Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 18, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Dec 30, 2025
§ 1205.200 - General.

Referenda for the purpose of ascertaining whether producers and importers favor the issuance, continuance, amendment, suspension, or termination of the Cotton Research and Promotion Order shall be conducted in accordance with this subpart.

§ 1205.201 - Definitions.

(a) Act means the Cotton Research and Promotion Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 2101-2118; Pub. L. 89-502, as amended).

(b) Administrator means the Administrator of the Agricultural Marketing Service, or any officer or employee of USDA to whom authority has been delegated to act in the Administrator's stead.

(c) Agricultural Marketing Service also referred to as “AMS” means the Agricultural Marketing Service of the Department.

(d) Cotton means all Upland cotton harvested in the United States or imports of Upland cotton, including the Upland cotton content of the products derived thereof. The term cotton shall not, however, include any entry of imported cotton by an importer which has a value or weight less than the de minimis value established by the Secretary or industrial products as that term is defined by regulation.

(e) Upland Cotton means all cultivated varieties of the species Gossypium hirsutum L.

(f) Department means the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

(g) Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator for Field Operations and also referred to as “DAFO.”

(h) Farm Service Agency also referred to as “FSA” means the Farm Service Agency of the Department.

(i)(1) Importer means any person who enters, or withdraws from warehouse, cotton for consumption in the customs territory of the United States and who, during a 12-month period ending no later than 90 days prior to the conduct of the referendum, imported Upland cotton, and

(2) the term import means any such entry.

(j) Order means the Cotton Research and Promotion Order.

(k) Person means any individual 18 years of age or older, or any partnership, corporation, association, or any other entity.

(l) Producer means any person who shares in a cotton crop, or in the proceeds thereof, as an owner of the farm, cash tenant, landlord of a share tenant, share tenant, or sharecropper, that planted the cotton during the representative period.

(m) Representative Period means the period designated by the Secretary pursuant to section 8 of the Act (7 U.S.C. 2107).

(n) Secretary means the Secretary of Agriculture or any other officer or employee of the Department of Agriculture to whom there has heretofore been delegated, or to whom there may be hereafter be delegated, the authority to act in the Secretary's stead.

(o) State means each of the 50 states.

(p) United States means 50 states of the United States of America.

(q) Customs and Border Protection means the U.S. Customs and Border Protection of the Department of Homeland Security. Customs and Border Protection is also referred to as “CBP.”

§ 1205.202 - Agencies through which a referendum shall be conducted.

(a) Agricultural Marketing Service. The Administrator shall:

(1) Determine the referendum period.

(2) Give producers and importers reasonable advance notice of the referendum

(i) by utilizing without advertising expense, available media of public information (including, but not being limited to, press and radio facilities) to announce the dates, places, or methods of voting, and other pertinent information, and

(ii) by such other means as the Administrator may deem advisable.

(3) Provide ballots and related material to be used in the referendum to FSA. The ballots:

(i) shall provide for recording essential information for ascertaining whether the person voting is an eligible voter, and

(ii) may provide for recording the total amount of Upland cotton produced by the producer or the total amount of cotton imported by the importer during the appropriate representative period.

(4) Make available to producers through FSA county offices instructions on voting, an appropriate ballot and, except in the case of a referendum on the termination or suspension of an order, a summary of the terms and conditions of the order. The instructions on voting shall explain the method to be used in determining the amount of Upland cotton produced during the representative period and shall specify whether such amount is to be entered on the ballot by the voter, subject to the following terms and conditions:

(i) If a current production year for which harvesting has not been completed is designated as the representative period, the amount of Upland cotton produced shall be determined by the FSA county office on the basis of the acreage planted or in the case of approved prevented plantings under the disaster payment program, the acreage the person intended to plant up to the allotted acreage as determined by the FSA county office, and the established yield for FSA program payment purposes: Provided, That on farms for which an established yield has not been established, the county committee shall determine an established yield based on actual production records on the farm for the preceding three years, as adjusted for any abnormal conditions, if available; if not available, on the basis of yield on similar farms in the area.

(ii) On farms in which more than one eligible voter is engaged in production, the vote cast by each voter shall represent only the amount of Upland cotton that is the voter's share of the crop, or proceeds thereof.

(iii) If an eligible voter is engaged in production of Upland cotton on more than one farm, such voter is entitled to only one vote but any vote cast by such voter shall represent the total amount of Upland cotton that is that voter's share of the crop, or proceeds thereof, on all such farms: Provided, That only farms for which records are maintained by the FSA county office designated as the voter's polling place shall be considered unless the voter, prior to the expiration of the referendum period, establishes to the satisfaction of such county office the voter's share of the crop, or proceeds thereof, on an additional farm or farms.

(5) Make available to importers through FSA instructions on voting, an appropriate ballot and, except in the case of a referendum on the termination or suspension of an order, a summary of the terms and conditions of the order. The instructions on voting shall explain the appropriate method to be used in determining the amount of cotton imported during the representative period and specify whether such amount is to be entered on the ballot. If applicable, the following terms and conditions apply:

(i) For importer entities in which more than one importer is eligible to vote, the vote cast by each importer shall represent only the amount in weight or value of cotton imported by each eligible voter.

