Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 18, 2025
Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Dec 30, 2025
§ 1210.500 - Terms defined.
Unless otherwise defined in this subpart, definitions of terms used in this subpart shall have the same meaning as the definitions of such terms which appear in subpart—Watermelon Research and Promotion Plan.
§ 1210.501 - Realignment of districts.
In accordance with § 1210.320(c) of the Plan, the districts shall be as follows:
(a) District 1—The State of Florida.
(b) District 2—The State of Georgia.
(c) District 3—The States of Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.
(d) District 4—The States of Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Washington, DC.
(g) District 5—The States of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
[85 FR 56475, Sept. 14, 2020]
§ 1210.502 - Board members.
The Board consists of 10 producers, 10 handlers, nine importers, and one public member appointed by the Secretary.
[85 FR 56475, Sept. 14, 2020]
§ 1210.504 - Contracts.
The Board, with the approval of the Secretary, may enter into contracts or make agreements with persons for the development and submission to it of programs or projects authorized by the Plan and for carrying out such programs or projects. Contractors shall agree to comply with the provisions of this part. Subcontractors who enter into contracts or agreements with a Board contractor and who receive or otherwise utilize funds allocated by the Board shall be subject to the provisions of this part. All records of contractors and subcontractors applicable to contracts entered into by the Board are subject to audit by the Secretary.
§ 1210.505 - Department of Agriculture costs.
Pursuant to § 1210.340, the Board shall reimburse the Department of Agriculture for referendum and administrative costs incurred by the Department with respect to the Plan. The Board shall pay those costs incurred by the Department for the conduct of Department duties under the Plan as determined periodically by the Secretary. The Department will bill the Board monthly and payment shall be due promptly after the billing of such costs. Funds to cover such expenses shall be paid from assessments collected pursuant to § 1210.341.
[55 FR 13256, Apr. 10, 1990, as amended at 60 FR 10800 Feb. 28, 1995]
§ 1210.515 - Levy of assessments.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 104398, Dec. 23, 2024.
(a) An assessment of three cents per hundredweight shall be levied on all watermelons produced for ultimate consumption as human food, and an assessment of three cents per hundredweight shall be levied on all watermelons first handled for ultimate consumption as human food. An assessment of six cents per hundredweight shall be levied on all watermelons imported into the United States for ultimate consumption as human food at the time of entry in the United States.
(b) The import assessment shall be uniformly applied to imported watermelons that are identified by the numbers 0807.11.30 and 0807.11.40 in the Harmonized Tariff Scheudle of the United States of any other number used to identify fresh watermelons for consumption as human food. The U.S. Customs Service (USCS) will collect assessments on such watermelons at the time of entry and will forward such assessment as per the agreement between USCS and USDA. Any importer or agent who is exempt from payment of assessments may submit the Board adequate proof of the volume handled by such importer for the exemption to be granted.
(c) Watermelons used for non-human food purposes are exempt from assessment requirements but are subject to the safeguard provisions of § 1210.521.
[55 FR 13256, Apr. 10, 1990, as amended at 60 FR 10800, Feb. 28, 1995; 72 FR 41428, July 30, 2007; 72 FR 61051, Oct. 29, 2007]
§ 1210.516 - Exemption for organic watermelons.
(a) A producer or handler who operates under an approved National Organic Program (7 CFR part 205) (NOP) organic production or handling system plan may be exempt from the payment of assessments under this part, provided that:
(1) Only agricultural products certified as “organic” or “100 percent organic” (as defined in the NOP) are eligible for exemption;
(2) The exemption shall apply to all certified “organic” or “100 percent organic” (as defined in the NOP) products of a producer or handler regardless of whether the agricultural commodity subject to the exemption is produced or handled by a person that also produces or handles conventional or nonorganic agricultural products of the same agricultural commodity as that for which the exemption is claimed;
(3) The producer or handler maintains a valid certificate of organic operation as issued under the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 6501-6522)(OFPA) and the NOP regulations issued under the OFPA (7 CFR part 205); and
(4) Any producer or handler so exempted shall continue to be obligated to pay assessments under this part that are associated with any agricultural products that do not qualify for an exemption under this section.
(b) To apply for exemption under this section, an eligible producer or handler shall submit a request to the Board on an Organic Exemption Request Form (Form AMS-15) at any time during the year initially, and annually thereafter on or before January 1, for as long as the producer or handler continues to be eligible for the exemption.
