30-year or nonpermanent easement or 30-year contract, NRCS will offer to pay at least 50 percent but not more than 75 percent of such costs. The landowner's share of the WRPO implementation costs may be withheld from the easement or 30-year contract payment.

(b) Payments may be made only upon a determination by NRCS that an eligible conservation practice or component of the conservation practice has been implemented in compliance with appropriate NRCS standards and specifications; or an eligible activity has been implemented in compliance with the appropriate requirements detailed in the WRPO.

(c) Payments may be made for repair or replacement of an eligible conservation practice or activity, if NRCS determines that the conservation practice or eligible activity is still needed and that the disrepair or failure of the original conservation practice or eligible activity was due to reasons beyond the control of the participant.

(d) A participant may seek additional assistance from other public or private organizations as long as the conservation practices or eligible activities funded are approved by NRCS and implemented in compliance with this part.

§ 1468.37 - Easement and 30-year contract participation requirements.

(a) Easement requirements. (1) To enroll eligible land in ACEP-WRE through the permanent or 30-year easement option, a landowner will grant an easement to the United States. The easement will require that the easement area be maintained in accordance with ACEP-WRE goals and objectives for the duration of the term of the easement, including the restoration, protection, enhancement, maintenance, management, and monitoring of wetland and other land functions and values.

(2) For the duration of its term, the easement will require, at a minimum, that the landowner and the landowner's heirs, successors, and assigns will cooperate in the restoration, protection, enhancement, maintenance, management, and monitoring of the land in accordance with the warranty easement deed and with the terms of the WRPO. In addition, the easement will grant to the United States:

(i) A sufficient right of legal access to the easement area,

(ii) The right to authorize compatible uses of the easement area, including but not limited to such activities as hunting and fishing, managed timber harvest, water management, or periodic haying or grazing, if such use is consistent with the long-term protection and enhancement of the wetland resources for which the easement was established,

(iii) All rights, title, and interest in the easement area except those rights specifically reserved in the deed, and

(iv) The right to restore, protect, enhance, maintain, manage, and monitor activities on the easement area.

(3) The landowner will convey title to the easement in a manner that is acceptable to NRCS. The landowner will warrant that the easement granted to the United States is superior to the rights of all others, except for title exceptions deemed acceptable by NRCS.

(4) The participant will—

(i) Comply with the terms of the easement,

(ii) Comply with all terms and conditions of any related contract or agreement,

(iii) Agree to the permanent retirement of any existing cropland base and allotment history for the easement area, as determined by FSA,

(iv) Agree to the long-term restoration, protection, enhancement, maintenance, management, and monitoring of the easement in accordance with the terms of the easement and related agreements, and

(v) Agree that each person or legal entity that is subject to the easement will be jointly and severally responsible for compliance with the easement and the provisions of this part and for any refunds or payment adjustment which may be required for violation of any terms or conditions of the easement or the provisions of this part.

(b) 30-year contract requirements. (1) To enroll eligible land in ACEP-WRE through the 30-year contract option, a landowner will enter into a contract with NRCS. The contract will require that the enrolled area be maintained in accordance with ACEP-WRE goals and objectives for the duration of the contract, including the restoration, protection, enhancement, maintenance, management, and monitoring of wetland and other land functions and values.

(2) For the duration of the 30-year contract, the contract will require, at a minimum, that the landowner and the landowner's heirs, successors, and assigns will, consistent with the terms of this part, cooperate in the restoration, protection, enhancement, maintenance, management, and monitoring of the land in accordance with the contract and with the terms of the WRPO. In addition, the 30-year contract will grant to NRCS:

(i) A sufficient right of legal access to the entire contract area for the duration of the contract,

(ii) The right to authorize compatible uses of the contract area, including such activities as a traditional Tribal use of the land, hunting and fishing, managed timber harvest, water management, or periodic haying or grazing if such use is consistent with the long-term protection and enhancement of the wetland resources for which the contract was established, and

(iii) The right to restore, protect, enhance, maintain, manage, and monitor activities on the enrolled area.

(3) The landowner will—

(i) Comply with the terms of the contract,

(ii) Comply with all terms and conditions of any associated agreement,

(iii) Agree to the long-term restoration, protection, enhancement, maintenance, management, and monitoring of the enrolled area in accordance with the terms of the contract and related agreements, and

(iv) Agree that each person or legal entity that is subject to the contract will be jointly and severally responsible for compliance with the contract and the provisions of this part and for any refunds or payment adjustment which may be required for violation of any terms or conditions of the contract or the provisions of this part.

