Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 25, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Feb 12, 2025
§ 1207.500 - Definitions.

(a) Unless otherwise defined in this subpart, definitions of terms used in this subpart shall have the same meaning as the definitions of such terms which appear in Subpart—Potato Research and Promotion Plan.

(b) Processor. Processor means any person who commercially processes potatoes into potato products, including, but not restricted to, frozen, dehydrated, or canned potato products, potato chips and shoestrings, and flour.

(c) Imported frozen or processed potatoes for ultimate consumption by humans. Imported frozen or processed potatoes for ultimate consumption by humans means products which are imported into the United States which the Secretary determines contain a substantial amount of potato.

[37 FR 17379, Aug. 26, 1972, as amended at 56 FR 40231, Aug. 14, 1991; 57 FR 40083, Sept. 2, 1992]
§ 1207.501 - [Reserved]
§ 1207.502 - Determination of membership.

(a) Pursuant to § 1207.320 and the recommendation of the Board, annual producer memberships on the Board shall be determined on the basis of the average potato production of the 3 preceding years in each State as set forth in the Crop Production Annual Summary Reports issued by the National Agricultural Statistics Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. If a State's potato production data is not provided by the National Agricultural Statistics Service, the Board may use an alternative data source that reliably reflects potato production in the United States.

(b) Pursuant to § 1207.320 and the recommendation of the Board, annual importer memberships on the Board shall be determined on the basis of the average potato, potato product, and seed potato importation of the 3 preceding years as determined by the Board's records.

[56 FR 40231, Aug. 14, 1991, as amended at 87 FR 22435, Apr. 15, 2022]
§ 1207.503 - Nominations.

(a) Pursuant to § 1207.322 of the plan, the Board shall assist producers in producing sections or States each year to nominate producer members for the Board. Such nominations may be conducted at meetings or with ballots submitted by mail, electronic mail, facsimile, or any other means of communication. One individual shall be nominated for each position to become vacant. A list of nominees shall be submitted to the Secretary for consideration by November 1 of each year.

(b) Pursuant to § 1207.322 of the plan, the Board shall assist importers each year to nominate importer members for the Board. Such nominations may be conducted at meetings or with ballots submitted by mail, electronic mail, facsimile, or any other means of communication.

(c) Nomination meetings or balloting by mail, electronic mail, facsimile, or any other means of communication shall be well publicized with notice given to producers, importers, and the Secretary at least 10 days prior to each meeting or distribution of ballots.

(d) The public member shall be nominated by the producer and importer members of the Board.

[37 FR 17379, Aug. 26, 1972, as amended at 49 FR 2093, Jan. 18, 1984; 56 FR 40231, Aug. 14, 1991; 62 FR 46179, Sept. 2, 1997; 89 FR 863, Jan. 8, 2024]
§ 1207.504 - Term of office.

(a) The term of office of Board members shall be for three years and shall begin March 1 and end on the last day of February.

(b) Board members shall serve during the term of office for which they are selected and have qualified and until their successors are selected and have qualified.

[38 FR 7123, Mar. 16, 1973, as amended at 49 FR 2093, Jan. 18, 1984; 89 FR 863, Jan. 8, 2024]
§ 1207.505 - Procedure.

(a) The procedure for conducting the Board's meetings shall be in accordance with the bylaws adopted by the Board on June 7, 1972, and approved by the Secretary and any subsequent amendments adopted by the Board and approved by the Secretary.

(b) Each importer member shall be entitled to not less than one vote. Importer members shall also be entitled to one additional vote for each 1 million hundredweight, or major fraction thereof, on a fresh-weight basis, of imported tablestock potatoes, potato products, or seed potatoes, as determined by data on imports provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The casting of such votes shall be determined by the importer members.

[62 FR 46179, Sept. 2, 1997]
§ 1207.506 - Policy.

(a) It shall be the policy of the Board to carry out an effective and continuous coordinated program of marketing research, development, advertising, and promotion in order to help maintain and expand existing domestic and foreign markets for potatoes and to develop new or improved markets.

(b) It shall be the objective of the Board to carry out programs and projects which will provide maximum benefit to the potato industry and no undue preference shall be given to any of the various industry segments.

§ 1207.507 - Administrative Committee.

(a) The Board shall annually select from among its members an Administrative Committee composed of producer members as provided for in the Board's bylaws, one or more importer members, and the public member. Selection shall be made in such manner as the Board may prescribe: Except that such committee shall include the Chairperson and nine Vice-Chairpersons, one of whom shall also serve as the Secretary and Treasurer of the Board.