(c) The request for exemption shall include the following:
(1) The applicant's full name, company name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address;
(2) Certification that the applicant maintains a valid certificate of organic operation issued under the OFPA and the NOP;
(3) Certification that the applicant produces or handles organic products eligible to be labeled “organic” or “100 percent organic” under the NOP;
(4) A requirement that the applicant attach a copy of their certificate of organic operation issued by a USDA-accredited certifying agent under the OFPA and the NOP;
(5) Certification, as evidenced by signature and date, that all information provided by the applicant is true; and
(6) Such other information as may be required by the Board, with the approval of the Secretary.
(d) If a producer or handler complies with the requirements of this section, the Board will grant an assessment exemption and issue a Certificate of Exemption to the producer or handler within 30 days. If the application is disapproved, the Board will notify the applicant of the reason(s) for disapproval within the same timeframe.
(e) The producer shall provide a copy of the Certificate of Exemption to each handler to whom the producer sells watermelons. The handler shall maintain records showing the exempt producer's name and address and the exemption number assigned by the Board.
(f) An importer who imports products that are eligible to be labeled as “organic” or “100 percent organic” under the NOP, or certified as “organic” or “100 percent organic” under a U.S. equivalency arrangement established under the NOP, may be exempt from the payment of assessments on those products. Such importer may submit documentation to the Board and request an exemption from assessment on certified “organic” or “100 percent organic” watermelons on an Organic Exemption Request Form (Form AMS-15) at any time initially, and annually thereafter on or before January 1, as long as the importer continues to be eligible for the exemption. This documentation shall include the same information required of producers in paragraph (c) of this section. If the importer complies with the requirements of this section, the Board will grant the exemption and issue a Certificate of Exemption to the importer. If Customs collects the assessment on exempt product that is identified as “organic” by a number in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, the Board must reimburse the exempt importer the assessments paid upon receipt of such assessments from Customs. For all other exempt organic product for which Customs collects the assessment, the importer may apply to the Board for a reimbursement of assessments paid, and the importer must submit satisfactory proof to the Board that the importer paid the assessment on exempt organic product. Any importer so exempted shall continue to be obligated to pay assessments under this part that are associated with any imported agricultural products that do not qualify for an exemption under this section.
(g) The exemption will apply immediately following the issuance of the Certificate of Exemption.
[70 FR 2756, Jan. 14, 2005, as amended at 80 FR 82026, Dec. 31, 2015]
§ 1210.517 - Determination of handler.
The producer and handler assessments on each lot of watermelons handled shall be paid by the handler. Unless otherwise provided in this section, the handler responsible for payment of assessments shall be the first handler of such watermelons. The first handler is the person who initially performs a handling function as heretofore defined. Such person may be a fresh shipper, processor, or other person who first places the watermelons in the current of commerce.
(a) The following examples are provided to aid in the identification of first handlers:
(1) Producer grades, packs, and sells watermelons of own production to a handler. In this instance, it is the handler, not the producer, who places the watermelons in the current of commerce. The handler is responsible for payment of the assessments.
(2) Producer packs and sells watermelons of that producer's own production from the field, roadside stand, or storage to a consumer, trucker, retail or wholesales outlet, or other buyer who is not a handler of watermelons. The producer places the watermelons in the current of commerce and is the first handler.
(3) Producer purchases watermelons from another producer. The producer purchasing the watermelons is the first handler.
(4) Producer delivers field-run watermelons of own production to a handler for preparation for market and entry into the current of commerce. The handler, in this instance, is the first handler, regardless of whether the handler subsequently handles such watermelons for the account of the handler or for the account of the producer.
(5) Producer delivers field-run watermelons of own production to a handler for preparation for market and return to the producer for sale. The producer in this instance, is the first handler, except when the producer subsequently sells such watermelons to a handler.
(6) Producer delivers watermelons of own production to a handler who takes title to such watermelons. The handler who purchases such watermelons from the producer is the first handler.
(7) Producer supplies watermelons to a cooperative marketing association which sells or markets the watermelons and makes an accounting to the producer, or pays the proceeds of the sale to the producer. In this instance, the cooperative marketing association becomes the first handler upon physical delivery to such cooperative.
(8) Handler purchases watermelons from a producer's field for the purpose of preparing such watermelons for market or for transporting such watermelons to storage for subsequent handling. The handler who purchases such watermelons from the producer is the first handler.
(9) Broker/Commission House receives watermelons from a producer and sells such watermelons in the Broker's/Commission House's name. In this instance, the Broker/Commission House is the first handler, regardless of whether the Broker/ Commission House took title to such watermelons.
(10) Broker/Commission House, without taking title or possession of watermelons, sells such watermelons in the name of the producer. In this instance, the producer is the first handler.
(11) Processor utilizes watermelons of own production in the manufacture of rind pickles, frozen, dehydrated, extracted, or canned products for human consumption. In so handling watermelons the processor is the first handler.