(c) Reservation of grazing rights. (1) NRCS may include in the terms and conditions of an easement a provision under which the landowner reserves grazing rights if NRCS determines that the reservation and use of the grazing rights:

(i) Is compatible with the land subject to the wetland reserve easement or 30-year contract,

(ii) Is consistent with the historical natural uses of the land and long-term wetland restoration, protection, and enhancement goals for which the wetland reserve easement or 30-year contract was established,

(iii) Is subject to a recorded exhibit to the deed outlining grazing purposes and limitations, and

(iv) Complies with a WRPO developed by NRCS, which may include a grazing management plan component that is consistent with the WRPO and is reviewed and modified as necessary, at least every 5 years.

(2) Compensation for easements or 30-year contracts where the grazing rights are reserved under this section will be based on the method described in § 1468.34, except such compensation will be reduced by an amount equal to the value of the reserved grazing rights, as determined by NRCS.

§ 1468.38 - Development and revision of the WRPO and associated compatible use authorizations.

(a) The WRPO will be developed and updated as determined by NRCS in consultation with the State technical committee and consideration of available site-specific technical input from FWS at the local level and others as appropriate.

(b) The WRPO will specify the manner in which the enrolled land will be restored, protected, enhanced, maintained, managed, and monitored to accomplish the goals of the program. The WRPO, and any revisions thereto, will be developed to ensure that cost-effective restoration and maximization of wildlife benefits and wetland functions and values will result. Specifically, the WRPO will consider and address, to the extent practicable, the onsite alterations and the offsite watershed conditions that adversely impact the hydrology and associated wildlife, water quality, and wetland functions and values.

(c) The WRPO will identify the conservation practices and eligible activities needed to restore the functions and values on the enrolled land. NRCS may review, revise, and supplement the WRPO as needed throughout the duration of the enrollment to ensure that program goals are fully and effectively achieved. Revisions to the WRPO may result in the addition of conservation practices or eligible activities needed to enhance, maintain, manage, repair, replace or otherwise to protect the functions and values of the easement or 30-year contract area.

(d) As required by the terms of the easement deed as described in § 1468.37(a)(2)(ii) or 30-year contract as described in § 1468.37(b)(2)(ii), NRCS may, in its sole discretion, authorize the landowner to conduct compatible uses as defined in this part on the easement or contract area. Compatible use authorizations are time-limited and may be modified or rescinded at any time by NRCS. In evaluating and authorizing compatible uses of the easement or contract area, NRCS will—

(1) Consider whether the authorized use will facilitate the practical administration and management of the land subject to the easement or contract; and

(2) Ensure that the authorized use furthers the functions and values for which the easement or 30-year contract was enrolled.

§ 1468.39 - Violations and remedies.

(a) Easement violations. (1) In the event of a violation of the easement involving the landowner, the landowner will be given reasonable notice and an opportunity to voluntarily correct the violation within 30 days of the date of the notice, or such additional time as NRCS determines is necessary to correct the violation at the landowner's expense.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(1) of this section, NRCS reserves the right to enter upon the easement or 30-year area at any time to remedy deficiencies or easement violations. Such entry may be made at the discretion of NRCS when such actions are deemed necessary to protect important wetland functions and values or other rights of the United States under the easement. The landowner will be liable for any costs incurred by the United States as a result of the landowner's failure to comply with easement obligations.

(3) If there is failure to comply with easement obligations, the easement will remain in effect, and NRCS may, in addition to any other remedy available to the United States, retain any payment otherwise required to be paid under this part and require the refund of any payment previously made under this part.

(b) 30-year contract or wetland reserve easement restoration agreements violations. (1) If NRCS determines that a landowner is in violation of the terms of a 30-year contract or wetland reserve easement restoration agreement, or documents incorporated by reference into the 30-year contract or wetland reserve easement restoration agreement, the landowner will be given reasonable notice and an opportunity to voluntarily correct the violation within 30 days of the date of the notice, or such additional time as NRCS determines is necessary to correct the violation. If the violation continues, NRCS may terminate the 30-year contract or wetland reserve easement restoration agreement.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a 30-year contract or wetland reserve easement restoration agreement termination is effective immediately upon a determination by the NRCS that the landowner has—

(i) Submitted false information,

(ii) Filed a false claim, or

(iii) Engaged in any act for which a finding of ineligibility for payments is permitted under this part.

(3) If NRCS terminates a 30-year contract or wetland reserve easement restoration agreement, the landowner will forfeit all rights for future payments under the 30-year contract or wetland reserve easement restoration agreement, and must refund all or part, as determined by NRCS, of the payments received, plus interest.

authority: 15 U.S.C. 714b and 714c; 16 U.S.C. 3865-3865d.
source: 85 FR 571, Jan. 6, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 1468.38