(b) The Administrative Committee shall act for the Board in implementing such marketing research, development, advertising, and/or promotion activities as directed by the Board, and shall, subject to such direction, be charged with developing and submitting to the Secretary for his approval specific programs or projects in the name of the Board. The Administrative Committee shall further act for the Board in authorizing contracts or agreements for the development and carrying out of such programs or projects and the payment of the costs thereof with funds collected pursuant to § 1207.342 of the plan.

(1) The Administrative Committee also shall act for the Board in contracting with cooperating agencies for the collection of assessments pursuant to § 1207.513(d).

(2) [Reserved]

(c) The Board may assign such other administrative powers and duties to the Administrative Committee as it shall determine, and the Administrative Committee shall act on behalf of and in the name of the Board in all administrative matters.

[37 FR 17379, Aug. 26, 1972, as amended by Amdt. 6, 42 FR 55879, Oct. 20, 1977; 44 FR 25621, May 2, 1979; 50 FR 25199, June 18, 1985; 56 FR 40231, Aug. 14, 1991; 59 FR 44036, Aug. 26, 1994; 71 FR 76901, Dec. 22, 2006; 78 FR 52082, Aug. 22, 2013; 89 FR 863, Jan. 8, 2024]
§ 1207.508 - USDA costs.

Pursuant to § 1207.341 of the Plan the Board shall pay those administrative costs incurred by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the conduct of its duties under the Plan as are determined periodically by the Secretary. Payment shall be due promptly after billing for such costs.

[49 FR 26202, June 27, 1984]
§ 1207.510 - Levy of assessments.

(a) Domestic assessments. (1) An assessment rate of 3 cents per hundredweight shall be levied on all potatoes produced within the 50 states of the United States.

(2) No assessment shall be levied on potatoes grown in the 50 States of the United States by producers of less than 5 acres of potatoes.

(b) Assessments on imports. (1) An Assessment rate of 3 cents per hundredweight shall be levied on all tablestock potatoes imported into the United States for ultimate consumption by humans and all seed potatoes imported into the United States. An assessment rate of 3 cents per hundredweight shall be levied on the fresh weight equivalents of imported frozen or processed potatoes for ultimate consumption by humans. The importer of imported tablestock potatoes, potato products, or seed potatoes shall pay the assessment to the Board through the U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the time of entry or withdrawal for consumption of such potatoes and potato products into the United States.

(2) The following conversion factors shall be used to determine the fresh weight equivalents of frozen and processed potato products:

Frozen potato products.50
Canned potatoes.636
Potato chips and shoestring potatoes.245
Dehydrated potato products.14
Potato starch.1111

(3) The Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) categories and assessment rates on imported tablestock potatoes and frozen or processed potatoes for ultimate consumption by humans and on imported seed potatoes are listed in the following table. In the event that any HTS number subject to assessment is changed and such change is merely a replacement of a previous number and has no impact on the description of the potatoes, assessments will continue to be collected based on the new numbers.

Tablestock potatoes, frozen or processed potatoes, and seed potatoes Assessment
Cents/cwt Cents/kg

(4) No assessments shall be levied on otherwise assessable potatoes which are contained in imported products wherein potatoes are not a principal ingredient.

(c) Potatoes and potato products used for nonhuman food purposes, other than seed, are exempt from assessment but are subject to the disposition of exempted potatoes provisions of § 1207.515 of this subpart.

(d) No more than one such assessment shall be made on any potatoes or potato products.

[57 FR 40083, Sept. 2, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 3359, Jan. 8, 1993; 59 FR 44036, Aug. 26, 1994; 71 FR 11296, Mar. 7, 2006; 71 FR 50330, Aug. 25, 2006; 74 FR 63543, Dec. 4, 2009; 75 FR 14491, Mar. 26, 2010; 87 FR 22436, Apr. 15, 2022]
§ 1207.511 - Determination of assessable quantity.

The assessable quantity of potatoes in any lot shall be determined on the basis of utilization. Assessments shall be due on the entire lot handled for human consumption, seed, or unspecified purposes if there is no accounting made on the basis of the utilization of such lot. However, if the accounting identifies all or portions of such lot on the basis of utilization, assessments shall be due only on that portion utilized for human consumption and seed.

§ 1207.512 - Designated handler.

The assessment on each lot of potatoes produced in the 50 States of the United States and handled shall be paid by the designated handler as hereafter set forth.