(12) Processor purchases watermelons from the producer thereof. In this instance, the processor is the first handler even though the producer may have graded, packed, or otherwise handled such watermelons.
(b) In the event of a handler's death, bankruptcy, receivership, or incapacity to act, the representative of the handler or the handler's estate shall be considered the handler of the watermelons for the purpose of this subpart.
[55 FR 13256, Apr. 10, 1990, as amended at 58 FR 3356, Jan. 8, 1993]
§ 1210.518 - Payment of assessments.
(a) Time of payment. The assessment on domestically produced watermelons shall become due at the time the first handler handles the watermelons for non-exempt purposes. The assessment on imported watermelons shall become due at the time of entry, or withdrawal, into the United States.
(b) Responsibility for payment. (1) The first handler is responsible for payment of both the producer's and the handler's assessment. The handler may collect the producer's assessment from the producer or deduct such producer's assessment from the proceeds paid to the producer on whose watermelons the producer assessment is made. Any such collection or deduction of producer assessment shall be made not later than the time when the first handler handles the watermelons.
(2) The U.S. Customs Service shall collect assessments on imported watermelons from importers and forward such assessments under an agreement between the U.S. Customs Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Importers shall be responsible for payment of assessments directly to the Board of any assessments due but not collected by the U.S. Customs Service at the time of entry, or withdrawal, on watermelons imported into the United States for human consumption.
(c) Payment direct to the Board. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) and (e) of this section, each handler and importer shall remit the required producer and handler assessments, pursuant to § 1210.341 of the Plan, directly to the Board not later than 30 days after the end of the month such assessments are due. Remittance shall be by check, draft, or money order payable to the National Watermelon Promotion Board, or NWPB, and shall be accompanied by a report, preferably on Board forms, pursuant to § 1210.350. To avoid late payment charges, the assessments must be mailed to the Board and postmarked within 30 days after the end of the month such assessments are due.
(2) Pursuant to § 1210.350 of the Plan, each handler shall file with the Board a report for each month that assessable watermelons were handled. All handler reports shall contain at least the following information:
(i) The handler's name, address, and telephone number;
(ii) Date of report (which is also the date of payment to the Board);
(iii) Period covered by the report;
(iv) Total quantity of watermelons handled during the reporting period;
(v) Date of last report remitting assessments to the Board; and
(vi) Listing of all persons for whom the handler handled watermelons, their addresses, hundredweight handled, and total assessments remitted for each producer. In lieu of such a list, the handler may substitute copies of settlement sheets given to each person or computer generated reports, provided such settlement sheets or computer reports contain all the information listed above.
(vii) Name, address, and hundredweight handled for each person claiming exemption for assessment.
(viii) If the handler handled watermelons for persons engaged in the growing of less than 10 acres of watermelons, the report shall indicate the name and address of such person and the quantity of watermelons handled for such person.
(3) The words “final report” shall be shown on the last report at the close of the handler's marketing season or at the end of each fiscal period if such handler markets assessable watermelons on a year-round basis.
(4) Prepayment of assessments. (i) In lieu of the monthly assessment and reporting requirements of paragraph (b) of this section, the Board may permit handlers to make an advance payment of their total estimated assessments for the crop year to the Board prior to their actual determination of assessable watermelons. The Board shall not be obligated to pay interest on any advance payment.
(ii) Handlers using such procedures shall provide a final annual report of actual handling and remit any unpaid assessments not later than 30 days after the end of the last month of the designated handler's marketing season or at the end of each fiscal period if such handler markets assessable watermelons on a year-round basis.
(iii) Handlers using such procedures shall, after filing a final annual report, receive a reimbursement of any overpayment of assessments.
(iv) Handlers using such procedures shall, at the request of the Board to verify a producer's refund claim, provide the Board with a handling report on any and all producers for whom the handler has provided handling services but has not yet filed a handling report with the Board.
(v) Specific requirements, instructions, and forms for making such advance payments shall be provided by the Board on request.
(d) Late payment charges and interest. (1) A late payment charge shall be imposed on any handler and importer who fails to make timely remittance to the Board of the total producer and handler and importer assessments for which any such handler and importer is liable. Such late payment shall be imposed on any assessments not received before the fortieth day after the end of the month such assessments are due. This one-time late payment charge shall be 10 percent of the assessments due before interest charges have accrued. The late payment charge will not be applied to any late payments postmarked within 30 days after the end of the month such assessments are due.
(2) In addition to the late payment charge, one and one-half percent per month interest on the outstanding balance, including the late payment charge and any accrued interest, will be added to any accounts for which payment has not been received by the last day of the second month following the month of handling; Provided, that, handlers paying their assessments in accordance with paragraph (c)(4)(ii), will not be subject to the one and one-half percent per month interest under this paragraph until the last day of the second month after such assessments are due under paragraph (c)(4)(ii). Such interest will continue monthly until the outstanding balance is paid to the Board.