(ii) If an eligible importer is engaged in importation of cotton as more than one importer entity, such voter is entitled to only one vote but any vote cast by such voter shall represent the total amount in weight or value, of cotton in the voters share of cotton imported from each such importer entity: Provided, that only the importer entities for which records are maintained by CBP or other source determined by the Administrator shall be considered unless the voter, prior to the expiration of the referendum period, establishes to the satisfaction of the Administrator the voters share, in weight or value, of the imported cotton.

(b) Farm Service Agency. Except for the functions specified in paragraph (a) of this section the Deputy Administrator shall be in charge of and responsible for conducting the referendum. Each FSA county office shall be in charge and responsible for conducting such referendum in its State. Each county office shall be responsible for the proper holding of such referendum in its county. It shall be the duty of each FSA county office to conduct each referendum in a fair, unbiased, and impartial manner in accordance with the regulations in this subpart.

§ 1205.203 - Voting eligibility.

(a) General eligibility requirements. The following persons shall be eligible to vote in an announced referendum—

(1) each person who was engaged in the production of Upland cotton during the representative period; and

(2) each person who is an importer of Upland cotton and who, during a 12-month period ending no later than 90 days prior to the conduct of the referendum, imported Upland cotton.

(b) Special eligibility requirements. (1)(i) A person may qualify as an eligible voter by meeting the eligibility requirements, but no such person shall be entitled to more than one vote regardless of the number of importing entities or Upland cotton farms in which the person is interested or the number of communities, counties, or States in which are located farms in which such person is interested: Provided, however, That the individual members of a qualified partnership shall each have one vote, but the partnership as such shall not have a vote and an individual who qualifies as an eligible voter by reason of that individual's separate farming or importing operations will be entitled to one vote even though that person is interested in an entity such as (but not limited to) a corporation which is also eligible as a voter and entitled to one vote. A person who, as a guardian, administrator, executor, or trustee engages in the production of Upland cotton or importation of cotton will be eligible to vote in such a fiduciary capacity if, in such a capacity, that person qualifies as an eligible voter.

(ii) In such cases the person for whom he or she is acting in a fiduciary capacity will not be eligible to vote. An individual may, if otherwise eligible, cast a ballot in his or her individual capacity although that person may also cast a ballot as a guardian, administrator, executor, or trustee. An individual who holds more than one fiduciary position may vote as a fiduciary in each case in which that person is otherwise eligible, as for example, if an individual is administrator of estate X, he or she may cast a ballot as administrator of estate X, and if the same individual is administrator of estate Y, he or she may cast another ballot as administrator or estate Y.

(2) Where a group of several persons, such as a spouse or marital partner, and children, or unrelated individuals, are engaged in the production of Upland cotton under the same lease or cropping agreement, only the person or persons who signed or entered into the lease or cropping agreement shall be eligible to vote. In the event two or more persons are engaged in the production of Upland cotton as joint tenants, tenants in common, or owners of community property, each such person shall be entitled to one vote if otherwise qualified. For example, a husband or a wife is eligible to vote if he or she shares with his or her spouse in the proceeds of the required crop as an owner, cash tenant, share tenant, sharecropper or landlord of a fixed rent, standing rent or share tenant. Thus, if a husband and wife are tenants or sharecropper on a farm, jointly responsible under the rental or sharecropping agreement, both are eligible to vote. This is true whether the rental or sharecropping agreement is written, signed by both parties, or oral, provided both husband and wife made the oral agreement. A minor is not disqualified from voting solely because of minority if otherwise eligible and the minor is not less than 18 years of age.

(c) Voting by proxy prohibited. There shall be no voting by proxy or agent but a duly authorized officer of a corporation, association or their legal entity may cast its vote.

§ 1205.204 - Voting.

(a) Place of voting. The FSA county office serving the county in which the producer's farm is located shall be the producer's polling place. For a person not participating in an FSA program, the opportunity to vote in a referendum will be provided at the FSA county office serving the county where the person owns or rents land. If a person's operation is located in several counties, the voting office shall be determined based on the major portion of the operation's location. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, FSA, DAFO, P.O. Box 23704, Washington, DC 20026-3704 shall be the polling place for all cotton importers.

(b) Register of eligible voters. The FSA county office shall establish a register of known eligible producer voters prior to the referendum. AMS shall establish a register of known eligible importer voters prior to the referendum and provide the list to FAS.

(c) Voting. (1) For Upland producers to vote, eligible persons may obtain form CN-100 in-person, by mail or by facsimile from FSA county offices or through the Internet during the voting period. A completed and signed CN-100 and supporting documentation, such as a sales receipt or remittance form, must be returned to the appropriate FSA county office. Forms obtained via the Internet will be located at Upon request by Upland producers, ballots shall be mailed by FSA county offices.