(a) Unless otherwise provided in paragraphs (a)(8), (b), and (c) of this section, the designated handler shall be the first handler of such potatoes. The first handler is the person who initially performs a handler function as heretofore defined. Such person may be a fresh shipper, processor, or other person who first places the potatoes in the channels of commerce. A producer who grades, packs, or otherwise performs handler functions thereby becomes a handler and as such assumes first handler responsibilities under this part. The following examples are provided to aid in identification of first handlers who are designated handlers:

(1) Producer delivers field-run potatoes of his own production to a handler for preparation for market. The handler in this instance is the designated handler, regardless of whether he subsequently handles such potatoes for his own account or for the account of the producer.

(2) Producer delivers field-run potatoes of his own production to a handler who takes title to such potatoes and places them in storage for subsequent handling. The handler who purchases such potatoes from the producer is the designated handler.

(3) Producer delivers field-run potatoes to a commercial storage facility for the purpose of holding such potatoes under his own account for later sale. There is no designated handler in this instance since such potatoes have not been handled as heretofore defined and no assessment is due. The designated handler of such potatoes would be identified on the basis of subsequent handling of such potatoes.

(4) Fresh shipper purchases a lot of potatoes from a producer, packs a portion of such potatoes for fresh market, and delivers the balance to a processor. The fresh shipper is the designated handler for all potatoes in the lot.

(5) Handler purchases potatoes from a producer's field or storage for the purpose of preparing such potatoes for market or for transporting such potatoes to storage for subsequent handling. The handler who purchases such potatoes from the producer is the designated handler.

(6) Producer packs and sells potatoes of his own production from the field, roadside stand, or storage to a consumer, itinerant trucker, or other buyer. In performing such handler functions the producer assumes the responsibility of designated handler.

(7) Processor utilizes potatoes of his own production in the manufacture of potato chips, frozen, dehydrated, or canned products for human consumption. In so handling potatoes, the processor assumes the responsibility of designated handler.

(8) Producer utilizes potatoes of his own production for seed in planting his subsequent crop. Such seed potatoes do not enter the current of commerce; there is no designated handler in this instance since the potatoes have not been handled as heretofore defined and no assessment is due. However, seed potatoes sold or shipped to other producers for planting or to other persons for subsequent disposition enter the current of commerce and are subject to assessment. The producer of seed potatoes shall be the designated handler of such potatoes shipped to other producers for planting and the assessment is due when he first sells or otherwise handles such potatoes. The first person who acquires seed potatoes from the producer thereof for subsequent disposition other than planting by said person shall be the designated handler of such potatoes. However, the seed producer will be the designated handler responsible for filing reports and making payments, unless he can show that the first person who obtained the potatoes from him disposed of them other than by planting. To show this the seed producer must submit to the Potato Board the name and address of the first person who obtained the potatoes from him and an invoice of sale or settlement sheet on which it is indicated that such person will be the designated handler and therefore will be responsible for the payment of the assessments. Only by showing this is the seed producer no longer considered the designated handler and therefore not liable for the assessments.

(b) Any person who handles potatoes for a producer thereof under oral or written contract or agreement providing for the sale thereof shall be the designated handler for such potatoes, notwithstanding the fact that the producer may have graded, packed, or otherwise handled such potatoes and thereby became the first handler of such potatoes.

Examples.A cooperative marketing association, or other person, who makes an accounting to the producer, or pay the proceeds of the sale to the producer would be the designated handler responsible for the assessment.

(c) Any processor who purchases potatoes from the producer thereof shall be the designated handler even though the producer may have graded, packed, or otherwise handled such potatoes and thereby became the first handler of such potatoes.

[37 FR 17379, Aug. 26, 1972, as amended by Amdt. 4, 40 FR 7893, Feb. 24, 1975; Amdt. 7, 43 FR 9133, Mar. 6, 1978; Amdt. 8, 43 FR 51001, Nov. 2, 1978; 56 FR 40231, Aug. 14, 1991]
§ 1207.513 - Payment of assessments.

(a) Time of payment. The assessment on domestically produced potatoes shall become due at the time a determination of assessable potatoes is made in the normal handling process, pursuant to § 1207.511. If no determination is made of the utilization of a lot, assessments shall be due on the entire lot when it enters the current of commerce. The assessment on imported potatoes, potato products, and seed potatoes shall become due at the time of entry, or withdrawal, for consumption into the United States.

(b) Responsibility for payment. (1) The designated handler is responsible for payment of the assessment on domestically produced potatoes. He may pay with no reimbursement from the producer. In the alternative, he may collect the assessment from the producer, or deduct such assessment from the proceeds paid to the producer on whose potatoes the assessment is made, provided he furnishes the producer with evidence of such payment. Any such collection or deduction of assessment shall be made not later than the time when the assessment becomes payable by the handler to the Board. Failure of the handler to collect or deduct such assessment does not relieve the handler of his obligation to remit the assessment to the Board.