(e) Payment through cooperating agency. The Board may enter into agreements, subject to approval of the Secretary, authorizing other organizations, such as a regional watermelon association or State watermelon board, to collect assessments in its behalf. In any State or area in which the Board has entered into such an agreement, the designated handler shall pay the assessment to such agency in the time and manner, and with such identifying information as specified in such agreement. Such an agreement shall not provide any cooperating agency with authority to collect confidential information from handlers or producers. To qualify, the cooperating agency must on its own accord have access to all information required by the Board for collection purposes. If the Board requires further evidence of payment than provided by the cooperating agency, it may acquire such evidence from individual handlers. All such agreements are subject to the requirements of the Act, Plan, and all applicable rules and regulations under the Act and the Plan.
[55 FR 13256, Apr. 10, 1990; 55 FR 20443, May 17, 1990, as amended at 56 FR 15808, Apr. 18, 1991; 60 FR 10801, Feb. 28, 1995]
§ 1210.519 - Failure to report and remit.
Any handler and importer who fails to submit reports and remittances according to the provisions of § 1210.518 shall be subject to appropriate action by the Board which may include one or more of the following actions:
(a) Audit of the handler's and importer's books and records to determine the amount owed the Board.
(b) Establishment of an escrow account for the deposit of assessments collected. Frequency and schedule of deposits and withdrawals from the escrow account shall be determined by the Board with the approval of the Secretary.
(c) Referral to the Secretary for appropriate enforcement action.
[55 FR 13256, Apr. 10, 1990, as amended at 60 FR 10801, Feb. 28, 1995]
§ 1210.520 - Refunds.
Each importer of less than 150,000 pounds of watermelons during any calendar year shall be entitled to apply for a refund of the assessments paid in an amount equal to the amount paid by domestic producers.
(a) Application form. The Board shall make available to all importers a refund application form.
(b) Submission of refund application to the Board. The refund application form shall be submitted to the Board within 90 days of the last day of the year the watermelons were actually imported. The refund application form shall contain the following information:
(1) Importer's name and address;
(2) Number of hundredweight of watermelon on which refund is requested;
(3) Total amount to be refunded;
(4) Proof of payment as described below; and
(5) Importer's signature.
(c) Proof of payment of assessment. Evidence of payment of assessments satisfactory to the Board shall accompany the importer's refund application. An importer must submit a copy of the importer's report or a cancelled check. Evidence submitted with a refund application shall not be returned to the applicant.
(d) Payment of refund. Immediately after receiving the properly executed application for refund, the Board shall make remittance to the applicant.
[60 FR 10801, Feb. 28, 1995]
§ 1210.521 - Reports of disposition of exempted watermelons.
The Board may require reports by handlers or importers on the handling/importing and disposition of exempted watermelons and/or on the handling of watermelons for persons engaged in growing less than 10 acres of watermelons or in the case of importers, the importing of less than 150,000 pounds per year. Authorized employees of the Board or the Secretary may inspect such books and records as are appropriate and necessary to verify the reports on such disposition.
[60 FR 10801, Feb. 28, 1995]
§ 1210.530 - Retention period for records.
Each handler and importer required to make reports pursuant to this subpart shall maintain and retain for at least 2 years beyond the marketing year of their applicability:
(a) One copy of each report made to the Board; and
(b) Such records as are necessary to verify such reports.
[55 FR 13256, Apr. 10, 1990, as amended at 60 FR 10801, Feb. 28, 1995]
§ 1210.531 - Availability of records.
Each handler and importer required to make reports pursuant to this subpart shall make available for inspection and copying by authorized employees of the Board or the Secretary during regular business hours, such records as are appropriate and necessary to verify reports required under this subpart.
[55 FR 13256, Apr. 10, 1990, as amended at 60 FR 10801, Feb. 28, 1995]
§ 1210.532 - Confidential books, records, and reports.
All information obtained from the books, records, and reports of handlers and importers and all information with respect to refunds of assessments made to importers shall be kept confidential in the manner and to the extent provided for in § 1210.352.
[60 FR 10801, Feb. 28, 1995]
§ 1210.540 - OMB assigned numbers.
The information collection and recordkeeping requirements contained in this part have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the provisions of 44 U.S.C. chapter 35 and have been assigned OMB Control Number 0581-0093, except that Board member nominee background information sheets are assigned OMB Control Number 0505-0001.
[58 FR 3356, Jan. 8, 1993]
source: 53 FR 51091, Dec. 20, 1988, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 1210.501