(2) For cotton importers to vote, eligible persons may obtain form CN-100 in-person, by mail or by facsimile from USDA, FSA in Washington, D.C. or through the Internet during the voting period. In addition, before the referendum, USDA shall mail a request form to each known, eligible, cotton importer. A completed and signed CN-100 and supporting documentation of CBP Form 7501, must be returned USDA, FSA, DAFO, P.O. Box 23704, Washington, DC 20026-3704. Forms obtained via the Internet will be located at

(d) Returning ballot to polling place. Each person to whom a ballot is issued by Internet, mail, facsimile, or in-person shall only be allowed to vote in the referendum by completing and signing the ballot, placing it in an envelope, and delivering or mailing it to the appropriate polling place. In order to be eligible for tabulation, voted ballots must be received at the polling place during the period established for holding the referendum. A ballot shall be considered to have been received during the referendum period if:

(1) In the case of the ballot delivered to the polling place, it was received in the office prior to the close of the work day on the final day of the referendum period, or

(2) In the case of the mailed ballot, it was postmarked not later than midnight of the final day of the referendum period and was received in the polling place prior to the start of canvassing the ballots.

(e) Placing ballots in ballot box. Notwithstanding the fact that a ballot(s) may be later challenged by FSA county office or a representative of FSA, envelopes containing ballots received at the polling place during the referendum period shall remain unopened and shall be placed immediately in a ballot box provided by FSA for producers and importers. Such ballot box shall be arranged so that ballots cannot be read or moved without breaking the seal on the container.

§ 1205.205 - Canvass of ballots.

(a) Canvassing procedure. Canvassing of returned ballots shall take place as soon as possible after the opening of the FSA offices on the fifth day following the close of the referendum period. Such canvassing shall be in the presence of at least one member of the FSA county office for producer ballots or an FSA representative for importer ballots and shall be open to the public. The canvassing and ballots shall be handled in such a manner so that no member of the public may see how any person voted in the referendum. The county office or FSA representative shall supervise the opening of the sealed ballot box, the opening of the envelopes containing the ballots and a determination as to:

(1) The number of eligible voters favoring the Order and where necessary, the amount of cotton represented by them,

(2) The number of eligible voters disapproving the Order and, where necessary, the amount of cotton represented by them.

(3) The number of ballots cast by voters found to be ineligible to vote in the referendum, and

(4) The number of spoiled ballots. The ballots determined to be spoiled or cast by ineligible voters shall not be considered as approving or disapproving the Order, and the persons who cast such ballots shall not be regarded as participating in the referendum.

(b) Spoiled ballots. A ballot shall be considered as a spoiled ballot if:

(1) It is mutilated or marked in such a way that it is not possible to determine with certainty how the ballot was intended to be counted, or

(2) It does not contain the signature of the voter, or the voter's properly witnessed mark.

(c) Challenge of ballots. A producer ballot may be challenged by the member of the FSA county office and the importer ballot may be challenged by the representative of FSA. Before a challenged ballot is either counted or declared invalid, a determination shall be made by the FSA county office or representative of FSA as to the eligibility of the voter to vote in the referendum.

§ 1205.206 - Reporting results of referendum.

(a) Each FSA county office shall transmit a written county summary of ballots showing the results of the referendum in its county to its State office.

(b) Each State office shall transmit a written summary of the referendum results from the county offices within its State to DAFO, and DAFO will provide a copy to the AMS. AMS will make the results available for public inspection for a period of 5 years following the end of the referendum period.

(c) AMS shall prepare and submit to the Secretary a report as to the results of the referendum. The Secretary shall then publically proclaim the results of the referendum.

§ 1205.207 - Challenge of correctness of county summary of ballots.

The FSA state offices shall make a prompt investigation and decision in case of any dispute or challenge regarding the correctness of the county summary of ballots in any county: Provided, That no dispute of challenge shall be investigated unless it is brought to the attention of the State FSA office within 3 days after receipt by the FSA State office of the county summary of ballots from such county.

§ 1205.208 - Disposition of ballots and records.

The FSA county office shall seal the voted ballots, challenged ballots found to be ineligible, spoiled ballots, register sheets, and summary sheets for the county in one or more envelopes or packages, plainly marked with the identification of the referendum, the date and the names of the county and State, and place them under lock and key in a safe place under the custody of the FSA county office for a period of 45 days after the referendum period. If no notice to the contrary is received by the end of such time, and after the ballots and other records have been examined by a representative of the State FSA office, the voted ballots and challenged ballots shall be destroyed, but the registers and county summary sheets shall be filed for a period of 5 years in the office of the FSA county office.

§ 1205.209 - Confidential information.

(a) The ballots cast or the manner in which any person voted and all information furnished to, compiled by, or in the possession of the referendum agent shall be regarded as confidential.

(b) The ballots and other information or reports that reveal, or tend to reveal, the vote of any person covered under the Order and the voter list shall be strictly confidential and shall not be disclosed.

§ 1205.210 - Additional instructions and forms.

AMS is hereby authorized to prescribe additional instructions and forms not inconsistent with the provisions of this subpart for the use of State and County FSA offices in conducting a referendum. Such additional instructions may include procedures for FSA county and State offices to report and announce the results of the preliminary count of the votes in the county and the State.

cite as: 7 CFR 1205.210