(2) The Customs Service shall collect payment of assessment on imported potatoes, potato products, and seed potatoes from importers and forward such assessment per agreement between the Customs Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Importers shall be responsible for payment of assessment directly to the Board of any assessment due but not collected by the Customs Service at the time of entry, or withdrawal, for consumption into the United States. An importer may apply to the Board for reimbursement of assessments paid on exempted products.

(c) Payment directly to the Board. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section, each designated handler or importer shall remit assessments directly to the Board by check or electronic payment. Checks are to be made payable to the National Potato Promotion Board or the Board's official doing business as name. Payment is due not later than 10 days after the end of the month such assessment is due together with a report (preferably on Board forms) thereon.

(2) All designated handlers, including a designated handler whose own production is handled and assessments to the Board paid by another designated handler, shall report to the Board:

(i) Date of report (which is also date of payment to the Board).

(ii) The name and address of the designated handler;

(iii) The period potatoes were handled;

(iv) The total quantity of potatoes determined to be assessable during the period potatoes were handled, pursuant to § 1207.511.

(3) Designated handlers who collect assessments from producers or withhold assessments from their accounts or pay the assessment themselves shall also include a list of all such producers whose potatoes were handled during the period, their addresses and the total assessable quantities handled for each such producer.

(i) In lieu of such a list, the designated handler may substitute authentic copies of settlement sheets given to each producer provided such settlement sheets contain all the information listed above.

(ii) The words “final report” shall be shown on the last report at the close of his marketing season or at the end of each fiscal period if such handler markets potatoes on a year-round basis.

(4) Prepayment of assessment: (i) In lieu of the monthly assessment and reporting requirements of paragraph (b) of this section, the Board may permit designated handlers to make advance payments of their total estimated assessments for the season to the Board prior to their actual determination of assessable potatoes. Such procedure may be permitted when it is considered by the designated handler to be the more practical method of payment.

(ii) Persons using such procedure shall provide a final annual accounting of actual handling and assessments.

(iii) Specific requirements, instructions, and forms for making such advance payments shall be provided by the Board upon request.

(d) Payment through cooperating agency. The Board may authorize other organizations to collect assessments in its behalf. In any State or area in which the Board has negotiated an agreement to collect assessments with an agency such as a State Potato Commission or a Potato Association approved by the Secretary, the designated handler shall pay the assessment to such agency in the time and manner, and with such identifying information as specified in such agreement. Such an agreement shall not provide any cooperating agency with authority to collect confidential information from handlers; to qualify, the cooperating agency must on its own accord have access to all information required by the Board for collection purposes. If the Board requires further evidence of payment than provided, it may acquire such evidence from individual designated handlers.

(1) All such agreements are subject to the requirement of § 1207.352 Confidential treatment, of the plan, the provisions of section 310(c) of the Act, and all applicable rules and regulations and financial safeguards in effect under the Act and the plan; and all affected persons shall agree to, and conduct their operations and activities in accordance with, such requirements.

(2) [Reserved]

[37 FR 17379, Aug. 26, 1972, as amended by Amdt. 6, 42 FR 55879, Oct. 20, 1977; 56 FR 40231, Aug. 14, 1991; 62 FR 46179, Sept. 2, 1997; 87 FR 22436, Apr. 15, 2022]
§ 1207.514 - Exemption for organic potatoes.

(a) A producer who operates under an approved National Organic Program (7 CFR part 205) (NOP) organic production system plan may be exempt from the payment of assessments under this part, provided that:

(1) Only agricultural products certified as “organic” or “100 percent organic” (as defined in the NOP) are eligible for exemption;

(2) The exemption shall apply to all certified “organic” or “100 percent organic” (as defined in the NOP) products of a producer regardless of whether the agricultural commodity subject to the exemption is produced by a person that also produces conventional or nonorganic agricultural products of the same agricultural commodity as that for which the exemption is claimed;

(3) The producer maintains a valid certificate of organic operation as issued under the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 6501-6522)(OFPA) and the NOP regulations issued under OFPA (7 CFR part 205); and

(4) Any producer so exempted shall continue to be obligated to pay assessments under this part that are associated with any agricultural products that do not qualify for an exemption under this section.

(b) To apply for exemption under this section, the producer shall submit a request to the Board on an Organic Exemption Request Form (Form AMS-15) at any time during the year initially, and annually thereafter on or before July 1, for as long as the producer continues to be eligible for the exemption.

(c) The producer request for exemption shall include the following:

(1) The applicant's full name, company name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address;

(2) Certification that the applicant maintains a valid certificate of organic operation issued under the OFPA and the NOP;

(3) Certification that the applicant produces organic products eligible to be labeled “organic” or “100 percent organic” under the NOP;

(4) A requirement that the applicant attach a copy of their certificate of organic operation issued by a USDA-accredited certifying agent under the OFPA and the NOP;

(5) Certification, as evidenced by signature and date, that all information provided by the applicant is true; and

(6) Such other information as may be required by the Board, with the approval of the Secretary.

(d) If a producer complies with the requirements of this section, the Board will grant an assessment exemption and issue a Certificate of Exemption to the producer within 30 days. If the application is disapproved, the Board will notify the applicant of the reason(s) for disapproval within the same timeframe.

(e) A producer approved for exemption under this section shall provide a copy of the Certificate of Exemption to each handler to whom the producer sells potatoes. The handler shall maintain records showing the exempt producer's name and address and the exemption number assigned by the Board.

(f) An importer who imports products that are eligible to be labeled as “organic” or “100 percent organic” under the NOP, or certified as “organic” or “100 percent organic” under a U.S. equivalency arrangement established under the NOP, shall be exempt from the payment of assessments on those products. Such importer may submit documentation to the Board and request an exemption from assessment on certified “organic” or “100 percent organic” potatoes, potato products, and seed potatoes on an Organic Exemption Request Form (Form AMS-15) at any time initially, and annually thereafter on or before July 1, as long as the importer continues to be eligible for the exemption. This documentation shall include the same information required of producers in paragraph (c) of this section. If the importer complies with the requirements of this section, the Board will grant the exemption and issue a Certificate of Exemption to the importer. If Customs collects the assessment on exempt product that is identified as “organic” by a number in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, the Board must reimburse the exempt importer the assessments paid upon receipt of such assessments from Customs. For all other exempt organic product for which Customs collects the assessment, the importer may apply to the Board for a reimbursement of assessments paid, and the importer must submit satisfactory proof to the Board that the importer paid the assessment on exempt organic product. Any importer so exempted shall continue to be obligated to pay assessments under this part that are associated with any imported agricultural products that do not qualify for an exemption under this section.

(g) The exemption will apply immediately following the issuance of the Certificate of Exemption.

[70 FR 2755, Jan. 14, 2005, as amended at 80 FR 82024, Dec. 31, 2015]
§ 1207.515 - Safeguards.

The Board may require reports by designated handlers and importers on the handling, importation, and disposition of exempted potatoes. Also, authorized employees of the Board or the Secretary, may inspect such books and records as are appropriate and necessary to verify the reports on such disposition.

[37 FR 17379, Aug. 26, 1972, as amended at 56 FR 40232, Aug. 14, 1991]
§ 1207.532 - Retention period for records.

Each handler and importer required to make reports pursuant to this subpart shall maintain and retain such records for at least 2 years beyond the end of the marketing year of their applicability:

(a) One copy of each report made to the Board; and

(b) Such records as are necessary to verify such reports.

[37 FR 17379, Aug. 26, 1972, as amended at 56 FR 40232, Aug. 14, 1991]
§ 1207.533 - Availability of records.

(a) Each handler and importer required to make reports pursuant to this subpart shall make available for inspection by authorized employees of the Board or the Secretary during regular business hours, such records as are appropriate and necessary to verify reports required under this subpart.

(b) Importers shall also maintain for 2 years records on the total quantities of potatoes imported and on the total quantities of potato products imported, and a record of each importation of potatoes, potato products, and seed potatoes including quantity, date, and port of entry, and shall make such records available for inspection by authorized employees of the Board or the Secretary during regular business hours.

[56 FR 40232, Aug. 14, 1991]
§ 1207.534 - OMB control number assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.

The information collection requirements contained in this part have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the provisions of 44 U.S.C. Chapter 35 and have been assigned OMB Control number 0581-0093.

[49 FR 23826, June 8, 1984]
§ 1207.540 - Confidential books, records, and reports.

All information obtained from the books, records, and reports of handler and importers and all information with respect to refunds of assessments made to individual producers and importers shall be kept confidential in the manner and to the extent provided for in § 1207.352 of the Plan.

[56 FR 40232, Aug. 14, 1991]
§ 1207.545 - Right of the Secretary.

All fiscal matters, programs or projects, rules or regulations, reports, or other substantive action proposed and prepared by the Board shall be submitted to the Secretary for his approval.

§ 1207.546 - Personal liability.

No member of the Board shall be held personally responsible, either individually or jointly with others, in any way whatsoever to any person for errors in judgment, mistakes, or other acts, either of commission or omission, as such member, except for acts of willful misconduct, gross negligence, or those which are criminal in nature.

cite as: 7 CFR 1207.540